Siddha Herbs

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First Edition
AMUKKAR (Root) -
Amukkar is the dried root of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Syn. Physalis somnifera L.,
P. flexuosa L., P. arborescense DC. (Fam. Solanaceae), a perennial shrub, found in aste land,
culti!ated fields and open "rounds throu"hout #ndia. #t is also culti!ated in certain areas of $adhya
%radesh and &a'asthan. &oots are collected in inter, ashed and cut into small pieces.(he dried
root is sub'ected to purification process before use. #t "ros in $ullai and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Acu!akanthi (F), Amukkar +i,a-ku ( A)
Assamese * Ash!a"andha
.en"ali * Ash!a"andha
/u'rati * As"andha
0indi * As"andh
+annada * An"arberu, 0iremaddina1 "ida
+ashmiri * Asa"andh
$alayalam * Amukkuram
$arathi * Asa"andha, Aska"andha
2riya * Asa"andha
%un'abi * As"andh
Sanskrit * As!a"andha, 0aya"andha, 3a'i"andha
(elu"u * %enneru"adda
4rdu * As"and
a) Macroscopic
Roots straight, unbranched, thickness varying with age, roots bear fibre-like secondary
roots, outer surface buff to grey-yellow with longitudinal wrinkles; crown consists of remains of
variously thickened stem bases; fracture short and uneven; odour characteristic; taste bitter and
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of root shows cork exfoliated or crushed; when present rectangular,
radially flattened and non-lignified; cork cambium 2 to diffused rows of cells; secondary cortex
about twenty layers of compact parenchymatous cells mostly filled with starch grains; phloem
consists of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma; cambium or ! rows of tangentially
elongated cells; xylem hard forming a closed vascular ring separated by multiseriate medullary
"ellowish grey; shows cork cells, parenchyma cells, tracheids, vessels, fibres and starch
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 68 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
#$%& conditions for the separation of withaferin ' in 'lcohol extract.
(obile phase ) n- #exane) *sopropanol +,)-.
/low rate ) 0.2 ml1min.
&olumn ) $orasil ' coiled column +-.2ft. x -12 inch.
3etector ) 45 at 22! nm
T.%.&. of $etroleum ether soluble fraction of 'lcohol extract on an aluminium plate
precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7.(erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using $etroleum ether +20 --008 &.)
&hloroform +-)-. spraying with -09 (ethanolic :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for
ten minutes at -0!;& shows two spots at Rf. 0.-< +violet. and 0.,2 +greyish brown..
=ithanolides- withaferin ', withanone, withanolides *, **, ***, *** ', &, 3, 7, /, >, #, *, ?,
@, %, (, =:-*, $ and :, withasomidienone, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, tropine, pseudotropine,
anaferine, isopellatierine, A- tropyltigloate.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * ?)maiperukki (A), Ci@unArperukki (CcA),
+yaka@pamkki (!A), 4@akkamu)Bkki ("#$A), 4ramkki ("
A), 4Bal!eppaka@@i ("$%!&), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&), 3Akkamurukki

Amukkarc CDra)am (* +,), #racakanthi $e,uku (-F .),
#Bi!allthi $e,uku (/%F .), +antaka #racyaEam (( -0), $ak
Flthi +uGikai ( 1F 2), $ak!allti #Gakam (%F 3), 5anthi
$e,uku (4F .), 5rathtai #Gakam (45( 3), %a@a-kippaBBai #racyaEam
(#A6$ -0)
CDlai (+), CuramH+yccal (78*-%), +arappE (9), +ayam (), (
IBam ('($), 4Bal 3aEmaikku@ai!u ("$% 9#:), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '4
8;), 3eGuppu 5IyH%)Bu (< '487=), 3Akkam ()), 3intukku@ai!u (>
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "

--UT!UMMA..I (U/rip) 0r#it) -
?@@uthummaJJi is the unripe fruit of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Syn. Colocynthis
vulgaris Schrad.(Fam. Cucurbitaceae), an annual or perennial prostrate creeper "roin" ild in the
arm, arid and sandy tracts of 5orth >est, Central and Southern parts of the country. Fruits are
har!ested hen mature but unripe, peeled and cut into pieces. (he fruit is sub'ected to purification
process (cutti ) before use. #t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * +ali-kam (@), +umaBBikky (6/8), %CykumaBBi ('8
6/), %iccikky (A*C8), (humaBBi (?6/), 3ariththumaBBi (B5?6/)
Assamese * /a!adani
.en"ali * &akhal
Kn"lish * Colocynth
/u'rati * #ndrayan
0indi * #ndrayan
+annada * 0a!umekke
$alayalam * 3aliya %ekkummatti
$arathi * Kndrayana
2riya * /othakakudi, #ndrayanalata, /arukhiya
%un'abi * #ndrayana
Sanskrit * #ndra!aruni, /a!aksi, #ndra!alli, Aendri
(elu"u * Chedupuchcha, %eikummatti
4rdu * 0an'al

a) Macroscopic
$eeled and cut pieces of fruit about 6 cm. long and 2 cm. thick; white or pale yellowish-
white, externally convex with ridges and flattened areas marked by peeling with a knife; internally
irregularly concave and showing numerous ovoid depressions about -0 mm. long, left by fallen
seeds; pulp bitter; seeds flattened, ovoid, yellowish-white to dark brown, about < mm. long, ! mm.
broad and 2 mm. thick; odourless; taste intensely bitter.
b) Microscopic
7picarp, where present, with epidermis of radially elongated cells having thick outer walls
and thin inner walls and partially thickened anticlinal walls with occasional stomata of the
anomocytic type; the adBacent parenchymatous layer about -! layers of cells thick, and an inner
layer of sclereids; outer sclereids very thick, smaller, about -! to A0 mm in diameter, isodiametric
and the inner sclereids layer upto about 60 mm, radially elongated, with thinner walls. $ulp consists
of large, thin-walled, pitted parenchyma of rounded cells showing oval, flat, pitted areas where they
are in contact with many slender bicollateral vascular strands having spiral vessels and occasional
associated latex vessels; testa of seed with outer epidermis of thick-walled unlignified palisade
cells having vertical strips of thickening on the anticlinal walls, with inner layers of very thick-
walled, striated, pitted, lignified sclereids, and an innermost layer of sclereids with reticulately
thickened walls; endosperm and cotyledons parenchymatous with fixed oil and aleurone grains.
"ellowish-brown; shows groups of pitted parenchyma cells; annular and spiral vessels,
sclereids; oil globules and aleurone grains.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :=.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
Li"ht %etroleum soluble1matter* 2n continuous e7traction ith li"ht %etroleum (b.p. ;L to
=L C) and dryin" at :LL C, not more than 9.L percent.
#$T%& densitometric estimation of 2-C-D-3-glucopyranosyl- cucurbitacin *.
TLC %&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm thickness.
So&(#nt s)st#*
&hloroform) (ethanol +,!)-0..
S%r') r#'+#nt
5anillin-$hosphoric acid reagent.
T#st so&,tion
A g of the powdered drug is extracted in a :oxhlet apparatus with -!0 ml of ethanol +2 to ,
hr.. The solvent is filtered and removed under vacuum. 20 mg of the residue is dissolved in - ml
of methanol.
St'nd'rd so&,tion
- mg of 2-C-D-3-glucopyranosyl-cucurbitacin * is dissolved in - ml of methanol.
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
2.0, .0, 6.0, 2.0, -0.0, -2.0, -.0 and -6.0 El of the standard solution is applied on a T%&
plate. The plate is developed in the solvent system to a distance of 2 cm. and derivatiFed with
5anillin-$hosphoric acid reagent. The plate is heated at -00--0!G& until the colour develops. The
plate is scanned immediately at !60 nm. The peak areas are recorded and plotted to get the
calibration curve.
Esti*'tion o/ 01O121D1+&,.o%)r'nos)&1.,.,r-it'.in I in t3# dr,+
-0 Hl of the test solution is applied on a T%& plate. The plate is developed in the solvent
system and the chromatogram is recorded .The amount of 2-C-D-3-glucopyranosyl-cucurbitacin *
present in the sample is calculated from the calibration curve.
The percentage of 2-C-D-3-glucopyranosyl-cucurbitacin * ranges from -.6 to -.<2 in the
samples analyFed.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using n-Jutanol) 'cetic acid) =ater
+)-)!. shows under 45 +A66 nm. two fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.22 +light blue. and 0.,2 +yellow..
Cn exposure to iodine vapours two spots appear at Rf. 0.22 and 0.,2 +both yellow.. Cn spraying
with !9 (ethanolic- $hosphomolybdic acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!8& until the
colour develops, the plate shows four spots at Rf. 0.6! +blue., 0.2 +blue., 0.,6 +blue. and 0.,2
+dark blue..
2- C- D- 3- >lucopyranosyl- cucurbitacin %, 2- C - D- 3- glucopyranosyl- +22- 2<.
-hexanorcucurbitacin *, coloside ' +K- elaterin -2- 3- glucopyranoside.; cucurbitacin 7 +elaterin.,
cucurbitacin * +elatericin J., cucurbitacin % +dihydroelatericin J., cucurbitacin ?, cucurbitacin T,
isovitexin, iso- orientin, iso- orientin AL- methyl ether, colocynthin, colocynthitin, citrullol, K-
spinasterol, hentriacontane, lipids and essential oil constituents.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai *
#n small Dose 6< 1 <L m"*
+I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&),
#n medium Dose <L 1 :LL m" *
Ci@unArperukki (CcA), $alamnArkki (cA),
#n standard Dose :6< 1 <LL m"*
+uBa@puraBBi ($!6/), 5amaiccalu)Bkki (4*-D$A), 3ntiyu)Bkki (

+ummaBBik +u,ampu (6/ ), 5a!a 4ppu $e,uku (4 " .)
CDtakataBai (+(($), CDtaka!ali (+(@), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder L.:6< 1 L.<"
Contraindicated in pre"nancy.

.T!1.AI I"AI (")a0) -
?JthIJai #lai is the dried, mature lea!es of Justicia adhatoda L. Syn. Adhatoda zeylanica
$edic., A. vasica (L.) 5ees (Fam. Acanthaceae), an e!er"reen shrub, floerin" durin" February1
$arch and also at the end of rainy seasons, distributed throu"hout #ndia upto an altitude of :9LL
m.M culti!ated also as hed"esM lea!es stripped off from older stems and dried in dryin" sheds. #t
"ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * 3cai (-)
Assamese * .ahak, (itabahak, 3achaka
.en"ali * .akas, .asak
Kn"lish * 3asaka, $alabar nut
/u'rati * Ardusi, Aradusi, Araduso
0indi * Adoosa, Arusa, Aduss
+annada * Adusoye
+ashmiri * 3asa
$alayalam * Adalodakam, Adarooshaka
$arathi * Adulsa, 3asa
2riya * 3asan"a, .asan"a
%un'abi * 3ishuti, .hekar, 3ansa, Arusa
Sanskrit * 3asa, 3rsa, Atarusa, 3asaka, Simhasya, 3a'idnta
(elu"u * Addasaramu
4rdu * Adusa (Arusa)
a) Macroscopic
%eaves dull brown above, light greyish brown below;-0 to A0 cm. long and A to -0 cm.
broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, slightly acuminate, base tapering, petiolate; petioles 2 to 2
cm. long, exstipulate, glabrescent, 2 to -0 pairs of lateral vein bearing a few hairs; odour
characteristic; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of leaf shows a dorsiventral type with 2 layers of palisade cells; in
surface view, epidermal cell walls sinuous with diacytic stomata on both surface, more numerous
on the lower; covering trichomes a few, - to A, rarely upto !, celled, thin-walled, uniseriate, upto
!00 Hm; glandular trichomes with unicellular stalk and celled head measuring, 2! to A6 Hm in
diameter in surface view; cystoliths in mesophyll layers elongated and cigar shaped; acicular and
prismatic forms of calcium oxalate crystals present in mesophyll; palisade ratio ! to ,; stomatal
index -0 to -2 for lower surface; vein- islet number 6 to 2 per sMuare mm.
>reen; shows fragments of wavy epidermal cells with diacytic stomata; cystoliths, acicular
and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; spiral and reticulate vessels and debris of trichomes.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 6: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 66 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
#$%& analysis of vasicine, the maBor bioactive constituent.
(obile phase ) (ethanol) =ater +2)A.
/low rate ) 0.< ml1min.
&olumn ) Resolve &-2 spherical !H +-!cm. x A., mm..
3etector ) 45 at 2,2 nm
St'nd'rd %r#%'r'tion)
' solution of known concentration +conc. range) !0-20 Hg1ml. of vasicine in methanol is
S'*%&# %r#%'r'tion)
-g of dried leaves are refluxed with (ethanol for 2 hr., filtered and the marc is subBected for
another two cycles of +- hr.each. reflux with (ethanol. The combined filtrates are concentrated to
about -ml, and diluted with water to 20ml, acidified with dilute #&l +A ml., partition with
&hloroform +2x -0 ml., and the &hloroform fractions are reBected. The aMueous phase is basified
with dilute 'mmonia solution and extracted with &hloroform +! x-0ml.. The pooled &hloroform
fractions are concentrated under vacuum to dryness, and dissolved in (ethanol +-0 ml.. - ml of this
solution is diluted to -00 ml with (ethanol. *f necessary further dilutions are prepared.
@nown volumes of standard and sample preparations are subBected to #$%& and the
respective peak area for vasicine in triplicate is recorded and accordingly its percentage in the
sample is calculated.
The above method may also be used for the estimation of vasicine in polyherbal
formulations with suitable modifications in the sample preparation.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck.
0.2 mm. thickness using -, - 3ioxone) 'mmonia +,)-. v1v, and spraying with 3ragendorff
reagent, shows one spot at Rf.0.<, +orange..
5asicine, vasicinone, vasicol, vasicinol, vasicoline, adhatonine, vasicinolone, vasicolinone,
anisotine, adhavasinone, -, 2, A, , - tetrahydro - ! - methoxy pyrrolo +2, - -b. MuinaFoline - A-ol,
deoxy vasicinone, deoxy vasicine, anisoline, desmethoxy aniflorine, <-methoxy vasicinone.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), #ci!aka@@i (C!&), +I,aiyaka@@i
('!&), %u,ukkolli (.%@)

?BtIBai +uBinAr ($'($ /c), ?BtIBai $a)appku ($'($
,), ?BtIBai 5ey ($'($ 48), +akku!E #Gakam (9 3),
+apacurak +uBinAr ( /c)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), #rumal (%), +uruti A,al (F %)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1< "
Nuice < 1:L ml
Decoction 9L 1 <L ml tice daily. :< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin"

.T!1.AI '2R (Root) -
?JthIJai 3Cr is the dried root of Justicia adhatoda L. Syn. Adhatoda zeylanica $edic. A.
vasica (L.) 5ees (Fam. Acanthaceae), an e!er"reen shrub, floerin" durin" February 1 $arch and
also at the end of rainy seasons, distributed throu"hout #ndia upto an altitude of :9LL m.M culti!ated
also as hed"es.
(amil * 3cai (-)
Assamese * .ahak, (itabahak, 3achaka
.en"ali * .akas, .asak
Kn"lish * $alabar nut, 3asaka
/u'rati * Aradusi, Ardusi, Araduso
0indi * Adoosa, Aduss, Arusa
+annada * Adusoye
+ashmiri * 3asa
$alayalam * Adalodakam, Adarooshaka
$arathi * Adulsa, 3asa
2riya * .asan"a, 3asan"a
%un'abi * Arusa, .hekar, 3ansa, 3ishuti
Sanskrit * Atarusa, Simhasya, 3a'idnta, 3asa, 3asaka, 3rsa
(elu"u * Addasaramu
4rdu * Adusa (Arusa)
a) Macroscopic
3rug occurs in cut pieces of 2 to -A cm. long, -.! to A.0 cm. in dia.; hard, woody, almost
cylindrical, tap root having lateral branches, rough due to longitudinal cracks or fissures; greyish-
brown to dark brown externally; creamish-white internally; fracture hard; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
:hows 6 to -! layers of rectangular to slightly tangentially elongated, thin-walled cork cells;
secondary cortex wide consisting of rectangular to polygonal, thin-walled parenchymatous cells, a
few containing oil globules, followed by more or less discontinuous, annular band of mostly
rectangular groups of stone cells having distinct pits and striations; secondary phloem composed of
-! to 20 layered, rectangular, elongated, thin-walled cells having usual elements; secondary xylem
composed of vessels, fibres, parenchyma and rays; vessel simple pitted; xylem rays mostly
uniseriate, a few four- seriate rays are also present; starch grains simple and compound, with 2 to A
components, round to oval, A to 6 Hm in dia., having concentric striations and hilum, present in
secondary cortex and secondary phloem.
Jrownish-grey; shows fragments of cork cells; simple pitted vessels, stone cells mostly in
groups; starch grains simple and compound having 2 to A components, round to oval, A to 6 Hm in
dia. having concentric striations and hilum.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using &hloroform) (ethanol +)-.
shows under 45 +A66 nm. four fluorescent Fones at Rf.0.!<, 0.6A +both red., 0.2A +sky blue. and
0.2< +yellow.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours six spots appear at Rf..0.0<, 0.2<, 0.!2, 0.<2, 0.2<
and 0.,A +all yellow.. Cn spraying with 3ragendorff reagent two spots appear at Rf..0.2< and 0.!2
+both orange..
5asicine, vasicinol, vasicinolene, tritriacontane and essential oil.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), #ci!aka@@i (C!&), Oral (C@@i (F%
'(!&), +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&)

(Dtu!CGai 5ey (G?'3 48)
#raippu (), #rumal (%), Aiyacuram (H)
DOSE 1 * %oder 9 1 = "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

AT!IMAT!URAM (Sto3o/ a/4 Root) - F
Athimathuram is the dried, unpeeled, stolon and root of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Fam.
Fabaceae), a tall perennial herb or under shrub upto 6 m. hi"h found ild and culti!ated in Kurope,
%ersia, Af"hanistan and to a small e7tent in some parts of #ndia. #t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * Athi-kam (F), $athDkam (G)
Assamese * Nesthimadhu, Qeshtmadhu
.en"ali * Qashtimadhu
Kn"lish * LiRuorice root
/u'rati * Nethimadha, Nethimard, Nethimadh
0indi * $ulethi, $ulathi, $uleti, Nethimadhu, Nethimadh
+annada * Nestamadu, $adhuka, Nyeshtamadhu, Atimadhura
+ashmiri * $ulthi
$alayalam * #rattimadhuram
$arathi * Nesthamadh
2riya * Natimadhu, Nastimadhu
%un'abi * Nethimadh, $ulathi
Sanskrit * Qasti, Qastimadhuka, Qastika, $adhuka, $adhuyasti, Qastyah!a
(elu"u * Atimadhuramu
4rdu * $ulethi, Asl1us1sus

a) Macroscopic
:tolon consists of yellowish brown or dark brown outer layer, externally longitudinally
wrinkled, with occasional small buds and encircling scale leaves; transversely cut and smoothed
surface shows a cambium ring at about one-third distance from periphery and a small central pith;
root similar without a pith; fracture coarsely fibrous in bark and splintery in wood; odour faint and
characteristic; taste sweetish.
b) Microscopic
Sto&on - Transverse section of stolon shows cork of -0 to 20 or more layers of tabular cells, outer
layers with reddish-brown amorphous contents, inner A or rows having thicker, colourless walls;
secondary cortex usually of - to A layers of radially arranged parenchymatous cells containing
isolated prisms of calcium oxalate; secondary phloem a broad band, cells of inner part cellulosic
and outer lignified, radially arranged groups of about -0 to !0 fibres, surrounded by a sheath of
parenchyma cells, each usually containing a prism of calcium oxalate about -0 to A! Hm in siFe;
cambium of A or more layers of cells; secondary xylem distinctly radiate with medullary rays, A to
! cells wide, vessels with thick, yellow, pitted, reticulate walls; groups of lignified fibres with
crystal sheaths similar to those of phloem; xylem parenchyma of two kinds, those between the
vessels having thick pitted walls without intercellular spaces, the remaining with thin walls; pith of
parenchymatous cells in longitudinal rows with intercellular spaces.
Root - Transverse section of root shows structure closely resembling that of stolon except that no
medulla is present; xylem tetrarch; usually four principal medullary rays at right angles to each
other; all parenchymatous tissues containing abundant, simple, oval or rounded starch grains, 2 to
20 Hm in length.
"ellowish-cream; shows parenchyma cells containing a small prism of calcium oxalate;
vessels with spiral thickening, fragments of fibres; starch grains simple, oval or rounded with wide
lumen having 2 to or more components, measuring 2 to 20 Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5il, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the &hloroform extract of the drug on silica gel I>I

plate shows under 45 light
+2! nm. 2 spots at Rf. 0.- +glycyrrhetic acid marker. and 0.!. 'fter spraying with
'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!; & until the colour develops , the
plate shows 6 spots at 0.2< +violet., 0.- +dark violet, glycyrrrhetic acid, marker., 0.! +dark
yellow. 0., +dark yellow., 0.<0 +violet. and a dark blue spot running along with the solvent front.
>lycyrrhiFin, glycyrrhetinic acid, glycyrrhetic acid, 2 - hydroxy glycyrrhetic acid, mixture
of potassium and calcium salts of glycyrrhiFinic +glycyrrhiFic. acid, glabranin ' N J, glycyrrhetol,
glabrolide, isoglabrolide, formononetin, glabrone, neoliMuiritin, hispaglabridin ' N J; herniarin,
umbelliferone; licoagrodin, glabrol, onocerin, O- amyrin, stigmasterol, O- sitosterol,
glabroisoflavanone ' and J, glabrocoumarin, glychionide 'and J and flavonoids.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I)
#%a& * 5oymai (48), (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), $alamiGakki (J3A), 4GGa,al@@i
(";3!&), 4ramkki ("A), 3a@aBciyaka@@i (#6C!&)

Arakku (ailam ( (), ?BtIBai +uBinAr ($'($ /c), $ak
Flthi +uGikai ( 1F 2), %AEicat (ailam (KI-5 (), (Gicthi CDra)am ((
2-F +,), 3acanta +ucumkaram (-( ), 3e)pDca)i #Gakam
(L-M 3)
Ci@unAr Kriccal (Cc NB*-%), Klumpu 5IykaG (ND '48;), #rumal (%),
+mlai (), +a) 5IykaG ( '48;), 5Ar!CBkai (c'6), 3ayi@@uppu)
(O!), 3e) +uBBam ( 6$), 3eppu 5Iy ( '48)
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 ; "

AT!I'I5AYAM (Root) - FM
Athi!iBayam is the dried, tuberous root of Aconitum heterophyllum =all. ex.
Royle +/am. Ranunculaceae., an annual herb, native of western #imalayas and found in >arhwal,
@umaon and @ashmir at an altitude between 2,!00 to ,000 m. *t grows in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * Atthira)am (5F,), $thiri (FB), %a-kurai ()
Assamese * Aatich
.en"ali * Ataicha
Kn"lish * Atis root
/u'rati * Ati!ishni +ali, Ati!ikhani +ali
0indi * Atis
+annada * Ati!isha, Athiha"e
$alayalam * Ati!idayam, Ati!itayam
$arathi * At!isha
2riya * Atushi
%un'abi * Atisa, Atees
Sanskrit * Ati!isa, Aruna, /hunapriya, 3isa
(elu"u * Ati!asa
4rdu * Atees
a) Macroscopic
Roots conical, fusiform or cylindrical, about 2.0 to <.! cm. long and 0. to -.6 cm. or more
thick at its upper extremity, gradually decreasing in thickness towards tapering end, externally
yellowish to greyish white, external surface wrinkled marked with scars of fallen rootlet and with a
rosette of scaly rudimentary leaves on top; fracture short, starchy, white, fractured surface marked
towards center by to < concentrically arranged yellowish-brown dots, corresponding to end of
fibrovascular bundles; taste bitter with no tingling sensation; odourless.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of mature root shows a single layered epidermis consisting of light-
brown tabular cells rupturing on formation of cork; cork consists of ! to -0 rows of tangentially
elongated, thin-walled cells; cork cambium single layered consisting of tangentially elongated,
thin-walled cells; cortex much wider consisting of tangentially elongated or rounded, thin-walled
parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces, cells fully packed with both simple as well as
compound starch grains, compound starch grains composed of 2 to components, spherical;
endodermis distinct composed of barrel-shaped cells; elements of vascular bundles poorly
developed, vascular bundles arranged in a ring; inter-fascicular cambium present in the form of a
ring composed of a few layered thin-walled cells; central core consisting of thin-walled
parenchymatous cells, possessing starch grains similar to those found in cortical cells.
'sh coloured to light brown; shows abundant simple and compound starch grains;
fragments of reticulate xylem vessels and parenchyma cells.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
#$T%& densitometric estimation of 'tisine.
TLC %&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness.
So&(#nt s)st#*
Toluene) 7thyl acetate) 3iethylamine +<)2)-..
T#st so&,tion
! g of powdered drug is accurately weighed and extracted in a :oxhlet apparatus with !0 ml
(ethanol for hr., filtered and the volume was made up to !0 ml with (ethanol. A ml is pipetted
out and diluted to -0 ml with (ethanol.
St'nd'rd so&,tion
-.0 mg1ml stock solution of 'tisine is prepared in (ethanol. 'liMuots of 0.! to A ml is
pipetted out in increments of - ml into -0 ml in volumetric flasks and made up to the volume in
each flask with (ethanol.
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
-0 Hl of each concentration of standard solution is applied in triplicate on a T%& plate. The
plate was developed in the solvent system to a distance of 2 cm. and dried in a current of hot air and
scanned at 2A2 nm. The peak areas for 'tisine are recorded and the calibration curve is constructed.
Esti*'tion o/ 'tisin# in t3# dr,+
-0 Hl of the test solution is applied in triplicate on a T%& plate. The plate was developed
with the solvent system to a distance of 2 cm. and the chromatogram is recorded. The amount of
'tisine is determined in the test sample from the calibration curve.
The percentage of 'tisine ranges from 0.A6 to 0. in the samples analyFed.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using -, -3ioxone) 'mmonia +,)-. v1v,
and on spraying with 3ragendorff reagent, four spots appear at Rf.0.A-, 0.,, 0.<A and 0.,! +all
'tisine, /- dihydroatisine, hetisine, heteratisine, heterophyllisine, heterophylline,
heterophyllidine, hetidine, hetisinone and atisenol.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * ?)maiperukki (A), +a,iccalaBakki (P*-$A),
$u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), (u!arppi (?A),
4ramkki ("A), 3eppaka@@i (!&)

+apBa $tthirai ($ 5F), 5anthi $e,uku (4F .), 5rathtai #Gakam
(45( 3), %Dra $tthirai (L 5F)
+I,ai ('), $Dlam (R), $u@aicuram (#), %eru-ka,iccal
(P*-%), %u) (), 3nti (F)
DOSE 1 %oder =LL m" 1 6 "

ATT!IPPA5.AI (6ar+) - F
AtthippaBJai is the dried bark of Ficus racemosa L. Syn. Ficus glomerata &o7b. (Fam.
$oraceae), a deciduous tree distributed all o!er #ndia in moist localities and banks of streams to
the ele!ation of :SLL m.M often culti!ated in !illa"es for its shade and edible fruits. #t "ros in
+u@iPci and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * ABam ($), Ata!u ((:), +IGi ('2), 4tumparam ("?)
Assamese * Nan"edumuru, Qa"yadimru
.en"ali * Na"nadumur, Qa"nadumur
Kn"lish * Cluster fi", Country fi"
/u'rati * 4mbro, 4merdo, 4mardo, 4marado
0indi * /ulara, /ular
+annada * Attihannianmara, 2udumbara, Athimara, Atti"ida
+ashmiri * &umbal
$alayalam * Athi
$arathi * Atti, /ular, 4mber
2riya * Na'nadimbri, Dimbiri
%un'abi * +ath /ular, /ular
Sanskrit * 4dambara, Sadaphala
(elu"u * Atti, $edi
4rdu * /ular
a) Macroscopic
Jark greyish-green, surface soft and uneven, 0.! to -.2 cm. thick; on rubbing white papery
flakes come out of outer surface, inner surface light brown; fracture fibrous; taste mucilaginous
without any odour.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of bark shows cork, A to 6 layers of thin-walled cells filled with
brownish contents; cork cambium single layered; secondary cortex 6 to -2 layered, composed of
thin-walled, rectangular cells arranged regularly, a number of secondary cortex cells contain starch
grains and some contain rhomboidal crystals of calcium oxalate; most of the cells filled with
chloroplast; cortex a fairly wide Fone composed of circular to oblong, thin-walled cells containing
orange-brown contents; most of the cells filled with simple and compound starch grains, a number
of cells also contain cubical and rhomboidal crystals of calcium oxalate, some cortical cells are
lignified with pitted walls, scattered singly or in large groups throughout; secondary phloem a very
wide Fone composed of parenchyma with patches of sieve tubes, companion cells and traversed by
medullary rays; phloem parenchyma circular to oval and thin-walled; phloem fibres much
elongated, lignified, very heavily thickened and possess a very narrow lumen; medullary rays uni to
pentaseriate, widen towards peripheral region; a number of ray cells also get lignified and show
pitted wall as described above; laticiferous cells found in phloem parenchyma cells filled with
small granular masses; starch grains and rhomboidal crystals of calcium oxalate also found in most
of phloem parenchyma and ray cells; cambium, when present, 2 to A layered of tangentially
elongated thin-walled cells.
Jrown; shows cork cells, single or in groups; elongated, lignified, phloem fibres with thick
walls and narrow lumen; laticiferous cells; cortical cells with cubical and rhomboidal crystals of
calcium oxalate; simple and compound starch grains.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 3ichloromethane extractive of alcohol extract on silica gel I>I plate using
$etroleum 7ther)&hloroform +-)-. v1v, shows under 45 +A66 nm. one fluorescent spot at Rf.0.A0
+blue.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for five
minutes at -0!;& four spots appear at Rf. 0.2-, 0.A6, 0.2, and 0.,< +all violet..
%eucocyanidin-A-C-D-3-glucopyranoside, leucopelargodinin, A-C-K-%- rhamnopyranoside,
cerylbehanate, lupeol and its acetate, K-amyrin acetate and tannins.

C#$ai * (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * (i)mai (F), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * (u!arppi (?A)

+ariclai #Gakam (B- 3)
CAtakka,iccal (S(P*-%), +urutippIkku (F'), $Dlam (R), 3eGGai
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 ="
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6L 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

A'URI (78o3) P3a/t) - K
A!uri is the dried hole plant of Indigofera tinctoria L. (Fam. Fabaceae), an under shrub,
upto 6m. hi"h, found throu"hout #ndia and idely culti!ated in many parts of the country. #t "ros
in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * A!iri (>B), 5Ali (c@)
Assamese * 5ilbam
.en"ali * 5il
Kn"lish * #ndi"o, #ndian indi"o
/u'rati * /ali, /ari, 5il
0indi * 5ili
+annada * +arunili, 5eeli"ida
$alayalam * 5ilam, Amari
$arathi * 5eel
2riya * 5ili, 5ila
%un'abi * 5eel
Sanskrit * 5ili, 5ilika, 5ilini, &an"apatri
(elu"u * 5ili Chettu, 5ili, A!iri
4rdu * 5eel
a) Macroscopic
Root - Tap root having lateral roots, pale yellow to light yellowish-brown, hard, woody,
cylindrical, nearly smooth except for a few having scattered lenticels; odour not distinct; taste
slightly bitter.
St#* - $ieces woody, hard, slender, cylindrical, 0.- to -.! cm. in dia., suRf.ace, smooth, lenticels
present; yellowish-green to greyish-brown in colour; no characteristic odour and taste.
L#'/ - &ompound, imparipinnate; leaflets, - to ! cm. long and 0.A to -.2 cm. wide, oblong or
oblanceolate with a short mucronate tip; pale green to greenish-black; no characteristic odour and
F&o"#r - Pumerous in nearly sessile spicate racemes, -0.0 cm. long; calyx -.2 to -.! mm. long,
hairy outside, teeth triangular, acute, as long as tube; corolla pink, papilionaceous, about mm.
long, back of standard petal pubescent, stamen -0, diadelphous; ovary sessile, linear, downy;
stigma capitate.
Fr,it - $od nearly cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, apiculate, 2 to A.2 cm. long and 0.-! to
0.2 cm. in dia., having 2 to -2 seeds; smooth, brown to dark brown.
S##d - :omewhat Muadrangular with truncate ends, about 0.2 cm. long and 0.- cm. wide, smooth,
yellowish-brown to greenish-brown in colour.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows a narrow Fone of cork, consisting of to -0 layers of tangentially elongated,
rectangular, thin-walled cells, with lenticels; secondary cortex a narrow Fone, consisting of
rectangular to polygonal thin-walled cells containing rhomboidal to hexagonal crystals of calcium
oxalate and groups of fibres; secondary phloem composed of usual elements; secondary xylem
consisting of xylem parenchyma, vessels, fibres and rays; fibres long, aseptate with pointed end;
vessels solitary or 2 to in groups having simple pits; medullary ray - to cells wide; prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate present in secondary cortex, phloem, xylem parenchyma and rays; oil
globules present in cortex and phloem parenchyma; starch grains simple, round to oval, measuring
upto -- Hm in dia., present in cortex, phloem, xylem parenchyma and rays.
St#* - "oung stem furrowed and ridged in outline; epidermis single layered, ! to -0 layers of
collenchymatous cells present in ridges; mature stem shows ! to -! layers of tangentially
elongated, rectangular, thin-walled cork cells, broken by lenticels, a few upper rectangular cells
filled with reddish-brown contents; secondary cortex consists of ! to < layers of oval to elliptical,
thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, pericycle a discontinuous ring of fibres; secondary phloem and
secondary xylem composed of usual elements; xylem traversed by rays; vessels solitary or 2 to < in
radial rows, isolated vessels show spiral thickening and simple pits; fibres having narrow lumen
and pointed ends; tracheids pitted; crystal fibres upto -2 chambered, each containing - or 2
prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; pith occupied by isodiametric, thin-walled, parenchymatous
cells; a few cells of secondary cortex, phloem and pith contain brown coloured substances;
prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and simple starch grains measuring A to 6 Hm in dia. found in
secondary cortex, phloem and xylem parenchyma, pith and rays.
P#tio&# - 'ppears nearly circular in outline having two lateral wings; epidermis single layered,
covered externally with thin cuticle and followed internally by a single layered collenchymatous
hypodermis; unicellular hairs scanty to moderate with blunt tip; cortex to 6 layered, consisting
of oval to polygonal, elongated, thin-walled chlorenchymatous cells; pericycle scanty, present in
the form of continuous or discontinuous ring; vascular bundle collateral and three in number, large
one present in center and two smaller in lateral wings; pith composed of rounded to oval, thin-
walled parenchymatous cells; a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in phloem and
pith region.
Midri- - :hows a similar structure of epidermis, cuticle and hairs as in petioles; lower and upper
epidermis followed by single and 2 or A layers of collenchymatous hypodermis respectively;
parenchyma 2 or A layered, present on both sides; vascular bundle single, collateral, crescent-
shaped, present centrally.
L'*in' - :hows a dorsiventral structure; epidermis, cuticle and hairs as in petiole and midrib;
palisade 2-layered; spongy parenchyma 2 to layered; a few patches of veins scattered between
palisade and spongy parenchyma; a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in mesophyll
cells; stomata paracytic; unicellular hairs present on both surface but abundant on lower surface;
palisade ratio not more than ; stomatal index -2 to 0 on lower surface and -0 to -6 on upper
surface; vein -islet number -! to -2 per sMuare mm.
Fr,it - :hows single layered epicarp; mesocarp < or 2 layered, more or less elliptical, tangentially
elongated, thin-walled parenchymatous cells, a few upper cells contain reddish brown content;
vascular bundle present in the mesocarp region sheathed by sclerenchyma cells; endocarp present
in the form of A to ! layers of sclerenchymatous cells.
S##d - :hows a single layered, radially elongated, thin-walled, palisade-like cells, covered
externally by a thin cuticle and internally followed by a single layer of bearer cells; beneath bearer
cells 2 to tangentially elongated elliptical, thin-walled parenchymatous cells present; cotyledons
consists of oval to angular, elongated, thin-walled parenchymatous cells.
"ellowish grey; shows aseptate fibres; vessels with spiral thickening and simple pits;
groups of mesophyll cells; unicellular hairs; pieces of hexagonal, straight walled, epidermal cells in
surface view; prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; rarely oil globules; simple, rounded to oval,
starch grains measuring A to -- Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than <.6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than :.L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using n-Jutanol) glacial 'cetic acid)
=ater +!)-). in visible light shows three spots at Rf. 0.A2, 0.<! and 0.22 +all grey.. Cn exposure to
iodine vapours seven spots appear at Rf. 0.-!, 0.A2, 0.!0, 0.!,, 0.6<, 0.<! and 0.22 +all yellow..
Cn spraying with !9 (ethanolic - :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!8 & until the
colour develops, the plate shows nine spots at Rf.0.-!, 0.2!, 0.A2, 0.!0, 0.!,, 0.6<, 0.<!, 0.2 and
0.22 +all grey..
*ndigotin, indirubin, indoxyl, indican, kaempferol, luteolin, apigenin, ercetin, tephrosin,
degalin, dehydrodegalin, sumatrol, kaempferol --<-dirhamnoside, trans-tetracos--!-enoic acid,
semiglabrin and pseudo semiglabrin.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * Acai!u (-:)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), 5u)pu,ukkolli (T.
%@), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

5anthi $e,uku (4F .)
+uEmam (9), 5aPcu 5Akkum (4U c), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 Decoction 6<1 <L ml tice daily. :L 1 6L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for
preparin" decoction.

