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22)el*ome To The )orld of 3ree Plain 4anilla 5le*troni* Te0ts22

225te0ts 6eada7le B- Both 8+mans and B- $omp+ters/ Sin*e 197122

2These 5te0ts Prepared B- 8+ndreds of 4ol+nteers and %onations2

9nformation on *onta*tin, Proje*t :+ten7er, to ,et 5te0ts/ and
f+rther information is in*l+ded 7elo.( )e need -o+r donations(

S+n T;+ on The 'rt of )ar/ 7- &ionel :iles <trans/ ed=

>a-/ 199! ?5te0t @132A

The Proje*t :+ten7er, 5te0t of The 'rt of )ar 7- S+n T;+
22222This file sho+ld 7e named s+n;+10(t0t or s+n;+10(;ip22222

$orre*ted 5%9T9BNS of o+r ete0ts ,et a ne. NC>B56/ s+n;+11(t0t(
456S9BNS 7ased on separate so+r*es ,et ne. &5TT56/ s+n;+10a(t0t(

)e are no. tr-in, to release all o+r 7ooks one month in ad1an*e
of the offi*ial release dates/ for time for 7etter editin,( )e
ha1e this as a ,oal to a**omplish 7- the end of the -ear 7+t .e
*annot ,+arantee to sta- that far ahead e1er- month after that(

Please note: neither this list nor its *ontents are final till
midni,ht of the last da- of the month of an- s+*h anno+n*ement(
The offi*ial release date of all Proje*t :+ten7er, 5te0ts is at
>idni,ht/ $entral Time/ of the last da- of the stated month( '
preliminar- 1ersion ma- often 7e posted for s+,,estion/ *omment
and editin, 7- those .ho .ish to do so( To 7e s+re -o+ ha1e an
+p to date first edition ?00000100(000A please *he*k file si;es
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a 7+, in it that s*ram7les the date ?tried to fi0 and failedA a
look at the file si;e .ill ha1e to do/ 7+t .e .ill tr- to see a
ne. *op- has at least one 7-te more or less(

9nformation a7o+t Proje*t :+ten7er, <one pa,e=

)e prod+*e a7o+t t.o million dollars for ea*h ho+r .e .ork( The
fift- ho+rs is one *onser1ati1e estimate for ho. lon, it .e take
to ,et an- ete0t sele*ted/ entered/ proofread/ edited/ *op-ri,ht
sear*hed and anal-;ed/ the *op-ri,ht letters .ritten/ et*( This
proje*ted a+dien*e is one h+ndred million readers( 9f o+r 1al+e
per te0t is nominall- estimated at one dollar then .e prod+*e D!
million dollars per ho+r this -ear as .e release some ei,ht te0t
files per month: th+s +ppin, o+r prod+*ti1it- from D2 million(

The :oal of Proje*t :+ten7er, is to :i1e '.a- Bne Trillion 5te0t
3iles 7- the %e*em7er 31/ 2001( ?10/000 0 100/000/000ETrillionA
This is ten tho+sand titles ea*h to one h+ndred million readers/
.hi*h is 10F of the e0pe*ted n+m7er of *omp+ter +sers 7- the end
of the -ear 2001(

)e need -o+r donations more than e1erG

'll donations sho+ld 7e made to HProje*t :+ten7er,I9B$H/ and are
ta0 ded+*ti7le to the e0tent allo.a7le 7- la. <H9B$H is 9llinois
Benedi*tine $olle,e=( <S+7s*riptions to o+r paper ne.sletter ,o
to 9B$/ too=

3or these and other matters/ please mail to:

Proje*t :+ten7er,
P( B( Bo0 27"2
$hampai,n/ 9& #1"2

)hen all other email fails tr- o+r >i*hael S( 8art/ 50e*+ti1e
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229nformation prepared 7- the Proje*t :+ten7er, le,al ad1isor22
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This HSmall PrintGH 7- $harles B( Sramer/ 'ttorne-
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SCN TZC BN T85 '6T B3 )'6

T85 B&%5ST >9&9T'6M T65'T9S5 9N T85 )B6&%

Translated from the $hinese .ith 9ntrod+*tion
and $riti*al Notes


&9BN5& :9&5S/ >('(

'ssistant in the %epartment of Briental Printed Books and >SS(
in the British >+se+m

3irst P+7lished in 1910


To m- 7rother
$aptain 4alentine :iles/ 6(:(
in the hope that
a .ork 2!00 -ears old
ma- -et *ontain lessons .orth *onsideration
7- the soldier of toda-
this translation
is affe*tionatel- dedi*ated(


Prefa*e to the Proje*t :+ten7+r, 5te0t

)hen &ionel :iles 7e,an his translation of S+n T;+Ns '6T B3
)'6/ the .ork .as 1irt+all- +nkno.n in 5+rope( 9ts introd+*tion
to 5+rope 7e,an in 17"2 .hen a 3ren*h Oes+it 3ather li1in, in
$hina/ Ooseph 'miot/ a*P+ired a *op- of it/ and translated it
into 3ren*h( 9t .as not a ,ood translation 7e*a+se/ a**ordin, to
%r( :iles/ H?9At *ontains a ,reat deal that S+n T;+ did not
.rite/ and 1er- little indeed of .hat he did(H
The first translation into 5n,lish .as p+7lished in 190 in
Tok-o 7- $apt( 5( 3( $althrop/ 6(3('( 8o.e1er/ this translation
is/ in the .ords of %r( :iles/ He0*essi1el- 7ad(H 8e ,oes
f+rther in this *riti*ism: H9t is not merel- a P+estion of
do.nri,ht 7l+nders/ from .hi*h none *an hope to 7e .holl- e0empt(
Bmissions .ere freP+entQ hard passa,es .ere .illf+ll- distorted
or sl+rred o1er( S+*h offenses are less pardona7le( The- .o+ld
not 7e tolerated in an- edition of a &atin or :reek *lassi*/ and
a similar standard of honest- o+,ht to 7e insisted +pon in
translations from $hinese(H 9n 190" a ne. edition of $apt(
$althropNs translation .as p+7lished in &ondon( 9t .as an
impro1ement on the first -- omissions filled +p and n+mero+s
mistakes *orre*ted -- 7+t ne. errors .ere *reated in the pro*ess(
%r( :iles/ in j+stif-in, his translation/ .rote: H9t .as not
+ndertaken o+t of an- inflated estimate of m- o.n po.ersQ 7+t 9
*o+ld not help feelin, that S+n T;+ deser1ed a 7etter fate than
had 7efallen him/ and 9 kne. that/ at an- rate/ 9 *o+ld hardl-
fail to impro1e on the .ork of m- prede*essors(H
$learl-/ %r( :ilesN .ork esta7lished m+*h of the ,ro+nd.ork
for the .ork of later translators .ho p+7lished their o.n
editions( Bf the later editions of the '6T B3 )'6 9 ha1e
e0aminedQ t.o feat+re :ilesN edited translation and notes/ the
other t.o present the same 7asi* information from the an*ient
$hinese *ommentators fo+nd in the :iles edition( Bf these fo+r/
:ilesN 1910 edition is the most s*holarl- and presents the reader
an in*redi7le amo+nt of information *on*ernin, S+n T;+Ns te0t/
m+*h more than an- other translation(
The :ilesN edition of the '6T B3 )'6/ as stated a7o1e/ .as a
s*holarl- .ork( %r( :iles .as a leadin, sinolo,+e at the time
and an assistant in the %epartment of Briental Printed Books and
>an+s*ripts in the British >+se+m( 'pparentl- he .anted to
prod+*e a definiti1e edition/ s+perior to an-thin, else that
e0isted and perhaps somethin, that .o+ld 7e*ome a standard
translation( 9t .as the 7est translation a1aila7le for 0 -ears(
B+t apparentl- there .as not m+*h interest in S+n T;+ in 5n,lish-
speakin, *o+ntries sin*e the it took the start of the Se*ond
)orld )ar to rene. interest in his .ork( Se1eral people
p+7lished +nsatisfa*tor- 5n,lish translations of S+n T;+( 9n
19!!/ %r( :ilesN translation .as edited and p+7lished in the
Cnited States in a series of militar- s*ien*e 7ooks( B+t it
.asnNt +ntil 19#3 that a ,ood 5n,lish translation <7- Sam+el B(
:riffith and still in print= .as p+7lished that .as an eP+al to
:ilesN translation( )hile this translation is more l+*id than
%r( :ilesN translation/ it la*ks his *opio+s notes that make his
so interestin,(
%r( :iles prod+*ed a .ork primaril- intended for s*holars of
the $hinese *i1ili;ation and lan,+a,e( 9t *ontains the $hinese
te0t of S+n T;+/ the 5n,lish translation/ and 1ol+mino+s notes
alon, .ith n+mero+s footnotes( Cnfort+natel-/ some of his notes
and footnotes *ontain $hinese *hara*tersQ some are *ompletel-
$hinese( Th+s/ a *on1ersion to a &atin alpha7et ete0t .as
diffi*+lt( 9 did the *on1ersion in *omplete i,noran*e of $hinese
<e0*ept for .hat 9 learned .hile doin, the *on1ersion=( Th+s/ 9
fa*ed the diffi*+lt task of paraphrasin, it .hile retainin, as
m+*h of the important te0t as 9 *o+ld( 51er- paraphrase
represents a lossQ th+s 9 did .hat 9 *o+ld to retain as m+*h of
the te0t as possi7le( Be*a+se the 1910 te0t *ontains a $hinese
*on*ordan*e/ 9 .as a7le to transliterate proper names/ 7ooks/ and
the like at the risk of makin, the te0t more o7s*+re( 8o.e1er/
the te0t/ on the .hole/ is P+ite satisfa*tor- for the *as+al
reader/ a transformation made possi7le 7- *on1ersion to an ete0t(
8o.e1er/ 9 *ome a.a- from this task .ith the feelin, of loss
7e*a+se 9 kno. that someone .ith a 7a*k,ro+nd in $hinese *an do a
7etter jo7 than 9 didQ an- s+*h attempt .o+ld 7e .el*omed(

Bo7 S+tton


S+n )+ and his Book

Ss+-ma $hVien ,i1es the, 7io,raph- of S+n T;+: ?1A

S+n T;+ )+ .as a nati1e of the $hVi State( 8is '6T B3
)'6 7ro+,ht him to the noti*e of 8o &+/ ?2A Sin, of )+( 8o
&+ said to him: H9 ha1e *aref+ll- per+sed -o+r 13 *hapters(
>a- 9 s+7mit -o+r theor- of mana,in, soldiers to a sli,ht
S+n T;+ replied: HMo+ ma-(H
8o &+ asked: H>a- the test 7e applied to .omenLH
The .as a,ain in the affirmati1e/ so arran,ements
.ere made to 7rin, 1"0 ladies o+t of the Pala*e( S+n T;+
di1ided them into t.o *ompanies/ and pla*ed one of the Sin,Ns
fa1orite *on*+7ines at the head of ea*h( 8e then 7ade them
all take spears in their hands/ and addressed them th+s: H9
pres+me -o+ kno. the differen*e 7et.een front and 7a*k/ ri,ht
hand and left handLH
The ,irls replied: Mes(
S+n T;+ .ent on: H)hen 9 sa- H5-es front/H -o+ m+st
look strai,ht ahead( )hen 9 sa- H&eft t+rn/H -o+ m+st fa*e
to.ards -o+r left hand( )hen 9 sa- H6i,ht t+rn/H -o+ m+st
fa*e to.ards -o+r ri,ht hand( )hen 9 sa- H'7o+t t+rn/H -o+
m+st fa*e ri,ht ro+nd to.ards -o+r 7a*k(H
',ain the ,irls assented( The .ords of *ommand ha1in,
7een th+s e0plained/ he set +p the hal7erds and 7attle-a0es
in order to 7e,in the drill( Then/ to the so+nd of dr+ms/ he
,a1e the order H6i,ht t+rn(H B+t the ,irls onl- 7+rst o+t
la+,hin,( S+n T;+ said: H9f .ords of *ommand are not *lear
and distin*t/ if orders are not thoro+,hl- +nderstood/ then
the ,eneral is to 7lame(H
So he started drillin, them a,ain/ and this time ,a1e
the order H&eft t+rn/H .here+pon the ,irls on*e more 7+rst
into fits of la+,hter( S+n T;+: H9f .ords of *ommand are
not *lear and distin*t/ if orders are not thoro+,hl-
+nderstood/ the ,eneral is to 7lame( B+t if his orders '65
*lear/ and the soldiers ne1ertheless diso7e-/ then it is the
fa+lt of their offi*ers(H
So sa-in,/ he ordered the leaders of the t.o *ompanies
to 7e 7eheaded( No. the kin, of )+ .as .at*hin, the s*ene
from the top of a raised pa1ilionQ and .hen he sa. that his
fa1orite *on*+7ines .ere a7o+t to 7e e0e*+ted/ he .as ,reatl-
alarmed and h+rriedl- sent do.n the, messa,e: H)e
are no. P+ite satisfied as to o+r ,eneralNs a7ilit- to handle
troops( 9f )e are 7ereft of these t.o *on*+7ines/ o+r meat
and drink .ill lose their sa1or( 9t is o+r .ish that the-
shall not 7e 7eheaded(H
S+n T;+ replied: H8a1in, on*e re*ei1ed 8is >ajest-Ns
*ommission to 7e the ,eneral of his for*es/ there are *ertain
*ommands of 8is >ajest- .hi*h/ a*tin, in that *apa*it-/ 9 am
+na7le to a**ept(H
'**ordin,l-/ he had the t.o leaders 7eheaded/ and
strai,ht.a- installed the pair ne0t in order as leaders in
their pla*e( )hen this had 7een done/ the dr+m .as so+nded
for the drill on*e moreQ and the ,irls .ent thro+,h all the
e1ol+tions/ t+rnin, to the ri,ht or to the left/ mar*hin,
ahead or .heelin, 7a*k/ kneelin, or standin,/ .ith perfe*t
a**+ra*- and pre*ision/ not 1ent+rin, to +tter a so+nd( Then
S+n T;+ sent a messen,er to the Sin, sa-in,: HMo+r soldiers/
Sire/ are no. properl- drilled and dis*iplined/ and read- for
-o+r majest-Ns inspe*tion( The- *an 7e p+t to an- +se that
their so1erei,n ma- desireQ 7id them ,o thro+,h fire and
.ater/ and the- .ill not diso7e-(H
B+t the Sin, replied: H&et o+r ,eneral *ease drillin,
and ret+rn to *amp( 's for +s/ )e ha1e no .ish to *ome do.n
and inspe*t the troops(H
There+pon S+n T;+ said: HThe Sin, is onl- fond of
.ords/ and *annot translate them into deeds(H
'fter that/ 8o &+ sa. that S+n T;+ .as one .ho kne. ho.
to handle an arm-/ and finall- appointed him ,eneral( 9n the
.est/ he defeated the $hV+ State and for*ed his .a- into
Min,/ the *apitalQ to the north he p+t fear into the States
of $hVi and $hin/ and spread his fame a7road amon,st the
fe+dal prin*es( 'nd S+n T;+ shared in the mi,ht of the Sin,(

'7o+t S+n T;+ himself this is all that Ss+-ma $hVien has to
tell +s in this *hapter( B+t he pro*eeds to ,i1e a 7io,raph- of
his des*endant/ S+n Pin/ 7orn a7o+t a h+ndred -ears after his
famo+s an*estorNs death/ and also the o+tstandin, militar- ,eni+s
of his time( The historian speaks of him too as S+n T;+/ and in
his prefa*e .e read: HS+n T;+ had his feet *+t off and -et
*ontin+ed to dis*+ss the art of .ar(H ?3A 9t seems likel-/ then/
that HPinH .as a ni*kname 7esto.ed on him after his m+tilation/
+nless the stor- .as in1ented in order to a**o+nt for the name(
The *ro.nin, in*ident of his *areer/ the *r+shin, defeat of his
trea*hero+s ri1al PVan, $h+an/ .ill 7e fo+nd 7riefl- related in
$hapter 4( ss( 19/ note(
To ret+rn to the elder S+n T;+( 8e is mentioned in t.o
other passa,es of the S898 $89: --

9n the third -ear of his rei,n ?12 B($(A 8o &+/ kin, of
)+/ took the field .ith T;+-hs+ ?i(e( )+ M+anA and Po PVei/
and atta*ked $hV+( 8e *apt+red the to.n of Sh+ and sle. the
t.o prin*eNs sons .ho had formerl- 7een ,enerals of )+( 8e
.as then meditatin, a des*ent on Min, ?the *apitalAQ 7+t the
,eneral S+n )+ said: HThe arm- is e0ha+sted( 9t is not -et
possi7le( )e m+st .aitH(((( ?'fter f+rther s+**essf+l
fi,htin,/A Hin the ninth -ear ?0# B($(A/ Sin, 8o &+
addressed )+ T;+-hs+ and S+n )+/ sa-in,: H3ormerl-/ -o+
de*lared that it .as not -et possi7le for +s to enter Min,(
9s the time ripe no.LH The t.o men replied: H$hV+Ns ,eneral
T;+-*hVan,/ ?!A is ,raspin, and *o1eto+s/ and the prin*es of
TVan, and TsVai 7oth ha1e a ,r+d,e a,ainst him( 9f Mo+r
>ajest- has resol1ed to make a ,rand atta*k/ -o+ m+st .in
o1er TVan, and TsVai/ and then -o+ ma- s+**eed(H 8o &+
follo.ed this ad1i*e/ ?7eat $hV+ in fi1e pit*hed 7attles and
mar*hed into Min,(A ?A

This is the latest date at .hi*h an-thin, is re*orded of S+n
)+( 8e does not appear to ha1e s+r1i1ed his patron/ .ho died
from the effe*ts of a .o+nd in !9#(
9n another *hapter there o**+rs this passa,e: ?#A

3rom this time on.ard/ a n+m7er of famo+s soldiers
arose/ one after the other: Sao-fan/ ?7A .ho .as emplo-ed 7-
the $hin StateQ )an,-t;+/ ?"A in the ser1i*e of $hViQ and S+n
)+/ in the ser1i*e of )+( These men de1eloped and thre.
li,ht +pon the prin*iples of .ar(

9t is o71io+s eno+,h that Ss+-ma $hVien at least had no
do+7t a7o+t the realit- of S+n )+ as an histori*al persona,eQ and
.ith one e0*eption/ to 7e noti*ed presentl-/ he is 7- far the
most important a+thorit- on the period in P+estion( 9t .ill not
7e ne*essar-/ therefore/ to sa- m+*h of s+*h a .ork as the )C
MC58 $8VCN $8V9C/ .hi*h is s+pposed to ha1e 7een .ritten 7- $hao
Meh of the 1st *ent+r- '(%( The attri7+tion is some.hat
do+7tf+lQ 7+t e1en if it .ere other.ise/ his a**o+nt .o+ld 7e of
little 1al+e/ 7ased as it is on the S898 $89 and e0panded .ith
romanti* details( The stor- of S+n T;+ .ill 7e fo+nd/ for .hat
it is .orth/ in *hapter 2( The onl- ne. points in it .orth
notin, are: <1= S+n T;+ .as first re*ommended to 8o &+ 7- )+
T;+-hs+( <2= 8e is *alled a nati1e of )+( <3= 8e had pre1io+sl-
li1ed a retired life/ and his *ontemporaries .ere +na.are of his
The, passa,e o**+rs in the 8+ai-nan T;+: H)hen
so1erei,n and ministers sho. per1ersit- of mind/ it is impossi7le
e1en for a S+n T;+ to en*o+nter the foe(H 'ss+min, that this
.ork is ,en+ine <and hitherto no do+7t has 7een *ast +pon it=/ .e
ha1e here the earliest dire*t referen*e for S+n T;+/ for 8+ai-nan
T;+ died in 122 B($(/ man- -ears 7efore the S898 $89 .as ,i1en to
the .orld(
&i+ 8sian, <"0-9 B($(= sa-s: HThe reason .h- S+n T;+ at the
head of 30/000 men 7eat $hV+ .ith 200/000 is that the latter .ere
Ten, >in,-shih informs +s that the s+rname HS+nH .as
7esto.ed on S+n )+Ns ,randfather 7- %+ke $hin, of $hVi ?!7-!90
B($(A( S+n )+Ns father S+n PVin,/ rose to 7e a >inister of State
in $hVi/ and S+n )+ himself/ .hose st-le .as $hVan,-*hVin,/ fled
to )+ on a**o+nt of the re7ellion .hi*h .as 7ein, fomented 7- the
kindred of TVien Pao( 8e had three sons/ of .hom the se*ond/
named >in,/ .as the father of S+n Pin( '**ordin, to this a**o+nt
then/ Pin .as the ,randson of )+/ .hi*h/ *onsiderin, that S+n
PinNs 1i*tor- o1er )ei .as ,ained in 3!1 B($(/ ma- 7e dismissed
as *hronolo,i*al impossi7le( )hen*e these data .ere o7tained 7-
Ten, >in,-shih 9 do not kno./ 7+t of *o+rse no relian*e .hate1er
*an 7e pla*ed in them(
'n interestin, do*+ment .hi*h has s+r1i1ed from the *lose of
the 8an period is the short prefa*e .ritten 7- the :reat TsVao
TsVao/ or )ei )+ Ti/ for his edition of S+n T;+( 9 shall ,i1e it
in f+ll: --

9 ha1e heard that the an*ients +sed 7o.s and arro.s to
their ad1anta,e( ?10A The S8C $8C mentions Hthe arm-H amon,
the Hei,ht o7je*ts of ,o1ernment(H The 9 $89N: sa-s:
HNarm-N indi*ates firmness and j+sti*eQ the e0perien*ed
leader .ill ha1e ,ood fort+ne(H The S898 $89N: sa-s: HThe
Sin, rose majesti* in his .rath/ and he marshaled his
troops(H The Mello. 5mperor/ TVan, the $ompleter and )+ )an,
all +sed spears and 7attle-a0es in order to s+**or their
,eneration( The SSC->' 3' sa-s: H9f one man sla- another of
set p+rpose/ he himself ma- ri,htf+ll- 7e slain(H 8e .ho
relies solel- on .arlike meas+res shall 7e e0terminatedQ he
.ho relies solel- on pea*ef+l meas+res shall perish(
9nstan*es of this are 3+ $hVai ?11A on the one hand and Men
)an, on the other( ?12A 9n militar- matters/ the Sa,eNs r+le
is normall- to keep the pea*e/ and to mo1e his for*es onl-
.hen o**asion reP+ires( 8e .ill not +se armed for*e +nless
dri1en to it 7- ne*essit-(
>an- 7ooks ha1e 9 read on the s+7je*t of .ar and
fi,htin,Q 7+t the .ork *omposed 7- S+n )+ is the profo+ndest
of them all( ?S+n T;+ .as a nati1e of the $hVi state/ his
personal name .as )+( 8e .rote the '6T B3 )'6 in 13 *hapters
for 8o &+/ Sin, of )+( 9ts prin*iples .ere tested on .omen/
and he .as s+7seP+entl- made a ,eneral( 8e led an arm-
.est.ards/ *r+shed the $hV+ state and entered Min, the
*apital( 9n the north/ he kept $hVi and $hin in a.e( '
h+ndred -ears and more after his time/ S+n Pin li1ed( 8e .as
a des*endant of )+(A ?13A 9n his treatment of deli7eration
and plannin,/ the importan*e of rapidit- in takin, the field/
?1!A *learness of *on*eption/ and depth of desi,n/ S+n T;+
stands 7e-ond the rea*h of *arpin, *riti*ism( >-
*ontemporaries/ ho.e1er/ ha1e failed to ,rasp the f+ll
meanin, of his instr+*tions/ and .hile p+ttin, into pra*ti*e
the smaller details in .hi*h his .ork a7o+nds/ the- ha1e
o1erlooked its essential p+rport( That is the moti1e .hi*h
has led me to o+tline a ro+,h e0planation of the .hole(

Bne thin, to 7e noti*ed in the a7o1e is the e0pli*it
statement that the 13 *hapters .ere spe*iall- *omposed for Sin,
8o &+( This is s+pported 7- the internal e1iden*e of 9( ss( 1/
in .hi*h it seems *lear that some r+ler is addressed(
9n the 7i7lio,raphi* se*tion of the 8'N S8C/ there is an
entr- .hi*h has ,i1en rise to m+*h dis*+ssion: HThe .orks of S+n
T;+ of )+ in "2 PV95N <or *hapters=/ .ith dia,rams in 9 $8C'N(H
9t is e1ident that this *annot 7e merel- the 13 *hapters kno.n to
Ss+-ma $hVien/ or those .e possess toda-( $han, Sho+-*hieh
refers to an edition of S+n T;+Ns '6T B3 )'6 of .hi*h the H13
*haptersH formed the first $8C'N/ addin, that there .ere t.o
other $8C'N 7esides( This has 7ro+,ht forth a theor-/ that the
7+lk of these "2 *hapters *onsisted of other .ritin,s of S+n T;+
-- .e sho+ld *all them apo*r-phal -- similar to the )5N T'/ of
.hi*h a spe*imen dealin, .ith the Nine Sit+ations ?1A is
preser1ed in the TVCN: T95N/ and another in 8o ShinNs *ommentar-(
9t is s+,,ested that 7efore his inter1ie. .ith 8o &+/ S+n T;+ had
onl- .ritten the 13 *hapters/ 7+t after.ards *omposed a sort of
e0e,esis in the form of P+estion and 7et.een himself and
the Sin,( Pi 9-hs+n/ the a+thor of the SCN TZC 8SC &C/ 7a*ks
this +p .ith a P+otation from the )C MC58 $8VCN $8V9C: HThe Sin,
of )+ s+mmoned S+n T;+/ and asked him P+estions a7o+t the art of
.ar( 5a*h time he set forth a *hapter of his .ork/ the Sin,
*o+ld not find .ords eno+,h to praise him(H 's he points o+t/ if
the .hole .ork .as e0po+nded on the same s*ale as in the a7o1e-
mentioned fra,ments/ the total n+m7er of *hapters *o+ld not fail
to 7e *onsidera7le( Then the n+mero+s other treatises attri7+ted
to S+n T;+ mi,ht 7e in*l+ded( The fa*t that the 8'N $898
mentions no .ork of S+n T;+ e0*ept the "2 PV95N/ .hereas the S+i
and TVan, 7i7lio,raphies ,i1e the titles of others in addition to
the H13 *hapters/H is ,ood proof/ Pi 9-hs+n thinks/ that all of
these .ere *ontained in the "2 PV95N( )itho+t pinnin, o+r faith
to the a**+ra*- of details s+pplied 7- the )C MC58 $8VCN $8V9C/
or admittin, the ,en+ineness of an- of the treatises *ited 7- Pi
9-hs+n/ .e ma- see in this theor- a pro7a7le sol+tion of the
m-ster-( Bet.een Ss+-ma $hVien and Pan S+ there .as plent- of
time for a l+0+riant *rop of for,eries to ha1e ,ro.n +p +nder the
ma,i* name of S+n T;+/ and the "2 PV95N ma- 1er- .ell represent a
*olle*ted edition of these l+mped to,ether .ith the ori,inal
.ork( 9t is also possi7le/ tho+,h less likel-/ that some of them
e0isted in the time of the earlier historian and .ere p+rposel-
i,nored 7- him( ?1#A
T+ >+Ns *onje*t+re seems to 7e 7ased on a passa,e .hi*h
states: H)ei )+ Ti str+n, to,ether S+n )+Ns 'rt of )ar/H .hi*h
in t+rn ma- ha1e res+lted from a mis+nderstandin, of the final
.ords of TsVao Sin,Ns prefa*e( This/ as S+n 8sin,--en points
o+t/ is onl- a modest .a- of sa-in, that he made an e0planator-
paraphrase/ or in other .ords/ .rote a *ommentar- on it( Bn the
.hole/ this theor- has met .ith 1er- little a**eptan*e( Th+s/
the SSC SVC $8VC'N S8C sa-s: HThe mention of the 13 *hapters in
the S898 $89 sho.s that the- .ere in e0isten*e 7efore the 8'N
$898/ and that latter a**retions are not to 7e *onsidered part of
the ori,inal .ork( T+ >+Ns assertion *an *ertainl- not 7e taken
as proof(H
There is e1er- reason to s+ppose/ then/ that the 13 *hapters
e0isted in the time of Ss+-ma $hVien pra*ti*all- as .e ha1e them
no.( That the .ork .as then .ell kno.n he tells +s in so man-
.ords( HS+n T;+Ns 13 $hapters and )+ $hViNs 'rt of )ar are the
t.o 7ooks that people *ommonl- refer to on the s+7je*t of
militar- matters( Both of them are .idel- distri7+ted/ so 9 .ill
not dis*+ss them here(H B+t as .e ,o f+rther 7a*k/ serio+s
diffi*+lties 7e,in to arise( The salient fa*t .hi*h has to 7e
fa*ed is that the TSB $8C'N/ the ,reatest *ontemporar- re*ord/
makes no mention .hatsoe1er of S+n )+/ either as a ,eneral or as
a .riter( 9t is nat+ral/ in 1ie. of this a.k.ard *ir*+mstan*e/
that man- s*holars sho+ld not onl- *ast do+7t on the stor- of S+n
)+ as ,i1en in the S898 $89/ 7+t e1en sho. themsel1es frankl-
skepti*al as to the e0isten*e of the man at all( The most
po.erf+l presentment of this side of the *ase is to 7e fo+nd in
the, disposition 7- Meh Sh+i-hsin: ?17A --

9t is stated in Ss+-ma $hVienNs histor- that S+n )+ .as
a nati1e of the $hVi State/ and emplo-ed 7- )+Q and that in
the rei,n of 8o &+ he *r+shed $hV+/ entered Min,/ and .as a
,reat ,eneral( B+t in TsoNs $ommentar- no S+n )+ appears at
all( 9t is tr+e that TsoNs $ommentar- need not *ontain
a7sol+tel- e1er-thin, that other histories *ontain( B+t Tso
has not omitted to mention 1+l,ar ple7eians and hirelin,
r+ffians s+*h as Min, SVao-sh+/ ?1"A TsVao S+ei/ ?19A/ $h+
$hih-.+ and $h+an She-*h+ ?20A( 9n the *ase of S+n )+/ .hose
fame and a*hie1ements .ere so 7rilliant/ the omission is m+*h
more ,larin,( ',ain/ details are ,i1en/ in their d+e order/
a7o+t his *ontemporaries )+ M+an and the >inister PVei( ?21A
9s it *redi7le that S+n )+ alone sho+ld ha1e 7een passed
9n point of literar- st-le/ S+n T;+Ns .ork 7elon,s to
the same s*hool as SC'N TZC/ ?22A &9C TV'B/ ?23A and the MC58
MC ?2!A and ma- ha1e 7een the prod+*tion of some pri1ate
s*holar li1in, to.ards the end of the HSprin, and '+t+mnH or
the 7e,innin, of the H)arrin, StatesH period( ?2A The stor-
that his pre*epts .ere a*t+all- applied 7- the )+ State/ is
merel- the o+t*ome of 7i, talk on the part of his follo.ers(
3rom the flo+rishin, period of the $ho+ d-nast- ?2#A
do.n to the time of the HSprin, and '+t+mn/H all militar-
*ommanders .ere statesmen as .ell/ and the *lass of
professional ,enerals/ for *ond+*tin, e0ternal *ampai,ns/ did
not then e0ist( 9t .as not +ntil the period of the HSi0
StatesH ?27A that this *+stom *han,ed( No. altho+,h )+ .as
an +n*i1ili;ed State/ it is *on*ei1a7le that Tso sho+ld ha1e
left +nre*orded the fa*t that S+n )+ .as a ,reat ,eneral and
-et held no *i1il offi*eL )hat .e are told/ therefore/ a7o+t
Oan,-*h+ ?2"A and S+n )+/ is not a+thenti* matter/ 7+t the
re*kless fa7ri*ation of theori;in, p+ndits( The stor- of 8o
&+Ns e0periment on the .omen/ in parti*+lar/ is +tterl-
prepostero+s and in*redi7le(

Meh Sh+i-hsin represents Ss+-ma $hVien as ha1in, said that
S+n )+ *r+shed $hV+ and entered Min,( This is not P+ite *orre*t(
No do+7t the impression left on the readerNs mind is that he at
least shared in these e0ploits( The fa*t ma- or ma- not 7e
si,nifi*antQ 7+t it is e0pli*itl- stated in the S898 $89
either that S+n T;+ .as ,eneral on the o**asion of the takin, of
Min,/ or that he e1en .ent there at all( >oreo1er/ as .e kno.
that )+ M+an and Po PVei 7oth took part in the e0pedition/ and
also that its s+**ess .as lar,el- d+e to the dash and enterprise
of 3+ Sai/ 8o &+Ns -o+n,er 7rother/ it is not eas- to see ho. -et
another ,eneral *o+ld ha1e pla-ed a 1er- prominent part in the
same *ampai,n(
$hVen $hen-s+n of the S+n, d-nast- has the note: --

>ilitar- .riters look +pon S+n )+ as the father of their
art( B+t the fa*t that he does not appear in the TSB $8C'N/
altho+,h he is said to ha1e ser1ed +nder 8o &+ Sin, of )+/
makes it +n*ertain .hat period he reall- 7elon,ed to(

8e also sa-s: --

The .orks of S+n )+ and )+ $hVi ma- 7e of ,en+ine

9t is noti*ea7le that 7oth Meh Sh+i-hsin and $hVen $hen-s+n/
.hile reje*tin, the personalit- of S+n )+ as he fi,+res in Ss+-ma
$hVienNs histor-/ are in*lined to a**ept the date traditionall-
assi,ned to the .ork .hi*h passes +nder his name( The a+thor of
the 8SC &C fails to appre*iate this distin*tion/ and *onseP+entl-
his 7itter atta*k on $hVen $hen-s+n reall- misses its mark( 8e
makes one of t.o points/ ho.e1er/ .hi*h *ertainl- tell in fa1or
of the hi,h antiP+it- of o+r H13 *hapters(H HS+n T;+/H he sa-s/
Hm+st ha1e li1ed in the a,e of $hin, )an, ?19-!7#A/ 7e*a+se he
is freP+entl- pla,iari;ed in s+7seP+ent .orks of the $ho+/ $hVin
and 8an d-nasties(H The t.o most shameless offenders in this
respe*t are )+ $hVi and 8+ai-nan T;+/ 7oth of them important
histori*al persona,es in their da-( The former li1ed onl- a
*ent+r- after the alle,ed date of S+n T;+/ and his death is kno.n
to ha1e taken pla*e in 3"1 B($( 9t .as to him/ a**ordin, to &i+
8sian,/ that Tsen, Shen deli1ered the TSB $8C'N/ .hi*h had 7een
entr+sted to him 7- its a+thor( ?29A No. the fa*t that
P+otations from the '6T B3 )'6/ a*kno.led,ed or other.ise/ are to
7e fo+nd in so man- a+thors of different epo*hs/ esta7lishes a
1er- stron, anterior to them all/ -- in other .ords/ that S+n
T;+Ns treatise .as alread- in e0isten*e to.ards the end of the
th *ent+r- B($( 3+rther proof of S+n T;+Ns antiP+it- is
f+rnished 7- the ar*hai* or .holl- o7solete meanin,s atta*hin, to
a n+m7er of the .ords he +ses( ' list of these/ .hi*h mi,ht
perhaps 7e e0tended/ is ,i1en in the 8SC &CQ and tho+,h some of
the interpretations are do+7tf+l/ the main ar,+ment is hardl-
affe*ted there7-( ',ain/ it m+st not 7e for,otten that Meh Sh+i-
hsin/ a s*holar and *riti* of the first rank/ deli7eratel-
prono+n*es the st-le of the 13 *hapters to 7elon, to the earl-
part of the fifth *ent+r-( Seein, that he is a*t+all- en,a,ed in
an attempt to dispro1e the e0isten*e of S+n )+ himself/ .e ma- 7e
s+re that he .o+ld not ha1e hesitated to assi,n the .ork to a
later date had he not honestl- 7elie1ed the *ontrar-( 'nd it is
pre*isel- on s+*h a point that the j+d,ment of an ed+*ated
$hinaman .ill *arr- most .ei,ht( Bther internal e1iden*e is not
far to seek( Th+s in K999( ss( 1/ there is an +nmistaka7le
all+sion to the an*ient s-stem of land-ten+re .hi*h had alread-
passed a.a- 7- the time of >en*i+s/ .ho .as an0io+s to see it
re1i1ed in a modified form( ?30A The onl- .arfare S+n T;+ kno.s
is that *arried on 7et.een the 1ario+s fe+dal prin*es/ in .hi*h
armored *hariots pla- a lar,e part( Their +se seems to ha1e
entirel- died o+t 7efore the end of the $ho+ d-nast-( 8e speaks
as a man of )+/ a state .hi*h *eased to e0ist as earl- as !73
B($( Bn this 9 shall to+*h presentl-(

B+t on*e refer the .ork to the th *ent+r- or earlier/ and
the *han*es of its 7ein, other than a 7ona fide prod+*tion are
sensi7l- diminished( The ,reat a,e of for,eries did not *ome
+ntil lon, after( That it sho+ld ha1e 7een for,ed in the period
immediatel-, !73 is parti*+larl- +nlikel-/ for no one/
as a r+le/ hastens to identif- himself .ith a lost *a+se( 's for
Meh Sh+i-hsinNs theor-/ that the a+thor .as a literar- re*l+se/
that seems to me P+ite +ntena7le( 9f one thin, is more apparent
than another after readin, the ma0ims of S+n T;+/ it is that
their essen*e has 7een distilled from a lar,e store of personal
o7ser1ation and e0perien*e( The- refle*t the mind not onl- of a
7orn strate,ist/ ,ifted .ith a rare fa*+lt- of ,enerali;ation/
7+t also of a pra*ti*al soldier *losel- a*P+ainted .ith the
militar- *onditions of his time( To sa- nothin, of the fa*t that
these sa-in,s ha1e 7een a**epted and endorsed 7- all the ,reatest
*aptains of $hinese histor-/ the- offer a *om7ination of
freshness and sin*erit-/ a*+teness and *ommon sense/ .hi*h P+ite
e0*l+des the idea that the- .ere artifi*iall- *on*o*ted in the
st+d-( 9f .e admit/ then/ that the 13 *hapters .ere the ,en+ine
prod+*tion of a militar- man li1in, to.ards the end of the H$8VCN
$8V9CH period/ are .e not 7o+nd/ in spite of the silen*e of the
TSB $8C'N/ to a**ept Ss+-ma $hVienNs a**o+nt in its entiret-L 9n
1ie. of his hi,h rep+te as a so7er historian/ m+st .e not
hesitate to ass+me that the re*ords he dre. +pon for S+n )+Ns
7io,raph- .ere false and +ntr+st.orth-L The 9 fear/ m+st
7e in the ne,ati1e( There is still one ,ra1e/ if not fatal/
o7je*tion to the *hronolo,- in1ol1ed in the stor- as told in the
S898 $89/ .hi*h/ so far as 9 am a.are/ no7od- has -et pointed
o+t( There are t.o passa,es in S+n T;+ in .hi*h he all+des to
*ontemporar- affairs( The first in in 49( ss( 21: --

Tho+,h a**ordin, to m- estimate the soldiers of M+eh
e0*eed o+r o.n in n+m7er/ that shall ad1anta,e them nothin,
in the matter of 1i*tor-( 9 sa- then that 1i*tor- *an 7e

The other is in K9( ss( 30: --

'sked if an arm- *an 7e made to imitate the S8C'9-O'N/ 9
sho+ld Mes( 3or the men of )+ and the men of M+eh
are enemiesQ -et if the- are *rossin, a ri1er in the same
7oat and are *a+,ht 7- a storm/ the- .ill *ome to ea*h
otherNs assistan*e j+st as the left hand helps the ri,ht(

These t.o para,raphs are e0tremel- 1al+a7le as e1iden*e of
the date of *omposition( The- assi,n the .ork to the period of
the str+,,le 7et.een )+ and M+eh( So m+*h has 7een o7ser1ed 7-
Pi 9-hs+n( B+t .hat has hitherto es*aped noti*e is that the-
also serio+sl- impair the *redi7ilit- of Ss+-ma $hVienNs
narrati1e( 's .e ha1e seen a7o1e/ the first positi1e date ,i1en
in *onne*tion .ith S+n )+ is 12 B($( 8e is then spoken of as a
,eneral/ a*tin, as *onfidential ad1iser to 8o &+/ so that his
alle,ed introd+*tion to that monar*h had alread- taken pla*e/ and
of *o+rse the 13 *hapters m+st ha1e 7een .ritten earlier still(
B+t at that time/ and for se1eral -ears after/ do.n to the
*apt+re of Min, in 0#/ $hV+ and not M+eh/ .as the ,reat
hereditar- enem- of )+( The t.o states/ $hV+ and )+/ had 7een
*onstantl- at .ar for o1er half a *ent+r-/ ?31A .hereas the first
.ar 7et.een )+ and M+eh .as .a,ed onl- in 10/ ?32A and e1en then
.as no more than a short interl+de sand.i*hed in the midst of the
fier*e str+,,le .ith $hV+( No. $hV+ is not mentioned in the 13
*hapters at all( The nat+ral inferen*e is that the- .ere .ritten
at a time .hen M+eh had 7e*ome the prime anta,onist of )+/ that
is/ after $hV+ had s+ffered the ,reat h+miliation of 0#( 't
this point/ a ta7le of dates ma- 7e fo+nd +sef+l(

B($( W
1! W '**ession of 8o &+(
12 W 8o &+ atta*ks $hV+/ 7+t is diss+aded from enterin, Min,/
W the *apital( S89 $89 mentions S+n )+ as ,eneral(
11 W 'nother atta*k on $hV+(
10 W )+ makes a s+**essf+l atta*k on M+eh( This is the first
W .ar 7et.een the t.o states(
09 W
or W $hV+ in1ades )+/ 7+t is si,nall- defeated at M+-*han,(
0" W
0# W 8o &+ atta*ks $hV+ .ith the aid of TVan, and TsVai(
W %e*isi1e 7attle of Po-*h+/ and *apt+re of Min,( &ast
W mention of S+n )+ in S898 $89(
0 W M+eh makes a raid on )+ in the a7sen*e of its arm-( )+
W is 7eaten 7- $hVin and e1a*+ates Min,(
0! W 8o &+ sends 3+ $hVai to atta*k $hV+(
!97 W So+ $hien 7e*omes Sin, of M+eh(
!9# W )+ atta*ks M+eh/ 7+t is defeated 7- So+ $hien at Ts+i-li(
W 8o &+ is killed(
!9! W 3+ $hVai defeats So+ $hien in the ,reat 7attle of 3+-
W *haio/ and enters the *apital of M+eh(
!" W
or W So+ $hien renders homa,e to )+( %eath of )+ T;+-hs+(
!"! W
!"2 W So+ $hien in1ades )+ in the a7sen*e of 3+ $hVai(
!7" W
to W 3+rther atta*ks 7- M+eh on )+(
!7# W
!7 W So+ $hien la-s sie,e to the *apital of )+(
!73 W 3inal defeat and e0tin*tion of )+(

The senten*e P+oted a7o1e from 49( ss( 21 hardl- strikes me
as one that *o+ld ha1e 7een .ritten in the f+ll fl+sh of 1i*tor-(
9t seems rather to impl- that/ for the moment at least/ the tide
had t+rned a,ainst )+/ and that she .as ,ettin, the .orst of the
str+,,le( 8en*e .e ma- *on*l+de that o+r treatise .as not in
e0isten*e in 0/ 7efore .hi*h date M+eh does not appear to ha1e
s*ored an- nota7le s+**ess a,ainst )+( 8o &+ died in !9#/ so
that if the 7ook .as .ritten for him/ it m+st ha1e 7een d+rin,
the period 0-!9#/ .hen there .as a l+ll in the hostilities/ )+
ha1in, pres+ma7l- e0ha+sted 7- its s+preme effort a,ainst $hV+(
Bn the other hand/ if .e *hoose to disre,ard the tradition
*onne*tin, S+n )+Ns name .ith 8o &+/ it mi,ht eP+all- .ell ha1e
seen the li,ht 7et.een !9# and !9!/ or possi7l- in the period
!"2-!73/ .hen M+eh .as on*e a,ain 7e*omin, a 1er- serio+s mena*e(
?33A )e ma- feel fairl- *ertain that the a+thor/ .hoe1er he ma-
ha1e 7een/ .as not a man of an- ,reat eminen*e in his o.n da-(
Bn this point the ne,ati1e testimon- of the TSB $8C'N far
o+t.ei,hs an- shred of a+thorit- still atta*hin, to the S898 $89/
if on*e its other fa*ts are dis*redited( S+n 8sin,--en/ ho.e1er/
makes a fee7le attempt to e0plain the omission of his name from
the ,reat *ommentar-( 9t .as )+ T;+-hs+/ he sa-s/ .ho ,ot all
the *redit of S+n )+Ns e0ploits/ 7e*a+se the latter <7ein, an
alien= .as not re.arded .ith an offi*e in the State(
8o. then did the S+n T;+ le,end ori,inateL 9t ma- 7e that
the ,, *ele7rit- of the 7ook imparted 7- de,rees a kind of
fa*titio+s reno.n to its a+thor( 9t .as felt to 7e onl- ri,ht
and proper that one so .ell 1ersed in the s*ien*e of .ar sho+ld
ha1e solid a*hie1ements to his *redit as .ell( No. the *apt+re
of Min, .as +ndo+7tedl- the ,reatest feat of arms in 8o &+Ns
rei,nQ it made a deep and lastin, impression on all the
s+rro+ndin, states/ and raised )+ to the short-li1ed ;enith of
her 8en*e/ .hat more nat+ral/ as time .ent on/ than that
the a*kno.led,ed master of strate,-/ S+n )+/ sho+ld 7e pop+larl-
identified .ith that *ampai,n/ at first perhaps onl- in the sense
that his 7rain *on*ei1ed and planned itQ after.ards/ that it .as
a*t+all- *arried o+t 7- him in *onj+n*tion .ith )+ M+an/ ?3!A Po
PVei and 3+ SaiL
9t is o71io+s that an- attempt to re*onstr+*t e1en the
o+tline of S+n T;+Ns life m+st 7e 7ased almost .holl- on
*onje*t+re( )ith this ne*essar- pro1iso/ 9 sho+ld sa- that he
pro7a7l- entered the ser1i*e of )+ a7o+t the time of 8o &+Ns
a**ession/ and ,athered e0perien*e/ tho+,h onl- in the *apa*it-
of a s+7ordinate offi*er/ d+rin, the intense militar- a*ti1it-
.hi*h marked the first half of the prin*eNs rei,n( ?3A 9f he
rose to 7e a ,eneral at all/ he *ertainl- .as ne1er on an eP+al
footin, .ith the three a7o1e mentioned( 8e .as do+7tless present
at the in1estment and o**+pation of Min,/ and .itnessed )+Ns
s+dden *ollapse in the, -ear( M+ehNs atta*k at this
*riti*al j+n*t+re/ .hen her ri1al .as em7arrassed on e1er- side/
seems to ha1e *on1in*ed him that this +pstart kin,dom .as the
,reat enem- a,ainst .hom e1er- effort .o+ld hen*eforth ha1e to 7e
dire*ted( S+n )+ .as th+s a .ell-seasoned .arrior .hen he sat
do.n to .rite his famo+s 7ook/ .hi*h a**ordin, to m- re*konin,
m+st ha1e appeared to.ards the end/ rather than the 7e,innin, of
8o &+Ns rei,n( The stor- of the .omen ma- possi7l- ha1e ,ro.n
o+t of some real in*ident o**+rrin, a7o+t the same time( 's .e
hear no more of S+n )+ after this from an- so+r*e/ he is hardl-
likel- to ha1e s+r1i1ed his patron or to ha1e taken part in the
death-str+,,le .ith M+eh/ .hi*h 7e,an .ith the disaster at Ts+i-
9f these inferen*es are appro0imatel- *orre*t/ there is a
*ertain iron- in the fate .hi*h de*reed that $hinaNs most
ill+strio+s man of pea*e sho+ld 7e *ontemporar- .ith her ,reatest
.riter on .ar(

