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Project concept from for new initiatives

Cost Exp. Upto
June 14
Allocation for 2014-15 TF
Local Foreign Local Foreign
Cap Rev Total
1500 0 50 320 380 0 620 500

2 Title of the proposed project Acquisition of land and
Construction of two star hotel
in eight districts one each in
Bannu, Hazara , D.I.khan,
Kohat, Mardan, Malakand and
Hazara, & Peshawar divsions.
3 Proponent Information Toursim Corporation

4 Goals & Objectives set to be achieved To showcase and promote
local tourism assets
5 Rationale for ADP Funding To the give the local
community an opportunity to
acquaint the knowledge of
entrepreneurship built around
the multiplier effect of
businesses catering the Hotels
6 Geographical Coverage (For whole province or specific
district / tehsil).
Eight districts one each in
Bannu, Hazara , D.I.khan,
Kohat, Mardan, Malakand ,
Hazara and Peshawar.
7 Is the project aligned with KP Development
Yes, it is the opportunity to
promote the local tourism
assets by entrepreneurs of the
local people. The premise is the
recognition of thousands of
years of living civilization
whereby hospitality retained
been harmony and peace .
8 Relationship of the project with SDPFs objectives (in
case of Foreign Aided)?
9 Nearest Place where similar facility is available. n/a
10 Financial Phasing. Rs. 1500 Million in 36 months
11 Detail of post completion annual operation and
maintenance cost (AOM&R)
- Maintenance
- HR
- Operation
- Repairs
- Others
Rs. 8 million maintenance per
annum i.e Rs. 1m per district
Rs. 16 million for HR- @Rs.2m
per district per annum .
Rs. 4 m that is Rs. 0.5 million
per district per annum
Rs. 8 million per motel in each
district per annum
Rs 1 million per district per
12 Beneficiaries (Type & Number). Local population of these eight
13 Expected Output (Qualitative & Quantitative). Promoting entrepreneurship
through local communities for
intake by the tourists staying
in hotel. Interaction among the
communities, tourists and
travel operators resultantly
improves tranquility abridging
harmony. The hotel income is
reinvesting to sustain heritage
and environment.
14 Priority (Indicate Top, Normal, or Low). Normal

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