A'URI '2R (Root) - K
A!uri 3Cr is the dried root of Indigofera tinctoria L. (Fam. Fabaceae), an under shrub up
to 6 m. hi"h, found throu"hout #ndia and idely culti!ated in many parts of the country. #t "ros
in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * A!iri (>B), 5Ali (c@)
Assamese * 5ilbam
.en"ali * 5il
Kn"lish * #ndian indi"o, #ndi"o
/u'rati * /ali, /ari, 5il
0indi * 5ili
+annada * +arunili, 5eeli"ida
$alayalam * 5ilam, Amari, 5eela Amari
$arathi * 5eel
2riya * 5ila, 5ili
%un'abi * 5eel
Sanskrit * 5ili, 5ilika, 5ilini, &an"apatri
(elu"u * A!iri, 5ili, 5ili chettu
4rdu * 5eel
a) Macroscopic
Root mostly availabe in pieces, hard, woody, cylindrical, 0.- to-.! cm. thick, surface nearly
smooth except for a few scattered lenticels; pale-yellow to light yellowish-brown; odour not
distinct; taste slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows a narrow Fone of cork consisting of to -0 layers of tangentially elongated,
rectangular, thin-walled cells, with lenticels; secondary cortex a narrow Fone, consisting of
rectangular to polygonal, thin-walled cells; group of fibres thick-walled and lignified with wide
lumen; secondary phloem composed of usual elements; wood occupies bulk part of the root,
consisting of usual elements; vessels solitary or 2 to in groups having simple pits; fibres present
in the form of alternating bands of parenchyma; parenchyma cells rectangular to polygonal in shape
and present on both external and internal sides of vessels; medullary rays - to cells wide;
prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in secondary cortex, phloem and xylem parenchyma
and rays; oil globules present in cortex and phloem parenchyma; starch grains simple, round to
oval, measuring upto -2 mm in dia., present in cortex, phloem, xylem parenchyma and rays.
&reamish- brown; shows aseptate fibres; pitted vessels; simple and compound starch grains,
measuring A to -- mm in dia.; occasionally oil globules and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness

using &hloroform) 7thylacetate +A)2. shows under 45 light +A66 nm.
ten fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.- +blue., 0.A0 +bluish green., 0.0 +blue., 0.< +blue., 0.!2 +blue.,
0.6A+bluish green., 0.<! +blue., 0.2- +blue., 0.26 +green. and 0.,- +blue.. Cn exposure to iodine
vapours thirteen spots appear at Rf. 0.06, 0.-0, 0.-, 0.2<, 0.AA, 0.0, 0.!0, 0.!2, 0.6A, 0.<!, 0.20,
0.26 and 0.,- +all yellow.. Cn spraying with ! 9 (ethanolic :ulphuric acid reagent and heating
the plate at -0!8& until the colour develops, the plate shows fourteen spots at Rf. 0.06, 0.-0, 0.-,
0.2-, 0.2<, 0.AA, 0.0, 0.!0, 0.!2, 0.6A, 0.<!, 0.2-, 0.26, and 0.,- +all grey..

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * Acai!u (-:)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), 5u)pu,ukkolli (T.
%@), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

+ariclai #Gakam (B- 3)
+uEmam (9), 5aPcu 5Akkum (4U c), 3eGGai (;3), $Drccai
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.9L1 =L " poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin"
CARAKKO9-AI PU:I (,r#it P#3p) - !"# $%
CarakkoE@ai %uGi is the pulp of fruit (de!oid of seeds, septa and pieces of pericarp) of
Cassia fistula L. (Fam. Fabaceae), a moderate siUed deciduous tree, common throu"hout #ndia as
ild or culti!ated plantM fruits collected hen pods are ripe and black, and pulp separated and
dried. #t "ros in +u@iPci, $ullai and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * #ta,i ((P), +o))ai (,), +irutmalam (A()
Assamese * Sonaroo
.en"ali * Sondala
Kn"lish * #ndian laburnum, %ur"in" cassia
/u'rati * /aramala, /armalo
0indi * Amaltas
+annada * Ara"!adha, +akke, +akke1"ida, +akkemara, +akkedai, &a'ataru
+ashmiri * +riyan"al %hali
$alayalam * +onna, +ritamlam
$arathi * .aha!a, /aramala, Amaltas
2riya * Sunari
%un'abi * Amaltas
Sanskrit * Ara"!adha, +rtamala, 3yadhi"ata, Samopaka, 5rpadruma
(elu"u * &ela
4rdu * +hiyar Shambar
a) Macroscopic
$ulp dark brown; sticky, sweet and mucilaginous; odour characteristic, somewhat
b) Microscopic
$ulp shows oval to polygonal thin walled parenchyma cells and lignified stone cells.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ;= per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
TLC d#nsito*#tri. #sti*'tion o/ r3#in
TLC %&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness
So&(#nt s)st#*
$etroleum ether +0-60;.) 7thyl acetate) /ormic acid +<.!) 2.!) 0.-..
T#st so&,tion
- g of powdered drug is extracted with 0.0-P (ethanolic potassium hydroxide +A x 2! ml.
under reflux on a water bath. /iltered, pooled the filtrates and concentrated the extract and made
up the volume to 2! ml with methanol.
St'nd'rd so&,tion
! mg of rhein is dissolved in ! ml of 0.0- P (ethanolic potassium hydroxide in a
volumetric flask. /urther dilution is made by pipetting 2.! ml into a 2! ml volumetric flask and
making up the final volume to 2! ml with (ethanol. /rom this stock solution standard solutions of
-0 to A! Hg1ml are prepared by transferring aliMuots +- to A.! ml. of stock solution to -0 ml
volumetric flasks and adBusting the volume to -0 ml with (ethanol.
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
-0 Hl of the standard solutions +-00 to A!0 ng per spot. are applied on a T%& plate. The
plate is developed with the solvent system in twin trough chamber to a distance of 2 cm. and
scanned densitometrically at A nm. The peak areas are recorded and the calibration curve is
obtained by plotting peak area vs concentration of rhein applied.
Esti*'tion o/ r3#in in t3# dr,+
-0 Hl of the test solution is applied in triplicate on a T%& plate. The plate is developed in
the solvent system and the peak area is recorded as described above for the calibration curve. The
amount of rhein present in the sample is calculated from the calibration curve of rhein.
The percentage of rhein ranges from 0.0< to 0.- in the samples analyFed.
- gm. of the powdered drug is extracted with 2! ml of 0.0-P $otassium hydroxide for - hr.
on a boiling water bath. The solution is filtered, cooled, acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid and
then extracted with diethyl ether +A x 2! ml.. The combined ether layer is evaporated to dryness and
dissolved in 2! ml of (ethanol. T.%.&. of the solution on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel
60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate ) /ormic acid ) (ethanol +A)A)
0.2)0.2. shows under 45 light +2! nm. seven spots at Rf. 0.--, 0.2, 0.A2, 0.!!, 0.62, 0.6, and
0.<6 +rhein marker.. 4nder 45 light, +A66 nm. shows seven spots at Rf. 0.-< +blue., 0.2! +green.,
0.A< +light blue., 0.2 +light blue., 0.!2 +fluorescent blue., 0.<6 +greenish yellow, rhein marker. and
0.26 +green.. Cn spraying with ! percent ethanolic potassium hydroxide shows six spots at Rf. 0.-0,
0.2-, 0.2!, 0.!-, 0.6< +all light brown. and 0.<6 +purple, rhein marker..
/istulic acid, rhein, A- formyl--- hydroxy-2- methoxy- anthraMuinone, AO- hydroxy--<-
norpimer- 2 +,. -en--!-one, +Q. catechin, epicatechin and its derivatives, argenine, leucine,
methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glucose, sucrose, fructose,
galactomannan, procyanidin-J-2.

C#$ai * %uGippu (2)
#%a& * (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * 5ArmalampIkki (c'A), %u,u!aka@@i (.!&)

+aru)ai #Gakam (, 3), 5eruPcik +uBinAr (4UC /c), 5ArmuGGik
+uBinAr (c;2 /c)
+uBal 3ali ($% @), $alakkaBBu (6=), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 %oder ; 1 S "

CA5M;CI" (R8i<o&)) - &'(
CaBmPcil is the dried rhiUome of ardostachys grandiflora DC. Syn. . !atamansi
grandiflora DC.(Fam. 3alerianaceae), an erect perennial herb, :L to =L cm. hi"h, found in the sub1
alpine 0imalayas from %un'ab to Sikkim and .hutan at altitudes of 9LLL to <LLL m .#t "ros in
+u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * CaBmPci (-$UC), CaBilai (-/), %aicci (-C), %DtakCciEi
Assamese * Natamansi, Nataman"shi
.en"ali * Natamamsi
Kn"lish * 5ardus root
/u'rati * .aalchad, +alichad
0indi * .alchara
+annada * .hoota'ata, /ana"ila maste
+ashmiri * .huti'ata
$alayalam * $anchi, Natamanchi
$arathi * Natamansi
2riya * Natamansi
%un'abi * .illilotan, .alchhar, Chhar"uddi
Sanskrit * Natamansi, $amsi, Nata 'atila
(elu"u * Natamamsi
4rdu * Sumbul1ut1teeb
a) Macroscopic
3ried rhiFome dark brown, 2.! to <.! cm. long, cylindrical, covered with reddish-brown
fibres forming a net work, which are skeletons of sheathing leaf bases; fracture brittle; internal
colour reddish-brown; odour strongly aromatic; taste acrid, slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of rhiFome shows cork consisting of 2 to ! layers of cells filled with oil
globules; cortex characteriFed by the presence of schiFogenous canals; phloem in form of patches
of small cells; cambium ring distinct and continuous; xylem consists of vessels, scattered
individually or in rows of two or three vessels with scalariform thickening; older rhiFomes show
one or more stellate shaped rings of interxylary and medullary cork, completely or incompletely
separating the rhiFome into four to nine vascular strands by Boining outer cork; each separated
strand encircled by a few layers of cork cell consisting of an outer cortex Fone followed by two or
more functional vascular bundles, tissues in between the strands usually non-functional except for
the cork cells which act as storage organ for oil globule.
3ark brown; shows cork cells; parenchyma and oleo- resin cells with resinous matter and
oil globules; fragments of vessels with scalariform thickening, tracheids and a few linear fibres.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
3olatile oil 5ot less than L.: per cent, !HAppendi7 6.6.:L.
>& profile of volatile oil +yield upto -.,9. with valeranone as marker
&olumn ) C5-- &hrom = +20 --00., ::- 2m. x A.2mm.
Cven temperature ) $rogrammed from -20 -220;& at a rate of -0;&1min.
*nBector temperature ) 20;&.
3etector +/*3. temperature ) 20;&.
&arrier gas +P
. ) +A.2 kg1cm
T%& of $etroleum 7ther +0-608&. extract of the drug on silica gel I>I precoated plate using
Toluene) 7thyl acetate +<)A., on exposure to iodine vapours shows six spots appear at Rf.. 0.2,
0.!2, 0.6,, 0.<<, 0.22 and 0.,! +all yellow.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde -:ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate for five minutes at -0!8& six spots appear at Rf. 0.2 +grey., 0.!2 +blue.,
0.6,+indigo blue., 0.<< +orange., 0.22 +light violet. and 0.,! +violet..
?atamansin, Batamansone, Batmansinol, nardol, oroselol, angelicin, D- endesrol, elemol,
nardostachone, K- D- pinene, A- carene, Batamanshic acid, seychellen, seychelane, norseychelanone,
patchouli alcohol, nardostachysin, K N D - patchoulenes, narostachone, actinidine, virolin,
spiroBatamol, Batamol ' and J.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I) , +rppu (dried) ()
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), #ci!aka@@i (C!&), +I,aiyaka@@i
('!&), 4@akkamu)Bkki ("#$A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

CirIpra 5i!ra)at (ailam (C' V,5 (), #laku CantaEthi (ailam (
-(0F (), #Pci CDra)am (UC +,), $ak Flthi +uGikai ( 1F
2), $ayaEat (ailam (05 (), 5anthi $e,uku (4F .), 5occit (ailam
(4*C5 (), (Gicthi CDra)am ((2-F +,)
+uBBam (6$), %ur)a Curam (, ), (DkkamiEmai (GJ9), 4Bal C
DBu ("$% +=)
DOSE 1 %oder <LL m" 1 : "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
< 1 :L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

CT!IKKY (K)r/)3) - F)
Cthikky is the dried endosperm (kernel) of the seed of "yristica fragrans 0outt. (Fam.
$yristicaceae), dioecious or occasionally monoecious aromatic tree, about :L16L m hi"h, nati!e of
$oluccas, no found under culti!ation in #ndia. #t is mainly "ron in (amil 5adu, +erala, Andhra
%radesh and Assam. (he seed is cracked to remo!e shell, and the kernel is collected for the market.
#t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * Nthikky (WF8), +ulakky (8)
Assamese * Naiphal, +ani!ish
.en"ali * Naiphala, Naitri
Kn"lish * 5utme"
/u'rati * Naiphala, Nayfar
0indi * Naiphal
+annada * Nadikai, Naykai, Naidikai
+ashmiri * Nafal
$alayalam * Natika
$arathi * Naiphal
2riya * Naiphal
%un'abi * Naiphal
Sanskrit * Natiphala, Natisasya
(elu"u * Na'ikaya
4rdu * NauUbua, Naiphal
a) Macroscopic
@ernel ellipsoid, 20 to A0 mm. long and about 20 mm. broad; externally greenish-brown
sometimes marked with small irregular dark brown patches or minute dark points and lines slightly
furrowed reticulately; a small light-coloured area at one end indicated the position of the radicle; a
groove runs along the line of raphe to the darker chalaFa at the opposite end; a thin layer of
perisperm with infoldings appearing as dark ruminations surrounding the abundant greyish-brown
endosperm; embryo, in an irregular cavity, small with two widely spreading crumpled cotyledons
and a small radicle; odour strong and aromatic; taste pungent and aromatic.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of endosperm shows peripheral perisperm of several layers of strongly
flattened, polyhedral cells with brown contents, or containing prismatic crystals; inner layer of
perisperm of thin-walled parenchyma about 0 Hm thick, infolding into the tissue of the endosperm
to form the ruminations containing numerous, very large oil cells with brown cell walls; vascular
strands in the peripheral region with numerous small spiral vessels; large celled, endosperm,
parenchymatous with occasional tannin idioblasts, with thin brown walls, containing numerous
simple, rounded and compound starch grains, with upto about -0 components usually 2 to 2,
individual grains, upto 20 Hm in diameter present; most of the cells with crystalline fat and often a
large aleurone grain in each cell, containing a rhombic protein crystal upto -2 Hm and small
aleurone grains with less regular crystalloids; embryo, of shrivelled and collapsed parenchyma.
Jrown, oily; shows fragments of endosperm cells containing prismatic crystals and starch
grains; a few cells of endosperm containing brown contents; starch grains numerous, oval to
rounded, measuring upto 20 Hm in diameter having 2 to-0 components; a few cells containing oil
globules and a few aleurone grains.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
Kther 1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6< per cent !H Appendi7 6.6.S
3olatile oil 5ot less than < per cent !H Appendi7 6.6.:L
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
(erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. in visible light shows five spots at Rf.
0.-2, 0.-2 +both light yellow., 0., 0.2 and 0.!0 +all yellow.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours
eleven spots appear at Rf. 0.-2, 0.-2, 0.22, 0.26, 0.A- 0.A, 0., 0.!<, 0.<, 0.2 and 0.,! +all
yellow.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for five
minutes at -0!;& seventeen spots appear at Rf. 0.-2, 0.-+both pinkish brown., 0.-2 +grey., 0.26,
0.A-+ both pinkish brown., 0.A +violet., 0.A,, 0. +both pink., 0.!- +pinkish brown., 0.!< +pinkish
red., 0.62, 0.< +both brown., 0.<2 +violet., 0.2 +pinkish violet., 0.26 +brown., 0.2, and 0.,! +both
greyish violet..
3imeric phenylpropanoids *-5*, myricetin, essential oil and fixed oil.


C#$ai * +rppu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), +mamperukki (
A), $a)amDBBi (,R6/), $Drccaiyu)Bkki (R*-E$A), 4ramkki
("A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

AVBapayira!ak +uGikai (X$O 2), Cmpir)ippD %ata-kam (-A
ML (), Carapu-ka 3il!ti #Gakam (- >%F 3), #laku CantaEthi
(ailam ( -(0F (), +apBa $tthirai ($ 5F)
%acittAkku@ai!u (C5Q#:), #raippu (), #rumal (%), 5GpaBBa
+a,iccal (4;6$ P*-%), %eru-ka,iccal (P*-%), 3intukku@ai!u (>?#:)
DOSE 1 %oder <LL m" 1 :"

C=NT!I" T!A>5U (St)&) - *+F( ,-
CAnthil (ha)Bu is the dried, matured pieces of stem of #inos$ora cordifolia (>illd.)
$iers. (Fam. $enispermaceae), a perennial climber found throu"hout tropical #ndiaM dru" is
collected durin" summer preferably in the month of $ayM dru" is used in fresh form also. #t "ros
in +u@iPci, $ullai, $arutham and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * Amirta!alli (J(%@), Amuta!alli ((%@), CaPcA!i (-U
S>), CAnthil +oBi (SF% /), CIma!alli ('-%@), +u)Bali ($@)
Assamese * Siddhilata, Amariat
.en"ali * /ulancha
/u'rati * /alac, /aro
0indi * /iloe, /urcha
+annada * Amrutaballi
+ashmiri * Amrita, /ilo
$alayalam * Chittamrutu
$arathi * /ul!el
2riya * /uluchi
%un'abi * /ilo
Sanskrit * /uduci, Amrta!alli, Amrta, $adhuparni, /uducika, Chinnodbha!a
(elu"u * (hippatee"a
4rdu * /ilo
a) Macroscopic
3rug occurs in pieces of varying thickness ranging from 0.6 to ! cm. in diameter; young stems
green with smooth surfaces and swelling at nodes, older ones show a light brown surface marked
with warty protuberances due to circular lenticels; transversely smoothened surface shows a radial
structure with conspicuous medullary rays traversing porous tissues; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of stem shows outermost layer of cork, differentiating into outer Fone of
thick-walled brownish and compressed cells, inner Fone of thin walled colourless, tangentially
arranged A to rows of cells; cork broken at some places due to opening of lenticels, followed by !
or more rows of secondary cortex of which the cells of outer rows smaller than the inner one; Bust
within the opening of lenticels, groups of sclereids consisting of 2 to -0 cells found in secondary
cortex region, outer Fone of cortex consists of A to ! rows of irregularly arranged, tangentially
elongated chlorenchymatous cells; cortical cells situated towards inner side, polygonal in shape and
filled with plenty of starch grains, simple, ovoid, or irregularly ovoid-elliptical, occasionally
compound of 2 to components; several secretory cells found scattered in the cortex; pericyclic
fibres lignified with wide lumen and pointed ends, associated with a large number of crystal fibres
containing a single prism in each chamber; vascular Fone composed of -0 to -2 or more wedge-
shaped strips of xylem, externally surrounded by semi-circular strips of phloem, alternating with
wide medullary rays; phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma of
polygonal or tangentially elongated cells, some of them contain crystals of calcium oxalate;
cambium composed of one or two layers of tangentially elongated cells in each vascular bundle;
xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, parenchyma and fibres; in primary xylem, vessels
comparatively narrow devoid of tyloses; secondary xylem elements thick-walled, lignified, vessels
cylindrical in shape bearing bordered pits on their walls, some large vessels possess several tyloses
and often contain transverse septa; medullary rays -! to 20 or more cells wide containing rounded,
hemispherical, oblong, ovoid, with faintly marked concentric striations and central hilum appearing
like a point, starch grains of 6 to -A Hm in diameter and 6 to --Hm in length, variously shaped;
pith composed of large, thin-walled cells mostly containing starch grains.
"ellowish-cream; shows cork cells, parenchyma cells; fragments of vessels with bordered
pits, fibres, crystal fibres containing prisms of calcium oxalate; starch grains simple, oval to
rounded with faintly marked concentric striations and central hilum, measuring 6 to -A Hm in
For dry dru"*
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than := per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
For fresh dru"* 1 1
Forei"n matter 5il, Appendi7 6.6.6
$oisture content 8< percent, Appendi7 6.6.T
T.%.&. of &hloroform soluble part of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using
&hloroform ) (ethanol +,)-.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric acid reagent and heating
for five minutes at -0!8& shows eight spots at Rf. 0.-, +violet., 0.26 +violet., 0.!2 +violet., 0.6!
+violet., 0.2 +violet., 0.22, 0.,A and 0.,< +all pinkish violet..
3iterpenoid furanolactone, A- +K - dihydroxy-A-methoxy benFyl. -+-hydroxy-A-
medoxybenFy-. tetra-hydrofuran, tinosporaside. tinosporide, magnoflorium, giloin, gilosterol,
gilenin, columbin, chasmanthin, palmaria, tinosporin, tinosporic acid,tinosporal and amritoside
',J,& and 3.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +yaka@pamkki (!A),
+mamperukki (A), $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), %acittAtD)Bi
(C5QG/), 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&), 4ramkki ("A), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&),
3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

CAnthil CDra)am (SF% +,), CAnthil 5ey (SF% 48), +apacurak +uBinAr
( /c)
Co@i (-&), CuramH+yccal (78*-%), +ayanIy ('48), +uruti A,al (F
%), +uBBam (6$), $Ckam ('), %AEicam (KI-)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 < "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6L 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction

C=RAKAM (,r#it) - *
CArakam is the ripe fruit of Cuminum cyminum L. (Fam. Apiaceae), a small
slender, "labrous, annual herb, 9L to TL cm. hi"hM floers !ery small, hite, about 9S mm. lon"
stalk in compound umbels, mostly culti!ated in plainsM plants pulled out, dried and threshed for
collectin" mature fruits.#t "ros in $ullai, $arutham and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * Acai (-), 5a@cArakam (4!S), %itthanciEi (A5(4CI), %
IcaEakuBIri ('-0'$B)
Assamese * Nira
.en"ali * Nira, Sada'ira
Kn"lish * Cumin seed, Cumin
/u'rati * Nirautmi, Niru, Nirau"i, Neeru, Nirun
0indi * Nira, Safed 'ira
+annada * Nira"e, .ile'ire"e
+ashmiri * Safed Woor
$alayalam * Neerakam
$arathi * %andhare 'ire
2riya * Dhala'eera, Dala'ira, Nira
%un'abi * Safed 'ira, Chitta 'ira
Sanskrit * S!eta 'iraka, A'a'i, Niraka, A'a'ika
(elu"u * Nilakarra, (ella 'ilakarra
4rdu * Wirah, Wirasafed
a) Macroscopic
/ruit, a cremocarp, often separated into mericarps, brown with light coloured ridges,
ellipsoidal, elongated, about to 6 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, tapering at ends and slightly compressed
laterally; mericarps with ! longitudinal hairy primary ridges from base to apex, alternating with
secondary ridges which are flatter and bear conspicuous emergences; seeds orthospermous; odour
umbelliferous, characteristic; taste richly spicy.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows epidermis consisting of short polygonal, tabular cells
densely covered with short, bristle hairs that are multicellular and multiseriate on ridges; mesocarp
with a few layers of parenchyma and five vascular bundles under five primary ridges; six vittae
under secondary ridges, four on dorsal and two on commissural surface; endocarp consists of
polygonal cells containing fixed oil and aleurone grains; carpophore consists of slender fibres.
Jrownish-yellow; shows fragments of vittae; sclerenchymatous cells of the mesocarp;
endosperm cells containing oil globules, aleurone grains, small rosette crystals of calcium oxalate;
fragments of multiserial hairs.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 3ichloromethane extractive of the 'lcohol extract on silica gel I>I

plate using
3ichloromethane, on exposure to iodine vapours shows six spots at Rf. 0.0!, 0.0,, 0.-!, 0.26, 0.!!
and 0., +all yellow.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate
for five minutes at -0!8& six spots appear at Rf. 0.-!, 0.26 +both violet., 0.A- +pink., 0.!!+grey.,
0.<A +violet. and 0., +violet..
&uminaldehyde, cuminin,-,A - R - menthadien -<-al, -, - R - menthadien -<-al,R-cymene, -
terpinene, D-pinene, <--+C-D-3-galalacturonide. --+--C-D-3- glucopyranosyl.-A,!- dihydroxy
flavone, glycosides of luteolin and apigenin.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/),
(u!arppi (?A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

AVBthic CDra)am (X$F* +,), CArakac CDra)am (S* +,), CArakat
(ailam (S5 (), +Ccari #Gakam ('-B 3), $ayili@akthi CDra)am (O@#F
+,), %aPcatApkkiEi CDra)am (U-QAI +,), %ittacurak +uBinAr
(A5( /c)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), CAtakka,iccal (S(P*-%), Oral 5Iy (F% '48),
+allaBaippu (%$), +mlai (), +uEmam (9)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 < "

CI-UKU-I;C9 '2R (Root) - './&"
Ci@uku@iPcE is the root of Gymnema sylvestre &. .r. (Fam. Asclepiadaceae), a lar"e
oody, climber, much branched, ith pubescent youn" parts, found throu"hout #ndia in dry forests
upto =LL m.M occasionally culti!ated. #t "ros in +u@iPci, $ullai , $arutham and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * Cakkaraikkolli (-%@)
.en"ali * $edhasin"i
Kn"lish * %eriploca of the oods
/u'rati * +aa!alee, $edhasin"e
0indi * /udmaar, $edhaasin"ee
+annada * +adhasi"e
$alayalam * Cakkarakkolli, $adhunaashini
$arathi * +aa!alee, $edhaashin"i
Sanskrit * $esasrn"i, $adhunasini, A'asrn"i
(elu"u * %odapatri
a) Macroscopic
Tap root branched, rough, longitudinally fissured, corky, soft and nodulose pieces, 2 to <
cm. long and 0.2 to -.0 cm. in thickness; external surface dark brown and cut surface showing a
core cream in colour; fracture splintery; odour unpleasant; taste bitter and acrid.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows ! to 20 rows of tangentially elongated and radially arranged cork cells; secondary
cortex a wide Fone consisting of oval to polygonal cells somewhat irregular in shape and
moderately thick walled, filled with rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and a few simple or
compound starch grains; secondary phloem composed of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem
parenchyma, with mostly large and a few small rosette crystals and starch grains; medullary rays
prominent, uni or multi seriate, generally tetra seriate, extending from primary xylem to secondary
phloem; groups of oval to elongated, thick walled, lignified sclereids with clear striations and
narrow lumen present in cortex and phloem region; secondary xylem consists of usual lignified
elements; vessels simple pitted, single or 2 to < in radial groups and dispersed throughout the xylem
region; fibres long with tapering ends and wide lumen; primary xylem diarch.
%ight yellow; shows thick walled cork cells; polygonal, thin walled parenchymatous cells;
simple pitted fibres, vessels; groups of sclereids; large and a few small rosette crystals of calcium
oxalate; simple and compound starch grains, measuring ! to -- Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thylacetate) (ethanol
+!)!)2. as mobile phase shows on spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating
the plate at -0!;& until the colour develops, eight spots at Rf. 0.-< +brown., 0.2! +violet., 0.2
+grey., 0.!< +pink., 0.062, 0.20, 0.2< +violet. and 0.,! +pink..

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), 3ntiyu)Bkki (FE$A)

$a)BDrti ABaikkuBinAr (YF $/c)
#raippu (), #rumal (%), 5aPcukaG (4U;), 3aGiccuram (2*), 5
Ari,i!u (cBP:)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 6 "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
9L 1<L " poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

C=-UP=:AI CAM?"AM (78o3) P3a/t) - *01 2
CA@upAGai CamDlam is the hole plant of Aerva lanata (L.) Nuss. e7 Schult. (Fam.
Amaranthaceae), an erect or prostrate branched herb, 9L to =L cm. in hei"ht, found throu"hout
#ndia as a common eed in fields and in aste lands. #t "ros in $arutham and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * Ci@uka)pAGai (CK3), +a)pAGai (K3), +a@pCti (!'F),
%V)apCti (Z,'F)
.en"ali * Chaya
/u'rati * /orakh"an'o
0indi * /orakha"an'a
+annada * .ilihindisoppu
$alayalam * Cherupila
$arathi * +apurphutee, +umrapindee
%un'abi * .huikallan
Sanskrit * %attura, /oraksa"an'a, .hadra
(elu"u * %indichettu, +anda %indi
a) Macroscopic
Root - Tap-root, laterally branched, cylindrical, up to 0.2 cm. in thickness and about 2! cm. long
pieces, externally light brown and rough but cut surface white and smooth; fracture fibrous and
St#* - Pearly cylindrical, branching alternate, external surface shows slight ridges and furrows,
hairy and light brown in colour; cut surface white; fracture granular.
L#'/ - :imple, opposite, alternate, shortly petiolate, lamina 2.0 to 2.! cm. long and -.0 to -.6 cm.
broad, elliptic-orbicular or ovate, acute, reticulate veined, margin entire, densely pubescent on both
F&o"#r - (inute cluster as axillary spike; greenish-white; perianth !, bracteolate; actinomorphic,
bisexual; stamen !, opposite to perianth, anthers 2 lobed; stigma bifid, superior ovary, unilocular
with campylotropous ovule.
Fr,it - ' greenish, roundish, compressed membranous, utricle or circumscissile capsule with a
coriaceous upper part or lid and containing a single seed.
S##d - :eed minute, 0.! to 0.< cm. in dia., black, polished, lenticular; taste pungent.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows ! to < layers of cork cells, upper 2 or A layers filled with brownish content;
secondary cortex a wide Fone consisting of circular to oval, elongated, thin walled parenchymatous
cells, most of the cells containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; endodermis not distinct;
pericycle present in the form of interrupted ring of pericyclic fibres; anomalous secondary growth
present; secondary xylem and phloem tissues in form of A or alternating rings; medullary bundles
present; phloem consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma; xylem
consists of vessels, tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma; vessels circular to oval having simple
pits; pith cells circular in shape containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate.
St#* - :hows slightly wavy outline, corresponding to ridges and furrows; epidermis single layered
covered with thick cuticle; trichomes multicellular, end cells pointed or vesicular, warty and thick
walled; cortex 6 or < layers with A or layers below ridges being collenchymatous and A or layers
below furrows chlorenchymatous; rest of the cells oval to elongated, elliptical, thin walled and
parenchymatous, with a few cells containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; endodermis single
layered; pericycle present in the form of a ring, single or groups of 2 to fibres; anomalous
secondary growth present; vascular bundles arranged in 2 or A rings showing included phloem
alternating with parenchymatous tissue; phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells and
phloem parenchyma; xylem composed of vessels, tracheids, wood fibres and xylem parenchyma;
vessels round to oval having simple pits; pith wide consisting of circular to polygonal having
intercellular spaces, rosette crystals of calcium oxalate present in this region.
P#tio&# - :hows single layered epidermis covered with cuticle; trichomes multicellular present on
both surfaces; cortex consisting of 2 or A layers, upper collenchymatous and lower
parenchymatous; vascular bundle collateral and A in number; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate
present in cortical cells.
Midri- - 7pidermis, cuticle and trichomes, similar to those in petiole; cortex ! to < layers, upper A
collenchymatous and lower A or circular, thin walled and parenchymatous; vascular bundles A in
number, 2 accessory and one middle; xylem towards the upper and phloem towards lower
epidermis; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate present in cortical region.
L'*in' - 7pidermis, cuticle and trichomes similar as in petiole and midrib; palisade - or 2 layers;
spongy parenchyma A to ! layers composed of thin walled parenchymatous cells with intercellular
spaces, a few rosette crystals of calcium oxalate present in spongy parenchyma; anomocytic
stomata present on both surfaces; palisade ratio 2 or A; stomatal index on upper surface -2 to -!
and on lower surface -6 to -2; vein -islet number or ! per sMuare mm.
"ellowish-green; shows straight walled epidermal cells, multicellular trichomes and
anomocytic stomata in surface view; simple pitted vessels, cork cells, tracheids, fibres and rosette
crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate) (ethanol
+!)!)2. as mobile phase shows under 45 +A66 nm. ten fluorescent Fones at Rf.0.-- +sky blue., 0.2<
+red., 0.< +red., 0.!- +sky blue., 0.<A +sky blue., 0.22 +pink., 0.2< +sky blue., 0.,- +red., 0., +red.
and 0.,< +dark red.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate
at -0!;& until the colour develops, the plate shows ten spots at Rf.0.--, 0.2A, 0.A<, 0.!-, 0.6-,
0.<A, 0.2!, 0.,2 and 0., +all violet. and 0.,< +dark violet..
D-sitosterol, D-sitosterol palmitate, campesterol, stigmasterol, stigmasterol acetate,
daucosterol, ergosterol, K-amyrin, D-amyrin, lupeol, betulin, olean--2-en-22-oic acid-A, -6-
dioxymethyl ester, hentriacontane, chrysin, A-glu +6II-coumaroyl. flavone, I-methoxy, A-glu +6IIp,-
coumaroyl. flavone, A-glu +II, 6II di-p-coumaroyl. flavone, A-glu +II, 6II di-p-coumaroyl. flavone,
AI-methoxy flavone, kaempferol, kaempferol-A-galactoside,kaempferol-A-rhamno galactoside,
aervine, methylaervine, aervoside, aervolonine, free sugars-fructose, galactose, rhamnose and

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +a@karaicci (!*C)

+alluBaikkuBIri (%D$'$B), 5a)Bukkal %a@pam (4=% !)
CataiyaBaippu (-($), +a,iccal (P*-%), +allaBaippu (%$), +uruti
3nti (F F), 5Arcurukku (c), %erumpBu (=), 3Akkam ())
DOSE 1 %oder < 1:L "
Decoction :<1 9L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

C1MPU (,r#it) - $
CImpu is the dried ripe fruit of Foeniculum vulgare $ill. Syn. F. ca$illaceum /ilib.,
F.officinale All., Anethum foeniculum L. (Fam. Apiaceae), an erect, "labrous, aromatic herb, : or
6 m. hi"h, nati!e of southern Kurope and Asia culti!ated e7tensi!ely throu"hout #ndia upto :S9L m.
and also sometimes found ildM fruits ripen in SeptemberM hen dry, fruits are beaten out in a cloth
in sun, cleaned by innoin" and collected. #t "ros in +u@iPci, $ullai, $arutham and 5eythal
(amil * Acai (-), Acu!akanthi (F)
Assamese * /u!amuri
.en"ali * $arui, %anmauri
Kn"lish * Fennel fruit
/u'rati * 3ariyali
0indi * Saunf
+annada * .adisompu, Doddasompu
+ashmiri * Sanuf, .adnai
$alayalam * +attusatakuppa, %arin'aera"um
$arathi * .adishop
2riya * %anamadhuri
%un'abi * Saunf
Sanskrit * $isreya, $isi, $adhurika
(elu"u * Sopu
4rdu * Saunf
a) Macroscopic
/ruits, usually entire with pedicel attached; mericarps, upto about -0 mm. long and mm.
broad, five sided with a wider commissural surface, tapering slightly towards base and apex,
crowned with a conical stylopod, glabrous, greenish or yellowish-brown with five paler prominent
primary ridges; endosperm, orthospermous.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows pericarp with outer epidermis of Muadrangular to
polygonal cells with smooth cuticle and a few stomata; trichomes, absent; vittae, dorsal and 2
commissural extending with length of each mericarp, intercostal, with an epithelium of brown cells
and volatile oil in cavity; mesocarp, with much reticulate lignified parenchyma; costae ! in each
mericarp, each with - vascular strand having - inner xylem strand and 2 lateral phloem strands
separated by a bundle of fibres; inner epidermis of very narrow, thin-walled cells arranged parallel
to one another in groups of ! to <, many of these groups with longer axis of their cells at an angle
with those of adBacent groups +parMuetry arrangement.; endosperm consists of thick-walled,
cellulosic parenchyma containing much fixed oil, micro-rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and
numerous aleurone grains upto ! Hm in diameter; carpophore with very thick-walled sclerenchyma
in two strands, often unsplit with two strands very close to each other.
>reenish yellow; with characteristic aroma; shows lignified and reticulate parenchyma;
thick walled endosperm cells containing aleurone grains; minute rosettes of calcium oxalate and oil
globules; endocarp cells showing a parMuetry arrangement and fragments of yellowish brown
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
3olatile oil 5ot less than :.; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.:L
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. v1v shows
five spots +45 light A66 nm. at Rf. 0.0 +blue., 0.2< +red., 0.A +red., 0.- +sky blue. and 0.!-+sky
blue.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours six spots appear at Rf. 0.20, 0.2<, 0.A-, 0.!2 and 0.,A +all
yellow.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate, for five
minutes at -0!8& six spots appear at Rf. 0.-2, 0.20, 0.2<, 0.A-,0.A< and 0.,A +all violet..
7- anethole, fenchone, methyl chavicol, limonene, K- pinene, imperatorin, bergapten,
xanthotoxol, miyabenol &, cis - miyabenol & and its glycosides, foeniculosides 5*, 5**, 5***, *S,
FiFybeoside *, icaviside ', syringin, synapyl alcohol, -, AI- di- C- D-3-glucopyranoside, adenosine,
threo- anethole glycol and erythro- anethole glycol.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/)

CImput (AnAr ('-5 Qc), 5kkuppDcci(+olli) +uBinAr (4L*C[%@\
/c), 5eruPcik +uBinAr (4UC /c), (amarakak +uBinAr (( /c)
Ceriymai (-B), #raippu (), Oral 5Iy (F% '48), #rumal (%),
+ural +ammal (% %), %AEicam (KI-), 3ali 5Iy (@ '48)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 9 "

CUKKU (Dri)4 R8i<o&)) - 3.
Cukku is the dried rhiUome of %ingiber officinale &osc. (Fam. Win"iberaceae), idely
culti!ated in #ndiaM rhiUomes du" in Nanuary 1 February, buds and roots remo!ed, soaked o!erni"ht
in ater, decorticated and some times treated ith lime and dried. #t "ros in +u@iPci and
$arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Cu)Bi (/), 4larnta #Pci ("( UC), 3Crkkompu ('
), 3iBamDBiya Amirtam (>$R/ J()
Assamese * Adasuth, Aadar shuth
.en"ali * Suntha, Sunthi
Kn"lish * /in"er root, /in"er
/u'rati * Sunth, Sundh, Suntha
0indi * Sonth
+annada * Shunthi
+ashmiri * Shonth
$alayalam * Chukku
$arathi * Sunth
2riya * Sunthi
%un'abi * Sund
Sanskrit * Ardraka, Ausadha, $ahausadha, 3is!abhesa'a, Srn"a!era, 3is!a,
(elu"u * Sonthi, Sunti
4rdu * Sonth, Wan'abeel
a) Macroscopic
RhiFome, laterally compressed bearing short, flattish, ovate, obliMue, branches on upper side
each having at its apex a depressed scar, pieces about ! to-! cm. long, -.! to 6.! cm. wide usually A
to cm. and - to -.! cm. thick; externally buff coloured showing longitudinal striations and
occasional loose fibres; fracture short, smooth, transverse surface exhibiting narrow cortex, +about
one-third of radius. a well-marked endodermis, a wide stele showing numerous scattered fibro-
vascular bundles and yellow secreting cells when examined under -0x lens; odour agreeable and
aromatic; taste agreeable and pungent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of rhiFome shows cortex of isodiametric thin-walled parenchyma with
scattered vascular strands and numerous isodiametric idioblasts, about 0 to 20 Hm in diameter
containing a yellowish to reddish-brown oleo-resin; endodermis slightly thick walled, free from
starch; immediately inside endodermis a row of nearly continuous collateral bundles usually
without fibres, stele of thin-walled, parenchyma cells, arranged radially around numerous scattered,
collateral vascular bundles, each consisting of a few unlignified, reticulate or spiral vessels upto
about <0 Hm in diameter; a group of phloem cells, unlignified, thin-walled; septate fibres upto
about A0 Hm wide and 600 Hm long with small obliMue slit like pits present; numerous scattered
idioblasts, similar those of cortex, and associated with vascular bundles, also present; idioblasts
about 2 to 20 Hm wide and upto -A0 Hm long with dark reddish-brown contents; in single or in
axial rows, adBacent to vessels, present; parenchyma of cortex and stele packed with flattened,
rectangular, ovate starch grains upto 60 Hm long about 2! Hm wide and <Hm thick, marked by fine
concentric striations.
&ream; shows groups of polygonal thin walled parenchyma cells; yellowish to reddish
brown oleo-resin cells; unlignified fibres, vessels with annular, reticulate or spiral thickening;
numerous round to oval starch grains upto 60 Hm long, about 2! Hm wide and < Tm thick marked
by fine concentric striations.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
>ater soluble ash 5ot more than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.<.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using n-#exane) 3iethyl ether +)6.
v1v shows two spots under +45 light A66 nm. at Rf. 0.!! and 0.60 +both sky blue.. Cn exposure to
iodine vapours seven spots appear at Rf. 0.2A, 0.2<, 0.A, 0.!0, 0.!!,0.2- and 0.,+all yellow.. Cn
spraying with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!8&
eight spots appear at Rf. 0.2A +blackish brown., 0.2< +blackish brown., 0.A< +violet., 0.!0 +violet.,
0.60 +brown., 0.6< +brown., 0.2- +violet. and 0., +violet..
>ingerols, shogaols, dihydrogingerol, gingerdione, hexahydrocurcumin and desmethyl
hexahydrocurcumin, K -Fingiberene, O-sesMuiphellandrene, ar-curcumene, lipids, proteins, fats,
waxes, and starch.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/),
3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