The Te0t of S+n T;+

9 ha1e fo+nd it diffi*+lt to ,lean m+*h a7o+t the histor- of
S+n T;+Ns te0t( The P+otations that o**+r in earl- a+thors ,o to
sho. that the H13 *haptersH of .hi*h Ss+-ma $hVien speaks .ere
essentiall- the same as those no. e0tant( )e ha1e his .ord for
it that the- .ere .idel- *ir*+lated in his da-/ and *an onl-
re,ret that he refrained from dis*+ssin, them on that a**o+nt(
S+n 8sin,--en sa-s in his prefa*e: --

%+rin, the $hVin and 8an d-nasties S+n T;+Ns '6T B3 )'6
.as in ,eneral +se amon,st militar- *ommanders/ 7+t the- seem
to ha1e treated it as a .ork of m-sterio+s import/ and .ere
+n.illin, to e0po+nd it for the 7enefit of posterit-( Th+s
it *ame a7o+t that )ei )+ .as the first to .rite a *ommentar-
on it(

's .e ha1e alread- seen/ there is no reasona7le ,ro+nd to
s+ppose that TsVao S+n, tampered .ith the te0t( B+t the te0t
itself is often so o7s*+re/ and the n+m7er of editions .hi*h
appeared from that time on.ard so ,reat/ espe*iall- d+rin, the
TVan, and S+n, d-nasties/ that it .o+ld 7e s+rprisin, if n+mero+s
*orr+ptions had not mana,ed to *reep in( To.ards the middle of
the S+n, period/ 7- .hi*h time all the *hief *ommentaries on S+n
T;+ .ere in e0isten*e/ a *ertain $hi TVien-pao p+7lished a .ork
in 1 $8C'N entitled HS+n T;+ .ith the *olle*ted *ommentaries of
ten .riters(H There .as another te0t/ .ith 1ariant readin,s p+t
for.ard 7- $h+ 3+ of Ta-hsin,/ .hi*h also had s+pporters amon,
the s*holars of that periodQ 7+t in the >in, editions/ S+n 8sin,-
-en tells +s/ these readin,s .ere for some reason or other no
lon,er p+t into *ir*+lation( Th+s/ +ntil the end of the 1"th
*ent+r-/ the te0t in sole possession of the field .as one deri1ed
from $hi TVien-paoNs edition/ altho+,h no a*t+al *op- of that
important .ork .as kno.n to ha1e s+r1i1ed( That/ therefore/ is
the te0t of S+n T;+ .hi*h appears in the )ar se*tion of the ,reat
9mperial en*-*lopedia printed in 172#/ the SC $89N TVC S8C $89
$8V5N:( 'nother *op- at m- disposal of .hat is pra*ti*all- the
same te0t/ .ith sli,ht 1ariations/ is that *ontained in the
H5le1en philosophers of the $ho+ and $hVin d-nastiesH ?17"A(
'nd the $hinese printed in $apt( $althropNs first edition is
e1identl- a similar 1ersion .hi*h has filtered thro+,h Oapanese
*hannels( So thin,s remained +ntil S+n 8sin,--en ?172-1"1"A/ a
distin,+ished antiP+arian and *lassi*al s*holar/ .ho *laimed to
7e an a*t+al des*endant of S+n )+/ ?3#A a**identall- dis*o1ered a
*op- of $hi TVien-paoNs lon,-lost .ork/ .hen on a 1isit to the
li7rar- of the 8+a--in temple( ?37A 'ppended to it .as the 9
S8CB of $hen, M+-8sien/ mentioned in the TVCN: $898/ and also
7elie1ed to ha1e perished( This is .hat S+n 8sin,--en desi,nates
as the Hori,inal edition <or te0t=H -- a rather misleadin, name/
for it *annot 7- an- means *laim to set 7efore +s the te0t of S+n
T;+ in its pristine p+rit-( $hi TVien-pao .as a *areless
*ompiler/ and appears to ha1e 7een *ontent to reprod+*e the
some.hat de7ased 1ersion *+rrent in his da-/ .itho+t tro+7lin, to
*ollate it .ith the earliest editions then a1aila7le(
3ort+natel-/ t.o 1ersions of S+n T;+/ e1en older than the ne.l-
dis*o1ered .ork/ .ere still e0tant/ one 7+ried in the TVCN: T95N/
T+ M+Ns ,reat treatise on the $onstit+tion/ the other similarl-
enshrined in the TV'9 PV9N: MC &'N en*-*lopedia( 9n 7oth the
*omplete te0t is to 7e fo+nd/ tho+,h split +p into fra,ments/
intermi0ed .ith other matter/ and s*attered pie*emeal o1er a
n+m7er of different se*tions( $onsiderin, that the MC &'N takes
+s 7a*k to the -ear 9"3/ and the TVCN: T95N a7o+t 200 -ears
f+rther still/ to the middle of the TVan, d-nast-/ the 1al+e of
these earl- trans*ripts of S+n T;+ *an hardl- 7e o1erestimated(
Met the idea of +tili;in, them does not seem to ha1e o**+rred to
an-one +ntil S+n 8sin,--en/ a*tin, +nder :o1ernment instr+*tions/
+ndertook a thoro+,h re*ension of the te0t( This is his o.n
a**o+nt: --

Be*a+se of the n+mero+s mistakes in the te0t of S+n T;+
.hi*h his editors had handed do.n/ the :o1ernment ordered
that the an*ient edition ?of $hi TVien-paoA sho+ld 7e +sed/
and that the te0t sho+ld 7e re1ised and *orre*ted thro+,ho+t(
9t happened that )+ Nien-h+/ the :o1ernor Pi S+a/ and 8si/ a
,rad+ate of the se*ond de,ree/ had all de1oted themsel1es to
this st+d-/ pro7a7l- s+rpassin, me therein( '**ordin,l-/ 9
ha1e had the .hole .ork *+t on 7lo*ks as a te0t7ook for
militar- men(

The three indi1id+als here referred to had e1identl- 7een
o**+pied on the te0t of S+n T;+ prior to S+n 8sin,--enNs
*ommission/ 7+t .e are left in do+7t as to the .ork the- reall-
a**omplished( 't an- rate/ the ne. edition/ .hen +ltimatel-
prod+*ed/ appeared in the names of S+n 8sin,--en and onl- one *o-
editor )+ Oen-shi( The- took the Hori,inal editionH as their
7asis/ and 7- *aref+l *omparison .ith older 1ersions/ as .ell as
the e0tant *ommentaries and other so+r*es of information s+*h as
the 9 S8CB/ s+**eeded in restorin, a 1er- lar,e n+m7er of
do+7tf+l passa,es/ and t+rned o+t/ on the .hole/ .hat m+st 7e
a**epted as the *loses appro0imation .e are e1er likel- to ,et to
S+n T;+Ns ori,inal .ork( This is .hat .ill hereafter 7e
denominated the Hstandard te0t(H
The *op- .hi*h 9 ha1e +sed 7elon,s to a reiss+e dated 1"77(
it is in # P5N/ formin, part of a .ell-printed set of 23 earl-
philosophi*al .orks in "3 P5N( ?3"A 9t opens .ith a prefa*e 7-
S+n 8sin,--en <lar,el- P+oted in this introd+*tion=/ 1indi*atin,
the traditional 1ie. of S+n T;+Ns life and performan*es/ and
s+mmin, +p in remarka7l- *on*ise fashion the e1iden*e in its
fa1or( This is follo.ed 7- TsVao S+n,Ns prefa*e to his edition/
and the 7io,raph- of S+n T;+ from the S898 $89/ 7oth translated
a7o1e( Then *ome/ firstl-/ $hen, M+-hsienNs 9 S8CB/ ?39A .ith
a+thorNs prefa*e/ and ne0t/ a short mis*ellan- of histori*al and
7i7lio,raphi*al information entitled SCN TZC 8SC &C/ *ompiled 7-
Pi 9-hs+n( 's re,ards the 7od- of the .ork/ ea*h separate
senten*e is follo.ed 7- a note on the te0t/ if reP+ired/ and then
7- the 1ario+s *ommentaries appertainin, to it/ arran,ed in
*hronolo,i*al order( These .e shall no. pro*eed to dis*+ss
7riefl-/ one 7- one(

The $ommentators

S+n T;+ *an 7oast an e0*eptionall- lon, distin,+ished roll
of *ommentators/ .hi*h .o+ld do honor to an- *lassi*( B+--an,
8si+ remarks on this fa*t/ tho+,h he .rote 7efore the tale .as
*omplete/ and rather in,enio+sl- e0plains it 7- sa-in, that the
artifi*es of .ar/ 7ein, ine0ha+sti7le/ m+st therefore 7e
s+s*epti7le of treatment in a ,reat 1ariet- of .a-s(

1( TSV'B TSV'B or TsVao S+n,/ after.ards kno.n as )ei )+ Ti
?'(%( 1-220A( There is hardl- an- room for do+7t that the
earliest *ommentar- on S+n T;+ a*t+all- *ame from the pen of this
e0traordinar- man/ .hose 7io,raph- in the S'N SCB $898 reads like
a roman*e( Bne of the ,reatest militar- ,eni+ses that the .orld
has seen/ and Napoleoni* in the s*ale of his operations/ he .as
espe*iall- famed for the mar1elo+s rapidit- of his mar*hes/ .hi*h
has fo+nd e0pression in the line HTalk of TsVao TsVao/ and TsVao
TsVao .ill appear(H B+--an, 8si+ sa-s of him that he .as a ,reat
*aptain .ho Hmeas+red his stren,th a,ainst T+n, $ho/ &+ P+ and
the t.o M+an/ father and son/ and 1anP+ished them allQ .here+pon
he di1ided the 5mpire of 8an .ith )+ and Sh+/ and made himself
kin,( 9t is re*orded that .hene1er a *o+n*il of .ar .as held 7-
)ei on the e1e of a far-rea*hin, *ampai,n/ he had all his
*al*+lations read-Q those ,enerals .ho made +se of them did not
lose one 7attle in tenQ those .ho ran *o+nter to them in an-
parti*+lar sa. their armies in*ontinentl- 7eaten and p+t to
fli,ht(H TsVao S+n,Ns notes on S+n T;+/ models of a+stere
7re1it-/ are so thoro+,hl- *hara*teristi* of the stern *ommander
kno.n to histor-/ that it is hard indeed to *on*ei1e of them as
the .ork of a mere &9TT56'T5C6( Sometimes/ indeed/, to
e0treme *ompression/ the- are s*ar*el- intelli,i7le and stand no
less in need of a *ommentar- than the te0t itself( ?!0A

2( >5N: S898( The *ommentar- .hi*h has *ome do.n to +s
+nder this name is *omparati1el- mea,er/ and nothin, a7o+t the
a+thor is kno.n( 51en his personal name has not 7een re*orded(
$hi TVien-paoNs edition pla*es him after $hia &in/and $hVao S+n,-
.+ also assi,ns him to the TVan, d-nast-/ ?!1A 7+t this is a
mistake( 9n S+n 8sin,--enNs prefa*e/ he appears as >en, Shih of
the &ian, d-nast- ?02-7A( Bthers .o+ld identif- him .ith >en,
SVan, of the 3rd *ent+r-( 8e is named in one .ork as the last of
the H3i1e $ommentators/H the others 7ein, )ei )+ Ti/ T+ >+/ $hVen
8ao and $hia &in(

3( &9 $8VC'N of the "th *ent+r- .as a .ell-kno.n .riter on
militar- ta*ti*s( Bne of his .orks has 7een in *onstant +se do.n
to the present da-( The TVCN: $898 mentions H&i1es of famo+s
,enerals from the $ho+ to the TVan, d-nast-H as .ritten 7- him(
?!2A '**ordin, to $hVao S+n,-.+ and the TV95N-9-SB *atalo,+e/ he
follo.ed a 1ariant of the te0t of S+n T;+ .hi*h differs
*onsidera7l- from those no. e0tant( 8is notes are mostl- short
and to the point/ and he freP+entl- ill+strates his remarks 7-
ane*dotes from $hinese histor-(

!( TC MC <died "12= did not p+7lish a separate *ommentar-
on S+n T;+/ his notes 7ein, taken from the TVCN: T95N/ the
en*-*lopedi* treatise on the $onstit+tion .hi*h .as his life-
.ork( The- are lar,el- repetitions of TsVao S+n, and >en, Shih/
7esides .hi*h it is 7elie1ed that he dre. on the an*ient
*ommentaries of )an, &in, and others(, to the pe*+liar
arran,ement of TVCN: T95N/ he has to e0plain ea*h passa,e on its
merits/ apart from the *onte0t/ and sometimes his o.n e0planation
does not a,ree .ith that of TsVao S+n,/ .hom he al.a-s P+otes
first( Tho+,h not stri*tl- to 7e re*koned as one of the HTen
$ommentators/H he .as added to their n+m7er 7- $hi TVien-pao/
7ein, .ron,l- pla*ed after his ,randson T+ >+(

( TC >C <"03-"2= is perhaps the 7est kno.n as a poet -- a
7ri,ht star e1en in the ,lorio+s ,ala0- of the TVan, period( )e
learn from $hVao S+n,-.+ that altho+,h he had no pra*ti*al
e0perien*e of .ar/ he .as e0tremel- fond of dis*+ssin, the
s+7je*t/ and .as moreo1er .ell read in the militar- histor- of
the $8VCN $8V9C and $8'N SCB eras( 8is notes/ therefore/ are
.ell .orth attention( The- are 1er- *opio+s/ and replete .ith
histori*al parallels( The ,ist of S+n T;+Ns .ork is th+s
s+mmari;ed 7- him: HPra*ti*e 7ene1olen*e and j+sti*e/ 7+t on the
other hand make f+ll +se of artifi*e and meas+res of e0pedien*-(H
8e f+rther de*lared that all the militar- tri+mphs and disasters
of the tho+sand -ears .hi*h had elapsed sin*e S+n T;+Ns death
.o+ld/ +pon e0amination/ 7e fo+nd to +phold and *orro7orate/ in
e1er- parti*+lar/ the ma0ims *ontained in his 7ook( T+ >+Ns
some.hat spitef+l *har,e a,ainst TsVao S+n, has alread- 7een

#( $8V5N 8'B appears to ha1e 7een a *ontemporar- of T+ >+(
$hVao S+n,-.+ sa-s that he .as impelled to .rite a ne. *ommentar-
on S+n T;+ 7e*a+se TsVao S+n,Ns on the one hand .as too o7s*+re
and s+7tle/ and that of T+ >+ on the other too lon,-.inded and
diff+se( B+--an, 8si+/ .ritin, in the middle of the 11th
*ent+r-/ *alls TsVao S+n,/ T+ >+ and $hVen 8ao the three *hief
*ommentators on S+n T;+/ and o7ser1es that $hVen 8ao is
*ontin+all- atta*kin, T+ >+Ns short*omin,s( 8is *ommentar-/
tho+,h not la*kin, in merit/ m+st rank 7elo. those of his

7( $89' &9N is kno.n to ha1e li1ed +nder the TVan, d-nast-/
for his *ommentar- on S+n T;+ is mentioned in the TVan, Sh+ and
.as after.ards rep+7lished 7- $hi 8sieh of the same d-nast-
to,ether .ith those of >en, Shih and T+ M+( 9t is of some.hat
s*ant- te0t+re/ and in point of P+alit-/ too/ perhaps the least
1al+a7le of the ele1en(

"( >59 M'B-$8V5N <1002-10#0=/ *ommonl- kno.n 7- his Hst-leH
as >ei Shen,--+/ .as/ like T+ >+/ a poet of distin*tion( 8is
*ommentar- .as p+7lished .ith a la+dator- prefa*e 7- the ,reat
B+--an, 8si+/ from .hi*h .e ma- *+ll the,: --

&ater s*holars ha1e misread S+n T;+/ distortin, his
.ords and tr-in, to make them sP+are .ith their o.n one-sided
1ie.s( Th+s/ tho+,h *ommentators ha1e not 7een la*kin,/ onl-
a fe. ha1e pro1ed eP+al to the task( >- friend Shen,--+ has
not fallen into this mistake( 9n attemptin, to pro1ide a
*riti*al *ommentar- for S+n T;+Ns .ork/ he does not lose
si,ht of the fa*t that these sa-in,s .ere intended for states
en,a,ed in interne*ine .arfareQ that the a+thor is not
*on*erned .ith the militar- *onditions pre1ailin, +nder the
so1erei,ns of the three an*ient d-nasties/ ?!3A nor .ith the
nine p+niti1e meas+res pres*ri7ed to the >inister of )ar(
?!!A ',ain/ S+n )+ lo1ed 7re1it- of di*tion/ 7+t his meanin,
is al.a-s deep( )hether the s+7je*t 7e mar*hin, an arm-/ or
handlin, soldiers/ or estimatin, the enem-/ or *ontrollin,
the for*es of 1i*tor-/ it is al.a-s s-stemati*all- treatedQ
the sa-in,s are 7o+nd to,ether in stri*t lo,i*al seP+en*e/
tho+,h this has 7een o7s*+red 7- *ommentators .ho ha1e
pro7a7l- failed to ,rasp their meanin,( 9n his o.n
*ommentar-/ >ei Shen,--+ has 7r+shed aside all the o7stinate
prej+di*es of these *riti*s/ and has tried to 7rin, o+t the
tr+e meanin, of S+n T;+ himself( 9n this .a-/ the *lo+ds of
*onf+sion ha1e 7een dispersed and the sa-in,s made *lear( 9
am *on1in*ed that the present .ork deser1es to 7e handed do.n
side 7- side .ith the three ,reat *ommentariesQ and for a
,reat deal that the- find in the sa-in,s/ *omin, ,enerations
.ill ha1e *onstant reason to thank m- friend Shen,--+(

>akin, some*e for the e0+7eran*e of friendship/ 9 am
in*lined to endorse this fa1ora7le j+d,ment/ and .o+ld *ertainl-
pla*e him a7o1e $hVen 8ao in order of merit(

9( )'N: 8S9/ also of the S+n, d-nast-/ is de*idedl-
ori,inal in some of his interpretations/ 7+t m+*h less j+di*io+s
than >ei Mao-*hVen/ and on the .hole not a 1er- tr+st.orth-
,+ide( 8e is fond of *omparin, his o.n *ommentar- .ith that of
TsVao S+n,/ 7+t the *omparison is not often flatterin, to him(
)e learn from $hVao S+n,-.+ that )an, 8si re1ised the an*ient
te0t of S+n T;+/ fillin, +p la*+nae and *orre*tin, mistakes( ?!A

10( 8B M5N-8S9 of the S+n, d-nast-( The personal name of
this *ommentator is ,i1en as a7o1e 7- $hen, $hViao in the TCN:
$898/ .ritten a7o+t the middle of the t.elfth *ent+r-/ 7+t he
appears simpl- as 8o Shih in the MC 8'9/ and >a T+an-lin P+otes
$hVao S+n,-.+ as sa-in, that his personal name is +nkno.n( There
seems to 7e no reason to do+7t $hen, $hViaoNs statement/
other.ise 9 sho+ld ha1e 7een in*lined to ha;ard a ,+ess and
identif- him .ith one 8o $hV+-fei/ the a+thor of a short treatise
on .ar/ .ho li1ed in the latter part of the 11th *ent+r-( 8o
ShihNs *ommentar-/ in the .ords of the TV95N-9-SB *atalo,+e/
H*ontains helpf+l additionsH here and there/ 7+t is *hiefl-
remarka7le for the *opio+s e0tra*ts taken/ in adapted form/ from
the d-nasti* histories and other so+r*es(

11( $8'N: MC( The list *loses .ith a *ommentator of no
,reat ori,inalit- perhaps/ 7+t ,ifted .ith admira7le po.ers of
l+*id e0position( 8is *ommentator is 7ased on that of TsVao
S+n,/ .hose terse senten*es he *ontri1es to e0pand and de1elop in
masterl- fashion( )itho+t $han, M+/ it is safe to sa- that m+*h
of TsVao S+n,Ns *ommentar- .o+ld ha1e remained *loaked in its
pristine o7s*+rit- and therefore 1al+eless( 8is .ork is not
mentioned in the S+n, histor-/ the TVCN: SV'B/ or the MC 8'9/ 7+t
it finds a ni*he in the TVCN: $898/ .hi*h also names him as the
a+thor of the H&i1es of 3amo+s :enerals(H ?!#A
9t is rather remarka7le that the last-named fo+r sho+ld all
ha1e flo+rished .ithin so short a spa*e of time( $hVao S+n,-.+
a**o+nts for it 7- sa-in,: H%+rin, the earl- -ears of the S+n,
d-nast- the 5mpire enjo-ed a lon, spell of pea*e/ and men *eased
to pra*ti*e the art of .ar( 7+t .hen ?$haoA M+an-haoNs re7ellion
*ame ?103"-!2A and the frontier ,enerals .ere defeated time after
time/ the $o+rt made stren+o+s inP+ir- for men skilled in .ar/
and militar- topi*s 7e*ame the 1o,+e amon,st all the hi,h
offi*ials( 8en*e it is that the *ommentators of S+n T;+ in o+r
d-nast- 7elon, mainl- to that period( ?!7A

Besides these ele1en *ommentators/ there are se1eral others
.hose .ork has not *ome do.n to +s( The SC9 S8C mentions fo+r/
namel- )an, &in, <often P+oted 7- T+ M+ as )an, T;+=Q $han, T;+-
shan,Q $hia 8s+ of )eiQ ?!"A and Shen M+ of )+( The TV'N: S8C
adds S+n 8ao/ and the TVCN: $898 8siao $hi/ .hile the TVC S8C
mentions a >in, *ommentator/ 8+an, O+n--+( 9t is possi7le that
some of these ma- ha1e 7een merel- *olle*tors and editors of
other *ommentaries/ like $hi TVien-pao and $hi 8sieh/ mentioned

'ppre*iations of S+n T;+

S+n T;+ has e0er*ised a potent fas*ination o1er the minds of
some of $hinaNs ,reatest men( 'mon, the famo+s ,enerals .ho are
kno.n to ha1e st+died his pa,es .ith enth+siasm ma- 7e mentioned
8an 8sin <d( 19# B($(=/ ?!9A 3en, 9 <d( 3! '(%(=/ ?0A &+ >en,
<d( 219=/ ?1A and Mo 3ei <1103-11!1=( ?2A The opinion of TsVao
S+n,/ .ho disp+tes .ith 8an 8sin the hi,hest pla*e in $hinese
militar- annals/ has alread- 7een re*orded( ?3A Still more
remarka7le/ in one .a-/ is the testimon- of p+rel- literar- men/
s+*h as S+ 8s+n <the father of S+ T+n,-pVo=/ .ho .rote se1eral
essa-s on militar- topi*s/ all of .hi*h o.e their *hief
inspiration to S+n T;+( The, short passa,e 7- him is
preser1ed in the MC 8'9: ?!A --

S+n )+Ns sa-in,/ that in .ar one *annot make *ertain of
*onP+erin,/ ?A is 1er- different indeed from .hat other
7ooks tell +s( ?#A )+ $hVi .as a man of the same stamp as
S+n )+: the- 7oth .rote 7ooks on .ar/ and the- are linked
to,ether in pop+lar spee*h as HS+n and )+(H B+t )+ $hViNs
remarks on .ar are less .ei,ht-/ his r+les are ro+,her and
more *r+del- stated/ and there is not the same +nit- of plan
as in S+n T;+Ns .ork/ .here the st-le is terse/ 7+t the
meanin, f+ll- 7ro+,ht o+t(

The, is an e0tra*t from the H9mpartial O+d,ments in
the :arden of &iterat+reH 7- $hen, 8o+: --

S+n T;+Ns 13 *hapters are not onl- the staple and 7ase
of all militar- menNs trainin,/ 7+t also *ompel the most
*aref+l attention of s*holars and men of letters( 8is
sa-in,s are terse -et ele,ant/ simple -et profo+nd/
perspi*+o+s and eminentl- pra*ti*al( S+*h .orks as the &CN
MC/ the 9 $89N: and the ,reat $ommentar-/ ?7A as .ell as the
.ritin,s of >en*i+s/ 8s+n SV+an, and Man, $h+/ all fall 7elo.
the le1el of S+n T;+(

$h+ 8si/ *ommentin, on this/ f+ll- admits the first part of
the *riti*ism/ altho+,h he dislikes the a+da*io+s *omparison .ith
the 1enerated *lassi*al .orks( &an,+a,e of this sort/ he sa-s/
Hen*o+ra,es a r+lerNs 7ent to.ards +nrelentin, .arfare and
re*kless militarism(H

'polo,ies for )ar

'**+stomed as .e are to think of $hina as the ,reatest
pea*e-lo1in, nation on earth/ .e are in some dan,er of for,ettin,
that her e0perien*e of .ar in all its phases has also 7een s+*h
as no modern State *an parallel( 8er lon, militar- annals
stret*h 7a*k to a point at .hi*h the- are lost in the mists of
time( She had 7+ilt the :reat )all and .as maintainin, a h+,e
standin, arm- alon, her frontier *ent+ries 7efore the first 6oman
le,ionar- .as seen on the %an+7e( )hat .ith the perpet+al
*ollisions of the an*ient fe+dal States/ the ,rim *onfli*ts .ith
8+ns/ T+rks and other in1aders after the *entrali;ation of
,o1ernment/ the terrifi* +phea1als .hi*h a**ompanied the
o1erthro. of so man- d-nasties/ 7esides the *o+ntless re7ellions
and minor dist+r7an*es that ha1e flamed +p and fli*kered o+t
a,ain one 7- one/ it is hardl- too m+*h to sa- that the *lash of
arms has ne1er *eased to reso+nd in one portion or another of the
No less remarka7le is the s+**ession of ill+strio+s *aptains
to .hom $hina *an point .ith pride( 's in all *o+ntries/ the
,reatest are fond of emer,in, at the most fatef+l *rises of her
histor-( Th+s/ Po $hVi stands o+t *onspi*+o+s in the period .hen
$hVin .as enterin, +pon her final str+,,le .ith the remainin,
independent states( The storm- -ears .hi*h follo.ed the 7reak-+p
of the $hVin d-nast- are ill+minated 7- the trans*endent ,eni+s
of 8an 8sin( )hen the 8o+se of 8an in t+rn is totterin, to its
fall/ the ,reat and 7alef+l fi,+re of TsVao TsVao dominates the
s*ene( 'nd in the esta7lishment of the TVan, d-nast-/one of the
mi,htiest tasks a*hie1ed 7- man/ the s+perh+man ener,- of &i
Shih-min <after.ards the 5mperor TVai Ts+n,= .as se*onded 7- the
7rilliant strate,- of &i $hin,( None of these ,enerals need fear
*omparison .ith the ,reatest names in the militar- histor- of
9n spite of all this/ the ,reat 7od- of $hinese sentiment/
from &ao T;+ do.n.ards/ and espe*iall- as refle*ted in the
standard literat+re of $onf+*ianism/ has 7een *onsistentl-
pa*ifi* and intensel- opposed to militarism in an- form( 9t is
s+*h an +n*ommon thin, to find an- of the literati defendin,
.arfare on prin*iple/ that 9 ha1e tho+,ht it .orth .hile to
*olle*t and translate a fe. passa,es in .hi*h the +northodo0 1ie.
is +pheld( The,/ 7- Ss+-ma $hVien/ sho.s that for all
his ardent admiration of $onf+*i+s/ he .as -et no ad1o*ate of
pea*e at an- pri*e: --

>ilitar- .eapons are the means +sed 7- the Sa,e to
p+nish 1iolen*e and *r+elt-/ to ,i1e pea*e to tro+7lo+s
times/ to remo1e diffi*+lties and dan,ers/ and to s+**or
those .ho are in peril( 51er- animal .ith 7lood in its 1eins
and horns on its head .ill fi,ht .hen it is atta*ked( 8o.
m+*h more so .ill man/ .ho *arries in his 7reast the
fa*+lties of lo1e and hatred/ jo- and an,erG )hen he is
pleased/ a feelin, of affe*tion sprin,s +p .ithin himQ .hen
an,r-/ his poisoned stin, is 7ro+,ht into pla-( That is the
nat+ral la. .hi*h ,o1erns his 7ein,(((( )hat then shall 7e
said of those s*holars of o+r time/ 7lind to all ,reat
iss+es/ and .itho+t an- appre*iation of relati1e 1al+es/ .ho
*an onl- 7ark o+t their stale form+las a7o+t H1irt+eH and
H*i1ili;ation/H *ondemnin, the +se of militar- .eaponsL The-
.ill s+rel- 7rin, o+r *o+ntr- to impoten*e and dishonor and
the loss of her ri,htf+l herita,eQ or/ at the 1er- least/
the- .ill 7rin, a7o+t in1asion and re7ellion/ sa*rifi*e of
territor- and ,eneral enfee7lement( Met the- o7stinatel-
ref+se to modif- the position the- ha1e taken +p( The tr+th
is that/ j+st as in the famil- the tea*her m+st not spare the
rod/ and p+nishments *annot 7e dispensed .ith in the State/
so militar- *hastisement *an ne1er 7e allo.ed to fall into
a7e-an*e in the 5mpire( 'll one *an sa- is that this
.ill 7e e0er*ised .isel- 7- some/ foolishl- 7- others/ and
that amon, those .ho 7ear arms some .ill 7e lo-al and others
re7ellio+s( ?"A

The ne0t pie*e is taken from T+ >+Ns prefa*e to his
*ommentar- on S+n T;+: --

)ar ma- 7e defined as p+nishment/ .hi*h is one of the
f+n*tions of ,o1ernment( 9t .as the profession of $h+n, M+
and Oan $hVi+/ 7oth dis*iples of $onf+*i+s( No.ada-s/ the
holdin, of trials and hearin, of liti,ation/ the imprisonment
of offenders and their e0e*+tion 7- flo,,in, in the market-
pla*e/ are all done 7- offi*ials( B+t the .ieldin, of h+,e
armies/ the, do.n of fortified *ities/ the ha+lin, of
.omen and *hildren into *apti1it-/ and the 7eheadin, of
traitors -- this is also .ork .hi*h is done 7- offi*ials(
The o7je*ts of the ra*k and of militar- .eapons are
essentiall- the same( There is no intrinsi* differen*e
7et.een the p+nishment of flo,,in, and *+ttin, off heads in
.ar( 3or the lesser infra*tions of la./ .hi*h are easil-
dealt .ith/ onl- a small amo+nt of for*e need 7e emplo-ed:
hen*e the +se of militar- .eapons and .holesale de*apitation(
9n 7oth *ases/ ho.e1er/ the end in 1ie. is to ,et rid of
.i*ked people/ and to ,i1e *omfort and relief to the ,ood((((
$hi-s+n asked Oan M+/ sa-in,: H8a1e -o+/ Sir/ a*P+ired
-o+r militar- aptit+de 7- st+d-/ or is it innateLH Oan M+
replied: H9t has 7een a*P+ired 7- st+d-(H ?9A H8o. *an
that 7e so/H said $hi-s+n/ Hseein, that -o+ are a dis*iple of
$onf+*i+sLH H9t is a fa*t/H replied Oan M+Q H9 .as ta+,ht 7-
$onf+*i+s( 9t is fittin, that the ,reat Sa,e sho+ld e0er*ise
7oth *i1il and militar- f+n*tions/ tho+,h to 7e s+re m-
instr+*tion in the art of fi,htin, has not -et ,one 1er-
No./ .ho the a+thor .as of this ri,id distin*tion
7et.een the H*i1ilH and the Hmilitar-/H and the limitation of
ea*h to a separate sphere of a*tion/ or in .hat -ear of .hi*h
d-nast- it .as first introd+*ed/ is more than 9 *an sa-(
B+t/ at an- rate/ it has *ome a7o+t that the mem7ers of the
,o1ernin, *lass are P+ite afraid of enlar,in, on militar-
topi*s/ or do so onl- in a shamefa*ed manner( 9f an- are
7old eno+,h to dis*+ss the s+7je*t/ the- are at on*e set do.n
as e**entri* indi1id+als of *oarse and 7r+tal propensities(
This is an e0traordinar- instan*e in .hi*h/ thro+,h sheer
la*k of reasonin,/ men +nhappil- lose si,ht of f+ndamental
)hen the %+ke of $ho+ .as minister +nder $hVen, )an,/ he
re,+lated *eremonies and made m+si*/ and 1enerated the arts
of s*holarship and learnin,Q -et .hen the 7ar7arians of the
6i1er 8+ai re1olted/ ?#0A he sallied forth and *hastised
them( )hen $onf+*i+s held offi*e +nder the %+ke of &+/ and a
meetin, .as *on1ened at $hia-k+/ ?#1A he said: H9f pa*ifi*
ne,otiations are in pro,ress/ .arlike preparations sho+ld
ha1e 7een made 7eforehand(H 8e re7+ked and shamed the
>arP+is of $hVi/ .ho *o.ered +nder him and dared not pro*eed
to 1iolen*e( 8o. *an it 7e said that these t.o ,reat Sa,es
had no kno.led,e of militar- mattersL

)e ha1e seen that the ,reat $h+ 8si held S+n T;+ in hi,h
esteem( 8e also appeals to the a+thorit- of the $lassi*s: --

B+r >aster $onf+*i+s/ ans.erin, %+ke &in, of )ei/ said:
H9 ha1e ne1er st+died matters *onne*ted .ith armies and
7attalions(H ?#2A 6epl-in, to SV+n, )en-t;+/ he said: 9
ha1e not 7een instr+*ted a7o+t 7+ff-*oats and .eapons(H B+t
if .e t+rn to the meetin, at $hia-k+/ .e find that he +sed
armed for*e a,ainst the men of &ai/ so that the marP+is of
$hVi .as o1era.ed( ',ain/ .hen the inha7itants of Pi
re1olted/ the ordered his offi*ers to atta*k them/ .here+pon
the- .ere defeated and fled in *onf+sion( 8e on*e +ttered
the .ords: H9f 9 fi,ht/ 9 *onP+er(H ?#3A 'nd Oan M+ also
said: HThe Sa,e e0er*ises 7oth *i1il and militar-
f+n*tions(H ?#!A $an it 7e a fa*t that $onf+*i+s ne1er
st+died or re*ei1ed instr+*tion in the art of .arL )e *an
onl- sa- that he did not spe*iall- *hoose matters *onne*ted
.ith armies and fi,htin, to 7e the s+7je*t of his tea*hin,(

S+n 8sin,--en/ the editor of S+n T;+/ .rites in similar
strain: --

$onf+*i+s said: H9 am +n1ersed in militar- matters(H
?#A 8e also said: H9f 9 fi,ht/ 9 *onP+er(H $onf+*i+s
ordered *eremonies and re,+lated m+si*( No. .ar *onstit+tes
one of the fi1e *lasses of State *eremonial/ ?##A and m+st
not 7e treated as an independent 7ran*h of st+d-( 8en*e/ the
.ords H9 am +n1ersed inH m+st 7e taken to mean that there are
thin,s .hi*h e1en an inspired Tea*her does not kno.( Those
.ho ha1e to lead an arm- and de1ise strata,ems/ m+st learn
the art of .ar( B+t if one *an *ommand the ser1i*es of a
,ood ,eneral like S+n T;+/ .ho .as emplo-ed 7- )+ T;+-hs+/
there is no need to learn it oneself( 8en*e the remark added
7- $onf+*i+s: H9f 9 fi,ht/ 9 *onP+er(H
The men of the present da-/ ho.e1er/ .illf+ll- interpret
these .ords of $onf+*i+s in their narro.est sense/ as tho+,h
he meant that 7ooks on the art of .ar .ere not .orth readin,(
)ith 7lind persisten*-/ the- add+*e the e0ample of $hao S+a/
.ho pored o1er his fatherNs 7ooks to no p+rpose/ ?#7A as a
proof that all militar- theor- is +seless( ',ain/ seein,
that 7ooks on .ar ha1e to do .ith s+*h thin,s as opport+nism
in desi,nin, plans/ and the *on1ersion of spies/ the- hold
that the art is immoral and +n.orth- of a sa,e( These people
i,nore the fa*t that the st+dies of o+r s*holars and the
*i1il administration of o+r offi*ials also reP+ire stead-
appli*ation and pra*ti*e 7efore effi*ien*- is rea*hed( The
an*ients .ere parti*+larl- *har- of, mere no1i*es to
7ot*h their .ork( ?#"A )eapons are 7anef+l ?#9A and fi,htin,
perilo+sQ and +seless +nless a ,eneral is in *onstant
pra*ti*e/ he o+,ht not to ha;ard other menNs li1es in 7attle(
?70A 8en*e it is essential that S+n T;+Ns 13 *hapters sho+ld
7e st+died(
8sian, &ian, +sed to instr+*t his nephe. $hi ?71A in the
art of .ar( $hi ,ot a ro+,h idea of the art in its ,eneral
7earin,s/ 7+t .o+ld not p+rs+e his st+dies to their proper
o+t*ome/ the *onseP+en*e 7ein, that he .as finall- defeated
and o1erthro.n( 8e did not reali;e that the tri*ks and
artifi*es of .ar are 7e-ond 1er7al *omp+tation( %+ke 8sian,
of S+n, and Sin, Men of 8s+ .ere 7ro+,ht to destr+*tion 7-
their mispla*ed h+manit-( The trea*hero+s and +nderhand
nat+re of .ar ne*essitates the +se of ,+ile and strata,em
s+ited to the o**asion( There is a *ase on re*ord of
$onf+*i+s himself ha1in, 1iolated an e0torted oath/ ?72A and
also of his ha1in, left the S+n, State in dis,+ise( ?73A $an
.e then re*klessl- arrai,n S+n T;+ for disre,ardin, tr+th and


The, are the oldest $hinese treatises on .ar/ after
S+n T;+( The notes on ea*h ha1e 7een dra.n prin*ipall- from the
SSC SVC $8VC'N S8C $895N >9N: >C &C/ *h( 9/ fol( 22 sPP(

1( )C TZC/ in 1 $8C'N or # *hapters( B- )+ $hVi <d( 3"1
B($(=( ' ,en+ine .ork( See S898 $89/ *h( #(

2( SSC->' 3'/ in 1 $8C'N or *hapters( )ron,l- attri7+ted
to Ss+-ma Oan,-*h+ of the #th *ent+r- B($( 9ts date/ ho.e1er/
m+st 7e earl-/ as the *+stoms of the three an*ient d-nasties are
*onstantl- to 7e met .ithin its pa,es( See S898 $89/ *h( #!(
The SSC SVC $8VC'N S8C <*h( 99/ f( 1= remarks that the
oldest three treatises on .ar/ SCN TZC/ )C TZC and SSC->' 3'/
are/ ,enerall- speakin,/ onl- *on*erned .ith thin,s stri*tl-
militar- -- the art of prod+*in,/ *olle*tin,/ trainin, and
drillin, troops/ and the *orre*t theor- .ith re,ard to meas+res
of e0pedien*-/ la-in, plans/ transport of ,oods and the handlin,
of soldiers -- in stron, *ontrast to later .orks/ in .hi*h the
s*ien*e of .ar is +s+all- 7lended .ith metaph-si*s/ di1ination
and ma,i*al arts in ,eneral(

3( &9C TV'B/ in # $8C'N/ or #0 *hapters( 'ttri7+ted to &+
)an, <or &+ Shan,/ also kno.n as TVai S+n,= of the 12th *ent+r-
B($( ?7!A B+t its st-le does not 7elon, to the era of the Three
%-nasties( &+ Te-min, <0-#2 '(%(= mentions the .ork/ and
en+merates the headin,s of the si0 se*tions so that the for,er-
*annot ha1e 7een later than S+i d-nast-(

!( )59 &9'B TZC/ in $8C'N( 'ttri7+ted to )ei &iao <!th
*ent( B($(=/ .ho st+died +nder the famo+s S+ei-k+ T;+( The .ork
appears to ha1e 7een ori,inall- in 31 *hapters/ .hereas the te0t
.e possess *ontains onl- 2!( 9ts matter is so+nd eno+,h in the
main/ tho+,h the strate,i*al de1i*es differ *onsidera7l- from
those of the )arrin, States period( 9t is 7een f+rnished .ith a
*ommentar- 7- the .ell-kno.n S+n, philosopher $han, Tsai(

( S'N &C58/ in 3 $8C'N( 'ttri7+ted to 8+an,-shih S+n,/ a
le,endar- persona,e .ho is said to ha1e 7esto.ed it on $han,
&ian, <d( 1"7 B($(= in an inter1ie. on a 7rid,e( B+t here a,ain/
the st-le is not that of .orks datin, from the $hVin or 8an
period( The 8an 5mperor S+an, )+ ?2-7 '(%(A apparentl- P+otes
from it in one of his pro*lamationsQ 7+t the passa,e in P+estion
ma- ha1e 7een inserted later on/ in order to pro1e the
,en+ineness of the .ork( )e shall not 7e far o+t if .e refer it
to the Northern S+n, period ?!20-!7" '(%(A/ or some.hat earlier(

#( &9 )59 SCN: )5N TC9/ in 3 se*tions( )ritten in the form
of a dialo,+e 7et.een TVai Ts+n, and his ,reat ,eneral &i $hin,/
it is +s+all- as*ri7ed to the latter( $ompetent a+thorities
*onsider it a for,er-/ tho+,h the a+thor .as e1identl- .ell
1ersed in the art of .ar(

7( &9 $89N: P9N: 3' <not to 7e *onfo+nded .ith the
fore,oin,= is a short treatise in " *hapters/ preser1ed in the
TV+n, Tien/ 7+t not p+7lished separatel-( This fa*t e0plains its
omission from the SSC SVC $8VC'N S8C(

"( )C $8V9 $89N:/ in 1 $8C'N( 'ttri7+ted to the le,endar-
minister 3en, 8o+/ .ith e0e,eti*al notes 7- S+n,-s+n 8+n, of the
8an d-nast- <d( 121 B($(=/ and said to ha1e 7een e+lo,i;ed 7- the
*ele7rated ,eneral >a &+n, <d( 300 '(%(=( Met the earliest
mention of it is in the SCN: $898( 'ltho+,h a for,er-/ the .ork
is .ell p+t to,ether(

$onsiderin, the hi,h pop+lar estimation in .hi*h $h+-ko
&ian, has al.a-s 7een held/ it is not s+rprisin, to find more
than one .ork on .ar as*ri7ed to his pen( S+*h are <1= the S898
&9C TSV5 <1 $8C'N=/ preser1ed in the MCN: &B T' T95NQ <2= $89'N:
MC'N <1 $8C'N=Q and <3= 8S9N S8C <1 $8C'N=/ .hi*h steals
.holesale from S+n T;+( None of these has the sli,htest *laim to
7e *onsidered ,en+ine(
>ost of the lar,e $hinese en*-*lopedias *ontain e0tensi1e
se*tions de1oted to the literat+re of .ar( The,
referen*es ma- 7e fo+nd +sef+l: --

TVCN: T95N <*ir*a "00 '(%(=/ *h( 1!"-1#2(
TV'9 PV9N: MC &'N <9"3=/ *h( 270-39(
)5N 8S95N TCN: SV'B <13th *ent(=/ *h( 221(
MC 8'9 <13th *ent(=/ *h( 1!0/ 1!1(
S'N TSV'9 TVC 8C9 <1#th *ent=(
SC'N: PB )C $898 <1#07=/ *h( 31/ 32(
$8V95N $8V9B &59 S8C <1#32=/ *h( 7(
MC'N $895N &59 8'N <1710=/ *h( 20#-229(
SC $89N TVC S8C $89 $8V5N: <172#=/ se*tion KKK/ esp( *h( "1-
8SC )5N 8S95N TVCN: SV'B <17"!=/ *h( 121-13!(
8C'N: $8V'B $89N: S898 )5N P95N <1"2#=/ *h( 7#/ 77(

The 7i7lio,raphi*al se*tions of *ertain histori*al .orks
also deser1e mention: --

$8V95N 8'N S8C/ *h( 30(
SC9 S8C/ *h( 32-3(
$89C TV'N: S8C/ *h( !#/ !7(
8S9N TV'N: S8C/ *h( 7/#0(
SCN: S898/ *h( 202-209(
TVCN: $898 <*ir*a 110=/ *h( #"(

To these of *o+rse m+st 7e added the ,reat $atalo,+e of the
9mperial &i7rar-: --

SSC SVC $8VC'N S8C TSCN: >C TV9 M'B <1790=/ *h( 99/ 100(


1( S89 $89/ *h( #(

2( 8e rei,ned from 1! to !9# B($(

3( S89 $89/ *h( 130(

!( The appellation of Nan, )a(

( S89 $89/ *h( 31(

#( S89 $89/ *h( 2(

7( The appellation of 8+ Men/ mentioned in *h( 39 +nder the -ear

"( )an,-t;+ $hVen,-f+/ *h( 32/ -ear #07(

9( The mistake is nat+ral eno+,h( Nati1e *riti*s refer to a
.ork of the 8an d-nast-/ .hi*h sa-s: HTen &9 o+tside the )C ,ate
?of the *it- of )+/ no. Soo*ho. in Sian,s+A there is a ,reat
mo+nd/ raised to *ommemorate the entertainment of S+n )+ of $hVi/
.ho e0*elled in the art of .ar/ 7- the Sin, of )+(H

10( HThe- atta*hed strin,s to .ood to make 7o.s/ and sharpened
.ood to make arro.s( The +se of 7o.s and arro.s is to keep the
5mpire in a.e(H

11( The son and s+**essor of 8o &+( 8e .as finall- defeated and
o1erthro.n 7- So+ *hien/ Sin, of M+eh/ in !73 B($( See post(

12( Sin, Men of 8s+/ a fa7+lo+s 7ein,/ of .hom S+n 8sin,--en
sa-s in his prefa*e: H8is h+manit- 7ro+,ht him to destr+*tion(H

13( The passa,e 9 ha1e p+t in 7ra*kets is omitted in the TVC
S8C/ and ma- 7e an interpolation( 9t .as kno.n/ ho.e1er to $han,
Sho+-*hieh of the TVan, d-nast-/ and appears in the TV'9 PV9N: MC

1!( TsVao S+n, seems to 7e thinkin, of the first part of *hap(
99/ perhaps espe*iall- of ss( "(

1( See *hap( K9(

1#( Bn the other hand/ it is note.orth- that )C TZC/ .hi*h is
not in # *hapters/ has !" assi,ned to it in the 8'N $898(
&ike.ise/ the $8CN: MCN: is *redited .ith !9 *hapters/ tho+,h no.
onl- in one onl-( 9n the *ase of 1er- short .orks/ one is
tempted to think that PV95N mi,ht simpl- mean Hlea1es(H

17( Meh Shih of the S+n, d-nast- ?111-1223A(

1"( 8e hardl- deser1es to 7e 7ra*keted .ith assassins(

19( See $hapter 7/ ss( 27 and $hapter 11/ ss( 2"(

20( See $hapter 11/ ss( 2"( $h+an $h+ is the a77re1iated form
of his name(

21( 9(e( Po PVei( See ante(

22( The n+*le+s of this .ork is pro7a7l- ,en+ine/ tho+,h lar,e
additions ha1e 7een made 7- later hands( S+an *h+n, died in #!

