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Say no to austerity and wage cuts Say no to austerity and wage cuts Say no to austerity and wage cuts

Say no to austerity and wage cuts

Support the 10 July strikes, we all need a pay rise Support the 10 July strikes, we all need a pay rise Support the 10 July strikes, we all need a pay rise Support the 10 July strikes, we all need a pay rise

On Thursday 10 July around 1.5 million workers will strike against pay curbs, attacks on
pensions, increasing workload and job cuts. We stand with them and urge everyone to join
the picket lines and the demonstrations on the day.

Since the Tory-Lib Dem government came to office many workers have seen their real
pay fall by over 15 percent. Meanwhile the super-rich get even richer. The 10 July strikes
should be the start of increasing resistance against the Coalition.

We call on all union leadersin both the public and private sectorto coordinate action
so that in the autumn this year we can see a strike of millions of workers together. And we will
work to achieve this at every level of our union.

Next time lets have even more workers on strike together!

Name Postcode Trade Union Please let me know about local
action on 10 July (phone number)

Return to: PO BOX 42184, London, SW8 2WD This petition has been initiated by Socialist Worker

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