Cukku (ailam ( (), Fltic CDra)aX (1F* +,), 5ila!kaic CDra)am
(V* +,), %aPcatApkkiEi CDra)am (U-QAI +,), %!aEakkaBukky
(0=8), (ayircu)BiccDra)am ((O/*+,), (irikaBukuc CDra)am (FB
=* +,)
Ceriymai (-B), #rumal (%), +uEmam (9), 5ePcerippu (4U
-B), (alai!ali ((@), 3ta +uEmam (( 9), %aciyiEmai (CO9),
Fppam (1)
DOSE 1 %oder <LL m" 1 :"

I"A'A@KAM (,3oA)r 6#4) - 4
#la!a-kam is the dried floer bud of &yzygium aromaticum (L.) $err. Y L.$. %erry Syn.
'ugenia aromatica +untUe, 'ugenia caryo$hyllata (hunb. (Fam. $yrtaceae), a tree, culti!ated in
many parts of the orld and also to a considerable e7tent in South #ndiaM floer buds collected
tice a year, in the months of 2ctober and February hen they chan"e colour from "reen to
crimson, dried carefully and separated from their peduncles. #t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * APcukam (U), CIcam ('--), +irmpu (A), (irGi (F
2), 3ar-kam ()
Assamese * La!an", Lan, Lon"
.en"ali * La!an"
Kn"lish * Clo!e
/u'rati * La!an", La!in"
0indi * La!an"a, Laun"
+annada * La!an"a
+ashmiri * &un"
$alayalam * +arampu, +arayampoo!u, /rampu
$arathi * La!an"
2riya * Laban"a
%un'abi * Laun", Lon"
Sanskrit * La!an"a, De!apuspa
(elu"u * La!an"alu
4rdu * Zarnful, Laun"
a) Macroscopic
/lower bud measuring -0 to -<.! mm. in length, dark brown to black, consisting of a sub-
cylindrical, slightly flattened, four sided hypanthium readily exuding oil when pressed; hypanthium
contains in its upper portion a two celled inferior ovary with numerous ovules attached to a axile
placenta, surmounted by four thick, divergent sepals and covered by unopened corolla consisting of
four membranous imbricate petals, freMuently detached, enclosing numerous incurved stamens and
one erect-style; odour strongly aromatic; taste pungent, aromatic followed by slight tingling of the
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of hypanthium shows epidermis and calyx teeth composed of straight
walled cells, with thick cuticle having large anomocytic stomata, hypanthium tissue spongy,
clusters of calcium oxalate crystals varying in siFe from 6 to 20 Hm in diameter, small number of
stone cells and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in stalk; stamens, each with an oil
gland in the apex of the connective, triangularly centricular pollen grains, -! to 20 Hm in diameter;
anther walls showing a typical fibrous layer, schiFolysigenous glands found in all parts; occasional
isolated pericyclic fibre present.
3ark brown; fragments of parenchyma showing large, oval, schiFolysigenous oil cavities;
spiral tracheids and a few rather thick-walled, spindle shaped fibres; calcium oxalate crystals in
rosette aggregates, -0 to -! Hm in diameter; fragments of anther walls with characteristic
reticulated cells; pollen grains numerous, tetrahedral, -! to 20 Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
3olatile oil 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.:L
GC Pro/i&#
>& analysis of volatile oil +yield -6.<9.
>& &onditions)
&olumn ) /used silica capillary column +0.2! mm. x 20 m.. with 0.2!mm.
coating of free fatty acid phase +//'$.
Cven Temperature ) $rogrammed from ,0 to 2-0;& at <;&1min.
*nBector temperature ) 2A0;&
3etector temperature ) 20;&
&arrier gas ) #elium
/low rate ) -.! ml1min.
*nBection volume ) 0.-Hl.
T.%.&. of the $etroleum ether extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +2)2., with 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric
acid reagent and heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!;& shows eleven spots appear at Rf. 0.-2
+light pink., 0.2, +pink., 0.A! +violet., 0.- +violet., 0.< +pinkish violet., 0.!6 +pink., 0.62 +pinkish
violet., 0.<6 +reddish brown., 0.22 +red., 0.,A +red. and 0.,6.
&aryophyllene oxide, caryophylla -A +-2., 6-dien--ol , caryophylla - A +-2., < +-A. -dien -6
K-al, eugenol +<<.- 9 of volatile oil., acetophenone, 2-hydroxy, , 6,di-methoxy-!- methyl
acetophenone, D-caryophyllene, eugenol acetate, derivatives of D-caryophyllene, K-humulene and
its expoxide, benFyl salicylate, K-cardinol, U-decalacetate, fenchone, hexanal, 2-hexanone, methyl
palmitate, K-murolene, palustrol, propyl benFoate, K-thuBene, D- selinene and eugenine.

C#$ai * +rppu (), 3i@u!i@uppu (>>)
#%a& * #laku (), 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), #ci!aka@@i (C!&), %acittAt
D)Bi (C5QG/)

Amirttik +uGikai (J(F 2), Amukkarc CDra)am (* +,),
#la!a-kti $ttirai (F 5F), +u-kumappD $ttirai (L 5F),
%a,akkirmpu %akku!a 3e))ey (A ,8), 3,aippu 3aBakam (
+a,iccal (P*-%), %aciyiEmai (CO9), %al 3ali (% @), 3nti (F),
%ittamayakkam (A5()
DOSE 1 %oder 6LL 1 <LL m"

I"A'A@KAP PA5.AI (6ar+) - 4
#la!a-kappaBJai is the dried inner stem bark of coppiced tree of Cinnamomum verum
N.S.%resl Syn. C.zeylanicum .lume (Fam. Lauraceae), a moderate siUed e!er"reen tree usually
attainin" a hei"ht of = to 8.< m.M culti!ated in the >estern /hats and ad'oinin" hillsM bark collected
durin" April 1Nuly and 2ctober 1December. #t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * +aru!ppaBBai (6$), La!a-kappaBBai (6$)
Assamese * Dalcheni, Dalchini
.en"ali * Daruchini, Darchini
Kn"lish * Cinnamon bark
/u'rati * Dalchini
0indi * Dalchini
+annada * Dalchini Chakke
+ashmiri * Dalchini, Dalchin
$alayalam * +aru!apatta, #la!arn"athely
$arathi * Dalchini
2riya * Dalechini, /uda tak
%un'abi * Dalchini, Darchini
Sanskrit * (!ak, Darusita
(elu"u * La!an"apatta, Dalchini chekka
4rdu * Darchini
a) Macroscopic
Jark pieces about 0.! mm. thick, brittle, occurs as single or double, closely packed
compound Muills, upto a metre or more in length and upto about - cm. in diameter; outer surface,
dull yellowish-brown, marked with pale wavy longitudinal lines with occasional small scars or
holes; inner surface darker in colour, striated with longitudinally elongated reticulations; fracture
splintery; odour fragrant; taste sweet, aromatic with sensation of warmth.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of bark +devoid of cork and cortex. shows except at certain places
pericyclic sclerenchyma, A or rows of isodiametric cells, sometimes tangentially elongated, inner
and radial walls often being thicker than the outer, some containing starch grains; small groups of
pericyclic fibres embedded at intervals in the sclerenchyma; phloem of tangential bands of sieve
tissue alternating with parenchyma, and containing axially elongated secreting cells containing
volatile oil or mucilage; phloem fibres with very thick walls, upto A0 Hm in diameter, isolated or in
short tangential rows; sieve tubes narrow with transverse sieve plates, collapsed in outer periphery;
medullary rays of isodiametric cells, mostly 2 cells wide; cortical parenchyma and medullary rays
containing small starch grains mostly below -0 Hm in diameter; minute acicular crystals of calcium
oxalate present.
3ark brown; shows fragments of parenchyma as well as sclerenchyma cells with thicker
inner and radial walls; a few pieces of tracheids, fibres; oil globules; numerous small, simple,
rounded starch grains measuring 2 to-0 Hm in diameter; minute acicular crystals of calcium
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
3olatile oil 5ot less than : per cent, !H Appendi76.6.:L
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. under
45 light +A66 nm. shows four fluorescent Fones visible at Rf.0.-+sky blue., 0.6A +sky blue., 0.<0
+sky blue. and 0.,A +famthy sky blue.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and
heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;& four spots appear at Rf. 0.-, 0.22,0.66 and 0.,A +all
&innacassiol ', J and &, trans-cinnamic acid, protocatechuic acid, cinnamaldehyde and

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * ?)maiperukki (A), AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=
8!&), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

+akku!E #Gakam (9 3), (Gicti 3aBakam ((2-F $),
(amarakak +uBinAr (( /c), 3il!ti #Gakam (>%F 3)
Car!a!iBam (->$), #raippu (), #rattakkaBuppu (5(=), +uEmam
(9), %orumal (%), 3ayi@@ukkaBuppu (O!=)
DOSE 1 %oder =< 1 6=L m"

I"A'A@KAP PAT!T!IRI (")a0) - 4 FK
#la!a-kappaththiri is the dried mature lea!es of Cinnamomum tamala (.uch.10am.) 5ees
Y Kberm. (Fam. Lauraceae), a small e!er"reen tree upto 8.< m. hi"h and occurs in tropical, sub1
tropical 0imalayas beteen TLL to 69LL m.M often raised from seeds son in nurseryM lea!es
collected in dry eather from about ten year old plants durin" 2ctober to $arch.#t "ros in
+u@iPci and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * La!a-kappattiri (5FB)
Assamese * (e'pat, $ahpat
.en"ali * (e'patra, (e'pata
Kn"lish * #ndian cinnamon
/u'rati * (amala patra, De!elee
0indi * (e'patra
+annada * (amalapatra, Dalchini ele
+ashmiri * Dalchini pan, (a'patra
$alayalam * +aru!apatta patram
$arathi * (amalpatra
2riya * (e'apatra
%un'abi * (a'pater
Sanskrit * (!aka patra, 3aran"a, Coca
(elu"u * Akupatri
4rdu * (eUpat
a) Macroscopic
L#'(#s - -2.! to 20 cm. long, ! to <.! cm. wide at the center, A converging nerves from base to
apex, young leaves pink; petiole <.! to -A mm. long; margin entire, apex acute or acuminate, both
surfaces smooth; stomata paracytic; odour aromatic; taste slightly sweet, mucilaginous and
b) Microscopic
P#tio&# 'nd *idri- - Transverse sections of petiole and midrib show epidermis externally covered
with cuticle, uniseriate, multicellular trichomes present with - to A cells; oil cells present as single
or groups; isolated large stone cells, much lignified and showing striations, are found scattered;
most of the parenchymatous cells of cortex show reddish-brown contents; pericycle represented by
a few layers of sclerenchymatous cells; stele more or less planoconvex as in the midrib of leaf;
xylem on upper and phloem on lower side consisting of usual elements, present.
L'*in' - Transverse section of lamina shows dorsiventral structure, represented by palisade tissue
on upper and spongy parenchyma on lower side; in surface view the anticlinal walls of both the
epidermii are straight with striated cuticle containing paracytic stomata on the lower side;below
upper epidermis single row of closely packed palisade layer followed by multilayered, irregular,
thin-walled cells of spongy parenchyma without intercellular spaces; idioblasts containing oil
globules present in mesophyll and also in palisade; lower epidermis covered externally with cuticle;
lamina intervened by several small veinlets; vascular bundles covered with thick-walled fibres on
both side; palisade ratio 2 to A; stomatal index - to -! for lower surface; vein-islet number < to --
per sMuare mm.
%ight green; shows fragments of unicellular, multicellular trichomes, parenchyma cells,
epidermal cells with wavy walls and paracytic stomata; oil globules, oil cells and pitted spiral or
scalariform vessels.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
3olatile oil 5ot less than : per cent !H Appendi7 6.6.:L.
T.%.&. of Toluene extractive of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene )
7thyl acetate +,)-. v1v, under 45 +A66 nm. shows five fluorescent Fones visible at Rf. 0.2<, 0.A-,
0.A2, 0.!0 and 0.60 +all red..
D - &aryophyllene, linalool, caryophyllene oxide, d -D- phellandrene, eugenol, K and D -
pinene, p- cymene, A, I, !, < -tetrahydroxy flavone, A, AI, I, !,< - C- pentahydroxy flavone,
kaempferol - A-C-glucopyranoside, kaempferol - A-C-sophoroside, Muercetin A-C-rutinoside.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), $a-kal (%)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/),
3eppamu)Bkki ($A), 3iyar!aiyu)Bkki (>E$A)

Arakku (ailam ( (), +a)attailam (,5(), $ak!allti #Gakam (
%F 3), (Gicti 3aBakam ((2-F $), (ippili #rcyaEam (FA@ -
Cu!camHCu!cakcam (-7--), #rumal (%), $Ckacuram
('), $CkakkaBBi ('6/), 5Ar!CBkai (c'6), %orumal (%), 3nti
(F), 3eBBai (6$)
DOSE 1 %oder :1 9 "

I;CI (,r)s8 R8i<o&)) - &'
#Pci is the fresh rhiUome of %ingiber officinale &osc. (Fam. Win"iberaceae), a herbaceous
rhiUomatous perennial, reachin" up to TL cm. in hei"ht, e7tensi!ely culti!ated in #ndia. &hiUomes
are du" in Nanuary to February, buds and roots are remo!ed and ashed ell. #t "ros in +u@iPci
and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * ?rttarakam (5(), Allam (%), 5arumaruppu $atil
(4 F%)
.en"ali * Ada
Kn"lish * /in"er
/u'rati * Adu
0indi * Adarakha
+annada * Alla, 0asishunti
$alayalam * #nchi
$arathi * Ardrak, Ale
%un'abi * Adi, Adrak
Sanskrit * Ardraka, +atubhadra, Srn"a!era
(elu"u * Allamu, Allam
4rdu * Adrak
a) Macroscopic
3rug occurs as entire rhiFome or in pieces, rhiFome laterally compressed bearing flattish
ovate, obliMue branches on upper side, each having a depressed scar at its apex, pieces ! to -! cm.
long, -.! to 6.! cm. wide +usually A to cm.. and - to -.! cm. thick, fracture short with proBecting
fibres, transversely cut surface shows a wide central stele having numerous greyish cut ends of
fibres and yellow secreting cells; odour characteristic; taste pungent.
b) Microscopic
R3i6o*# - :hows a few layered, irregularly arranged, tangentially elongated, brown cells of outer
cork and 6 to -2 rows of thin-walled, colourless, radially arranged cells of inner cork; secondary
cortex consisting of hexagonal to polygonal, isodiametric, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells
containing numerous circular to oval starch grains with characteristic striations and hilum at one
end measuring ! to 2! mm in dia., idioblasts containing large yellowish to brownish globules of
oleo-resin; walls of oil cells suberised; numerous closed, conBoint, collateral, cortical fibro-vascular
bundles scattered throughout cortical Fone, greater number occurring in inner cortical region, larger
bundles consists of 2 to < vessels, small cells of sieve tube, polygonal cells of parenchyma and
group of fibres; vessels showing reticulate, scalariform and spiral thickening; fibres septate with a
few obliMue pores on their walls; endodermis single layered, free from starch; pericycle single
layered enclosing central stele; stele consisting of thin-walled polygonal, isodiametric cells of
parenchyma, filled with abundant starch grains, oleo-resin cells similar to those present in cortex;
fibrovascular bundles of two types, those arranged along pericycle in a definite ring are smaller in
siFe and devoid of fibres, vessels 2 to ! in number, larger bundles found scattered throughout stele,
composed of xylem, phloem, parenchyma and sheath of sclerenchyma.
%ight yellow; shows thin-walled parenchyma cells; septate fibres with obliMue, elongated
pits on their walls, reticulate and spiral vessels; oleo-resin cells abundant; single starch grains of
varying shapes with eccentric hilum, measuring ! to 2! mm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
$oisture content 5ot more than TL percent, Appendi7 6.6.T.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of drug on silica gel I>I plate using JenFene) 7thyl acetate +,)-.
shows in visible light four spots are seen at Rf. 0.-6, 0.A!, 0.6A N 0.6, +all light yellow.. 4nder
45 +A66 nm., three fluorescent Fones appear at Rf. 0.-6+blue., 0.6A+grey. N 0.6, +grey.. Cn
exposure to iodine vapours eleven spots appear at Rf. 0.0A, 0.02, 0.-A, 0.-6, 0.A!, 0.<, 0.6A, 0.6,,
0.<6, 0.2A N 0.,2 +all yellow.. Cn spraying with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent N heating the
plate at -0!;& until the colour develops, the plate shows eight spots at Rf. 0.02+violet., 0.-6
+brownish violet., 0.A! +light violet., 0.< +light violet.. 0.6A +light violet., 0.6, +light violet., 0.<6
+violet. and 0.,2 +violet..
5olatile oil containing cineole, Fingiberol, Fingiberene, bisabolene and phellandrene,
gingerdione, dihydrogingerol, dexahydrocurcumin and desmethyl - hexahydrocurcumin,

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * +Drmai (C), (i)mai (F), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Cerippu)Bkki (-B$
A), +yaka@pamkki (!A), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 4mi,nArperukki
("J]cA), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

#Pci CDra)am (UC +,), #Pci #racyaEam (UC -0), #Pci 3aBakam
(UC $), +antaka %a@pam (( !), +anti $e,uku (F .), +ummaBBik
+u,ampu (6/ ), 5rathtai #Gakam (45( 3), %!aEakkaBukky (
0=8), %irammEanta %aira!am (A0( ), 3acanta +ucumkaram
(-( )
CaEEi (-9I), Ceriykka,iccal (-BP*-%), Ceriymai (-B), #rumal
(%), $ukku@@anIy (!#'48), 3ali 5Iy (@ '48), A,al 5Iy (% '48)
DOSE 1 6 1 9 ml of 'uice ith honey.

KACAKAC (S))4) -
+acakac is the seed of Pa$aver somniferum L. (Fam. %apa!eraceae), a "laucous, erect,
annual herb, =L to :6L cm. hi"h, culti!ated under State control in certain areas of &a'asthan,
$adhya %radesh and 4ttar %radesh. #t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * ApiEi (AI), %Isttakky ('^5(8)
.en"ali * Aaphim postadaanaa, %ostabee'
Kn"lish * 2pium, %oppy seeds
/u'rati * +haskhas
0indi * Apheem, %ostadaanaa, +haskhas, +hasabi'a
+annada * /as"ase, Aapheen, Aphini
$alayalam * A!il, +arappu, +ashkash, Aalan
$arathi * +haskhas
2riya * Aapu
Sanskrit * A'asrn"i, $adhunasini, +haskhasa
(elu"u * /as"ashaalu, 5allamandu
4rdu * Apheem
a) Macroscopic
:eeds are small, about -.0 to -.-! mm. long, round to reniform or kidney shaped, generally
dirty white, occasionally found mingled with a few brownish or greyish coloured seeds; surface
coarsely reticulated, larger network enclosing within, numerous irregular smaller reticulations;
hilum and micropyle are situated in the notch on the lateral side near the smaller end; seeds are
odourless and oily in taste.
b) Microscopic
Testa is composed of ! distinct cell layers, outermost layer of epidermal cells corresponding
to the surface reticulations; the next layer consists of polygonal or elongated cells containing
minute microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate and below this is a single layer of thick walled
unlignified elongated cells; this layer is followed by a single layer of thin walled cells; testa is
limited internally by a single layer or elongated palisade like cells with reticulately thickened walls;
central portion of the seed is occupied by polygonal parenchymatous cells of endosperm containing
abundant oil drops and aleurone grains; embryo is slightly curved, radicle rod like, bearing 2, or
rarely A, cotyledonary leaves, embedded in the oily endosperm; contents of the cotyledon are
similar to those of endosperm.
%ight brown; coarse, not free flowing, clot or ball forming; shows large fatty oil droplets,
characteristic penta to hexagonal testa cells; endosperm and reticulate layer cells; cells containing
characteristic crystal and fibres.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
Fi7ed oil 5ot less than :T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.S.
T.%.&. of #exane extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2
mm thickness using Toluene) 'cetone +,A)0<. shows five spots at Rf. 0.2!, 0.A,, 0.!0, 0.<6 and
0.2A, on spraying with 5anillin -:ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for five minutes at
(orphine, codeine, thebaine, narcotine, narceine, papaverine; 6-'cetonyl
dihydrosanguinarine, cryptopine, allocryptopine, O-allocryptopine, berberine, canadine, codamine,
codeine, codeine-P-oxide, codeinone, captisine, coreximine, corytuberine, dihydroprotopine,
dihydrosanguinarine, glaudine, gnoscopine, hydrocotamine, -0-hydroxycodeine, lanthopine,
laudanine, laudanidine, laudanosine, magnoflorine, 6-methylcodeine, P-methyl---C-
demethylepiporphyroxine, morphine-P-oxide, narceine imide, narcotoline, neopine, normorphine,
nornarceine, norsanguinarine, orientaline, oripavine, -A-oxocryptopine, oxysanguinarine,
palaudine, papaveraldine, papaveramine, papaverrubines & and 3, protopine, pseudomorphine,
reticuline, salutaridine, sanguinarine, scoulerine, stepholidine, thebaine-P-oxide,
tetrahydropapaverine, narcotine-methohydroxide, choline, oxydimorphine, pacodine,--pentanol, --
hexanal,-- hexanol, 2-pentyl furan, fatty acids, amino acids, albumin, pectin and sugars.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I)
#%a& * (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * AmaitiyDBBi (F_6/), (u!arppi (?A), 4GGa,al@@i
(";3!&), 4Baluramkki ("$DA)

$Cka!ira)ak +aGimpu ('>, 2), 5anthi $e,uku (4F .)
?)maikku@ai!u (#:), CAtakka,iccal (S(P*-%), +urutikka,iccal
(FP*-%), +uBa@pu,u ($!.), (alaikkaEam ((0), (iEa!u (F0:), (
DkkamiEmai (GJ9), 4Bal 5ali!u ("$% 4@:)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 < "
:L ml kacakaca milk.
:< " seeds "round ith :< ml of ater for preparin" kacakaca milk.

KKKA>A '2R (Root) - 5
+kka)a!Cr is the dried root of Clitoria ternatea L. (Fam. Fabaceae), a perennial climber
ith slender dony stem, found commonly throu"hout #ndia, bein" culti!ated in "ardens e!ery
here and often also found "roin" o!er hed"es and thickets. #t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Ca-ku %u[pam (- X), +kkaBBE (6$9)
Assamese * Apara'ita
.en"ali * Apara'ita
Kn"lish * Clitoria, Conch floer
/u'rati * /okarni
0indi * Apara'ita
+annada * /irikarnika .alli, /irikarnika
$alayalam * Shankhapushapam
$arathi * /okarna, Apara'ita
2riya * Apara'ita
%un'abi * +oyal
Sanskrit * Apara'ita, /irikarnika, 3isnukranta
(elu"u * Dintena
a) Macroscopic
3rug consisting of a stout tap root with a few tortuous branches, cylindrical, - to ! m. in
thickness, a few places show cracks due to presence of lenticels, colour light-brown; fracture
fibrous; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows -0 to 20 or more layers of rectangular, thin-walled, tangentially elongated exfoliating
cork cells; secondary cortex consists of -0 to -2 rows of large, polygonal, thin-walled cells filled
with starch grains; a few cells contain prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate in this region; single or
groups of 2 to -0 lignified cortical fibres, distributed in the lower half of the cortex; secondary
phloem consists of usual elements; phloem fibres 2 to 2 in groups, a few solitary fibres also
present, very long, thin-walled with narrow lumen and pointed tips; secondary xylem consists of
usual elements; vessels mostly occur 2 or A in groups, with oblong bordered pits and have short
conical tail at one end, xylem fibres similar to those of phloem fibres, a few showing slit-like pits;
medullary rays - to ! cells wide, oblong and pitted; xylem parenchyma irregular in shape with
pitted walls; starch grains simple as well as compound having 2 to 6 components, single grains
measuring upto -A mm in dia., found in secondary cortex, phloem and xylem parenchyma.
"ellowish-brown; shows simple and compound starch grains, measuring A to -A mm in dia.,
tailed vessels with oblong bordered pits and fragments of fibres.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using &hloroform) 7thyl
acetate) /ormic 'cid +!))-. v1v shows one spot at Rf. 0.<, +dull yellow. in visible light. 4nder
45 +A66 nm. a spot is seen at Rf. 0.<,+blue.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours two spots appear at
Rf. 0.! and 0.<, +both yellow.. Cn spraying with -0 9 aMueous solution of /erric chloride, the
plate shows one spot at Rf. 0.<, +grey..
@aempferol, cyanins- ternatins '-, '2, J-, J2, 3- and 32, taraxerol.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), %eru-ka,iccalu)Bkki
(P*-D$A), 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&)

+kka)a $ttirai (, 5F)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), +a) 5Iy ( '48), +uBa@pu,u ($!.),
$ntam ((), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 %oder 6<L 1 <LL m" for children
8<L m" 1 :.< " for adults.

25. KAN"A (LEAF)
KA;C (")a0) - &
+aPc is the dried leaf of Cannabis sativa L. (Fam. Cannabinaceae), an annual, erect,
dioecious herb, upto 6 m. hi"h, found ild almost throu"hout the year, in the Sub10imalayan
tracts in #ndia and abundantly found in aste lands from %un'ab eastards to .en"al and e7tendin"
Southards. (he lea!es are sub'ected to purification process (cutti) before use. #t "ros in +u@iPci
(amil * AEanta $Dli (0( R@), Ci!a $Dli (C R@), +Irakai ('),
+Irakkar $Dli (' R@), %a-ki (A)
Assamese * .han, .han"
.en"ali * .han", Sidhi
Kn"lish * #ndian hemp
/u'rati * .han"
0indi * .haan", .han"a
+annada * .han"i"ida, /an'a"ida
+ashmiri * %an", .an"i
$alayalam * +ancha!u
$arathi * .han", /an'a
2riya * .han"a, /an'ei
%un'abi * .han"
Sanskrit * 3i'aya, .han"a, $adani
(elu"u * /an'ayi
4rdu * Zinaab, .han"
a) Macroscopic
%eaves palmately compound, leaflets linear, lanceolate with serrate margins, ! to 20 cm.
long, pointed, narrow at base, upper surface dark green and rough, lower pale, downy; leaves of
female plants longer than the male; odour strong and characteristic; taste slightly acrid.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of leaves and bracts shows dorsiventral surface; upper epidermis with
unicellular, pointed, curved, conical trichomes with enlarged bases containing cystoliths of calcium
carbonate; mesophyll contains cluster crystals of calcium oxalate in many cells consisting of
usually one layer of palisade cell and spongy tissue; trichomes on lower epidermis conical, longer,
A0 to !00 Hm but without cystoliths; numerous glandular trichomes, sessile or with a multicellular
stalk and a head of about eight radiating, club-shaped cells secreting oleo-resin, present in the lower
epidermis especially on mid-rib; bracteoles with undifferentiated mesophyll and on lower surface
bear numerous glandular trichomes; in surface view the upper epidermis devoid of stomata and
lower epidermis shows sinuous walls with anomocytic stomata) palisade ratio , to -; stomatal
index -A to 20 for lower surface; vein-islet number 22 to 22 per sMuare mm.
>reen; shows fragments of epidermal cells with anomocytic stomata, numerous
multicellular trichomes with or without cystolith; palisade cells, parenchyma cells with cluster
crystals of calcium oxalate and fragments of vessels with spiral thickenings.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of Toluene soluble fraction of methanol extract on silical gel I>I

plate using n-
#exane) 3iethyl ether +2)2. v1v, shows under 45 +A66 nm. one blue fluorescent spot at Rf. 0.-.
Cn spraying with fast blue salt IJI followed by !9 'lcoholic $otassium hydroxide five spots
appear at Rf. 0.2-, 0.A-, 0.A2, 0.A and 0.!- +all red..
&annabinol, tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabichrome, cannabicitran,
cannabicyclol, cannabigerol, cannabiglendol, cannabiallsvin, cannabitatrol, cannabinodiol,
cannabicumaronone, flavocannobicide, flavosativaside, orientin, vitexin, Muercetin, kaempferol.
7ssential oil-V pinene, myrcene, trans-O-ocimene V-terpinolene, trans caryophyllene and V-

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), #ci!aka@@i (C!&),
+yaka@pamkki (!A), +mamperukki (A), $Drccaiyu)Bkki
(R*-E$A), %eru!aliyu)Bkki (@E$A), (uyaraBakki (?$A),
4@akkame,uppi ("#.A), 4@akkamu)Bkki ("#$A), 3eppamu)Bkki

+apBa $tthirai ($ 5F), \,i $ttirai (`P 5F), 3,aippu 3aBakam
( $)
+akkirumalH+akku!E #rumal (A%79 %), $ikupaci (JC),
5arampu 3ali (4 @), 2@@aittalai!ali (a!#5(@), %erumpBu (=),
3nti %Cti (F 'F)
DOSE 1 #t cannot be administered as a sin"le dru" #t should be used in combination.

KA>5A@KAT!T!IRI CAM?"AM (78o3) P3a/t) - ,4FK 2
+a)Ba-kaththiri CamDlam is the mature, dried hole plant of &olanum surattense .urm.f.,
Syn. &olanum xanthocar$um Schrad. Y >endl. S. virginianum L. (Fam. Solanaceae), a perennial,
!ery prickly diffused herb of aste landsM found throu"hout #ndia. #t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * +a)Ba-kattiri ($5FB)
Assamese * +antakar, +at!aedana
.en"ali * +antakari
Kn"lish * Febrifu"e plant
/u'rati * .harin"ani
0indi * .hatakataiya, Chhotikateri, +atai, +atali, &in"ani
+annada * +ira"ulla, 5ela"ulla
$alayalam * +antakari chunda
$arathi * .haurin"ani, +atarin"ani
2riya * Ankarati, .he'ibau"na, Chakada .ho'i
%un'abi * +andiari
Sanskrit * Dha!ani, +antakari, +antakarika, +sudra, 5idi"dhika, 3ya"hri, 5idi"dha,
(elu"u * Chinnamulaka, $ulaka, 5elamulaka, %innamulaka, 3akudu
a) Macroscopic
Root - -0 to ! cm. long, few mm. to two cm. in diameter, almost cylindrical and tapering, bearing
a number of fine longitudinal and few transverse wrinkles with occasional scars or a few lenticels
and small rootlets, transversely smoothened surface shows a thin bark and wide compact cylinder
of wood; fracture short; taste bitter.
St#* - #erbaceous, prickly with prominent nodes and internodes, green when fresh, young
branches covered with numerous hairs, mature ones glabrous, furrows more prominent in young
stem appearing almost circular towards basal region, stem pieces 2 to -0 mm. thick of variable
length; external surface light green, when dry, surface yellowish green and smooth; transversely
smoothened surface shows a very thin bark and a prominent wood; center shows a large and
distinct pith; mature and dry stem often with a hollow pith; fracture short to slightly fibrous.
L#'/ - $etiolate, exstipulate, ovate-oblong or elliptic, sinuate or sub-pinnatifid, sub-acute hairy; to
-2.! cm. long and 2 to <.! cm. wide; green; veins and midrib full with sharp prickles; odour and
taste not distinct.
F&o"#r - 7bracteate, pedicellate, bisexual, pentamerous, regular, complete, bright blue or bluish
purple; calyx-persistent, gamosepalous, tube short, globose, linear-lanceolate, acute, hairy, 0.! to
-.A cm. long and densely prickly; corolla-gamopetalous, lobes deltoid, acute, hairy; - to 2 cm. long
and purple in colour; stamens !, epipetalous, basifixed, filament short - to -.! mm. long; anther,
oblong lanceolate, 0.< to 0.2 cm. long; ovary superior, ovoid, glabrous, bilocular with axile
placentation having numerous ovules.
Fr,it - Jerry, globular, measuring 0.2 to - cm. in diameter, surrounded by persistent calyx at base;
unripe fruits variegated with green and white strips; ripe fruit shows yellow and white shades.
S##ds - &ircular, flat, numerous, embedded in a fleshy mesocarp, about 0.2 cm. in diameter,
glabrous; taste bitter and acrid.
b) Microscopic
Root - Transverse section of mature root shows cork composing of A to 6 layers of thin-walled,
rectangular and tangentially elongated cells; cork cambium single layered followed by 6 to -!
layers of thin-walled, tangentially elongated to oval or circular parenchymatous cells; stone cells
either single or in groups of 2 to 20 or even more present in this region; secondary phloem
composed of sieve elements and phloem parenchyma traversed by medullary rays; stone cells
present in singles or in groups of 2 to 20 or more in outer, and middle phloem regions; phloem rays
- to cells wide and 2 to 22 cells high; cambium A to ! layers of thin-walled rectangular cells;
xylem composed of vessels, tracheids, fibre tracheids, parenchyma and traversed by medullary
rays, all elements being lignified; vessels and tracheids with bordered pits; fibres with a few simple
pits; xylem parenchyma rectangular or slightly elongated with simple pits and rarely with reticulate
thickening; xylem rays - to A cells wide and - to 20 cells high; microsphenoidal crystals of calcium
oxalate as sandy masses and simple starch grains present in secondary cortex, phloem and
medullary rays.
St#* - Transverse section of mature stem, -.! to 2 cm. thick consists of 6 to -2 layers of cork of
thin-walled somewhat rectangular cells; secondary cortex consists of < to -- layers of
parenchymatous cells, some cells thickened and lignified forming stone cells; primary cortex
remains intact even in Muite mature stage but later gets crushed; pericyclic fibre, occur singly or in
small groups of 2 or A; secondary phloem consists of sieve elements, parenchyma, a few fibres,
stone cells and traversed by phloem rays; fibres found scattered in singles or in small groups in
outer and middle phloem region; inner phloem devoid of fibres; stone cells present in singles or in
small groups of 2 to ; phloem rays, - or 2 or rarely A cells wide, cambium composed of 2 or A
layers; xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, parenchyma, fibres and traversed by xylem rays;
vessels vary greatly in shape and siFe and show bordered pits; tracheids elongated with irregular
walls and bordered pits; fibres much elongated, thick-walled and lignified with tapering and
pointed ends, some having truncated ends or bifurcated at one or both ends with a few simple pits;
tracheids fibres smaller than fibres, with both ends tapering and have reticulate thickening; xylem
parenchyma cubical to rectangular with simple or bordered pits or reticulate thickening; xylem rays
conspicuous by their pitted thickenings, longer siFe and radial elongation of cells, - or 2 or rarely A
cells wide and 2 to 2! cells high; internal phloem composed of sieve elements and parenchyma,
forming more or less continuous band and embedded in perimedullary Fone; a few phloem fibres
similar to those of outer phloem region also present; central region occupied by a large pith;
microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate as sandy masses and simple starch grains present in
cortex, secondary cortex, phloem, medullary rays and pith cells.
P#tio&# - Transverse section of petiole shows circular to wavy outlines; epidermis single layered,
covered externally by a thick cuticle; hypodermis consists of A or layers of collenchymatous cells;
one largecresent-shaped, bicollateral, central vascular bundle and two small lateral bundles present;
rest of tissue of petiole composed of polygonal, angular, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells;
epidermis shows mostly stellate and rarely uni to tricellular hairs.
Midri- - Transverse section of midrib shows a biconvex structure; epidermis on either side covered
externally by a thick cuticle; below epidermis A or layers of collenchyma present; stele composed
of crescent-shaped, bicollateral, central vascular bundle and two small lateral vascular bundles; rest
of tissue composed of thin-walled, parenchyma, some stellate hair present on epidermis.
L'*in' - Transverse section shows dorsiventral structure; epidermis on either side, wavy in
outline, covered externally by a thick cuticle; palisade single layered; to 6 layers of loosely
arranged spongy parenchyma present; some stellate hairs + to 2 armed. present on both sides of
epidermis; anisocytic stomata present on both surfaces; palisade ratio 2 to ; stomatal index 20 to
2! on lower epidermis, - to 2 on upper epidermis; vein-islet number !0 to 20 per sMuare mm.
Fr,it - Transverse section of mature fruit shows single layered epidermis, covered externally by a
thin cuticle; - or 2 layers of collenchyma present below epidermis; mesocarp composed of thin-
walled, oval to polygonal cells; some fibro vascular bundles present, scattered; seed consists of
thick-walled radially elongated testa, narrow endosperm with embryo; some cells of endosperm
contain oil globules.
>reenish; shows single or groups of stone cells; groups of aseptate fibres with tapering
ends, pitted vessels; groups of spongy parenchyma, fragments of palisade tissue; anisocytic
stomata; stellate hairs and simple, rounded to oval starch grains measuring upto -- Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than := per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of &hloroform extractive of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using
&hloroform) (ethanol +,)-., on spraying with 'nisaldehyde -:ulphuric acid reagent and heating
the plate for five minutes at -0!8& minutes ten spots appear at 0.22 +violet., 0.A +violet., 0.,
+violet., 0.!! +violet., 0.!2 +violet., 0.<2+violet., 0.2, 0.22, 0.,2 +all pinkish violet. and 0.,6
:olasodine, solamargine, D- solamargine, solasonine, cycloartenol, neocarpesterol,
cholesterol and their derivatives.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Ci@unArperukki
(CcA), +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), %eru-ka,iccalu)Bkki (P*-D$