23( See infra/ 7e,innin, of 9NT6B%C$T9BN(

2!( 9 do not kno. .hat this .ork/ +nless it 7e the last *hapter
of another .ork( )h- that *hapter sho+ld 7e sin,led o+t/
ho.e1er/ is not *lear(

2( '7o+t !"0 B($(

2#( That is/ 9 s+ppose/ the a,e of )+ )an, and $ho+ S+n,(

27( 9n the 3rd *ent+r- B($(

2"( Ss+-ma Oan,-*h+/ .hose famil- name .as TVien/ li1ed in the
latter half of the #th *ent+r- B($(/ and is also 7elie1ed to ha1e
.ritten a .ork on .ar( See S898 $89/ *h( #!/ and infra at the
7e,innin, of the 9NT6B%C$T9BN(

29( See &e,,eNs $lassi*s/ 1ol( 4/ Prole,omena p( 27( &e,,e
thinks that the TSB $8C'N m+st ha1e 7een .ritten in the th
*ent+r-/ 7+t not 7efore !2! B($(

30( See >5N$9CS 999( 1( iii( 13-20(

31( )hen )+ first appears in the $8VCN $8V9C in "!/ it is
alread- at 1arian*e .ith its po.erf+l nei,h7or( The $8VCN $8V9C
first mentions M+eh in 37/ the TSB $8C'N in #01(

32( This is e0pli*itl- stated in the TSB $8C'N/ KKK99/ 2(

33( There is this to 7e said for the later period/ that the fe+d
.o+ld tend to ,ro. more 7itter after ea*h en*o+nter/ and th+s
more f+ll- j+stif- the lan,+a,e +sed in K9( ss( 30(

3!( )ith )+ M+an himself the *ase is j+st the re1erse: -- a
sp+rio+s treatise on .ar has 7een fathered on him simpl- 7e*a+se
he .as a ,reat ,eneral( 8ere .e ha1e an o71io+s ind+*ement to
for,er-( S+n )+/ on the other hand/ *annot ha1e 7een .idel-
kno.n to fame in the th *ent+r-(

3( 3rom TSB $8C'N: H3rom the date of Sin, $haoNs a**ession
?1A there .as no -ear in .hi*h $hV+ .as not atta*ked 7- )+(H

3#( Prefa*e ad fin: H>- famil- *omes from &o-an/ and .e are
reall- des*ended from S+n T;+( 9 am ashamed to sa- that 9 onl-
read m- an*estorNs .ork from a literar- point of 1ie./ .itho+t
*omprehendin, the militar- te*hniP+e( So lon, ha1e .e 7een
enjo-in, the 7lessin,s of pea*eGH

37( 8oa--in is a7o+t 1! miles from TV+n,-k+an on the eastern
7order of Shensi( The temple in P+estion is still 1isited 7-
those a7o+t the as*ent of the )estern Sa*red >o+ntain( 9t is
mentioned in a te0t as 7ein, Hsit+ated fi1e &9 east of the
distri*t *it- of 8+a--in( The temple *ontains the 8+a-shan
ta7let ins*ri7ed 7- the TVan, 5mperor 8s+an Ts+n, ?713-7A(H

3"( See m- H$atalo,+e of $hinese BooksH <&+;a* X $o(/ 190"=/ no(

39( This is a dis*+ssion of 29 diffi*+lt passa,es in S+n T;+(

!0( $f( $atalo,+e of the li7rar- of 3an famil- at Nin,po: H8is
*ommentar- is freP+entl- o7s*+reQ it f+rnishes a *l+e/ 7+t does
not f+ll- de1elop the meanin,(H

!1( )5N 8S95N TVCN: SV'B/ *h( 221(

!2( 9t is interestin, to note that >( Pelliot has re*entl-
dis*o1ered *hapters 1/ ! and of this lost .ork in the H:rottos
of the Tho+sand B+ddhas(H See B(5(3(5(B(/ t( 4999/ nos( 3-!/ p(

!3( The 8sia/ the Shan, and the $ho+( 'ltho+,h the last-named
.as nominall- e0istent in S+n T;+Ns da-/ it retained hardl- a
1esti,e of and the old militar- or,ani;ation had
pra*ti*all- ,one 7- the 7oard( 9 *an s+,,est no other
e0planation of the passa,e(

!!( See $8BC &9/ 00i0( #-10(

!( TVCN: SV'B/ *h( 221(

!#( This appears to 7e still e0tant( See )-lieNs HNotes/H p( 91
<ne. edition=(

!7( TVCN: SV'B/ lo*( *it(

!"( ' nota7le person in his da-( 8is 7io,raph- is ,i1en in the
S'N SCB $898/ *h( 10(

!9( See K9( ss( "/ note(

0( 8BC 8'N S8C/ *h( 17 ad init(

1( S'N SCB $898/ *h( !(

2( SCN: S898/ *h( 3# ad init(

3( The fe. 5+ropeans .ho ha1e -et had an opport+nit- of
a*P+aintin, themsel1es .ith S+n T;+ are not 7ehindhand in their
praise( 9n this *onne*tion/ 9 ma- perhaps 7e e0*+sed for P+otin,
from a letter from &ord 6o7erts/ to .hom the sheets of the
present .ork .ere s+7mitted pre1io+s to p+7li*ation: H>an- of
S+n )+Ns ma0ims are perfe*tl- appli*a7le to the present da-/ and
no( 11 ?in $hapter 4999A is one that the people of this *o+ntr-
.o+ld do .ell to take to heart(H

!( $h( 1!0(

( See 94( ss( 3(

#( The all+sion ma- 7e to >en*i+s 49( 2( i0( 2(

7( The TSB $8C'N(

"( S898 $89/ *h( 2/ fol( 9(

9( $f( S898 $89/ *h !7(

#0( See S8C $89N:/ prefa*e ss( (

#1( See S898 $89/ *h( !7(

#2( &+n M+/ K4( 1(

#3( 9 failed to tra*e this +tteran*e(

#!( S+pra(

#( S+pra(

##( The other fo+r 7ein, .orship/ mo+rnin,/ entertainment of
,+ests/ and festi1e rites( See S8C $89N:/ ii( 1( 999( "/ and
$8BC &9/ 9K( fol( !9(

#7( See K999( ss( 11/ note(

#"( This is a rather o7s*+re all+sion to the TSB $8C'N/ .here
T;+-*hVan sa-s: H9f -o+ ha1e a pie*e of 7ea+tif+l 7ro*ade/ -o+
.ill not emplo- a mere learner to make it +p(H

#9( $f( T'B T5 $89N:/ *h( 31(

70( S+n 8sin,--en mi,ht ha1e P+oted $onf+*i+s a,ain( See &CN
MC/ K999( 29/ 30(

71( Better kno.n as 8sian, M+ ?233-202 B($(A(

72( S898 $89/ *h( !7(

73( S898 $89/ *h( 3"(

7!( See K999( ss( 27/ note( 3+rther details on TVai S+n, .ill
7e fo+nd in the S898 $89/ *h( 32 ad init( Besides the tradition
.hi*h makes him a former minister of $ho+ 8sin/ t.o other
a**o+nts of him are there ,i1en/ a**ordin, to .hi*h he .o+ld
appear to ha1e 7een first raised from a h+m7le pri1ate station 7-
)en )an,(


9( &'M9N: P&'NS

?TsVao S+n,/ in definin, the meanin, of the $hinese for the
title of this *hapter/ sa-s it refers to the deli7erations in the
temple sele*ted 7- the ,eneral for his temporar- +se/ or as .e
sho+ld sa-/ in his tent( See( ss( 2#(A

1( S+n T;+ said: The art of .ar is of 1ital importan*e to
the State(
2( 9t is a matter of life and death/ a road either to
safet- or to r+in( 8en*e it is a s+7je*t of inP+ir- .hi*h *an on
no a**o+nt 7e ne,le*ted(
3( The art of .ar/ then/ is ,o1erned 7- fi1e *onstant
fa*tors/ to 7e taken into a**o+nt in oneNs deli7erations/ .hen
seekin, to determine the *onditions o7tainin, in the field(
!( These are: <1= The >oral &a.Q <2= 8ea1enQ <3= 5arthQ
<!= The $ommanderQ <= >ethod and dis*ipline(

?9t appears from .hat follo.s that S+n T;+ means 7- H>oral
&a.H a prin*iple of harmon-/ not +nlike the Tao of &ao T;+ in its
moral aspe*t( Bne mi,ht 7e tempted to render it 7- Hmorale/H
.ere it not *onsidered as an attri7+te of the r+ler in ss( 13(A

/ #( The >B6'& &') *a+ses the people to 7e in *omplete
a**ord .ith their r+ler/ so that the- .ill follo. him re,ardless
of their li1es/ +ndisma-ed 7- an- dan,er(

?T+ M+ P+otes )an, T;+ as sa-in,: H)itho+t *onstant
pra*ti*e/ the offi*ers .ill 7e ner1o+s and +nde*ided .hen
m+sterin, for 7attleQ .itho+t *onstant pra*ti*e/ the ,eneral .ill
7e .a1erin, and irresol+te .hen the *risis is at hand(HA

7( 85'45N si,nifies ni,ht and da-/ *old and heat/ times and

?The *ommentators/ 9 think/ make an +nne*essar- m-ster- of
t.o .ords here( >en, Shih refers to Hthe hard and the soft/
.a0in, and .anin,H of 8ea1en( )an, 8si/ ho.e1er/ ma- 7e ri,ht in
sa-in, that .hat is meant is Hthe ,eneral e*onom- of 8ea1en/H
in*l+din, the fi1e elements/ the fo+r seasons/ .ind and *lo+ds/
and other phenomena(A

"( 5'6T8 *omprises distan*es/ ,reat and smallQ dan,er and
se*+rit-Q open ,ro+nd and narro. passesQ the *han*es of life and
9( The $B>>'N%56 stands for the 1irt+es of .isdom/
sin*erel-/ 7ene1olen*e/ *o+ra,e and stri*tness(

?The fi1e *ardinal 1irt+es of the $hinese are <1= h+manit-
or 7ene1olen*eQ <2= +pri,htness of mindQ <3= self-respe*t/ self-
*ontrol/ or Hproper feelin,QH <!= .isdomQ <= sin*erit- or ,ood
faith( 8ere H.isdomH and Hsin*erit-H are p+t 7efore Hh+manit- or
7ene1olen*e/H and the t.o militar- 1irt+es of H*o+ra,eH and
Hstri*tnessH s+7stit+ted for H+pri,htness of mindH and Hself-
respe*t/ self-*ontrol/ or Nproper feelin,(NHA

10( B- >5T8B% 'N% %9S$9P&9N5 are to 7e +nderstood the
marshalin, of the arm- in its proper s+7di1isions/ the
,rad+ations of rank amon, the offi*ers/ the maintenan*e of roads
7- .hi*h s+pplies ma- rea*h the arm-/ and the *ontrol of militar-
11( These fi1e heads sho+ld 7e familiar to e1er- ,eneral:
he .ho kno.s them .ill 7e 1i*torio+sQ he .ho kno.s them not .ill
12( Therefore/ in -o+r deli7erations/ .hen seekin, to
determine the militar- *onditions/ let them 7e made the 7asis of
a *omparison/ in this .ise: --
13( <1= )hi*h of the t.o so1erei,ns is im7+ed .ith the
>oral la.L

?9(e(/ His in harmon- .ith his s+7je*ts(H $f( ss( (A

<2= )hi*h of the t.o ,enerals has most a7ilit-L
<3= )ith .hom lie the ad1anta,es deri1ed from 8ea1en and

?See ss( 7/"A

<!= Bn .hi*h side is dis*ipline most ri,oro+sl- enfor*edL

?T+ >+ all+des to the remarka7le stor- of TsVao TsVao <'(%(
1-220=/ .ho .as s+*h a stri*t dis*iplinarian that on*e/ in
a**ordan*e .ith his o.n se1ere re,+lations a,ainst inj+r- to
standin, *rops/ he *ondemned himself to death for ha1in, allo.ed
him horse to sh- into a field of *ornG 8o.e1er/ in lie+ of
losin, his head/ he .as pers+aded to satisf- his sense of j+sti*e
7- *+ttin, off his hair( TsVao TsVaoNs o.n *omment on the
present passa,e is *hara*teristi*all- *+rt: H.hen -o+ la- do.n a
la./ see that it is not diso7e-edQ if it is diso7e-ed the
offender m+st 7e p+t to death(HA

<= )hi*h arm- is stron,erL

?>orall- as .ell as ph-si*all-( 's >ei Mao-*hVen p+ts it/
freel- rendered/ H5SP969T %5 $B6PS and N7i, 7attalions(NHA

<#= Bn .hi*h side are offi*ers and men more hi,hl- trainedL

?T+ M+ P+otes )an, T;+ as sa-in,: H)itho+t *onstant
pra*ti*e/ the offi*ers .ill 7e ner1o+s and +nde*ided .hen
m+sterin, for 7attleQ .itho+t *onstant pra*ti*e/ the ,eneral .ill
7e .a1erin, and irresol+te .hen the *risis is at hand(HA

<7= 9n .hi*h arm- is there the ,reater *onstan*- 7oth in
re.ard and p+nishmentL

?Bn .hi*h side is there the most a7sol+te *ertaint- that
merit .ill 7e properl- re.arded and misdeeds s+mmaril- p+nishedLA

1!( B- means of these se1en *onsiderations 9 *an fore*ast
1i*tor- or defeat(
1( The ,eneral that hearkens to m- *o+nsel and a*ts +pon
it/ .ill *onP+er: --let s+*h a one 7e retained in *ommandG The
,eneral that hearkens not to m- *o+nsel nor a*ts +pon it/ .ill
s+ffer defeat: --let s+*h a one 7e dismissedG

?The form of this para,raph reminds +s that S+n T;+Ns
treatise .as *omposed e0pressl- for the 7enefit of his patron 8o
&+/ kin, of the )+ State(A

1#( )hile headin, the profit of m- *o+nsel/ a1ail -o+rself
also of an- helpf+l *ir*+mstan*es o1er and 7e-ond the ordinar-
17( '**ordin, as *ir*+mstan*es are fa1ora7le/ one sho+ld
modif- oneNs plans(

?S+n T;+/ as a pra*ti*al soldier/ .ill ha1e none of the
H7ookish theori*(H 8e *a+tions +s here not to pin o+r faith to
a7stra*t prin*iplesQ Hfor/H as $han, M+ p+ts it/ H.hile the main
la.s of strate,- *an 7e stated *learl- eno+,h for the 7enefit of
all and s+ndr-/ -o+ m+st 7e ,+ided 7- the a*tions of the enem- in
attemptin, to se*+re a fa1ora7le position in a*t+al .arfare(H Bn
the e1e of the 7attle of )aterloo/ &ord C07rid,e/ *ommandin, the
*a1alr-/ .ent to the %+ke of )ellin,ton in order to learn .hat
his plans and *al*+lations .ere for the morro./ 7e*a+se/ as he
e0plained/ he mi,ht s+ddenl- find himself $ommander-in-*hief and
.o+ld 7e +na7le to frame ne. plans in a *riti*al moment( The
%+ke listened P+ietl- and then said: H)ho .ill atta*k the first
tomorro. -- 9 or BonaparteLH HBonaparte/H replied &ord C07rid,e(
H)ell/H *ontin+ed the %+ke/ HBonaparte has not ,i1en me an- idea
of his proje*tsQ and as m- plans .ill depend +pon his/ ho. *an
-o+ e0pe*t me to tell -o+ .hat mine areLH ?1A A

1"( 'll .arfare is 7ased on de*eption(

?The tr+th of this pith- and profo+nd sa-in, .ill 7e
admitted 7- e1er- soldier( $ol( 8enderson tells +s that
)ellin,ton/ ,reat in so man- militar- P+alities/ .as espe*iall-
distin,+ished 7- Hthe e0traordinar- skill .ith .hi*h he *on*ealed
his mo1ements and de*ei1ed 7oth friend and foe(HA

19( 8en*e/ .hen a7le to atta*k/ .e m+st seem +na7leQ .hen
+sin, o+r for*es/ .e m+st seem ina*ti1eQ .hen .e are near/ .e
m+st make the enem- 7elie1e .e are far a.a-Q .hen far a.a-/ .e
m+st make him 7elie1e .e are near(
20( 8old o+t 7aits to enti*e the enem-( 3ei,n disorder/
and *r+sh him(

?'ll *ommentators/ e0*ept $han, M+/ sa-/ H)hen he is in
disorder/ *r+sh him(H 9t is more nat+ral to s+ppose that S+n T;+
is still ill+stratin, the +ses of de*eption in .ar(A

21( 9f he is se*+re at all points/ 7e prepared for him( 9f
he is in s+perior stren,th/ e1ade him(
22( 9f -o+r opponent is of *holeri* temper/ seek to
irritate him( Pretend to 7e .eak/ that he ma- ,ro. arro,ant(

?)an, T;+/ P+oted 7- T+ M+/ sa-s that the ,ood ta*ti*ian
pla-s .ith his ad1ersar- as a *at pla-s .ith a mo+se/ first
fei,nin, .eakness and immo7ilit-/ and then s+ddenl- po+n*in, +pon

23( 9f he is takin, his ease/ ,i1e him no rest(

?This is pro7a7l- the meanin, tho+,h >ei Mao-*hVen has the
note: H.hile .e are takin, o+r ease/ .ait for the enem- to tire
himself o+t(H The MC &'N has H&+re him on and tire him o+t(HA

9f his for*es are +nited/ separate them(

?&ess pla+si7le is the interpretation fa1ored 7- most of the
*ommentators: H9f so1erei,n and s+7je*t are in a**ord/ p+t
di1ision 7et.een them(HA

2!( 'tta*k him .here he is +nprepared/ appear .here -o+ are
not e0pe*ted(
2( These militar- de1i*es/ leadin, to 1i*tor-/ m+st not 7e
di1+l,ed 7eforehand(
2#( No. the ,eneral .ho .ins a 7attle makes man-
*al*+lations in his temple ere the 7attle is fo+,ht(

?$han, M+ tells +s that in an*ient times it .as *+stomar-
for a temple to 7e set apart for the +se of a ,eneral .ho .as
a7o+t to take the field/ in order that he mi,ht there ela7orate
his plan of *ampai,n(A

The ,eneral .ho loses a 7attle makes 7+t fe. *al*+lations
7eforehand( Th+s do man- *al*+lations lead to 1i*tor-/ and fe.
*al*+lations to defeat: ho. m+*h more no *al*+lation at allG 9t
is 7- attention to this point that 9 *an foresee .ho is likel- to
.in or lose(

?1A H)ords on )ellin,ton/H 7- Sir( )( 3raser(


99( )':9N: )'6

?TsVao S+n, has the note: H8e .ho .ishes to fi,ht m+st
first *o+nt the *ost/H .hi*h prepares +s for the dis*o1er- that
the s+7je*t of the *hapter is not .hat .e mi,ht e0pe*t from the
title/ 7+t is primaril- a *onsideration of .a-s and means(A

1( S+n T;+ said: 9n the operations of .ar/ .here there are
in the field a tho+sand s.ift *hariots/ as man- hea1- *hariots/
and a h+ndred tho+sand mail-*lad soldiers/

?The Hs.ift *hariotsH .ere li,htl- 7+ilt and/ a**ordin, to
$han, M+/ +sed for the atta*kQ the Hhea1- *hariotsH .ere hea1ier/
and desi,ned for p+rposes of defense( &i $hV+an/ it is tr+e/
sa-s that the latter .ere li,ht/ 7+t this seems hardl- pro7a7le(
9t is interestin, to note the analo,ies 7et.een earl- $hinese
.arfare and that of the 8omeri* :reeks( 9n ea*h *ase/ the .ar-
*hariot .as the important fa*tor/ formin, as it did the n+*le+s
ro+nd .hi*h .as ,ro+ped a *ertain n+m7er of foot-soldiers( )ith
re,ard to the n+m7ers ,i1en here/ .e are informed that ea*h s.ift
*hariot .as a**ompanied 7- 7 footmen/ and ea*h hea1- *hariot 7-
2 footmen/ so that the .hole arm- .o+ld 7e di1ided +p into a
tho+sand 7attalions/ ea*h *onsistin, of t.o *hariots and a
h+ndred men(A

.ith pro1isions eno+,h to *arr- them a tho+sand &9/

?2(7" modern &9 ,o to a mile( The len,th ma- ha1e 1aried
sli,htl- sin*e S+n T;+Ns time(A

the e0pendit+re at home and at the front/ in*l+din, entertainment
of ,+ests/ small items s+*h as ,l+e and paint/ and s+ms spent on
*hariots and armor/ .ill rea*h the total of a tho+sand o+n*es of
sil1er per da-( S+*h is the *ost of raisin, an arm- of 100/000
2( )hen -o+ en,a,e in a*t+al fi,htin,/ if 1i*tor- is lon,
in *omin,/ then menNs .eapons .ill ,ro. d+ll and their ardor .ill
7e damped( 9f -o+ la- sie,e to a to.n/ -o+ .ill e0ha+st -o+r
3( ',ain/ if the *ampai,n is protra*ted/ the reso+r*es of
the State .ill not 7e eP+al to the strain(
!( No./ .hen -o+r .eapons are d+lled/ -o+r ardor damped/
-o+r stren,th e0ha+sted and -o+r treas+re spent/ other *hieftains
.ill sprin, +p to take ad1anta,e of -o+r e0tremit-( Then no man/
ho.e1er .ise/ .ill 7e a7le to a1ert the *onseP+en*es that m+st
( Th+s/ tho+,h .e ha1e heard of st+pid haste in .ar/
*le1erness has ne1er 7een seen asso*iated .ith lon, dela-s(

?This *on*ise and diffi*+lt senten*e is not .ell e0plained
7- an- of the *ommentators( TsVao S+n,/ &i $hV+an/ >en, Shih/ T+
M+/ T+ >+ and >ei Mao-*hVen ha1e notes to the effe*t that a
,eneral/ tho+,h nat+rall- st+pid/ ma- ne1ertheless *onP+er
thro+,h sheer for*e of rapidit-( 8o Shih sa-s: H8aste ma- 7e
st+pid/ 7+t at an- rate it sa1es e0pendit+re of ener,- and
treas+reQ protra*ted operations ma- 7e 1er- *le1er/ 7+t the-
7rin, *alamit- in their train(H )an, 8si e1ades the diffi*+lt-
7- remarkin,: H&en,th- operations mean an arm- ,, old/
.ealth 7ein, e0pended/ an empt- e0*heP+er and distress amon, the
peopleQ tr+e *le1erness ins+res a,ainst the o**+rren*e of s+*h
*alamities(H $han, M+ sa-s: HSo lon, as 1i*tor- *an 7e
attained/ st+pid haste is prefera7le to *le1er dilatoriness(H
No. S+n T;+ sa-s nothin, .hate1er/ e0*ept possi7l- 7-
impli*ation/ a7o+t ill-*onsidered haste 7ein, 7etter than
in,enio+s 7+t len,th- operations( )hat he does sa- is somethin,
m+*h more ,+arded/ namel- that/ .hile speed ma- sometimes 7e
inj+di*io+s/ tardiness *an ne1er 7e an-thin, 7+t foolish -- if
onl- 7e*a+se it means impo1erishment to the nation( 9n
*onsiderin, the point raised here 7- S+n T;+/ the *lassi* e0ample
of 3a7i+s $+n*tator .ill ine1ita7l- o**+r to the mind( That
,eneral deli7eratel- meas+red the end+ran*e of 6ome a,ainst that
of 8anni7alsNs isolated arm-/ 7e*a+se it seemed to him that the
latter .as more likel- to s+ffer from a lon, *ampai,n in a
stran,e *o+ntr-( B+t it is P+ite a moot P+estion .hether his
ta*ti*s .o+ld ha1e pro1ed s+**essf+l in the lon, r+n( Their
re1ersal it is tr+e/ led to $annaeQ 7+t this onl- esta7lishes a
ne,ati1e pres+mption in their fa1or(A

#( There is no instan*e of a *o+ntr- ha1in, 7enefited from
prolon,ed .arfare(
7( 9t is onl- one .ho is thoro+,hl- a*P+ainted .ith the
e1ils of .ar that *an thoro+,hl- +nderstand the profita7le .a- of
*arr-in, it on(

?That is/ .ith rapidit-( Bnl- one .ho kno.s the disastro+s
effe*ts of a lon, .ar *an reali;e the s+preme importan*e of
rapidit- in 7rin,in, it to a *lose( Bnl- t.o *ommentators seem
to fa1or this interpretation/ 7+t it fits .ell into the lo,i* of
the *onte0t/ .hereas the renderin,/ H8e .ho does not kno. the
e1ils of .ar *annot appre*iate its 7enefits/H is distin*tl-

"( The skillf+l soldier does not raise a se*ond le1-/
neither are his s+ppl--.a,ons loaded more than t.i*e(

?Bn*e .ar is de*lared/ he .ill not .aste pre*io+s time in
.aitin, for reinfor*ements/ nor .ill he ret+rn his arm- 7a*k for
fresh s+pplies/ 7+t *rosses the enem-Ns frontier .itho+t dela-(
This ma- seem an a+da*io+s poli*- to re*ommend/ 7+t .ith all
,reat strate,ists/ from O+li+s $aesar to Napoleon Bonaparte/ the
1al+e of time -- that is/ 7ein, a little ahead of -o+r opponent --
has *o+nted for more than either n+meri*al s+periorit- or the
ni*est *al*+lations .ith re,ard to *ommissariat(A

9( Brin, .ar material .ith -o+ from home/ 7+t fora,e on the
enem-( Th+s the arm- .ill ha1e food eno+,h for its needs(

?The $hinese .ord translated here as materialH
literall- means Hthin,s to 7e +sedH/ and is meant in the .idest
sense( 9t in*l+des all the impedimenta of an arm-/ apart from

10( Po1ert- of the State e0*heP+er *a+ses an arm- to 7e
maintained 7- *ontri7+tions from a distan*e( $ontri7+tin, to
maintain an arm- at a distan*e *a+ses the people to 7e

?The 7e,innin, of this senten*e does not 7alan*e properl-
.ith the ne0t/ tho+,h o71io+sl- intended to do so( The
arran,ement/ moreo1er/ is so a.k.ard that 9 *annot help
s+spe*tin, some *orr+ption in the te0t( 9t ne1er seems to o**+r
to $hinese *ommentators that an emendation ma- 7e ne*essar- for
the sense/ and .e ,et no help from them there( The $hinese .ords
S+n T;+ +sed to indi*ate the *a+se of the peopleNs impo1erishment
*learl- ha1e referen*e to some s-stem 7- .hi*h the h+s7andmen
sent their *ontri7+tions of *orn to the arm- dire*t( B+t .h-
sho+ld it fall on them to maintain an arm- in this .a-/ e0*ept
7e*a+se the State or :o1ernment is too poor to do soLA

11( Bn the other hand/ the pro0imit- of an arm- *a+ses
pri*es to ,o +pQ and hi,h pri*es *a+se the peopleNs s+7stan*e to
7e drained a.a-(

?)an, 8si sa-s hi,h pri*es o**+r 7efore the arm- has left
its o.n territor-( TsVao S+n, +nderstands it of an arm- that has
alread- *rossed the frontier(A

12( )hen their s+7stan*e is drained a.a-/ the peasantr-
.ill 7e affli*ted 7- hea1- e0a*tions(
13/ 1!( )ith this loss of s+7stan*e and e0ha+stion of
stren,th/ the homes of the people .ill 7e stripped 7are/ and
three-tenths of their in*ome .ill 7e dissipatedQ

?T+ >+ and )an, 8si a,ree that the people are not m+l*ted
not of 3I10/ 7+t of 7I10/ of their in*ome( B+t this is hardl- to
7e e0tra*ted from o+r te0t( 8o Shih has a *hara*teristi* ta,:
HThe P5BP&5 7ein, re,arded as the essential part of the State/
and 3BB% as the peopleNs hea1en/ is it not ri,ht that those in
a+thorit- sho+ld 1al+e and 7e *aref+l of 7othLHA

.hile ,o1ernment e0penses for 7roken *hariots/ .orn-o+t horses/
7reast-plates and helmets/ 7o.s and arro.s/ spears and shields/
prote*ti1e mantles/ dra+,ht-o0en and hea1- .a,ons/ .ill amo+nt to
fo+r-tenths of its total re1en+e(
1( 8en*e a .ise ,eneral makes a point of fora,in, on the
enem-( Bne *artload of the enem-Ns pro1isions is eP+i1alent to
t.ent- of oneNs o.n/ and like.ise a sin,le P9$C& of his pro1ender
is eP+i1alent to t.ent- from oneNs o.n store(

?Be*a+se t.ent- *artloads .ill 7e *ons+med in the pro*ess of
transportin, one *artload to the front( ' P9$C& is a +nit of
meas+re eP+al to 133(3 po+nds <#( kilo,rams=(A

1#( No. in order to kill the enem-/ o+r men m+st 7e ro+sed
to an,erQ that there ma- 7e ad1anta,e from defeatin, the enem-/
the- m+st ha1e their re.ards(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H6e.ards are ne*essar- in order to make the
soldiers see the ad1anta,e of 7eatin, the enem-Q th+s/ .hen -o+
*apt+re spoils from the enem-/ the- m+st 7e +sed as re.ards/ so
that all -o+r men ma- ha1e a keen desire to fi,ht/ ea*h on his
o.n a**o+nt(HA

17( Therefore in *hariot fi,htin,/ .hen ten or more
*hariots ha1e 7een taken/ those sho+ld 7e re.arded .ho took the
first( B+r o.n fla,s sho+ld 7e s+7stit+ted for those of the
enem-/ and the *hariots min,led and +sed in *onj+n*tion .ith
o+rs( The *apt+red soldiers sho+ld 7e kindl- treated and kept(
1"( This is *alled/ +sin, the *onP+ered foe to a+,ment
oneNs o.n stren,th(
19( 9n .ar/ then/ let -o+r ,reat o7je*t 7e 1i*tor-/ not
len,th- *ampai,ns(

?'s 8o Shih remarks: H)ar is not a thin, to 7e trifled
.ith(H S+n T;+ here reiterates the main lesson .hi*h this
*hapter is intended to enfor*e(HA

20( Th+s it ma- 7e kno.n that the leader of armies is the
ar7iter of the peopleNs fate/ the man on .hom it depends .hether
the nation shall 7e in pea*e or in peril(


999( 'TT'$S BM ST6'T':5>

1( S+n T;+ said: 9n the pra*ti*al art of .ar/ the 7est
thin, of all is to take the enem-Ns *o+ntr- .hole and inta*tQ to
shatter and destro- it is not so ,ood( So/ too/ it is 7etter to
re*apt+re an arm- entire than to destro- it/ to *apt+re a
re,iment/ a deta*hment or a *ompan- entire than to destro- them(

?The eP+i1alent to an arm- *orps/ a**ordin, to Ss+-ma 3a/
*onsisted nominall- of 1200 menQ a**ordin, to TsVao S+n,/ the
eP+i1alent of a re,iment *ontained 00 men/ the eP+i1alent to a
deta*hment *onsists from an- n+m7er 7et.een 100 and 00/ and the
eP+i1alent of a *ompan- *ontains from to 100 men( 3or the last
t.o/ ho.e1er/ $han, M+ ,i1es the e0a*t fi,+res of 100 and

2( 8en*e to fi,ht and *onP+er in all -o+r 7attles is not
s+preme e0*ellen*eQ s+preme e0*ellen*e *onsists in 7reakin, the
enem-Ns resistan*e .itho+t fi,htin,(

?8ere a,ain/ no modern strate,ist 7+t .ill appro1e the .ords
of the old $hinese ,eneral( >oltkeNs ,reatest tri+mph/ the
*apit+lation of the h+,e 3ren*h arm- at Sedan/ .as .on
pra*ti*all- .itho+t 7loodshed(A

3( Th+s the hi,hest form of ,eneralship is to 7alk the
enem-Ns plansQ

?Perhaps the .ord H7alkH falls short of e0pressin, the f+ll
for*e of the $hinese .ord/ .hi*h implies not an attit+de of
defense/ .here7- one mi,ht 7e *ontent to foil the enem-Ns
strata,ems one after another/ 7+t an a*ti1e poli*- of *o+nter-
atta*k( 8o Shih p+ts this 1er- *learl- in his note: H)hen the
enem- has made a plan of atta*k a,ainst +s/ .e m+st anti*ipate
him 7- deli1erin, o+r o.n atta*k first(HA

the ne0t 7est is to pre1ent the j+n*tion of the enem-Ns for*esQ

?9solatin, him from his allies( )e m+st not for,et that S+n
T;+/ in speakin, of hostilities/ al.a-s has in mind the n+mero+s
states or prin*ipalities into .hi*h the $hina of his da- .as
split +p(A

the ne0t in order is to atta*k the enem-Ns arm- in the fieldQ

?)hen he is alread- at f+ll stren,th(A

and the .orst poli*- of all is to 7esie,e .alled *ities(

!( The r+le is/ not to 7esie,e .alled *ities if it *an
possi7l- 7e a1oided(

?'nother so+nd pie*e of militar- theor-( 8ad the Boers
a*ted +pon it in 1"99/ and refrained from dissipatin, their
stren,th 7efore Sim7erle-/ >afekin,/ or e1en &ad-smith/ it is
more than pro7a7le that the- .o+ld ha1e 7een masters of the
sit+ation 7efore the British .ere read- serio+sl- to oppose

The preparation of mantlets/ mo1a7le shelters/ and 1ario+s
implements of .ar/ .ill take +p three .hole monthsQ

?9t is not P+ite *lear .hat the $hinese .ord/ here
translated as HmantletsH/ des*ri7ed( TsVao S+n, simpl- defines
them as Hlar,e shields/H 7+t .e ,et a 7etter idea of them from &i
$hV+an/ .ho sa-s the- .ere to prote*t the heads of those .ho .ere
assa+ltin, the *it- .alls at *lose P+arters( This seems to
s+,,est a sort of 6oman T5STC%B/ read- made( T+ >+ sa-s the-
.ere .heeled 1ehi*les +sed in repellin, atta*ks/ 7+t this is
denied 7- $hVen 8ao( See s+pra 99( 1!( The name is also applied
to t+rrets on *it- .alls( Bf the Hmo1a7le sheltersH .e ,et a
fairl- *lear des*ription from se1eral *ommentators( The- .ere
.ooden missile-proof str+*t+res on fo+r .heels/ propelled from
.ithin/ *o1ered o1er .ith ra. hides/ and +sed in sie,es to *on1e-
parties of men to and from the .alls/ for the p+rpose of fillin,
+p the en*ir*lin, moat .ith earth( T+ >+ adds that the- are no.
*alled H.ooden donke-s(HA

and the pilin, +p of mo+nds o1er a,ainst the .alls .ill take
three months more(

?These .ere ,reat mo+nds or ramparts of earth heaped +p to
the le1el of the enem-Ns .alls in order to dis*o1er the .eak
points in the defense/ and also to destro- the fortified t+rrets
mentioned in the pre*edin, note(A

( The ,eneral/ +na7le to *ontrol his irritation/ .ill
la+n*h his men to the assa+lt like s.armin, ants/

?This 1i1id simile of TsVao S+n, is taken from the spe*ta*le
of an arm- of ants *lim7in, a .all( The meanin, is that the
,eneral/ losin, patien*e at the lon, dela-/ ma- make a premat+re
attempt to storm the pla*e 7efore his en,ines of .ar are read-(A

.ith the res+lt that one-third of his men are slain/ .hile the
to.n still remains +ntaken( S+*h are the disastro+s effe*ts of a

?)e are reminded of the terri7le losses of the Oapanese
7efore Port 'rth+r/ in the most re*ent sie,e .hi*h histor- has to

#( Therefore the skillf+l leader s+7d+es the enem-Ns troops
.itho+t an- fi,htin,Q he *apt+res their *ities .itho+t la-in,
sie,e to themQ he o1erthro.s their kin,dom .itho+t len,th-
operations in the field(

?$hia &in notes that he onl- o1erthro.s the :o1ernment/ 7+t
does no harm to indi1id+als( The *lassi*al instan*e is )+ )an,/
.ho after ha1in, p+t an end to the Min d-nast- .as a**laimed
H3ather and mother of the people(HA

7( )ith his for*es inta*t he .ill disp+te the master- of
the 5mpire/ and th+s/ .itho+t losin, a man/ his tri+mph .ill 7e

?, to the do+7le meanin,s in the $hinese te0t/ the
latter part of the senten*e is s+s*epti7le of P+ite a different
meanin,: H'nd th+s/ the .eapon not 7ein, 7l+nted 7- +se/ its
keenness remains perfe*t(HA

This is the method of atta*kin, 7- strata,em(
"( 9t is the r+le in .ar/ if o+r for*es are ten to the
enem-Ns one/ to s+rro+nd himQ if fi1e to one/ to atta*k himQ

?Strai,ht.a-/ .itho+t .aitin, for an- f+rther ad1anta,e(A

if t.i*e as n+mero+s/ to di1ide o+r arm- into t.o(

?T+ >+ takes e0*eption to the sa-in,Q and at first si,ht/
indeed/ it appears to 1iolate a f+ndamental prin*iple of .ar(
TsNao S+n,/ ho.e1er/ ,i1es a *l+e to S+n T;+Ns meanin,: HBein,
t.o to the enem-Ns one/ .e ma- +se one part of o+r arm- in the
re,+lar .a-/ and the other for some spe*ial di1ersion(H $han, M+
th+s f+rther el+*idates the point: H9f o+r for*e is t.i*e as
n+mero+s as that of the enem-/ it sho+ld 7e split +p into t.o
di1isions/ one to meet the enem- in front/ and one to fall +pon
his rearQ if he replies to the frontal atta*k/ he ma- 7e *r+shed
from 7ehindQ if to the rear.ard atta*k/ he ma- 7e *r+shed in
front(H This is .hat is meant 7- sa-in, that None part ma- 7e
+sed in the re,+lar .a-/ and the other for some spe*ial
di1ersion(N T+ >+ does not +nderstand that di1idin, oneNs arm-
is simpl- an irre,+lar/ j+st as *on*entratin, it is the re,+lar/
strate,i*al method/ and he is too hast- in *allin, this a

9( 9f eP+all- mat*hed/ .e *an offer 7attleQ

?&i $hV+an/ follo.ed 7- 8o Shih/ ,i1es the,
paraphrase: H9f atta*kers and atta*ked are eP+all- mat*hed in
stren,th/ onl- the a7le ,eneral .ill fi,ht(HA

if sli,htl- inferior in n+m7ers/ .e *an a1oid the enem-Q

?The meanin,/ H.e *an )'T$8 the enem-/H is *ertainl- a ,reat
impro1ement on the a7o1eQ 7+t +nfort+natel- there appears to 7e
no 1er- ,ood a+thorit- for the 1ariant( $han, M+ reminds +s that
the sa-in, onl- applies if the other fa*tors are eP+alQ a small
differen*e in n+m7ers is often more than *o+nter7alan*ed 7-
s+perior ener,- and dis*ipline(A

if P+ite +neP+al in e1er- .a-/ .e *an flee from him(
10( 8en*e/ tho+,h an o7stinate fi,ht ma- 7e made 7- a small
for*e/ in the end it m+st 7e *apt+red 7- the lar,er for*e(
11( No. the ,eneral is the 7+l.ark of the StateQ if the
7+l.ark is *omplete at all pointsQ the State .ill 7e stron,Q if
the 7+l.ark is defe*ti1e/ the State .ill 7e .eak(

?'s &i $hV+an tersel- p+ts it: H:ap indi*ates defi*ien*-Q
if the ,eneralNs a7ilit- is not perfe*t <i(e( if he is not
thoro+,hl- 1ersed in his profession=/ his arm- .ill la*k

12( There are three .a-s in .hi*h a r+ler *an 7rin,
misfort+ne +pon his arm-:--
13( <1= B- *ommandin, the arm- to ad1an*e or to retreat/
7ein, i,norant of the fa*t that it *annot o7e-( This is *alled
ho77lin, the arm-(

?&i $hV+an adds the *omment: H9t is like t-in, to,ether the
le,s of a thoro+,h7red/ so that it is +na7le to ,allop(H Bne
.o+ld nat+rall- think of Hthe r+lerH in this passa,e as 7ein, at
home/ and tr-in, to dire*t the mo1ements of his arm- from a
distan*e( B+t the *ommentators +nderstand j+st the re1erse/ and
P+ote the sa-in, of TVai S+n,: H' kin,dom sho+ld not 7e
,o1erned from .itho+t/ and arm- sho+ld not 7e dire*ted from
.ithin(H Bf *o+rse it is tr+e that/ d+rin, an en,a,ement/ or
.hen in *lose to+*h .ith the enem-/ the ,eneral sho+ld not 7e in
the thi*k of his o.n troops/ 7+t a little distan*e apart(
Bther.ise/ he .ill 7e lia7le to misj+d,e the position as a .hole/
and ,i1e .ron, orders(A

1!( <2= B- attemptin, to ,o1ern an arm- in the same .a- as
he administers a kin,dom/ 7ein, i,norant of the *onditions .hi*h
o7tain in an arm-( This *a+ses restlessness in the soldierNs

?TsVao S+n,Ns note is/ freel- translated: HThe militar-
sphere and the *i1il sphere are .holl- distin*tQ -o+ *anNt handle
an arm- in kid ,lo1es(H 'nd $han, M+ sa-s: H8+manit- and
j+sti*e are the prin*iples on .hi*h to ,o1ern a state/ 7+t not an
arm-Q opport+nism and fle0i7ilit-/ on the other hand/ are
militar- rather than *i1il 1irt+es to assimilate the ,o1ernin, of
an arm-H--to that of a State/ +nderstood(A

1( <3= B- emplo-in, the offi*ers of his arm- .itho+t

?That is/ he is not *aref+l to +se the ri,ht man in the
ri,ht pla*e(A

thro+,h i,noran*e of the militar- prin*iple of adaptation to
*ir*+mstan*es( This shakes the *onfiden*e of the soldiers(

?9 follo. >ei Mao-*hVen here( The other *ommentators refer
not to the r+ler/ as in SS( 13/ 1!/ 7+t to the offi*ers he
emplo-s( Th+s T+ M+ sa-s: H9f a ,eneral is i,norant of the
prin*iple of adapta7ilit-/ he m+st not 7e entr+sted .ith a
position of a+thorit-(H T+ >+ P+otes: HThe skillf+l emplo-er of
men .ill emplo- the .ise man/ the 7ra1e man/ the *o1eto+s man/
and the st+pid man( 3or the .ise man deli,hts in esta7lishin,
his merit/ the 7ra1e man likes to sho. his *o+ra,e in a*tion/ the
*o1eto+s man is P+i*k at sei;in, ad1anta,es/ and the st+pid man
has no fear of death(HA

1#( B+t .hen the arm- is restless and distr+stf+l/ tro+7le
is s+re to *ome from the other fe+dal prin*es( This is simpl-
7rin,in, anar*h- into the arm-/ and flin,in, 1i*tor- a.a-(
17( Th+s .e ma- kno. that there are fi1e essentials for
1i*tor-: <1= 8e .ill .in .ho kno.s .hen to fi,ht and .hen not to

?$han, M+ sa-s: 9f he *an fi,ht/ he ad1an*es and takes the
offensi1eQ if he *annot fi,ht/ he retreats and remains on the
defensi1e( 8e .ill in1aria7l- *onP+er .ho kno.s .hether it is
ri,ht to take the offensi1e or the defensi1e(A

<2= 8e .ill .in .ho kno.s ho. to handle 7oth s+perior and
inferior for*es(

?This is not merel- the ,eneralNs a7ilit- to estimate
n+m7ers *orre*tl-/ as &i $hV+an and others make o+t( $han, M+
e0po+nds the sa-in, more satisfa*toril-: HB- appl-in, the art of
.ar/ it is possi7le .ith a lesser for*e to defeat a ,reater/ and
1i*e 1ersa( The se*ret lies in an e-e for lo*alit-/ and in not
lettin, the ri,ht moment slip( Th+s )+ T;+ sa-s: N)ith a
s+perior for*e/ make for eas- ,ro+ndQ .ith an inferior one/ make
for diffi*+lt ,ro+nd(NHA

<3= 8e .ill .in .hose arm- is animated 7- the same spirit
thro+,ho+t all its ranks(
<!= 8e .ill .in .ho/ prepared himself/ .aits to take the
enem- +nprepared(
<= 8e .ill .in .ho has militar- *apa*it- and is not
interfered .ith 7- the so1erei,n(

?T+ M+ P+otes )an, T;+ as sa-in,: H9t is the so1erei,nNs
f+n*tion to ,i1e 7road instr+*tions/ 7+t to de*ide on 7attle it
is the f+n*tion of the ,eneral(H 9t is needless to dilate on the
militar- disasters .hi*h ha1e 7een *a+sed 7- +nd+e interferen*e
.ith operations in the field on the part of the home ,o1ernment(
Napoleon +ndo+7tedl- o.ed m+*h of his e0traordinar- s+**ess to
the fa*t that he .as not hampered 7- *entral a+thorit-(A

1"( 8en*e the sa-in,: 9f -o+ kno. the enem- and kno.
-o+rself/ -o+ need not fear the res+lt of a h+ndred 7attles( 9f
-o+ kno. -o+rself 7+t not the enem-/ for e1er- 1i*tor- ,ained -o+
.ill also s+ffer a defeat(

?&i $hV+an *ites the *ase of 3+ $hien/ prin*e of $hVin/ .ho
in 3"3 '(%( mar*hed .ith a 1ast arm- a,ainst the $hin 5mperor(
)hen .arned not to despise an enem- .ho *o+ld *ommand the
ser1i*es of s+*h men as 8sieh 'n and 8+an $hV+n,/ he 7oastf+ll-
replied: H9 ha1e the pop+lation of ei,ht pro1in*es at m- 7a*k/
infantr- and horsemen to the n+m7er of one millionQ .h-/ the-
*o+ld dam +p the Man,ts;e 6i1er itself 7- merel-, their
.hips into the stream( )hat dan,er ha1e 9 to fearLH
Ne1ertheless/ his for*es .ere soon after disastro+sl- ro+ted at
the 3ei 6i1er/ and he .as o7li,ed to 7eat a hast- retreat(A

9f -o+ kno. neither the enem- nor -o+rself/ -o+ .ill s+**+m7 in
e1er- 7attle(

?$han, M+ said:, the enem- ena7les -o+ to take the
offensi1e/, -o+rself ena7les -o+ to stand on the
defensi1e(H 8e adds: H'tta*k is the se*ret of defenseQ defense
is the plannin, of an atta*k(H 9t .o+ld 7e hard to find a 7etter
epitome of the root-prin*iple of .ar(A


