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For Immediate Release: July 2, 2014

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Achieves Membership Goal

(States Largest Farm Organization Breaks Record with nearly 60,000 Memers!
(Camp Hill) Pennsylania Farm !ureau (PF!) "as e#lipsed its all$time mem%ers"ip re#ord, in#reasin& total
mem%ers"ip %y 1,4'0 mem%ers to (),*+2, In rea#"in& its "i&"est mem%ers"ip total in t"e '4$year "istory o- t"e
state.ide -armer$run or&ani/ation, PF! a#"ieed its 2014 &oal and 0uali-ied -or t"e 1meri#an Farm !ureau
Federation 2ai&ator 1.ard,
3Farmers played a ma4or role in "elpin& our or&ani/ation %uild its mem%ers"ip -or t"e 1*
#onse#utie year
%y en#oura&in& ot"er -arm -amilies and people inoled in t"e a&ri#ultural #ommunity to 4oin Pennsylania
Farm !ureau,5 said PF! President Carl 6, 7"a--er,
PF! noted t"at a & mem%ers"ip and t"e true &rassroots inolement o- -armers ma8es Farm !ureau
all t"e more in-luential ."en presentin& a uni-ied messa&e to poli#yma8ers at t"e state and national leel,
3Farmers are 8eenly a.are o- "o. Farm !ureau .or8s to sole pro%lems -or a&ri#ulture, 6"ey also
understand t"at t"e or&ani/ation &ets results ."en mem%ers #ontri%ute t"eir alua%le time to dis#uss #riti#al
issues .it" la.ma8ers and t"e pu%li#,5 added 7"a--er,
Pennsylania Farm !ureau also a&&ressiely represents a&ri#ulture as a mem%er o- do/ens o- &oernment
adisory %oards and industry &roups, 39ur #ompre"ensie .or8 a&enda en#ompasses all o- a&ri#ulture,
in#ludin& prote#tin& t"e use o- a##epta%le -arm pra#ti#es, promotin& initiaties to stren&t"en -arm in#ome and
in#reasin& outrea#" and #onersations .it" people ."o %uy our -ood,5 #on#luded 7"a--er,
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau is the states largest farm organization with a volunteer membership of more
nearly 60,000 farm and rural families, representing farms of every size and commodity across Pennsylvania.

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