3tacurak +uBinAr (( /c)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), #Gaippu 5Iy (3 '48), #rumal (%), 5Ark
I!ai (c'), %acittAkku@ai!u (C5Q#:), #raippu ()
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 ; "
Nuice < 1 :L ml
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

KRP1KARICI (,r#it) - K'
+rpIkarici is the dried fruit of Psoralea corylifolia L. (Fam. Fabaceae), an erect, L.9 to
:.S m. hi"h annual herb distributed throu"hout #ndia, found commonly in 4ttar %radesh, .en"al
and $aharashtra.#t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Akkantam ((), %kuci (C)
Assamese * 0abucha
.en"ali * .akuchi, Somra'i, Fiakucha 3ee'a
/u'rati * .a!achi
0indi * .akuchi, .a!achi, .abchi
+annada * .auchi"e, .ha!antibee'a, .ha!anchi"id, .aukuchi
+ashmiri * .abchi
$alayalam * +arkokil
$arathi * .achi
2riya * .akuchi
%un'abi * .abchi, .a!chi
Sanskrit * .akuci, A!al"u'a, Somara'i
(elu"u * .a!anchalu
4rdu * .abchi
a) Macroscopic
/ruits dark chocolate to almost black with pericarp adhering to the seed-coat, A to .! mm.
long, 2 to A mm. broad, ovoid-oblong or bean shaped, somewhat compressed, glabrous rounded or
mucronate, closely pitted; seeds camphylotropous, non-endospermous, oily and free from starch;
odourless, but when chewed smell of a pungent essential oil felt; taste bitter, unpleasant and acrid.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows pericarp with prominent ridges and depressions,
consisting of collapsed parenchyma and large secretory glands containing oleo-resinous matter;
testa, an outer layer of palisade epidermis, layer of bearer cells which are much thickened in the
inner tangential and basal radial walls and 2 or A layers of parenchyma; cotyledons of polyhedral
parenchyma and three layers of palisade cells on the adaxial side.
3ark brown, oily; shows fragments of parenchyma cells containing oil globules and
aleurone grains; palisade-like cells of testa; epidermal cells with brown contents, bearer cells of
hypodermis and fragments of oil cells.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T%& densitometric estimation of psoralen.
TLC %&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
plates +7. (erck. 0.2 mm thickness.
So&(#nt s)st#*
Toluene) 7thyl acetate +<) A..
T#st so&,tion
2.0 g of powdered drug is macerated in <! ml methanol on a boiling water bath for -0 to
-! min., cooled and filtered. The process is repeated thrice. The filtered extracts are pooled and
evaporated to dryness. The residue is dissolved in -00 ml methanol.
St'nd'rd so&,tion
-2.! mg of standard, psoralen is dissolved in 2! ml of methanol in a volumetric flask.
/rom this stock solution, standard solutions of !0 to 2!0 Hg1ml concentration are prepared by
taking aliMuots +-.0 to !.0 ml. of stock solution in -0 ml volumetric flasks and adBusting the volume
to -0 ml with methanol.
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
! Hl each of the standard solution +2!0 to -2!0 ng per spot. is applied on T%& plate. The
plate is developed in the solvent system to a distance of 2 cm. The plate is scanned under 45
light at A66 nm. The area under the curves are recorded and plotted to get the calibration curve for
Esti*'tion o/ %sor'&#n in t3# dr,+
! Hl of the test solution is applied on T%& plate. The plate is developed in the solvent
system and recorded the chromatogram as described above for the calibration curve. The amount
of psoralen present in the sample is calculated from the calibration curve of psoralen.
The percentage of psoralen ranges from 0.<0 to 0.<6 in the samples analyFed.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
(erck. 0.2 mm thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. shows ten spots under 45 light +A66
nm. at Rf. 0.02 +blue., 0.-2 +black., 0.-! +yellow., 0.2 +sky blue., 0.26 +blue., 0.2, +yellow., 0.A!
+sky blue., 0.< +blue., 0.!! +blue. and 0.62 +blue.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours seven spots
appear at Rf. 0.02, 0.-2, 0.-!, 0.2, 0.A-, 0.- and 0.62 +all yellow.. =ith 'nisaldehyde -:ulphuric
acid reagent and heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;& eight spots appear at Rf. 0.-2, +blue.,
0.-! +yellow., 0.-, +blue., 0.2 +blue., 0.- +violet., 0. +violet., 0.62+blue. and 0.<2 +pink..
$soralen, psoralidin, isopsoralen, bakuchiol, angelicin, neobavaisoflavone, bavachin, I-0-
methyl bavachalcone, isobavachalcone, corylin, corylinal, bakuchicin, D- sitosterol, stigmasterol,
fatty acids, behanic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, lignoceric, linoleic, linolenic, essential oil and fixed oil.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * $alamiGakki (J3A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

#racakanthi $e,uku (-F .), +arappE (ailam (9 (),
$ak!allti #Gakam (%F 3), $nta K))ai K)6 (( N, Nb),
$Cka!ira)ak +aGimpu ('>, 2)
+arappE (9), 5amaiccal (4*-%), 5aPcu (4U), 3e) %aBai ( $),
%u) ()
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 6 "

KARU;CEMPAI I"AI (")a0) - 6&!
+aruPcempai #lai is the dried leaf of &esbania sesban (L.) $err., Syn. &. aegy$tiaca (%oir)
%ers. (Fam* Fabaceae), a Ruick "roin", short li!ed tall shrub, upto = m. hi"hM found culti!ated on
paddy field bunds in (amil 5adu as ell as throu"hout the plains of #ndia upto an altitude of :6LL
m. #t "ros in +u@iPci and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * +aruPci@@akatti (UC!#5F)
.en"ali * Nayanti
/u'rati * &a'ashin"anee, Nayanti
0indi * Naita, Nayata
+annada * Arininta'inam"i, +ari'iman"ai, Arishima'in"ai
$alayalam * Semp, Atti, #tthikkanni
$arathi * Nait
2riya * Nayantipatra
%un'abi * Nainta
Sanskrit * Nayanti, Naya, Suksma patra
(elu"u * Sominta, Nalu"u, 5elichettu
a) Macroscopic
%eaves pinnately compound, <.! to -!.! cm. long, rachis shortly produced above last pair of
leaflet; paripinnate, leaflets 6 to -6 pairs, opposite, linear, oblong, glabrous, entire, mucronate to
acuminate, very shortly stalked, -.0 to A.A cm. long, 0.A to 0.2 cm. wide.
b) Microscopic
R'.3is - :hows single layered epidermis, followed by 2 or A layered collenchymatous and to <
layered round, thin-walled parenchymatous cells; vascular bundles arranged in a ring, having
secretory cavities in phloem, each bundle covered externally by sclerenchymatous sheath; one
smaller vascular bundle present in each of the wings; pith small, consisting of thin-walled,
polygonal, parenchymatous cells.
L'*in' - :hows single layered epidermis on both surfaces, stomata anisocytic, present on both
surfaces, palisade single layered, spongy parenchyma consisting of round cells, small veins situated
between palisade and spongy parenchyma cells, palisade ratio A to !; stomatal index on upper
surface -- to 20 and on lower surface -- to 2! and vein- islet number 2< to A6 per sMuare mm.
3ull green; shows spongy parenchyma, palisade cells; xylem vessels with scalariform thickening
and fragments of epidermal cells with anisocytic stomata.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate
+,)-. shows under 45 +A66 nm. shows six fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.0!, 0.-- 0.-,, 0.2,, 0.!6 +all
pink. and 0.,< +yellow.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours ten spots appear at Rf. 0.0!, 0.--, 0.-,,
0.2,, 0.A<, 0.2, 0.!6, 0.6,, 0.,- and 0.,< +all yellow.. Cn spraying with ! 9 (ethanolic-
$hosphomolybdic acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& until the colour develops , the plate
shows nine spots at Rf. 0.0!, 0.--, 0.-,, 0.2,, 0.A<, 0.2, 0.!6, 0.,- and 0.,<+all grey..
:tigmasterolglucoside, chikusetsusaponin, ilexoside, lablaboside ', kaikasaponin,
kaempferol glucoside and oleanolic acid.

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), %u,ukkolli (.%@),
&utu!u)Bkki (?:$A), (u!arppi (?A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A), 3
Akka-karaicci ()*C)

Cempu %a@pam (- !)
Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), #rumal (%), %erumpBu (=)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "
Nuice < 1 :L ml

KARU;C=RAKAM (S))4) - 6&*
+aruPcArakam is the dried seed of Nigella sativa %. +/am. Ranunculaceae., a small herb,
! to 60 cm. high; cultivated mostly in $unBab, #imachal $radesh, Jihar and 'ssam. *t grows in
$ullai thi)aic
(amil * ?ra)am (,), 4pakuPcikai ("UC)
.en"ali * $ota +ala'ira, +ala'ira
Kn"lish * Small fennel, 5i"ella seed
/u'rati * +alon'i 'eeru, +aloun'i
0indi * +alaun'i, $an"araila
+annada * +ari'iri"e
$alayalam * +arin'irakam
$arathi * +alaun'i 'ire, +ale'ire
%un'abi * +al!an'i
Sanskrit * 4pakuncika, Sthula'iraka, Susa!i
(elu"u * %edda'ila karra
4rdu * +alon"i
a) Macroscopic
:eeds, flattened, oblong, angular, rugulose, tubercular, about 0.2 cm. long and 0.- cm. wide,
black; odour slightly aromatic; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of seed shows single layer of epidermis consisting of elliptical, thick-
walled cells covered externally by a papillose cuticle, filled with reddish-brown contents; epidermis
followed by 2 to layers of thick-walled, tangentially elongated, parenchymatous cells, followed
by a pigmented layer composed of tangentially elongated, cylindrical thick-walled cells filled with
reddish-brown pigments; below pigmented layer, a layer of parenchyma composed of thick-walled
rectangular, radially elongated cells present; endosperm consists of moderately thick-walled,
rectangular to polygonal cells; a few filled with oil globules; embryo embedded in endosperm.
Jlack, oily to touch; shows groups of parenchyma, endosperm cells and oil globules.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using n-Jutanol) glacial 'cetic acid)
=ater +!)-). v1v upper phase, on spraying with 'nisaldehyde -:ulphuric acid reagent and heating
the plate for five minutes at -0!8& seven spots appear at Rf. 0.2, 0.2, +both greenish grey., 0.!6,
0.6! +both grey., 0.<2, 0.2, +both violet. and 0.,! +red..
Pigellinine- P-oxide, nigellicine, arenasterol-!-ene, lophenol, K-hederin and fatty acids.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Ci@unArperukki
(CcA), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), %@perukki (!A), %u,ukkolli (.
%@), &utu!u)Bkki (?:$A), (Dkku)ippu,ukkolli (GM.%@),
3a@aBciyaka@@i (#6C!&)

Akattiyar +u,ampu (5F ), 5kkuppDcci(+olli) +uBinAr (4L*C[
%@\ /c), %a@a-kippaBBai #racyaEam (#A6$ -0), 3i[akku,ampu
Cira-ku (C), +mlai (), +uEmam (9), $a)BaikkarappE
($9), %u) (), 3ayi@@upporumal (O!%)
DOSE 1 %oder <LL m" 1 ; "
KA5UKUR1KI>I (R8i<o&) a/4 Root) - -.78
+aBukurIki)i is the dried rhiUome and root of Picrorhiza (urroa &oyle e7 .enth. (Fam.
Scrophulariaceae), a perennial, more or less hairy herb common on the north1estern 0imalayas
from +ashmir to Sikkim. &hiUome is cut into small pieces after har!estin" #t "ros in +u@iPci
(amil * +aBakarIkiEi ($'AI), +aBurIkiEi (='AI)
Assamese * +atki, +utki
Kn"lish * 0ellebore
/u'rati * +adu, +atu
0indi * +utki
+annada * +atuka rohini
$alayalam * +aduk rohini, +atuka rohini
$arathi * +utki, +alikutki
2riya * +atuki
%un'abi * +arru, +aur
Sanskrit * +atuka, (ikta, (iktarohini, +aturohini, +at!i, Sutiktaka
(elu"u * +atukarohini
4rdu * +utki
a) Macroscopic
R3i6o*# - 2.! to 2 cm. long and to 2 mm. thick, subcylindrical, straight or slightly curved,
externally greyish-brown, surface rough due to longitudinal wrinkles, circular scars of roots and
bud scales and sometimes roots attached, tip ends in a growing bud surrounded by tufted crown of
leaves, at places cork exfoliates exposing dark cortex; fracture short; odour pleasant; taste bitter.
Root - Thin, cylindrical, ! to -0 cm. long, 0.0! to 0.- cm. in diameter, straight or slightly curved
with a few longitudinal wrinkles and dotted scars, mostly attached with rhiFomes, dusky grey,
fracture short, inner surface black with whitish xylem; odour pleasant; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
R3i6o*# - :hows 20 to 2! layers of cork consisting of tangentially elongated, suberised cells; cork
cambium - or 2 layered; cortex single layered or absent, primary cortex persists in some cases, one
or two small vascular bundles present in cortex; vascular bundles surrounded by single layered
endodermis of thick-walled cells; secondary phloem composed of phloem parenchyma and a few
scattered fibres; cambium 2 to layered; secondary xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, xylem
fibres and xylem parenchyma, vessels vary in shape and siFe having transverse obliMue articulation;
tracheids long, thick-walled, lignified, more or less cylindrical with blunt tapering ends; xylem
parenchyma thin-walled and polygonal in shape; centre occupied by a small pith consisting of thin-
walled cells; simple round to oval, starch grains, measuring upto -0! mm in dia., abundantly found
in all cells.
Root - "oung root shows single layered epidermis, some epidermal cells elongate forming
unicellular hairs; hypodermis single layered; cortex 2 to - layered; consisting of oval to polygonal,
thick-walled, parenchymatous cells; primary stele tetrach to heptarch, enclosed by single layered
pericycle and single layered, thick-walled cells of endodermis; mature root shows to -! layers of
cork, - or 2 layers of cork cambium; secondary phloem poorly developed; secondary xylem
consisting of vessels, tracheids, parenchyma and fibres; vessels have varying shape and siFe, some
cylindrical with tail-like, tapering ends, some drum shaped with perforation on end walls or lateral
walls; tracheids cylindrical with tapering pointed ends; fibres aseptate, thick-walled, lignified with
tapering blunt chiesel-like pointed ends.
3usky grey; shows groups of fragments of cork cells, thick-walled parenchyma; pitted
vessels and aseptate fibres; simple, round to oval starch grains, measuring 2! to -0 mm in
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using &hloroform) (ethanol
+,!)!. shows under 45 light +A66 nm. three fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.0! +blue., 0.A0 +blue.,
0.A!+green.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours nine spots appear at Rf. 0.-0, 0.-<, 0.2-, 0.A0, 0.A<,
0.-, 0.62, 0.<2 and 0.2+all yellow.. Cn spraying with ! 9 (ethanolic -:ulphuric acid reagent and
heating the plate at -0!8 & until the colour develops, the plate shows seven spots at Rf. 0.0!, 0.-0,
0.-<, 0.2-, 0.A0, 0.- N 0.2 +all brownish grey..
&ucurbitacin glycosides, @utkoside, picroside *, ** and ***, pikuroside, catalpol, 6-
feruloylcatalpol, neronicoside, minecoside, picein, androsin, -hydroxy-A-methoxyacetophenone,
veronicoside, arvenine ***, kutakin and apocynin.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +uBa@pu,u!aka@@i ($!.!&), $u@ai!eppaka@@i
(#!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), %eru-ka,iccalu)Bkki (P*-D$

Kmata)Bak +uGikai (N($ 2), +eGacikar +u,ampu (3C ),
$urukkaE 3itai $ttirai (9 >( 5F), 5kkuppDcci(+olli) +uBinAr (4
L*C[%@\ /c), 3allrai 5ey (% 48)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), Oral 5Iy (F% '48), +arappE (9), $ntam
((), %u)kaG (;)
DOSE 1 %oder <LL m" 1 : "

K55U C=RAKAM (,r#it) - - *
+BBu CArakam is the seed of )ernonia anthelmintica (L.) >illd. Syn. Centratherum
anthelminticum (L.) +untUe (Fam. Asteraceae), an annual, robust, erect herb, found throu"hout
#ndia upto :S<L m. in 0imalaya and +hasi hills and often culti!ated. #t is a eed "roin" in aste
places near !illa"es and bears seeds in the month of $ay to Nune. #t "ros in $ullai, $arutham
and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * +BBu CArakam (6= S), CaEi ]yi@u (-I dO)
.en"ali * Somaraa'
Kn"lish * %urple fleabane, >orm seed fleabane
/u'rati * +aalee'eeree, +ada!i'eeree
0indi * +aali'eeree, +ara'iri, Soharaai
+annada * +aadu'eera"e, +aari'iri"e
$alayalam * +rimishatru, +attu'irakam
$arathi * +adu'ire
Sanskrit * Somara'i, 3anya'iraka, Aranya'irakah, .rhatpali
(elu"u * Ada!i'ilakara, /aretikamma
a) Macroscopic
The fruits are cypsela, indehiscent, A to ! mm. long and - to 2 mm. in diameter; tapering
towards base, pappus present over flattened upper end; surface exhibits about 20 longitudinal
ridges, hairy, blackish-brown to black in colour; taste bitter and odour indistinct.
b) Microscopic
T.:. of fruit exhibits about 20 ridges and furrows; the epidermis is single layered, covered
externally with thick cuticle; trichomes are of two types - covering and glandular; covering
trichomes unicellular, elongated with tapering ends, present mostly on the ridges; glandular hairs,
sessile with unicellular heads are seen in the furrows; rest of the pericarp consists of thin walled
parenchymatous cells; vascular bundles are present below the ridges, followed by discontinuous
and laterally extending arches of thick walled and lignified sclerenchymatous tissues; testa is single
layered followed by thin walled parenchymatous cells of the cotyledon, most of them consisting of
aleurone grains and a few exhibit oil globules.
Jlackish brown to black; shows fragments of fibres, fibre sclereids, scalariform vascular elements;
thin walled parenchymatous cells with aleurone grains and oil globules; covering as well as
glandular trichomes; thin walled radially elongated cells of pappus.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than ;.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of $etroleum ether extract on silica >el I>I plate using $etroleum ether +60 -20;&.)
3iethyl 7ther) 'cetic acid +A!)-6)-., shows under 45 +A66 nm. one spot at Rf. 0.2 +light blue..
Cn exposure to iodine vapours spots appear at Rf. 0.2 +dark orange., 0.!<, 0.62 and 0.2 +all
faint orange.. Cn spraying with !9 7thanolic- :ulphuric acid and heating the plate at -0!;& until
the colour develops, the plate shows spots at Rf. 0.2 +black. 0.!<, 0.62 and 0.2 +all faint
'venasterol, vernosterol, essential oil, resins and fixed oil consisting of myristic, palmitic,
stearic, oleic, linoleic and vernolic acids.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&),
%acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), %u,ukkolli (.%@), 4ramkki ("A), 4Ba@tC@@i

#racakanthi $e,uku (-F .), +arappE (ailam (9 ()
+uEmam (9), +uBa@pu,u ($!.), 3eGGai (;3), 3e) %uGGi (
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 9 "

KA5UKKY (,r#it) - -)
+aBukky is the pericarp of mature fruit de!oid of seeds, of #erminalia chebula &etU.
(Fam. Combretaceae), a moderate siUed or lar"e tree found throu"hout #ndia, chiefly in deciduous
forests and areas of li"ht rainfall, but occasionally also in sli"htly moist forests, upto about :<LL m.
ele!ation, throu"hout #ndiaM floers appear from April1Au"ust and fruits ripen from 2ctober1
Nanuary. #t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * Ammai (), Amutam ((), Aritaki (B(A), %attiyam
(5F), 3arikky (B8)
Assamese * Shilikha
.en"ali * 0aritaki
Kn"lish * $yrobalan
/u'rati * 0irdo, 0ima'a, %ulo1harda
0indi * 0arre, 0arad, 0arar
+annada * Alalekai
+ashmiri * 0alela
$alayalam * +atukka
$arathi * 0irda, 0aritaki, 0arda, 0ireda
2riya * 0arida
%un'abi * 0alela, 0arar
Sanskrit * 0aritaki, Abhaya, +ayastha, Si!a, %athya
(elu"u * +araka, +arakkaya
4rdu * 0alela
a) Macroscopic
/ruit yellowish-brown, ovoid, 20 to A! mm. long, -A to 2! mm. wide, wrinkled and ribbed
longitudinally; pericarp fibrous, A to mm. thick, non-adherent to the seed; taste astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of pericarp shows epicarp consisting of one layer of epidermal cells,
inner tangential and upper portions of radial wall thick; mesocarp, 2 or A layers of collenchyma,
followed by a broad Fone of parenchyma in which fibres and sclereids in group and vascular
bundles scattered; fibres with peg like out growth and simple pitted walls; sclereids of various
shapes and siFes but mostly elongated, tannins and raphides in parenchyma; endocarp consists of
thick-walled sclereids of various shapes and siFes, mostly elongated; epidermal surface view reveal
polygonal cells, uniformly thick-walled, several of them divided into two by a thin septa; starch
grains simple, rounded or oval in shape, measuring 2 to < Hm in diameter, found in plenty in almost
all cells of mesocarp.
Jrown; shows a few fibres, vessels with simple pits and groups of sclereids; epidermal
fragments with cells showing division by a thin septa.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ;L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than =L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 3iethyl ether extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate) /ormic 'cid +!))-. under 45 light
+2! nm. shows nine fluorescent Fone at Rf. 0.0,+blackish blue., 0.-!+blackish blue., 0.2<
+blackish blue., 0.A! +dark blackish blue., 0.A +blue., 0.!2 +blue. and 0.6< +blue. and 0.22 +blue..
Cn spraying !9 (ethanolic ferric chloride reagent six spots appear at Rf. 0. 0, +blackish blue.,
0.-! +blackish blue., 0.2< +blackish blue., 0.A! +dark blackish blue., 0.A +blackish blue. and 0.!2
+blackish blue..
>allic acid, chebupentol, terchebin, ellagitannin terchebulin, arBungenin, arBunolic acid,
arBungenin, terminoic acid, ferulic acid, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid and fatty acids,
tannin +A0 - A2 9..

C#$ai * $ainly (u!arppu (?), Sli"htly #Eippu (I), +rppu (),
+aippu (), %uGippu (2)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * Cerippu)Bkki (-B$A), +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&),
$alamiGakki (J3A), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 4Baluramkki ("$DA)

Carapu-ka 3il!ti #Gakam (- >%F 3), +aru)ai #Gakam (,
3), $a)BDrti ABaikkuBinAr (YF $/c), %!aEakkaBukky (0
=8), (Gicthi CDra)am ((2-F +,), (iripalaic CDra)am (FB* +,)
+mlai (), +a) 5IykaG ( '48;), +uruti A,al (F %),
$alakkaBBu (6=), %eru!ayi@u (O), 3iBam (>$)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 < "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6L 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

K=BKKYNE""I CAM?"AM (78o3) P3a/t) - 9:)!;(< 2
+A,kkynelli CamDlam is the hole plant of Phyllanthus amarus Schum.Y (honn.Syn*
Phyllanthus fraternus >ebst.M Phyllanthus niruri 0ook. f. non L. (Fam. Kuphorbiaceae), an
annual herb, upto =L cm. hi"hM found ild throu"hout plains in #ndia. #t "ros in $ullai, $arutham
and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * +A,nelli (e4%@)
Assamese * .huin Amla
.en"ali * .humamla, .humi amalaki
/u'rati * .hoi Amali, .hony amari, .honyamali
0indi * .hu Amala
+annada * 5elanelli
+ashmiri * Kmbali, Amli
$alayalam * +iUanelli, +eeUhanelli, A''ahada
$arathi * .huiaali
2riya * .huin Amla
Sanskrit * (amalaki, .humyamalaki, $ahidhatrika, .ahuphala
(elu"u * 5ela !usirika
a) Macroscopic
Root - $ieces 2.! to --.0 cm. long, nearly straight, gradually tapering, with a number of fibrous
secondary and tertiary roots, external surface light brown; fracture short.
St#* - :lender, glabrous; light brown, cylindrical, 20 to <! cm. long, branching profuse towards
upper region bearing ! to -0 pairs of leaves, internode, - to A.! cm. long; odour indistinct; taste
slightly bitter.
L#'/ - &ompound, leaflets arranged in two rows on a rachis; alternate, opposite and decussate,
almost sessile, stipulate, oblong, entire; upto -.! cm. long and 0.! cm. wide, greenish-brown in
colour; odour indistinct; taste slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
Root - Transverse section shows, to 6 layers of cork consisting of thin-walled, rectangular,
tangentially elongated and radially arranged cells, filled with reddish-brown contents; secondary
cortex consists of 2 to -0 layers of thin-walled, tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells;
secondary phloem narrow consisting of sieve elements, phloem parenchyma and traversed by
narrow phloem rays; secondary xylem represented by a broad Fone of tissue, composed of vessels,
tracheids, fibres and parenchyma, all elements being thick-walled and lignified having simple pits;
xylem rays uniseriate.
St#* - Transverse section shows a single layered epidermis composed of thick-walled, flattened,
tangentially elongated cells; older stem shows or ! layers of cork, composed of thin-walled,
tabular, tangentially elongated and radially arranged cells, filled with reddish-brown content; cortex
composed of to 6 layers of oval, tangentially elongated, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, some
cortical cells filled with yellowish-brown contents; endodermis Muite distinct; pericycle represented
by a discontinuous ring, composed of several tangentially elongated strands of lignified fibres with
thick walls and narrow lumen; secondary phloem narrow, composed of sieve elements, dispersed in
mass of phloem parenchyma; secondary xylem composed of vessels, fibres, parenchyma and
traversed by numerous uniseriate rays; vessels mostly simple pitted, a few show spiral thickenings;
fibres narrow, elongated, with narrow or sometimes blunt ends with simple pits; center, occupied
by a pith composed of thin-walled, circular to oval parenchymatous cells, occasionally cluster
crystals of calcium oxalate present in parenchymatous cells of ground tissue.
Midri-$ :hows epidermis on either side, single layered, covered externally by a thick cuticle; a
single palisade layer present on the adaxial side intercepted by a few parenchymatous cells in the
middle; meristele composed of small strands of xylem towards upper surface and phloem towards
lower surface, rest of tissue of leaf composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells some having
cluster crystals of calcium oxalate.
L'*in'$ :hows a dorsiventral structure, mesophyll differentiated into palisade and spongy
parenchyma; epidermis on either side composed of thin-walled, tangentially elongated cells,
covered externally by a thick cuticle; anisocytic stomata present on both epidermises; palisade
single layered; mesophyll composed of A to ! layers of loosely arranged cells having a number of
veins traversed in this region, a few cluster crystals of calcium oxalate present in spongy
Jrown; shows fragments of cork cells; vessels and fibres; palisade cells, fragments of
epidermal cells with anisocytic stomata and a few cluster crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than := per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of #exane fraction of alcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using
Toluene ) 7thyl acetate +20)20. v1v, on exposure to iodine vapours shows eight spots at Rf. 0.2-,
0.A2., 0., 0.!0, 0.62, 0.<2, 0.,2 and 0.,< +all yellow.. Cn :praying with 'nisaldehyde
-:ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!8& seven spots appear at Rf.
0.A2 +grey., 0. +green., 0.!<, 0.<2,0.22, 0.,2 +all grey. and 0.,< +pink.; $rominent spots at Rf.
0.A2 +grey., 0. +green. and 0.,< +pink..
$hyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, geranin, corilagin, -, 6 - digalloyl - D-3-glucoside, rutin,
Muercetin - A-C-glucoside, 2, A - desmethoxy seco - isolintetralin, 2, A - desmethoxy seco -
isolintetralin diacetate and linnanthin.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), +aippu (), %uGippu (2), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), Oral (C@@i (F% '(!&),
+uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A), 3Akkamurukki ()A), (u!arppi (?A)

+ariclai #Gakam (B- 3), +A,nelli (ailam (e4%@ ()
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), Captatthu Curam (-((? ), +mlai (
), +a) 5IykaG ( '48;), +urutikka,iccal (FP*-%), $atumCkam
(?'), 3ayi@u $antam (O (), 3eppu 5Iy ( '48)
DOSE 1 $edicinal paste 9 1 < " of fresh hole plant
%oder 6 "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

KO::U (S))4) - !=>
+oGGu is the dried seed of )igna unguiculata (L.) >alp. Syn. *olichos biflorus Linn.
(Fam. %apilionaceae ), an annual branched, sub1erect or tinin", dony or "labrescent herb,
culti!ated all o!er #ndia more for use as cattle feed after cookin" #t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * +)am (,), $utirai (F)
.en"ali * +ulattha, +alaya
Kn"lish * 0orse "ram
/u'rati * +alathi, +ulathi
0indi * +ulathi, +urathi
+annada * 0uruli, 0urali
$alayalam * $udiraa
$arathi * +ulitha
Sanskrit * +ulattha, +hal!a, 3ardhipatraka
(elu"u * 4la!alu
4rdu * +ulthi
a) Macroscopic
:eeds, hard, surface smooth, ellipsoid, flattened, greyish to reddish brown; to 6 mm. long
and mm. wide; micropyle prominent; taste somewhat astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of seed shows testa consisting of a single layer of columnar, thin-walled,
parenchymatous, palisade like cells covered with a thin cuticle followed by single layer of
rectangular to sMuare bearer cells and A or layers of thin-walled rectangular parenchymatous cells,
wider at micropylar region; cotyledon consisting of single layer of upper and lower epidermis
covered with a thin cuticle; epidermal cells thin-walled, rectangular and parenchymatous followed
by mesophyll, consisting of angular parenchymatous cells, filled with numerous simple starch
grains and protein bodies also present.
=hitish in colour; shows broken pieces of testa; parenchyma cells and starch grains.
Forei"n matter 5il , Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of $etroleum ether +0-608&. extractive of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. v1v, on spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and
heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!8& shows seven spots at Rf. 0.20 +reddish violet., 0.2,
+reddish violet., 0.AA +reddish violet., 0.!! +reddish violet., 0.6A +reddish violet., 0.,! +reddish
violet. and 0.,< +reddish violet..
>alactosyl inositol and six oleanane glycosides -aFukisaponins *, **, ***, *5, 5 and 5*.

C#$ai * (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * Acai!u (-:), #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), (u!arppi (?A), 4ramkki ("

#racakanthi $e,uku (-F .), %ira)Bai 3aBakam (A$ $)
AiyanIykaG (H'48;), +a,iccal (P*-%), +o,uppaik +u@aikkum (
. #), +uGirkyccal (28*-%), +uEmam (9), 3Akkam ()),
+allaik +araikkum (% )
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
9L1 ;L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

K155AM (Root) -
+IBBam is the dried root of &aussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch. Syn. &. la$$a (Decne.) C...
Clarke (Fam. Asteraceae), a tall, robust, perennial herb : to 6 m. hei"ht found in 0imalayas,
+ashmir at an altitude of 6<LL to 9=LL m.M culti!ated in 0imachal %radesh, 4ttranchal and SikkimM
roots collected in September12ctober. #t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * +I[Bam ('X$), +ur (), 2li (a@)
Assamese * +ud, +ur
.en"ali * +udo
/u'rati * 4pleta, +ath
0indi * +utha
+annada * Chan"al +ustha
+ashmiri * +uth
$alayalam * +ottam
$arathi * 4pleta, +ustha
2riya * +udha
%un'abi * +uth
Sanskrit * +ustha, Amaya, %akala
(elu"u * Chan"al!a +oshtu
4rdu * Zust
a) Macroscopic
3rug greyish to dull brown, thick, stout, fusiform to cylindrical, < to -! cm. long, -.0 to !.!
cm. broad, thicker roots with collapsed center; occasionally ridged, wrinkles longitudinal and
anastomosed; rootlets rarely present; cut surface shows two regions under -0 x; outer periderm
ring thin, inner porous woody portion lighter in colour showing fine radial striations and often the
central portion collapsed; fracture short, horny; odour strong, characteristically aromatic; taste
slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of thin root shows thin periderm, followed by broad Fone of phloem and
still broader Fone of xylem traversed by wide medullary rays; cork A to ! layered wide, secondary
cortical cells polygonal, mostly elongated; secondary phloem consists of mostly storage
parenchyma, small groups of sieve tubes and companion cells and often phloem fibres, bast fibres
thick-walled, lignified, upto A!0 Hm in length, with many simple pits associated with fibres,
tracheids and parenchyma; wood fibres smaller than bast fibres; with wider lumen and obtusely
tapering ends; medullary rays multiseriate and wider in phloem region; resin canals found
throughout as large cavities; some roots possess a central cylinder of sclerenchyma, while others
have parenchymatous center with scattered xylem elements; in older roots, wood parenchyma
collapses and takes a spongy appearance in the center of root; inulin present in storage parenchyma.
3eep or rusty brown; shows irregular bits of yellow, brown or orange-red fragments of
resins and oil drops associated with thin-walled parenchymatous cells; broken bits of xylem vessels
with scalariform, reticulate thickening
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of &hloroform extractive of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using n-
Jutanol )'cetic 'cid ) =ater +!)-). v1v, on spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!8& shows nine spots at Rf. 0.A2, 0.!0, 0.! +violet.,
0.6-, 0.62 +violet., 0.< +dark violet., 0.26 +grey., 0.,0 and 0.,< +dark violet..
&ostunolide, K-cyclocostunolide, D-cyclocostunolide, isoalantolactone, mokkolactone and
dehydrocostus lactone.

C#$ai * +aippu (), 3i@u!i@uppu (>>)
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 4ramkki
("A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A), 3iyar!aiyu)Bkki (>E$A)

Amirttik +uGikai (J(F 2), +Ccari #Gakam ('-B 3), +IrIcaEai
$ttirai (''-0 5F), %ittacurak +uBinAr (A5( /c), 3acanta
+ucumkaram (-( ), 3allrai 5ey (% 48)
#raippu (), #rumal (%), $Dlam (R), 5aPcu (4U), (IBam ('($)
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 ; "

KOT!T!UMA""I 'ITAI (,r#it) - !(< M
+oththumalli 3itai is the dried, ripe fruit of Coriandrum sativum L. (Fam.Apiaceae), a
slender, "labrous, branched, annual aromatic herb 9L to TL cm. hi"hM e7tensi!ely culti!ated
throu"hout #ndiaM crop matures in 6 or 9 months after soin"M herb is pulled out ith rootsM dried
and fruits threshed, innoed, and stored in ba"s, after proper dryin" #t "ros in $ullai and
$arutham thi)ai.
(amil * $alli (%@), (aEiy ((I), 4ruGarici ("3BC)
Assamese * Dhaniya
.en"ali * Dhane, Dhania
Kn"lish * Coriander fruit
/u'rati * Dhana
0indi * Dhaniya
+annada * 0a!i'a, +othambari bi'a
+ashmiri * Dhanial, Dhanaal
$alayalam * $alli, +othampatayari
$arathi * Dhane, +othimbir
2riya * Dhania
%un'abi * Dhania
Sanskrit * Dhanyaka, Danya, 3itunnaka, +ustumburu
(elu"u * Dhaniyalu
4rdu * +ishneeU
a) Macroscopic
/ruit globular, mericarps usually united by their margins forming a cremocarp about 2 to
mm. in diameter, uniformly brownish-yellow or brown, glabrous, sometimes crowned by the
remains of sepals and styles, primary ridges -0, wavy and slightly inconspicuous, secondary ridges
2, straight, and more prominent; endosperm coelospermous; odour aromatic; taste spicy and
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows pericarp with outer epidermis, with slightly thickened
anticlinal wall, a few stomata, and many cells with small prisms of calcium oxalate; trichomes
absent; outer layer of mesocarp parenchymatous with inner cells in wavy longitudinal rows and
degenerated vittae as tangentially flattened cavities; middle layer of mesocarp sclerenchymatous,
forming a thick layer of fusiform pitted cells in very sinuous rows, layers often crossing at right
angles with definite longitudinal strands in the secondary ridges; sinuous primary cosate with some
spiral vessel; inner cells of mesocarp, large, hexagonal with rather thin, lignified walls; inner
epidermis of very narrow thin-walled cells slightly sinuous anticlinal wall showing parMuetry
arrangement; two or rarely more, normal vittae occurring on commissural side of each mesocarp
containing volatile oil; endosperm of thick-walled cellulosic parenchyma containing much fixed
oil, numerous aleurone grains, about to 2 in diameter containing micro rosettes of calcium
oxalate; split carpophore passing at apex of each mericarp into raphe, adBacent to which is a large
cavity; inner side of this is a flattened vascular strand; carpophore consists of fibres surrounded by
spiral vessels.
/awn to brown; epidermal cells of pericarp when present, slightly thick-walled and many
containing small prism of calcium oxalate; parenchymatous cells of mesocarp without reticulate
thickening; masses of sclerenchymatous cells of mesocarp in sinuous rows, often crossing at right
angles, large tubular hexagonal rather thin-walled sclerenchymatous cells of endocarp; cells of
inner epidermis with slightly sinuous anticlinal walls; thick-walled polygonal parenchymatous cells
of endosperm, containing fixed oil and numerous small aleurone grains and micro rosettes of
calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid insoluble ash 5ot less than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8
3olatile oil 5ot less than L.9 per cent !H, Appendi7 6.6.:L
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. shows four spots under 45 +A66
nm.. at Rf. 0.2,0.A, 0., and 0.!2 +all red.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours seven spots appear at
Rf. 0.20, 0.2<, 0.A6, 0.A, 0.,, 0.<! and 0.,! +all yellow.. =ith 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid
reagent, heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;& eight spots appear at Rf. 0.--+light violet., 0.20
+violet., 0.2<, 0.A6 +both light violet., 0.A +violet., 0., +light green., 0.<! +violet. and 0.,!+pink..
:-+Q.-linalool, gnaphaloside ' N J, Muercetin, isorhamnetin, rutin, luteolin,
furoisocoumarins - coriandrin and dihydro coriandrin, coriandrones '-7.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * (aBpa!eppam ((6)
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Ci@unArperukki
(CcA), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

#Pci 3aBakam (UC $), 5rathtai #Gakam (45( 3), %ittacurak +uBinAr
(A5( /c)
Crya!e@i (-&), +uGirkyccal (28*-%), 5!a@aBci (4#6C), %u)
(), (kam ((), 3nti (F), %ittamntam (A5((), 3ikkal (>%), 3eppam
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 9"
Decoction 6L 1 9L ml tice daily.
6L1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction

KU9-IMA>I (S))4) - ."/8
+uE@ima)i is the seed of Abrus $recatorius L. (Fam.%apilionaceae), a climber common in
the plains of #ndia and ascendin" to TLL m. in the 0imalayasM seeds are poisonous to cattle. (he
seeds are sub'ected to purification process (cutti) before use. #t "ros in +u@iPci, $ullai,
$arutham and %lai thi)ai.
(amil * +uE@i (9&), +uE@i!ittu (9&>5?), +u)Buma)i (=M)
Assamese * &ati
.en"ali * +unch, Shonkainch
Kn"lish * NeRuirity
/u'rati * &ati, Chanothee
0indi * &atti, /hun"chi
+annada * /alu"an'i, /ula"un'ee
$alayalam * +unni, Cu!anna +unni
$arathi * /un'a
2riya * +ainch
%un'abi * &atti
Sanskrit * /un'a, &aktika, +akananti
(elu"u * /uri"inia, /uru!enda
4rdu * /hon"cha, &atti
a) Macroscopic
:eed ovoid or sub globular, ! to 2 mm. long, to ! mm. broad with the smooth, glossy surface and
bright scarlet colour; hilum a black patch. The weight of -00 seeds is between -2 to -A g
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of seed shows testa composed of radially much elongated cells, arranged
irregularly and measuring ! to !0 Hm in length; inner region of testa consists of collapsed cells
forming a hyaline layer; endosperm composed of thick-walled cellulosic parenchyma, isodiametric
cells larger towards inside, walls mainly of hemicellulose and swell considerably in water; outer
one or two layers of cells formed of rather smaller cells, walls of which swell to a less extent in
&ream in colour; shows fragments of thick walled lignified palisade-like testa; pieces of
numerous endosperm cells containing starch; a few rectangular, thick walled stone cells having
wide lumen; simple, oval to rounded, starch grains measuring A to-0 Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate) /ormic acid
+!))-. shows under 45 +A66 nm. seven spots fluorescent Fones visible at Rf. 0.A0, 0.A!, 0. 0.6,
0.<- +all blue., 0.2! and 0.,- +both green.. Cn spraying with 9 (ethanolic -:ulphuric acid
reagent and heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;& three spots appear at Rf. 0.2<, 0.<< and 0.2!
+all violet..
'brine, hypaphorine, choline, trigonelline, precatorine, ! D-cholanic acid, antitumour
proteins - abrin ' and J, globulin, arabinose, hemagglutin glucoside, abralin, stigmasterol, D-
sitosterol,abrus saponin * and **.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * 5ArmalampIkki (c'A), 4ramkki ("A)

$ak!acanta +ucumkaram (-( ), $Dcmpara %a@@u(+uE@ippa@@u)
(R- ![9&!\)
A,al 5Iy (% '48), Aiya 5Iy (H '48), +a) 5Iy ( '48), +mlai (
), 3iyar!aiyIBukDBiya $u@aiccuram (>'=C/ #* )
DOSE 1 #t cannot be administered as a sin"le dru" #t should be used only in combination.