94( T'$T9$'& %9SPBS9T9BNS

?TsVao S+n, e0plains the $hinese meanin, of the .ords for
the title of this *hapter: Hmar*hin, and *o+ntermar*hin, on the
part of the t.o armies .ith a 1ie. to dis*o1erin, ea*h otherNs
*ondition(H T+ >+ sa-s: H9t is thro+,h the dispositions of an
arm- that its *ondition ma- 7e dis*o1ered( $on*eal -o+r
dispositions/ and -o+r *ondition .ill remain se*ret/ .hi*h leads
to 1i*tor-/Q sho. -o+r dispositions/ and -o+r *ondition .ill
7e*ome patent/ .hi*h leads to defeat(H )an, 8si remarks that the
,ood ,eneral *an Hse*+re s+**ess 7- modif-in, his ta*ti*s to meet
those of the enem-(HA

1( S+n T;+ said: The ,ood fi,hters of old first p+t
themsel1es 7e-ond the possi7ilit- of defeat/ and then .aited for
an opport+nit- of defeatin, the enem-(
2( To se*+re o+rsel1es a,ainst defeat lies in o+r o.n
hands/ 7+t the opport+nit- of defeatin, the enem- is pro1ided 7-
the enem- himself(

?That is/ of *o+rse/ 7- a mistake on the enem-Ns part(A

3( Th+s the ,ood fi,hter is a7le to se*+re himself a,ainst

?$han, M+ sa-s this is done/ HB- *on*ealin, the disposition
of his troops/ *o1erin, +p his tra*ks/ and takin, +nremittin,

7+t *annot make *ertain of defeatin, the enem-(
!( 8en*e the sa-in,: Bne ma- SNB) ho. to *onP+er .itho+t
7ein, a7le to %B it(
( Se*+rit- a,ainst defeat implies defensi1e ta*ti*sQ
a7ilit- to defeat the enem- means takin, the offensi1e(

?9 retain the sense fo+nd in a similar passa,e in ss( 1-3/
in spite of the fa*t that the *ommentators are all a,ainst me(
The meanin, the- ,i1e/ H8e .ho *annot *onP+er takes the
defensi1e/H is pla+si7le eno+,h(A

#( Standin, on the defensi1e indi*ates ins+ffi*ient
stren,thQ atta*kin,/ a s+pera7+ndan*e of stren,th(
7( The ,eneral .ho is skilled in defense hides in the most
se*ret re*esses of the earthQ

?&iterall-/ Hhides +nder the ninth earth/H .hi*h is a
metaphor indi*atin, the +tmost se*re*- and *on*ealment/ so that
the enem- ma- not kno. his .herea7o+ts(HA

he .ho is skilled in atta*k flashes forth from the topmost
hei,hts of hea1en(

?'nother metaphor/ impl-in, that he falls on his ad1ersar-
like a th+nder7olt/ a,ainst .hi*h there is no time to prepare(
This is the opinion of most of the *ommentators(A

Th+s on the one hand .e ha1e a7ilit- to prote*t o+rsel1esQ on the
other/ a 1i*tor- that is *omplete(
"( To see 1i*tor- onl- .hen it is .ithin the ken of the
*ommon herd is not the a*me of e0*ellen*e(

?'s TsVao S+n, remarks/ Hthe thin, is to see the plant
7efore it has ,erminated/H to foresee the e1ent 7efore the a*tion
has 7e,+n( &i $hV+an all+des to the stor- of 8an 8sin .ho/ .hen
a7o+t to atta*k the 1astl- s+perior arm- of $hao/ .hi*h .as
stron,l- entren*hed in the *it- of $hVen,-an/ said to his
offi*ers: H:entlemen/ .e are ,oin, to annihilate the enem-/ and
shall meet a,ain at dinner(H The offi*ers hardl- took his .ords
serio+sl-/ and ,a1e a 1er- d+7io+s assent( B+t 8an 8sin had
alread- .orked o+t in his mind the details of a *le1er strata,em/
.here7-/ as he foresa./ he .as a7le to *apt+re the *it- and
infli*t a *r+shin, defeat on his ad1ersar-(HA

9( Neither is it the a*me of e0*ellen*e if -o+ fi,ht and
*onP+er and the .hole 5mpire sa-s/ H)ell doneGH

?Tr+e e0*ellen*e 7ein,/ as T+ >+ sa-s: HTo plan se*retl-/
to mo1e s+rreptitio+sl-/ to foil the enem-Ns intentions and 7alk
his s*hemes/ so that at last the da- ma- 7e .on .itho+t sheddin,
a drop of 7lood(H S+n T;+ reser1es his appro7ation for thin,s
Hthe .orldNs *oarse th+m7
'nd fin,er fail to pl+m7(HA

10( To lift an a+t+mn hair is no si,n of ,reat stren,thQ

?H'+t+mnH hairH is e0plained as the f+r of a hare/ .hi*h is
finest in a+t+mn/ .hen it 7e,ins to ,ro. afresh( The phrase is a
1er- *ommon one in $hinese .riters(A

to see the s+n and moon is no si,n of sharp si,htQ to hear the
noise of th+nder is no si,n of a P+i*k ear(

?8o Shih ,i1es as real instan*es of stren,th/ sharp si,ht
and P+i*k hearin,: )+ 8+o/ .ho *o+ld lift a tripod .ei,hin, 20
stoneQ &i $h+/ .ho at a distan*e of a h+ndred pa*es *o+ld see
o7je*ts no 7i,,er than a m+stard seedQ and Shih SV+an,/ a 7lind
m+si*ian .ho *o+ld hear the footsteps of a mosP+ito(A

11( )hat the an*ients *alled a *le1er fi,hter is one .ho
not onl- .ins/ 7+t e0*els in .innin, .ith ease(

?The last half is literall- Hone .ho/ *onP+erin,/ e0*els in
eas- *onP+erin,(H >ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: H8e .ho onl- sees the
o71io+s/ .ins his 7attles .ith diffi*+lt-Q he .ho looks 7elo. the
s+rfa*e of thin,s/ .ins .ith ease(HA

12( 8en*e his 1i*tories 7rin, him neither rep+tation for
.isdom nor *redit for *o+ra,e(

?T+ >+ e0plains this 1er- .ell: H9nasm+*h as his 1i*tories
are ,ained o1er *ir*+mstan*es that ha1e not *ome to li,ht/ the
.orld as lar,e kno.s nothin, of them/ and he .ins no rep+tation
for .isdomQ inasm+*h as the hostile state s+7mits 7efore there
has 7een an- 7loodshed/ he re*ei1es no *redit for *o+ra,e(HA

13( 8e .ins his 7attles 7- makin, no mistakes(

?$hVen 8ao sa-s: H8e plans no s+perfl+o+s mar*hes/ he
de1ises no f+tile atta*ks(H The *onne*tion of ideas is th+s
e0plained 7- $han, M+: HBne .ho seeks to *onP+er 7- sheer
stren,th/ *le1er tho+,h he ma- 7e at .innin, pit*hed 7attles/ is
also lia7le on o**asion to 7e 1anP+ishedQ .hereas he .ho *an look
into the f+t+re and dis*ern *onditions that are not -et manifest/
.ill ne1er make a 7l+nder and therefore in1aria7l- .in(HA

>akin, no mistakes is .hat esta7lishes the *ertaint- of 1i*tor-/
for it means *onP+erin, an enem- that is alread- defeated(
1!( 8en*e the skillf+l fi,hter p+ts himself into a position
.hi*h makes defeat impossi7le/ and does not miss the moment for
defeatin, the enem-(

?' H*o+nsel of perfe*tionH as T+ >+ tr+l- o7ser1es(
HPositionH need not 7e *onfined to the a*t+al ,ro+nd o**+pied 7-
the troops( 9t in*l+des all the arran,ements and preparations
.hi*h a .ise ,eneral .ill make to in*rease the safet- of his

1( Th+s it is that in .ar the 1i*torio+s strate,ist onl-
seeks 7attle after the 1i*tor- has 7een .on/ .hereas he .ho is
destined to defeat first fi,hts and after.ards looks for 1i*tor-(

?8o Shih th+s e0po+nds the parado0: H9n .arfare/ first la-
plans .hi*h .ill ens+re 1i*tor-/ and then lead -o+r arm- to
7attleQ if -o+ .ill not 7e,in .ith strata,em 7+t rel- on 7r+te
stren,th alone/ 1i*tor- .ill no lon,er 7e ass+red(HA

1#( The *ons+mmate leader *+lti1ates the moral la./ and
stri*tl- adheres to method and dis*iplineQ th+s it is in his to *ontrol s+**ess(
17( 9n respe*t of militar- method/ .e ha1e/ firstl-/
>eas+rementQ se*ondl-/ 5stimation of P+antit-Q thirdl-/
$al*+lationQ fo+rthl-/ Balan*in, of *han*esQ fifthl-/ 4i*tor-(
1"( >eas+rement its e0isten*e to 5arthQ 5stimation of
P+antit- to >eas+rementQ $al*+lation to 5stimation of P+antit-Q
Balan*in, of *han*es to $al*+lationQ and 4i*tor- to Balan*in, of

?9t is not eas- to distin,+ish the fo+r terms 1er- *learl-
in the $hinese( The first seems to 7e s+r1e-in, and meas+rement
of the ,ro+nd/ .hi*h ena7le +s to form an estimate of the enem-Ns
stren,th/ and to make *al*+lations 7ased on the data th+s
o7tainedQ .e are th+s led to a ,eneral .ei,hin,-+p/ or *omparison
of the enem-Ns *han*es .ith o+r o.nQ if the latter t+rn the
s*ale/ then 1i*tor- ens+es( The *hief diffi*+lt- lies in third
term/ .hi*h in the $hinese some *ommentators take as a
*al*+lation of NC>B56S/ there7- makin, it nearl- s-non-mo+s .ith
the se*ond term( Perhaps the se*ond term sho+ld 7e tho+,ht of as
a *onsideration of the enem-Ns ,eneral position or *ondition/
.hile the third term is the estimate of his n+meri*al stren,th(
Bn the other hand/ T+ >+ sa-s: HThe P+estion of relati1e
stren,th ha1in, 7een settled/ .e *an 7rin, the 1aried reso+r*es
of *+nnin, into pla-(H 8o Shih se*onds this interpretation/ 7+t
.eakens it( 8o.e1er/ it points to the third term as 7ein, a
*al*+lation of n+m7ers(A

19( ' 1i*torio+s arm- opposed to a ro+ted one/ is as a
po+ndNs .ei,ht pla*ed in the s*ale a,ainst a sin,le ,rain(

?&iterall-/ Ha 1i*torio+s arm- is like an 9 <20 o;(= .ei,hed
a,ainst a S8C <1I2! o;(=Q a ro+ted arm- is a S8C .ei,hed a,ainst
an 9(H The point is simpl- the enormo+s ad1anta,e .hi*h a
dis*iplined for*e/ fl+shed .ith 1i*tor-/ has o1er one demorali;ed
7- defeat(H &e,,e/ in his note on >en*i+s/ 9( 2( i0( 2/ makes
the 9 to 7e 2! $hinese o+n*es/ and *orre*ts $h+ 8siNs statement
that it eP+aled 20 o;( onl-( B+t &i $hV+an of the TVan, d-nast-
here ,i1es the same fi,+re as $h+ 8si(A

20( The onr+sh of a *onP+erin, for*e is like the 7+rstin,
of pent-+p .aters into a *hasm a tho+sand fathoms deep(


4( 5N56:M

1( S+n T;+ said: The *ontrol of a lar,e for*e is the same
prin*iple as the *ontrol of a fe. men: it is merel- a P+estion
of di1idin, +p their n+m7ers(

?That is/ *+ttin, +p the arm- into re,iments/ *ompanies/
et*(/ .ith s+7ordinate offi*ers in *ommand of ea*h( T+ >+
reminds +s of 8an 8sinNs famo+s repl- to the first 8an 5mperor/
.ho on*e said to him: H8o. lar,e an arm- do -o+ think 9 *o+ld
leadLH HNot more than 100/000 men/ -o+r >ajest-(H H'nd -o+LH
asked the 5mperor( HBhGH he ans.ered/ Hthe more the 7etter(HA

2( 3i,htin, .ith a lar,e arm- +nder -o+r *ommand is no.ise
different from fi,htin, .ith a small one: it is merel- a
P+estion of instit+tin, si,ns and si,nals(
3( To ens+re that -o+r .hole host ma- .ithstand the 7r+nt
of the enem-Ns atta*k and remain +nshaken - this is effe*ted 7-
mane+1ers dire*t and indire*t(

?)e no. *ome to one of the most interestin, parts of S+n
T;+Ns treatise/ the dis*+ssion of the $85N: and the $8V9(H 's it
is 7- no means eas- to ,rasp the f+ll si,nifi*an*e of these t.o
terms/ or to render them *onsistentl- 7- ,ood 5n,lish
eP+i1alentsQ it ma- 7e as .ell to ta7+late some of the
*ommentatorsN remarks on the s+7je*t 7efore pro*eedin, f+rther(
&i $hV+an: H3a*in, the enem- is $85N:/ makin, lateral di1ersion
is $8V9( $hia &in: H9n presen*e of the enem-/ -o+r troops
sho+ld 7e arra-ed in normal fashion/ 7+t in order to se*+re
1i*tor- a7normal mane+1ers m+st 7e emplo-ed(H >ei Mao-*hVen:
H$8V9 is a*ti1e/ $85N: is passi1eQ passi1it- means .aitin, for an
opport+nit-/ a*ti1it- 7ein,s the 1i*tor- itself(H 8o Shih: H)e
m+st *a+se the enem- to re,ard o+r strai,htfor.ard atta*k as one
that is se*retl- desi,ned/ and 1i*e 1ersaQ th+s $85N: ma- also 7e
$8V9/ and $8V9 ma- also 7e $85N:(H 8e instan*es the famo+s
e0ploit of 8an 8sin/ .ho .hen mar*hin, ostensi7l- a,ainst &in-
*hin <no. $hao-i in Shensi=/ s+ddenl- thre. a lar,e for*e a*ross
the Mello. 6i1er in .ooden t+7s/ +tterl- dis*on*ertin, his
opponent( ?$hVien 8an Sh+/ *h( 3(A 8ere/ .e are told/ the mar*h
on &in-*hin .as $85N:/ and the s+rprise mane+1er .as $8V9(H
$han, M+ ,i1es the, s+mmar- of opinions on the .ords:
H>ilitar- .riters do not a,ree .ith re,ard to the meanin, of $8V9
and $85N:( )ei &iao T;+ ?!th *ent( B($(A sa-s: N%ire*t .arfare
fa1ors frontal atta*ks/ indire*t .arfare atta*ks from the rear(N
TsVao S+n, sa-s: N:oin, strai,ht o+t to join 7attle is a dire*t
operationQ appearin, on the enem-Ns rear is an indire*t
mane+1er(N &i )ei-k+n, ?#th and 7th *ent( '(%(A sa-s: N9n .ar/
to mar*h strai,ht ahead is $85N:Q t+rnin, mo1ements/ on the other
hand/ are $8V9(N These .riters simpl- re,ard $85N: as $85N:/ and
$8V9 as $8V9Q the- do not note that the t.o are m+t+all-
inter*han,ea7le and r+n into ea*h other like the t.o sides of a
*ir*le ?see infra/ ss( 11A( ' *omment on the TVan, 5mperor TVai
Ts+n, ,oes to the root of the matter: N' $8V9 mane+1er ma- 7e
$85N:/ if .e make the enem- look +pon it as $85N:Q then o+r real
atta*k .ill 7e $8V9/ and 1i*e 1ersa( The .hole se*ret lies in
*onf+sin, the enem-/ so that he *annot fathom o+r real intent(NH
To p+t it perhaps a little more *learl-: an- atta*k or other
operation is $85N:/ on .hi*h the enem- has had his attention
fi0edQ .hereas that is $8V9/H .hi*h takes him 7- s+rprise or
*omes from an +ne0pe*ted P+arter( 9f the enem- per*ei1es a
mo1ement .hi*h is meant to 7e $8V9/H it immediatel- 7e*omes

!( That the impa*t of -o+r arm- ma- 7e like a ,rindstone
dashed a,ainst an e,, - this is effe*ted 7- the s*ien*e of .eak
points and stron,(
( 9n all fi,htin,/ the dire*t method ma- 7e +sed for
joinin, 7attle/ 7+t indire*t methods .ill 7e needed in order to
se*+re 1i*tor-(

?$han, M+ sa-s: HSteadil- de1elop indire*t ta*ti*s/ either
7- po+ndin, the enem-Ns flanks or fallin, on his rear(H '
7rilliant e0ample of Hindire*t ta*ti*sH .hi*h de*ided the
fort+nes of a *ampai,n .as &ord 6o7ertsN ni,ht mar*h ro+nd the Sotal in the se*ond 'f,han .ar( ?1A

#( 9ndire*t ta*ti*s/ effi*ientl- applied/ are ine0ha+si7le
as 8ea1en and 5arth/ +nendin, as the flo. of ri1ers and streamsQ
like the s+n and moon/ the- end 7+t to 7e,in ane.Q like the fo+r
seasons/ the- pass a.a- to ret+rn on*e more(

?T+ M+ and $han, M+ +nderstand this of the perm+tations of
$8V9 and $85N:(H B+t at present S+n T;+ is not speakin, of $85N:
at all/ +nless/ indeed/ .e s+ppose .ith $hen, M+-hsien that a
*la+se relatin, to it has fallen o+t of the te0t( Bf *o+rse/ as
has alread- 7een pointed o+t/ the t.o are so ine0tri*a7l-
inter.o1en in all militar- operations/ that the- *annot reall- 7e
*onsidered apart( 8ere .e simpl- ha1e an e0pression/ in
fi,+rati1e lan,+a,e/ of the almost infinite reso+r*e of a ,reat

7( There are not more than fi1e m+si*al notes/ -et the
*om7inations of these fi1e ,i1e rise to more melodies than *an
e1er 7e heard(
"( There are not more than fi1e primar- *olors <7l+e/
-ello./ red/ .hite/ and 7la*k=/ -et in *om7ination the- prod+*e
more h+es than *an e1er 7een seen(
9 There are not more than fi1e *ardinal tastes <so+r/
a*rid/ salt/ s.eet/ 7itter=/ -et *om7inations of them -ield more
fla1ors than *an e1er 7e tasted(
10( 9n 7attle/ there are not more than t.o methods of
atta*k - the dire*t and the indire*tQ -et these t.o in
*om7ination ,i1e rise to an endless series of mane+1ers(
11( The dire*t and the indire*t lead on to ea*h other in
t+rn( 9t is like mo1in, in a *ir*le - -o+ ne1er *ome to an end(
)ho *an e0ha+st the possi7ilities of their *om7inationL
12( The onset of troops is like the r+sh of a torrent .hi*h
.ill e1en roll stones alon, in its *o+rse(
13( The P+alit- of de*ision is like the .ell-timed s.oop of
a fal*on .hi*h ena7les it to strike and destro- its 1i*tim(

?The $hinese here is tri*k- and a *ertain ke- .ord in the
*onte0t it is +sed defies the 7est efforts of the translator( T+
>+ defines this .ord as Hthe meas+rement or estimation of
distan*e(H B+t this meanin, does not P+ite fit the ill+strati1e
simile in ss( 1( 'ppl-in, this definition to the fal*on/ it
seems to me to denote that instin*t of S5&3 65ST6'9NT .hi*h keeps
the 7ird from s.oopin, on its P+arr- +ntil the ri,ht moment/
to,ether .ith the of j+d,in, .hen the ri,ht moment has
arri1ed( The analo,o+s P+alit- in soldiers is the hi,hl-
important one of 7ein, a7le to reser1e their fire +ntil the 1er-
instant at .hi*h it .ill 7e most effe*ti1e( )hen the H4i*tor-H
.ent into a*tion at Trafal,ar at hardl- more than driftin, pa*e/
she .as for se1eral min+tes e0posed to a storm of shot and shell
7efore repl-in, .ith a sin,le ,+n( Nelson *ooll- .aited +ntil he
.as .ithin *lose ran,e/ .hen the 7roadside he 7ro+,ht to 7ear
.orked fearf+l ha1o* on the enem-Ns nearest ships(A

1!( Therefore the ,ood fi,hter .ill 7e terri7le in his
onset/ and prompt in his de*ision(

?The .ord Hde*isionH .o+ld ha1e referen*e to the meas+rement
of distan*e mentioned a7o1e/ lettin, the enem- ,et near 7efore
strikin,( B+t 9 *annot help thinkin, that S+n T;+ meant to +se
the .ord in a fi,+rati1e sense *ompara7le to o+r o.n idiom Hshort
and sharp(H $f( )an, 8siNs note/ .hi*h after des*ri7in, the
fal*onNs mode of atta*k/ pro*eeds: HThis is j+st ho. the
Nps-*holo,i*al momentN sho+ld 7e sei;ed in .ar(HA

1( 5ner,- ma- 7e likened to the 7endin, of a *ross7o.Q
de*ision/ to the releasin, of a tri,,er(

?None of the *ommentators seem to ,rasp the real point of
the simile of ener,- and the for*e stored +p in the 7ent *ross-
7o. +ntil released 7- the fin,er on the tri,,er(A

1#( 'mid the t+rmoil and t+m+lt of 7attle/ there ma- 7e
seemin, disorder and -et no real disorder at allQ amid *onf+sion
and *haos/ -o+r arra- ma- 7e .itho+t head or tail/ -et it .ill 7e
proof a,ainst defeat(

?>ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: HThe s+7di1isions of the arm- ha1in,
7een pre1io+sl- fi0ed/ and the 1ario+s si,nals a,reed +pon/ the
separatin, and joinin,/ the dispersin, and *olle*tin, .hi*h .ill
take pla*e in the *o+rse of a 7attle/ ma- ,i1e the appearan*e of
disorder .hen no real disorder is possi7le( Mo+r formation ma-
7e .itho+t head or tail/ -o+r dispositions all tops--t+r1-/ and
-et a ro+t of -o+r for*es P+ite o+t of the P+estion(HA

17( Sim+lated disorder post+lates perfe*t dis*ipline/
sim+lated fear post+lates *o+ra,eQ sim+lated .eakness post+lates

?9n order to make the translation intelli,i7le/ it is
ne*essar- to tone do.n the sharpl- parado0i*al form of the
ori,inal( TsVao S+n, thro.s o+t a hint of the meanin, in his
7rief note: HThese thin,s all ser1e to destro- formation and
*on*eal oneNs *ondition(H B+t T+ >+ is the first to p+t it P+ite
plainl-: H9f -o+ .ish to fei,n *onf+sion in order to l+re the
enem- on/ -o+ m+st first ha1e perfe*t dis*iplineQ if -o+ .ish to
displa- timidit- in order to entrap the enem-/ -o+ m+st ha1e
e0treme *o+ra,eQ if -o+ .ish to parade -o+r .eakness in order to
make the enem- o1er-*onfident/ -o+ m+st ha1e e0*eedin,

1"( 8idin, order 7eneath the *loak of disorder is simpl- a
P+estion of s+7di1isionQ

?See s+pra/ ss( 1(A

*on*ealin, *o+ra,e +nder a sho. of timidit- pres+pposes a f+nd of
latent ener,-Q

?The *ommentators stron,l- +nderstand a *ertain $hinese .ord
here differentl- than else in this *hapter( Th+s T+ >+
sa-s: Hseein, that .e are fa1ora7l- *ir*+mstan*ed and -et make
no mo1e/ the enem- .ill 7elie1e that .e are reall- afraid(HA

maskin, stren,th .ith .eakness is to 7e effe*ted 7- ta*ti*al

?$han, M+ relates the, ane*dote of Sao Ts+/ the
first 8an 5mperor: H)ishin, to *r+sh the 8si+n,-n+/ he sent o+t
spies to report on their *ondition( B+t the 8si+n,-n+/
fore.arned/ *aref+ll- *on*ealed all their a7le-7odied men and
.ell-fed horses/ and onl- allo.ed infirm soldiers and ema*iated
*attle to 7e seen( The res+lt .as that spies one and all
re*ommended the 5mperor to deli1er his atta*k( &o+ $hin, alone
opposed them/ sa-in,: H)hen t.o *o+ntries ,o to .ar/ the- are
nat+rall- in*lined to make an ostentatio+s displa- of their
stren,th( Met o+r spies ha1e seen nothin, 7+t old a,e and
infirmit-( This is s+rel- some r+se on the part of the enem-/
and it .o+ld 7e +n.ise for +s to atta*k(H The 5mperor/ ho.e1er/
disre,ardin, this ad1i*e/ fell into the trap and fo+nd himself
s+rro+nded at Po-ten,(HA

19( Th+s one .ho is skillf+l at keepin, the enem- on the
mo1e maintains de*eitf+l appearan*es/ a**ordin, to .hi*h the
enem- .ill a*t(

?TsVao S+n,Ns note is H>ake a displa- of .eakness and .ant(H
T+ >+ sa-s: H9f o+r for*e happens to 7e s+perior to the enem-Ns/
.eakness ma- 7e sim+lated in order to l+re him onQ 7+t if
inferior/ he m+st 7e led to 7elie1e that .e are stron,/ in order
that he ma- keep off( 9n fa*t/ all the enem-Ns mo1ements sho+ld
7e determined 7- the si,ns that .e *hoose to ,i1e him(H Note the, ane*dote of S+n Pin/ a des*endent of S+n )+: 9n 3!1
B($(/ the $hVi State 7ein, at .ar .ith )ei/ sent TVien $hi and
S+n Pin a,ainst the ,eneral PVan, $h+an/ .ho happened to 7e a
deadl- personal enem- of the later( S+n Pin said: HThe $hVi
State has a rep+tation for *o.ardi*e/ and therefore o+r ad1ersar-
despises +s( &et +s t+rn this *ir*+mstan*e to a**o+nt(H
'**ordin,l-/ .hen the arm- had *rossed the 7order into )ei
territor-/ he ,a1e orders to sho. 100/000 fires on the first
ni,ht/ 0/000 on the ne0t/ and the ni,ht after onl- 20/000(
PVan, $h+an p+rs+ed them hotl-/ sa-in, to himself: H9 kne. these
men of $hVi .ere *o.ards: their n+m7ers ha1e alread- fallen a.a-
7- more than half(H 9n his retreat/ S+n Pin *ame to a narro.
defile/ .ith he *al*+lated that his p+rs+ers .o+ld rea*h after
dark( 8ere he had a tree stripped of its 7ark/ and ins*ri7ed
+pon it the .ords: HCnder this tree shall PVan, $h+an die(H
Then/ as ni,ht 7e,an to fall/ he pla*ed a stron, 7od- of ar*hers
in am7+sh near 7-/ .ith orders to shoot dire*tl- the- sa. a
li,ht( &ater on/ PVan, $h+an arri1ed at the spot/ and noti*in,
the tree/ str+*k a li,ht in order to read .hat .as .ritten on it(
8is 7od- .as immediatel- riddled 7- a 1olle- of arro.s/ and his
.hole arm- thro.n into *onf+sion( ?The a7o1e is T+ >+Ns 1ersion
of the stor-Q the S898 $89/ less dramati*all- 7+t pro7a7l- .ith
more histori*al tr+th/ makes PVan, $h+an *+t his o.n throat .ith
an e0*lamation of despair/ after the ro+t of his arm-(A A

8e sa*rifi*es somethin,/ that the enem- ma- snat*h at it(

20( B- holdin, o+t 7aits/ he keeps him on the mar*hQ then
.ith a 7od- of pi*ked men he lies in .ait for him(

?)ith an emendation s+,,ested 7- &i $hin,/ this then reads/
H8e lies in .ait .ith the main 7od- of his troops(HA

21( The *le1er *om7atant looks to the effe*t of *om7ined
ener,-/ and does not reP+ire too m+*h from indi1id+als(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H8e first of all *onsiders the of his
arm- in the 7+lkQ after.ards he takes indi1id+al talent into
a**o+nt/ and +ses ea*h men a**ordin, to his *apa7ilities( 8e
does not demand perfe*tion from the +ntalented(HA

8en*e his a7ilit- to pi*k o+t the ri,ht men and +tili;e *om7ined
22( )hen he +tili;es *om7ined ener,-/ his fi,htin, men
7e*ome as it .ere like +nto rollin, lo,s or stones( 3or it is
the nat+re of a lo, or stone to remain motionless on le1el
,ro+nd/ and to mo1e .hen on a slopeQ if fo+r-*ornered/ to *ome to
a standstill/ 7+t if ro+nd-shaped/ to ,o rollin, do.n(

?TsVa+ S+n, *alls this Hthe +se of nat+ral or inherent

23( Th+s the ener,- de1eloped 7- ,ood fi,htin, men is as
the moment+m of a ro+nd stone rolled do.n a mo+ntain tho+sands
of feet in hei,ht( So m+*h on the s+7je*t of ener,-(

?The *hief lesson of this *hapter/ in T+ >+Ns opinion/ is
the paramo+nt importan*e in .ar of rapid e1ol+tions and s+dden
r+shes( H:reat res+lts/H he adds/ H*an th+s 7e a*hie1ed .ith
small for*es(HA

?1A H3ort--one Mears in 9ndia/H *hapter !#(


49( )5'S PB9NTS 'N% ST6BN:

?$han, M+ attempts to e0plain the seP+en*e of *hapters as
follo.s: H$hapter 94/ on Ta*ti*al %ispositions/ treated of the
offensi1e and the defensi1eQ *hapter 4/ on 5ner,-/ dealt .ith
dire*t and indire*t methods( The ,ood ,eneral a*P+aints himself
first .ith the theor- of atta*k and defense/ and then t+rns his
attention to dire*t and indire*t methods( 8e st+dies the art of
1ar-in, and *om7inin, these t.o methods 7efore pro*eedin, to the
s+7je*t of .eak and stron, points( 3or the +se of dire*t or
indire*t methods arises o+t of atta*k and defense/ and the
per*eption of .eak and stron, points depends a,ain on the a7o1e
methods( 8en*e the present *hapter *omes immediatel- after the
*hapter on 5ner,-(HA

1( S+n T;+ said: )hoe1er is first in the field and a.aits
the *omin, of the enem-/ .ill 7e fresh for the fi,htQ .hoe1er is
se*ond in the field and has to hasten to 7attle .ill arri1e
2( Therefore the *le1er *om7atant imposes his .ill on the
enem-/ 7+t does not allo. the enem-Ns .ill to 7e imposed on him(

?Bne mark of a ,reat soldier is that he fi,ht on his o.n
terms or fi,hts not at all( ?1A A

3( B- holdin, o+t ad1anta,es to him/ he *an *a+se the enem-
to approa*h of his o.n a**ordQ or/ 7- infli*tin, dama,e/ he *an
make it impossi7le for the enem- to dra. near(

?9n the first *ase/ he .ill enti*e him .ith a 7aitQ in the
se*ond/ he .ill strike at some important point .hi*h the enem-
.ill ha1e to defend(A

!( 9f the enem- is takin, his ease/ he *an harass himQ

?This passa,e ma- 7e *ited as e1iden*e a,ainst >ei Mao-
$hVenNs interpretation of 9( ss( 23(A

if .ell s+pplied .ith food/ he *an star1e him o+tQ if P+ietl-
en*amped/ he *an for*e him to mo1e(
( 'ppear at points .hi*h the enem- m+st hasten to defendQ
mar*h s.iftl- to pla*es .here -o+ are not e0pe*ted(
#( 'n arm- ma- mar*h ,reat distan*es .itho+t distress/ if
it mar*hes thro+,h *o+ntr- .here the enem- is not(

?TsVao S+n, s+ms +p 1er- .ell: H5mer,e from the 1oid ?P(d(
like Ha 7olt from the 7l+eHA/ strike at 1+lnera7le points/ sh+n
pla*es that are defended/ atta*k in +ne0pe*ted P+arters(HA

7( Mo+ *an 7e s+re of s+**eedin, in -o+r atta*ks if -o+
onl- atta*k pla*es .hi*h are +ndefended(

?)an, 8si e0plains H+ndefended pla*esH as H.eak pointsQ that
is to sa-/ .here the ,eneral is la*kin, in *apa*it-/ or the
soldiers in spiritQ .here the .alls are not stron, eno+,h/ or the
pre*a+tions not stri*t eno+,hQ .here relief *omes too late/ or
pro1isions are too s*ant-/ or the defenders are 1arian*e amon,st

Mo+ *an ens+re the safet- of -o+r defense if -o+ onl- hold
positions that *annot 7e atta*ked(

?9(e(/ .here there are none of the .eak points mentioned
a7o1e( There is rather a ni*e point in1ol1ed in the
interpretation of this later *la+se( T+ >+/ $hVen 8ao/ and >ei
Mao-*hVen ass+me the meanin, to 7e: H9n order to make -o+r
defense P+ite safe/ -o+ m+st defend 545N those pla*es that are
not likel- to 7e atta*kedQH and T+ >+ adds: H8o. m+*h more/
then/ those that .ill 7e atta*ked(H Taken th+s/ ho.e1er/ the
*la+se 7alan*es less .ell .ith the pre*edin,--al.a-s a
*onsideration in the hi,hl- antitheti*al st-le .hi*h is nat+ral
to the $hinese( $han, M+/ therefore/ seems to *ome nearer the
mark in sa-in,: H8e .ho is skilled in atta*k flashes forth from
the topmost hei,hts of hea1en ?see 94( ss( 7A/ makin, it
impossi7le for the enem- to ,+ard a,ainst him( This 7ein, so/
the pla*es that 9 shall atta*k are pre*isel- those that the enem-
*annot defend(((( 8e .ho is skilled in defense hides in the most
se*ret re*esses of the earth/ makin, it impossi7le for the enem-
to estimate his .herea7o+ts( This 7ein, so/ the pla*es that 9
shall hold are pre*isel- those that the enem- *annot atta*k(HA

"( 8en*e that ,eneral is skillf+l in atta*k .hose opponent
does not kno. .hat to defendQ and he is skillf+l in defense .hose
opponent does not kno. .hat to atta*k(

?'n aphorism .hi*h p+ts the .hole art of .ar in a n+tshell(A

9( B di1ine art of s+7tlet- and se*re*-G Thro+,h -o+ .e
learn to 7e in1isi7le/ thro+,h -o+ ina+di7leQ

?&iterall-/ H.itho+t form or so+nd/H 7+t it is said of
*o+rse .ith referen*e to the enem-(A

and hen*e .e *an hold the enem-Ns fate in o+r hands(
10( Mo+ ma- ad1an*e and 7e a7sol+tel- irresisti7le/ if -o+
make for the enem-Ns .eak pointsQ -o+ ma- retire and 7e safe from
p+rs+it if -o+r mo1ements are more rapid than those of the enem-(
11( 9f .e .ish to fi,ht/ the enem- *an 7e for*ed to an
en,a,ement e1en tho+,h he 7e sheltered 7ehind a hi,h rampart and
a deep dit*h( 'll .e need do is atta*k some other pla*e that he
.ill 7e o7li,ed to relie1e(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H9f the enem- is the in1adin, part-/ .e *an
*+t his line of *omm+ni*ations and o**+p- the roads 7- .hi*h he
.ill ha1e to ret+rnQ if .e are the in1aders/ .e ma- dire*t o+r
atta*k a,ainst the so1erei,n himself(H 9t is *lear that S+n T;+/
+nlike *ertain ,enerals in the late Boer .ar/ .as no 7elie1er in
frontal atta*ks(A

12( 9f .e do not .ish to fi,ht/ .e *an pre1ent the enem-
from en,a,in, +s e1en tho+,h the lines of o+r en*ampment 7e
merel- tra*ed o+t on the ,ro+nd( 'll .e need do is to thro.
somethin, odd and +na**o+nta7le in his .a-(

?This e0tremel- *on*ise e0pression is intelli,i7l-
paraphrased 7- $hia &in: He1en tho+,h .e ha1e *onstr+*ted
neither .all nor dit*h(H &i $hV+an sa-s: H.e p+;;le him 7-
stran,e and +n+s+al dispositionsQH and T+ >+ finall- *lin*hes the
meanin, 7- three ill+strati1e ane*dotes--one of $h+-ko &ian,/ .ho
.hen o**+p-in, Man,-pVin, and a7o+t to 7e atta*ked 7- Ss+-ma 9/
s+ddenl- str+*k his *olors/ stopped the 7eatin, of the dr+ms/ and
fl+n, open the *it- ,ates/, onl- a fe. men en,a,ed in
s.eepin, and sprinklin, the ,ro+nd( This +ne0pe*ted pro*eedin,
had the intended effe*tQ for Ss+-ma 9/ s+spe*tin, an am7+sh/
a*t+all- dre. off his arm- and retreated( )hat S+n T;+ is
ad1o*atin, here/ therefore/ is nothin, more nor less than the
timel- +se of H7l+ff(HA

13( B- dis*o1erin, the enem-Ns dispositions and remainin,
in1isi7le o+rsel1es/ .e *an keep o+r for*es *on*entrated/ .hile
the enem-Ns m+st 7e di1ided(

?The *on*l+sion is perhaps not 1er- o71io+s/ 7+t $han, M+
<after >ei Mao-*hVen= ri,htl- e0plains it th+s: H9f the enem-Ns
dispositions are 1isi7le/ .e *an make for him in one 7od-Q
.hereas/ o+r o.n dispositions 7ein, kept se*ret/ the enem- .ill
7e o7li,ed to di1ide his for*es in order to ,+ard a,ainst atta*k
from e1er- P+arter(HA

1!( )e *an form a sin,le +nited 7od-/ .hile the enem- m+st
split +p into fra*tions( 8en*e there .ill 7e a .hole pitted
a,ainst separate parts of a .hole/ .hi*h means that .e shall 7e
man- to the enem-Ns fe.(
1( 'nd if .e are a7le th+s to atta*k an inferior for*e
.ith a s+perior one/ o+r opponents .ill 7e in dire straits(
1#( The spot .here .e intend to fi,ht m+st not 7e made
kno.nQ for then the enem- .ill ha1e to prepare a,ainst a possi7le
atta*k at se1eral different pointsQ

?Sheridan on*e e0plained the reason of :eneral :rantNs
1i*tories 7- sa-in, that H.hile his opponents .ere kept f+ll-
emplo-ed .onderin, .hat he .as ,oin, to do/ 85 .as thinkin, most
of .hat he .as ,oin, to do himself(HA

and his for*es 7ein, th+s distri7+ted in man- dire*tions/ the
n+m7ers .e shall ha1e to fa*e at an- ,i1en point .ill 7e
proportionatel- fe.(
17( 3or sho+ld the enem- stren,then his 1an/ he .ill .eaken
his rearQ sho+ld he stren,then his rear/ he .ill .eaken his 1anQ
sho+ld he stren,then his left/ he .ill .eaken his ri,htQ sho+ld
he stren,then his ri,ht/ he .ill .eaken his left( 9f he sends
reinfor*ements he .ill 7e .eak(

?9n 3rederi*k the :reatNs 9NST6C$T9BNS TB 89S :5N56'&S .e
read: H' defensi1e .ar is apt to 7etra- +s into too freP+ent
deta*hment( Those ,enerals .ho ha1e had 7+t little e0perien*e
attempt to prote*t e1er- point/ .hile those .ho are 7etter
a*P+ainted .ith their profession/ ha1in, onl- the *apital o7je*t
in 1ie./ ,+ard a,ainst a de*isi1e 7lo./ and a*P+ies*e in small
misfort+nes to a1oid ,reater(HA

1"( N+meri*al .eakness *omes from ha1in, to prepare a,ainst
possi7le atta*ksQ n+meri*al stren,th/ from *ompellin, o+r
ad1ersar- to make these preparations a,ainst +s(

?The hi,hest ,eneralship/ in $ol( 8endersonNs .ords/ is Hto
*ompel the enem- to disperse his arm-/ and then to *on*entrate
s+perior for*e a,ainst ea*h fra*tion in t+rn(HA

19(, the pla*e and the time of the *omin, 7attle/ .e
ma- *on*entrate from the ,reatest distan*es in order to fi,ht(

?)hat S+n T;+ e1identl- has in mind is that ni*e *al*+lation
of distan*es and that masterl- emplo-ment of strate,- .hi*h
ena7le a ,eneral to di1ide his arm- for the p+rpose of a lon, and
rapid mar*h/ and after.ards to effe*t a j+n*tion at pre*isel- the
ri,ht spot and the ri,ht ho+r in order to *onfront the enem- in
o1er.helmin, stren,th( 'mon, man- s+*h s+**essf+l j+n*tions
.hi*h militar- histor- re*ords/ one of the most dramati* and
de*isi1e .as the appearan*e of Bl+*her j+st at the *riti*al
moment on the field of )aterloo(A

20( B+t if neither time nor pla*e 7e kno.n/ then the left
.in, .ill 7e impotent to s+**or the ri,ht/ the ri,ht eP+all-
impotent to s+**or the left/ the 1an +na7le to relie1e the rear/
or the rear to s+pport the 1an( 8o. m+*h more so if the f+rthest
portions of the arm- are an-thin, +nder a h+ndred &9 apart/ and
e1en the nearest are separated 7- se1eral &9G

?The $hinese of this last senten*e is a little la*kin, in
pre*ision/ 7+t the mental pi*t+re .e are reP+ired to dra. is
pro7a7l- that of an arm- ad1an*in, to.ards a ,i1en rende;1o+s in
separate *ol+mns/ ea*h of .hi*h has orders to 7e there on a fi0ed
date( 9f the ,eneral allo.s the 1ario+s deta*hments to pro*eed
at hapha;ard/ .itho+t pre*ise instr+*tions as to the time and
pla*e of meetin,/ the enem- .ill 7e a7le to annihilate the arm-
in detail( $han, M+Ns note ma- 7e .orth P+otin, here: H9f .e do
not kno. the pla*e .here o+r opponents mean to *on*entrate or the
da- on .hi*h the- .ill join 7attle/ o+r +nit- .ill 7e forfeited
thro+,h o+r preparations for defense/ and the positions .e hold
.ill 7e inse*+re( S+ddenl- happenin, +pon a po.erf+l foe/ .e
shall 7e 7ro+,ht to 7attle in a fl+rried *ondition/ and no m+t+al
s+pport .ill 7e possi7le 7et.een .in,s/ 1an,+ard or rear/
espe*iall- if there is an- ,reat distan*e 7et.een the foremost
and hindmost di1isions of the arm-(HA

21( Tho+,h a**ordin, to m- estimate the soldiers of M+eh
e0*eed o+r o.n in n+m7er/ that shall ad1anta,e them nothin, in
the matter of 1i*tor-( 9 sa- then that 1i*tor- *an 7e a*hie1ed(

?'las for these 7ra1e .ordsG The lon, fe+d 7et.een the t.o
states ended in !73 B($( .ith the total defeat of )+ 7- So+ $hien
and its in*orporation in M+eh( This .as do+7tless lon, after S+n
T;+Ns death( )ith his present assertion *ompare 94( ss( !(
$han, M+ is the onl- one to point o+t the seemin, dis*repan*-/
.hi*h he th+s ,oes on to e0plain: H9n the *hapter on Ta*ti*al
%ispositions it is said/ NBne ma- SNB) ho. to *onP+er .itho+t
7ein, a7le to %B it/N .hereas here .e ha1e the statement that
N1i*tor-N *an 7e a*hie1ed(N The e0planation is/ that in the
former *hapter/ .here the offensi1e and defensi1e are +nder
dis*+ssion/ it is said that if the enem- is f+ll- prepared/ one
*annot make *ertain of 7eatin, him( B+t the present passa,e
refers parti*+larl- to the soldiers of M+eh .ho/ a**ordin, to S+n
T;+Ns *al*+lations/ .ill 7e kept in i,noran*e of the time and
pla*e of the impendin, str+,,le( That is .h- he sa-s here that
1i*tor- *an 7e a*hie1ed(HA

22( Tho+,h the enem- 7e stron,er in n+m7ers/ .e ma- pre1ent
him from fi,htin,( S*heme so as to dis*o1er his plans and the
likelihood of their s+**ess(

?'n alternati1e readin, offered 7- $hia &in is: HSno.
7eforehand all plans *ond+*i1e to o+r s+**ess and to the enem-Ns

23( 6o+se him/ and learn the prin*iple of his a*ti1it- or

?$han, M+ tells +s that 7- notin, the jo- or an,er sho.n 7-
the enem- on 7ein, th+s dist+r7ed/ .e shall 7e a7le to *on*l+de
.hether his poli*- is to lie lo. or the re1erse( 8e instan*es
the a*tion of $ho-k+ &ian,/ .ho sent the s*ornf+l present of a
.omanNs head-dress to Ss+-ma 9/ in order to ,oad him o+t of his
3a7ian ta*ti*s(A

3or*e him to re1eal himself/ so as to find o+t his 1+lnera7le
2!( $aref+ll- *ompare the opposin, arm- .ith -o+r o.n/ so
that -o+ ma- kno. .here stren,th is s+pera7+ndant and .here it is

?$f( 94( ss( #(A

2( 9n makin, ta*ti*al dispositions/ the hi,hest pit*h -o+
*an attain is to *on*eal themQ

?The piP+an*- of the parado0 e1aporates in translation(
$on*ealment is perhaps not so m+*h a*t+al in1isi7ilit- <see s+pra
ss( 9= as, no si,nH of .hat -o+ mean to do/ of the plans
that are formed in -o+r 7rain(A

*on*eal -o+r dispositions/ and -o+ .ill 7e safe from the pr-in,
of the s+7tlest spies/ from the ma*hinations of the .isest

?T+ >+ e0plains: HTho+,h the enem- ma- ha1e *le1er and
*apa7le offi*ers/ the- .ill not 7e a7le to la- an- plans a,ainst

2#( 8o. 1i*tor- ma- 7e prod+*ed for them o+t of the enem-Ns
o.n ta*ti*s--that is .hat the m+ltit+de *annot *omprehend(
27( 'll men *an see the ta*ti*s .here7- 9 *onP+er/ 7+t .hat
none *an see is the strate,- o+t of .hi*h 1i*tor- is e1ol1ed(

?9(e(/ e1er-7od- *an see s+perfi*iall- ho. a 7attle is .onQ
.hat the- *annot see is the lon, series of plans and *om7inations
.hi*h has pre*eded the 7attle(A

2"( %o not repeat the ta*ti*s .hi*h ha1e ,ained -o+ one
1i*tor-/ 7+t let -o+r methods 7e re,+lated 7- the infinite
1ariet- of *ir*+mstan*es(

?'s )an, 8si sa,el- remarks: HThere is 7+t one root-
prin*iple +nderl-in, 1i*tor-/ 7+t the ta*ti*s .hi*h lead +p to it
are infinite in n+m7er(H )ith this *ompare $ol( 8enderson: HThe
r+les of strate,- are fe. and simple( The- ma- 7e learned in a
.eek( The- ma- 7e ta+,ht 7- familiar ill+strations or a do;en
dia,rams( B+t s+*h kno.led,e .ill no more tea*h a man to lead an
arm- like Napoleon than a kno.led,e of ,rammar .ill tea*h him to
.rite like :i77on(HA

