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Canon ink level monitor (cartridges) - how to disable

It's easy to disable the ink monitor...

Simply read and follow the messages from your printer (on screen) similar to ones shown below. If you use a multi
function (MP) printer, similar messages may also display on the printer LC panel (if it has one).
Important! "hen in# monitor is disabled, in# le$el indicator (for that in# cartridge) disappears and the printer will not stop
printing, e$en if out of in#. %op up each cartridge periodically to a$oid running out&
'ote! In# le$el monitor function will be restored to normal by fitting a new in# cartridge.
() "hen the printer software decides the colour in# cartridge is almost empty, you should get this message (or similar). If
it doesn)t appear straight after refilling...don)t worry, it will. %he printer simply doesn)t see the in# cartridge(s) as empty *
yet. +ust #eep using the printer as usual...and wait for the message to pop up.

o nothing...the message will go away by itself.
,r...if the black cartridge is almost -empty-, the message will loo# something li#e this...
o nothing...
2) %hen you should get this message!
Press and hold the Stop./eset button until the error clears.
If your printer doesn)t ha$e a Stop./esume button, use the Cancel button. Hold the button * until
the 0larm L1 stops flashing,
or until the error message disappears. %his ta#es 2*3 seconds.
4) %hen this message should pop up. 'otice that the e5clamation mar# (for blac# cart) is gone.
6ou don)t ha$e to do anything.
%he printer should resume normal operation. If it doesn)t, chec# your screen and the tas# bar
(bottom of screen) for any
new printer messages that need this one.

Clic# ,7 on screen * or the ,7 button on the printer. %hat)s it...the printer should start to print
'ote! 6ou will ha$e to repeat the whole process with e$ery cartridge that indicates empty (in the
in# monitor).

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