KUR1C>I 1MAM (S))4) - .8 ?
+urIc)i ^mam is the seed of +yoscyamus niger L. (Fam. Solanaceae), an annual or
biennial foetid herb upto < ft. hi"hM nati!e to the $editerranean re"ion and temperate Asia, but also
occurrin" in >estern 0imalayas from +ashmir to +umaon at an altitude of :=LL to ;LLL m.M seeds
are imported into #ndia.#t "ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * +rapi (A), +rca!ai (-), (ippiyam (FA)
.en"ali * +horasani a'an
Kn"lish * 0enbane
/u'rati * +hurasanee a'ma, +hurasanee a'mo
0indi * +hurasanee a'!ayan
+annada * +hurasa'nee, A'aaana
$alayalam * +hurasaanee, %aarasika, Qa!aani
$arathi * +hurasanee o!a
%un'abi * +hurasanee a'!ain, .an"ideana
Sanskrit * %arasikaya!ani, +hurasani ya!ani, (urusaka, $adakarini
(elu"u * +urasanee !amu, +hurasanee omam
4rdu * A'!ayanee, +hursanee
a) Macroscopic
:eeds irregularly reniform or sub-Muadrate, slightly over a mm. in siFe, dark grey, surface
concave, odour pleasantly aromatic; taste bitter, mucilaginous and pungent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of seed shows the presence of a thick cuticle, testa with two layers, outer
one with a row of osteosclereids, ranging from !0 to 20 Hm in siFe, inner one with crushed
parenchyma; endosperm cells thin walled, containing oil globules; embryo coiled; starch absent.
3ark brown; aromatic smell, bitter mucilagenous taste and an oily texture; shows a number
of flask-shaped or dumb-bell shaped osteosclereids; fragments of testa in surface view, showing
cells with sinuous walls; powder when treated with :udan *5 and mounted in glycerine shows the
presence of oil globules which turn orange red; powder cleared with dilute nitric acid shows surface
view of sculpturing on testa.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than := per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
#$T%& densitometric estimation of hyoscyamine.
TLC %&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm thickness.
So&(#nt s)st#*
Toluene) 7thyl acetate) 3iethylamine +6.0)A.0)-.0..
T#st so&,tion
-0 g of powdered drug is accularately weighed and refluxed with (ethanol +2 x !0 ml. for
2 hr. The combined extract is concentrated to -0 ml and extracted with 2( #ydrochloric acid +2 x
-! ml.. The aMueous solution is shaken with 2 x 2! ml portions of $etroleum ether +60-20;. to
remove fatty material. The p# of the aMueous solution is adBusted to -0 using strong ammonia
solution and extracted with &hloroform +A x A0 ml.. The combined &hloroform extract is
concentrated and adBusted the volume to -0 ml with &hloroform.
St'nd'rd so&,tion
-.0 mg1ml stock solution of hyoscyamine is prepared in (ethanol. 'liMuots of 0.! to A ml
in increments of 0.! ml is pipetted out into -0 ml volumetric flask and made upto the volume with
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
-0 Hl of each concentration of standard solution is applied on T%& plate. The plate is
developed in the solvent system to a distance of 2 cm. and dried in a current of hot air. The plate is
scanned in the T%& scanner at 2-0 nm. The peak area for each concentration of hyoscyamine is
recorded and the calibration curve is got.
Esti*'tion o/ 3)os.)'*in# in t3# dr,+
-0 Hl of the test solution is applied on T%& plate. The plate is developed in the solvent
system to a distance of 2 cm. and the chromatogram is recorded and area of the peak is noted. The
amount of hyoscyamine in the test sample is determined from the calibration curve of
The percentage of hyoscyamine ranges from 0.006 to 0.0-, in the samples analyFed.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate)
diethylamine +<)2)-. shows under 45 +A66 nm. one fluorescent spot at Rf. 0., +blue.. 'fter
spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& until the
colour develops, the plate shows three spots at Rf. 0.0, +brown., 0., +brown., 0.6, +greenish
brown.. 'fter spraying with modified 3ragendorff reagent spots appear at Rf.0.,0, 0.<<, 0.6-, 0.2A
and 0.-0.
#yoscyamine, hyoscine, isomeric P-oxides of hyoscyamine +eMuatorial and axial.,
hyoscine-P-oxide +eMuatorial isomer., tropine; -6V- acetoxyhyoscyamilactol, daturalactone-,
hyoscyamilactol; cannabisin 3, cannabisin >, grossamide, hyoscyamide; rutin; daucosterol, O-
sitosterol, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids, --C- +,W, -2W-octadecadienoyl.
glycerol, --C-octadecanoylglycerol, --C- +,W--2W-octadecadienoyl. -AC-+,W-Cctadecenoyl.
glycerol, --C- +,W, -2W-octadecadienoyl. -A-C-nonadecanoyl glycerol, --C- +,W,-2W-
octadecadienoyl. -2-C- +,W,-2W-octadecadienoyl. glycerol, P-trans-feruloyl tyramine,-, 2-
tetracosanediol diferulate and vanillic acid.

C#$ai * Ci@ukaippu (C), +rppu ()
#%a& * (i)mai (F), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unAr +u@aipaBaperukki (Cc #$A), #ci!aka@@i
(C!&), (tu!eppaka@@i ((?!&), (uyaraBakki (?$A), 4@akkamu)Bkki

Carapu-ka 3il!ti #Gakam (- >%F 3), +apBa $tthirai ($
5F), 5anthi $e,uku (4F .), (ippili #rcyaEam (FA@ -0), 3e)p
Dca)i 5ey (L-M 48)
?rampa %aittiyam ( 5F), CDtaka!ali (+(@), CDtaka!yu (+(
E), $antra #raippu (( ), 5iEai!u (aBum@@am (V0: (=!#), (amaraka
(aBippu (( (/), (DkkamiEmai (GJ9), %allaBi 5IykaG (%/ '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder :6< 1 <LL m"
MA;CA: (R8i<o&)) - &=
$aPcaG is the dried and cured rhiUome of Curcuma longa L. Syn. C. domestica 3aleton
(Fam. %ingiberaceae), a perennial herb, e7tensi!ely culti!ated in all parts of the countryM crop is
har!ested after T to :L months hen loer lea!es turn yelloM rhiUomes carefully du" up ith
hand1picks beteen 2ctober1April and cured by boilin" in its on decoction and dried. #t "ros in
+u@iPci and $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * AricaEam (B-0), +EcaEi (9-I), $aPcaG +i,a-ku (U-;
A), 5ici (VC), %Atam (K()
Assamese * 0aldhi, 0aladhi
.en"ali * 0alud, 0aldi
Kn"lish * (urmeric
/u'rati * 0aldar
0indi * 0aldi, 0ardi
+annada * Arishina
+ashmiri * Leadar, Ladhir
$alayalam * $an'al
$arathi * 0alad
2riya * 0aladi
%un'abi * 0aldi, 0aldar
Sanskrit * 0aridra, &a'ant, 5isa, 5isi, &atri, +sanada, Dosa
(elu"u * %asupu
4rdu * 0aldi
a) Macroscopic
RhiFomes ovate, oblong or pyriform +round turmeric. or cylindrical, often short branched
+long turmeric., former about half as broad as long, latter 2 to ! cm. long and about - to -.2 cm.
thick, externally yellowish to yellowish-brown with root scars and annulations of leaf bases;
fracture horny, fractured surface orange to reddish brown; central cylinder twice as broad as cortex;
odour and taste characteristic.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of rhiFome shows epidermis with thick-walled, cubical cells of various
dimensions; a few layers of cork developed under epidermis and oleo-resin cells with brownish
contents scattered; cork generally composed of to 6 layers of thin-walled, brick-shaped
parenchyma; cortex characteriFed by the presence of mostly thin-walled rounded parenchyma cells
and scattered collateral vascular bundles; cells of ground tissue contain starch grains of to -! Hm
in diameter; oil cell with suberised walls containing either orange-yellow globules of volatile oil or
amorphous resinous matter; vessels mainly spirally thickened, a few reticulate and annular.
"ellow; shows fragments of cork cells; parenchyma cells with gelatinised starch grains;
oleo-resin cells with brownish content; vessels with spiral thickening; a few oil globules; starch
grains simple, rounded, measuring to -! Hm in diameter.
-. Cn the addition of concentrated :ulphuric acid or a mixture of concentrated :ulphuric acid
and alcohol to the powdered drug, a deep crimson colour is produced.
2. ' piece of filter paper is impregnated with an alcoholic extract of the powder, dried, and
then moistened with a solution of Joric acid slightly acidified with #ydrochloric acid, dried
again, the filter paper assumes a pink or brownish red colour which becomes deep blue or
greenish-black on the additXion of alkali.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
3olatile oil 5ot less than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.:L
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-. shows five spots under 45 +A66
nm. at Rf. 0.-0 +yellow., 0.-! +greenish yellow., 0.A2, 0.2 and 0., +all sky blue.. =ith
'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;& ten spots
appear at Rf. 0.-0 +blackish yellow., 0.-! +dull yellow., 0.22, 0.A!, 0.A, 0.!- +all violet., 0.!2
+light pink., 0.6 +violet., 0.22 +red. and 0., +pink..
&urcumin, desmethoxy curcumin, bisdemethoxy curcumin, dihydrocurcumin, D-turmerone,
bisabolane derivatives, ukonan ', J, & N 3 phytosterols and fatty acids.

C#$ai * +aippu (), +rppu ()
#%a& * 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Oral (C@@i (F% '(!&),
3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

CAnthil 5ey (SF% 48), +ummaBBik +u,ampu (6/ ), 5kaccentDram
(4*-G), %ira)Bai 3aBakam (A$ $), %iBa-ku 5@ikkuBinAr (A$ 4
&/c), 3allrai 5ey (% 48), 3eG!a-kap %a@pam (; !)
A,alH%ittam (%7A5(), Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), $DkkunAr %yccal (Rc
8*-%), %u) (), 3ali (@), 3nti (F), 3Akkam ()), 3aGi (2)
DOSE 1 %oder <6L 1 =<L m"

MARAMA;CA: (St)&) - &=
$aramaPcaG is the dried stem of ,erberis aristata DC. 3ar. aristata. (Fam.
,erberidaceae), an erect, spinous, deciduous shrub, usually :.S to 9.= m. in hei"ht found in the
0imalayas at an ele!ation altitude of :LLL to 9LLL m., and in the 5il"iri hills in South #ndia. #t
"ros in +u@iPci thi)ai.
(amil * +lCyakam ('), (ru!i ((>)
.en"ali * Daruharidra
Kn"lish * #ndian berberry
/u'rati * Daruharidra, Daruhuladur
0indi * Daruhaldi, Darhald
+annada * $aradarishana, $aradarishina, Daruhaladi
$alayalam * $aramannal, $araman'nal
$arathi * Daruhalad
2riya * Daruharidra, Daruhalidi
%un'abi * Sumalu
Sanskrit * Daruharidra, Dar!i, +atamkateri
(elu"u * $anupasupu
4rdu * Darhald
a) Macroscopic
3rug available in pieces of variable length and thickness, bark about 0. to 0.2 cm. thick,
pale yellowish-brown, soft, closely and rather deeply furrowed, rough, brittle, xylem portion
yellow, more or less hard, radiate with xylem rays; pith mostly absent, when present small,
yellowish-brown when dried; fracture short in bark region, splintery in xylem; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
St#* - :hows rhytidoma with cork consisting of A to ! rows of rectangular and sMuarish, yellow
coloured, thin-walled cells arranged radially; sieve elements irregular in shape, thin-walled, a few
cells containing yellowish-brown contents; phloem fibres arranged in tangential rows, consisting of
- to cells, each fibre short thick-walled, spindle-shaped, lignified having wide lumen; half inner
portion of rhytidoma traversed by secondary phloem rays; phloem rays run obliMuely consisting of
radially elongated parenchymatous cells, almost all phloem ray cells having single prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate, a few cells of rhytidoma also contain prismatic crystals of calcium
oxalate, stone cells also found scattered in phloem ray cells in groups, rarely single, mostly
elongated, a few rounded, arranged radially, some of which contain a single prism of calcium
oxalate crystals; secondary phloem, a broad Fone, consisting of sieve elements and phloem fibres,
traversed by multiseriate phloem rays; sieve elements arranged in tangential bands and tangentially
compressed cells alternating with single to five rows of phloem fibres; short, lignified, thick-walled
having pointed ends; secondary xylem broad consisting of xylem vessels, tracheids, xylem fibres
and traversed by multiseriate xylem rays; xylem vessels numerous, small to medium siFed,
distributed throughout xylem region in groups or in singles, groups of vessels usually arranged
radially; isolated vessels cylindrical with rounded or proBected at one or both ends with spiral
thickening; xylem fibres numerous, lignified, large, thick-walled with wide lumen and pointed tips;
xylem rays Muite distinct, straight, multiseriate, consisting of radially arranged rectangular cells,
each ray A0 to !A cells high, 2 to -2 cells wide, a few ray cells containing brown contents.
"ellow; shows mostly fragments of cork cells; sieve elements, yellow coloured phloem
fibres entire or in pieces; stone cells in singles or in groups; numerous prismatic crystals of calcium
oxalate; xylem vessels having sprial thickening; thick-walled, lignified xylem fibres and ray cells;
when an extract of the powder with chloroform and methanol is exposed under near 45 light +2!,
A66 nm.. shows dark yellow and greenish yellow fluorescence respectively.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T%& densitometric estimation of berberine.
TLC %&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness.
So&(#nt s)st#*
n- Jutanol) 7thyl acetate) 'cetic acid ) =ater +A)!)-)-..
T#st so&,tion
-0 g of powdered drug is extracted in a :oxhlet apparatus with n-#exane +-!0 ml. to defat
the material +! to < hr.. and further extracted with (ethanol +-!0 ml. +2 to , hr... The extract is
filtered and concentrated and dried in vacuo. 2 mg of the residue is taken and dissolved in - ml of
St'nd'rd so&,tion
- mg of the reference compound, berberine is dissolved, in - ml of (ethanol.
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
The calibration curve is drawn for berberine with 2 data points - to 2 Hl of the standard
solution is applied on a T%& plate. The plate is developed in the solvent system to a distance of 2
cm. The plate is scanned densitometrically at A66 nm. The peak area under curve is recorded and
plotted the calibration curve for berberine.
Esti*'tion o/ -#r-#rin# in t3# dr,+
- Hl of the test solution in triplicate is applied on T%& plate. The plate is developed in the
solvent system and recorded the chromatogram. The amount of berberine present in the samples is
calculated from the calibration curve of the standard.
The percentage of berberine varies from 2.<! to A.20 in the samples analyFed.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Jutanol) 7thyl acetate) 'cetic acid) =ater +A)!)-)-. and
visulaliFation with 3ragendorff solution reagent shows seven spots at Rf. 0.-!, 0.2-, 0.26 +all
yellowish brown., 0.A2 +dark orange red., 0.0 +yellowish brown., 0.!2 +orange red. and 0.6< +dark
orange red, berberine marker..
Jerberine, oxycanthine, palmatine, BatrorrhiFine, karachine, taxilamine, pakistanine,
kalashine, chitraline and - - o - methyl pakistanine.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 4ramkki ("A), 3eppaka@@i

Cmpir)ippD %ata-kam (-AML ()
Cu!aiyiEmai (O9), +a)am (,), +)curam (,), $Dla 5Iy (R
'48), 4Bcuram ("6)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
<L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

MARUT!AM PA5.AI (St)& bar+) - 6
$arutham %aBJai is the stem bark of #erminalia ar!una (&o7b.) >. Y A. (Fam.
Combretaceae), a lar"e deciduous tree commonly found throu"hout the "reater parts of the country,
and also planted for shade and ornamental purpose.#t "ros in $arutham and 5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * ArccuEam (*0), #ntiraE %r (F9 ), 3eGGai $arutamaram
(;3 ()
Assamese * Ar'un
.en"ali * Ar'una
/u'rati * Sadad, Ar'una, Sa'ada
0indi * Ar'una
+annada * $atti, .ilimatti, 5eermatti, $athichakke, +udare +i!imase
$alayalam * 5irmasuthu, 3ellamaruthi, +ellemasuthu, $attimora,
$arathi * Ar'una, Sadada
2riya * Ar'una
%un'abi * Ar'on
Sanskrit * Ar'una, +akubha, %artha, S!eta!aha
(elu"u * $addi
4rdu * Ar'un
a) Macroscopic
Jark available in pieces, flat, curved, channelled to half Muilled, 0.2 to -.! cm. thick, market
samples upto -0 cm. in length and up to < cm. in width, outer surface somewhat smooth and grey,
inner surface somewhat fibrous and pinkish, transversely cut smoothened bark shows pinkish
surface; fracture short in inner and laminated in outer part; taste bitter and astringent.
b) Microscopic
St#* 7'r8 - (ature bark shows cork consisting of , to -0 layers of tangentially elongated cells, a
few outer layers filled with brown colouring matter; cork cambium and secondary cortex not
distinct and medullary rays observed traversing almost upto outer bark; secondary phloem occupies
a wide Fone, consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres,
traversed by phloem rays, usually uniseriate but biseriate rays also occasionally seen; in the middle
and outer phloem region, sieve tubes get collapsed and form ceratenchyma; phloem fibres
distributed in rows and present in groups of 2 to -0; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate measuring
20 to -20 mm in dia., present in most of the phloem parenchyma, alternating with fibres; idioblasts
consisting of large cells having aggregates of prismatic and rhomboidal crystals of calcium oxalate
in row throughout the Fone, measuring 260 to 600 mm in dia.; starch grains, mostly simple,
compound of 2 or A components, sometimes upto ! components, round to oval, elliptical,
measuring ! to -A mm in dia., distributed throughout the tissue +absent in T.alata.; in a tangential
section, uniseriate phloem rays 2 to -0 cells high and biseriate, to -2 cells high; in longitudinal
section rosette crystals of calcium oxalate found in the form of strands in phloem parenchyma.
Reddish-brown; shows fragments of cork cells, uniseriate phloem rays, fibres, a number of
rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, a few rhomboidal crystals; starch grains simple and compound,
round to oval, elliptic, having 2 or A components with concentric striations measuring ! to -A mm
in diameter with small narrow hilum; shows pinkish red fluorescence under near 45 light when an
extract of the powder with light petroleum +0 to 608. is exposed.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 6< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm thickness silica using Toluene) 7thyl acetate) /ormic acid) (ethanol
+6)A)0.-)-.0. shows nine spots at Rf. 0.0<, +grey., 0.-, +pinkish blue., 0.2A +dark blue., 0.A0 +blue.,
0.- +dark blue., 0.! +grey., 0.6! +grey., 0.<- +greyish blue. and 0.20 +dark pink.. =ith
'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& for ! minutes. 3evelopment
with the solvent system Toluene) 7thyl formate) /ormic acid +!)!)2. shows 6 spots at Rf. 0.-<,
0.26, 0.A 0.A+ellagic acid marker., 0.!2 and 0.!! +all greyish blue., derivatiFation being carried
out with ! per cent methanolic ferric chloride solution.
/riedelin, oleanolic acid, arBunolic acid, arBunic acid, terminic acid, terminoic acid,
tomentosic acid, arBunetin, arBungenin, arBun glucoside *,**,***,arBunoletin, arBunin, arBunoside
*,**,***,*5,arBunolone,casuarinin, glucotannic acid, catechol, epicatechol,+-.gallocatechol,
pyrocatechol, ellagic acid, leucodelphinidin, oxalic acid and O-sitosterol.

C#$ai * (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * (amaraka 3eppamu)Bkki (( $A), (u!arppi
(?A), 4ramkki ("A)

+antaka %a@pam (( !), $arutampaBBai CDra)am ((6$ +,)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), #raippirumal (A%), #tayanIy (('48),
+a,iccal (P*-%), 5Ari,i!u (cBP:), %u) (), 3eGGai (;3), 3ayi@u 3ali (O
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "

M'I"I@KAPPA5.AI (St)& bar+) - M<4
$!ili-kappaBJai is the dried stem bark of Crateva magna (Lour.) DC. Syn.C. nurvala
.uch.10am., C.religiosa Auct. non Foster f. (Fam. Capparidaceae), a small ild or culti!ated tree
found throu"hout the year in #ndia, often found alon" streams and also in dry, deep boulder
formation in Sub10imalayan tracts.#t "ros in +u@iPci , $ullai, $arutham and thi)ai.
(amil * +umrakam (), $!ila-ku (>), 3ra)i (M)
.en"ali * 3aruna
Kn"lish * (hree lea!ed caper
/u'rati * 3ay!arno, 3arano
0indi * .aruna, .arna
+annada * .ipatri, $attama!u, 5eer!alamara
$alayalam * 5eermatalam
$arathi * 0ara!arna, 3arun, 3aya!arna
2riya * .aryno
%un'abi * .arna, .arnahi
Sanskrit * 3aruna, 3arana
(elu"u * .il!arani
a) Macroscopic
Thickness of bark varies, usually - to -.! cm. according to the age and portion of the plant
from where the bark is removed; outer surface, greyish to greyish-brown with ash-grey patches; at
places, surface rough due to a number of lenticels, shallow fissures and a few vertical or
longitudinal ridges; inner surface smooth and cream white in colour; fracture tough and short;
odour indistinct; taste slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of mature stem bark shows an outer cork composed of thin-walled,
rectangular and tangentially elongated cells; phellogen single layered with thin-walled, tangentially
elongated cells, followed by a wide secondary cortex, consisting of thin-walled, polygonal to
tangentially elongated cells with a number of starch grains; starch grains mostly simple,
occasionally compound with 2 or A components also present; large number of stone cells in groups
of two or more, found scattered in secondary cortex, single stone cells not very common, stone
cells vary in siFe and shape, being circular to rectangular or elongated with pits and striations on
their walls; stone cells distributed somewhat in concentric bands in phloem region except in inner
region of phloem which is devoid of stone cells; secondary phloem comparatively a wide Fone,
consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma and groups of stone cells, alternating with
medullary rays; sieve elements found compressed forming ceratenchyma in outer phloem region,
whereas in inner region of phloem, intact; medullary rays mostly multiseriate composed of thin-
walled, radially elongated cells, tangentially elongated towards outer periphery; a number of starch
grains similar to secondary cortex also present in phloem and ray cells; few rhomboidal crystals of
calcium oxalate also found in this region.
&ream in colour; shows fragments of cork cells; a few rhomboidal crystals of calcium
oxalate; pieces of phloem parenchyma, lignified thick-walled stone cells; simple starch grains
measuring A.! to 2.2 Hm in diameter, rarely compound with 2 or A components.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
(erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using n-Jutanol) 'cetic 'cid) water +!)-). v1v, and on exposure to
iodine vapours three spots appear at Rf. 0.-A, 0.22 and 0.,2 +all yellow.. =ith 'nisaldehyde -
:ulphuric acid reagent heating the plate at -0!8& for five minutes five spots appear at Rf. 0.-6,
0.26 +both grey., 0.<, 0.22 +both violet. and 0.,2 +blackish violet., prominent spots at Rf. 0.22
+violet. and 0.,2 +blackish violet..
Cadabacine, cadabacine diacetate, (1) 1catechin, (1) 1 epicatechin1<1 "lucoside, (1)1
epiafUelechin, isothicyanate "lucoside, "lucocapparin, tara7asterol, lupeol, 91epilupeol, lupeol
acetate, dios"enin, friedelin, betulinic acid, ceryl alcohol and spinasterol acetate.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +a@karaicci (!*C), $alamiGakki (J3A), %acittAtD)Bi
(C5QG/), 4ramkki ("A), 3eppaka@@i (!&)

3tacurak +uBinAr (( /c)
+allaBaippu (%$), +)kaBi (,/), %uraiyIBiya %u)kaG ('/
;), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '48;)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
9L1 <L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

MI:AKU (,r#it) - @1.
$iGaku is the fully mature dried fruit of Piper nigrum %. +/am. $iperaceae., a climber,
cultivated from @onkan :outhwards, especially in Porth @onkan @erala, and also in 'ssam.; fruits
ripen from 3ecember to (arch, depending upon climatic conditions; fruits harvested from
3ecember to 'pril. *t grows in +u@iPcithi)ai.
(amil * +a@i (&), +yam (), $alaiyGi (2), $rAcam (f-),
3allAcam (%g-)
.en"ali * /olmorich, +alamorich, $orich
Kn"lish * .lack pepper
/u'rati * +alimori
0indi * +alimirch
+annada * +arimonaru, $enaru
$alayalam * +arumulaku
$arathi * +alamiri
%un'abi * /almirich, +alimirch
Sanskrit * $arica, 3ella'a, 4sana
(elu"u * $iriyalu, $arichamu
4rdu * Fulfil Siyah, +alimirich
a) Macroscopic
/ruits greyish-black to black, hard, wrinkled, 0. to 0.! cm. in dia.; odour aromatic; taste
b) Microscopic
/ruit consists of a thick pericarp for about one third of fruit and an inner mass of perisperm,
enclosing a small embryo; pericarp consists of epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp; epicarp composed
of single layered, slightly sinuous, tabular cells forming epidermis, below which, are present - or 2
layers of radially elongated, lignified stone cells adBacent to group of cells of parenchyma;
mesocarp wide, composed of band of tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells having a few
isolated, tangentially elongated oil cells present in outer region and a few fibro-vascular bundles, a
single row of oil cells in the inner region of mesocarp; endocarp composed of a row of
beakershaped stone cells; testa single layered, yellow coloured, thick-walled sclerenchymatous
cells; perisperm contains parenchymatous cells having a few oil globules and angular, polyhedral
cells packed with abundant, oval to round, simple and compound starch grains measuring !.! to
--.0 Hm in dia.; having 2 or A components and a few minute aleurone grains.
Jlackish-grey; shows debris with a characteristic groups of more or less isodiametric or
slightly elongated stone cells, interspersed with thin-walled, polygonal hypodermal cells; beaker-
shaped stone cells from endocarp and abundant polyhedral, elongated cells from perisperm, packed
tightly with masses of minute compound and single, oval to round, starch grains measuring !.! to
--.0 Hm in dia.; having 2 or A component and a few aleurone grains and oil globules.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +<)A.
shows in visible light four spots at Rf.0.0!, 0.02 +both light green., 0.2< +light yellow. and 0.!2
+yellow.. 4nder 45 +A66 nm.. ten fluorescent Fones are visible at Rf. 0.0!, 0.02 +both light
brown., 0.20 +light blue., 0.6 +blue., 0.!2 +greenish yellow., 0.!< +bluish yellow., 0.66 +light
blue., 0.< +light pink., 0.22 and 0.,< +both blue.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours eleven spots
appear at Rf. 0.0!, 0.02, 0.-, 0.20, 02<, 0.A, 0.6, 0.!<, 0.66, 0.< and 0.,< +all yellow.. Cn
spraying with 3ragendorff reagent followed by !9 (ethanolic- :ulphuric acid reagent nine spots
appear at Rf. 0.0! +light orange., 0.-, 0.20, 0.2< +all orange., 0.6, 0.!< +both yellowish orange.,
0.66, 0.< +both orange. and 0.,< +light orange.. Cn spraying with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate for five minutes at -0!; & twelve spots appear at Rf. 0.0!, 0.02, 0.20, 0.2<,
0.6, 0.!2, 0.!<, 0.66, 0.<, 0.22, 0.,0 and 0.,< +all violet..
&havicine, piperine, piperidine, piperitine, pipercide, isochavinic acid, methyl caffeic acid,
pipericide, K and D- cic-bergamotene, guineensine, P- dtransferuloyltyramine, P-!- +-hydroxy-
phenyl. 27, 7-pentadienoyl piperidine, P- isobutyl-27, 7, 2W-eicosatrienamide, P-isobutyl- 27,
7- octadecadienamide, pellitorine, P-trans-feruloyl piperidine, feruperine, dihydroferuperine, +7,
7. -P- +2-methyl propyl. -2, -decadienamide, +7, 7, 7.--A- +-, A-benFodioxol-!-yl. -P- +2- methyl
propyl. -2, , -2- tridecatrienamide, +7, 7, 7. --- - -, A - JenFodioxol-!-yl. P- +2-methyl propyl.
-2, , -0 - tridecatrienamde, piperonal, pioperoleine J, +27, 7.- P-isobutyl-2, - decadienamide +-.
cubelin, +-. A--dimethoxy-A, -desmethylene dioxycubalin, dihydrocarveol,
caryophylleneoxide,cryptone, K and D- pinene,--K-phellanthrene, D-caryophyllene,
epoxydihydrocaryophyllene, m - mentha - A +2., 6-dione +isosylreterpinolene. delta -A- carene,
limonene and pipwaMarine.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), +ralu)Bkki (D$A),
$u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), 5accaka@@i (4*-!&), 3tamaBakki (($A),
3eppamu)Bkki ($A), 3Akka-karaicci ()*C)

AVBthic CDra)am (X$F* +,), Ci!aEr Amirtam (C0 J(),
Cu!cakuBIri (-'$B), Fltic CDra)aX (1F* +,), 5ila!kaic CDra)am (V
* +,), %aPcatApkkiEi CDra)am (U-QAI +,), (Gicti 3aBakam ((2-
F $), (irikaBukuc CDra)am (FB=* +,)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), Ceriymai (-B), CuramH+yccal (7
8*-%), Cu!aiyiEmai (O9), +a,alai (), (imir 3tam (FJ (), 3aGi 5
IykaG (2 '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder 6<L 1 <LL m"
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

M?KKIRA5.AI CAM?"AM (78o3) P3a/t) - 27 2
$DkkiraBJai CamDlam is the dried, hole plant of ,oerhaavia diffusa L. (Fam.
5ycta"inaceae), a trailin" herb found throu"hout #ndia and collected after rainy seasonM herb is
diffusely branched ith stout root stock and many lon", slender, prostrate or ascendin" branches.#t
"ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * #rattapuBpik (5(6A), $DkkuraBBai(Ci!appu)
(R6$[C\), %uBpakam (6)
Assamese * &an"a punarnabha
.en"ali * &akta punarna!a
Kn"lish * 0orse purslene, 0o" eed
/u'rati * Dholisaturdi, $otosatodo
0indi * /adapurna, Lalpunarna!a
+annada * Sanadika, +ommeberu, +omma
+ashmiri * 3an'ula %unarna!a
$alayalam * Chu!anna (aUhutaa
$arathi * /hetuli, 3asuchimuli, Satodimula, %unarna!a, +haparkhuti
2riya * Lalapuiruni, 5alipuruni
%un'abi * #tcit (lal), +hattan
Sanskrit * %unarna!a (&akta), +athilla, Sopha"nni, Sotha"hni
(elu"u * Atikamaidi, Krra "ali'eru
a) Macroscopic
Root-=ell developed, fairly long, somewhat tortuous, cylindrical, 0.2 to -.! cm. in diameter;
yellowish brown to brown coloured, surface rough due to minute longitudinal striations and root
scars; fracture short; no distinct odour; taste slightly bitter.
St#*->reenish purple, stiff, slender, cylindrical, swollen at nodes, minutely pubescent or nearly
glabrous, prostrate, divaricately branched, branches from common stalk, often more than a metre
L#'/- Cpposite in uneMual pairs, larger ones 2! to A< mm. long and smaller ones -2 to -2 mm.
long, ovate-oblong or suborbicular, apex rounded or slightly pointed, base subcordate or rounded,
green and glabrous above, whitish below, margin entire or sub-undulate, dorsal side pinkish in
certain cases, thick in texture, petioles nearly as long as the blade, slender.
F&o"#rs- :mall clusters of to -0 corymb, axillary and in terminal panicles; very small, pink
coloured, nearly sessile or shortly stalked, -0 to 2! cm., umbels, arranged on slender long stalks,
bracteoles small, acute, perianth tube constricted above the ovary, lower part greenish, ovoid,
ribbed, upper part pink, funnel-shaped, A mm. long, tube ! lobed, stamen 2 or A.
Fr,it-Cne seeded nut, 6 mm. long, clavate, rounded, broadly and bluntly ! ribbed, viscidly
b) Microscopic
Root - Transverse section of mature root shows anomalous secondary growth; cork composed of
thin-walled tangentially elongated cells with brown walls in the outer few layers; cork cambium of
- or 2 layers of thin-walled cells; secondary cortex consists of 2 or A layers of parenchymatous
cells followed by cortex composed of ! to -2 layers of thin-walled, oval to polygonal cells; several
concentric bands of xylem tissue alternating with wide Fone of parenchymatous tissue present
below cortical regions; number of bands vary according to thickness of root and composed of
vessels, tracheids and fibres; vessels mostly found in groups of 2 to 2, in radial rows, having simple
pits and reticulate thickening; tracheids small, thick-walled with simple pits; fibres aseptate,
elongated, thick-walled, spindle shaped with pointed ends; phloem occurs as hemispherical or
crescentic patches outside each group of xylem vessels and composed of sieve elements and
parenchyma; broad Fone of parenchymatous tissue, in between two successive rings of xylem
elements composed of thin-walled more or less rectangular cells arranged in radial rows, central
regions of root occupied by primary vascular bundles; numerous raphides of calcium oxalate, in
single or in group present in cortical region and parenchymatous tissue in between xylem tissue;
starch grains simple and compound having 2 to components found in abundance in most of cells
of cortex and in parenchymatous tissue between xylem elements, starch grains mostly rounded in
shape and measure 2.<! to -- Hm in diameter.
St#*- Transverse section of young stem shows epidermal layer containing multicellular, uni seriate
glandular trichomes consisting of , to -2 stalked cells and an ellipsoidal head, -!0 to 220 Hm long;
cortex consists of - or 2 layers of parenchyma; endodermis indistinct; pericycle - or 2 layered,
thick-walled often containing scattered isolated fibres; stele consists of two medullary bundles, a
middle ring of 6 to - bundles and an outer ring of -! to 20 or more small bundles; intra fascicular
cambium present. (ature stem shows anomalous secondary thickening in the form of a succession
of rings of vascular bundles; the secondary bundles exhibit a concentric or irregular arrangement
embedded in parenchymatous conBunctive tissue, thin walled lignified groups of parenchymatous
cells freMuently associated with the phloem; the phloem groups and adBoining ground parenchyma
occasionally appear as concentric annular or band shaped strips of tissue.
L#'/- 3orsiventral; epidermis single layered; in surface view, the upper epidermal cells have
straight walls and lower epidermal cell walls slightly wavy, stomata anomocytic present on both
lower and upper surface, but more in number on lower surface; multicellular glandular trichomes
present on both the surfaces; palisade single layered, followed by 2 to layered spongy
parenchyma cells with small intercellular spaces; vascular bundle surrounded by an incomplete
bundle sheath; idioblasts containing raphides; occasionally cluster crystal of calcium oxalate and
orange-red resinous matter present in mesophyll; dorsal side of the midrib composed of 2 layered
collenchyma, ground tissue parenchymatous; vascular bundle protected by 2 to A layered thick
walled cells on the dorsal side; palisade ratio A to <; stomatal index -- to -6 for upper surface, -0 to
- for lower surface; vein- islet number , to -! per sMuare mm.
Jrown; shows parenchyma cells; fragments of tracheids, vessels with reticulate thickening;
fragments of unicellular hairs; numerous acicular and cluster crystals of calcium oxalate; simple,
rounded starch grains measuring 2.<! to -- Hm in dia., compound having 2 to components.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ;.L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
&ontains not less than 0.- per cent of total alkaloids, when assayed by the following
'bout -00 g of the drug +60 mesh powder. is taken and moistened with dilute solution of
'mmonia. *t is extracted continuously in a :oxhlet apparatus for -2 hours with ,! per cent
'lcohol. The 'lcohol is removed by distillation. The residue is extracted with five 2! ml portions
of - P #ydrochloric acid till complete extraction of the alkaloid is effected. The mixed acid
solutions is transferred into a separating funnel and washed with 2! ml of &hloroform and the
&hloroform washings are reBected. The aMueous acid solution is made distinctly alkaline with
'mmonia and shaken with five 2! ml portions of &hloroform till complete extraction of alkaloids
is effected. The combined &hloroform extract is washed with two portions each of 2! ml of water.
The &hloroform layer is filtered in tared flask and evaporated to dryness. The percentage of the
total alkaloid is calculated.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl 'cetate) 'cetone
+2)). v1v, under 45 +A66 nm.. four fluorescent Fones visible at Rf. 0.!, 0.62, 0.6, and 0.<! +all
red.. Cn spraying with 9 (ethanolic- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for five
minutes at -0!8& six spots appear at Rf. 0.A-, 0.!, 0.62, 0.6,, 0.20 N 0.,6 +all grey..
$unarnavoside, boeravinones ', J, &, 3 N 7, liridodendrin, syringaresinol mono - O - 3-
glucoside, boeravine and hypoxanthine - ,-%-arabinofuranoside.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&),
+uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A), $alamiGakki (J3A), %u,u!aka@@i (.!&),
3ntiyu)Bkki (FE$A)