29( >ilitar- ta*ti*s are like +nto .aterQ for .ater in its
nat+ral *o+rse r+ns a.a- from hi,h pla*es and hastens do.n.ards(
30( So in .ar/ the .a- is to a1oid .hat is stron, and to
strike at .hat is .eak(

?&ike .ater/ takin, the line of least resistan*e(A

31( )ater shapes its *o+rse a**ordin, to the nat+re of the
,ro+nd o1er .hi*h it flo.sQ the soldier .orks o+t his 1i*tor- in
relation to the foe .hom he is fa*in,(
32( Therefore/ j+st as .ater retains no *onstant shape/ so
in .arfare there are no *onstant *onditions(
33( 8e .ho *an modif- his ta*ti*s in relation to his
opponent and there7- s+**eed in .innin,/ ma- 7e *alled a hea1en-
7orn *aptain(
3!( The fi1e elements <.ater/ fire/ .ood/ metal/ earth= are
not al.a-s eP+all- predominantQ

?That is/ as )an, 8si sa-s: Hthe- predominate

the fo+r seasons make .a- for ea*h other in t+rn(

?&iterall-/ Hha1e no in1aria7le seat(HA

There are short da-s and lon,Q the moon has its periods of .anin,
and .a0in,(

?$f( 4( ss( #( The p+rport of the passa,e is simpl- to
ill+strate the .ant of fi0it- in .ar 7- the *han,es *onstantl-
takin, pla*e in Nat+re( The *omparison is not 1er- happ-/
ho.e1er/ 7e*a+se the re,+larit- of the phenomena .hi*h S+n T;+
mentions is 7- no means paralleled in .ar(A

?1A See $ol( 8endersonNs 7io,raph- of Stone.all Oa*kson/ 1902
ed(/ 1ol( 99/ p( !90(


499( >'N5C4569N:

1( S+n T;+ said: 9n .ar/ the ,eneral re*ei1es his *ommands
from the so1erei,n(
2( 8a1in, *olle*ted an arm- and *on*entrated his for*es/ he
m+st 7lend and harmoni;e the different elements thereof 7efore
pit*hin, his *amp(

?H$han, M+ sa-s: Hthe esta7lishment of harmon- and
*onfiden*e 7et.een the hi,her and ranks 7efore 1ent+rin,
into the fieldQH and he P+otes a sa-in, of )+ T;+ <*hap( 1 ad
init(=: H)itho+t harmon- in the State/ no militar- e0pedition
*an 7e +ndertakenQ .itho+t harmon- in the arm-/ no 7attle arra-
*an 7e formed(H 9n an histori*al roman*e S+n T;+ is represented
as sa-in, to )+ M+an: H's a ,eneral r+le/ those .ho are .a,in,
.ar sho+ld ,et rid of all the domesti* tro+7les 7efore pro*eedin,
to atta*k the e0ternal foe(HA

3( 'fter that/ *omes ta*ti*al mane+1erin,/ than .hi*h there
is nothin, more diffi*+lt(

?9 ha1e departed sli,htl- from the traditional
interpretation of TsVao S+n,/ .ho sa-s: H3rom the time of
re*ei1in, the so1erei,nNs instr+*tions +ntil o+r en*ampment o1er
a,ainst the enem-/ the ta*ti*s to 7e p+rs+ed are most diffi*+lt(H
9t seems to me that the ta*ti*s or mane+1ers *an hardl- 7e said
to 7e,in +ntil the arm- has sallied forth and en*amped/ and
$hVien 8aoNs note ,i1es *olor to this 1ie.: H3or le1-in,/
*on*entratin,/ harmoni;in, and entren*hin, an arm-/ there are
plent- of old r+les .hi*h .ill ser1e( The real diffi*+lt- *omes
.hen .e en,a,e in ta*ti*al operations(H T+ M+ also o7ser1es that
Hthe ,reat diffi*+lt- is to 7e 7eforehand .ith the enem- in
sei;in, fa1ora7le position(HA

The diffi*+lt- of ta*ti*al mane+1erin, *onsists in t+rnin, the
de1io+s into the dire*t/ and misfort+ne into ,ain(

?This senten*e *ontains one of those hi,hl- *ondensed and
some.hat eni,mati*al e0pressions of .hi*h S+n T;+ is so fond(
This is ho. it is e0plained 7- TsVao S+n,: H>ake it appear that
-o+ are a lon, .a- off/ then *o1er the distan*e rapidl- and
arri1e on the s*ene 7efore -o+r opponent(H T+ >+ sa-s: the enem-/ so that he ma- 7e remiss and leis+rel- .hile
-o+ are dashin, alon, .ith +tmost speed(H 8o Shih ,i1es a
sli,htl- different t+rn: H'ltho+,h -o+ ma- ha1e diffi*+lt ,ro+nd
to tra1erse and nat+ral o7sta*les to en*o+nter this is a dra.7a*k
.hi*h *an 7e t+rned into a*t+al ad1anta,e 7- *elerit- of
mo1ement(H Si,nal e0amples of this sa-in, are afforded 7- the
t.o famo+s passa,es a*ross the 'lps--that of 8anni7al/ .hi*h laid
9tal- at his mer*-/ and that of Napoleon t.o tho+sand -ears
later/ .hi*h res+lted in the ,reat 1i*tor- of >aren,o(A

!( Th+s/ to take a lon, and *ir*+ito+s ro+te/ after
enti*in, the enem- o+t of the .a-/ and tho+,h startin, after him/
to *ontri1e to rea*h the ,oal 7efore him/ sho.s kno.led,e of the
artifi*e of %549'T9BN(

?T+ >+ *ites the famo+s mar*h of $hao She in 270 B($( to
relie1e the to.n of B--+/ .hi*h .as *losel- in1ested 7- a $hVin
arm-( The Sin, of $hao first *ons+lted &ien PVo on the
ad1isa7ilit- of attemptin, a relief/ 7+t the latter tho+,ht the
distan*e too ,reat/ and the inter1enin, *o+ntr- too r+,,ed and
diffi*+lt( 8is >ajest- then t+rned to $hao She/ .ho f+ll-
admitted the ha;ardo+s nat+re of the mar*h/ 7+t finall- said:
H)e shall 7e like t.o rats fi,htin, in a .hole--and the pl+*kier
one .ill .inGH So he left the *apital .ith his arm-/ 7+t had
onl- ,one a distan*e of 30 &9 .hen he stopped and 7e,an, +p entren*hments( 3or 2" da-s he *ontin+ed
stren,thenin, his fortifi*ations/ and took *are that spies sho+ld
*arr- the intelli,en*e to the enem-( The $hVin ,eneral .as
o1erjo-ed/ and attri7+ted his ad1ersar-Ns tardiness to the fa*t
that the 7elea,+ered *it- .as in the 8an State/ and th+s not
a*t+all- part of $hao territor-( B+t the spies had no sooner
departed than $hao She 7e,an a for*ed mar*h lastin, for t.o da-s
and one ni,ht/ and arri1e on the s*ene of a*tion .ith s+*h
astonishin, rapidit- that he .as a7le to o**+p- a *ommandin,
position on the HNorth hillH 7efore the enem- had ,ot .ind of his
mo1ements( ' *r+shin, defeat follo.ed for the $hVin for*es/ .ho
.ere o7li,ed to raise the sie,e of B--+ in all haste and retreat
a*ross the 7order(A

( >ane+1erin, .ith an arm- is ad1anta,eo+sQ .ith an
+ndis*iplined m+ltit+de/ most dan,ero+s(

?9 adopt the readin, of the TVCN: T95N/ $hen, M+-hsien and
the TVC S8C/ sin*e the- appear to appl- the e0a*t n+an*e reP+ired
in order to make sense( The *ommentators +sin, the standard te0t
take this line to mean that mane+1ers ma- 7e profita7le/ or the-
ma- 7e dan,ero+s: it all depends on the a7ilit- of the ,eneral(A

#( 9f -o+ set a f+ll- eP+ipped arm- in mar*h in order to
snat*h an ad1anta,e/ the *han*es are that -o+ .ill 7e too late(
Bn the other hand/ to deta*h a fl-in, *ol+mn for the p+rpose
in1ol1es the sa*rifi*e of its 7a,,a,e and stores(

?Some of the $hinese te0t is +nintelli,i7le to the $hinese
*ommentators/ .ho paraphrase the senten*e( 9 s+7mit m- o.n
renderin, .itho+t m+*h enth+siasm/ 7ein, *on1in*ed that there is
some deep-seated *orr+ption in the te0t( Bn the .hole/ it is
*lear that S+n T;+ does not appro1e of a len,th- mar*h 7ein,
+ndertaken .itho+t s+pplies( $f( infra/ ss( 11(A

7( Th+s/ if -o+ order -o+r men to roll +p their 7+ff-*oats/
and make for*ed mar*hes .itho+t haltin, da- or ni,ht/ *o1erin,
do+7le the +s+al distan*e at a stret*h/

?The ordinar- da-Ns mar*h/ a**ordin, to T+ >+/ .as 30 &9Q
7+t on one o**asion/ .hen p+rs+in, &i+ Pei/ TsVao TsVao is said
to ha1e *o1ered the in*redi7le distan*e of 300 UliU .ithin
t.ent--fo+r ho+rs(A

doin, a h+ndred &9 in order to .rest an ad1anta,e/ the leaders of
all -o+r three di1isions .ill fall into the hands of the enem-(
"( The stron,er men .ill 7e in front/ the jaded ones .ill
fall 7ehind/ and on this plan onl- one-tenth of -o+r arm- .ill
rea*h its destination(

?The moral is/ as TsVao S+n, and others point o+t: %onNt
mar*h a h+ndred &9 to ,ain a ta*ti*al ad1anta,e/ either .ith or
.itho+t impedimenta( >ane+1ers of this des*ription sho+ld 7e
*onfined to short distan*es( Stone.all Oa*kson said: HThe
hardships of for*ed mar*hes are often more painf+l than the
dan,ers of 7attle(H 8e did not often *all +pon his troops for
e0traordinar- e0ertions( 9t .as onl- .hen he intended a
s+rprise/ or .hen a rapid retreat .as imperati1e/ that he
sa*rifi*ed e1er-thin, for speed( ?1A A

9( 9f -o+ mar*h fift- &9 in order to o+tmane+1er the enem-/
-o+ .ill lose the leader of -o+r first di1ision/ and onl- half
-o+r for*e .ill rea*h the ,oal(

?&iterall-/ Hthe leader of the first di1ision .ill 7e
TB6N ')'M(HA

10( 9f -o+ mar*h thirt- &9 .ith the same o7je*t/ t.o-thirds
of -o+r arm- .ill arri1e(

?9n the TVCN: T95N is added: H3rom this .e ma- kno. the
diffi*+lt- of mane+1erin,(HA

11( )e ma- take it then that an arm- .itho+t its 7a,,a,e-
train is lostQ .itho+t pro1isions it is lostQ .itho+t 7ases of
s+ppl- it is lost(

?9 think S+n T;+ meant Hstores a**+m+lated in depots(H B+t
T+ M+ sa-s Hfodder and the like/H $han, M+ sa-s H:oods in
,eneral/H and )an, 8si sa-s Hf+el/ salt/ foodst+ffs/ et*(HA

12( )e *annot enter into allian*es +ntil .e are a*P+ainted
.ith the desi,ns of o+r nei,h7ors(
13( )e are not fit to lead an arm- on the mar*h +nless .e
are familiar .ith the fa*e of the *o+ntr---its mo+ntains and
forests/ its pitfalls and pre*ipi*es/ its marshes and s.amps(
1!( )e shall 7e +na7le to t+rn nat+ral ad1anta,e to a**o+nt
+nless .e make +se of lo*al ,+ides(

?ss( 12-1! are repeated in *hap( K9( ss( 2(A

1( 9n .ar/ pra*ti*e dissim+lation/ and -o+ .ill s+**eed(

?9n the ta*ti*s of T+renne/ de*eption of the enem-/
espe*iall- as to the n+meri*al stren,th of his troops/ took a
1er- prominent position( ?2A A

1#( )hether to *on*entrate or to di1ide -o+r troops/ m+st
7e de*ided 7- *ir*+mstan*es(
17( &et -o+r rapidit- 7e that of the .ind/

?The simile is do+7l- appropriate/ 7e*a+se the .ind is not
onl- s.ift 7+t/ as >ei Mao-*hVen points o+t/ Hin1isi7le and
lea1es no tra*ks(HA

-o+r *ompa*tness that of the forest(

?>en, Shih *omes nearer to the mark in his note: H)hen
slo.l- mar*hin,/ order and ranks m+st 7e preser1edH--so as to
,+ard a,ainst s+rprise atta*ks( B+t nat+ral forest do not ,ro.
in ro.s/ .hereas the- do ,enerall- possess the P+alit- of densit-
or *ompa*tness(A

1"( 9n raidin, and pl+nderin, 7e like fire/

?$f( S898 $89N:/ 94( 3( i1( #: H3ier*e as a 7la;in, fire
.hi*h no man *an *he*k(HA

is immo1a7ilit- like a mo+ntain(

?That is/ .hen holdin, a position from .hi*h the enem- is
tr-in, to dislod,e -o+/ or perhaps/ as T+ M+ sa-s/ .hen he is
tr-in, to enti*e -o+ into a trap(A

19( &et -o+r plans 7e dark and impenetra7le as ni,ht/ and
.hen -o+ mo1e/ fall like a th+nder7olt(

?T+ M+ P+otes a sa-in, of TVai S+n, .hi*h has passed into a
pro1er7: HMo+ *annot sh+t -o+r ears to the th+nder or -o+r e-es
to the li,htin,--so rapid are the-(H &ike.ise/ an atta*k sho+ld
7e made so P+i*kl- that it *annot 7e parried(A

20( )hen -o+ pl+nder a *o+ntr-side/ let the spoil 7e
di1ided amon,st -o+r menQ

?S+n T;+ .ishes to lessen the a7+ses of indis*riminate
pl+nderin, 7- insistin, that all 7oot- shall 7e thro.n into a
*ommon sto*k/ .hi*h ma- after.ards 7e fairl- di1ided amon,st

.hen -o+ *apt+re ne. territor-/ *+t it +p into allotments for the
7enefit of the soldier-(

?$hVen 8ao sa-s HP+arter -o+r soldiers on the land/ and let
them so. and plant it(H 9t is 7- a*tin, on this prin*iple/ and
har1estin, the lands the- in1aded/ that the $hinese ha1e
s+**eeded in *arr-in, o+t some of their most memora7le and
tri+mphant e0peditions/ s+*h as that of Pan $hVao .ho penetrated
to the $aspian/ and in more re*ent -ears/ those of 3+-kVan,-an
and Tso Ts+n,-tVan,(A

21( Ponder and deli7erate 7efore -o+ make a mo1e(

?$han, M+ P+otes )ei &iao T;+ as sa-in, that .e m+st not
7reak *amp +ntil .e ha1e ,ained the resistin, of the enem-
and the *le1erness of the opposin, ,eneral( $f( the Hse1en
*omparisonsH in 9( ss( 13(A

22( 8e .ill *onP+er .ho has learnt the artifi*e of

?See s+pra/ SS( 3/ !(A

S+*h is the art of mane+1erin,(

?)ith these .ords/ the *hapter .o+ld nat+rall- *ome to an
end( B+t there no. follo.s a lon, appendi0 in the shape of an
e0tra*t from an earlier 7ook on )ar/ no. lost/ 7+t apparentl-
e0tant at the time .hen S+n T;+ .rote( The st-le of this
fra,ment is not noti*ea7le different from that of S+n T;+
himself/ 7+t no *ommentator raises a do+7t as to its

23( The Book of 'rm- >ana,ement sa-s:

?9t is perhaps si,nifi*ant that none of the earlier
*ommentators ,i1e +s an- information a7o+t this .ork( >ei Mao-
$hVen *alls it Han an*ient militar- *lassi*/H and )an, 8si/ Han
old 7ook on .ar(H $onsiderin, the enormo+s amo+nt of fi,htin,
that had ,one on for *ent+ries 7efore S+n T;+Ns time 7et.een the
1ario+s kin,doms and prin*ipalities of $hina/ it is not in itself
impro7a7le that a *olle*tion of militar- ma0ims sho+ld ha1e 7een
made and .ritten do.n at some earlier period(A

Bn the field of 7attle/

?9mplied/ tho+,h not a*t+all- in the $hinese(A

the spoken .ord does not *arr- far eno+,h: hen*e the instit+tion
of ,on,s and dr+ms( Nor *an ordinar- o7je*ts 7e seen *learl-
eno+,h: hen*e the instit+tion of 7anners and fla,s(
2!( :on,s and dr+ms/ 7anners and fla,s/ are means .here7-
the ears and e-es of the host ma- 7e fo*+sed on one parti*+lar

?$han, M+ sa-s: H9f si,ht and hearin, *on1er,e
sim+ltaneo+sl- on the same o7je*t/ the e1ol+tions of as man- as a
million soldiers .ill 7e like those of a sin,le man(HGA

2( The host th+s formin, a sin,le +nited 7od-/ is it
impossi7le either for the 7ra1e to ad1an*e alone/ or for the
*o.ardl- to retreat alone(

?$h+an, M+ P+otes a sa-in,: H5P+all- ,+ilt- are those .ho
ad1an*e a,ainst orders and those .ho retreat a,ainst orders(H T+
>+ tells a stor- in this *onne*tion of )+ $hVi/ .hen he .as
fi,htin, a,ainst the $hVin State( Before the 7attle had 7e,+n/
one of his soldiers/ a man of mat*hless darin,/ sallied forth 7-
himself/ *apt+red t.o heads from the enem-/ and ret+rned to *amp(
)+ $hVi had the man instantl- e0e*+ted/ .here+pon an offi*er
1ent+red to remonstrate/ sa-in,: HThis man .as a ,ood soldier/
and o+,ht not to ha1e 7een 7eheaded(H )+ $hVi replied: H9 f+ll-
7elie1e he .as a ,ood soldier/ 7+t 9 had him 7eheaded 7e*a+se he
a*ted .itho+t orders(HA

This is the art of handlin, lar,e masses of men(
2#( 9n ni,ht-fi,htin,/ then/ make m+*h +se of si,nal-fires
and dr+ms/ and in fi,htin, 7- da-/ of fla,s and 7anners/ as a
means of infl+en*in, the ears and e-es of -o+r arm-(

?$hVen 8ao all+des to &i S+an,-piNs ni,ht ride to 8o--an, at
the head of 00 mo+nted menQ the- made s+*h an imposin, displa-
.ith tor*hes/ that tho+,h the re7el leader Shih Ss+-min, had a
lar,e arm-/ he did not dare to disp+te their passa,e(A

27( ' .hole arm- ma- 7e ro77ed of its spiritQ

?H9n .ar/H sa-s $han, M+/ Hif a spirit of an,er *an 7e made
to per1ade all ranks of an arm- at one and the same time/ its
onset .ill 7e irresisti7le( No. the spirit of the enem-Ns
soldiers .ill 7e keenest .hen the- ha1e ne.l- arri1ed on the
s*ene/ and it is therefore o+r *+e not to fi,ht at on*e/ 7+t to
.ait +ntil their ardor and enth+siasm ha1e .orn off/ and then
strike( 9t is in this .a- that the- ma- 7e ro77ed of their keen
spirit(H &i $hV+an and others tell an ane*dote <to 7e fo+nd in
the TSB $8C'N/ -ear 10/ ss( 1= of TsVao S+ei/ a prote,e of %+ke
$h+an, of &+( The latter State .as atta*ked 7- $hVi/ and the
d+ke .as a7o+t to join 7attle at $hVan,-*ho/ after the first roll
of the enem-Ns dr+ms/ .hen TsVao said: HNot j+st -et(H Bnl-
after their dr+ms had 7eaten for the third time/ did he ,i1e the
.ord for atta*k( Then the- fo+,ht/ and the men of $hVi .ere
+tterl- defeated( R+estioned after.ards 7- the %+ke as to the
meanin, of his dela-/ TsVao S+ei replied: H9n 7attle/ a
*o+ra,eo+s spirit is e1er-thin,( No. the first roll of the dr+m
tends to *reate this spirit/ 7+t .ith the se*ond it is alread- on
the .ane/ and after the third it is ,one alto,ether( 9 atta*ked
.hen their spirit .as ,one and o+rs .as at its hei,ht( 8en*e o+r
1i*tor-(H )+ T;+ <*hap( != p+ts HspiritH first amon, the Hfo+r
important infl+en*esH in .ar/ and *ontin+es: HThe 1al+e of a
.hole arm---a mi,ht- host of a million men--is dependent on one
man alone: s+*h is the infl+en*e of spiritGHA

a *ommander-in-*hief ma- 7e ro77ed of his presen*e of mind(

?$han, M+ sa-s: HPresen*e of mind is the ,eneralNs most
important asset( 9t is the P+alit- .hi*h ena7les him to
dis*ipline disorder and to inspire *o+ra,e into the pani*-
stri*ken(H The ,reat ,eneral &i $hin, <'(%( 71-#!9= has a
sa-in,: H'tta*kin, does not merel- *onsist in assa+ltin, .alled
*ities or strikin, at an arm- in 7attle arra-Q it m+st in*l+de
the art of assailin, the enem-Ns mental eP+ili7ri+m(HA

2"( No. a soliderNs spirit is keenest in the mornin,Q

?'l.a-s pro1ided/ 9 s+ppose/ that he has had 7reakfast( 't
the 7attle of the Tre7ia/ the 6omans .ere foolishl- allo.ed to
fi,ht fastin,/ .hereas 8anni7alNs men had 7reakfasted at
their leis+re( See &i1-/ KK9/ li1( "/ l1( 1 and "(A

7- noonda- it has 7e,+n to fla,Q and in the e1enin,/ his mind is
7ent onl- on ret+rnin, to *amp(
29( ' *le1er ,eneral/ therefore/ a1oids an arm- .hen its
spirit is keen/ 7+t atta*ks it .hen it is sl+,,ish and in*lined
to ret+rn( This is the art of st+d-in, moods(
30( %is*iplined and *alm/ to a.ait the appearan*e of
disorder and h+77+7 amon,st the enem-:--this is the art of
retainin, self-possession(
31( To 7e near the ,oal .hile the enem- is still far from
it/ to .ait at ease .hile the enem- is toilin, and str+,,lin,/ to
7e .ell-fed .hile the enem- is famished:--this is the art of
h+s7andin, oneNs stren,th(
32( To refrain from inter*eptin, an enem- .hose 7anners are
in perfe*t order/ to refrain from atta*kin, an arm- dra.n +p in
*alm and *onfident arra-:--this is the art of st+d-in,
33( 9t is a militar- a0iom not to ad1an*e +phill a,ainst
the enem-/ nor to oppose him .hen he *omes do.nhill(
3!( %o not p+rs+e an enem- .ho sim+lates fli,htQ do not
atta*k soldiers .hose temper is keen(
3( %o not s.allo. 7ait offered 7- the enem-(

?&i $hV+an and T+ >+/ .ith e0traordinar- ina7ilit- to see a
metaphor/ take these .ords P+ite literall- of food and drink that
ha1e 7een poisoned 7- the enem-( $hVen 8ao and $han, M+
*aref+ll- point o+t that the sa-in, has a .ider appli*ation(A

%o not interfere .ith an arm- that is ret+rnin, home(

?The *ommentators e0plain this rather sin,+lar pie*e of
ad1i*e 7- sa-in, that a man .hose heart is set on ret+rnin, home
.ill fi,ht to the death a,ainst an- attempt to 7ar his .a-/ and
is therefore too dan,ero+s an opponent to 7e ta*kled( $han, M+
P+otes the .ords of 8an 8sin: H9n1in*i7le is the soldier .ho
hath his desire and ret+rneth home.ards(H ' mar1elo+s tale is
told of TsVao TsVaoNs *o+ra,e and reso+r*e in *h( 1 of the S'N
SCB $89: 9n 19" '(%(/ he .as 7esie,in, $han, 8si+ in Oan,/ .hen
&i+ Piao sent reinfor*ements .ith a 1ie. to *+ttin, off TsVaoNs
retreat( The latter .as o7li,7ed to dra. off his troops/ onl- to
find himself hemmed in 7et.een t.o enemies/ .ho .ere ,+ardin,
ea*h o+tlet of a narro. pass in .hi*h he had en,a,ed himself( 9n
this desperate pli,ht TsVao .aited +ntil ni,htfall/ .hen he 7ored
a t+nnel into the mo+ntain side and laid an am7+sh in it( 's
soon as the .hole arm- had passed 7-/ the hidden troops fell on
his rear/ .hile TsVao himself t+rned and met his p+rs+ers in
front/ so that the- .ere thro.n into *onf+sion and annihilated(
TsVao TsVao said after.ards: HThe 7ri,ands tried to *he*k m-
arm- in its retreat and 7ro+,ht me to 7attle in a desperate
position: hen*e 9 kne. ho. to o1er*ome them(HA

3#( )hen -o+ s+rro+nd an arm-/ lea1e an o+tlet free(

?This does not mean that the enem- is to 7e allo.ed to
es*ape( The o7je*t/ as T+ >+ p+ts it/ is Hto make him 7elie1e
that there is a road to safet-/ and th+s pre1ent his fi,htin,
.ith the *o+ra,e of despair(H T+ >+ adds pleasantl-: H'fter
that/ -o+ ma- *r+sh him(HA

%o not press a desperate foe too hard(

?$hVen 8ao P+otes the sa-in,: HBirds and 7easts .hen
7ro+,ht to 7a- .ill +se their *la.s and teeth(H $han, M+ sa-s:
H9f -o+r ad1ersar- has 7+rned his 7oats and destro-ed his
*ookin,-pots/ and is read- to stake all on the iss+e of a 7attle/
he m+st not 7e p+shed to e0tremities(H 8o Shih ill+strates the
meanin, 7- a stor- taken from the life of Men-*hVin,( That
,eneral/ to,ether .ith his *ollea,+e T+ $h+n,-.ei .as s+rro+nded
7- a 1astl- s+perior arm- of Shitans in the -ear 9! '(%( The
*o+ntr- .as 7are and desert-like/ and the little $hinese for*e
.as soon in dire straits for .ant of .ater( The .ells the- 7ored
ran dr-/ and the men .ere red+*ed to sP+ee;in, l+mps of m+d and
s+*kin, o+t the moist+re( Their ranks thinned rapidl-/ +ntil at
last 3+ Men-*hVin, e0*laimed: H)e are desperate men( 3ar 7etter
to die for o+r *o+ntr- than to ,o .ith fettered hands into
*apti1it-GH ' stron, ,ale happened to 7e, from the
northeast and darkenin, the air .ith dense *lo+ds of sand- d+st(
To $h+n,-.ei .as for .aitin, +ntil this had a7ated 7efore
de*idin, on a final atta*kQ 7+t l+*kil- another offi*er/ &i Sho+-
*hen, 7- name/ .as P+i*ker to see an opport+nit-/ and said:
HThe- are man- and .e are fe./ 7+t in the midst of this sandstorm
o+r n+m7ers .ill not 7e dis*erni7leQ 1i*tor- .ill ,o to the
stren+o+s fi,hter/ and the .ind .ill 7e o+r 7est all-(H
'**ordin,l-/ 3+ Men-*hVin, made a s+dden and .holl- +ne0pe*ted
onsla+,ht .ith his *a1alr-/ ro+ted the 7ar7arians and s+**eeded
in 7reakin, thro+,h to safet-(A

37( S+*h is the art of .arfare(

?1A See $ol( 8enderson/ op( *it( 1ol( 9( p( !2#(

?2A 3or a n+m7er of ma0ims on this head/ see H>arshal T+renneH
<&on,mans/ 1907=/ p( 29(


4999( 4'69'T9BN 9N T'$T9$S

?The headin, means literall- HThe Nine 4ariations/H 7+t as
S+n T;+ does not appear to en+merate these/ and as/ indeed/ he
has alread- told +s <4 SS( #-11= that s+*h defle*tions from the
ordinar- *o+rse are pra*ti*all- inn+mera7le/ .e ha1e little
option 7+t to follo. )an, 8si/ .ho sa-s that HNineH stands for an
indefinitel- lar,e n+m7er( H'll it means is that in .arfare .e
o+,ht to 1er- o+r ta*ti*s to the +tmost de,ree(((( 9 do not kno.
.hat TsVao S+n, makes these Nine 4ariations o+t to 7e/ 7+t it has
7een s+,,ested that the- are *onne*ted .ith the Nine Sit+ationsH
- of *hapt( K9( This is the 1ie. adopted 7- $han, M+( The onl-
other alternati1e is to s+ppose that somethin, has 7een lost--a
s+pposition to .hi*h the +n+s+al shortness of the *hapter lends
some .ei,ht(A

1( S+n T;+ said: 9n .ar/ the ,eneral re*ei1es his
*ommands from the so1erei,n/ *olle*ts his arm- and *on*entrates
his for*es(

?6epeated from 499( ss( 1/ .here it is *ertainl- more in
pla*e( 9t ma- ha1e 7een interpolated here merel- in order to
s+ppl- a 7e,innin, to the *hapter(A

2( )hen in diffi*+lt *o+ntr-/ do not en*amp( 9n *o+ntr-
.here hi,h roads interse*t/ join hands .ith -o+r allies( %o not
lin,er in dan,ero+sl- isolated positions(

?The last sit+ation is not one of the Nine Sit+ations as
,i1en in the 7e,innin, of *hap( K9/ 7+t o**+rs later on <i7id(
ss( !3( P(1(=( $han, M+ defines this sit+ation as 7ein, sit+ated
a*ross the frontier/ in hostile territor-( &i $hV+an sa-s it is
H*o+ntr- in .hi*h there are no sprin,s or .ells/ flo*ks or herds/
1e,eta7les or fire.oodQH $hia &in/ Hone of ,or,es/ *hasms and
pre*ipi*es/ .itho+t a road 7- .hi*h to ad1an*e(HA

9n hemmed-in sit+ations/ -o+ m+st resort to strata,em( 9n
desperate position/ -o+ m+st fi,ht(
3( There are roads .hi*h m+st not 7e follo.ed/

?H5spe*iall- those leadin, thro+,h narro. defiles/H sa-s &i
$hV+an/ an am7+sh is to 7e feared(HA

armies .hi*h m+st 7e not atta*ked/

?>ore *orre*tl-/ perhaps/ Hthere are times .hen an arm- m+st
not 7e atta*ked(H $hVen 8ao sa-s: H)hen -o+ see -o+r .a- to
o7tain a ri1al ad1anta,e/ 7+t are po.erless to infli*t a real
defeat/ refrain from atta*kin,/ for fear of o1erta0in, -o+r menNs

to.ns .hi*h m+st not 7e 7esie,ed/

?$f( 999( ss( ! TsVao S+n, ,i1es an interestin,
ill+stration from his o.n e0perien*e( )hen in1adin, the
territor- of 8s+-*ho+/ he i,nored the *it- of 8+a-pi/ .hi*h la-
dire*tl- in his path/ and pressed on into the heart of the
*o+ntr-( This e0*ellent strate,- .as re.arded 7- the s+7seP+ent
*apt+re of no than fo+rteen important distri*t *ities(
$han, M+ sa-s: HNo to.n sho+ld 7e atta*ked .hi*h/ if taken/
*annot 7e held/ or if left alone/ .ill not *a+se an- tro+7le(H
8s+n Min,/ .hen +r,ed to atta*k Pi--an,/ replied: HThe *it- is
small and .ell-fortifiedQ e1en if 9 s+**eed intakin, it/ it .ill
7e no ,reat feat of armsQ .hereas if 9 fail/ 9 shall make m-self
a la+,hin,-sto*k(H 9n the se1enteenth *ent+r-/ sie,es still
formed a lar,e proportion of .ar( 9t .as T+renne .ho dire*ted
attention to the importan*e of mar*hes/ *o+ntermar*hes and
mane+1ers( 8e said: H9t is a ,reat mistake to .aste men in
takin, a to.n .hen the same e0pendit+re of soldiers .ill ,ain a
pro1in*e(H ?1A A

positions .hi*h m+st not 7e *ontested/ *ommands of the so1erei,n
.hi*h m+st not 7e o7e-ed(

?This is a hard sa-in, for the $hinese/ .ith their re1eren*e
for a+thorit-/ and )ei &iao T;+ <P+oted 7- T+ >+= is mo1ed to
e0*laim: H)eapons are 7alef+l instr+ments/ strife is
anta,onisti* to 1irt+e/ a militar- *ommander is the ne,ation of
*i1il orderGH The +npalata7le fa*t remains/ ho.e1er/ that e1en
9mperial .ishes m+st 7e s+7ordinated to militar- ne*essit-(A

!( The ,eneral .ho thoro+,hl- +nderstands the ad1anta,es
that a**ompan- 1ariation of ta*ti*s kno.s ho. to handle his
( The ,eneral .ho does not +nderstand these/ ma- 7e .ell
a*P+ainted .ith the *onfi,+ration of the *o+ntr-/ -et he .ill not
7e a7le to t+rn his kno.led,e to pra*ti*al a**o+nt(

?&iterall-/ H,et the ad1anta,e of the ,ro+nd/H .hi*h means
not onl- se*+rin, ,ood positions/ 7+t a1ailin, oneself of nat+ral
ad1anta,es in e1er- possi7le .a-( $han, M+ sa-s: H51er- kind of
,ro+nd is *hara*teri;ed 7- *ertain nat+ral feat+res/ and also
,i1es s*ope for a *ertain 1aria7ilit- of plan( 8o. it is
possi7le to t+rn these nat+ral feat+res to a**o+nt +nless
topo,raphi*al kno.led,e is s+pplemented 7- 1ersatilit- of mindLHA

#( So/ the st+dent of .ar .ho is +n1ersed in the art of .ar
of 1ar-in, his plans/ e1en tho+,h he 7e a*P+ainted .ith the 3i1e
'd1anta,es/ .ill fail to make the 7est +se of his men(

?$hia &in tells +s that these impl- fi1e o71io+s and
,enerall- ad1anta,eo+s lines of a*tion/ namel-: Hif a *ertain
road is short/ it m+st 7e follo.edQ if an arm- is isolated/ it
m+st 7e atta*kedQ if a to.n is in a parlo+s *ondition/ it m+st 7e
7esie,edQ if a position *an 7e stormed/ it m+st 7e attemptedQ and
if *onsistent .ith militar- operations/ the r+lerNs *ommands m+st
7e o7e-ed(H B+t there are *ir*+mstan*es .hi*h sometimes for7id a
,eneral to +se these ad1anta,es( 3or instan*e/ Ha *ertain road
ma- 7e the shortest .a- for him/ 7+t if he kno.s that it a7o+nds
in nat+ral o7sta*les/ or that the enem- has laid an am7+sh on it/
he .ill not follo. that road( ' hostile for*e ma- 7e open to
atta*k/ 7+t if he kno.s that it is hard-pressed and likel- to
fi,ht .ith desperation/ he .ill refrain from strikin,/H and so

7( 8en*e in the .ise leaderNs plans/ *onsiderations of
ad1anta,e and of disad1anta,e .ill 7e 7lended to,ether(

?H)hether in an ad1anta,eo+s position or a disad1anta,eo+s
one/H sa-s TsVao S+n,/ Hthe opposite state sho+ld 7e al.a-s
present to -o+r mind(HA

"( 9f o+r e0pe*tation of ad1anta,e 7e tempered in this .a-/
.e ma- s+**eed in a**omplishin, the essential part of o+r

?T+ >+ sa-s: H9f .e .ish to .rest an ad1anta,e from the
enem-/ .e m+st not fi0 o+r minds on that alone/ 7+t allo. for the
possi7ilit- of the enem- also doin, some harm to +s/ and let this
enter as a fa*tor into o+r *al*+lations(HA

9( 9f/ on the other hand/ in the midst of diffi*+lties .e
are al.a-s read- to sei;e an ad1anta,e/ .e ma- e0tri*ate
o+rsel1es from misfort+ne(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H9f 9 .ish to e0tri*ate m-self from a
dan,ero+s position/ 9 m+st *onsider not onl- the enem-Ns a7ilit-
to inj+re me/ 7+t also m- o.n a7ilit- to ,ain an ad1anta,e o1er
the enem-( 9f in m- *o+nsels these t.o *onsiderations are
properl- 7lended/ 9 shall s+**eed in li7eratin, m-self(((( 3or
instan*eQ if 9 am s+rro+nded 7- the enem- and onl- think of
effe*tin, an es*ape/ the ner1elessness of m- poli*- .ill in*ite
m- ad1ersar- to p+rs+e and *r+sh meQ it .o+ld 7e far 7etter to
en*o+ra,e m- men to deli1er a 7old *o+nter-atta*k/ and +se the
ad1anta,e th+s ,ained to free m-self from the enem-Ns toils(H
See the stor- of TsVao TsVao/ 499( ss( 3/ note(A

10( 6ed+*e the hostile *hiefs 7- infli*tin, dama,e on themQ

?$hia &in en+merates se1eral .a-s of infli*tin, this inj+r-/
some of .hi*h .o+ld onl- o**+r to the Briental mind:--H5nti*e
a.a- the enem-Ns 7est and .isest men/ so that he ma- 7e left
.itho+t *o+nselors( 9ntrod+*e traitors into his *o+ntr-/ that
the ,o1ernment poli*- ma- 7e rendered f+tile( 3oment intri,+e
and de*eit/ and th+s so. dissension 7et.een the r+ler and his
ministers( B- means of e1er- artf+l *ontri1an*e/ *a+se
deterioration amon,st his men and .aste of his treas+re( $orr+pt
his morals 7- insidio+s ,ifts leadin, him into e0*ess( %ist+r7
and +nsettle his mind 7- presentin, him .ith lo1el- .omen(H
$han, M+ <after )an, 8si= makes a different interpretation of S+n
T;+ here: H:et the enem- into a position .here he m+st s+ffer
inj+r-/ and he .ill s+7mit of his o.n a**ord(HA

and make tro+7le for them/

?T+ >+/ in this phrase/ in his interpretation indi*ates that
tro+7le sho+ld 7e make for the enem- affe*tin, their
Hpossessions/H or/ as .e mi,ht sa-/ Hassets/H .hi*h he *onsiders
to 7e Ha lar,e arm-/ a ri*h e0*heP+er/ harmon- amon,st the
soldiers/ p+n*t+al f+lfillment of *ommands(H These ,i1e +s a
.hip-hand o1er the enem-(A

and keep them *onstantl- en,a,edQ

?&iterall-/ Hmake ser1ants of them(H T+ M+ sa-s Hpre1ent
the from ha1in, an- rest(HA

hold o+t spe*io+s all+rements/ and make them r+sh to an- ,i1en

?>en, ShihNs note *ontains an e0*ellent e0ample of the
idiomati* +se of: H*a+se them to for,et P95N <the reasons for
a*tin, other.ise than on their first imp+lse=/ and hasten in o+r

11( The art of .ar tea*hes +s to rel- not on the likelihood
of the enem-Ns not *omin,/ 7+t on o+r o.n readiness to re*ei1e
himQ not on the *han*e of his not atta*kin,/ 7+t rather on the
fa*t that .e ha1e made o+r position +nassaila7le(
12( There are fi1e dan,ero+s fa+lts .hi*h ma- affe*t a
,eneral: <1= 6e*klessness/ .hi*h leads to destr+*tionQ

?HBra1er- .itho+t foretho+,ht/H as TsVao S+n, anal-;es it/
.hi*h *a+ses a man to fi,ht 7lindl- and desperatel- like a mad
7+ll( S+*h an opponent/ sa-s $han, M+/ Hm+st not 7e en*o+ntered
.ith 7r+te for*e/ 7+t ma- 7e l+red into an am7+sh and slain(H
$f( )+ T;+/ *hap( 94( ad init(: H9n estimatin, the *hara*ter of
a ,eneral/ men are .ont to pa- e0*l+si1e attention to his
*o+ra,e/ for,ettin, that *o+ra,e is onl- one o+t of man-
P+alities .hi*h a ,eneral sho+ld possess( The merel- 7ra1e man
is prone to fi,ht re*klessl-Q and he .ho fi,hts re*klessl-/
.itho+t an- per*eption of .hat is e0pedient/ m+st 7e *ondemned(H
Ss+-ma 3a/ too/ make the in*isi1e remark: HSimpl- ,oin, to oneNs
death does not 7rin, a7o+t 1i*tor-(HA

<2= *o.ardi*e/ .hi*h leads to *apt+reQ

?TsVao S+n, defines the $hinese .ord translated here as
H*o.ardi*eH as 7ein, of the man H.hom timidit- pre1ents from
ad1an*in, to sei;e an ad1anta,e/H and )an, 8si adds H.ho is P+i*k
to flee at the si,ht of dan,er(H >en, Shih ,i1es the *loser
paraphrase Hhe .ho is 7ent on ret+rnin, ali1e/H this is/ the man
.ho .ill ne1er take a risk( B+t/ as S+n T;+ kne./ nothin, is to
7e a*hie1ed in .ar +nless -o+ are .illin, to take risks( TVai
S+n, said: H8e .ho lets an ad1anta,e slip .ill s+7seP+entl-
7rin, +pon himself real disaster(H 9n !0! '(%(/ &i+ M+ p+rs+ed
the re7el 8+an 8s+an +p the Man,ts;e and fo+,ht a na1al 7attle
.ith him at the island of $hVen,-h+n,( The lo-al troops n+m7ered
onl- a fe. tho+sands/ .hile their opponents .ere in ,reat for*e(
B+t 8+an 8s+an/ fearin, the fate .hi*h .as in store for him
sho+ld 7e 7e o1er*ome/ had a li,ht 7oat made fast to the side of
his .ar-j+nk/ so that he mi,ht es*ape/ if ne*essar-/ at a
momentNs noti*e( The nat+ral res+lt .as that the fi,htin, spirit
of his soldiers .as +tterl- P+en*hed/ and .hen the lo-alists made
an atta*k from .ind.ard .ith fireships/ all stri1in, .ith the
+tmost ardor to 7e first in the fra-/ 8+an 8s+anNs for*es .ere
ro+ted/ had to 7+rn all their 7a,,a,e and fled for t.o da-s and
ni,hts .itho+t stoppin,( $han, M+ tells a some.hat similar stor-
of $hao Min,-*hVi/ a ,eneral of the $hin State .ho d+rin, a
7attle .ith the arm- of $hV+ in 97 B($( had a 7oat kept in
readiness for him on the ri1er/ .ishin, in *ase of defeat to 7e
the first to ,et a*ross(A

<3= a hast- temper/ .hi*h *an 7e pro1oked 7- ins+ltsQ

?T+ >+ tells +s that Mao 8sin,/ .hen opposed in 37 '(%( 7-
8+an, >ei/ Ten, $hVian, and others sh+t himself +p 7ehind his
.alls and ref+sed to fi,ht( Ten, $hVian, said: HB+r ad1ersar-
is of a *holeri* temper and easil- pro1okedQ let +s make *onstant
sallies and 7reak do.n his .alls/ then he .ill ,ro. an,r- and
*ome o+t( Bn*e .e *an 7rin, his for*e to 7attle/ it is doomed to
7e o+r pre-(H This plan .as a*ted +pon/ Mao 8sian, *ame o+t to
fi,ht/ .as l+red as far as San--+an 7- the enem-Ns pretended
fli,ht/ and finall- atta*ked and slain(A

<!= a deli*a*- of honor .hi*h is sensiti1e to shameQ

?This need not 7e taken to mean that a sense of honor is
reall- a defe*t in a ,eneral( )hat S+n T;+ *ondemns is rather an
e0a,,erated sensiti1eness to slandero+s reports/ the thin-skinned
man .ho is st+n, 7- oppro7ri+m/ ho.e1er +ndeser1ed( >ei Mao-
*hVen tr+l- o7ser1es/ tho+,h some.hat parado0i*all-: HThe seek
after ,lor- sho+ld 7e *areless of p+7li* opinion(HA

<= o1er-soli*it+de for his men/ .hi*h e0poses him to .orr-
and tro+7le(

?8ere a,ain/ S+n T;+ does not mean that the ,eneral is to 7e
*areless of the .elfare of his troops( 'll he .ishes to
emphasi;e is the dan,er of sa*rifi*in, an- important militar-
ad1anta,e to the immediate *omfort of his men( This is a
shortsi,hted poli*-/ 7e*a+se in the lon, r+n the troops .ill
s+ffer more from the defeat/ or/ at 7est/ the prolon,ation of the
.ar/ .hi*h .ill 7e the *onseP+en*e( ' mistaken feelin, of pit-
.ill often ind+*e a ,eneral to relie1e a 7elea,+ered *it-/ or to
reinfor*e a hard-pressed deta*hment/ *ontrar- to his militar-
instin*ts( 9t is no. ,enerall- admitted that o+r repeated
efforts to relie1e &ad-smith in the So+th 'fri*an )ar .ere so
man- strate,i*al 7l+nders .hi*h defeated their o.n p+rpose( 'nd
in the end/ relief *ame thro+,h the 1er- man .ho started o+t .ith
the distin*t resol1e no lon,er to s+7ordinate the interests of
the .hole to sentiment in fa1or of a part( 'n old soldier of one
of o+r ,enerals .ho failed most *onspi*+o+sl- in this .ar/ tried
on*e/ 9 remem7er/ to defend him to me on the ,ro+nd that he .as
al.a-s Hso ,ood to his men(H B- this plea/ had he 7+t kno.n it/
he .as onl- *ondemnin, him o+t of S+n T;+Ns mo+th(A

13( These are the fi1e 7esettin, sins of a ,eneral/ r+ino+s
to the *ond+*t of .ar(
1!( )hen an arm- is o1erthro.n and its leader slain/ the
*a+se .ill s+rel- 7e fo+nd amon, these fi1e dan,ero+s fa+lts(
&et them 7e a s+7je*t of meditation(

?1A H>arshal T+renne/H p( 0(


9K( T85 '6>M BN T85 >'6$8

?The *ontents of this interestin, *hapter are 7etter
indi*ated in ss( 1 than 7- this headin,(A

1( S+n T;+ said: )e *ome no. to the P+estion of en*ampin,
the arm-/ and o7ser1in, si,ns of the enem-( Pass P+i*kl- o1er
mo+ntains/ and keep in the nei,h7orhood of 1alle-s(

?The idea is/ not to lin,er amon, 7arren +plands/ 7+t to
keep *lose to s+pplies of .ater and ,rass( $f( )+ T;+/ *h( 3:
H'7ide not in nat+ral o1ens/H i(e( Hthe openin,s of 1alle-s(H
$han, M+ tells the, ane*dote: )+-t+ $hVian, .as a
ro77er *aptain in the time of the &ater 8an/ and >a M+an .as sent
to e0terminate his ,an,( $hVian, ha1in, fo+nd a ref+,e in the
hills/ >a M+an made no attempt to for*e a 7attle/ 7+t sei;ed all
the fa1ora7le positions *ommandin, s+pplies of .ater and fora,e(
$hVian, .as soon in s+*h a desperate pli,ht for .ant of
pro1isions that he .as for*ed to make a total s+rrender( 8e did
not kno. the ad1anta,e of keepin, in the nei,h7orhood of

2( $amp in hi,h pla*es/

?Not on hi,h hills/ 7+t on knolls or hillo*ks ele1ated a7o1e
the s+rro+ndin, *o+ntr-(A

fa*in, the s+n(

?T+ >+ takes this to mean Hfa*in, so+th/H and $hVen 8ao
Hfa*in, east(H $f( infra/ SS( 11/ 13(

