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M ad River M ended Hearts^ InC.

^Chapter 342 November-December 20131 volume 7, issue 6

Heart to Heart
with Carol
I f you missed our September meeting,
you missed a wonderful celebration.
To mark our chapter's 7th anniver-
sary, Dr. Neravetla was our special
guest speaker. He spoke about
Peripheral A rteri al Disease and the
success of the open heart program
at Springfield Regional Medical
Center. Dr. Neraveda proudl y announced that SRM C
has a 3star (best rating) rating i n cardiovascular surgery
and a 5star rating (best rating) i n carotid surgery by the
Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). T H A N K Y OU to
all of you who attended our September anniversary--we
had a new record i n attendance(47). Refreshments were
donated by SRMC and The Ohi o Masonic Home.
Our October meeting was
lots of tun and education
as wel l , as Li z M ount,
Registered Dietician
and Jessica Gri l l i ott, a
nutri ti onal resident provi ded a cooki ng demo wi th tips for
healthy eating.
The year is drawing to a close. 1want to extend a BI G
thank you to all of our accredited visitors who make such a
great effort to visit the inpatient heart patients. They are:
Charl es Brandon J i mmy Butcher
Sam Burcham
'Butch' Slasher
Sandy Schi mmoUer
D on Sti ncbaugh
Dr . Phi l Cai n
J i m Schi mmoUer
Sue Smedl ey
Ronal d Tal bot
1also want to extend a sincere T H A N K Y O U to The Ohi o
Masonic Home for the snacks at the meetings.
T H A N K Y OU to Springfield Regional Medi cal Center
for provi di ng space for our meetings, Christmas party, and
assistance f rom staff.
Finally, many of you wi l l remember Suzy Jones, R.N. who
was a tireless supporter of the heart program i n Cl ark
County She has lost her battle wi th cancer. Please keep her
husband, Ed and their fami l y i n your prayers.
Wishing all of you a

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