(GakacentDram ((3-G)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), #raippu (), +mlai (), +Al!yu (e%
E), 5amaiccal (4*-%), 5ArkkaBBu (c6=), %eru!ayi@u (O), 3aGi 5IykaG
(2 '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 9"

NA99RI (Root) - ;"AK
5aEEri is the root of +emidesmus indicus (L.) &. .r. (Fam. Asclepiadaceae), a prostrate
or semi1erect laticiferous herb, found throu"hout #ndia from upper /an"etic plains east1ards to
Assam, throu"hout Central, >estern and Southern #ndia upto an ele!ation of =LL m
(amil * A-kri $Dli (B R@), Criyam (-B), +ma!alli (%@),
+iru[)a!alli (AX,%@), %tGa $Dli ((3 R@)
Assamese * 3a"a sari!a
.en"ali * Anantamul, Sh!etashari!a
Kn"lish * #ndian sarasa parilla
/u'rati * +abri, 4palsari
0indi * Anantamul
+annada * Anantamool, .ili namadaberu, 5amada !eru, So"adeberu, 5amadaberu
+ashmiri * Anant mool
$alayalam * 5annari, 5annar, 5aruneendi
$arathi * 4palsari, Anantamula
2riya * Dralash!an lai, Anantamool
%un'abi * Anantmool, 4shbah
Sanskrit * S!eta sari!a, Ananta, /opasuta
(elu"u * Su"andhi pala, (ella Su"andhi
4rdu * 4shba hindi
a) Macroscopic
Roots occur in pieces, about A0 cm. long and A to 2 mm. in diameter, cylindrical, thick,
hard, somewhat tortuous, sparsely branched, provided with a few thick rootlets and secondary
roots; external appearance dark brown, sometimes with violet-grey tinge; center yellow, woody,
surrounded by a mealy white cortical layer; bark brownish, corky, marked with transverse cracks
and longitudinal fissures and easily detachable from the hard central core; odour characteristic;
taste sweetish, slightly acrid and aromatic.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of root shows periderm consisting of three layers of tissues, cork, cork
cambium and secondary cortex; cork cells radially flattened and rectangular in appearance filled
with dark brown contents giving reactions of tannins; cork cambium, 2 or A layered, compressed,
and filled with deep brown contents; secondary cortex, A or layers of cells, similar to cork cells,
with very little or no dark brown contents; secondary phloem consists of sieve elements,
parenchyma, phloem ray cells alongwith several laticiferous ducts; parenchyma cells filled with
starch grains, diameter < to -0 Hm, occasional prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; laticiferous
ducts scattered in parenchymatous tissue; cambium very narrow; xylem traversed by narrow
medullary rays; vessels and tracheids characteriFed by the presence of pitted markings; pith absent
and central region occupied by woody tissues.
Jrown; shows parenchyma cells filled with oval or rounded starch grains < to-, Hm in dia.,
having 2 to 2 or more components or prismatic calcium oxalate crystals; pieces of laticiferous
ducts; vessels with spiral thickenings.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.& of &hloroform soluble fraction of alcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated
with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate ) (ethanol
+2)2)0.!., with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate, at -0!;& for five
minutes shows six spots at Rf. 0.!, +bluish grey., 0.6! +blue., 0.<2 +pinkish violet., 0.20 +bluish
grey., 0.,- and 0., +both pinkish violet..
2-hydroxy, - methoxy-benFoic acid, essential oil containing mainly 2- hydroxy - -
methoxy benFaldehyde, nerolidol, borneol, linalylacetate, dihydrocarvylacetate, salicylaldehyde,
isocaryophyllene, V- terpinylacetate, -, 2- cineol, lupeol acetate,oleanane, ursane and lupane
derivatives, coumarino lignoids - hemidesminine, hemidesmin - and 2.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), +aippu ()
#%a& * 5oymai (48), (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&), 4ramkki
("A), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&), 3iyar!aiyu)Bkki (>E$A)

$a)BDrti ABaikkuBinAr (YF $/c), %a@a-kippaBBai #racyaEam
(#A6$ -0), %ittacurak +uBinAr (A5( /c)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), Cura!CBkai ('6), 5ArC@@am (c'!#), 5
Ari,i!u (cBP:), 3a)Bu +aBi (= /)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
9L1 <L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

NYURU'I CAM?"AM (78o3) P3a/t) - ;B6M 2
5aEEri is the root of +emidesmus indicus (L.) &. .r. (Fam. Asclepiadaceae), a prostrate
or semi1erect laticiferous herb, found throu"hout #ndia from upper /an"etic plains east1ards to
Assam, throu"hout Central, >estern and Southern #ndia upto an ele!ation of =LL m.#t "ros in
$arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Apamrkki (A), Allam (%), Ci@ukaBalBi (C$/),
+Pcari (U-B), $muEi (I)
.en"ali * Apam"
Kn"lish * %rickly chaff floer
/u'rati * A"hedo
0indi * Chirchita, Lat'ira
+annada * 4ttarani
$alayalam * +atalati
$arathi * A"hada
%un'abi * %uthakanda
Sanskrit * Apamar"a, $ayura, %ratyakpuspa, +haraman'ar, Sikhari
(elu"u * 4ttarenu
4rdu * Chirchita
a) Macroscopic
Root - &ylindrical tap root, slightly ribbed, 0.- to -.0 cm. in thickness, gradually tapering, rough
due to presence of some root scars; secondary and tertiary roots present, yellowish-brown; odour
not distinct.
St#* - 0.A to 0.! cm. in cut pieces, yellowish-brown, erect, branched, cylindrical, hairy, solid but
hollow when dry.
L#'/ - :imple, sub sessile, exstipulate, opposite, decussate, wavy margin, obovate, slightly
acuminate and pubescent.
F&o"#r - 'rranged in inflorescence of long spikes, greenish-white, numerous sessile, bracteate with
two bracteoles, one spine lipped, bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous; perianth segments !, free,
membranous, contorted or Muincuncial, stamens !, opposite, the perianth lobes, connate forming a
membranous tube-like structure, alternating with truncate and fimbriate staminodes, filament short;
anther, two celled, dorsifixed; gynoecium bicarpellary, syncarpous; ovary superior, unilocular with
single ovule; style, single; stigma, capitate.
Fr,it - 'n indehiscent dry utricle enclosed within persistent, perianth and bracteoles.
S##d - :ub-cylindric, truncate at the apex, round at the base, endospermic, brown.
b) Microscopic
Root - (ature root shows A to 2 layered, rectangular, tangentially elongated, thin-walled cork cells;
secondary cortex consisting of 6 to , layers, oval to rectangular, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells
having a few scattered single or groups of stone cells; followed by to 6 discontinuous rings of
anomalous secondary thickening composed of vascular tissues; small patches of sieve tubes distinct
in phloem parenchyma, demarcating the xylem rings; xylem composed of usual elements; vessels
simple pitted; medullary rays - to A cells wide; small prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present
in cortical region and numerous in medullary rays.
St#* - "oung stem shows 6 to -0 prominent ridges; epidermis single layered, covered by thick
cuticle having uniseriate, 2 to ! celled, covering trichomes and glandular with globular head on a A
to celled stalk; cortex 6 to -0 layered, composed of parenchymatous cells, most of them
containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; in the ridges cortex collenchymatous; vascular
bundles lie facing each ridge capped by pericyclic fibres; transverse section of mature stem shows
lignified, thin-walled cork cells; pericycle a discontinuous ring of lignified fibres; vascular tissues
show anomalous secondary growth having to 6 incomplete rings of xylem and phloem; secondary
phloem consists of usual elements forming incomplete rings; cambial strip present between
secondary xylem and phloem; vessels annular, spiral, scalariform and pitted, fibres pitted,
elongated, lignified; pith wide consisting of oval to polygonal, parenchymatous cells; two
medullary bundles; clustered crystals of calcium oxalate, microsphenoidal calcium oxalate crystals
present in some epidermal, cortical and pith cells.
P#tio&# - :hows crescent-shaped outline, having single-layered epidermis with thickcuticle; ground
tissue consisting of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells containing rosette crystals of calcium
oxalate; or ! vascular bundles situated in mid region.
Midri- - :hows a single layered epidermis on both surfaces; epidermis followed by or ! layered
collenchyma on upper side and 2 or A layered on lower side; ground tissue consisting of thin-
walled, parenchymatous cells having a number of vascular bundles; each vascular bundle shows
below the xylem vessels, thin layers of cambium followed by phloem and a pericycle represented
by 2 or A layers of thick-walled, non-lignified cell; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate found
scattered in ground tissues.
L'*in' - 3orsiventral; shows single layered, tangentially elongated epidermis cells covered with
thick cuticle having covering trichomes which are similar to those of stem found on both surfaces;
palisade 2 to layered of thick parenchyma larger, slightly elongated in upper, while smaller and
rectangular in lower surface; spongy parenchyma A to ! layers thick, more or less isodiametric
parenchymatous cells; idioblast containing large rosette crystals of calcium oxalate distributed in
mesophyll; stomata anomocytic present on both surfaces; stomatal index .! to ,.0 on upper
surface, ,.0 to 20.0 on lower surface; palisade ratio <.0 to --; vein- islet number < to -A per sMuare
%ight yellow; shows fragments of elongated, rectangular, thin-walled eipdermal cells;
aseptate fibres, vessels with annular, spiral, scalariform and pitted thickening; uniseriate hair with
bulbous base; rosette and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I

plate using n- #exane) 7thyl
'cetate) glacial 'cetic 'cid +-0.0)!.0)0.-. shows A spots at Rf. 0.20 +light pink., 0., +dark pink,
oleanolic acid marker., 0.!! +dark yellow., and two brown spots one of which stays on the base and
the other running to the solvent front with a green chlorophyll spot below it, on spraying with -)-
aMueous :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& for five minutes.
Triterpenoid saponins '-3, possessing oleanolic acid as aglycone, ecdysone, ecdysterone,
tritriacontane, pentatriacontane, hexatriacontane, 6- pentatria contanone, -tritria contanone, -0-
tria cosanone,-< - pentatriacontanol, 2<- cyclohexyl heptacosan- <-ol, -6, hydroxy -26- methyl
heptacosan - 2- one and A6, <, dihydroxyhenpentacontan - - one, betaine.

C#$ai * +aippu (), +rppu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * Acai!u (-:), +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&),
(u!arppi (?A), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&)

5kaccentDram (4*-G)
Ce!inIy (->'48), CDtakataBai (+(($), Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), #rumal
(%), +mlai (), +uEmam (9), 3eGGai (;3), 3eGuppu 5IyH%)Bu
(< '487=), 3Akkam ())
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.6L 1 <L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin"

NE""IKKY (,r)s8 ,r#it) - !;(<)
5ellikky is the fresh fruit of Phyllanthus emblica L. Syn. 'mblica officinalis /aertn.
(Fam. Kuphorbiaceae), a small or medium siUed tree, found in mi7ed deciduous forests, ascendin"
to :9LL m. on hills and culti!ated in "ardens and homeyards.#t "ros in +u@iPciand $arutham
(amil * ?malakam (), +Ira-kam ('), $i@utupal (J?),
5elli (4%@), (ttiri ((5FB)
.en"ali * Amla, Dhatri
Kn"lish * Amlaku, Amlakhi, Amlakhu, Kmblic myrobalan
/u'rati * Ambala, Amla
0indi * Amla, Aonla
+annada * 5ellikayi
+ashmiri * Kmbali, Amli
$alayalam * 5ellikka
$arathi * An!ala, A!alkathi
2riya * Ainla, Anala
%un'abi * Amla, Aula
Sanskrit * Amalaki, Amrtaphala, Dhatriphala
(elu"u * 4sirika
4rdu * Amla, Amla'
a) Macroscopic
/ruit, globose, 2.! to A.! cm. in diameter, fleshy, smooth with six prominent lines; greenish when
tender, changing to light yellowish or pinkish colour when mature, with a few dark specks; taste
sour and astringent followed by delicately sweet taste.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of mature fruit shows an epicarp consisting of single layer of epidermis
and 2 to layers of hypodermis; epidermal cell, tabular in shape, covered externally with a thick
cuticle and appear in surface view as polygonal; hypodermal cells tangentially elongated, thick-
walled, smaller in dimension than epidermal cells; mesocarp forms bulk of fruit, consisting of thin-
walled parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces, peripheral 6 to , layers smaller, ovoid or
tangentially elongated while rest of cells larger in siFe, isodiametric with prominent corner
thickenings; several collateral fibrovascular bundles scattered throughout mesocarp consisting of
xylem and phloem; xylem composed of tracheal elements, fibre tracheids and xylem fibres; tracheal
elements show reticulate, scalariform and spiral thickenings; xylem fibres elongated with narrow
lumen and pointed end; mesocarp contains large aggregates of numerous irregular silica crystals.
$oisture content 5ot less than SL per cent, Appendi7 6.6.T
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ;L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than <L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.& of 3ichloromethane- soluble fraction of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel

plate using Toluene) 7thyl 'cetate ) /ormic 'cid +!))-., on exposure to iodine vapours shows
seven spots at Rf. 0.0, 0.-2, 0.-,, 0.A2, 0.-, 0.2 and 0.6- +all yellow.. Cn spraying with !9
/erric chloride solution three spots appear at Rf. 0.0, 0.-, and 0.A2 +all blackish violet..
'scorbic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid, %-malic acid-2-C-gallate, mucic acid-2-C-gallate,
mucic acid--,-lactone, 2-C-gallate, !-C-gallate, A-C-gallate, A,!-di-C-gallate and tannins.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), %uGippu (2), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +yaka@pamkki (!A),
+uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A), $alamiGakki (J3A)

#runellik +a@pam (4%@ !), +iGiPcal $e,uku (A2U-% .), 5elli
#Gakam (4%@ 3), %oEE-k)it (ailam (90M5 ()
Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), $ayakkam (), %AEicam (KI-), %iramCkam
(A'), 3nti (F), 3e@i 5Iy (& '48)
DOSE 1 %oder :L 1 6L "
Fresh 'uice < 1 :L ml

NE""I 'A--A" (Dri)4 ,r#it) - !;(< #(
5elli 3a@@al is the dried pericarp of mature fruit de!oid of seeds, of Phyllanthus emblica
L. Syn. 'mblica officinalis /aertn. (Fam. Kuphorbiaceae), a small or medium siUed tree, found in
mi7ed deciduous forests, ascendin" to :9LL m. on hills and culti!ated in "ardens and homeyards.#t
"ros in +u@iPciand $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * ?malakam (), +Ira-kam ('), $i@utupal (J?),
5elli (4%@), 5ellikky (4%@8), 5ellimuGGi (4%@;2), (ttiri ((5FB)
Assamese * Amlakhi, Amlaku, Amlakhu
.en"ali * Amla, Dhatri
Kn"lish * Kmblic myrobalan
/u'rati * Ambala, Amla
0indi * Amla, Aonla
+annada * 5ellikayi
+ashmiri * Amli, Kmbali
$alayalam * 5ellikka
$arathi * An!ala, A!alkathi
2riya * Ainla, Anala
%un'abi * Amla, Aula
Sanskrit * Amalaki, Amrtaphala, Dhatriphala
(elu"u * 4sirika
4rdu * Amla, Amla'
a) Macroscopic
3rug consists of curled pieces of pericarp of dried fruit occurring as separated segments; -
to 2 cm. long or united with A or segments; bulk colour grey to black, pieces showing a broad,
highly shrivelled and wrinkled external convex surface to somewhat concave, transversely wrinkled
lateral surface, external surface shows a few whitish specks, occasionally some pieces show a
portion of stony testa; texture rough, cartilaginous, tough; taste sour and astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows epicarp consisting of single layer of epidermis, cell
appearing tabular and polygonal in surface view; cuticle present; mesocarp cells tangentially
elongated parenchymatous and crushed, differentiated roughly into a peripheral 2 or , layers of
tangentially elongated smaller cells, rest consisting of mostly isodiametric larger cells with walls
showing irregular thickenings; ramified vascular elements occasionally present; occasionally stone
cells may be present either isolated or in small groups towards endocarp; pitted vascular fibres,
walls appearing serrated due to the pit canals leading into lumen.
Jlack; shows epidermis with uniformly thickened straight walled, isodiametric parenchyma
cells with irregular thickened walls; occasionally short fibres and tracheids.
$oisture content 5ot less than <L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.T
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ;L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than <L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 3ichloromethane- soluble fraction of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

using Toluene) 7thyl 'cetate ) /ormic 'cid +!))-., on exposure to iodine vapours shows five
spots at Rf.0.-2, 0.A2, 0.2,0.,2 and 0.,! +all yellow.. Cn spraying with !9 /erric chloride
solution two spots appear at Rf. 0.-2 and 0.A2 +both blackish violet..
'scorbic acid, tannins gallic, ellagic, phyllemblic acid and emblicol.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), %uGippu (2), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A),
$alamiGakki (J3A)

?Eanta %aira!am (0( ), +antaka #racyaEam (( -0),
5ellikky #Gakam (4%@8 3), (iripalaic CDra)am (FB* +,)
KEpurukki 5Iy (N9A '48), +uruti A,al (F %), 4BcDBu ("6+=),
%erumpBu (=), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "

NERU;CI MU: (,r#it) - !;6&' =
5eruPci $uG is the dried, ripe, entire fruit of #ribulus terrestris L.(Fam. Wy"ophyllaceae),
an annual rarely perennial prostrate, common eed of the pasture lands, road sides and other aste
places, chiefly in hot, dry and sandy re"ionsM throu"hout #ndia and upto 9,LLL m. in +ashmir.#t
"ros in $arutham , 5eythal and %laithi)ai.
(amil * Cutam ((), +iBBiram (A6/), +Ika)Bam ('$), 5eruPcil
(4UC%), (irika)Bam (FB$)
Assamese * /okshura, /okhurkata
.en"ali * /okshura, /okhri
Kn"lish * Caltrops fruit
/u'rati * .etha"okharu, $itha"okhru, 5ana"okharu
0indi * /okhru
+annada * 5e""ilamullu, Sannane""ilu, 5e""ilu
+ashmiri * /okshura, /okhurkata, $ichirkand, %lakhada
$alayalam * /okshura, /okhri, 5erin'il
$arathi * Sarate, /okharu
2riya * /ukhura, /okhyura
%un'abi * .hakhra, /okhru
Sanskrit * /oksura, (rikanta, S!adamstra, (raikantaka
(elu"u * %alleru +aya
4rdu * +har1e1+hasak +hurd
a) Macroscopic
/ruit stalked, light or greenish yellow, five ribbed or angled, more or less spherical in
structure and covered with short stiff or pubescent hairs, - cm. in diameter with five pairs, of
prominent short stiff spines, pointed downwards, about 0.! cm. in length; tips of spines almost meet
in pairs, whole together forming pentagonal frame-work around fruit; ripe fruit separates into five
segments or cocci; coccus semi-lunar or plano-convex in structure, one chambered, armed with a
pair of spines, starting from its middle containing four or more seeds; taste slightly astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows rectangular epidermal cells of each coccus; unicellular
trichomes in abundance; mesocarp 6 to -0 layers of large parenchymatous cells, rosette of calcium
oxalate crystals abundantly present; mesocarp followed by A or compact layers of small cells
containing prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
&reamish-brown; shows fragments of rectangular epidermal cells; unicellular trichomes
with pointed tips; numerous rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and a few cells containing prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck.
0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +,)-., on exposure to iodine vapours shows ten
spots at Rf. 0.0,, 0.2A, 0.2,, 0.A!, 0.A, 0.!6, 0.6-, 0.66, 0.,A and 0.,< +all yellow.. =ith
'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;& twelve spots
appear at Rf. 0.0, +bluish grey., 0.2A +greenish grey., 0.2, +greenish grey., 0.A! +dark grey., 0.A
+greenish grey., 0., +blue., 0.!6 +greenish grey., 0.6- +greenish grey., 0.66 +greenish grey., 0.26
+blue., 0.,A +dark greenish grey. and 0.,< +dark greenish grey..
Terrestrosins ', J, &, 3 and 7, desgalactotigonin, /-gitonin, desglucolanatigonin, gitonin,
hydrolysed products include diosgenin, hecogenin and neotigogenin; tribulusamides ' and J, P-
trans- feruloyl tyramine, terrestriamide, P- trans- coumaroyl tyramine, O-sitosterol and steroidal

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * 5oymai (48), (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * ?)maiperukki (A), Ci@unArperukki (CcA),
+uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A), (u!arppi (?A), 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&),
4ramkki ("A)

+antaka #racyaEam (( -0)
CataiyaBaippu (-($), Ci@unAr Kriccal (Cc NB*-%), Ci@unAr +aBBu (Cc
6=), +allaBaippu (%$)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
;L1 SL " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

NERU;CI '2R (Root) - !;6&'
5eruPci 3Cr is the root of #ribulus terrestris L. (Fam. Wy"ophyllaceae), an annual prostrate
herb, rarely perennial prostrate common eed of the pasture lands, road sides and other aste land,
chiefly "roin" in hot, dry and sandy re"ions throu"hout #ndia and upto 9,LLL m. in +ashmir.
#t "ros in $arutham , 5eythal and %laithi)ai.
(amil * Cutam ((), +iBBiram (A6/), +Ika)Bam ('$), 5eruPcil
(4UC%), (irika)Bam (FB$)
Assamese * /okshura, /ukhurkata
.en"ali * /okshura, /okhri
Kn"lish * Caltrops root
/u'rati * .e tha "okharu, 5ana "okharu, $itho"okharu
0indi * /okhru
+annada * 5e""ilamullu, 5e""ilu, Sannana""ilu
+ashmiri * $ichirkand, %akhada
$alayalam * 5erin'il
$arathi * /okharu, Sarate
2riya * /ukhura, /okhyura
%un'abi * .hakhra, /okhru
Sanskrit * /oksura, S!adamstra, (rikanta, (raikantaka
(elu"u * %alleru!eru
4rdu * +har1e1+hasak +hurd
a) Macroscopic
3rug consists of root, < to -2 cm. long and 0.A to 0< cm. in diameter, slender, cylindrical,
fibrous, freMuently branched bearing a number of small rootlets, tough, woody and yellow to light
brown in colour; surface becomes rough due to presence of small nodules; fracture fibrous; odour
aromatic; taste sweetish and astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of primary roots show a layer of epidermis followed by or ! layers of
thin-walled parenchymatous cortex, endodermis distinct; pericycle enclosing diarch stele, in mature
root, cork to 6 layered, cork cambium single layered followed by 6 to - layers of thin-walled
parenchymatous cells with groups of fibres, distributed throughout; some secondary cortex cells
show secondary wall formation and reticulate thickening; secondary phloem divided into two
Fones, outer Fone characteriFed by presence of numerous phloem fibres with a few sieve tubes
slightly collapsed, inner Fone freMuently parenchymatous, devoid of fibres often showing sieve
tubes and companion cells; phloem rays distinct, a few cells get converted into fibres in outer
region; cambium A to ! layered; wood composed of vessels, tracheids, parenchyma and fibres and
traversed by medullary rays; vessels scattered, arranged in singles or doubles towards inner side, in
groups of three to four on outer side having bordered pits; tracheids long, narrow with simple pits;
xylem parenchyma rectangular or slightly elongated with simple pits and reticulate thickening; a
few xylem fibres; medullary rays heterogenous, - to cells wide; starch grains and rosette crystals
of calcium oxalate present in secondary cortex, phloem and medullary ray cells; a few prismatic
crystals also present in xylem ray cells.
&reamish-brown; shows parenchyma cells; fragments of lignified xylem vessels with
reticulate thickening, tracheids, single or groups of phloem fibres; scattered rosette crystal of
calcium oxalate, a few prismatic crystal of calcium oxalate; small, oval to rounded starch grains
measuring 2 to < Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of &hloroform- soluble fraction of the 'lcoholic extract of the drug on aluminium
plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using &hloroform ) (ethanol
+,)-. as the developing system, with 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate
for five minutes at -0!;& shows nine spots at Rf. 0.-A, 0.26 +violet., 0.A, 0.A2, 0.2 +grey., 0.!
+violet., 0.6A+blue., 0.2A +grey. and 0.,A +pinkish grey..
3iosgenin, hecogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, neotigogenin, stigmasterol, D-sitosterol and
campesterol .

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * 5oymai (48), (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * ?)maiperukki (A), Ci@unArperukki (CcA),
+uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A), (u!arppi (?A), 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&),
4ramkki ("A)

(irBcticcDra)am (F6-F*+,)
5ArkaBuppu (c=), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
;L1 SL " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

N2R':AM (S))4) - ;1
5Cr!Gam is the dried seed of Croton tiglium L. (Fam. Kuphorbiaceae), a small e!er"reen
tree, < to 8 m hi"h, found throu"hout tropical #ndia. (he seeds are sub'ected to purification process
before use.
(amil * CIpi ('-A), 5ka)am (4,), 5CpGam ('43), (anti ((F),
3Gam (3)
Assamese * +anibish
.en"ali * Naipala
Kn"lish * Croton
/u'rati * 5epalo, Namala"ota
0indi * Namal"ota
+annada * 5epal, Napal bee', Napala, 5er!ala
$alayalam * 5er!alam, 5eer!alam
$arathi * Nepal, Napal
%un'abi * Napolota
Sanskrit * Nayapala, $ukula, (intidiphala
(elu"u * 5epalamu
4rdu * Namal"ota
a) Macroscopic
:eed ovate, oblong, slightly Muadrangular, convex on dorsal and somewhat flattened on
ventral surface, about -2 mm. in length and resemble castor seed in shape, dull cinnamon-brown,
often mottled with black due to abrasion in testa, caruncle easily detatched and usually absent,
hilum on ventral side less distinct than that of castor seed, raphe runs along ventral surface of seed,
terminating in a dark chalaFa at opposite extremity, kernel yellowish and oily, consisting of a large
endosperm, enclosing papery cotyledons and a small radicle, no marked odour; kernel gives at first
oily taste followed by an unpleasant acridity.
b) Microscopic
S##d - :hows a hard testa, consisting of an epidermal layer, covered externally with a thick cuticle
and composed of oval and tangentially elongated cells, filled with brownish content; epidermis
followed by a layer of radially elongated cells, slightly bent at middle, upper half portion filled with
reddish-brown and lower half filled with yellow contents; inner most Fone consists of tangentially
elongated, thin-walled cells; endosperm consists of polygonal parenchymatous cells filled with oil
globules, a few cells having rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; central region of endosperm shows
a dicotyledonous embryo consisting of thin-walled parenchymatous cells.
=hite with black particles of testa; shows elongated cells containing reddish-brown and
yellow contents; oil globules and a few rosette crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I

plate using n-Jutanol) 'cetic acid)
=ater +)-)!. shows under 45 +A66 nm.. three spots at Rf. 0.A, 0.! and 0.2 +all violet.. Cn
exposure to iodine vapours six spots appear at Rf.. 0.-0, 0.2,, 0.A,, 0.,, 0.6A and 0.,0 +all
yellow.. Cn spraying with ! 9 (ethanolic- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!8 &
for five minutes three spots appear at Rf. 0.A+grey., 0.! +yellow., 0.2 +brown..
-deoxy-K-phorbol, phorbol esters, b -sitosterol, fixed oil and resins.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * 5oymai (48), (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * 5ArmalampIkki (c'A), (aBippu)Bkki ((/$A)

Akattiyar +u,ampu (5F ), A[Bapaira!am (X$), Cittti K))ey
(C5(F N,8), $Ckanta +uGikai ('4( 2), (,ampD $ttirai ((L
A,alH%ittam (%7A5(), $Ckam ('), 3ayi@@u 5Iy (O! '48), 3aGi 5
IykaG (2 '48;)
DOSE 1 #t cannot be administered as a sin"le dru", it should be used only in combination.

PA-A@KI CAKKAI (T#b)ro#s root) - #47
%a@a-ki Cakkai is the tuberous root of &milax china L. (Fam. Liliaceae), a deciduous
climber ith sparsely prickled or unarmed stem. #t is imported from China and Napan. (he
tuberous roots are sub'ected to purification process before use.
(amil * CAEappaBBai (S06$), $atusmAki (?^hA), %a@a-kippaBBai
.en"ali * Chopcheenee, +umarika, Shukchin
Kn"lish * Chinna root
/u'rati * Chopcheenee
0indi * Chopcheenee
$alayalam * China %a!u
$arathi * Chopcheenee
Sanskrit * $adhusnuhi, D!ipantara !aca
(elu"u * %irn"ichekka
a) Macroscopic
Tubers about 6 to -2 cm. long, 2 to cm. wide, rough, irregular, cylindrical, curved, slightly
tapering with brownish or blackish scars; externally brownish-yellow in colour, and internally
brown in colour; fracture hard; odour not characteristic; taste slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
&ortex shows several layers of thin-walled, polygonal, elongated mucilaginous
parenchymatous cells, a few cells containing raphides of calcium oxalate; endodermis not
distinguished; ground tissue having several vascular bundles consisting of usual elements; fibres
long and aseptate; numerous simple and compound starch grains, measuring -6 to A2 Hm in dia.
with 2 to more than , components mostly spherical to ovoid, having hilum in centre.
%ight brown; shows fragments of mucilaginous parenchymatous cells of cortex, fibres and
vessels with reticulate thickening; a few scattered needles of calcium oxalate from raphides;
numerous simple and compound starch grains measuring -6 to A2 Hm in dia. with 2 to more than ,
components, mostly spherical to ovoid having hilum in centre.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than L.= per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.L= per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than L.S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate)
(ethanol +!)!)2. as mobile phase shows on spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate at -0!;& until the colour develops , ten spots at Rf. 0.0, +dark green., 0.-<
+violet., 0.2- +dirty yellow., 0.26 +grey., 0.A2 +yellow., 0.2, 0.!! and 0.!2 +all violet., 0.<A
+greenish blue. and 0.<< +violet..
:arsaponin, parallin, D-sitosterol, stigmasterol and their glucosides, daucosterol, isoseryl-:-
methyl-cysteamine sulphoxide and dihydrokaempferol-!-C- D-3- glucoside.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * +mamperukki (A), $Ckappi)i!ilakki ('AM>A),
(Dymaiykki (G8A), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&)

#racakanthi $e,uku (-F .), %a@a-kippaBBai CDra)am (#A6$
+,), %a@a-kippaBBai #racyaEam (#A6$ -0), %a@a-kippaBBai %ata-kam
(#A6$ ()
Atika,iccal (FP*-%), CDlai (+), +arappE (9), +ir)i (AM),
$ntam ((), 5Ari,i!u (cBP:), 5Ar!CBkai (c'6), %iGa!ai (A3), %u) (),
4ppicam ("A-), 3ayi@@iraiccal (O!&*-%), 3eBBai (6$)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "
PT!IRI '2R (Root) - FK
%thiri 3Cr is the dried root of &tereos$ermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC. Syn. &.
suaveolens(&o7b.) DC. (Fam. .i"noniaceae), a lar"e deciduous tree upto :S m. hi"h and :.S m. in
"irth ith a clear bole of about T m., found throu"hout the moist parts of the country. #t "ros in
(amil * +aEEi (9I), %Balimaram ($@), %Balam ($), %uEkli
Assamese * %arul
.en"ali * %arul
Kn"lish * &ose floer fra"rant
/u'rati * %odal
0indi * %adal
+annada * %adramora
$alayalam * %adiri
$arathi * %adal
2riya * .oro, %atulee
%un'abi * %adal
Sanskrit * %atalai, Amo"ha, $adhuduti, +rsn!nta, (amrapuspi
(elu"u * +ali"ottu, +okkesa, %odira
a) Macroscopic
Root occurs in about 6 to , cm. long, - to -.! cm. thick cut pieces, cylindrical, externally
brown to creamy, rough due to vertical fissures, cracks, ridges and transverse fine lenticels,
internally dark brown, lamellation or stratification due to presence of concentric bands of fibres;
fracture tough and fibrous; odour not distinct; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
Root cork consists of 2! to A! layers of rectangular cells with A to ! stratified layers,
lignification being more prominent where the stratification starts, arranged with - to A tangential
rows of narrow cells alternating with A to ! tangential rows of wider cells; cork cambium composed
of - or 2 layers of tangentially elongated cells; secondary cortex arranged more or less radially,
becomes polyhedral to isodiametric in inner region, a few cells getting converted into stone cells
which are regular in shape and show proBection; secondary phloem wide, forms ceratenchyma
between two obliMuely running rays; some rays and phloem cells get converted into irregular,
polygonal stone cells, measuring -0 to -!0 Hm in width, phloem parenchyma being intact;
medullary rays multiseriate, being A or cells wide, and 2 to -! cells high; fibres tapering, pointed
or slightly blunt, with a small peg-like proBection at both ends; sieve tube gets collapsed in outer
region forming strips of ceratenchyma; a few small microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate
present in phloem parenchyma and rays; secondary xylem wide having usual elements; vessels
simple, pitted, lignified; fibres large, pointed, aseptate; rays multiseriate, 2 or A cells wide.
3ark brown; shows fragments of rectangular cork and phloem parenchyma cells; groups of
single, thick walled, cubical to rectangular, lignified stone cells having striations and wide lumen; a
number of microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate, intact and scattered outside.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using n-Jutanol) 'cetic acid) =ater
+)-)!. shows in visible light three spots at Rf. 0.62, 0.2! and 0.,2 +all light yellow.. 4nder 45
+A66 nm. five fluorescent Fones are visible at Rf. 0.<, 0.!A +both light blue., 0.62 +bluish pink.,
0.< +blue. and 0.2! +light green.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours seven spots appear at Rf. 0.-,
0.22, 0.!, 0.!A, 0.<, 0.2! and 0.,2 +all yellow.. Cn spraying with !9 (ethanolic-
$hosphomolybdic acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& until the colour develops, the plate
shows four spots at Rf. 0.<, 0.<, 0.2! and 0.,2 +all bluish grey..
n-Triacontanol, D-sitosterol, lapachol, dehydro-K-lapachone, dehydrotectol, 6-0-
glucosylscutellarein and stereolensin.