%o not *lim7 hei,hts in order to fi,ht( So m+*h for mo+ntain
3( 'fter *rossin, a ri1er/ -o+ sho+ld ,et far a.a- from it(

?H9n order to tempt the enem- to *ross after -o+/H a**ordin,
to TsVao S+n,/ and also/ sa-s $han, M+/ Hin order not to 7e
impeded in -o+r e1ol+tions(H The TVCN: T95N reads/ H9f T85 5N5>M
*rosses a ri1er/H et*( B+t in 1ie. of the ne0t senten*e/ this is
almost *ertainl- an interpolation(A

!( )hen an in1adin, for*e *rosses a ri1er in its on.ard
mar*h/ do not ad1an*e to meet it in mid-stream( 9t .ill 7e 7est
to let half the arm- ,et a*ross/ and then deli1er -o+r atta*k(

?&i $hV+an all+des to the ,reat 1i*tor- .on 7- 8an 8sin o1er
&+n, $h+ at the )ei 6i1er( T+rnin, to the $8V95N 8'N S8C/ *h(
3!/ fol( # 1erso/ .e find the 7attle des*ri7ed as follo.s: HThe
t.o armies .ere dra.n +p on opposite sides of the ri1er( 9n the
ni,ht/ 8an 8sin ordered his men to take some ten tho+sand sa*ks
filled .ith sand and *onstr+*t a dam hi,her +p( Then/ leadin,
half his arm- a*ross/ he atta*ked &+n, $h+Q 7+t after a time/
pretendin, to ha1e failed in his attempt/ he hastil- .ithdre. to
the other 7ank( &+n, $h+ .as m+*h elated 7- this +nlooked-for
s+**ess/ and e0*laimin,: H9 felt s+re that 8an 8sin .as reall- a
*o.ardGH he p+rs+ed him and 7e,an *rossin, the ri1er in his t+rn(
8an 8sin no. sent a part- to *+t open the sand7a,s/ th+s
releasin, a ,reat 1ol+me of .ater/ .hi*h s.ept do.n and pre1ented
the ,reater portion of &+n, $h+Ns arm- from ,ettin, a*ross( 8e
then t+rned +pon the for*e .hi*h had 7een *+t off/ and
annihilated it/ &+n, $h+ himself 7ein, amon,st the slain( The
rest of the arm-/ on the f+rther 7ank/ also s*attered and fled in
all dire*tions(A

( 9f -o+ are an0io+s to fi,ht/ -o+ sho+ld not ,o to meet
the in1ader near a ri1er .hi*h he has to *ross(

?3or fear of pre1entin, his *rossin,(A

#( >oor -o+r *raft hi,her +p than the enem-/ and fa*in, the

?See s+pra/ ss( 2( The repetition of these .ords in
*onne*tion .ith .ater is 1er- a.k.ard( $han, M+ has the note:
HSaid either of troops marshaled on the ri1er-7ank/ or of 7oats
an*hored in the stream itselfQ in either *ase it is essential to
7e hi,her than the enem- and fa*in, the s+n(H The other
*ommentators are not at all e0pli*it(A

%o not mo1e +p-stream to meet the enem-(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H's .ater flo.s do.n.ards/ .e m+st not pit*h
o+r *amp on the rea*hes of a ri1er/ for fear the enem-
sho+ld open the sl+i*es and s.eep +s a.a- in a flood( $h+-ko )+-
ho+ has remarked that Nin ri1er .arfare .e m+st not ad1an*e
a,ainst the stream/N .hi*h is as m+*h as to sa- that o+r fleet
m+st not 7e an*hored 7elo. that of the enem-/ for then the- .o+ld
7e a7le to take ad1anta,e of the *+rrent and make short .ork of
+s(H There is also the dan,er/ noted 7- other *ommentators/ that
the enem- ma- thro. poison on the .ater to 7e *arried do.n to

So m+*h for ri1er .arfare(
7( 9n *rossin, salt-marshes/ -o+r sole *on*ern sho+ld 7e to
,et o1er them P+i*kl-/ .itho+t an- dela-(

?Be*a+se of the la*k of fresh .ater/ the poor P+alit- of the
her7a,e/ and last 7+t not least/ 7e*a+se the- are lo./ flat/ and
e0posed to atta*k(A

"( 9f for*ed to fi,ht in a salt-marsh/ -o+ sho+ld ha1e
.ater and ,rass near -o+/ and ,et -o+r 7a*k to a *l+mp of trees(

?&i $hV+an remarks that the ,ro+nd is less likel- to 7e
trea*hero+s .here there are trees/ .hile T+ >+ sa-s that the-
.ill ser1e to prote*t the rear(A

So m+*h for operations in salt-mar*hes(
9( 9n dr-/ le1el *o+ntr-/ take +p an easil- a**essi7le
position .ith risin, ,ro+nd to -o+r ri,ht and on -o+r rear/

?T+ >+ P+otes TVai S+n, as sa-in,: H'n arm- sho+ld ha1e a
stream or a marsh on its left/ and a hill or t+m+l+s on its

so that the dan,er ma- 7e in front/ and safet- lie 7ehind( So
m+*h for *ampai,nin, in flat *o+ntr-(
10( These are the fo+r +sef+l 7ran*hes of militar-

?Those/ namel-/ *on*erned .ith <1= mo+ntains/ <2= ri1ers/
<3= marshes/ and <!= plains( $ompare NapoleonNs H>ilitar-
>a0ims/H no( 1(A

.hi*h ena7led the Mello. 5mperor to 1anP+ish fo+r se1eral

?6e,ardin, the HMello. 5mperorH: >ei Mao-*hVen asks/ .ith
some pla+si7ilit-/ .hether there is an error in the te0t as
nothin, is kno.n of 8+an, Ti ha1in, *onP+ered fo+r other
5mperors( The S898 $89 <*h( 1 ad init(= speaks onl- of his
1i*tories o1er Men Ti and $hVih M+( 9n the &9C TV'B it is
mentioned that he Hfo+,ht se1ent- 7attles and pa*ified the
5mpire(H TsVao S+n,Ns e0planation is/ that the Mello. 5mperor
.as the first to instit+te the fe+dal s-stem of 1assals prin*es/
ea*h of .hom <to the n+m7er of fo+r= ori,inall- 7ore the title of
5mperor( &i $hV+an tells +s that the art of .ar ori,inated +nder
8+an, Ti/ .ho re*ei1ed it from his >inister 3en, 8o+(A

11( 'll armies prefer hi,h ,ro+nd to lo.(

?H8i,h :ro+nd/H sa-s >ei Mao-*hVen/ His not onl- more
a,reement and sal+7rio+s/ 7+t more *on1enient from a militar-
point of 1ie.Q lo. ,ro+nd is not onl- damp and +nhealth-/ 7+t
also disad1anta,eo+s for fi,htin,(HA

and s+nn- pla*es to dark(
12( 9f -o+ are *aref+l of -o+r men/

?TsVao S+n, sa-s: H>ake for fresh .ater and past+re/ .here
-o+ *an t+rn o+t -o+r animals to ,ra;e(HA

and *amp on hard ,ro+nd/ the arm- .ill 7e free from disease of
e1er- kind/

?$han, M+ sa-s: HThe dr-ness of the *limate .ill pre1ent
the o+t7reak of illness(HA

and this .ill spell 1i*tor-(
13( )hen -o+ *ome to a hill or a 7ank/ o**+p- the s+nn-
side/ .ith the slope on -o+r ri,ht rear( Th+s -o+ .ill at on*e
a*t for the 7enefit of -o+r soldiers and +tili;e the nat+ral
ad1anta,es of the ,ro+nd(
1!( )hen/ in *onseP+en*e of hea1- rains +p-*o+ntr-/ a ri1er
.hi*h -o+ .ish to ford is s.ollen and fle*ked .ith foam/ -o+ m+st
.ait +ntil it s+7sides(
1( $o+ntr- in .hi*h there are pre*ipito+s *liffs .ith
torrents r+nnin, 7et.een/ deep nat+ral hollo.s/

?The latter defined as Hpla*es en*losed on e1er- side 7-
steep 7anks/ .ith pools of .ater at the 7ottom(A

*onfined pla*es/

?%efined as Hnat+ral pens or prisonsH or Hpla*es s+rro+nded
7- pre*ipi*es on three sides--eas- to ,et into/ 7+t hard to ,et
o+t of(HA

tan,led thi*kets/

?%efined as Hpla*es *o1ered .ith s+*h dense +nder, that
spears *annot 7e +sed(HA


?%efined as Hlo.-l-in, pla*es/ so hea1- .ith m+d as to 7e
impassa7le for *hariots and horsemen(HA

and *re1asses/

?%efined 7- >ei Mao-*hVen as Ha narro. diffi*+lt .a- 7et.een
7eetlin, *liffs(H T+ >+Ns note is H,ro+nd *o1ered .ith trees and
ro*ks/ and interse*ted 7- n+mero+s ra1ines and pitfalls(H This
is 1er- 1a,+e/ 7+t $hia &in e0plains it *learl- eno+,h as a
defile or narro. pass/ and $han, M+ takes m+*h the same 1ie.( Bn
the .hole/ the .ei,ht of the *ommentators *ertainl- in*lines to
the renderin, Hdefile(H B+t the ordinar- meanin, of the $hinese
in one pla*e is Ha *ra*k or fiss+reH and the fa*t that the
meanin, of the $hinese in the senten*e indi*ates
somethin, in the nat+re of a defile/ make me think that S+n T;+
is here speakin, of *re1asses(A

sho+ld 7e left .ith all possi7le speed and not approa*hed(
1#( )hile .e keep a.a- from s+*h pla*es/ .e sho+ld ,et the
enem- to approa*h themQ .hile .e fa*e them/ .e sho+ld let the
enem- ha1e them on his rear(
17( 9f in the nei,h7orhood of -o+r *amp there sho+ld 7e an-
hill- *o+ntr-/ ponds s+rro+nded 7- aP+ati* ,rass/ hollo. 7asins
filled .ith reeds/ or .oods .ith thi*k +nder, the- m+st 7e
*aref+ll- ro+ted o+t and sear*hedQ for these are pla*es .here men
in am7+sh or insidio+s spies are likel- to 7e l+rkin,(

?$han, M+ has the note: H)e m+st also 7e on o+r ,+ard
a,ainst traitors .ho ma- lie in *lose *o1ert/ se*retl- sp-in, o+t
o+r .eaknesses and o1erhearin, o+r instr+*tions(HA

1"( )hen the enem- is *lose at hand and remains P+iet/ he
is rel-in, on the nat+ral stren,th of his position(

?8ere 7e,in S+n T;+Ns remarks on the readin, of si,ns/ m+*h
of .hi*h is so ,ood that it *o+ld almost 7e in*l+ded in a modern
man+al like :en( Baden-Po.ellNs H'ids to S*o+tin,(HA

19( )hen he keeps aloof and tries to pro1oke a 7attle/ he
is an0io+s for the other side to ad1an*e(

?Pro7a7l- 7e*a+se .e are in a stron, position from .hi*h he
.ishes to dislod,e +s( H9f he *ame *lose +p to +s/ sa-s T+ >+/
Hand tried to for*e a 7attle/ he .o+ld seem to despise +s/ and
there .o+ld 7e less pro7a7ilit- of o+r respondin, to the

20( 9f his pla*e of en*ampment is eas- of a**ess/ he is
tenderin, a 7ait(
21( >o1ement amon,st the trees of a forest sho.s that the
enem- is ad1an*in,(

?TsVao S+n, e0plains this as Hfellin, trees to *lear a
passa,e/H and $han, M+ sa-s: H51er- man sends o+t s*o+ts to
*lim7 hi,h pla*es and o7ser1e the enem-( 9f a s*o+t sees that
the trees of a forest are mo1in, and shakin,/ he ma- kno. that
the- are 7ein, *+t do.n to *lear a passa,e for the enem-Ns

The appearan*e of a n+m7er of s*reens in the midst of thi*k ,rass
means that the enem- .ants to make +s s+spi*io+s(

?T+ M+Ns e0planation/ 7orro.ed from TsVao S+n,Ns/ is as
follo.s: HThe presen*e of a n+m7er of s*reens or sheds in the
midst of thi*k 1e,etation is a s+re si,n that the enem- has fled
and/ fearin, p+rs+it/ has *onstr+*ted these hidin,-pla*es in
order to make +s s+spe*t an am7+sh(H 9t appears that these
Hs*reensH .ere hastil- knotted to,ether o+t of an- lon, ,rass
.hi*h the retreatin, enem- happened to *ome a*ross(A

22( The risin, of 7irds in their fli,ht is the si,n of an

?$han, M+Ns e0planation is do+7tless ri,ht: H)hen 7irds
that are fl-in, alon, in a strai,ht line s+ddenl- shoot +p.ards/
it means that soldiers are in am7+sh at the spot 7eneath(HA

Startled 7easts indi*ate that a s+dden atta*k is *omin,(
23( )hen there is d+st risin, in a hi,h *ol+mn/ it is the
si,n of *hariots ad1an*in,Q .hen the d+st is lo./ 7+t spread o1er
a .ide area/ it 7etokens the approa*h of infantr-(

?H8i,h and sharp/H or risin, to a peak/ is of *o+rse
some.hat e0a,,erated as applied to d+st( The *ommentators
e0plain the phenomenon 7- sa-in, that horses and *hariots/ 7ein,
hea1ier than men/ raise more d+st/ and also follo. one another in
the same .heel-tra*k/ .hereas foot-soldiers .o+ld 7e mar*hin, in
ranks/ man- a7reast( '**ordin, to $han, M+/ He1er- arm- on the
mar*h m+st ha1e s*o+ts some .a- in ad1an*e/ .ho on si,htin, d+st
raised 7- the enem-/ .ill ,allop 7a*k and report it to the
*ommander-in-*hief(H $f( :en( Baden-Po.ell: H's -o+ mo1e alon,/
sa-/ in a hostile *o+ntr-/ -o+r e-es sho+ld 7e lookin, afar for
the enem- or an- si,ns of him: fi,+res/ d+st risin,/ 7irds
,ettin, +p/ ,litter of arms/ et*(H ?1A A

)hen it 7ran*hes o+t in different dire*tions/ it sho.s that
parties ha1e 7een sent to *olle*t fire.ood( ' fe. *lo+ds of d+st
mo1in, to and fro si,nif- that the arm- is en*ampin,(

?$han, M+ sa-s: H9n apportionin, the defenses for a
*antonment/ li,ht horse .ill 7e sent o+t to s+r1e- the position
and as*ertain the .eak and stron, points all alon, its
*ir*+mferen*e( 8en*e the small P+antit- of d+st and its

2!( 8+m7le .ords and in*reased preparations are si,ns that
the enem- is a7o+t to ad1an*e(

?H's tho+,h the- stood in ,reat fear of +s/H sa-s T+ >+(
HTheir o7je*t is to make +s *ontempt+o+s and *areless/ after
.hi*h the- .ill atta*k +s(H $han, M+ all+des to the stor- of
TVien Tan of the $hVi-mo a,ainst the Men for*es/ led 7- $hVi
$hieh( 9n *h( "2 of the S898 $89 .e read: HTVien Tan openl-
said: N>- onl- fear is that the Men arm- ma- *+t off the noses
of their $hVi prisoners and pla*e them in the front rank to fi,ht
a,ainst +sQ that .o+ld 7e the +ndoin, of o+r *it-(N The other
side 7ein, informed of this spee*h/ at on*e a*ted on the
s+,,estionQ 7+t those .ithin the *it- .ere enra,ed at seein,
their fello.-*o+ntr-men th+s m+tilated/ and fearin, onl- lest
the- sho+ld fall into the enem-Ns hands/ .ere ner1ed to defend
themsel1es more o7stinatel- than e1er( Bn*e a,ain TVien Tan sent
7a*k *on1erted spies .ho reported these .ords to the enem-:
H)hat 9 dread most is that the men of Men ma- di, +p the
an*estral tom7s o+tside the to.n/ and 7- infli*tin, this
indi,nit- on o+r forefathers *a+se +s to 7e*ome faint-hearted(N
3orth.ith the 7esie,ers d+, +p all the ,ra1es and 7+rned the
*orpses l-in, in them( 'nd the inha7itants of $hi-mo/ .itnessin,
the o+tra,e from the *it--.alls/ .ept passionatel- and .ere all
impatient to ,o o+t and fi,ht/ their f+r- 7ein, in*reased
tenfold( TVien Tan kne. then that his soldiers .ere read- for
an- enterprise( B+t instead of a s.ord/ he himself too a
matto*k in his hands/ and ordered others to 7e distri7+ted
amon,st his 7est .arriors/ .hile the ranks .ere filled +p .ith
their .i1es and *on*+7ines( 8e then ser1ed o+t all the remainin,
rations and 7ade his men eat their fill( The re,+lar soldiers
.ere told to keep o+t of si,ht/ and the .alls .ere manned .ith
the old and .eaker men and .ith .omen( This done/ en1o-s .ere
dispat*hed to the enem-Ns *amp to arran,e terms of s+rrender/
.here+pon the Men arm- 7e,an sho+tin, for jo-( TVien Tan also
*olle*ted 20/000 o+n*es of sil1er from the people/ and ,ot the
.ealth- *iti;ens of $hi-mo to send it to the Men ,eneral .ith the
pra-er that/ .hen the to.n *apit+lated/ he .o+ld allo. their
homes to 7e pl+ndered or their .omen to 7e maltreated( $hVi
$hieh/ in hi,h ,ood h+mor/ ,ranted their pra-erQ 7+t his arm- no.
7e*ame in*reasin,l- sla*k and *areless( >ean.hile/ TVien Tan ,ot
to,ether a tho+sand o0en/ de*ked them .ith pie*es of red silk/
painted their 7odies/ dra,on-like/ .ith *olored stripes/ and
fastened sharp 7lades on their horns and .ell-,reased r+shes on
their tails( )hen ni,ht *ame on/ he li,hted the ends of the
r+shes/ and dro1e the o0en thro+,h a n+m7er of holes .hi*h he had
pier*ed in the .alls/ 7a*kin, them +p .ith a for*e of 000 pi*ked
.arriors( The animals/ maddened .ith pain/ dashed f+rio+sl-
into the enem-Ns *amp .here the- *a+sed the +tmost *onf+sion and
disma-Q for their tails a*ted as tor*hes/, +p the hideo+s
pattern on their 7odies/ and the .eapons on their horns killed or
.o+nded an- .ith .hom the- *ame into *onta*t( 9n the meantime/
the 7and of 000 had *rept +p .ith ,a,s in their mo+ths/ and no.
thre. themsel1es on the enem-( 't the same moment a fri,htf+l
din arose in the *it- itself/ all those that remained 7ehind
makin, as m+*h noise as possi7le 7- 7an,in, dr+ms and hammerin,
on 7ron;e 1essels/ +ntil hea1en and earth .ere *on1+lsed 7- the
+proar( Terror-stri*ken/ the Men arm- fled in disorder/ hotl-
p+rs+ed 7- the men of $hVi/ .ho s+**eeded in sla-in, their
,eneral $hVi $hien(((( The res+lt of the 7attle .as the +ltimate
re*o1er- of some se1ent- *ities .hi*h had 7elon,ed to the $hVi

4iolent lan,+a,e and dri1in, for.ard as if to the atta*k are
si,ns that he .ill retreat(
2( )hen the li,ht *hariots *ome o+t first and take +p a
position on the .in,s/ it is a si,n that the enem- is formin, for
2#( Pea*e proposals +na**ompanied 7- a s.orn *o1enant
indi*ate a plot(

?The readin, here is +n*ertain( &i $hV+an indi*ates Ha
treat- *onfirmed 7- oaths and hosta,es(H )an, 8si and $han, M+/
on the other hand/ simpl- sa- H.itho+t reason/H Hon a fri1olo+s

27( )hen there is m+*h r+nnin, a7o+t

?51er- man hastenin, to his proper pla*e +nder his o.n
re,imental 7anner(A

and the soldiers fall into rank/ it means that the *riti*al
moment has *ome(
2"( )hen some are seen ad1an*in, and some retreatin,/ it is
a l+re(
29( )hen the soldiers stand leanin, on their spears/ the-
are faint from .ant of food(
30( 9f those .ho are sent to dra. .ater 7e,in 7- drinkin,
themsel1es/ the arm- is s+fferin, from thirst(

?'s T+ >+ remarks: HBne ma- kno. the *ondition of a .hole
arm- from the 7eha1ior of a sin,le man(HA

31( 9f the enem- sees an ad1anta,e to 7e ,ained and makes
no effort to se*+re it/ the soldiers are e0ha+sted(
32( 9f 7irds ,ather on an- spot/ it is +no**+pied(

?' +sef+l fa*t to 7ear in mind .hen/ for instan*e/ as $hVen
8ao sa-s/ the enem- has se*retl- a7andoned his *amp(A

$lamor 7- ni,ht 7etokens ner1o+sness(

33( 9f there is dist+r7an*e in the *amp/ the ,eneralNs
a+thorit- is .eak( 9f the 7anners and fla,s are shifted a7o+t/
sedition is afoot( 9f the offi*ers are an,r-/ it means that the
men are .ear-(

?T+ >+ +nderstands the senten*e differentl-: H9f all the
offi*ers of an arm- are an,r- .ith their ,eneral/ it means that
the- are 7roken .ith fati,+eH, to the e0ertions .hi*h he has
demanded from them(A

3!( )hen an arm- feeds its horses .ith ,rain and kills its
*attle for food/

?9n the ordinar- *o+rse of thin,s/ the men .o+ld 7e fed on
,rain and the horses *hiefl- on ,rass(A

and .hen the men do not han, their *ookin,-pots o1er the *amp-
fires/, that the- .ill not ret+rn to their tents/ -o+ ma-
kno. that the- are determined to fi,ht to the death(

?9 ma- P+ote here the ill+strati1e passa,e from the 8BC 8'N
S8C/ *h( 71/ ,i1en in a77re1iated form 7- the PV59 )5N MCN 3C:
HThe re7el )an, S+o of &ian, .as 7esie,in, the to.n of $hVen-
tsVan,/ and 8+an,-f+ S+n,/ .ho .as in s+preme *ommand/ and T+n,
$ho .ere sent o+t a,ainst him( The latter pressed for hast-
meas+res/ 7+t S+n, t+rned a deaf ear to his *o+nsel( 't last the
re7els .ere +tterl- .orn o+t/ and 7e,an to thro. do.n their
.eapons of their o.n a**ord( S+n, .as not ad1an*in, to the
atta*k/ 7+t $ho said: N9t is a prin*iple of .ar not to p+rs+e
desperate men and not to press a retreatin, host(N S+n,
ans.ered: NThat does not appl- here( )hat 9 am a7o+t to atta*k
is a jaded arm-/ not a retreatin, hostQ .ith dis*iplined troops 9
am fallin, on a disor,ani;ed m+ltit+de/ not a 7and of desperate
men(N There+pon he ad1an*es to the atta*k +ns+pported 7- his
*ollea,+e/ and ro+ted the enem-/ )an, S+o 7ein, slain(HA

3( The si,ht of men .hisperin, to,ether in small knots or
speakin, in s+7d+ed tones points to disaffe*tion amon,st the rank
and file(
3#( Too freP+ent re.ards si,nif- that the enem- is at the
end of his reso+r*esQ

?Be*a+se/ .hen an arm- is hard pressed/ as T+ >+ sa-s/ there
is al.a-s a fear of m+tin-/ and la1ish re.ards are ,i1en to keep
the men in ,ood temper(A

too man- p+nishments 7etra- a *ondition of dire distress(

?Be*a+se in s+*h *ase dis*ipline 7e*omes rela0ed/ and
+n.onted se1erit- is ne*essar- to keep the men to their d+t-(A

37( To 7e,in 7- 7l+ster/ 7+t after.ards to take fri,ht at
the enem-Ns n+m7ers/ sho.s a s+preme la*k of intelli,en*e(

?9 follo. the interpretation of TsVao S+n,/ also adopted 7-
&i $hV+an/ T+ >+/ and $han, M+( 'nother possi7le meanin, set
forth 7- T+ M+/ $hia &in/ >ei Tao-*hVen and )an, 8si/ is: HThe
,eneral .ho is first t-ranni*al to.ards his men/ and then in
terror lest the- sho+ld m+tin-/ et*(H This .o+ld *onne*t the
senten*e .ith .hat .ent 7efore a7o+t re.ards and p+nishments(A

3"( )hen en1o-s are sent .ith *ompliments in their mo+ths/
it is a si,n that the enem- .ishes for a tr+*e(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H9f the enem- open friendl- relations 7e
sendin, hosta,es/ it is a si,n that the- are an0io+s for an
armisti*e/ either 7e*a+se their stren,th is e0ha+sted or for some
other reason(H B+t it hardl- needs a S+n T;+ to dra. s+*h an
o71io+s inferen*e(A

39( 9f the enem-Ns troops mar*h +p an,ril- and remain
fa*in, o+rs for a lon, time .itho+t either joinin, 7attle or
takin, themsel1es off a,ain/ the sit+ation is one that demands
,reat 1i,ilan*e and *ir*+mspe*tion(

?TsVao S+n, sa-s a mane+1er of this sort ma- 7e onl- a r+se
to ,ain time for an +ne0pe*ted flank atta*k or the la-in, of an

!0( 9f o+r troops are no more in n+m7er than the enem-/
that is ampl- s+ffi*ientQ it onl- means that no dire*t atta*k *an
7e made(

?&iterall-/ Hno martial ad1an*e(H That is to sa-/ $85N:
ta*ti*s and frontal atta*ks m+st 7e es*he.ed/ and strata,em
resorted to instead(A

)hat .e *an do is simpl- to *on*entrate all o+r a1aila7le
stren,th/ keep a *lose .at*h on the enem-/ and o7tain

?This is an o7s*+re senten*e/ and none of the *ommentators
s+**eed in sP+ee;in, 1er- ,ood sense o+t of it( 9 follo. &i
$hV+an/ .ho appears to offer the simplest e0planation: HBnl- the
side that ,ets more men .ill .in(H 3ort+natel- .e ha1e $han, M+
to e0po+nd its meanin, to +s in lan,+a,e .hi*h is l+*idit-
itself: H)hen the n+m7ers are e1en/ and no fa1ora7le openin,
presents itself/ altho+,h .e ma- not 7e stron, eno+,h to deli1er
a s+stained atta*k/ .e *an find additional re*r+its amon,st o+r
s+tlers and *amp-follo.ers/ and then/ *on*entratin, o+r for*es
and keepin, a *lose .at*h on the enem-/ *ontri1e to snat*h the
1i*tor-( B+t .e m+st a1oid, forei,n soldiers to help
+s(H 8e then P+otes from )ei &iao T;+/ *h( 3: HThe nominal
stren,th of mer*enar- troops ma- 7e 100/000/ 7+t their real 1al+e
.ill 7e not more than half that fi,+re(HA

!1( 8e .ho e0er*ises no foretho+,ht 7+t makes li,ht of his
opponents is s+re to 7e *apt+red 7- them(

?$hVen 8ao/ P+otin, from the TSB $8C'N/ sa-s: H9f 7ees and
s*orpions *arr- poison/ ho. m+*h more .ill a hostile stateG 51en
a p+n- opponent/ then/ sho+ld not 7e treated .ith *ontempt(HA

!2( 9f soldiers are p+nished 7efore the- ha1e ,ro.n
atta*hed to -o+/ the- .ill not pro1e s+7missi1eQ and/ +nless
s+7missi1e/ then .ill 7e pra*ti*all- +seless( 9f/ .hen the
soldiers ha1e 7e*ome atta*hed to -o+/ p+nishments are not
enfor*ed/ the- .ill still 7e +nless(
!3( Therefore soldiers m+st 7e treated in the first
instan*e .ith h+manit-/ 7+t kept +nder *ontrol 7- means of iron

?Men T;+ ?B($( !93A said of Ss+-ma Oan,-*h+: H8is *i1il
1irt+es endeared him to the peopleQ his martial pro.ess kept his
enemies in a.e(H $f( )+ T;+/ *h( ! init(: HThe ideal *ommander
+nites *+lt+re .ith a .arlike temperQ the profession of arms
reP+ires a *om7ination of hardness and tenderness(HA

This is a *ertain road to 1i*tor-(

!!( 9f in trainin, soldiers *ommands are ha7it+all-
enfor*ed/ the arm- .ill 7e .ell-dis*iplinedQ if not/ its
dis*ipline .ill 7e 7ad(
!( 9f a ,eneral sho.s *onfiden*e in his men 7+t al.a-s
insists on his orders 7ein, o7e-ed/

?T+ >+ sa-s: H' ,eneral o+,ht in time of pea*e to sho.
kindl- *onfiden*e in his men and also make his a+thorit-
respe*ted/ so that .hen the- *ome to fa*e the enem-/ orders ma-
7e e0e*+ted and dis*ipline maintained/ 7e*a+se the- all tr+st and
look +p to him(H )hat S+n T;+ has said in ss( !!/ ho.e1er/ .o+ld
lead one rather to e0pe*t somethin, like this: H9f a ,eneral is
al.a-s *onfident that his orders .ill 7e *arried o+t/H et*(HA

the ,ain .ill 7e m+t+al(

?$han, M+ sa-s: HThe ,eneral has *onfiden*e in the men
+nder his *ommand/ and the men are do*ile/ ha1in, *onfiden*e in
him( Th+s the ,ain is m+t+alH 8e P+otes a pre,nant senten*e
from )ei &iao T;+/ *h( !: HThe art of ,i1in, orders is not to
tr- to re*tif- minor 7l+nders and not to 7e s.a-ed 7- pett-
do+7ts(H 4a*illation and f+ssiness are the s+rest means of
sappin, the *onfiden*e of an arm-(A

?1A H'ids to S*o+tin,/H p( 2#(


K( T566'9N

?Bnl- a7o+t a third of the *hapter/ *omprisin, ss( ss( 1-13/
deals .ith Hterrain/H the s+7je*t 7ein, more f+ll- treated in *h(
K9( The Hsi0 *alamitiesH are dis*+ssed in SS( 1!-20/ and the
rest of the *hapter is a,ain a mere strin, of des+ltor- remarks/
tho+,h not less interestin,/ perhaps/ on that a**o+nt(A

1( S+n T;+ said: )e ma- distin,+ish si0 kinds of terrain/
to .it: <1= '**essi7le ,ro+ndQ

?>ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: Hplentif+ll- pro1ided .ith roads and
means of *omm+ni*ations(HA

<2= entan,lin, ,ro+ndQ

?The same *ommentator sa-s: HNet-like *o+ntr-/ 1ent+rin,
into .hi*h -o+ 7e*ome entan,led(HA

<3= tempori;in, ,ro+ndQ

?:ro+nd .hi*h allo.s -o+ to Hsta1e offH or Hdela-(HA

<!= narro. passesQ <= pre*ipito+s hei,htsQ <#= positions at a
,reat distan*e from the enem-(

?9t is hardl- ne*essar- to point o+t the fa+ltiness of this
*lassifi*ation( ' stran,e la*k of lo,i*al per*eption is sho.n in
the $hinamanNs +nP+estionin, a**eptan*e of ,larin, *ross-
di1isions s+*h as the a7o1e(A

2( :ro+nd .hi*h *an 7e freel- tra1ersed 7- 7oth sides is
*alled '$$5SS9B&5(
3( )ith re,ard to ,ro+nd of this nat+re/ 7e 7efore the
enem- in o**+p-in, the raised and s+nn- spots/ and *aref+ll-
,+ard -o+r line of s+pplies(

?The ,eneral meanin, of the last phrase is do+7tlessl-/ as
T+ M+ sa-s/ Hnot to allo. the enem- to *+t -o+r *omm+ni*ations(H
9n 1ie. of NapoleonNs di*t+m/ Hthe se*ret of .ar lies in the
*omm+ni*ations/H ?1A .e *o+ld .ish that S+n T;+ had done more
than skirt the ed,e of this important s+7je*t here and in 9( ss(
10/ 499( ss( 11( $ol( 8enderson sa-s: HThe line of s+ppl- ma-
7e said to 7e as 1ital to the e0isten*e of an arm- as the heart
to the life of a h+man 7ein,( O+st as the d+elist .ho finds his
ad1ersar-Ns point mena*in, him .ith *ertain death/ and his o.n
,+ard astra-/ is *ompelled to *onform to his ad1ersar-Ns
mo1ements/ and to *ontent himself .ith .ardin, off his thr+sts/
so the *ommander .hose *omm+ni*ations are s+ddenl- threatened
finds himself in a false position/ and he .ill 7e fort+nate if he
has not to *han,e all his plans/ to split +p his for*e into more
or less isolated deta*hments/ and to fi,ht .ith inferior n+m7ers
on ,ro+nd .hi*h he has not had time to prepare/ and .here defeat
.ill not 7e an ordinar- fail+re/ 7+t .ill entail the r+in or
s+rrender of his .hole arm-(H ?2A

Then -o+ .ill 7e a7le to fi,ht .ith ad1anta,e(
!( :ro+nd .hi*h *an 7e a7andoned 7+t is hard to re-o**+p-
is *alled 5NT'N:&9N:(
( 3rom a position of this sort/ if the enem- is
+nprepared/ -o+ ma- sall- forth and defeat him( B+t if the enem-
is prepared for -o+r *omin,/ and -o+ fail to defeat him/ then/
ret+rn 7ein, impossi7le/ disaster .ill ens+e(
#( )hen the position is s+*h that neither side .ill ,ain 7-
makin, the first mo1e/ it is *alled T5>PB69Z9N: ,ro+nd(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H5a*h side finds it in*on1enient to mo1e/ and
the sit+ation remains at a deadlo*k(HA

7( 9n a position of this sort/ e1en tho+,h the enem- sho+ld
offer +s an attra*ti1e 7ait/

?T+ M+ sa-s/ Ht+rnin, their 7a*ks on +s and pretendin, to
flee(H B+t this is onl- one of the l+res .hi*h mi,ht ind+*e +s
to P+it o+r position(A

it .ill 7e ad1isa7le not to stir forth/ 7+t rather to retreat/
th+s enti*in, the enem- in his t+rnQ then/ .hen part of his arm-
has *ome o+t/ .e ma- deli1er o+r atta*k .ith ad1anta,e(
"( )ith re,ard to N'66B) P'SS5S/ if -o+ *an o**+p- them
first/ let them 7e stron,l- ,arrisoned and a.ait the ad1ent of
the enem-(

?Be*a+se then/ as T+ M+ o7ser1es/ Hthe initiati1e .ill lie
.ith +s/ and 7- makin, s+dden and +ne0pe*ted atta*ks .e shall
ha1e the enem- at o+r mer*-(HA

9( Sho+ld the arm- forestall -o+ in o**+p-in, a pass/ do
not ,o after him if the pass is f+ll- ,arrisoned/ 7+t onl- if it
is .eakl- ,arrisoned(
10( )ith re,ard to P65$9P9TBCS 859:8TS/ if -o+ are
7eforehand .ith -o+r ad1ersar-/ -o+ sho+ld o**+p- the raised and
s+nn- spots/ and there .ait for him to *ome +p(

?TsVao S+n, sa-s: HThe parti*+lar ad1anta,e of se*+rin,
hei,hts and defiles is that -o+r a*tions *annot then 7e di*tated
7- the enem-(H ?3or the en+n*iation of the ,rand prin*iple
all+ded to/ see 49( ss( 2A( $han, M+ tells the,
ane*dote of PVei 8sin,-*hien <'(%( #19-#"2=/ .ho .as sent on a
p+niti1e e0pedition a,ainst the T+rki* tri7es( H't ni,ht he
pit*hed his *amp as +s+al/ and it had alread- 7een *ompletel-
fortified 7- .all and dit*h/ .hen s+ddenl- he ,a1e orders that
the arm- sho+ld shift its P+arters to a hill near 7-( This .as
hi,hl- displeasin, to his offi*ers/ .ho protested lo+dl- a,ainst
the e0tra fati,+e .hi*h it .o+ld entail on the men( PVei 8sin,-
*hien/ ho.e1er/ paid no heed to their remonstran*es and had the
*amp mo1ed as P+i*kl- as possi7le( The same ni,ht/ a terrifi*
storm *ame on/ .hi*h flooded their former pla*e of en*ampment to
the depth of o1er t.el1e feet( The re*al*itrant offi*ers .ere
ama;ed at the si,ht/ and o.ned that the- had 7een in the .ron,(
N8o. did -o+ kno. .hat .as ,oin, to happenLN the- asked( PVei
8sin,-*hien replied: N3rom this time for.ard 7e *ontent to o7e-
orders .itho+t askin, +nne*essar- P+estions(N 3rom this it ma-
7e seen/H $han, M+ *ontin+es/ Hthat hi,h and s+nn- pla*es are
ad1anta,eo+s not onl- for fi,htin,/ 7+t also 7e*a+se the- are
imm+ne from disastro+s floods(HA

11( 9f the enem- has o**+pied them 7efore -o+/ do not
follo. him/ 7+t retreat and tr- to enti*e him a.a-(

?The t+rnin, point of &i Shih-minNs *ampai,n in #21 '(%(
a,ainst the t.o re7els/ To+ $hien-te/ Sin, of 8sia/ and )an,
Shih-*hV+n,/ Prin*e of $hen,/ .as his sei;+re of the hei,hts of
)+-lao/ in spike of .hi*h To+ $hien-te persisted in his attempt
to relie1e his all- in &o--an,/ .as defeated and taken prisoner(
See $89C TV'N:/ *h( 2/ fol( 1erso/ and also *h( !(A

12( 9f -o+ are sit+ated at a ,reat distan*e from the enem-/
and the stren,th of the t.o armies is eP+al/ it is not eas- to
pro1oke a 7attle/

?The point is that .e m+st not think of +ndertakin, a lon,
and .earisome mar*h/ at the end of .hi*h/ as T+ M+ sa-s/ H.e
sho+ld 7e e0ha+sted and o+r ad1ersar- fresh and keen(HA

and fi,htin, .ill 7e to -o+r disad1anta,e(

13( These si0 are the prin*iples *onne*ted .ith 5arth(

?Br perhaps/ Hthe prin*iples relatin, to ,ro+nd(H See/
ho.e1er/ 9( ss( "(A

The ,eneral .ho has attained a responsi7le post m+st 7e *aref+l
to st+d- them(
1!( No. an arm- is e0posed to si0 se1eral *alamities/ not
arisin, from nat+ral *a+ses/ 7+t from fa+lts for .hi*h the
,eneral is responsi7le( These are: <1= 3li,htQ <2=
ins+7ordinationQ <3= *ollapseQ <!= r+inQ <= disor,ani;ationQ <#=
1( Bther *onditions 7ein, eP+al/ if one for*e is h+rled
a,ainst another ten times its si;e/ the res+lt .ill 7e the 3&9:8T
of the former(
1#( )hen the *ommon soldiers are too stron, and their
offi*ers too .eak/ the res+lt is 9NSCBB6%9N'T9BN(

?T+ >+ *ites the +nhapp- *ase of TVien P+ ?8S9N TV'N: S8C/
*h( 1!"A/ .ho .as sent to )ei in "21 '(%( .ith orders to lead an
arm- a,ainst )an, TVin,-tsVo+( B+t the .hole time he .as in
*ommand/ his soldiers treated him .ith the +tmost *ontempt/ and
openl- flo+ted his a+thorit- 7- ridin, a7o+t the *amp on donke-s/
se1eral tho+sands at a time( TVien P+ .as po.erless to p+t a
stop to this *ond+*t/ and .hen/ after some months had passed/ he
made an attempt to en,a,e the enem-/ his troops t+rned tail and
dispersed in e1er- dire*tion( 'fter that/ the +nfort+nate man
*ommitted s+i*ide 7- *+ttin, his throat(A

)hen the offi*ers are too stron, and the *ommon soldiers too
.eak/ the res+lt is $B&&'PS5(

?TsVao S+n, sa-s: HThe offi*ers are ener,eti* and .ant to
press on/ the *ommon soldiers are fee7le and s+ddenl- *ollapse(HA

17( )hen the hi,her offi*ers are an,r- and ins+7ordinate/
and on meetin, the enem- ,i1e 7attle on their o.n a**o+nt from a
feelin, of resentment/ 7efore the *ommander-in-*hief *an tell
.hether or no he is in a position to fi,ht/ the res+lt is 6C9N(

?)an, 8siVs note is: HThis means/ the ,eneral is an,r-
.itho+t *a+se/ and at the same time does not appre*iate the
a7ilit- of his s+7ordinate offi*ersQ th+s he aro+ses fier*e
resentment and 7rin,s an a1alan*he of r+in +pon his head(HA

1"( )hen the ,eneral is .eak and .itho+t a+thorit-Q .hen
his orders are not *lear and distin*tQ

?)ei &iao T;+ <*h( != sa-s: H9f the *ommander ,i1es his
orders .ith de*ision/ the soldiers .ill not .ait to hear them
t.i*eQ if his mo1es are made .itho+t 1a*illation/ the soldiers
.ill not 7e in t.o minds a7o+t doin, their d+t-(H :eneral Baden-
Po.ell sa-s/ itali*i;in, the .ords: HThe se*ret of ,ettin,
s+**essf+l .ork o+t of -o+r trained men lies in one n+tshell--in
the *learness of the instr+*tions the- re*ei1e(H ?3A $f( also
)+ T;+ *h( 3: Hthe most fatal defe*t in a militar- leader is
differen*eQ the .orst *alamities that 7efall an arm- arise from

.hen there are no fi0es d+ties assi,ned to offi*ers and men/

?T+ >+ sa-s: HNeither offi*ers nor men ha1e an- re,+lar

and the ranks are formed in a slo1enl- hapha;ard manner/ the
res+lt is +tter %9SB6:'N9Z'T9BN(
19( )hen a ,eneral/ +na7le to estimate the enem-Ns
stren,th/ allo.s an inferior for*e to en,a,e a lar,er one/ or
h+rls a .eak deta*hment a,ainst a po.erf+l one/ and ne,le*ts to
pla*e pi*ked soldiers in the front rank/ the res+lt m+st 7e 6BCT(

?$han, M+ paraphrases the latter part of the senten*e and
*ontin+es: H)hene1er there is fi,htin, to 7e done/ the keenest
spirits sho+ld 7e appointed to ser1e in the front ranks/ 7oth in
order to stren,then the resol+tion of o+r o.n men and to
demorali;e the enem-(H $f( the primi ordines of $aesar <H%e
Bello :alli*o/H 4( 2"/ !!/ et al(=(A

20( These are si0 .a-s of *o+rtin, defeat/ .hi*h m+st 7e
*aref+ll- noted 7- the ,eneral .ho has attained a responsi7le

?See s+pra/ ss( 13(A

21( The nat+ral formation of the *o+ntr- is the soldierNs
7est all-Q

?$hVen 8ao sa-s: HThe ad1anta,es of .eather and season are
not eP+al to those *onne*ted .ith ,ro+nd(HA

7+t a of estimatin, the ad1ersar-/ of *ontrollin, the
for*es of 1i*tor-/ and of shre.dl- *al*+latin, diffi*+lties/
dan,ers and distan*es/ *onstit+tes the test of a ,reat ,eneral(
22( 8e .ho kno.s these thin,s/ and in fi,htin, p+ts his
kno.led,e into pra*ti*e/ .ill .in his 7attles( 8e .ho kno.s them
not/ nor pra*ti*es them/ .ill s+rel- 7e defeated(
23( 9f fi,htin, is s+re to res+lt in 1i*tor-/ then -o+ m+st
fi,ht/ e1en tho+,h the r+ler for7id itQ if fi,htin, .ill not
res+lt in 1i*tor-/ then -o+ m+st not fi,ht e1en at the r+lerNs

?$f( 4999( ss( 3 fin( 8+an, Shih-k+n, of the $hVin d-nast-/
.ho is said to ha1e 7een the patron of $han, &ian, and to ha1e
.ritten the S'N &C58/ has these .ords attri7+ted to him: HThe
responsi7ilit- of settin, an arm- in motion m+st de1ol1e on the
,eneral aloneQ if ad1an*e and retreat are *ontrolled from the
Pala*e/ 7rilliant res+lts .ill hardl- 7e a*hie1ed( 8en*e the
,od-like r+ler and the enli,htened monar*h are *ontent to pla- a
h+m7le part in f+rtherin, their *o+ntr-Ns *a+se ?lit(/ kneel do.n
to p+sh the *hariot .heelA(H This means that Hin matters l-in,
o+tside the ;enana/ the de*ision of the militar- *ommander m+st
7e a7sol+te(H $han, M+ also P+ote the sa-in,: H%e*rees from the
Son of 8ea1en do not penetrate the .alls of a *amp(HA
2!( The ,eneral .ho ad1an*es .itho+t *o1etin, fame and
retreats .itho+t fearin, dis,ra*e/

?9t .as )ellin,ton/ 9 think/ .ho said that the hardest thin,
of all for a soldier is to retreat(A

.hose onl- tho+,ht is to prote*t his *o+ntr- and do ,ood ser1i*e
for his so1erei,n/ is the je.el of the kin,dom(

?' no7le presentiment/ in fe. .ords/ of the $hinese Hhapp-
.arrior(H S+*h a man/ sa-s 8o Shih/ He1en if he had to s+ffer
p+nishment/ .o+ld not re,ret his *ond+*t(HA

2( 6e,ard -o+r soldiers as -o+r *hildren/ and the- .ill
follo. -o+ into the deepest 1alle-sQ look +pon them as -o+r o.n
7elo1ed sons/ and the- .ill stand 7- -o+ e1en +nto death(

?$f( 9( ss( #( 9n this *onne*tion/ T+ >+ dra.s for +s an
en,a,in, pi*t+re of the famo+s ,eneral )+ $hVi/ from .hose
treatise on .ar 9 ha1e freP+entl- had o**asion to P+ote: H8e
.ore the same *lothes and ate the same food as the meanest of his
soldiers/ ref+sed to ha1e either a horse to ride or a mat to
sleep on/ *arried his o.n s+rpl+s rations .rapped in a par*el/
and shared e1er- hardship .ith his men( Bne of his soldiers .as
s+fferin, from an a7s*ess/ and )+ $hVi himself s+*ked o+t the
1ir+s( The soldierNs mother/ hearin, this/ 7e,an .ailin, and
lamentin,( Some7od- asked her/ sa-in,: N)h- do -o+ *r-L Mo+r
son is onl- a *ommon soldier/ and -et the *ommander-in-*hief
himself has s+*ked the poison from his sore(N The .oman replied/
N>an- -ears a,o/ &ord )+ performed a similar ser1i*e for m-
h+s7and/ .ho ne1er left him after.ards/ and finall- met his death
at the hands of the enem-( 'nd no. that he has done the same for
m- son/ he too .ill fall fi,htin, 9 kno. not .here(NH &i $hV+an
mentions the 4is*o+nt of $hV+/ .ho in1aded the small state of
8siao d+rin, the .inter( The %+ke of Shen said to him: H>an- of
the soldiers are s+fferin, se1erel- from the *old(H So he made a
ro+nd of the .hole arm-/ *omfortin, and en*o+ra,in, the menQ and
strai,ht.a- the- felt as if the- .ere *lothed in ,arments lined
.ith floss silk(A

