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Juan C.

716 Rahway Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 7!!
"77# !$%-&6'&
Nove,ber ', !1-
.irector o/ 0er+onnel
& North 1roa2 Street
Elizabeth, NJ 7!$
.ear Mr. 3ol2blatt,
4 a, a55lyin6 /or the A/ter School SA7 0re5aration 0ro6ra,. 4 a, currently e,5loye2 at
the Elizabeth 8i6h School 955er Aca2e,y teachin6 0re-Calculu+ 8onor+ an2 A0 Co,5uter
Science. 4 al+o have e:5erience teachin6 Al6ebra 1 an2 !, 3eo,etry, Calculu+, an2 A0 Stati+tic+
a+ well a+ creatin6 the 2i+trict;+ curriculu, /or 0robability an2 Stati+tic+ an2 7ri6ono,etry. 4
/eel that 4 have the nece++ary cre2ential+ /or thi+ 5o+ition. 4 a, e:tre,ely ,otivate2, 4 a, hi6hly
5ro/icient with technolo6y, an2 4 have e:ten+ive e:5erience tutorin6 variou+ level+ o/
,athe,atic+. 4 *now the+e +*ill+ will be an a++et /or thi+ 5o+ition. 4/ you nee2 /urther
in/or,ation 5lea+e contact ,e. 4 loo* /orwar2 to hearin6 /ro, you.
Juan C. Metrio-Sanchez.

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