C#$ai * (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), 3eppaka@@i (!&)

$a)BDrti ABaikkuBinAr (YF $/c), %ittacurak +uBinAr
(A5( /c)
Co@icira-ku (-&C), Kriccal (NB*-%), Kru!y $uGai (N8 3),
+arappE (9), 5Ari,i!u (cBP:), %u) ()
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 <" par Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

P2RARATTAI (R8i<o&)) -
%Crarattai is the dried rhiUome of Al$inia galanga >illd. (Fam. Win"iberaceae), a herb upto
6.< m. in hei"ht, bearin" perennial rhiUome, "roin" in eastern 0imalayas and southest #ndia and
e7tensi!ely culti!ated all o!er #ndia.
(amil * Arattai (5()
.en"ali * +ulan'an, +urachi 3ach
Kn"lish * /reater "alan"al, Na!a "alan"al
/u'rati * +ulin'an Naanu, +olin'an
0indi * +ulan'an, +ulin'an
+annada * Doddarasa"adde, Dhoomraasmi
$alayalam * Aratta
$arathi * +ulinlan, +oshta +ulin'an, $othe kolan'an
2riya * +ulan'ana, Su"andhamula, $alaya 3aca, $ahabhari 3aca, &asna (South)
%un'abi * Dumparaastramu
a) Macroscopic
Root - The roots are adventitious, in groups, fibrous, persistent in dried rhiFomes, about 0.! to 2
cm. long and 0.- to 0.2 cm. in diameter and yellowish-brown in colour.
R3i6o*# - RhiFome cylindrical, branched, 2 to 2 cm. in diameter, longitudinally ridged with
prominent rounded warts +remnants of roots. marked with fine annulations; scaly leaves arranged
circularly; externally reddish-brown, internally orange yellow in colour; fracture hard and fibrous;
surface rough; odour pleasant and aromatic; spicy and sweet in taste.
b) Microscopic
Root - Transverse section of root circular in outline, single layered epidermis with barrel shaped
cells having unicellular root hairs, hypodermis A or cells deep and sclerenchymatous, cortex
parenchymatous, many cells deep, with well developed intercellular spaces; endodermis showing
prominent casparian strips and IvI shaped thickening, followed by many celled sclerenchymatous
pericycle; xylem and phloem in separate radial strands; centre occupied by a parenchymatous pith.
R3i6o*# - Transverse section of young rhiFome circular in outline; epidermal cells small and
angular, thick cuticle present, rhiFome differentiated into a wide cortex and a central cylinder, both
regions having irregularly scattered vascular bundles, each vascular bundle with a prominent
fibrous sheath; inner limit of cortex marked by rectangular parenchymatous cells; stele with
irregular, closely placed vascular bundles towards periphery, root traces present, schiFogenous
canals and oil cells with suberiFed walls found in cortex and in central region; most of the
parenchymatous cells filled with starch grains which are ellipsoidal to ovoid, sometimes beaked,
simple, -0 to 6 Hm, hilum eccentric, circular or crescent shaped at the broad end, the narrow beak-
like end become black when stained with dil. iodine water and chlor-Finc iodide but the remaining
part become light blue or brown. (acerated preparation shows vessels ,! to <-0 Hm long and -,
to -,0 Hm broad, tracheidal fibres 62 to ,20 Hm long and -, to A0 Hm broad.
Crange brown; spicy and sweet in taste; shows parenchyma cells containing starch +as
described under microscopy of rhiFome., oil cells, schiFogenous canals; vessels with scalariform
and reticulate thickenings and tracheidal fibres.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
Starch 5ot less than 66 percent, Appendi7 6.6.:9
Kssential oil 5ot less than L.; percent, Appendi7 6.6.:L
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate)
(ethanol +20)20)0.. shows under 45 +A66 nm.. blue fluorescent Fones of yellow, green and blue
at Rf.0.-!, 0.2!, 0.6, respectively. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric acid reagent and
heating the plate for five minutes at -0!;&, six spots appear at Rf.0.-! +greyish green., 0.A!
+violet., 0.2 +greyish green., 0.6A +greyish green., 0.6, +green. and 0.,- +violet..
7sential oil, containing a - pinene, O - pinene, limonene, cineol, linalool, cedrol, eugenol,
terpinen - -ol and a - terpineol. >alanganal, galanganol J and &, -I-:--I-acetoxychavicol acetate,
-I:--I-acetoxyeugenol acetate, trans-parahydroxy-cinnamaldehyde, trans-para-coumaryl alcohol,
trans-para-coumaryl acetate, galanolacetone, and di +p-hydroxy-cis-styryl. methane.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * (i)mai (F)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 3eppaka@@i

+akku!E #Gakam (9 3), (ippili #rcyaEam (FA@ -0), (
Dtu!CGai 5ey (G?'3 48), 4Guntu (ailam ("<? (), 3tacurak +uBinAr (
( /c)
CDtaka!ali (+(@), Aiyacuram (H), $uppi)i (AM), 5aPcu (4U), 5
ArC@@am (c'!#), (alaippu) ((), 4Bal 3ali ("$% @), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '4
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 9 "

PERU@KYAM (O3)o-C#&-r)si/) - !64
%eru-kyam is the oleo1"um1resin obtained from rhiUome and root of Ferula foetida
&e"el., Ferula narthex .oiss, and other species of Ferula (Fam. Apiaceae), a perennial herb,
occurrin" in %ersia and Af"hanistan. #ncisions are made at the upper part of tap root of more than
fi!e year old plants and resin collected by scrappin" in $arch, April, after one or to days or after
a fe eeks hen it "ets hardenedM the process is repeated se!eral times. #t "ros in
(amil * Cantuncam (-?4-), #-ku (), +anti (F), +yam (),
3allAkam (%g)
Assamese * 0in
.en"ali * 0in"
Kn"lish * Asfoetida
/u'rati * 0in", 3a"harni
0indi * 0in", 0in"da
+annada * 0in"u, #n"u
+ashmiri * Kn"
$alayalam * +ayam
$arathi * 0in", 0ira, 0in"
2riya * 0en"u, 0in"u
%un'abi * 0in"
Sanskrit * 0in"u, &amatha, Sahasra!edhi
(elu"u * #n"u!a
4rdu * 0itleet, 0in"
a) Macroscopic
Rounded, flattened or masses of agglutinated tears, greyish-white to dull yellow, mostly -2
to 2! mm. in diameter; freshly exposed surface, yellowish and translucent or milky white, opaMue,
slowly becoming pink, red, finally reddish brown; odour strong, characteristic and persistent; taste
bitter and acrid.
b) Microscopic
-. /reshly broken surface when touched with sulphuric acid a bright red or reddish-brown
colour is produced, changing to violet when acid is washed off with water.
2. Joil 0.2 g with 2 ml #ydrochloric acid for about - minute, cool, dilute with an eMual
volume of water, and filter into A ml of dilute solution of 'mmonia; fluorescence is
A. Triturate - g with -0 ml of light $etroleum +b.p. 0; to 60;. for 2 minutes, filter into a
test tube and add to the filtrate -0 ml of a fresh 0.! per cent w1v aMueous solution of
copper acetate; shake well and allow the liMuids to separate; petroleum layer does not
show any green colour, indicating absence of colophony resin.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than <L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than <L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
+'lcohol insoluble fraction.
'bout ! g accurately weighed drug is placed in a small beaker furnished with a glass rod,
and tared; !0 ml of 'lcohol +,0 per cent. is added and boiled gently. The hot solution is filtered
through a tared filter paper the residue is boiled with further MuantitYies of alcohol +,0 per cent.;
until all soluble matter is removed, using the glass rod to disintegrate the insoluble matter. The
filter paper is washed with hot alcohol +,0 per cent. and the paper is transferred to the beaker,
dried at -00;&, and weighed. The residue weighs not more than !0 per cent of the original sample
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate
+<)A. v1v, shows eleven spots under 45 light +A66 nm.. at Rf.0.-2, 0.22, 0.A, 0.2, 0.!-,0.!!, 0.!!,
0.60, 0.6<, 0.<<, 0.2! and 0.,- +all blue.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!8& ten spots appear at Rf. 0.0! +violet., 0.-2 +brown.,
0.22+violet., 0.A2 +brown., 0.2 +violet., 0.!- +pink., 0.60 +grey., 0.<< +pink., 0.2! +pink. and 0.,
3imethyl trisulphide, 2- butyl methyl disulphide, 2- butyl methyl trisulphide, di- 2-butyl
disulphide, di- 2-butyl trisulphide, di-2- butyl - tetrasulphide, asadisulphide, asacoumarin ' and J,
R-2-butyl---propenyl disulphide, -- +--- methyl thio propenyl.---propenyl disulphide, ferulic acid,
asaresinol ferulate, fenchone, linalool, foetidin, asafoetidin, O- caryophyllene, O- selinene,

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), #ci!aka@@i (C!&),
3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

Akattiyar +u,ampu (5F ), AVBthic CDra)am (X$F* +,),
+uEmakuBIri $e,uku (9'$B .), $Dcmparappa@@u (R-!),
(Gicthi CDra)am ((2-F +,)
CDtakacDlai (+(+), Fppam (1), +uEmam (9), $ntam ((),
%allaBi 5IykaG (%/ '48;), %eru!ayi@u (O), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder := 1 =<L m"

PIRAMMI 'ABUKKAI (78o3) P3a/t) - C@ D
%irammi 3a,ukkai is the dried hole plant of ,aco$a monnieri (L.) >ettst., Syn.
+er$estis monniera (L.) 0... Y +. (Fam. Scrophulariaceae), a "labrous, succulent, small, prostrate
or creepin" annual herb, found throu"hout #ndia in et and damp places.
(amil * CaptaGai (-(3), 5Arpirammi (cAJ)
Assamese * .rahmi
Kn"lish * (hyme lea!ed "ratiola
/u'rati * 5eerbrahmi, .amane!ari
0indi * $anduka %arni, .rahmi
+annada * 5irubrahmi, 3alabrahmi, 2ndela"a, $andukaparni
$alayalam * .rahmi
$arathi * Nalnam, .rahmi, .irami
2riya * .rahmi
%un'abi * .rahmibuti
Sanskrit * .rahmi, Sarasati, +apota!amka
(elu"u * Sambarenu, Sambarani
4rdu * .rahmi
a) Macroscopic
Root - Thin, wiry, small, branched, creamish-yellow.
St#* - Thin, green or purplish green, about - to 2 mm. thick, soft, nodes and internodes prominent,
glabrous; taste slightly bitter.
L#'/ - :imple, opposite, decussate, green, sessile, - to 2 cm. long, obovate-oblong; taste slightly
F&o"#r - :mall, axillary and solitary, pedicels 6 to A0 mm. long, bracteoles shorter than pedicels.
Fr,it - &apsules upto ! mm. long, ovoid and glabrous.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows a single layer of epidermis, cortex having large air cavities; endodermis single
layered; pericycle not distinct; stele consists of phloem with a few sieve elements and isolated
material from xylem shows vessels with reticulate thickenings.
St#* - :hows single layer of epidermis followed by a wide cortex of thin-walled cells with very
large intercellular spaces; endodermis single layered; pericycle consisting of - or 2 layers; vascular
ring continuous, composed of a narrow Fone of phloem towards periphery and a wide ring of xylem
towards centre; centre occupied by a small pith with distinct intercellular spaces; starch grains
simple, round to oval, measuring to - mm in dia. in cortical cells and 2.0 to -.0 x 2.! to ,.0
mm in dia., in a few cells of endodermis.
L#'/ - :hows a single layer of upper and lower epidermis covered with thin cuticle; glandular hairs
sessile, subsidiary cells present on both surface; a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate
occasionally found distributed in mesophyll cells; mesophyll traversed by small veins surrounded
by bundle sheath; no distinct midrib present. :tomatal index -A to -2 for upper surface and -2 to -6
for lower surface; vein - islet number 6 to -A per sMuare mm.
"ellowish-brown; shows xylem vessels with reticulate thickening; glandular hairs; simple,
round and oval starch grains, measuring .- mm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl
'cetate) (ethanol) glacial 'cetic 'cid +A))A)-. shows A spots at Rf. 0.A2 +yellowish brown. ,0.62
+light brown. and 0.22 +dark pink, bacoside ' marker. on spraying with 209 :ulphuric acid in
(ethanol and heating the plate at -0!; & for five minutes.
Jacosides ', 'A N J, monnierin, bacopasaponins ' - 3 and >, bacopasides * - 5,
hersaponin, betulinic acid, herpestine, brahmine, nicotin, luteolin and its <- glucoside, A-formyl -
- hydroxy - 2# - pyran, monnierasides * - ***, plantainoside J, O- sitosterol, stigmasterol and

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * Acai!u (-:), #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +mamperukki (A), +
I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), $alamiGakki (J3A), A,alaka@@i (!&)

%iramminey (AJ48)
Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), $alakkaBBu (6=), 5Arcurukku (c), 3
Akkam ()), %itttikkam (A5(F), 3alippu 5Iy (@ '48)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 9 "

PO99@K>I (78o3) P3a/t) - !"A48
%oEE-k)i is the dried hole plant of Alternanthera sessilis (L.)&..r.,e7 DC. Syn. A.
triandra Lam., A. denticulata &. .r., A. nodiflora &. .r., A. re$ens /mel., non Link. (Fam.
Amaranthaceae), a small prostrate or ascendin" herb ith se!eral spreadin" branches "roin"
throu"hout the armer parts of the country and freRuently found in et places especially around
tanks and ponds.#t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * CAtai (S(), +oBuppai (=)
.en"ali * Sanchesak, Salincha Sak
/u'rati * Nala'ambo
0indi * /udari Sa"
+annada * 0ona"onne soppu
$alayalam * %onnankanni, +oUuppa
$arathi * +anchari
2riya * $atsa"andha, Salincha Saa"a
Sanskrit * $atsyaksi, $atsya"andha, .ahli, /andali, /artkalambuk
(elu"u * %onna"anti +oora
a) Macroscopic
Root - &ylindrical, 0.- to 0.6 cm. diameter, cream to grey, numerous roots arising from the main
tap root as lateral rootlets; fracture short; no characteristic odour and taste.
St#* - #erbaceous, weak, mostly cylindrical occasionally sub-Muadrangular at the apical region,
with spreading branches from the base; yellowish-brown to light-brown; nodes and internodes
distinct; internodes 0.! to ! cm. long, often rooting at lower nodes; fracture short; no characteristic
odour and taste.
L#'/ - -.A to <.! cm. long, 0.A to 2 cm. wide, sometimes reaching -0 cm. long, 2.! cm. wide,
sessile, linear-oblong, or elliptic, obtuse or subacute; no characteristic odour and taste.
F&o"#r - /lower in small axillary sessile heads, white often tinged with pink, bracteoles about a cm
long, ovate, scarious; perianth 2.! to A mm. long, sepals ovate, acute, thin, ovary obcordate,
compressed, style very short, capitellate; no characteristic odour and taste.
Fr,it - 4tricle -.! mm. long, orbicular, compressed with thickened margins; no characteristic
odour and taste.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows circular outline consisting of ! to < layered, thin-walled tangentially elongated and
sMuarish, radially arranged cork cells; secondary cortex narrow, consisting of thin-walled, round or
oval, parenchymatous cells, vascular bundles radially arranged, numerous, consisting of thin-walled
cells; xylem tissues lignified; conBunctive tissue between bundles consisting of oval, thin-walled,
parenchymatous cells; anomalous secondary growth occurs in the form of succession of rings of
vascular bundles which are bicollateral, open and exarch; in the pith there are two large vascular
bundles composed of xylem and phloem; pith consisting of thin-walled, round to oval, isodiametric,
parenchymatous cells.
St#* - :hows single layered epidermis consisting of round or oval, thin-walled cells covered with
striated cuticle; cortex 6 to -0 layered consisting of thin-walled oval to round, parenchymatous
cells and rosette crystals of calcium oxalate measuring upto 20 mm in diameter; vascular bundles
arranged in a ring, with anomalous secondary growth; which are conBoint, bicollateral, open and
endarch; phloem narrow consisting of thin-walled cells traversed by phloem rays; xylem consisting
of usual elements traversed by xylem rays; there are two vascular bundles situated in the peripheral
region of pith, each bundle consisting of xylem and phloem; pith distinct, composed of thin-walled,
round to oval parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces, a few parenchymatous cells contain
rosette crystals of calcium oxalate.
Midri- - shows single layered epidermis on both surface, covered with striated cuticle;
collenchymatous cells, 2 to layered towards ventral side forming - or 2 small patches, - or 2
layered towards dorsal side; parenchymatous cells, thin-walled round or oval, isodiametric cells, a
few of them containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; vascular bundles three, each consisting
of xylem and phloem, present in the centre.
L'*in' - 3orsiventral; shows single layered epidermis; stomata diacytic more on ventral side;
upper epidermal cells with slightly wavy walls, lower with sinuous walls; palisade 2 or A layers;
spongy parenchyma A or layered of oval or irregular loosely arranged cells; a few of them
containing rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; stomatal index 20 to 26 in lower surface and -2 to 20
upper surface; palisade ratio A to !; vein -islet number 6 to -2 and veinlet termination number 2 to
-0 per sMuare mm.
Clive green; shows fragments of parenchymatous cells, wavy or undulate irregular epidemal
cells in surface view, diacytic stomata; palisade cells; xylem vessels with pitted and reticulate
thickening and rosette crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than ;.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene ) 7thyl acetate
+,)-. shows in visible light three spots at Rf. 0.-6, 0.AA and 0. +all green.. 4nder 45 +A66 nm..
five fluorescent Fones are visible at Rf. 0.-6, 0.AA, 0., 0.! and 0.62 +all red.. Cn exposure to
iodine vapours eight spots appear at Rf. 0.-2, 0.2!, 0.A!, 0., 0.!,, 0.2-, 0., and 0.,6 +all
a and b - spinasterols, stigmasterol, campesterol, O-sitosterol, !a- stigmast-<-en-A-ol, sterol
palmitates, lupeol, 2-methylene cycloartanol,oeucalenol, oleanolic acid glycosides and

C#$ai * #Eippu (I)
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * +yaka@pamkki (!A), +uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$
A), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&)

+a)attailam (,5(), %oEE-k)it (ailam (90M5 (), %uGiyrai
5ey (2 48)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), Oral 5Iy (F% '48), +a)kcam (-), 3y!u
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 9 "

PO5UT!A"AI (78o3) P3a/t) - !-
%oButhalai is the dried hole plant of Phyla nodiflora (L.) /reene Syn. -i$$ia nodiflora
(L.) A. $ich. (Fam. 3erbenaceae), a small creepin" perennial herb found commonly in sandy et,
"rassy places alon" bunds of irri"ation channels, canal ed"es and ri!er banks almost throu"hout
"reater part of #ndia and up to TLL m., on the hills.#t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * 5Artippili (cFA@), %oButilai (=F), %D@ctam (L!-()
.en"ali * .ukkana, +aanchadaa
Kn"lish * %urple lippia
/u'rati * &ata!eliyo
0indi * Nalpipali, %anisi"aa, .huiokaraa
+annada * 5elahippali
$alayalam * 5irtippali, %odutalai
$arathi * Nalpippali, &ata!el
2riya * 5ili, 5ila
Sanskrit * Nalapippali, Saradi, $atsyadani, Nalakana, 3ashira
(elu"u * .okkena
a) Macroscopic
Root - /ibrous, branched, brown in colour, 2 to -0 cm. in length and -.0 to -.! mm. in dia., nodal
roots are smaller, 0.! to -.0 cm. in length and unbranched.
St#* - (uch branched, sub Muadrangular, - to 2 mm. in dia., rooting at nodes, more or less clothed
with appressed, two armed, white hairs when seen under -0x, brownish-green, length of internode
!.0 to ,.0 cm.
L#'/ - Cpposite, sub-sessile, -.! to A.< cm. long and - to 2 cm. broad, spathulate, cuneate at the
base, deeply and sharply serrate in the upper part, appressed by two armed, white minute hairs on
both sides.
F&o"#r - :essile, densely packed in long pedunculate axillary spikes, mature ones -.0 to 2.0 cm
long and 0. to 0.! cm. broad, flowering densely becoming oblong during fruiting; peduncles 2.! to
<.! cm. long, bracts about 2.! mm. long, broadly elliptic or obovate, cuneate at base, mucronate,
glabrous; calyx 2.0 mm. long, membranous, bilobed, compressed, mitre-shaped, pubescent
underneath with ordinary trichomes closely covering the fruit, the acuminate lobes proBecting
beyond it; corolla 2.! to A.0 mm. long, white or light pink, bilipped, upper lip erect and bifid, lower
lip A lobed of which the middle lobe largest, falling off as calyptra when fruit ripens; stamens ,
didynamous, anthers 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally, dorsifixed; ovary superior, bicarpellary,
ovules in each cell solitary; style short, stigma obliMue, subcapitate.
Fr,it - :mall, -.! to 2.0 mm. long, globose, oblong, splitting into two --seeded planoconvex
pyrenes; seeds exalbuminous about - mm. in siFe.
b) Microscopic
Root - Transverse section shows slightly wavy outline composed of a single layered epiblema;
cortex 6 to , cells deep, most of the outer cortical cells in the nodal roots contain chloroplast; some
of the cortical cells towards the inner side are thick walled; phloem cells are irregularly thick
walled consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma; xylem composed of
vessels, tracheids, parenchyma and fibers; vessels are variable in siFe, range in diameter from -6 to
6! Hm; medullary rays about 2 or A cells in width, cells are pitted; pith absent.
St#* - Transverse section shows a nearly Muardrant outline with ridges and deep furrows, striated
cuticle, a single layer of epidermis with cells longer than broad; surface possesses unicellular
trichomes with two uneMual arms which usually gets detached; cortex is about < cells deep in the
furrows, mainly chlorenchyma while those of ridges are of collenchyma; a few cells contain
amorphous inclusions and many inner cells contain chloroplast; endodermis observed; pericycle 2
or A layers of cells, thick walled; phloem compressed and ! or 6 cells deep; xylem a continuous
ring, broader at the troughs; pith large, composed of thin walled parenchymatous cells; central
cells usually degenerated, but several others may occasionally contain a few chloroplasts.
L#'/ 1 *sobilateral, epidermis single layered followed by a layer of palisade cells; occasionally, a
layer of palisade also occurs adBacent to the lower epidermis; in surface view, the epidermal cells
have straight walls; stomata diacytic, present on both lower and upper surface, but more in number
on lower surface, covering and glandular trichomes occur on both the surface; unicellular, 2
uneMually armed warty trichomes, with pointed tips are freMuent on both the surface; midrib
vascular bundle possess xylem on dorsal side and phloem on ventral side; stomatal index of upper
and lower surface -- to -2 and -2 to A0 respectively; the palisade ratio of upper surface 6 to -- and
that of lower 2 to -A.
>reenish- brown; fibrous, free flowing, characteriFed by the presence of glandular hairs, 2
armed trichomes which are usually attached to a epidermal cell from the slightly protruded stalk
present in the middle, trichomes warty, leaf epidermis characteriFed by the presence of circular
trichome scars, vessels and palisade cells.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 68 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of (ethanol extract on silica gel I>I plate using &hloroform) (ethanol +-,)-. shows
five spots at Rf. 0.2-, 0.26, 0.A, 0.0 and 0.<, on spraying with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate for ! minutes at -0!;&.
Podiflorin - ' and J, nodifloridine- ' and J, calamene, D- caryophyllene, -- octen-A-ol,
phenylethyl alcohol, linalool, p- cymen-Z-ol, methyl salicylate, 6- hydroxy luteolin-<-C-apioside,
luteolin-<-C- glucoside, 6- hydroxyluteolin, nepetin, nodifloeretin lactose, maltose, glucose,
fructose, xylose, lippiflorin ' and J.

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * Ci@unArperukki (CcA), +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&),
(u!arppi (?A), 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&), 4ramkki ("A), 3Akka-karaicci

A[Bapaira!am (X$), +ariclai #Gakam (B- 3), %a@a-kippaBBai
%ata-kam (#A6$ ()
CAtakka,iccal (S(P*-%), CDlai 5Iy (+ '48), #rumal (%), %eru-ka,iccal
(P*-%), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '48;), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6L1 ;L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

PU@KAM '2RP5.AI (Root bar+) - $4
%u-kam 3CrpBJai is the dried root bark of Pongamia $innata L. Syn. P. glabra 3ent.
*erris indica (Lam.) .ennett (Fam. Fabaceae), a "labrous tree, upto :Sm. or sometimes more in
hei"ht, found almost throu"hout the country upto an altitude of :6LL m.
(amil * Amirta!alli (J(%@), %u-ku ()
Assamese * +orach
.en"ali * 5atakarna'a, Dahara +aran'a
Kn"lish * Smooth lea!ed pon"amia
/u'rati * +ana'i
0indi * +aran'
+annada * 0on"e .eru
$alayalam * %on"u, 4n"u
$arathi * +aran'a
2riya * +aran'a
%un'abi * +aran'
Sanskrit * +aran'a, 5aktamala, 5aktah!a, /hrtakaran'a
(elu"u * /anu"a, +anu"a
4rdu * +aran'
a) Macroscopic
3rug occurs in pieces of varying siFes; reddish-brown externally and yellowish-white
internally; external surface rough, due to peeling off of outer thin skin and presence of numerous
irregularly scattered and transversely arranged rows of lenticels; fracture fibrous; taste very bitter.
b) Microscopic
Root 7'r8 - :hows cork consisting of ! to -! rows of rectangular, tangentially elongated thin-
walled cells; secondary cortex wide composed of polygonal, tangentially elongated cells, most of
the cells containing both simple and compound starch grains having 2 to ! components round to
oval in shape, A to --mm in dia., a few cells contain yellowish-brown contents and prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate; stone cells found scattered in this region in singles and groups, single
cells of varying shape and siFe; secondary phloem very wide, composed of tangentially arranged
fibres alternating with sieve tubes and phloem parenchyma, traversed by phloem rays; most of
phloem parenchyma cells contain starch grains and crystals, similar to those present in secondary
cortex; phloem rays many, mostly straight, - or 2 seriate, consisting of thin-walled, radially
elongated cells towards inner region and tangentially elongated towards periphery; most of ray cells
contain starch grain, similar to those present in secondary cortex.
Reddish brown; shows thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, cork cells; phloem fibres, stone
cells and simple and compound starch grains measuring A to --mm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate
+,)-. shows under 45 light +A66 nm.. eleven fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.0 +blue., 0.02 +greenish
blue., 0.-A+sky blue. 0.-2 +blue. 0.2! +sky blue., 0.A- +sky blue., 0.A< +greenish yellow., 0.2 +sky
blue., 0.< +greenish yellow., 0.!- +light blue., 0.20 +light blue.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours
nine spots appear at Rf. 0.0,, 0.-2, 0.A-, 0.A<, 0.<, 0.<, 0.!-, 0.20 and 0.,2 +all yellow..
$onganone * to S*, flavones, kanugin and demethoxy kanugin.

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * +rppu ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * (Dkku)ippu,ukkolli (GM.%@), (u!arppi (?A),
4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&)

%u-kat (ailam (5 ()
OGai (F3), #rumal (%), $Drccai (R*-), %u) (), 3a@aBcuram (#6),
3ta +uEmam (( 9), 3y!u (8:)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:< 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

DE. P#/Ca& $itt8#
PU@KAM 'IT!T!U (S))4) - $4 M
%u-kam 3iththu is the seed Pongamia $innata L. Syn. P. glabra 3ent. *erris indica (Lam.)
.ennett (Fam.Fabaceae), a medium siUed "labrous tree ith a short bole and spreadin" cron and
found almost throu"hout #ndia upto an altitude of :6LL m.
(amil * Amirta!alli (J(%@), %u-ku ()
Assamese * +orach
.en"ali * Dahara +aran'a, 5ata +aran'a
Kn"lish * Smooth lea!ed pon"amia
/u'rati * +ana'i, +ana'o
0indi * Dithouri, +aruaini
+annada * 0on"e, 0ula"ilu
$alayalam * A!ittal, 4n"u, 4nu, %un"u
$arathi * +aran'a
2riya * +arn'a
%un'abi * +aran'
Sanskrit * 5aktah!a, 5aktamala, +aran'aka, /rtakaran'a
(elu"u * +anu"a, Lami"a
4rdu * +aran'
a) Macroscopic
:eed usually one and rarely two per fruit, elliptic or reniform in shape, -.< to 2.0 cm. long
and -.2 to -.2 cm. broad, wrinkled with reddish leathery testa; micropylar end of cotyledons
slightly depressed while other side semicircular in shape.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of seed shows layers of testa composed of palisade - like outer
epidermis, filled with brown pigment, covered externally with a thick cuticle; this is followed by a
layer of large, thin walled, somewhat rectangular cells, 2 to layers of thick-walled parenchyma
cells, and a few rows of cells with small intercellular spaces, a few layers of spongy parenchyma
having large intercellular spaces and a number of parenchyma cells containing brown pigments;
cotyledons composed of outer layer of epidermis with cylindrical cells, externally covered with thin
cuticle; epidermis followed by rectangular to polygonal cells of mesophyll, filled with globules,
also present scattered in this region.
&reamish- brown, oily; shows fragments of palisade - like testa cells; parenchyma cells
containing brownish content and oil globules.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 69 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
(erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +<0)A0. v1v shows under 45 +A66 nm.. nine
flurescent spots at Rf. 0.2- +blue., 0.A- +blue., 0.A, +blue., 0.2 +yellow., 0.6 +blue., 0.!2 +sky
blue., 0.6< +sky blue., 0.< +yellow., 0.,0 +yellow.. =ith 'nisaldehyde - :ulphuric acid reagent
and heating the plate for about ten minutes at --08& six spots appear at Rf. 0.A, +violet., 0.,
+violet., 0.!2 +yellow., 0.<0 +yellowish blue., 0.2- +violet. and 0.,0+violet..
>labrachromene, glabrachromene **, O- sitosterol, karangin, pongamol, pongaglabrone,
pongapin, kanBone, demethoxy kanugin, karanBachromene, 6- methoxy - -oxo- 2- phenylfuro
+2,A- h. --- benFopyran, pongol, glabrachalcone, isolonchocarpin gamatin, pinnatin, glabrin,
lanceolatin- J pongarotene, isoponga flavone, isoponga chromene 2I- methoxy- furano +2II, AII) <,
2. flavone, !I- methoxy-furano - +2II- AII) <,2. flavone, AI -dimethoxy - +2II, AII) <, 2. - furano
flavone, 2I- methoxy - O- hydroxyl +2II AII) I AI. furano chalcone, karangin, lanceolatin- J,
pongaglabroic lipids, palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, amino acids and fatty acids.

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * (u!arppi (?A), 4Ba@tC@@i ("$!'(!&), 3eppamu)Bkki

+a)kca $ttirai (- 5F)
CaEEi (-9I), +a) 5Iy ( '48), +arappE (9), %aBai ($)
DOSE 1 %oder 6<L m"
Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6L1 ;L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

P?'ARACAM PA5.AI (St)& bar+) - E
%D!aracam %aBJai is the stem bark of #hes$esia $o$ulnea (L.) Soland. e7 Correa Syn.
+ibiscus $o$ulneus L. (Fam. $al!aceae), a fast "roin", medium1siUed e!er"reen tree, upto :L m.
tall ith yello, cup1shaped floers ha!in" maroon centre and distributed throu"hout coastal
forests of #ndia and also lar"ely "ron as a roadside tree.#t "ros in $ullai , $arutham and
5eythal thi)ai.
(amil * Ammai (), %DGam (L3), %u!ircaE (>-9), (arpati ((
.en"ali * /a'ashundi, %araasapipula
Kn"lish * %ortia tree, 4mbrella tree
/u'rati * %aaraspipalo
0indi * %aaraspipal
+annada * 0u!arasi
$alayalam * %u!arasa, %upparutti
$arathi * %arasa pimpala
Sanskrit * +apitana, %arisah, +andarala, %halisah, /ardabhandah
(elu"u * /anyaraa!i, $uni"an"araa!i
a) Macroscopic
Jark occurs in flat to slightly curved pieces, varying in thickness according to age and parts
of tree from where it is taken; external surface rough due to numerous irregularly scattered
lenticels, fissured, exfoliating in irregular scales, greyish-brown; inner surface, laminated,
foliaceous, reddish-brown; fracture fibrous; no characteristic odour; taste astringent.
b) Microscopic
:hows outer exfoliating layer in hard, woody, older barks; cork cells, thin-walled, -0 to 20
layered, rectangular; cortex many layered, outer cortex consisting of closely packed, small,
polygonal cells, inner cortex composed of large, rectangular to polygonal cells; bast fibres,
abundant in groups, outer groups radially elongated and inner tangentially; medullary rays of two
types, narrow, uni to triseriate of slightly elongated rectangular cells and wide, multiseriate,
irregularly arranged; large ducts in cortex filled with yellow to orange contents; yellow inclusions
present in the cells of outer cortex; rosette calcium oxalate crystals scattered in cortex and
medullary rays; starch grains, simple or compound in phloem region.
Reddish-brown; shows stratified cork tissue; numerous fibres in groups with narrow lumen
and bluntly pointed ends; phloem parenchyma cells with large single rosette calcium oxalate
crystal; starch grains, simple to 2 or A compound; hilum, distinct.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
(erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using &hloroform) (ethanol) /ormic acid +-00)2.!)-. shows spots at Rf.
0.-2 +brown., 0.-2 +brown., 0.2, +brown. and 0.6- +reddish when hot turns yellowish on cooling.
with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& for about five minutes.
+Q. >ossypol, flavonoids, steroids and sesMuiterpenoidal Muinones.

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * %u,ukkolli (.%@), (Dymaiykki (G8A)

$Ckantat (ailam ('4(5 ()
+)kaBi (,/), 5aPcu (4U), %eru!ayi@u (O), 3Akkam ())
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6L 1 9L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.
TMARAI MA"AR (,3oA)r) -
(marai $alar is the dried floers (de!oid of stalk) of elumbo nucifera /aertn. Syn.
elumbium s$eciosum >illd. (Fam. 5ymphaeaceae), a lar"e, aRuatic herb ith creepin" stem,
occurrin" throu"hout armer parts of the country upto an altitude of :LLL m. #t "ros in
$arutham thi)ai (ponds and tanks).
(amil * Ara!intam (>(), CDriyanaBpu (+B46), +amalam (),
$u)Bakam ($), 5aGiEam (420), Ampu (), (maraippD ((L)
Assamese * %odum
.en"ali * %adma phool, Salaphool
Kn"lish * Lotus
/u'rati * +amal
0indi * +amal, +anal
+annada * +amal, (a!are, 5aidile, (a!are"edd
$alayalam * (amara, 3enthamara, Chenthamara, Senthamara
$arathi * +omala
2riya * %adma
%un'abi * +anal, %amposh
Sanskrit * +amala, Ab'a, Ara!inda, %adma, +alhara, Sitotpala, %anka'a
(elu"u * +alu!a, (amarapu!o
4rdu * +amal
a) Macroscopic
3rug occurs as entire or pieces of flowers, comprising of calyx, corolla, androecium,
gynoecium and thalamus; entire flower -0 to -! cm. in dia., yellowish-brown; sepals leaf-like,
crimpled, A to ! cm. long, -.A to 2 cm. wide, dark brown, broken pieces also occur; petals
numerous, crimpled, elliptic, obtuse, membranous, finely veined, 2 to cm. long, -.2 to 2 cm.
wide yellowish-brown; anther, erect, linear -. to 2 cm. long, extended into clavate appendages;
gynoecium apocarpous; carpels many, free, embedded in a creamy, top- shaped fleshy thalamus
+torus. A to ! cm. long and 2.! to A cm. wide; fruit an etaerio of achenes, becoming loose in their
sockets when ripe; seed hard, black, starchy and large.
b) Microscopic
P#t'& - :hows single layered epidermis on both surfaces, consisting of rectangular cells covered
with striated cuticle; ground tissue consisting of polygonal, parenchymatous cells with wide air
Fi&'*#nt- /ilament appears circular in outline, consisting of single layered epidermis covered with
striated cuticle; followed by ground tissue of oval, angular, parenchymatous cell; vascular bundle
single, present in centre consisting of usual elements of xylem and phloem tissues.
Ant3#r - :hows four chambered anther, two on either sides, connected by parenchymatous cells
containing vascular bundle; anther consists of a single layer of epidermis, composed of thin walled,
rectangular, parenchymatous cells followed by single layer of endothecium consisting of thin-
walled, columnar, parenchymatous cells; spore sac contains yellow, spherical pollen grains with
smooth exine and intine walls, measuring !0 to 6- mm in diameter.
3usty -brown; shows fragments of vessels with spiral thickening; spherical, yellow pollen
grains, measuring !0 to 6- mm in diameter having smooth exine and intine.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 9 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7htyl acetate) /ormic acid +!)!)-. shows under
45 light +2! nm.. four spots at Rf. 0.-, 0.A,0.6 and 0.!! +gallic acid marker.. 4nder 45 light
+A66 nm.. shows two spots at Rf. 0.6 +light black., 0.!! +black, gallic acid marker.. 'fter
derivatiFation with 'nisaldehyde -:ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -00;& until the
colour develops, the plate shows four spots at Rf. 0.6 +light brown., 0.!! +light brown, gallic acid
marker., 0.2A +violet. and 0.,6 +light brown..
Pelumbine, -,-dimethoxy benFene, -, 2-cineole terpinen--ol and linalool.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), +uGircciyu)Bkki (2*CE$A),
(u!arppi (?A), 3eppaka@@i (!&)

$ak!acanta +ucumkaram (-( )
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), +a) Kriccal ( NB*-%), 5Ar!CBkai (c'6)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
6< 1 <L " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.

TMARAI KIBA@KU (R8i<o&)) - 7F4.
(marai +i,a-ku is the dried rhiUome ith roots attached at nodes of elumbo nucifera
/aertn. Syn. elumbium s$eciosum Willd. (Fam. 5ymphaeaceae), an aRuatic herb, ith stout
creepin" rhiUome found in lakes and ponds throu"hout the armer parts of the country, ascendin"
upto :LLL m.(his "ros in $arutham thi)ai (ponds and tanks).
(amil * Ara!intam (>(), CDriyanaBpu (+B46), +amalam (),
$u)Bakam ($), 5aGiEam (420), (marai 3aGaiyam (( 3)
Assamese * +amal +akdi
Kn"lish * Lotus
/u'rati * Loda
0indi * +amal +and, +amal +akdi
+annada * (a!are +anda
$alayalam * (amara +iUan"u
$arathi * +amal +and
2riya * %adma
%un'abi * +aul, .hein
Sanskrit * +amala, %adnakanda, Saluka, Ambhoruha
(elu"u * (amara /adda
4rdu * +anal +akdi
a) Macroscopic
3rug occurs as cut pieces of rhiFome with distinct nodes and internodes, cylindrical, 0.! to
2.! cm. in dia., longitudinally marked with brown patches, smooth, yellowish-white to yellowish-
brown; root adventitious, less developed, 0.! to - mm. thick, attached to node of rhiFome; dark
b) Microscopic
R3i6o*# - :hows a single layered epidermis followed internally by 2 to layered lignified cells;
cortex differentiated into three regions; outer cortex consisting of a wide Fone of isodiametric thin-
walled cells of which outer ! or 6 layers collenchymatous and rest parenchymatous, having
intercellular spaces and groups of fibres; middle cortex mostly composed of air cavities traversed
by trabeculae of thin-walled small and nearly isodiametric cells; inner cortex forming central core,
consists of spherical cells enclosing large intercellular spaces; vascular strands consists of scattered
closed vascular bundles surrounded by thin-walled, lignified sclerenchymatous fibres, resembling a
monocotyledonous structure; vessels having spiral and spiro-reticulate thickening; phloem
composed of sieve tubes and companion cells; air cavities large, elliptic or rounded, largest at
middle cortex and smaller towards inner cortex; air cavities lined by thin-walled, elongated,
parenchymatous epithelial cells; starch grains abundant, rounded to oval, mostly simple, rarely
compound measuring 2 to 2< Hm in dia., loaded in cells.
Root - 'ppears more or less circular in outline, epidermis consists of oval, thin-walled
parenchymatous cells; cortex composed of ! to 2 layers of oval to polygonal, thin-walled
parenchymatous cells, vascular elements surrounded by slightly lignified endodermis; phloem cells,
xylem fibres aseptate with blunt ends; vessels with spiral thickening, rounded to oval, poorly
developed and consisting of usual elements; xylem composed of vessels, tracheids and
parenchyma; vessels and tracheids have simple pits.
%ight brown; shows groups of oval to elongated, parenchyma cells; xylem fibres aseptate
with blunt ends; vessels with spiral thickening, rounded to oval simple starch grains measuring 2 to
2< Hm in dia.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 9.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than =.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using &hloroform) (ethanol +)-.
shows in visible light one spot at Rf. 0.,< +light yellow.. 4nder 45 +A66 nm.. seven fluorescent
Fones are visible at Rf. 0.06 +blue., 0.-A +blue. 0.A +blue. 0.!! +blue., 0.<2 +blue. 0.,- +blue. and
0.,2 +reddish.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours eight spots appear at Rf. 0.-A, 0.A-, 0.!, 0.6, 0.<6,
0.26, 0.,A and 0.,6 +all yellow.. Cn spraying with !9 (ethanolic- :ulphuric acid and heating the
plate at -0!;& until the colour develops, four spots appear at Rf. 0.-0 +grey., 0.6 +brown., 0.<6
+brown. and 0.,6 +brown..
%inalool, nonadecane, phytol and raffinose.