2#( 9f/ ho.e1er/ -o+ are ind+l,ent/ 7+t +na7le to make -o+r
a+thorit- feltQ kind-hearted/ 7+t +na7le to enfor*e -o+r
*ommandsQ and in*apa7le/ moreo1er/ of P+ellin, disorder: then
-o+r soldiers m+st 7e likened to spoilt *hildrenQ the- are
+seless for an- pra*ti*al p+rpose(

?&i $hin, on*e said that if -o+ *o+ld make -o+r soldiers
afraid of -o+/ the- .o+ld not 7e afraid of the enem-( T+ >+
re*alls an instan*e of stern militar- dis*ipline .hi*h o**+rred
in 219 '(%(/ .hen &+ >en, .as o**+p-in, the to.n of $hian,-lin,(
8e had ,i1en strin,ent orders to his arm- not to molest the
inha7itants nor take an-thin, from them 7- for*e( Ne1ertheless/
a *ertain offi*er ser1in, +nder his 7anner/ .ho happened to 7e a
fello.-to.nsman/ 1ent+red to appropriate a 7am7oo hat 7elon,in,
to one of the people/ in order to .ear it o1er his re,+lation
helmet as a prote*tion a,ainst the rain( &+ >en, *onsidered that
the fa*t of his 7ein, also a nati1e of O+-nan sho+ld not 7e
allo.ed to palliate a *lear 7rea*h of dis*ipline/ and a**ordin,l-
he ordered his s+mmar- e0e*+tion/ the tears rollin, do.n his
fa*e/ ho.e1er/ as he did so( This a*t of se1erit- filled the
arm- .ith .holesome a.e/ and from that time forth e1en arti*les
dropped in the hi,h.a- .ere not pi*ked +p(A

27( 9f .e kno. that o+r o.n men are in a *ondition to
atta*k/ 7+t are +na.are that the enem- is not open to atta*k/ .e
ha1e ,one onl- half.a- to.ards 1i*tor-(

?That is/ TsVao S+n, sa-s/ Hthe iss+e in this *ase is

2"( 9f .e kno. that the enem- is open to atta*k/ 7+t are
+na.are that o+r o.n men are not in a *ondition to atta*k/ .e
ha1e ,one onl- half.a- to.ards 1i*tor-(

?$f( 999( ss( 13 <1=(A

29( 9f .e kno. that the enem- is open to atta*k/ and also
kno. that o+r men are in a *ondition to atta*k/ 7+t are +na.are
that the nat+re of the ,ro+nd makes fi,htin, impra*ti*a7le/ .e
ha1e still ,one onl- half.a- to.ards 1i*tor-(
30( 8en*e the e0perien*ed soldier/ on*e in motion/ is ne1er
7e.ilderedQ on*e he has 7roken *amp/ he is ne1er at a loss(

?The reason 7ein,/ a**ordin, to T+ >+/ that he has taken his
meas+res so thoro+,hl- as to ens+re 1i*tor- 7eforehand( H8e does
not mo1e re*klessl-/H sa-s $han, M+/ Hso that .hen he does mo1e/
he makes no mistakes(HA

31( 8en*e the sa-in,: 9f -o+ kno. the enem- and kno.
-o+rself/ -o+r 1i*tor- .ill not stand in do+7tQ if -o+ kno.
8ea1en and kno. 5arth/ -o+ ma- make -o+r 1i*tor- *omplete(

?&i $hV+an s+ms +p as follo.s: H:i1en a kno.led,e of three
thin,s--the affairs of men/ the seasons of hea1en and the nat+ral
ad1anta,es of earth--/ 1i*tor- .ill in1aria7l- *ro.n -o+r

?1A See HPensees de Napoleon 1er/H no( !7(

?2A HThe S*ien*e of )ar/H *hap( 2(

?3A H'ids to S*o+tin,/H p( 0ii(


K9( T85 N9N5 S9TC'T9BNS

1( S+n T;+ said: The art of .ar re*o,ni;es nine 1arieties
of ,ro+nd: <1= %ispersi1e ,ro+ndQ <2= fa*ile ,ro+ndQ <3=
*ontentio+s ,ro+ndQ <!= open ,ro+ndQ <= ,ro+nd of interse*tin,
hi,h.a-sQ <#= serio+s ,ro+ndQ <7= diffi*+lt ,ro+ndQ <"= hemmed-in
,ro+ndQ <9= desperate ,ro+nd(
2( )hen a *hieftain is fi,htin, in his o.n territor-/ it is
dispersi1e ,ro+nd(

?So *alled 7e*a+se the soldiers/ 7ein, near to their homes
and an0io+s to see their .i1es and *hildren/ are likel- to sei;e
the opport+nit- afforded 7- a 7attle and s*atter in e1er-
dire*tion( H9n their ad1an*e/H o7ser1es T+ >+/ Hthe- .ill la*k
the 1alor of desperation/ and .hen the- retreat/ the- .ill find
har7ors of ref+,e(HA

3( )hen he has penetrated into hostile territor-/ 7+t to no
,reat distan*e/ it is fa*ile ,ro+nd(

?&i $hV+an and 8o Shih sa- H7e*a+se of the fa*ilit- for
retreatin,/H and the other *ommentators ,i1e similar
e0planations( T+ >+ remarks: H)hen -o+r arm- has *rossed the
7order/ -o+ sho+ld 7+rn -o+r 7oats and 7rid,es/ in order to make
it *lear to e1er-7od- that -o+ ha1e no hankerin, after home(HA

!( :ro+nd the possession of .hi*h imports ,reat ad1anta,e
to either side/ is *ontentio+s ,ro+nd(

?T+ >+ defines the ,ro+nd as ,ro+nd Hto 7e *ontended for(H
TsVao S+n, sa-s: H,ro+nd on .hi*h the fe. and the .eak *an
defeat the man- and the stron,/H s+*h as Hthe ne*k of a pass/H
instan*ed 7- &i $hV+an( Th+s/ Thermop-lae .as of this
*lassifi*ation 7e*a+se the possession of it/ e1en for a fe. da-s
onl-/ meant holdin, the entire in1adin, arm- in *he*k and th+s
,ainin, in1al+a7le time( $f( )+ T;+/ *h( 4( ad init(: H3or
those .ho ha1e to fi,ht in the ratio of one to ten/ there is
nothin, 7etter than a narro. pass(H )hen &+ S+an, .as ret+rnin,
from his tri+mphant e0pedition to T+rkestan in 3" '(%(/ and had
,ot as far as 9-ho/ laden .ith spoils/ &ian, 8si/ administrator
of &ian,-*ho+/ takin, ad1anta,e of the death of 3+ $hien/ Sin, of
$hVin/ plotted a,ainst him and .as for 7arrin, his .a- into the
pro1in*e( Man, 8an/ ,o1ernor of Sao-*hVan,/ *o+nseled him/
sa-in,: H&+ S+an, is fresh from his 1i*tories in the .est/ and
his soldiers are 1i,oro+s and mettlesome( 9f .e oppose him in
the shiftin, sands of the desert/ .e shall 7e no mat*h for him/
and .e m+st therefore tr- a different plan( &et +s hasten to
o**+p- the defile at the mo+th of the Sao-.+ pass/ th+s *+ttin,
him off from s+pplies of .ater/ and .hen his troops are
prostrated .ith thirst/ .e *an di*tate o+r o.n terms .itho+t
mo1in,( Br if -o+ think that the pass 9 mention is too far off/
.e *o+ld make a stand a,ainst him at the 9-.+ pass/ .hi*h is
nearer( The *+nnin, and reso+r*e of T;+-fan, himself .o+ld 7e
e0pended in 1ain a,ainst the enormo+s stren,th of these t.o
positions(H &ian, 8si/ ref+sin, to a*t on this ad1i*e/ .as
o1er.helmed and s.ept a.a- 7- the in1ader(A

( :ro+nd on .hi*h ea*h side has li7ert- of mo1ement is
open ,ro+nd(

?There are 1ario+s interpretations of the $hinese adje*ti1e
for this t-pe of ,ro+nd( TsVao S+n, sa-s it means H,ro+nd
*o1ered .ith a net.ork of roads/H like a *hess7oard( 8o Shih
s+,,ested: H,ro+nd on .hi*h inter*omm+ni*ation is eas-(HA

#( :ro+nd .hi*h forms the ke- to three *onti,+o+s states/

?TsVa+ S+n, defines this as: HB+r *o+ntr- adjoinin, the
enem-Ns and a third *o+ntr- *ontermino+s .ith 7oth(H >en, Shih
instan*es the small prin*ipalit- of $hen,/ .hi*h .as 7o+nded on
the north-east 7- $hVi/ on the .est 7- $hin/ and on the so+th 7-

so that he .ho o**+pies it first has most of the 5mpire at his

?The 7elli,erent .ho holds this dominatin, position *an
*onstrain most of them to 7e*ome his allies(A

is a ,ro+nd of interse*tin, hi,h.a-s(
7( )hen an arm- has penetrated into the heart of a hostile
*o+ntr-/ lea1in, a n+m7er of fortified *ities in its rear/ it is
serio+s ,ro+nd(

?)an, 8si e0plains the name 7- sa-in, that H.hen an arm- has
rea*hed s+*h a point/ its sit+ation is serio+s(HA

"( >o+ntain forests/

?Br simpl- Hforests(HA

r+,,ed steeps/ marshes and fens--all *o+ntr- that is hard to
tra1erse: this is diffi*+lt ,ro+nd(
9( :ro+nd .hi*h is rea*hed thro+,h narro. ,or,es/ and from
.hi*h .e *an onl- retire 7- tort+o+s paths/ so that a small
n+m7er of the enem- .o+ld s+ffi*e to *r+sh a lar,e 7od- of o+r
men: this is hemmed in ,ro+nd(
10( :ro+nd on .hi*h .e *an onl- 7e sa1ed from destr+*tion
7- fi,htin, .itho+t dela-/ is desperate ,ro+nd(

?The sit+ation/ as pi*t+red 7- TsVao S+n,/ is 1er- similar
to the Hhemmed-in ,ro+ndH e0*ept that here es*ape is no lon,er
possi7le: H' loft- mo+ntain in front/ a lar,e ri1er 7ehind/
ad1an*e impossi7le/ retreat 7lo*ked(H $hVen 8ao sa-s: Hto 7e on
Ndesperate ,ro+ndN is like sittin, in a leakin, 7oat or *ro+*hin,
in a 7+rnin, ho+se(H T+ >+ P+otes from &i $hin, a 1i1id
des*ription of the pli,ht of an arm- th+s entrapped: HS+ppose an
arm- in1adin, hostile territor- .itho+t the aid of lo*al ,+ides:
-- it falls into a fatal snare and is at the enem-Ns mer*-( '
ra1ine on the left/ a mo+ntain on the ri,ht/ a path.a- so
perilo+s that the horses ha1e to 7e roped to,ether and the
*hariots *arried in slin,s/ no passa,e open in front/ retreat *+t
off 7ehind/ no *hoi*e 7+t to pro*eed in sin,le file( Then/
7efore there is time to ran,e o+r soldiers in order of 7attle/
the enem- is o1er.helmin, stren,th s+ddenl- appears on the s*ene(
'd1an*in,/ .e *an take a 7reathin,-spa*eQ retreatin,/ .e
ha1e no ha1en of ref+,e( )e seek a pit*hed 7attle/ 7+t in 1ainQ
-et standin, on the defensi1e/ none of +s has a momentNs respite(
9f .e simpl- maintain o+r ,ro+nd/ .hole da-s and months .ill
*ra.l 7-Q the moment .e make a mo1e/ .e ha1e to s+stain the
enem-Ns atta*ks on front and rear( The *o+ntr- is .ild/
destit+te of .ater and plantsQ the arm- is la*kin, in the
ne*essaries of life/ the horses are jaded and the men .orn-o+t/
all the reso+r*es of stren,th and skill +na1ailin,/ the pass so
narro. that a sin,le man defendin, it *an *he*k the onset of ten
tho+sandQ all means of offense in the hands of the enem-/ all
points of 1anta,e alread- forfeited 7- o+rsel1es:--in this
terri7le pli,ht/ e1en tho+,h .e had the most 1aliant soldiers and
the keenest of .eapons/ ho. *o+ld the- 7e emplo-ed .ith the
sli,htest effe*tLH St+dents of :reek histor- ma- 7e reminded of
the a.f+l *lose to the Si*ilian e0pedition/ and the a,on- of the
'thenians +nder Ni*ias and %emonsthenes( ?See Th+*-dides/ 499(
7" sPP(A(A

11( Bn dispersi1e ,ro+nd/ therefore/ fi,ht not( Bn fa*ile
,ro+nd/ halt not( Bn *ontentio+s ,ro+nd/ atta*k not(

?B+t rather let all -o+r ener,ies 7e 7ent on o**+p-in, the
ad1anta,eo+s position first( So TsVao S+n,( &i $hV+an and
others/ ho.e1er/ s+ppose the meanin, to 7e that the enem- has
alread- forestalled +s/ sot that it .o+ld 7e sheer madness to
atta*k( 9n the SCN TZC 8SC &C/ .hen the Sin, of )+ inP+ires .hat
sho+ld 7e done in this *ase/ S+n T;+ replies: HThe r+le .ith
re,ard to *ontentio+s ,ro+nd is that those in possession ha1e the
ad1anta,e o1er the other side( 9f a position of this kind is
se*+red first 7- the enem-/ 7e.are of atta*kin, him( &+re him
a.a- 7- pretendin, to flee--sho. -o+r 7anners and so+nd -o+r
dr+ms--make a dash for other pla*es that he *annot afford to
lose--trail 7r+sh.ood and raise a d+st--*onfo+nd his ears and
e-es--deta*h a 7od- of -o+r 7est troops/ and pla*e it se*retl- in
am7+s*ade( Then -o+r opponent .ill sall- forth to the res*+e(HA

12( Bn open ,ro+nd/ do not tr- to 7lo*k the enem-Ns .a-(

?Be*a+se the attempt .o+ld 7e f+tile/ and .o+ld e0pose the
7lo*kin, for*e itself to serio+s risks( There are t.o
interpretations a1aila7le here( 9 follo. that of $han, M+( The
other is indi*ated in TsVao S+n,Ns 7rief note: H%ra. *loser
to,etherH--i(e(/ see that a portion of -o+r o.n arm- is not *+t

Bn the ,ro+nd of interse*tin, hi,h.a-s/ join hands .ith -o+r

?Br perhaps/ Hform allian*es .ith nei,h7orin, states(HA

13( Bn serio+s ,ro+nd/ ,ather in pl+nder(

?Bn this/ &i $hV+an has the, deli*io+s note: H)hen
an arm- penetrates far into the enem-Ns *o+ntr-/ *are m+st 7e
taken not to alienate the people 7- +nj+st treatment( 3ollo. the
e0ample of the 8an 5mperor Sao Ts+/ .hose mar*h into $hVin
territor- .as marked 7- no 1iolation of .omen or lootin, of
1al+a7les( ?Nota 7ene: this .as in 207 B($(/ and ma- .ell *a+se
+s to 7l+sh for the $hristian armies that entered Pekin, in 1900
'(%(A Th+s he .on the hearts of all( 9n the present passa,e/
then/ 9 think that the tr+e readin, m+st 7e/ not Npl+nder/N 7+t
Ndo not pl+nder(NH 'las/ 9 fear that in this instan*e the .orth-
*ommentatorNs feelin,s o+tran his j+d,ment( T+ >+/ at least/ has
no s+*h ill+sions( 8e sa-s: H)hen en*amped on Nserio+s ,ro+nd/N
there 7ein, no ind+*ement as -et to ad1an*e f+rther/ and no
possi7ilit- of retreat/ one o+,ht to take meas+res for a
protra*ted resistan*e 7- 7rin,in, in pro1isions from all sides/
and keep a *lose .at*h on the enem-(HA

9n diffi*+lt ,ro+nd/ keep steadil- on the mar*h(

?Br/ in the .ords of 4999( ss( 2/ Hdo not en*amp(A

1!( Bn hemmed-in ,ro+nd/ resort to strata,em(

?TsVa+ S+n, sa-s: HTr- the effe*t of some +n+s+al
artifi*eQH and T+ M+ amplifies this 7- sa-in,: H9n s+*h a
position/ some s*heme m+st 7e de1ised .hi*h .ill s+it the
*ir*+mstan*es/ and if .e *an s+**eed in del+din, the enem-/ the
peril ma- 7e es*aped(H This is e0a*tl- .hat happened on the
famo+s o**asion .hen 8anni7al .as hemmed in amon, the mo+ntains
on the road to $asilin+m/ and to all appearan*es entrapped 7- the
di*tator 3a7i+s( The strata,em .hi*h 8anni7al de1ised to 7affle
his foes .as remarka7l- like that .hi*h TVien Tan had also
emplo-ed .ith s+**ess e0a*tl- #2 -ears 7efore( ?See 9K( ss( 2!/
note(A )hen ni,ht *ame on/ 7+ndles of t.i,s .ere fastened to the
horns of some 2000 o0en and set on fire/ the terrified animals
7ein, then P+i*kl- dri1en alon, the mo+ntain side to.ards the
passes .hi*h .ere 7eset 7- the enem-( The stran,e spe*ta*le of
these rapidl- mo1in, li,hts so alarmed and dis*omfited the 6omans
that the- .ithdre. from their position/ and 8anni7alNs arm-
passed safel- thro+,h the defile( ?See Pol-7i+s/ 999( 93/ 9!Q
&i1-/ KK99( 1# 17(A

Bn desperate ,ro+nd/ fi,ht(

?3or/ as $hia &in remarks: Hif -o+ fi,ht .ith all -o+r
mi,ht/ there is a *han*e of lifeQ .here as death is *ertain if
-o+ *lin, to -o+r *orner(HA

1( Those .ho .ere *alled skillf+l leaders of old kne. ho.
to dri1e a .ed,e 7et.een the enem-Ns front and rearQ

?>ore literall-/ H*a+se the front and rear to lose to+*h
.ith ea*h other(HA

to pre1ent *o-operation 7et.een his lar,e and small di1isionsQ to
hinder the ,ood troops from res*+in, the 7ad/ the offi*ers from
rall-in, their men(
1#( )hen the enem-Ns men .ere +nited/ the- mana,ed to keep
them in disorder(
17( )hen it .as to their ad1anta,e/ the- made a for.ard
mo1eQ .hen other.ise/ the- stopped still(

?>ei Mao-*hVen *onne*ts this .ith the fore,oin,: H8a1in,
s+**eeded in th+s dislo*atin, the enem-/ the- .o+ld p+sh for.ard
in order to se*+re an- ad1anta,e to 7e ,ainedQ if there .as no
ad1anta,e to 7e ,ained/ the- .o+ld remain .here the- .ere(HA

1"( 9f asked ho. to *ope .ith a ,reat host of the enem- in
orderl- arra- and on the point of mar*hin, to the atta*k/ 9
sho+ld sa-: HBe,in 7- sei;in, somethin, .hi*h -o+r opponent
holds dearQ then he .ill 7e amena7le to -o+r .ill(H

?Bpinions differ as to .hat S+n T;+ had in mind( TsVao S+n,
thinks it is Hsome strate,i*al ad1anta,e on .hi*h the enem- is
dependin,(H T+ >+ sa-s: HThe three thin,s .hi*h an enem- is
an0io+s to do/ and on the a**omplishment of .hi*h his s+**ess
depends/ are: <1= to *apt+re o+r fa1ora7le positionsQ <2= to
ra1a,e o+r *+lti1ated landQ <3= to ,+ard his o.n *omm+ni*ations(H
B+r o7je*t then m+st 7e to his plans in these three
dire*tions and th+s render him helpless( ?$f( 999( ss( 3(A B-
7oldl- sei;in, the initiati1e in this .a-/ -o+ at on*e thro. the
other side on the defensi1e(A

19( 6apidit- is the essen*e of .ar:

?'**ordin, to T+ >+/ Hthis is a s+mmar- of leadin,
prin*iples in .arfare/H and he adds: HThese are the profo+ndest
tr+ths of militar- s*ien*e/ and the *hief 7+siness of the
,eneral(H The, ane*dotes/ told 7- 8o Shih/ sho.s the
importan*e atta*hed to speed 7- t.o of $hinaNs ,reatest ,enerals(
9n 227 '(%(/ >en, Ta/ ,o1ernor of 8sin-*hVen, +nder the )ei
5mperor )en Ti/ .as meditatin, defe*tion to the 8o+se of Sh+/ and
had entered into *orresponden*e .ith $h+-ko &ian,/ Prime >inister
of that State( The )ei ,eneral Ss+-ma 9 .as then militar-
,o1ernor of )an/ and ,ettin, .ind of >en, TaNs trea*her-/ he at
on*e set off .ith an arm- to anti*ipate his re1olt/ ha1in,
pre1io+sl- *ajoled him 7- a spe*io+s messa,e of friendl- import(
Ss+-maNs offi*ers *ame to him and said: H9f >en, Ta has lea,+ed
himself .ith )+ and Sh+/ the matter sho+ld 7e thoro+,hl-
in1esti,ated 7efore .e make a mo1e(H Ss+-ma 9 replied: H>en, Ta
is an +nprin*ipled man/ and .e o+,ht to ,o and p+nish him at
on*e/ .hile he is still .a1erin, and 7efore he has thro.n off the
mask(H Then/ 7- a series of for*ed mar*hes/ 7e 7ro+,ht his arm-
+nder the .alls of 8sin-*hVen, .ith in a spa*e of ei,ht da-s(
No. >en, Ta had pre1io+sl- said in a letter to $h+-ko &ian,:
H)an is 1200 &9 from here( )hen the ne.s of m- re1olt rea*hes
Ss+-ma 9/ he .ill at on*e inform his imperial master/ 7+t it .ill
7e a .hole month 7efore an- steps *an 7e taken/ and 7- that time
m- *it- .ill 7e .ell fortified( Besides/ Ss+-ma 9 is s+re not to
*ome himself/ and the ,enerals that .ill 7e sent a,ainst +s are
not .orth tro+7lin, a7o+t(H The ne0t letter/ ho.e1er/ .as filled
.ith *onsternation: HTho+,h onl- ei,ht da-s ha1e passed sin*e 9
thre. off m- alle,ian*e/ an arm- is alread- at the *it--,ates(
)hat mira*+lo+s rapidit- is thisGH ' fortni,ht later/ 8sin-
*hVen, had fallen and >en, Ta had lost his head( ?See
$89N S8C/ *h( 1/ f( 3(A 9n #21 '(%(/ &i $hin, .as sent from
SV+ei-*ho+ in Ss+-*hV+an to red+*e the s+**essf+l re7el 8siao
8sien/ .ho had set +p as 5mperor at the modern $hin,-*ho+ 3+ in
8+peh( 9t .as a+t+mn/ and the Man,ts;e 7ein, then in flood/
8siao 8sien ne1er dreamt that his ad1ersar- .o+ld 1ent+re to *ome
do.n thro+,h the ,or,es/ and *onseP+entl- made no preparations(
B+t &i $hin, em7arked his arm- .itho+t loss of time/ and .as j+st
a7o+t to start .hen the other ,enerals implored him to postpone
his depart+re +ntil the ri1er .as in a less dan,ero+s state for
na1i,ation( &i $hin, replied: HTo the soldier/ o1er.helmin,
speed is of paramo+nt importan*e/ and he m+st ne1er miss
opport+nities( No. is the time to strike/ 7efore 8siao 8sien
e1en kno.s that .e ha1e ,ot an arm- to,ether( 9f .e sei;e the
present moment .hen the ri1er is in flood/ .e shall appear 7efore
his *apital .ith startlin, s+ddenness/ like the th+nder .hi*h is
heard 7efore -o+ ha1e time to stop -o+r ears a,ainst it( ?See
499( ss( 19/ note(A This is the ,reat prin*iple in .ar( 51en if
he ,ets to kno. of o+r approa*h/ he .ill ha1e to le1- his
soldiers in s+*h a h+rr- that the- .ill not 7e fit to oppose +s(
Th+s the f+ll fr+its of 1i*tor- .ill 7e o+rs(H 'll *ame a7o+t as
he predi*ted/ and 8siao 8sien .as o7li,ed to s+rrender/ no7l-
stip+latin, that his people sho+ld 7e spared and he alone s+ffer
the penalt- of death(A

take ad1anta,e of the enem-Ns +nreadiness/ make -o+r .a- 7-
+ne0pe*ted ro+tes/ and atta*k +n,+arded spots(
20( The, are the prin*iples to 7e o7ser1ed 7- an
in1adin, for*e: The f+rther -o+ penetrate into a *o+ntr-/ the
,reater .ill 7e the solidarit- of -o+r troops/ and th+s the
defenders .ill not pre1ail a,ainst -o+(
21( >ake fora-s in fertile *o+ntr- in order to s+ppl- -o+r
arm- .ith food(

?$f( s+pra/ ss( 13( &i $hV+an does not 1ent+re on a note

22( $aref+ll- st+d- the .ell-7ein, of -o+r men/

?3or H.ell-7ein,H/ )an, 8si means/ HPet them/ h+mor them/
,i1e them plent- of food and drink/ and look after them

and do not o1erta0 them( $on*entrate -o+r ener,- and hoard -o+r

?$hVen re*alls the line of a*tion adopted in 22! B($( 7- the
famo+s ,eneral )an, $hien/ .hose militar- ,eni+s lar,el-
*ontri7+ted to the s+**ess of the 3irst 5mperor( 8e had in1aded
the $hV+ State/ .here a +ni1ersal le1- .as made to oppose him(
B+t/ 7ein, do+7tf+l of the temper of his troops/ he de*lined all
in1itations to fi,ht and remained stri*tl- on the defensi1e( 9n
1ain did the $hV+ ,eneral tr- to for*e a 7attle: da- after da-
)an, $hien kept inside his .alls and .o+ld not *ome o+t/ 7+t
de1oted his .hole time and ener,- to .innin, the affe*tion and
*onfiden*e of his men( 8e took *are that the- sho+ld 7e .ell
fed/ sharin, his o.n meals .ith them/ pro1ided fa*ilities for
7athin,/ and emplo-ed e1er- method of j+di*io+s ind+l,en*e to
.eld them into a lo-al and homo,eno+s 7od-( 'fter some time had
elapsed/ he told off *ertain persons to find o+t ho. the men .ere
am+sin, themsel1es( The .as/ that the- .ere *ontendin,
.ith one another in p+ttin, the .ei,ht and lon,-j+mpin,( )hen
)an, $hien heard that the- .ere en,a,ed in these athleti*
p+rs+its/ he kne. that their spirits had 7een str+n, +p to the
reP+ired pit*h and that the- .ere no. read- for fi,htin,( B-
this time the $hV+ arm-/ after repeatin, their *hallen,e a,ain
and a,ain/ had mar*hed a.a- east.ards in dis,+st( The $hVin
,eneral immediatel- 7roke +p his *amp and follo.ed them/ and in
the 7attle that ens+ed the- .ere ro+ted .ith ,reat sla+,hter(
Shortl- after.ards/ the .hole of $hV+ .as *onP+ered 7- $hVin/ and
the kin, 3+-*hV+ led into *apti1it-(A

Seep -o+r arm- *ontin+all- on the mo1e/

?9n order that the enem- ma- ne1er kno. e0a*tl- .here -o+
are( 9t has str+*k me/ ho.e1er/ that the tr+e readin, mi,ht 7e
Hlink -o+r arm- to,ether(HA

and de1ise +nfathoma7le plans(
23( Thro. -o+r soldiers into positions .hen*e there is no
es*ape/ and the- .ill prefer death to fli,ht( 9f the- .ill fa*e
death/ there is nothin, the- ma- not a*hie1e(

?$han, M+ P+otes his fa1orite )ei &iao T;+ <*h( 3=: H9f one
man .ere to r+n amok .ith a s.ord in the market-pla*e/ and
e1er-7od- else tried to ,et o+r of his .a-/ 9 sho+ld not allo.
that this man alone had *o+ra,e and that all the rest .ere
*ontempti7le *o.ards( The tr+th is/ that a desperado and a man
.ho sets some 1al+e on his life do not meet on e1en terms(HA

Bffi*ers and men alike .ill p+t forth their +ttermost stren,th(

?$han, M+ sa-s: H9f the- are in an a.k.ard pla*e to,ether/
the- .ill s+rel- e0ert their +nited stren,th to ,et o+t of it(HA

2!( Soldiers .hen in desperate straits lose the sense of
fear( 9f there is no pla*e of ref+,e/ the- .ill stand firm( 9f
the- are in hostile *o+ntr-/ the- .ill sho. a st+77orn front( 9f
there is no help for it/ the- .ill fi,ht hard(
2( Th+s/ .itho+t .aitin, to 7e marshaled/ the soldiers
.ill 7e *onstantl- on the P+i 1i1eQ .itho+t .aitin, to 7e asked/
the- .ill do -o+r .illQ

?&iterall-/ H.itho+t askin,/ -o+ .ill ,et(HA

.itho+t restri*tions/ the- .ill 7e faithf+lQ .itho+t ,i1in,
orders/ the- *an 7e tr+sted(
2#( Prohi7it the takin, of omens/ and do a.a- .ith
s+perstitio+s do+7ts( Then/ +ntil death itself *omes/ no
*alamit- need 7e feared(

?The s+perstitio+s/ H7o+nd in to sa+*- do+7ts and fears/H
de,enerate into *o.ards and Hdie man- times 7efore their deaths(H
T+ >+ P+otes 8+an, Shih-k+n,: HNSpells and in*antations sho+ld
7e stri*tl- for7idden/ and no offi*er allo.ed to inP+ire 7-
di1ination into the fort+nes of an arm-/ for fear the soldiersN
minds sho+ld 7e serio+sl- pert+r7ed(N The meanin, is/H he
*ontin+es/ Hthat if all do+7ts and s*r+ples are dis*arded/ -o+r
men .ill ne1er falter in their resol+tion +ntil the- die(HA

27( 9f o+r soldiers are not o1er7+rdened .ith mone-/ it is
not 7e*a+se the- ha1e a distaste for ri*hesQ if their li1es are
not +nd+l- lon,/ it is not 7e*a+se the- are disin*lined to

?$han, M+ has the 7est note on this passa,e: H)ealth and
lon, life are thin,s for .hi*h all men ha1e a nat+ral
in*lination( 8en*e/ if the- 7+rn or flin, a.a- 1al+a7les/ and
sa*rifi*e their o.n li1es/ it is not that the- dislike them/ 7+t
simpl- that the- ha1e no *hoi*e(H S+n T;+ is sl-l- insin+atin,
that/ as soldiers are 7+t h+man/ it is for the ,eneral to see
that temptations to shirk fi,htin, and ,ro. ri*h are not thro.n
in their .a-(A

2"( Bn the da- the- are ordered o+t to 7attle/ -o+r
soldiers ma- .eep/

?The .ord in the $hinese is Hsni1el(H This is taken to
indi*ate more ,en+ine ,rief than tears alone(A

those sittin, +p, their ,arments/ and those l-in, do.n
lettin, the tears r+n do.n their *heeks(

?Not 7e*a+se the- are afraid/ 7+t 7e*a+se/ as TsVao S+n,
sa-s/ Hall ha1e em7ra*ed the firm resol+tion to do or die(H )e
ma- remem7er that the heroes of the 9liad .ere eP+all- *hildlike
in, their emotion( $han, M+ all+des to the mo+rnf+l
partin, at the 9 6i1er 7et.een $hin, SVo and his friends/ .hen
the former .as sent to attempt the life of the Sin, of $hVin
<after.ards 3irst 5mperor= in 227 B($( The tears of all flo.ed
do.n like rain as he 7ade them fare.ell and +ttered the,
lines: HThe shrill 7last is,/ $hill- the 7+rnQ Mo+r
*hampion is ,oin,--Not to ret+rn(H ?1A A

B+t let them on*e 7e 7ro+,ht to 7a-/ and the- .ill displa- the
*o+ra,e of a $h+ or a S+ei(

?$h+ .as the personal name of $h+an $h+/ a nati1e of the )+
State and *ontemporar- .ith S+n T;+ himself/ .ho .as emplo-ed 7-
S+n,-t;+ S+an,/ 7etter kno.n as 8o &+ )an,/ to assassinate his
so1erei,n )an, &iao .ith a da,,er .hi*h he se*reted in the 7ell-
of a fish ser1ed +p at a 7anP+et( 8e s+**eeded in his attempt/
7+t .as immediatel- ha*ked to pie*ed 7- the kin,Ns 7od-,+ard(
This .as in 1 B($( The other hero referred to/ TsVao S+ei <or
TsVao >o=/ performed the e0ploit .hi*h has made his name famo+s
1## -ears earlier/ in #"1 B($( &+ had 7een thri*e defeated 7-
$hVi/ and .as j+st a7o+t to *on*l+de a treat- s+rrenderin, a
lar,e sli*e of territor-/ .hen TsVao S+ei s+ddenl- sei;ed 8+an
S+n,/ the %+ke of $hVi/ as he stood on the altar steps and held a
da,,er a,ainst his *hest( None of the d+keNs retainers dared to
mo1e a m+s*le/ and TsVao S+ei pro*eeded to demand f+ll
restit+tion/ de*larin, the &+ .as 7ein, +nj+stl- treated 7e*a+se
she .as a smaller and a .eaker state( 8+an S+n,/ in peril of his
life/ .as o7li,ed to *onsent/ .here+pon TsVao S+ei fl+n, a.a- his
da,,er and P+ietl- res+med his pla*e amid the terrified
assem7la,e .itho+t ha1in, so m+*h as *han,ed *olor( 's .as to 7e
e0pe*ted/ the %+ke .anted after.ards to rep+diate the 7ar,ain/
7+t his .ise old *o+nselor S+an $h+n, pointed o+t to him the
impoli*- of 7reakin, his .ord/ and the +pshot .as that this 7old
stroke re,ained for &+ the .hole of .hat she had lost in three
pit*hed 7attles(A

29( The skillf+l ta*ti*ian ma- 7e likened to the S8C'9-O'N(
No. the S8C'9-O'N is a snake that is fo+nd in the $hVan,

?HSh+ai-janH means Hs+ddenl-H or Hrapidl-/H and the snake in
P+estion .as do+7tless so *alled, to the rapidit- of its
mo1ements( Thro+,h this passa,e/ the term in the $hinese has no.
*ome to 7e +sed in the sense of Hmilitar- mane+1ers(HA

Strike at its head/ and -o+ .ill 7e atta*ked 7- its tailQ strike
at its tail/ and -o+ .ill 7e atta*ked 7- its headQ strike at its
middle/ and -o+ .ill 7e atta*ked 7- head and tail 7oth(
30( 'sked if an arm- *an 7e made to imitate the S8C'9-O'N/

?That is/ as >ei Mao-*hVen sa-s/ H9s it possi7le to make the
front and rear of an arm- ea*h s.iftl- responsi1e to atta*k on
the other/ j+st as tho+,h the- .ere part of a sin,le li1in,

9 sho+ld Mes( 3or the men of )+ and the men of M+eh are

?$f( 49( ss( 21(A

-et if the- are *rossin, a ri1er in the same 7oat and are *a+,ht
7- a storm/ the- .ill *ome to ea*h otherNs assistan*e j+st as the
left hand helps the ri,ht(

?The meanin, is: 9f t.o enemies .ill help ea*h other in a
time of *ommon peril/ ho. m+*h more sho+ld t.o parts of the same
arm-/ 7o+nd to,ether as the- are 7- e1er- tie of interest and
fello.-feelin,( Met it is notorio+s that man- a *ampai,n has
7een r+ined thro+,h la*k of *ooperation/ espe*iall- in the *ase
of allied armies(A

31( 8en*e it is not eno+,h to p+t oneNs tr+st in the
tetherin, of horses/ and the 7+r-in, of *hariot .heels in the

?These P+aint de1i*es to pre1ent oneNs arm- from r+nnin,
a.a- re*all the 'thenian hero Sophanes/ .ho *arried the an*hor
.ith him at the 7attle of Plataea/ 7- means of .hi*h he fastened
himself firml- to one spot( ?See 8erodot+s/ 9K( 7!(A 9t is not
eno+,h/ sa-s S+n T;+/ to render fli,ht impossi7le 7- s+*h
me*hani*al means( Mo+ .ill not s+**eed +nless -o+r men ha1e
tena*it- and +nit- of p+rpose/ and/ a7o1e all/ a spirit of
s-mpatheti* *ooperation( This is the lesson .hi*h *an 7e learned
from the S8C'9-O'N(A

32( The prin*iple on .hi*h to mana,e an arm- is to set +p
one standard of *o+ra,e .hi*h all m+st rea*h(

?&iterall-/ Hle1el the *o+ra,e ?of allA as tho+,h ?it .ere
that ofA one(H 9f the ideal arm- is to form a sin,le or,ani*
.hole/ then it follo.s that the resol+tion and spirit of its
*omponent parts m+st 7e of the same P+alit-/ or at an- rate m+st
not fall 7elo. a *ertain standard( )ellin,tonNs seemin,l-
+n,ratef+l des*ription of his arm- at )aterloo as Hthe .orst he
had e1er *ommandedH meant no more than that it .as defi*ient in
this important parti*+lar--+nit- of spirit and *o+ra,e( 8ad he
not foreseen the Bel,ian defe*tions and *aref+ll- kept those
troops in the 7a*k,ro+nd/ he .o+ld almost *ertainl- ha1e lost the

33( 8o. to make the 7est of 7oth stron, and .eak--that is a
P+estion in1ol1in, the proper +se of ,ro+nd(

?>ei Mao-*hVenNs paraphrase is: HThe .a- to eliminate the
differen*es of stron, and .eak and to make 7oth ser1i*ea7le is to
+tili;e a**idental feat+res of the ,ro+nd(H &ess relia7le
troops/ if posted in stron, positions/ .ill hold o+t as lon, as
7etter troops on more e0posed terrain( The ad1anta,e of position
ne+trali;es the inferiorit- in stamina and *o+ra,e( $ol(
8enderson sa-s: H)ith all respe*t to the te0t 7ooks/ and to the
ordinar- ta*ti*al tea*hin,/ 9 am in*lined to think that the st+d-
of ,ro+nd is often o1erlooked/ and that 7- no means s+ffi*ient
importan*e is atta*hed to the sele*tion of positions((( and to
the immense ad1anta,es that are to 7e deri1ed/ .hether -o+ are
defendin, or atta*kin,/ from the proper +tili;ation of nat+ral
feat+res(H ?2A A

3!( Th+s the skillf+l ,eneral *ond+*ts his arm- j+st as
tho+,h he .ere leadin, a sin,le man/ .ill--nill-/ 7- the hand(

?T+ >+ sa-s: HThe simile has referen*e to the ease .ith
.hi*h he does it(HA

3( 9t is the 7+siness of a ,eneral to 7e P+iet and th+s
ens+re se*re*-Q +pri,ht and j+st/ and th+s maintain order(
3#( 8e m+st 7e a7le to m-stif- his offi*ers and men 7-
false reports and appearan*es/

?&iterall-/ Hto de*ei1e their e-es and ears(HA

and th+s keep them in total i,noran*e(

?TsVao S+n, ,i1es +s one of his e0*ellent apophthe,ms: HThe
troops m+st not 7e allo.ed to share -o+r s*hemes in the
7e,innin,Q the- ma- onl- rejoi*e .ith -o+ o1er their happ-
o+t*ome(H HTo m-stif-/ mislead/ and s+rprise the enem-/H is one
of the first prin*iples in .ar/ as had 7een freP+entl- pointed
o+t( B+t ho. a7o+t the other pro*ess--the m-stifi*ation of oneNs
o.n menL Those .ho ma- think that S+n T;+ is o1er-emphati* on
this point .o+ld do .ell to read $ol( 8endersonNs remarks on
Stone.all Oa*ksonNs 4alle- *ampai,n: HThe infinite pains/H he
sa-s/ H.ith .hi*h Oa*kson so+,ht to *on*eal/ e1en from his most
tr+sted staff offi*ers/ his mo1ements/ his intentions/ and his
tho+,hts/ a *ommander less thoro+,h .o+ld ha1e prono+n*ed
+selessH--et*( et*( ?3A 9n the -ear "" '(%(/ as .e read in *h(
!7 of the 8BC 8'N S8C/ HPan $hVao took the field .ith 2/000 men
from Shotan and other $entral 'sian states .ith the o7je*t of
*r+shin, Markand( The Sin, of S+t*ha replied 7- dispat*hin, his
*hief *ommander to s+**or the pla*e .ith an arm- dra.n from the
kin,doms of )en-s+/ S+-mo/ and )ei-tVo+/ totalin, 0/000 men(
Pan $hVao s+mmoned his offi*ers and also the Sin, of Shotan to a
*o+n*il of .ar/ and said: NB+r for*es are no. o+tn+m7ered and
+na7le to make head a,ainst the enem-( The 7est plan/ then/ is
for +s to separate and disperse/ ea*h in a different dire*tion(
The Sin, of Shotan .ill mar*h a.a- 7- the easterl- ro+te/ and 9
.ill then ret+rn m-self to.ards the .est( &et +s .ait +ntil the
e1enin, dr+m has so+nded and then start(N Pan $hVao no. se*retl-
released the prisoners .hom he had taken ali1e/ and the Sin, of
S+t*ha .as th+s informed of his plans( >+*h elated 7- the ne.s/
the latter set off at on*e at the head of 10/000 horsemen to 7ar
Pan $hVaoNs retreat in the .est/ .hile the Sin, of )en-s+ rode
east.ard .ith "000 horse in order to inter*ept the Sin, of
Shotan( 's soon as Pan $hVao kne. that the t.o *hieftains had
,one/ he *alled his di1isions to,ether/ ,ot them .ell in hand/
and at *o*k-*ro. h+rled them a,ainst the arm- of Markand/ as it
la- en*amped( The 7ar7arians/ pani*-stri*ken/ fled in *onf+sion/
and .ere *losel- p+rs+ed 7- Pan $hVao( B1er 000 heads .ere
7ro+,ht 7a*k as trophies/ 7esides immense spoils in the shape of
horses and *attle and 1al+a7les of e1er- des*ription( Markand
then *apit+latin,/ S+t*ha and the other kin,doms dre. off their
respe*ti1e for*es( 3rom that time for.ard/ Pan $hVaoNs presti,e
*ompletel- o1era.ed the *o+ntries of the .est(H 9n this *ase/ .e
see that the $hinese ,eneral not onl- kept his o.n offi*ers in
i,noran*e of his real plans/ 7+t a*t+all- took the 7old step of
di1idin, his arm- in order to de*ei1e the enem-(A

37( B- alterin, his arran,ements and *han,in, his plans/

?)an, 8si thinks that this means not +sin, the same
strata,em t.i*e(A

he keeps the enem- .itho+t definite kno.led,e(

?$han, M+/ in a P+otation from another .ork/ sa-s: HThe
a0iom/ that .ar is 7ased on de*eption/ does not appl- onl- to
de*eption of the enem-( Mo+ m+st de*ei1e e1en -o+r o.n soldiers(
>ake them follo. -o+/ 7+t .itho+t lettin, them kno. .h-(HA

B- shiftin, his *amp and takin, *ir*+ito+s ro+tes/ he pre1ents
the enem- from anti*ipatin, his p+rpose(
3"( 't the *riti*al moment/ the leader of an arm- a*ts like
one .ho has *lim7ed +p a hei,ht and then ki*ks a.a- the ladder
7ehind him( 8e *arries his men deep into hostile territor-
7efore he sho.s his hand(

?&iterall-/ Hreleases the sprin,H <see 4( ss( 1=/ that is/
takes some de*isi1e step .hi*h makes it impossi7le for the arm-
to ret+rn--like 8sian, M+/ .ho s+nk his ships after *rossin, a
ri1er( $hVen 8ao/ follo.ed 7- $hia &in/ +nderstands the .ords
less .ell as Hp+ts forth e1er- artifi*e at his *ommand(HA

39( 8e 7+rns his 7oats and 7reaks his *ookin,-potsQ like a
shepherd dri1in, a flo*k of sheep/ he dri1es his men this .a- and
that/ and nothin, kno.s .hither he is ,oin,(

?T+ >+ sa-s: HThe arm- is onl- *o,ni;ant of orders to
ad1an*e or retreatQ it is i,norant of the +lterior ends of
atta*kin, and *onP+erin,(HA

!0( To m+ster his host and 7rin, it into dan,er:--this ma-
7e termed the 7+siness of the ,eneral(

?S+n T;+ means that after mo7ili;ation there sho+ld 7e no
dela- in aimin, a 7lo. at the enem-Ns heart( Note ho. he ret+rns
a,ain and a,ain to this point( 'mon, the .arrin, states of
an*ient $hina/ desertion .as no do+7t a m+*h more present fear
and serio+s e1il than it is in the armies of toda-(A

!1( The different meas+res s+ited to the nine 1arieties of

?$han, M+ sa-s: HBne m+st not 7e hide-7o+nd in interpretin,
the r+les for the nine 1arieties of ,ro+nd(A

the e0pedien*- of a,,ressi1e or defensi1e ta*ti*sQ and the
f+ndamental la.s of h+man nat+re: these are thin,s that m+st
most *ertainl- 7e st+died(
!2( )hen in1adin, hostile territor-/ the ,eneral prin*iple
is/ that penetratin, deepl- 7rin,s *ohesionQ penetratin, 7+t a
short .a- means dispersion(

?$f( s+pra/ ss( 20(A

!3( )hen -o+ lea1e -o+r o.n *o+ntr- 7ehind/ and take -o+r
arm- a*ross nei,h7orhood territor-/ -o+ find -o+rself on *riti*al

?This H,ro+ndH is *+rio+sl- mentioned in 4999( ss( 2/ 7+t it
does not fi,+re amon, the Nine Sit+ations or the Si0 $alamities
in *hap( K( BneNs first imp+lse .o+ld 7e to translate it distant
,ro+nd/H 7+t this/ if .e *an tr+st the *ommentators/ is pre*isel-
.hat is not meant here( >ei Mao-*hVen sa-s it is Ha position not
far eno+,h ad1an*ed to 7e *alled Nfa*ile/N and not near eno+,h to
home to 7e Ndispersi1e/N 7+t somethin, 7et.een the t.o(H )an, 8si
sa-s: H9t is ,ro+nd separated from home 7- an interja*ent state/
.hose territor- .e ha1e had to *ross in order to rea*h it(
8en*e/ it is in*+m7ent on +s to settle o+r 7+siness there
P+i*kl-(H 8e adds that this position is of rare o**+rren*e/
.hi*h is the reason .h- it is not in*l+ded amon, the Nine

)hen there are means of *omm+ni*ation on all fo+r sides/ the
,ro+nd is one of interse*tin, hi,h.a-s(
!!( )hen -o+ penetrate deepl- into a *o+ntr-/ it is serio+s
,ro+nd( )hen -o+ penetrate 7+t a little .a-/ it is fa*ile
!( )hen -o+ ha1e the enem-Ns stron,holds on -o+r rear/ and
narro. passes in front/ it is hemmed-in ,ro+nd( )hen there is no
pla*e of ref+,e at all/ it is desperate ,ro+nd(
!#( Therefore/ on dispersi1e ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld inspire m- men
.ith +nit- of p+rpose(

?This end/ a**ordin, to T+ >+/ is 7est attained 7- remainin,
on the defensi1e/ and a1oidin, 7attle( $f( s+pra/ ss( 11(A