C#$ai * #Eippu (I), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * (i)mai (F), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * 4GGa,al@@i (";3!&)

#laku CantaEthi (ailam ( -(0F (), $ak Flthi +uGikai ( 1F
2), 5cirIka 5cattailam (4C' 4-5(), %a@a-kippaBBai #racyaEam
(#A6$ -0), (irBcticcDra)am (F6-F*+,)
#rumal (%), %r!ai $a-kal ( %), (a!aGai Co@i ((3 -&),
3ayi@@ukkaBuppu (O!=), 3eppu 5Iy ( '48)
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 < "

T9-IKKY (,r#it) - "/)
(E@ikky is the pericarp of dried ripe fruit de!oid of seeds, of #erminalia belerica
(/aertn.) &o7b. Syn.#.$uneta &o7b., "yrobalanus belerica ../aertn. (Fam. Combretaceae), a
handsome tree, upto ;L m hi"h, commonly found in plains and deciduous forests upto TLL m
ele!ationM fruits ripen durin" 5o!ember 1February.#t "ros in +u@iPciand $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Akkantam ((), Amutam ((), KrikaBpalam (NB6),
(Eikky ((I8)
Assamese * .homora, .homra, .haira
.en"ali * .ayda, .aheda
Kn"lish * .eleric myrobalan
/u'rati * .ahedan
0indi * .ahera
+annada * (are kai, Shanti +ayi
+ashmiri * .abelo, .alali
$alayalam * (annikka
$arathi * .aheda
2riya * .aheda
%un'abi * .ahera
Sanskrit * .ibhitaka, 3ibhita, Aksa, Aksaka
(elu"u * (hanikkaya
4rdu * .ahera
a) Macroscopic
/ruit nearly spherical to ovoid, 2.! to .0 cm. in diameter. Ripe fruits slightly silvery or with
whitish shiny pubescent surface; mature fruits grey or greyish-brown with slightly wrinkled
appearance; rind of fruit shows variation in thickness from A to ! mm.; taste astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows an outer epicarp consisting of a layer of epidermis, most
of epidermal cells elongate to form hair like protuberance with swollen base; composed of a Fone
of parenchymatous cells, slightly tangentially elongated and irregularly arranged, intermingled with
stone cells of varying shape and siFe; elongated stone cells found towards periphery and spherical
in the inner Fone of mesocarp in groups of A to -0; mesocarp traversed in various directions by
numerous vascular strands; bundles collateral, endarch; simple starch grains and some stone cells
found in most of mesocarp cells; a few peripheral layers devoid of starch grains; rosettes of calcium
oxalate and stone cells present in parenchymatous cells; endosperm composed of stone cells
running longitudinally as well as transversely.
"ellowish-brown; shows fragments of epidermal cells of epicarp having hair-like
proBection; large, lignified pitted stone cells with wide lumen; cluster crystals of calcium oxalate;
parenchyma cells with oil globules; numerous simple, oval to rounded starch grains, measuring 6 to
-- Hm in diameter having 2 to components.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 9< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 3iethyl ether extract of the drug on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl
acetate) /ormic 'cid +!))-. v1v, shows under 45 light +2! nm.. five fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.20
+blue., 0.2A +blue., 0.AA +dark blackish blue., 0.A, +blue. and 0.60 +blue.. Cn spraying with !9
(ethanolic ferric chloride reagent four spots appear at Rf. 0.20 +blackish blue., 0.2A +blackish blue.
and 0.AA +dark blackish blue..
>allic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl gallate, galloyl glucose and chebullagic acid, belleric acid,
belericoside, arBungenin and its glycoside, arBunglucoside, cannogenol - A- 0- O- 3-
galactopyranosyl- +-9. -0 -V- %- rhamnopyranoside, bellericanin, phyllemblin, termilignan,
thaninilignan, <- hydroxy-AI, I +methylenedioxy. flavan and anolignan J and O- sitosterol.

C#$ai * (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), $alamiGakki (J3A), (u!arppi
(?A), 4ramkki ("A)

Ci!ataic CDra)am (C(* +,), +antaka #racyaEam (( -0),
(C@@EkoBBai #Gakam ('(!#96$ 3), (ippili #rcyaEam (FA@ -
0), (iripalaic CDra)am (FB* +,)
?)ku@ippu) (&), CilantinaPcu (CF4U), +uruti A,al (F %)
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 ; "

T!IPPI"I (,r#it) - FC<
(hippili is the dried, immature, catkin1like fruits ith bracts of Pi$er longum L. (Fam.
%iperaceae), a slender, aromatic climber ith perennial oody roots, occurrin" in hotter parts of
#ndia from Central 0imalayas to Assam. upto loer hills of >est .en"al and e!er"reen forests of
>estern "hats as ild, and also culti!ated in 5orth Kast and many parts of the South. #t "ros in
(amil * Ampu (), Aricittippili (BC5FA@), ?timaruntu (F?),
+a)ai (,), +I,aiya@ukki ('A), +uBri ($B)
Assamese * %ipali
.en"ali * %ipul
Kn"lish * Lon" pepper
/u'rati * Lindi %eeper, %ipali
0indi * %ipar
+annada * 0ippali
$alayalam * %ippali
$arathi * %impali, Lendi pimpali
2riya * %ipali, %ippali
%un'abi * $a"h, $a"h %ipali
Sanskrit * %ippali, +ana, $a"adhi, $a"adha, +rsna, Saundi.
(elu"u * %ippalu
4rdu * Filfil daraU
a) Macroscopic
/ruit greenish-black to black, cylindrical, 2.! to ! cm. long and 0. to - cm. thick,
consisting of minute sessile fruits, arranged around an axis; surface rough and composite; broken
surface shows a central axis and 6 to -2 fruitlets arranged around an axis; taste pungent producing
numbness on the tongue; odour aromatic.
b) Microscopic
&atkin shows 6 to -2 fruits, arranged in circle on a central axis, each having an outer
epidermal layer of irregular cells filled with deep brown content and covered externally with a thick
cuticle; mesocarp consists of larger cells, usually collapsed, irregular in shape and thin-walled; a
number of stone cells in singles or in groups present; endocarp and seed coat fused to form a deep
Fone, outer layer of this Fone composed of thin-walled cells and colourless, inner layer composed
of tangentially elongated cells, having reddish-brown content; most of the endocarp cells filled with
starch grains, round to oval measuring A to 2 Hm in dia.
3eep moss green; shows fragments of parenchyma cells, oval to elongated stone cells; oil
globules and round to oval starch grains, measuring A to 2 Hm in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
#igh performance thin layer chromatographic +#$T%&. assay of piperine.
So&(#nt s)st#*
Toluene) 3iethyl ether) 3ioxane +62.! ) 2-.! ) -6..
TLC P&'t#s
'luminium plate precoated with silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness.
St'nd'rd So&,tion
-0 mg of piperine is dissolved in -0 ml of (ethanol in a volumetric flask. /rom this stock
solution standard solutions of -00 --000 Hg1ml are prepared by taking aliMuots +0.- to -.0 ml. of
stock solution and adBusting the volume to -.0 ml with (ethanol.
S'*%&# %r#%'r'tion
20 g of powdered drug is extracted with -!0 ml of n-#exane in a :oxhlet apparatus to defat
the material. /urther the drug is extracted with (ethanol for 2 to -0 hr. The solvent is removed
under reduced pressure. 20 mg of (ethanolic extract is dissolved in - ml of (ethanol.
C'&i-r'tion .,r(#
-0 Hl of each of the standard solutions is applied on a T%& plate. The plate is developed in
twin trough chamber to a distance of 2 cm. and scanned densitometrically at A66 nm. The peak
areas are recorded and the calibration curve is obtained by plotting peak area vs concentration of
piperine applied.
Esti*'tion o/ %i%#rin# in t3# dr,+
-0 El of the sample solution in triplicate is applied on a T%& plate. The plate is developed in
the solvent system and the peak area of piperine is recorded as described above for calibration
curve. The amount of piperine present in the sample is calculated from the calibration curve of
The percentage of piperine ranges from 0.2, to 0.A2.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene) 7thyl
acetate +,)-. as mobile phase, under 45 +A66 nm.. shows six fluorescent Fones at Rf.. 0.-!, 0.26,
0.A, 0.A,, 0.!0 and 0.20. Cn exposure to iodine vapours, seven spots appear at Rf. 0.0, 0.-!,
0.26, 0.A, 0.A,, 0.!0 and 0.,A +all yellow.. Cn spraying with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent and
heating the plate at -0!;& for five minutes five spots appear at Rf. 0.0, 0.22, 0.A!, 0.A and 0.22.
Cn spraying with 3ragendorff reagent three red orange spots appear at Rf. 0.-!, 0.26 and 0.A +all
D-caryophyllene; piperine, pipernonaline, piperundecalidine, piperlatine, sesamine,
dihydriostifransterol, piplasterol and futoamide.

C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku (), 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), 3eppamu)Bkki ($

AVBthic CDra)am (X$F* +,), Ci!aEr Amirtam (C0 J(),
+akku!E #Gakam (9 3), +uEmakuBIri $e,uku (9'$B .),
%lacaPcA!i $ttirai (-US> 5F), (ippili #rcyaEam (FA@ -0)
Cu!aiyiEmai (O9), #raippu (), #rumal (%), Aiyappi)i
(HAM), +a) +tu $Dkku 5IykaG ( ? R '48;), +uEmam (9)
DOSE 1 %oder <LL m" 1 :"

'Y'I5A@KAM (,r#it) - )M4
3y!iBa-kam is the dried mature fruit of 'mbelia ribes .urm. f. (Fam. $yrsinaceae), lar"e
scandent shrub ith lon", slender, fle7ible branches, distributed throu"hout hilly parts of #ndia
upto :=LL m.#t "ros in +u@iPci , $ullai $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * +CraGam ('3), 3araEai (0), 3arEaEai (00), 3yu!iGa
-kam (E>3)
Assamese * 3idan"
.en"ali * 3idan"
/u'rati * 3a!adin", 3a!din", 3aya!adan"
0indi * .aberan", .habhiran"a, 3aya!idan"a
+annada * 3ayu!idan"a, 3ayu!ilan"a
+ashmiri * .abadin"
$alayalam * 3iUhalari, 3iUalari
$arathi * 3a!adin", 3a!din"
2riya * .idan"a, 3idan"a
%un'abi * .abrun", 3a!arin"
Sanskrit * 3idan"a, Nantu"hna, +rmi"hna, 3ella, +rmihara, +rmiripu
(elu"u * 3ayu!idan"alu
4rdu * .aobaran", .abran"
a) Macroscopic
/ruit brownish-black, globular, 2 to mm. in diameter, warty surface with a beak like
proBection at apex, often short, thin pedicel and persistant calyx with usually A or ! sepals present;
pericarp brittle enclosing a single seed covered by a thin membrane; entire seed reddish and
covered with yellowish spots, odour slightly aromatic; taste astringent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows epicarp consisting of single row of tabular cells of
epidermis, usually obliterated; in surface view cells rounded with wrinkled cuticle; mesocarp
consists of a number of layers of reddish-brown coloured cells and numerous fibrovascular bundles
and rarely a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; inner part of mesocarp and endocarp
composed of stone cells; endocarp consisting of single layered, thick-walled, large, palisade-like
stone cells; seed coat composed of 2 or A layered reddish-brown coloured cells; endosperm cells
irregular in shape, thick-walled, containing fixed oil and proteinous masses; embryo small when
present otherwise most of the seeds sterile.
Reddish; shows reddish parenchyma cells and stone cells.
+-. - g of the powdered seeds is shaken with 20 ml of solvent 7ther for five minutes and
filtered. To a portion of the filtrate ! per cent v1v solution of :odium #ydroxide is added
and a deep violet colour is developed in the aMueous layer. To the other portion 2 drops of
dilute 'mmonia solution is added and a bluish violet precipitate is obtained.
+2. ! g of the powdered seeds is boiled with 2! ml 'lcohol and filtered. The deep red coloured
filtrate is divided into two portions. To one portion, solution of %ead 'cetate is added, a
dirty green precipitate is produced. To the other portion, solution of /erric &hloride is
added a reddish-brown precipitate is produced.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
&ontains not less than 2 per cent w1w of embelin +limits -.2! to 2.-!. when assayed as
'bout -0 g of powder +0 mesh. is accurately weighed and transfered to a !00 ml glass
stoppered flask. *t is shaken occasionally for thirty minutes with -!0 ml of solvent 3iethyl ether.
The whole mass is packed in a percolator and macerated for thirty minutes and extracted with
solvent 3iethyl ether, till the ethereal solution ceases to give a pink colour with a drop of 'mmonia
:olution. The 7ther is distilled off, and the residue is treated with small Muantity of light
$etroleum +b.p. 0; to 60;. and cooled in ice. The precipitate is filtered under suction and the
filtrate is reBected. The residue is washed with further small Muantities of cooled light $etroleum.
The residue is transfered to a tared beaker with sufficient Muantity of the solvent light $etroleum
and dried, to constant weight at 20;. The melting range of embelin is -2; to -;.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I

plate using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +<)A. v1v,
on exposure to iodine vapours shows eight spots at Rf. 0.06, 0.-, 0.!-, 0.!2, 0.<6, 0.22, 0.26
and 0.,! +all yellow.. Cn spraying with 'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate
for five minutes at -0!8& six spots appear at Rf. 0.06,0.-,0.!-, 0.!2, 0.<6 +all grey., and 0.,!
7mbelin, Muercitol, tannin, christembine, embelic acid and vilangin.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), (
Dkku)ippu,ukkolli (GM.%@), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

+aruBaEki,a-ku K))ey ($9A N,8), $ak!allti #Gakam (%F
3), 5kkuppDcci(+olli) +uBinAr (4L*C[%@\ /c), 5ila!kaic CDra)am
(V* +,), %ira)Bai 3aBakam (A$ $)
+uEmam (9), 5aPcu (4U), 5u)pu,ukkaG (T.;), 3y!u (8:),
3eGuppu 5IyH%)Bu (< '487=)
DOSE 1 %oder < 1 :L "

'"MI:AKU (,r#it) - (@1.
3lmiGaku is the mature, dried fruit of Pi$er cubeba L. f. (Fam. %iperaceae), oody,
climbin", dioeceous perennialM female spike ith small floers, often cur!edM culti!ated to a small
e7tent in #ndia, specially in the +arnataka stateM fruits collected hen mature but still unripe and
carefully dried.#t "ros in +u@iPcithi)ai.
(amil * +a)BamiGaku ($J3), La-kCcam ('-)
Assamese * +akkol, +ababcheni
.en"ali * +ababchini, Su"andhamaricha
Kn"lish * Cubebs, (ailed pepper
/u'rati * Chanakabab, Chinikabab
0indi * Seetalchini, +ababchini
+annada * /andhamenasu, .alamenasu
+ashmiri * +ushfal, +ababchini
$alayalam * Cheenamulaku, (akkolam, 3almulaku
$arathi * +ankol
2riya * +ababchini
%un'abi * +ababchini, Sardchini
Sanskrit * +ankola, Lankesa, Cinatiksna, +akkola, +ankolika
(elu"u * Chala!amiriyalu, (okamiriyalu
4rdu * +ababchini
a) Macroscopic
/ruit wrinkled, rounded, ! to < mm. in diameter, light brown to dark brown, about < mm.
long stalk attached; pericarp red to slightly brown, testa fused with pericarp; fruit hard and stony;
albumin white and oily; odour aromatic and characteristic; taste pungent and slightly bitter.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of fruit shows an outer layer of epidermis, externally covered with thick
cuticle, a row of 2 to ! small, crushed, brown and thick-walled cells below; mesocarp composed of
large, thin-walled parenchymatous cells, oil cells and vascular bundles; endocarp of multi-layered
sclereids heavily lignified with narrow lumen; testa and tegmen composed of elongated cells,
tegmen cells hyaline and kernel cells greyish in colour.
3ark brown, oily; shows fragments of parenchyma cells, elongated testa cells, sclereids;
starch grains numerous, rounded with centric hilum measuring A to -! Hm in diameter having 2 or
A components.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :: per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of $etroleum ether +0- 608. extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with
silica gel 60 /
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using Toluene) 7thyl acetate +<)A., on exposure to
iodine vapours six spots appear at Rf. 0.!A, 0.66, 0.<!, 0.22, 0.,2 and 0.,6 +all yellow.. =ith
'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate, for five minutes at -0!8& six spots
appear at Rf. 0.!A, 0.66, 0.<! +all violet.,0.22, 0.,2 +both pink. and 0.,6 +red..
:esMirterpenehydrocarbons-Muiphellandrane,--epibicycloseMuiphellandrene, cyclohexane,
piperenol ' N J and Feylenol.

C#$ai * +rppu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Ci@unArperukki
(CcA), +I,aiyaka@@i ('!&), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)
Cmpir)ippD %ata-kam (-AML (), #mpD@al #Gakam (L#% 3),
+a,a@cit (ailam (!C5 (), +u-kumappD $ttirai (L 5F), $ak Flthi
+uGikai ( 1F 2), 5rathtai #Gakam (45( 3), (Dtu!CGai 5ey
(G?'3 48)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), +uEmam (9), 5
Ar!CBkai (c'6), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '48;), 3eGGai (;3)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 6 "

'"UBU'AI (S))4) - GD
3lu,u!ai is the dried, bronish1oran"e, ripe seeds, de!iod of capsule all of Celastrus
$aniculatus >illd. (Fam. Celastraceae), a lar"e climbin" shrub, mostly found all o!er the hilly
parts of the country upto an altitude of :6LL m.#t "ros in +u@iPciand $ullai thi)ai.
(amil * Atipa@iccam (F&*-)
Assamese * +apalphotla
Kn"lish * Staff tree
/u'rati * $alkan"ani
0indi * $alkan"ani
+annada * Doda"anu"ae, /an"un"e .ee'a, +an"ondiballi
$alayalam * Ceruppunnari, 4Uhin'a
$arathi * $alkan"oni
2riya * $alkan"uni, Nyotishmati
%un'abi * $alkan"oni
Sanskrit * Nyotismati
(elu"u * $alkan"ani, %eddama!eru
4rdu * $alkan"ani.
a) Macroscopic
3ried ripe seeds more or less covered by orange-red crusty aril, seed without aril also
present, measuring ! to 6 mm. in length and 2.! to A.A! mm. in breadth, a few roughly three sided
being convex on the sides, and a few two sided with one convex and other more or less flat side;
one edge of many seeds show a faint ridge or raphe on the entire margin; surface generally smooth
and hard; colour light to dark brown; odour unpleasant; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
S##d - :hows single layered epidermis covered externally with thick cuticle and filled with tannin,
followed by to 6 layers of thin-walled, collapsed, parenchymatous cells and layer of radially
elongated stone cells; parenchyma of top one or two layers longer than of the below with triangular
intercellular spaces; inner most layer of parenchyma containing prismatic crystals of calcium
oxalate; beneath stone cells layer Muadrangular to octagonal, tangentially elongated cells filled with
brownish contents; endosperm composed of polygonal, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells having
oil globules and aleurone grians; embryo spathulate in fleshy endosperm containing oil globules
and aleurone grains.
Cily, dark brown; shows groups of endospermic parenchyma, stone cells; oil globules and
aleurone grains.
2il contents 5ot less than ;< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.S.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 6L per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using Toluene ) 7thyl acetate
+,)-. shows two spots at Rf. 0.22 +pink. N 0., +yellow. in visible light. 4nder 45 +A66 nm.. four
fluorescent Fones visible at Rf. 0.!, 0.22 0.2,, +all blue. and 0., +yellow.. Cn exposure to iodine
vapours eight spots appear at Rf. 0.0, 0.-!, 0.20, 0.A!, 0.!, 0.6A, 0.22 and 0.2, + all yellow.. Cn
spraying with 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!8 & for five minutes four
spots appear at Rf. 0.A!, 0.! +both blue., 0.22, 0.2, +both greenish blue..
(alkangunin, celapanin, celapanigin, celapagin, pristimerin, Feylasterone N Feylasteral,
fatty oil with palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * +Drmai (C), 3emmai ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +mamperukki (A), 5arampu 4ramkki (4 "A),
4Bal!eppaka@@i ("$%!&), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A), 3iyar!aiyu)Bkki

Ci!aEr 3Cmpu +uGittailam (C0 ' 25(), #Bi!allthi $e,uku
(/%F .), +aruBaEki,a-ku K))ey ($9A N,8)
CDtakanIykaG (+('48;), #rumal (%), Aiya 5IykaG (H '48;), +Al!yu
(e%E), +urutikka,iccal (FP*-%), %u) (), %erumpBu (=)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 6 "

'ENT!AYAM (S))4) - !+
3enthayam is the seed of #rigonella foenum.graecum L. (Fam. Fabaceae), an aromatic, 9L
to =L cm. tall, annual herb, culti!ated throu"hout the country.
(amil * $entiyam (F), $Cti ('F)
Kn"lish * Fenu"reek
/u'rati * $ethi
0indi * $ethi
+annada * $ente, $enthe
$alayalam * 4lu!a
$arathi * $ethi
%un'abi * $ethi
Sanskrit * $ethi, $ethini
(elu"u * $entulu
4rdu * $ethi
a) Macroscopic
:eed oblong, rhomboidal with a deep furrow running obliMuely from one side dividing seed into a
larger and smaller part, 0.2 to 0.! cm. long, 0.-! to 0.A! cm. broad, smooth, very hard; dull yellow;
seed becomes mucilaginous when soaked in water; odour pleasant; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
S##d - :eed shows a layer of thick-walled, columnar palisade, covered externally with thick
cuticle; cells flat at base, mostly pointed but a few flattened at apex, supported internally by a
tangentially wide bearer cells having radial rib-like thickenings; followed by or ! layers of
tangentially elongated, thin-walled parenchymatous cells; endosperm consists of a layer of thick-
walled cells containing aleurone grains, several layers of thin-walled, mucilaginous cells, varying
in siFe, long axis radially elongated in outer region and tangentially elongated in inner region
present; cotyledons consists of A or layers of palisade cells varying in siFe with long axis and a
few layers of rudimentary spongy tissue; rudimentary vascular tissue situated in spongy mesophyll;
cells of cotyledon contain aleurone grains and oil globules.
"ellow; shows groups of palisade parenchyma cells; aleurone grains, oil globules;
endosperm and epidermal cells of testa.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than ; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than L.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
T.%.&. of the (ethanolic extract of the drug on aluminium plate precoated with silica gel 60
+7. (erck. 0.2 mm. thickness using n-#exane) 7thyl acetate +)-. shows four spots at Rf. 0.A6
+greenish brown, diosgenin marker., 0.-+blue., 0.!2+blue. and 0.,- +dark blue. after spraying with
'nisaldehyde- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -00 - -0!;& until the colour
3iosgenin, tigogenin, neotigogenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, neogitogenin, sonilagenin,
sarsasaposanin, vitexin, isovitexin, vicenin - and 2, trigonellin, kaempferol, luteolin, Muercetin, O-
sitosterol, furostanol glycosides, tetrosides J and &, fenugini J, trigoneosides - Sa, Sb, S*b, S**a,
S**b, S***a , methyl protodioscin, methyl protodeltonin and - hydroxy- isoleucine.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * AkaBBu!y!aka@@i (6=8!&), Ci@unArperukki
(CcA), +mamperukki (A), (u!arppi (?A), 4GGa,al@@i (";3
!&), 4ramkki ("A), 3a@aBciyaka@@i (#6C!&)

Cu)Bai!a@@al CDra)am ($!#% +,), +a)attailam (,5(), +apBa
$tthirai ($ 5F), +IrIcaEaittukaG (''-05?;)
#Gaippu 5Iy (3 '48), CAtakka,iccal (S(P*-%), +uruti A,al (F
%), 5Ari,i!u (cBP:), 5Ar!CBkai (c'6), 4Bal Kriccal ("$% NB*-%), 3eGGai
DOSE 1 %oder 9 1 = "

'2PPAMPABAM (,r#it) - F
3Cppampa,am is the hole dried fruit includin" seeds of Azadirachta indica A. Nuss. Syn.
"elia azadirachta L. (Fam. $eliaceae), a medium to lar"e e!er"reen tree attainin" a hei"ht of :<
to 6L m. or more under fa!ourable conditions and found throu"hout the plains of #ndia upto an
altitude of TLL m. and also culti!ated as a!enue trees.
(amil * AriBBam (B6$), 5impam (V), (uBBai (?6$), 3tri ((
B), 3Cmpu (')
.en"ali * 5im, 5im"ach
Kn"lish * $ar"osa tree, 5eem tree, #ndian lilac
/u'rati * Leemade
0indi * 5eem
+annada * (urakbe!u, 0uchchabe!u, Chikkabe!u
$alayalam * 3eppu, Ari!eppu
$arathi * +aduninba, 5imb
2riya * 5eemo, 5imba
%un'abi * 5imb, 5im
Sanskrit * 5imba, %icumaradah, Aristah, %icumandah, %rabhadrah
(elu"u * 3emu, 3epa
4rdu * 5eem
a) Macroscopic
Fr,it - >labrous, dark reddish-brown, ovoid to ellipsoid drupes. 0.! to 2 cm. long, over one cm
wide; indehiscent, deeply wrinkled, enclosing a single seed in a brownish leathery pulp; odour
strong; taste bitter.
S##d - Jrownish, dorsally convex; upto -.! cm. long and 0.6 cm. wide; seed coat thin, brownish,
shell-like, cracks to touch, inside of cracked pieces golden yellow; seed kernel, light brown, oily;
odour strong; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
Fr,it - $ericarp well differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp; epidermis more than one
layered; sMuarish to rectangular cells containing yellowish-brown contents and oil droplets;
mesocarp, many layered of loosely packed cells with large elongated sclereids scattered in outer
layers; endocarp of two distinct layers, outer of closely packed lignified stone cells, inner fibrous,
loosely packed, lignified.
S##d - :eed kernel shows a thin brown testa of isodiametric stone cells overlying integument of
loosely packed parenchymatous cells; cotyledon consisting of parenchymatous cells containing
abundant oil droplets.
3ark brown; shows abundant brachysclereids, columnar sclereids and pitted stone cells with
wide lumen and distinct wall striations; groups of lignified fibres, thin-walled, arranged in network
of loose strands; parenchymatous cells of cotyledon containing aleurone grains and oil globules;
fragments of testa showing distinctly striated isodiametric stone cells; a few scattered rosette
crystals of calcium oxalate.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than S per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than := per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :T per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>Iplate using &hloroform) 'cetone +-2.!)-.!.
on spraying with -9 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at -0!;& for about five
minutes shows ten spots at Rf. 0.-- +greyish violet., 0.-6 +yellow., 0.-, +green., 0.2 +violet.,
0.2, +grey., 0.AA +mustard yellow., 0.2 +pink., 0., +greyish black., 0.!< +violet. and 0.<6 +light
Pimbin, gedunin, aFadirachtin; nimbidin, salanin. 6-0- acetylnimbandiol, A-
dasacetylsalannin, aFadirachtol, nimolinone, nimolicinol, aFadirachtin-', --K- # aFadirachtin, #,
-- D- # aFadirachtin #, salimuFFalin, aFadirolic acid, aFadiradionol, aFadironol nimbochalcin and
C#$ai * Ci@uiEippu (CI), +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), +Drmai (C), 5oymai (48)
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * #Eippu (I)
C)*+ai * $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), 4ramkki ("A)
3i[)ucakkara $ttirai (>Xi- 5F)
(Il 5IykaG ('(% '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 6 " , 2il < 1 :L drops.

'2PPAM PA5.AI (St)& bar+) -
3Cppam %aBJai is the stem bark of Azadirachta indica A. Nuss. Syn. "elia azadirachta L.
(Fam. $eliaceae), a medium to lar"e e!er"reen tree attainin" a hei"ht of :< to 6L m. or more under
fa!ourable conditions and found throu"hout the plains of #ndia upto an altitude of TLL m., and also
culti!ated as a!enue trees.
(amil * AriBBam (B6$), 5impam (V), (uBBai (?6$), 3tri ((
B), 3Cmpu (')
.en"ali * 5im, 5im"acha
Kn"lish * #ndian lilac, $ar"osa tree, 5eem tree
/u'rati * +ad!o Limbdo
0indi * 5im, 5imb
+annada * 5imba, .e!u, 2ile!e!u, +ahibe!u
$alayalam * Ari!eppu, 3eppu
$arathi * .alantanimba, Limba, +adunimb
2riya * 5imba
%un'abi * 5im, 5imba
Sanskrit * 5imba, Arista, %icumarda
(elu"u * 3emu, 3epa
4rdu * 5eem
a) Macroscopic
Jark varies much in thickness according to age and parts of tree from where it is taken;
external surface rough, fissured and rusty-grey; laminated inner surface yellowish and foliaceous;
fracture fibrous; odour characteristic; taste bitter.
b) Microscopic
St#* 7'r8 - :hows outer exfoliating pieces hard, woody, considerably thick in older barks; almost
entirely dead elements of secondary phloem, alternating with discontinuous tangential bands of
compressed cork tissue, former composed of several layers of stone cells occurring in regularly
arranged groups together with collapsed phloem elements filled with brown contents; in between
the successive Fones of cork tissue A to ! layers of fibre groups with intervening thin-walled and
often collapsed phloem elements present; each Fone of cork tissue consists of several layers of
regular, thin-walled cells occasionally with a few compressed rows of thick-walled cells towards
outer surface; within exfoliating portion a number of layers of newly formed cork composed of
thin-walled, rectangular cells and one or two layers of cork cambium, below which a wide Fone of
secondary phloem present; secondary cortex absent in most cases; secondary phloem commonly
composed of well-developed fibre bundles traversed by 2 to seriate phloem rays and transversely
separated by bands of parenchymatous tissue of phloem; phloem elements of outer bark mostly
collapsed; a few fairly large secretory cavities also occur in phloem; most of phloem parenchyma
contain starch grains and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; starch grains, simple, round with
central hilum, measuring 2.<! to ! Hm; structure of bark varies considerably according to gradual
formation of secondary cork bands.
Po"d#r $
Reddish-brown; shows numerous prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; phloem fibres with
narrow lumen and pointed ends; cork cells, stone cells mostly in groups, lignified rectangular to
polygonal, having wide lumen and distinct striations; simple starch grains, measuring 2.<! to ! Hm
in diameter.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than :.< per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of 'lcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel I>I plate using &hloroform) 7thyl
acetate; /ormic acid +!))-. shows under 45 +A66 nm.. three fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.<2 +blue.,
0.26 +blue., and 0.,0 +green.. Cn spraying with !9 (ethanolic- $hosphomolybdic acid reagent
and heating the plate until the colour develops , the plate shows four spots at Rf. 0.20, 0.!, 0.6A
and 0.,0 +all blue..
Pimbin, nimbinin, nimbidin, sugiol, essential oil, D-sitosterol and tannin.

C#$ai * Ci@utu!arppu (C?), +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku (), 3a@aBci (#6C)
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * $u@ai!eppaka@@i (#!&), 4ramkki ("A), (u!arppi

CAnthil 5ey (SF% 48), CArakac CDra)am (S* +,), $a)BDrti ABaikkuBinAr
(YF $/c)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), Curattl 4)Bkum 4Bal (haGarcci (5(% "$
"$% (3*C), +uEmam (9), $ntam ((), $Dlam (R), (Il 5IykaG ('(
% '48;), 3aGi 5IykaG (2 '48;)
DOSE 1 %oder 6 1 ; "

'2PPAM P? (,3oA)r) - E
3Cppam %D is the dried floer and floer bud of Azadirachta indica A. Nuss. Syn. "elia
azadirachta L. (Fam. $eliaceae), a medium to lar"e e!er"reen tree attainin" a hei"ht of :< to 6L
m. or more under fa!ourable conditions and found throu"hout the plains of #ndia upto an altitude of
TLL m. and also culti!ated as a!enue trees.
(amil * AriBBam (B6$), 5impam (V), (uBBai (?6$), 3tri ((
B), 3Cmpu (')
.en"ali * 5im, 5im"ach
Kn"lish * #ndian lilac, $ar"osa tree, 5eem tree
/u'rati * +ohumba, Limba, Limbado, Limado
0indi * 5im, 5imba
+annada * .e!u, 5imba, 2ile!e!u, +ahibe!u, .e!inama
$alayalam * Ari!eppu, 3eppu
$arathi * .alantanimba, Limba, +adunimb, 5im
2riya * 5imba
%un'abi * 5im, 5imb
Sanskrit * 5imba, %icumarda, Arista
(elu"u * 3emu, 3epa
4rdu * 5eem
a) Macroscopic
3ried flowers are brown to deep brown; individual flower ! to 6 mm. long and 6 to -- mm.
wide, pentamerous, bisexual, regular and hypogynous; calyx !, short, united at base; corolla !, free,
spathulate, spreading, .! to !.! mm. long 2 mm. wide; stamens -0, monoadelphous, staminal tube
inserted at base of corolla; gynoecium tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior, trilocular, two ovules in
each locule, style -, stigma A-lobed; taste mildly bitter) odour indistinct.
b) Microscopic
C'&): - :epal shows thin walled polygonal papillose epidermis; elongated thin walled unicellular
conical trichomes of varying lengths; rosette crystals in cells of epidermis.
P#t'&s - $etal shows epidermis of rectangular cells papillose at margins, non-glandular unicellular
trichomes, over -!0 Hm long, tubular and hyaline; glandular trichomes of about 20 Hm, numerous
rosette crystals in epidermal cells.
Andro#.i,* - 7pidermis of staminal tube composed of thick walled rectangular parenchymatous
cells and the endothecium of the anther walls.
G)no#.i,* - :tigma sticky, parenchymatous epidermal cells, elongated into extensive papillae,
style thin walled, rectangular, ovary superior, trilocular.
Po&&#n Gr'in - $orous, -colporate, spherical -0! to -6- Hm in dia., with a smooth exine.
"ellowish-brown; fragments of parenchymatous papillose epidermal cells; trichomes;
numerous vessels; rosette calcium oxalate crystals and yellowish-brown pollen grains.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than 6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than :; per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than < per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than :6 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using &hloroform) 'cetone +20)-. on
spraying with -9 5anillin- :ulphuric acid reagent followed by heating the plate at -0!;& for about
five minutes shows eight spots at Rf. 0.-2 +violet., 0.-< +light pink., 0.AA +violet., 0.!- +purple.,
0.6 +dark purple., 0.20 +light purple., 0.2! +light purple., 0.,2 +purple..
Ponacosane, neeflone, aFharone.

C#$ai * +aippu ()
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * 3eppam ()
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * 5Ari,i!u %Ikki (cBP: 'A), %acittAtD)Bi (C5QG/), 4ramkki
("A), 3eppamu)Bkki ($A)

(mpiraccentDram ((A*-G)
A,al 5IykaG (% '48;), Cu!aiyiEmai (O9), +uBa@pu,u ($!.),
$Drccai (R*-), 5!a@aBci (4#6C), 5ABitta 3aGinIy (c/5( 2'48), 3nti (F)
DOSE 1 %oder : 1 6 "
'I"'A '2R (Root) - M(
3il!a 3Cr is the dried root of Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. (Fam. &utaceae), an armed,
medium siUed tree, occurrin" in the plains and upto :LLL m. in the hills, as ell as culti!ated
throu"hout the country, particularly in sacred "roo!es. #t "ros in $arutham thi)ai.
(amil * Ci!atturumam (C5?), +D!iGam (C>3), $luram (D),
5iEmali (V9@)
Assamese * .ael, 3ael
.en"ali * .ela, .il!a
Kn"lish * .ael root, .en"al Ruince
/u'rati * .ili!aphal, .ill, .ilum
0indi * .el, .ela, Sriphal
+annada * .il!a
$alayalam * +oo!alam
$arathi * .aela, .el
2riya * .ela
%un'abi * .il
Sanskrit * .il!a, Sriphala
(elu"u * $aredu
4rdu * .el
a) Macroscopic
Root cream yellow or pale yellowish-brown, thin, irregularly and shallowly ridged due to
formation of longitudinal and transverse lenticels, surface ruptured, peeling off in layers, internal
surface cream to light yellow; fracture short; taste sweet.
b) Microscopic
Root - :hows lignified and stratified cork consisting of A or alternating bands of to - layers of
smaller cells and a few layers of larger cells having golden yellow contents; secondary cortex, a
wide Fone, consisting of large, polyhedral, parenchymatous cells and stone cells of varying shapes
and siFes, thick-walled, lignified, scattered throughout region; secondary phloem consists of sieve
elements, fibres, parenchyma and crystals fibres traversed by phloem rays; some sieve elements
compressed, forming tangential bands of ceratenchyma alternating with bands of lignified phloem
fibres in outer phloem region, but intact in inner phloem region; phloem parenchyma radially and
transversely elongated; phloem fibre groups arranged in concentric rings, fibre groups in inner
phloem region extend tangentially from one meduallary ray to another, each group consisting of 2
to A! or more cells; fibres long, lignified generally with tapering ends but occasionally forked;
some have wavy walls; crystal fibres numerous, long, about , to A0 chambered, each containing a
prismatic crystal of calcium oxalate; medullary rays uni to triseriate in inner region while bi to
pentaseriate in outer region of phloem; cambium consists of A to < rows of tangentially elongated to
sMuarish cells; secondary xylem consists of vessels tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma; vessels
scattered throughout xylem region, in groups of 2 to !; single vessels also found, varying in shape
and siFe, mostly drum-shaped, with bordered pits some having a pointed, tail-like process at one
end; fibres thick-walled with blunt or pointed tips; xylem parenchyma rectangular in shape;
medullary rays uni to triseriate, bi and triseriate rays more common, triseriate rays -2 to 0 cells
high, uniseriate rays to -0 cells high; prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present; starch grains
simple, ! to -, Hm in dia., mostly round to oval with centric hilum; compound starch grains having
2 to A components present in inner few layers of cork cells, secondary cortex, phloem and xylem
>rey to greyish-brown; shows thick-walled, angular cells of cork; numerous prismatic
crystal of calcium oxalate, crystal fibres; starch grains simple, ! to -, Hm in dia., mostly round to
oval with centric hilum; compound starch grains having 2 or A components; fragments of xylem
vessels with bordered pits and thick-walled xylem fibres.
Forei"n matter 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.6.
(otal Ash 5ot more than = per cent, Appendi7 6.6.9.
Acid1insoluble ash 5ot more than : per cent, Appendi7 6.6.;.
Alcohol1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.=.
>ater1soluble e7tracti!e 5ot less than 8 per cent, Appendi7 6.6.8.
T.%.&. of the 'lcoholic extract on silica gel I>I plate using n- Jutanol) 'cetic acid) =ater
+)-)!. shows under 45 +A66 nm.. three fluorescent Fones at Rf. 0.! +bright sky blue.. 0.2 +light
sky blue. and 0.,A +bright sky blue.. Cn exposure to iodine vapours seven spots appear of Rf.
0.-!, 0.2<, 0.!, 0.6<, 0.<2 and 0.,A +all yellow.. Cn spraying with !9 (ethanolic- :ulphuric
acid reagent and heating the plate until the colour develops, the plate shows eight spots at Rf.0.-!,
0.2<, 0.A2, 0.A2 +all grey., 0.! +yellow. 0.6<, 0.2 +light grey. and 0.,A +brown..
%upeol, --phenyl-<-hydroxy-tetrahydro-MuinaFolin--one, skimmianine, marmin and
C#$ai * +aippu (), (u!arppu (?)
#%a& * #laku ()
'(ri#& * (aBpam ((6)
Piri$# * +rppu ()
C)*+ai * +mamperukki (A)

Carapu-ka 3il!ti #Gakam (- >%F 3), %ittacurak +uBinAr
(A5( /c), 3il!ti #Gakam (>%F 3)
CuramH+yccal (78*-%), +uEmam (9), $ayakkam (),
$ukku@@akCBu (!#'=), 5Ar!CBkai (c'6), 4Bal +aBuppu ("$% =)
DOSE 1 Decoction 9L1 <L ml tice daily.
:L 1 :< " coarse poder in 6LL ml of ater for preparin" decoction.


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