Bn fa*ile ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld see that there is *lose *onne*tion
7et.een all parts of m- arm-(

?'s T+ >+ sa-s/ the o7je*t is to ,+ard a,ainst t.o possi7le
*ontin,en*ies: H<1= the desertion of o+r o.n troopsQ <2= a
s+dden atta*k on the part of the enem-(H $f( 499( ss( 17( >ei
Mao-*hVen sa-s: HBn the mar*h/ the re,iments sho+ld 7e in *lose
to+*hQ in an en*ampment/ there sho+ld 7e *ontin+it- 7et.een the

!7( Bn *ontentio+s ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld h+rr- +p m- rear(

?This is TsVao S+n,Ns interpretation( $han, M+ adopts it/
sa-in,: H)e m+st P+i*kl- 7rin, +p o+r rear/ so that head and
tail ma- 7oth rea*h the ,oal(H That is/ the- m+st not 7e allo.ed
to stra,,le +p a lon, .a- apart( >ei Mao-*hVen offers another
eP+all- pla+si7le e0planation: HS+pposin, the enem- has not -et
rea*hed the *o1eted position/ and .e are 7ehind him/ .e sho+ld
ad1an*e .ith all speed in order to disp+te its possession(H
$hVen 8ao/ on the other hand/ ass+min, that the enem- has had
time to sele*t his o.n ,ro+nd/ P+otes 49( ss( 1/ .here S+n T;+
.arns +s a,ainst *omin, e0ha+sted to the atta*k( 8is o.n idea of
the sit+ation is rather 1a,+el- e0pressed: H9f there is a
fa1ora7le position l-in, in front of -o+/ deta*h a pi*ked 7od- of
troops to o**+p- it/ then if the enem-/ rel-in, on their n+m7ers/
*ome +p to make a fi,ht for it/ -o+ ma- fall P+i*kl- on their
rear .ith -o+r main 7od-/ and 1i*tor- .ill 7e ass+red(H 9t .as
th+s/ he adds/ that $hao She 7eat the arm- of $hVin( <See p(

!"( Bn open ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld keep a 1i,ilant e-e on m-
defenses( Bn ,ro+nd of interse*tin, hi,h.a-s/ 9 .o+ld
*onsolidate m- allian*es(
!9( Bn serio+s ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld tr- to ens+re a *ontin+o+s
stream of s+pplies(

?The *ommentators take this as referrin, to fora,e and
pl+nder/ not/ as one mi,ht e0pe*t/ to an +n7roken *omm+ni*ation
.ith a home 7ase(A

Bn diffi*+lt ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld keep p+shin, on alon, the road(
0( Bn hemmed-in ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld 7lo*k an- .a- of retreat(

?>en, Shih sa-s: HTo make it seem that 9 meant to defend
the position/ .hereas m- real intention is to 7+rst s+ddenl-
thro+,h the enem-Ns lines(H >ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: Hin order to
make m- soldiers fi,ht .ith desperation(H )an, 8si sa-s/
Hfearin, lest m- men 7e tempted to r+n a.a-(H T+ >+ points o+t
that this is the *on1erse of 499( ss( 3#/ .here it is the enem-
.ho is s+rro+nded( 9n 32 '(%(/ Sao 8+an/ after.ards 5mperor and
*anoni;ed as Shen-.+/ .as s+rro+nded 7- a ,reat arm- +nder 5rh-
*h+ $hao and others( 8is o.n for*e .as *omparati1el- small/
*onsistin, onl- of 2000 horse and somethin, +nder 30/000 foot(
The lines of in1estment had not 7een dra.n 1er- *losel- to,ether/
,aps 7ein, left at *ertain points( B+t Sao 8+an/ instead of
tr-in, to es*ape/ a*t+all- made a shift to 7lo*k all the
remainin, o+tlets himself 7- dri1in, into them a n+m7er of o0en
and donke-s roped to,ether( 's soon as his offi*ers and men sa.
that there .as nothin, for it 7+t to *onP+er or die/ their
spirits rose to an e0traordinar- pit*h of e0altation/ and the-
*har,ed .ith s+*h desperate fero*it- that the opposin, ranks
7roke and *r+m7led +nder their onsla+,ht(A

Bn desperate ,ro+nd/ 9 .o+ld pro*laim to m- soldiers the
hopelessness of sa1in, their li1es(

T+ M+ sa-s: HB+rn -o+r 7a,,a,e and impedimenta/ thro. a.a-
-o+r stores and pro1isions/ *hoke +p the .ells/ destro- -o+r
*ookin,-sto1es/ and make it plain to -o+r men that the- *annot
s+r1i1e/ 7+t m+st fi,ht to the death(H >ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: HThe
onl- *han*e of life lies in ,i1in, +p all hope of it(H This
*on*l+des .hat S+n T;+ has to sa- a7o+t H,ro+ndsH and the
H1ariationsH *orrespondin, to them(, the passa,es .hi*h
7ear on this important s+7je*t/ .e *annot fail to 7e str+*k 7-
the des+ltor- and +nmethodi*al fashion in .hi*h it is treated(
S+n T;+ 7e,ins a7r+ptl- in 4999( ss( 2 to en+merate H1ariationsH
7efore to+*hin, on H,ro+ndsH at all/ 7+t onl- mentions fi1e/
namel- nos( 7/ / " and 9 of the s+7seP+ent list/ and one that is
not in*l+ded in it( ' fe. 1arieties of ,ro+nd are dealt .ith in
the earlier portion of *hap( 9K/ and then *hap( K sets forth si0
ne. ,ro+nds/ .ith si0 1ariations of plan to mat*h( None of these
is mentioned a,ain/ tho+,h the first is hardl- to 7e
distin,+ished from ,ro+nd no( ! in the ne0t *hapter( 't last/ in
*hap( K9/ .e *ome to the Nine :ro+nds par e0*ellen*e/ immediatel-
follo.ed 7- the 1ariations( This takes +s do.n to ss( 1!( 9n
SS( !3-!/ fresh definitions are pro1ided for nos( / #/ 2/ " and
9 <in the order ,i1en=/ as .ell as for the tenth ,ro+nd noti*ed
in *hap( 4999Q and finall-/ the nine 1ariations are en+merated
on*e more from 7e,innin, to end/ all/ .ith the e0*eption of / #
and 7/ 7ein, different from those pre1io+sl- ,i1en( Tho+,h it is
impossi7le to a**o+nt for the present state of S+n T;+Ns te0t/ a
fe. s+,,esti1e fa*ts ma-7e 7ro+,ht into prominen*e: <1= $hap(
4999/ a**ordin, to the title/ sho+ld deal .ith nine 1ariations/
.hereas onl- fi1e appear( <2= 9t is an a7normall- short *hapter(
<3= $hap( K9 is entitled The Nine :ro+nds( Se1eral of these are
defined t.i*e o1er/ 7esides .hi*h there are t.o distin*t lists of
the *orrespondin, 1ariations( <!= The len,th of the *hapter is
disproportionate/ 7ein, do+7le that of an- other e0*ept 9K( 9 do
not propose to dra. an- inferen*es from these fa*ts/ 7e-ond the
,eneral *on*l+sion that S+n T;+Ns .ork *annot ha1e *ome do.n to
+s in the shape in .hi*h it left his hands: *hap( 4999 is
o71io+sl- defe*ti1e and pro7a7l- o+t of pla*e/ .hile K9 seems to
*ontain matter that has either 7een added 7- a later hand or
o+,ht to appear

1( 3or it is the soldierNs disposition to offer an
o7stinate resistan*e .hen s+rro+nded/ to fi,ht hard .hen he
*annot help himself/ and to o7e- promptl- .hen he has fallen into

?$han, M+ all+des to the *ond+*t of Pan $hVaoNs de1oted
follo.ers in 73 '(%( The stor- r+ns th+s in the 8BC 8'N S8C/ *h(
!7: H)hen Pan $hVao arri1ed at Shan-shan/ S+an,/ the Sin, of the
*o+ntr-/ re*ei1ed him at first .ith ,reat politeness and respe*tQ
7+t shortl- after.ards his 7eha1ior +nder.ent a s+dden *han,e/
and he 7e*ame remiss and ne,li,ent( Pan $hVao spoke a7o+t this
to the offi*ers of his s+ite: N8a1e -o+ noti*ed/N he said/ Nthat
S+an,Ns polite intentions are on the .aneL This m+st si,nif-
that en1o-s ha1e *ome from the Northern 7ar7arians/ and that
*onseP+entl- he is in a state of inde*ision/ not, .ith
.hi*h side to thro. in his lot( That s+rel- is the reason( The
tr+l- .ise man/ .e are told/ *an per*ei1e thin,s 7efore the- ha1e
*ome to passQ ho. m+*h more/ then/ those that are alread-
manifestGN There+pon he *alled one of the nati1es .ho had 7een
assi,ned to his ser1i*e/ and set a trap for him/ sa-in,: N)here
are those en1o-s from the 8si+n,-n+ .ho arri1ed some da- a,oLN
The man .as so taken a7a*k that 7et.een s+rprise and fear he
presentl- 7l+rted o+t the .hole tr+th( Pan $hVao/ keepin, his
informant *aref+ll- +nder lo*k and ke-/ then s+mmoned a ,eneral
,atherin, of his offi*ers/ thirt--si0 in all/ and 7e,an drinkin,
.ith them( )hen the .ine had mo+nted into their heads a little/
he tried to ro+se their spirit still f+rther 7- addressin, them
th+s: N:entlemen/ here .e are in the heart of an isolated
re,ion/ an0io+s to a*hie1e ri*hes and honor 7- some ,reat
e0ploit( No. it happens that an am7assador from the 8si+n,-no
arri1ed in this kin,dom onl- a fe. da-s a,o/ and the res+lt is
that the respe*tf+l *o+rtes- e0tended to.ards +s 7- o+r ro-al
host has disappeared( Sho+ld this en1o- pre1ail +pon him to
sei;e o+r part- and hand +s o1er to the 8si+n,-no/ o+r 7ones .ill
7e*ome food for the .ol1es of the desert( )hat are .e to doLN
)ith one a**ord/ the offi*ers replied: NStandin, as .e do in
peril of o+r li1es/ .e .ill follo. o+r *ommander thro+,h life and
death(N 3or the seP+el of this ad1ent+re/ see *hap( K99( ss( 1/

2( )e *annot enter into allian*e .ith nei,h7orin, prin*es
+ntil .e are a*P+ainted .ith their desi,ns( )e are not fit to
lead an arm- on the mar*h +nless .e are familiar .ith the fa*e of
the *o+ntr---its mo+ntains and forests/ its pitfalls and
pre*ipi*es/ its marshes and s.amps( )e shall 7e +na7le to t+rn
nat+ral ad1anta,es to a**o+nt +nless .e make +se of lo*al ,+ides(

?These three senten*es are repeated from 499( SS( 12-1! --
in order to emphasi;e their importan*e/ the *ommentators seem to
think( 9 prefer to re,ard them as interpolated here in order to
form an ante*edent to the, .ords( )ith re,ard to lo*al
,+ides/ S+n T;+ mi,ht ha1e added that there is al.a-s the risk of
,oin, .ron,/ either thro+,h their trea*her- or some
mis+nderstandin, s+*h as &i1- re*ords <KK99( 13=: 8anni7al/ .e
are told/ ordered a ,+ide to lead him into the nei,h7orhood of
$asin+m/ .here there .as an important pass to 7e o**+piedQ 7+t
his $artha,inian a**ent/ +ns+ited to the pron+n*iation of &atin
names/ *a+sed the ,+ide to +nderstand $asilin+m instead of
$asin+m/ and t+rnin, from his proper ro+te/ he took the arm- in
that dire*tion/ the mistake not 7ein, dis*o1ered +ntil the- had
almost arri1ed(A

3( To 7e i,nored of an- one of the, fo+r or fi1e
prin*iples does not 7efit a .arlike prin*e(
!( )hen a .arlike prin*e atta*ks a po.erf+l state/ his
,eneralship sho.s itself in pre1entin, the *on*entration of the
enem-Ns for*es( 8e his opponents/ and their allies are
pre1ented from joinin, a,ainst him(

?>ei Tao-*hVen *onstr+*ts one of the *hains of reasonin,
that are so m+*h affe*ted 7- the $hinese: H9n atta*kin, a
po.erf+l state/ if -o+ *an di1ide her for*es/ -o+ .ill ha1e a
s+periorit- in stren,thQ if -o+ ha1e a s+periorit- in stren,th/
-o+ .ill o1era.e the enem-Q if -o+ o1era.e the enem-/ the
nei,h7orin, states .ill 7e fri,htenedQ and if the nei,h7orin,
states are fri,htened/ the enem-Ns allies .ill 7e pre1ented from
joinin, her(H The, ,i1es a stron,er meanin,: H9f the
,reat state has on*e 7een defeated <7efore she has had time to
s+mmon her allies=/ then the lesser states .ill hold aloof and
refrain from massin, their for*es(H $hVen 8ao and $han, M+ take
the senten*e in P+ite another .a-( The former sa-s: HPo.erf+l
tho+,h a prin*e ma- 7e/ if he atta*ks a lar,e state/ he .ill 7e
+na7le to raise eno+,h troops/ and m+st rel- to some e0tent on
e0ternal aidQ if he dispenses .ith this/ and .ith o1er.eenin,
*onfiden*e in his o.n stren,th/ simpl- tries to intimidate the
enem-/ he .ill s+rel- 7e defeated(H $han, M+ p+ts his 1ie. th+s:
H9f .e re*klessl- atta*k a lar,e state/ o+r o.n people .ill 7e
dis*ontented and han, 7a*k( B+t if <as .ill then 7e the *ase=
o+r displa- of militar- for*e is inferior 7- half to that of the
enem-/ the other *hieftains .ill take fri,ht and ref+se to join

( 8en*e he does not stri1e to all- himself .ith all and
s+ndr-/ nor does he foster the of other states( 8e *arries
o+t his o.n se*ret desi,ns/ keepin, his anta,onists in a.e(

?The train of tho+,ht/ as said 7- &i $hV+an/ appears to 7e
this: Se*+re a,ainst a *om7ination of his enemies/ Hhe *an
afford to reje*t entan,lin, allian*es and simpl- p+rs+e his o.n
se*ret desi,ns/ his presti,e ena7le him to dispense .ith e0ternal

Th+s he is a7le to *apt+re their *ities and o1erthro. their

?This para,raph/ tho+,h .ritten man- -ears 7efore the $hVin
State 7e*ame a serio+s mena*e/ is not a 7ad s+mmar- of the poli*-
7- .hi*h the famo+s Si0 $han*ellors ,rad+all- pa1ed the .a- for
her final tri+mph +nder Shih 8+an, Ti( $han, M+/, +p
his pre1io+s note/ thinks that S+n T;+ is *ondemnin, this
attit+de of *old-7looded selfishness and ha+,ht- isolation(A

#( Besto. re.ards .itho+t re,ard to r+le/

?)+ T;+ <*h( 3= less .isel- sa-s: H&et ad1an*e 7e ri*hl-
re.arded and retreat 7e hea1il- p+nished(HA

iss+e orders

?&iterall-/ Hhan,H or post +p(HA

.itho+t re,ard to pre1io+s arran,ementsQ

?H9n order to pre1ent trea*her-/H sa-s )an, 8si( The
,eneral meanin, is made *lear 7- TsVao S+n,Ns P+otation from the
SSC->' 3': H:i1e instr+*tions onl- on si,htin, the enem-Q ,i1e
re.ards .hen -o+ see deser1in, deeds(H TsVao S+n,Ns paraphrase:
HThe final instr+*tions -o+ ,i1e to -o+r arm- sho+ld not
*orrespond .ith those that ha1e 7een pre1io+sl- posted +p(H
$han, M+ simplifies this into H-o+r arran,ements sho+ld not 7e
di1+l,ed 7eforehand(H 'nd $hia &in sa-s: Hthere sho+ld 7e no
fi0it- in -o+r r+les and arran,ements(H Not onl- is there dan,er
in lettin, -o+r plans 7e kno.n/ 7+t .ar often ne*essitates the
entire re1ersal of them at the last moment(A

and -o+ .ill 7e a7le to handle a .hole arm- as tho+,h -o+ had to
do .ith 7+t a sin,le man(

?$f( s+pra/ ss( 3!(A

7( $onfront -o+r soldiers .ith the deed itselfQ ne1er let
them kno. -o+r desi,n(

?&iterall-/ Hdo not tell them .ordsQH i(e( do not ,i1e -o+r
reasons for an- order( &ord >ansfield on*e told a j+nior
*ollea,+e to H,i1e no reasonsH for his de*isions/ and the ma0im
is e1en more appli*a7le to a ,eneral than to a j+d,e(A

)hen the o+tlook is 7ri,ht/ 7rin, it 7efore their e-esQ 7+t tell
them nothin, .hen the sit+ation is ,loom-(
"( Pla*e -o+r arm- in deadl- peril/ and it .ill s+r1i1eQ
pl+n,e it into desperate straits/ and it .ill *ome off in safet-(

?These .ords of S+n T;+ .ere on*e P+oted 7- 8an 8sin in
e0planation of the ta*ti*s he emplo-ed in one of his most
7rilliant 7attles/ alread- all+ded to on p( 2"( 9n 20! B($(/ he
.as sent a,ainst the arm- of $hao/ and halted ten miles from the
mo+th of the $hin,-hsin, pass/ .here the enem- had m+stered in
f+ll for*e( 8ere/ at midni,ht/ he deta*hed a 7od- of 2000 li,ht
*a1alr-/ e1er- man of .hi*h .as f+rnished .ith a red fla,( Their
instr+*tions .ere to make their .a- thro+,h narro. defiles and
keep a se*ret .at*h on the enem-( H)hen the men of $hao see me
in f+ll fli,ht/H 8an 8sin said/ Hthe- .ill a7andon their
fortifi*ations and ,i1e *hase( This m+st 7e the si,n for -o+ to
r+sh in/ pl+*k do.n the $hao standards and set +p the red 7anners
of 8an in their stead(H T+rnin, then to his other offi*ers/ he
remarked: HB+r ad1ersar- holds a stron, position/ and is not
likel- to *ome o+t and atta*k +s +ntil he sees the standard and
dr+ms of the *ommander-in-*hief/ for fear 9 sho+ld t+rn 7a*k and
es*ape thro+,h the mo+ntains(H So sa-in,/ he first of all sent
o+t a di1ision *onsistin, of 10/000 men/ and ordered them to form
in line of 7attle .ith their 7a*ks to the 6i1er Ti( Seein, this
mane+1er/ the .hole arm- of $hao 7roke into lo+d la+,hter( B-
this time it .as 7road da-li,ht/ and 8an 8sin/ displa-in, the
,eneralissimoNs fla,/ mar*hed o+t of the pass .ith dr+ms 7eatin,/
and .as immediatel- en,a,ed 7- the enem-( ' ,reat 7attle
follo.ed/ lastin, for some timeQ +ntil at len,th 8an 8sin and his
*ollea,+e $han, Ni/ lea1in, dr+ms and 7anner on the field/ fled
to the di1ision on the ri1er 7ank/ .here another fier*e 7attle
.as ra,in,( The enem- r+shed o+t to p+rs+e them and to se*+re
the trophies/ th+s den+din, their ramparts of menQ 7+t the t.o
,enerals s+**eeded in joinin, the other arm-/ .hi*h .as fi,htin,
.ith the +tmost desperation( The time had no. *ome for the 2000
horsemen to pla- their part( 's soon as the- sa. the men of $hao, +p their ad1anta,e/ the- ,alloped 7ehind the deserted
.alls/ tore +p the enem-Ns fla,s and repla*ed them 7- those of
8an( )hen the $hao arm- looked 7a*k from the p+rs+it/ the si,ht
of these red fla,s str+*k them .ith terror( $on1in*ed that the
8ans had ,ot in and o1erpo.ered their kin,/ the- 7roke +p in .ild
disorder/ e1er- effort of their leader to sta- the pani* 7ein, in
1ain( Then the 8an arm- fell on them from 7oth sides and
*ompleted the ro+t/ killin, a n+m7er and *apt+rin, the rest/
amon,st .hom .as Sin, Ma himself(((( 'fter the 7attle/ some of
8an 8sinNs offi*ers *ame to him and said: H9n the '6T B3 )'6 .e
are told to ha1e a hill or t+m+l+s on the ri,ht rear/ and a ri1er
or marsh on the left front( ?This appears to 7e a 7lend of S+n
T;+ and TVai S+n,( See 9K ss( 9/ and note(A Mo+/ on the
*ontrar-/ ordered +s to dra. +p o+r troops .ith the ri1er at o+r
7a*k( Cnder these *onditions/ ho. did -o+ mana,e to ,ain the
1i*tor-LH The ,eneral replied: H9 fear -o+ ,entlemen ha1e not
st+died the 'rt of )ar .ith s+ffi*ient *are( 9s it not .ritten
there: NPl+n,e -o+r arm- into desperate straits and it .ill *ome
off in safet-Q pla*e it in deadl- peril and it .ill s+r1i1eNL
8ad 9 taken the +s+al *o+rse/ 9 sho+ld ne1er ha1e 7een a7le to
7rin, m- *ollea,+e ro+nd( )hat sa-s the >ilitar- $lassi*--NS.oop
do.n on the market-pla*e and dri1e the men off to fi,ht(N ?This
passa,e does not o**+r in the present te0t of S+n T;+(A 9f 9 had
not pla*ed m- troops in a position .here the- .ere o7li,ed to
fi,ht for their li1es/ 7+t had allo.ed ea*h man to follo. his o.n
dis*retion/ there .o+ld ha1e 7een a ,eneral de7andade/ and it
.o+ld ha1e 7een impossi7le to do an-thin, .ith them(H The
offi*ers admitted the for*e of his ar,+ment/ and said: HThese
are hi,her ta*ti*s than .e sho+ld ha1e 7een *apa7le of(H ?See
$8V95N 8'N S8C/ *h( 3!/ ff( !/ (A A

9( 3or it is pre*isel- .hen a for*e has fallen into harmNs
.a- that is *apa7le of strikin, a 7lo. for 1i*tor-(

?%an,er has a 7ra*in, effe*t(A

#0( S+**ess in .arfare is ,ained 7- *aref+ll- a**ommodatin,
o+rsel1es to the enem-Ns p+rpose(

?TsVao S+n, sa-s: H3ei,n st+pidit-H--7- an appearan*e of
-ieldin, and fallin, in .ith the enem-Ns .ishes( $han, M+Ns note
makes the meanin, *lear: H9f the enem- sho.s an in*lination to
ad1an*e/ l+re him on to do soQ if he is an0io+s to retreat/ dela-
on p+rpose that he ma- *arr- o+t his intention(H The o7je*t is
to make him remiss and *ontempt+o+s 7efore .e deli1er o+r

#1( B- persistentl- han,in, on the enem-Ns flank/

?9 +nderstand the first fo+r .ords to mean Ha**ompan-in, the
enem- in one dire*tion(H TsVao S+n, sa-s: H+nite the soldiers
and make for the enem-(H B+t s+*h a 1iolent displa*ement of
*hara*ters is P+ite indefensi7le(A

.e shall s+**eed in the lon, r+n

?&iterall-/ Hafter a tho+sand &9(HA

in killin, the *ommander-in-*hief(

?'l.a-s a ,reat point .ith the $hinese(A

#2( This is *alled a7ilit- to a**omplish a thin, 7- sheer
#3( Bn the da- that -o+ take +p -o+r *ommand/ 7lo*k the
frontier passes/ destro- the offi*ial tallies/

?These .ere ta7lets of 7am7oo or .ood/ one half of .hi*h .as
iss+ed as a permit or passport 7- the offi*ial in *har,e of a
,ate( $f( the H7order-.ardenH of &CN MC 999( 2!/ .ho ma- ha1e
had similar d+ties( )hen this half .as ret+rned to him/ .ithin a
fi0ed period/ he .as a+thori;ed to open the ,ate and let the
tra1eler thro+,h(A

and stop the passa,e of all emissaries(

?5ither to or from the enem-Ns *o+ntr-(A

#!( Be stern in the *o+n*il-*ham7er/

?Sho. no .eakness/ and insist on -o+r plans 7ein, ratified
7- the so1erei,n(A

so that -o+ ma- *ontrol the sit+ation(

?>ei Mao-*hVen +nderstands the .hole senten*e to mean: Take
the stri*test pre*a+tions to ens+re se*re*- in -o+r

#( 9f the enem- lea1es a door open/ -o+ m+st r+sh in(
##( 3orestall -o+r opponent 7- sei;in, .hat he holds dear/

?$f( s+pra/ ss( 1"(A

and s+7tl- *ontri1e to time his arri1al on the ,ro+nd(

?$hVen 8aoVs e0planation: H9f 9 mana,e to sei;e a fa1ora7le
position/ 7+t the enem- does not appear on the s*ene/ the
ad1anta,e th+s o7tained *annot 7e t+rned to an- pra*ti*al
a**o+nt( 8e .ho intends therefore/ to o**+p- a position of
importan*e to the enem-/ m+st 7e,in 7- makin, an artf+l
appointment/ so to speak/ .ith his anta,onist/ and *ajole him
into ,oin, there as .ell(H >ei Mao-*hVen e0plains that this
Hartf+l appointmentH is to 7e made thro+,h the medi+m of the
enem-Ns o.n spies/ .ho .ill *arr- 7a*k j+st the amo+nt of
information that .e *hoose to ,i1e them( Then/ ha1in, *+nnin,l-
dis*losed o+r intentions/ H.e m+st mana,e/ tho+,h startin, after
the enem-/ to arri1e 7efore him <499( ss( !=( )e m+st start
after him in order to ens+re his mar*hin, thitherQ .e m+st arri1e
7efore him in order to *apt+re the pla*e .itho+t tro+7le( Taken
th+s/ the present passa,e lends some s+pport to >ei Mao-*hVenNs
interpretation of ss( !7(A

#7( )alk in the path defined 7- r+le/

?$hia &in sa-s: H4i*tor- is the onl- thin, that matters/
and this *annot 7e a*hie1ed 7- adherin, to *on1entional *anons(H
9t is +nfort+nate that this 1ariant rests on 1er- sli,ht
a+thorit-/ for the sense -ielded is *ertainl- m+*h more
satisfa*tor-( Napoleon/ as .e kno./ a**ordin, to the 1eterans of
the old s*hool .hom he defeated/ .on his 7attles 7- 1iolatin,
e1er- a**epted *anon of .arfare(A

and a**ommodate -o+rself to the enem- +ntil -o+ *an fi,ht a
de*isi1e 7attle(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H$onform to the enem-Ns ta*ti*s +ntil a
fa1ora7le opport+nit- offersQ then *ome forth and en,a,e in a
7attle that shall pro1e de*isi1e(HA

#"( 't first/ then/ e0hi7it the *o-ness of a maiden/ +ntil
the enem- ,i1es -o+ an openin,Q after.ards em+late the rapidit-
of a r+nnin, hare/ and it .ill 7e too late for the enem- to
oppose -o+(

?'s the hare is noted for its e0treme timidit-/ the
*omparison hardl- appears feli*ito+s( B+t of *o+rse S+n T;+ .as
thinkin, onl- of its speed( The .ords ha1e 7een taken to mean:
Mo+ m+st flee from the enem- as P+i*kl- as an es*apin, hareQ 7+t
this is ri,htl- reje*ted 7- T+ >+(A

?1A :ilesN Bio,raphi*al %i*tionar-/ no( 399(

?2A HThe S*ien*e of )ar/H p( 333(

?3A HStone.all Oa*kson/H 1ol( 9/ p( !21(


K99( T85 'TT'$S BM 3965

?6ather more than half the *hapter <SS( 1-13= is de1oted to
the s+7je*t of fire/ after .hi*h the a+thor 7ran*hes off into
other topi*s(A

1( S+n T;+ said: There are fi1e .a-s of atta*kin, .ith
fire( The first is to 7+rn soldiers in their *ampQ

?So T+ >+( &i $hV+an sa-s: HSet fire to the *amp/ and kill
the soldiersH <.hen the- tr- to es*ape from the flames=( Pan
$hVao/ sent on a diplomati* mission to the Sin, of Shan-shan ?see
K9( ss( 1/ noteA/ fo+nd himself pla*ed in e0treme peril 7- the
+ne0pe*ted arri1al of an en1o- from the 8si+n,-n+ ?the mortal
enemies of the $hineseA( 9n *ons+ltation .ith his offi*ers/ he
e0*laimed: HNe1er 1ent+re/ ne1er .inG ?1A The onl- *o+rse open
to +s no. is to make an assa+lt 7- fire on the 7ar7arians +nder
*o1er of ni,ht/ .hen the- .ill not 7e a7le to dis*ern o+r
n+m7ers( Profitin, 7- their pani*/ .e shall e0terminate them
*ompletel-Q this .ill *ool the Sin,Ns *o+ra,e and *o1er +s .ith
,lor-/ 7esides ens+rin, the s+**ess of o+r mission(N the
offi*ers all replied that it .o+ld 7e ne*essar- to dis*+ss the
matter first .ith the 9ntendant( Pan $hVao then fell into a
passion: N9t is toda-/N he *ried/ Nthat o+r fort+nes m+st 7e
de*idedG The 9ntendant is onl- a h+mdr+m *i1ilian/ .ho on
hearin, of o+r proje*t .ill *ertainl- 7e afraid/ and e1er-thin,
.ill 7e 7ro+,ht to li,ht( 'n in,lorio+s death is no .orth- fate
for 1aliant .arriors(N 'll then a,reed to do as he .ished(
'**ordin,l-/ as soon as ni,ht *ame on/ he and his little 7and
P+i*kl- made their .a- to the 7ar7arian *amp( ' stron, ,ale .as, at the time( Pan $hVao ordered ten of the part- to take
dr+ms and hide 7ehind the enem-Ns 7arra*ks/ it 7ein, arran,ed
that .hen the- sa. flames shoot +p/ the- sho+ld 7e,in dr+mmin,
and -ellin, .ith all their mi,ht( The rest of his men/ armed
.ith 7o.s and *ross7o.s/ he posted in am7+s*ade at the ,ate of
the *amp( 8e then set fire to the pla*e from the .ind.ard side/
.here+pon a deafenin, noise of dr+ms and sho+tin, arose on the
front and rear of the 8si+n,-n+/ .ho r+shed o+t pell-mell in
franti* disorder( Pan $hVao sle. three of them .ith his o.n
hand/ .hile his *ompanions *+t off the heads of the en1o- and
thirt- of his s+ite( The remainder/ more than a h+ndred in all/
perished in the flames( Bn the, da-/ Pan $hVao/
di1inin, his tho+,hts/ said .ith +plifted hand: N'ltho+,h -o+
did not ,o .ith +s last ni,ht/ 9 sho+ld not think/ Sir/ of takin,
sole *redit for o+r e0ploit(N This satisfied S+o 8s+n/ and Pan
$hVao/ ha1in, sent for S+an,/ Sin, of Shan-shan/ sho.ed him the
head of the 7ar7arian en1o-( The .hole kin,dom .as sei;ed .ith
fear and trem7lin,/ .hi*h Pan $hVao took steps to alla- 7-
iss+in, a p+7li* pro*lamation( Then/ takin, the kin,Ns sons as
hosta,e/ he ret+rned to make his report to To+ S+(H 8BC 8'N S8C/
*h( !7/ ff( 1/ 2(A A

the se*ond is to 7+rn storesQ

?T+ >+ sa-s: HPro1isions/ f+el and fodder(H 9n order to
s+7d+e the re7ellio+s pop+lation of Sian,nan/ Sao Sen,
re*ommended )en Ti of the S+i d-nast- to make periodi*al raids
and 7+rn their stores of ,rain/ a poli*- .hi*h in the lon, r+n
pro1ed entirel- s+**essf+l(A

the third is to 7+rn 7a,,a,e trainsQ

?'n e0ample ,i1en is the destr+*tion of M+an ShaoVs .a,ons
and impedimenta 7- TsVao TsVao in 200 '(%(A

the fo+rth is to 7+rn arsenals and ma,a;inesQ

?T+ >+ sa-s that the thin,s *ontained in HarsenalsH and
Hma,a;inesH are the same( 8e spe*ifies .eapons and other
implements/ 7+llion and *lothin,( $f( 499( ss( 11(A

the fifth is to h+rl droppin, fire amon,st the enem-(

?T+ M+ sa-s in the TVCN: T95N: HTo drop fire into the
enem-Ns *amp( The method 7- .hi*h this ma- 7e done is to set the
tips of arro.s ali,ht 7- dippin, them into a 7ra;ier/ and then
shoot them from po.erf+l *ross7o.s into the enem-Ns lines(HA

2( 9n order to *arr- o+t an atta*k/ .e m+st ha1e means

?TVsao S+n, thinks that Htraitors in the enem-Ns *ampH are
referred to( B+t $hVen 8ao is more likel- to 7e ri,ht in sa-in,:
H)e m+st ha1e fa1ora7le *ir*+mstan*es in ,eneral/ not merel-
traitors to help +s(H $hia &in sa-s: H)e m+st a1ail o+rsel1es
of .ind and dr- .eather(HA

the material for raisin, fire sho+ld al.a-s 7e kept in readiness(

?T+ >+ s+,,ests as material for makin, fire: Hdr- 1e,eta7le
matter/ reeds/ 7r+sh.ood/ stra./ ,rease/ oil/ et*(H 8ere .e ha1e
the material *a+se( $han, M+ sa-s: H1essels for hoardin, fire/
st+ff for li,htin, fires(HA

3( There is a proper season for makin, atta*ks .ith fire/
and spe*ial da-s for startin, a *onfla,ration(
!( The proper season is .hen the .eather is 1er- dr-Q the
spe*ial da-s are those .hen the moon is in the *onstellations of
the Sie1e/ the )all/ the )in, or the $ross-7arQ

?These are/ respe*ti1el-/ the 7th/ 1!th/ 27th/ and 2"th of
the T.ent--ei,ht Stellar >ansions/ *orrespondin, ro+,hl- to
Sa,ittari+s/ Pe,as+s/ $rater and $or1+s(A

for these fo+r are all da-s of risin, .ind(
( 9n atta*kin, .ith fire/ one sho+ld 7e prepared to meet
fi1e possi7le de1elopments:
#( <1= )hen fire 7reaks o+t inside to enem-Ns *amp/ respond
at on*e .ith an atta*k from .itho+t(
7( <2= 9f there is an o+t7reak of fire/ 7+t the enem-Ns
soldiers remain P+iet/ 7ide -o+r time and do not atta*k(

?The prime o7je*t of atta*kin, .ith fire is to thro. the
enem- into *onf+sion( 9f this effe*t is not prod+*ed/ it means
that the enem- is read- to re*ei1e +s( 8en*e the ne*essit- for

"( <3= )hen the for*e of the flames has rea*hed its hei,ht/
follo. it +p .ith an atta*k/ if that is pra*ti*a7leQ if not/ sta-
.here -o+ are(

?TsVao S+n, sa-s: H9f -o+ see a possi7le .a-/ ad1an*eQ 7+t
if -o+ find the diffi*+lties too ,reat/ retire(HA

9( <!= 9f it is possi7le to make an assa+lt .ith fire from
.itho+t/ do not .ait for it to 7reak o+t .ithin/ 7+t deli1er -o+r
atta*k at a fa1ora7le moment(

?T+ >+ sa-s that the pre1io+s para,raphs had referen*e to
the fire 7reakin, o+t <either a**identall-/ .e ma- s+ppose/ or 7-
the a,en*- of in*endiaries= inside the enem-Ns *amp( HB+t/H he
*ontin+es/ Hif the enem- is settled in a .aste pla*e littered
.ith P+antities of ,rass/ or if he has pit*hed his *amp in a
position .hi*h *an 7e 7+rnt o+t/ .e m+st *arr- o+r fire a,ainst
him at an- seasona7le opport+nit-/ and not a.ait on in hopes of
an o+t7reak o**+rrin, .ithin/ for fear o+r opponents sho+ld
themsel1es 7+rn +p the s+rro+ndin, 1e,etation/ and th+s render
o+r o.n attempts fr+itless(H The famo+s &i &in, on*e 7affled the
leader of the 8si+n,-n+ in this .a-( The latter/ takin,
ad1anta,e of a fa1ora7le .ind/ tried to set fire to the $hinese
,eneralNs *amp/ 7+t fo+nd that e1er- s*rap of *om7+sti7le
1e,etation in the nei,h7orhood had alread- 7een 7+rnt do.n( Bn
the other hand/ Po-tsVai/ a ,eneral of the Mello. T+r7an re7els/
.as 7adl- defeated in 1"! '(%( thro+,h his ne,le*t of this simple
pre*a+tion( H't the head of a lar,e arm- he .as 7esie,in,
$hVan,-she/ .hi*h .as held 7- 8+an,-f+ S+n,( The ,arrison .as
1er- small/ and a ,eneral feelin, of ner1o+sness per1aded the
ranksQ so 8+an,-f+ S+n, *alled his offi*ers to,ether and said:
H9n .ar/ there are 1ario+s indire*t methods of atta*k/ and
n+m7ers do not *o+nt for e1er-thin,( ?The *ommentator here
P+otes S+n T;+/ 4( SS( / # and 10(A No. the re7els ha1e pit*hed
their *amp in the midst of thi*k ,rass .hi*h .ill easil- 7+rn
.hen the .ind 7lo.s( 9f .e set fire to it at ni,ht/ the- .ill 7e
thro.n into a pani*/ and .e *an make a sortie and atta*k them on
all sides at on*e/ th+s em+latin, the a*hie1ement of TVien Tan(N
?See p( 90(A That same e1enin,/ a stron, 7ree;e spran, +pQ so
8+an,-f+ S+n, instr+*ted his soldiers to 7ind reeds to,ether into
tor*hes and mo+nt ,+ard on the *it- .alls/ after .hi*h he sent
o+t a 7and of darin, men/ .ho stealthil- made their .a- thro+,h
the lines and started the fire .ith lo+d sho+ts and -ells(
Sim+ltaneo+sl-/ a ,lare of li,ht shot +p from the *it- .alls/ and
8+an,-f+ S+n,/ so+ndin, his dr+ms/ led a rapid *har,e/ .hi*h
thre. the re7els into *onf+sion and p+t them to headlon, fli,ht(H
?8BC 8'N S8C/ *h( 71(A A

10( <= )hen -o+ start a fire/ 7e to .ind.ard of it( %o
not atta*k from the lee.ard(

?$han, M+/, T+ M+/ sa-s: H)hen -o+ make a fire/
the enem- .ill retreat a.a- from itQ if -o+ oppose his retreat
and atta*k him then/ he .ill fi,ht desperatel-/ .hi*h .ill not
*ond+*e to -o+r s+**ess(H ' rather more o71io+s e0planation is
,i1en 7- T+ >+: H9f the .ind is in the east/ 7e,in 7+rnin, to
the east of the enem-/ and follo. +p the atta*k -o+rself from
that side( 9f -o+ start the fire on the east side/ and then
atta*k from the .est/ -o+ .ill s+ffer in the same .a- as -o+r

11( ' .ind that rises in the da-time lasts lon,/ 7+t a
ni,ht 7ree;e soon falls(

?$f( &ao T;+Ns sa-in,: H' 1iolent .ind does not last the
spa*e of a mornin,(H <T'B T5 $89N:/ *hap( 23(= >ei Mao-*hVen
and )an, 8si sa-: H' da- 7ree;e dies do.n at ni,htfall/ and a
ni,ht 7ree;e at da-7reak( This is .hat happens as a ,eneral
r+le(H The phenomenon o7ser1ed ma- 7e *orre*t eno+,h/ 7+t ho.
this sense is to 7e o7tained is not apparent(A

12( 9n e1er- arm-/ the fi1e de1elopments *onne*ted .ith
fire m+st 7e kno.n/ the mo1ements of the stars *al*+lated/ and a
.at*h kept for the proper da-s(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H)e m+st make *al*+lations as to the paths of
the stars/ and .at*h for the da-s on .hi*h .ind .ill rise/
7efore makin, o+r atta*k .ith fire(H $han, M+ seems to interpret
the te0t differentl-: H)e m+st not onl- kno. ho. to assail o+r
opponents .ith fire/ 7+t also 7e on o+r ,+ard a,ainst similar
atta*ks from them(HA

13( 8en*e those .ho +se fire as an aid to the atta*k sho.
intelli,en*eQ those .ho +se .ater as an aid to the atta*k ,ain an
a**ession of stren,th(
1!( B- means of .ater/ an enem- ma- 7e inter*epted/ 7+t not
ro77ed of all his 7elon,in,s(

?TsVao S+n,Ns note is: H)e *an merel- o7str+*t the enem-Ns
road or di1ide his arm-/ 7+t not s.eep a.a- all his a**+m+lated
stores(H )ater *an do +sef+l ser1i*e/ 7+t it la*ks the terri7le
destr+*ti1e of fire( This is the reason/ $han, M+
*on*l+des/ .h- the former is dismissed in a *o+ple of senten*es/
.hereas the atta*k 7- fire is dis*+ssed in detail( )+ T;+ <*h(
!= speaks th+s of the t.o elements: H9f an arm- is en*amped on
lo.-l-in, marsh- ,ro+nd/ from .hi*h the .ater *annot r+n off/ and
.here the rainfall is hea1-/ it ma- 7e s+7mer,ed 7- a flood( 9f
an arm- is en*amped in .ild marsh lands thi*kl- o1er,ro.n .ith
.eeds and 7ram7les/ and 1isited 7- freP+ent ,ales/ it ma- 7e
e0terminated 7- fire(HA

1( Cnhapp- is the fate of one .ho tries to .in his 7attles
and s+**eed in his atta*ks .itho+t *+lti1atin, the spirit of
enterpriseQ for the res+lt is .aste of time and ,eneral

?This is one of the most perple0in, passa,es in S+n T;+(
TsVao S+n, sa-s: H6e.ards for ,ood ser1i*e sho+ld not 7e
deferred a sin,le da-(H 'nd T+ >+: H9f -o+ do not take
opport+nit- to ad1an*e and re.ard the deser1in,/ -o+r
s+7ordinates .ill not *arr- o+t -o+r *ommands/ and disaster .ill
ens+e(H 3or se1eral reasons/ ho.e1er/ and in spite of the
formida7le arra- of s*holars on the other side/ 9 prefer the
interpretation s+,,ested 7- >ei Mao-*hVen alone/ .hose .ords 9
.ill P+ote: HThose .ho .ant to make s+re of s+**eedin, in their
7attles and assa+lts m+st sei;e the fa1ora7le moments .hen the-
*ome and not shrink on o**asion from heroi* meas+res: that is to
sa-/ the- m+st resort to s+*h means of atta*k of fire/ .ater and
the like( )hat the- m+st not do/ and .hat .ill pro1e fatal/ is
to sit still and simpl- hold to the ad1anta,es the- ha1e ,ot(HA

1#( 8en*e the sa-in,: The enli,htened r+ler la-s his plans
.ell aheadQ the ,ood ,eneral *+lti1ates his reso+r*es(

?T+ >+ P+otes the, from the S'N &C58/ *h( 2: HThe
.arlike prin*e *ontrols his soldiers 7- his a+thorit-/ kits them
to,ether 7- ,ood faith/ and 7- re.ards makes them ser1i*ea7le(
9f faith de*a-s/ there .ill 7e disr+ptionQ if re.ards are
defi*ient/ *ommands .ill not 7e respe*ted(HA

17( >o1e not +nless -o+ see an ad1anta,eQ +se not -o+r
troops +nless there is somethin, to 7e ,ainedQ fi,ht not +nless
the position is *riti*al(

?S+n T;+ ma- at times appear to 7e o1er-*a+tio+s/ 7+t he
ne1er ,oes so far in that dire*tion as the remarka7le passa,e in
the T'B T5 $89N:/ *h( #9( H9 dare not take the initiati1e/ 7+t
prefer to a*t on the defensi1eQ 9 dare not ad1an*e an in*h/ 7+t
prefer to retreat a foot(HA

1"( No r+ler sho+ld p+t troops into the field merel- to
,ratif- his o.n spleenQ no ,eneral sho+ld fi,ht a 7attle simpl-
o+t of piP+e(
19( 9f it is to -o+r ad1anta,e/ make a for.ard mo1eQ if
not/ sta- .here -o+ are(

?This is repeated from K9( ss( 17( 8ere 9 feel *on1in*ed
that it is an interpolation/ for it is e1ident that ss( 20 o+,ht
to follo. immediatel- on ss( 1"(A

20( 'n,er ma- in time *han,e to ,ladnessQ 1e0ation ma- 7e
s+**eeded 7- *ontent(
21( B+t a kin,dom that has on*e 7een destro-ed *an ne1er
*ome a,ain into 7ein,Q

?The )+ State .as destined to 7e a melan*hol- e0ample of
this sa-in,(A

nor *an the dead e1er 7e 7ro+,ht 7a*k to life(
22( 8en*e the enli,htened r+ler is heedf+l/ and the ,ood
,eneral f+ll of *a+tion( This is the .a- to keep a *o+ntr- at
pea*e and an arm- inta*t(

?1A HCnless -o+ enter the ti,erNs lair/ -o+ *annot ,et hold of
the ti,erNs *+7s(H


K999( T85 CS5 B3 SP95S

1( S+n T;+ said: 6aisin, a host of a h+ndred tho+sand men
and mar*hin, them ,reat distan*es entails hea1- loss on the
people and a drain on the reso+r*es of the State( The dail-
e0pendit+re .ill amo+nt to a tho+sand o+n*es of sil1er(

?$f( 99( ss( ss( 1/ 13/ 1!(A

There .ill 7e *ommotion at home and a7road/ and men .ill drop
do.n e0ha+sted on the hi,h.a-s(

?$f( T'B T5 $89N:/ *h( 30: H)here troops ha1e 7een
P+artered/ 7ram7les and thorns sprin, +p( $han, M+ has the note:
H)e ma- 7e reminded of the sa-in,: NBn serio+s ,ro+nd/ ,ather in
pl+nder(N )h- then sho+ld *arria,e and transportation *a+se
e0ha+stion on the hi,h.a-sL--The is/ that not 1i*t+als
alone/ 7+t all sorts of m+nitions of .ar ha1e to 7e *on1e-ed to
the arm-( Besides/ the inj+n*tion to Nfora,e on the enem-N onl-
means that .hen an arm- is deepl- en,a,ed in hostile territor-/
s*ar*it- of food m+st 7e pro1ided a,ainst( 8en*e/ .itho+t 7ein,
solel- dependent on the enem- for *orn/ .e m+st fora,e in order
that there ma- 7e an +ninterr+pted flo. of s+pplies( Then/
a,ain/ there are pla*es like salt deserts .here pro1isions 7ein,
+no7taina7le/ s+pplies from home *annot 7e dispensed .ith(HA

's man- as se1en h+ndred tho+sand families .ill 7e impeded in
their la7or(

?>ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: H>en .ill 7e la*kin, at the plo+,h-
tail(H The all+sion is to the s-stem of di1idin, land into nine
parts/ ea*h *onsistin, of a7o+t 1 a*res/ the plot in the *enter
7ein, *+lti1ated on 7ehalf of the State 7- the tenants of the
other ei,ht( 9t .as here also/ so T+ >+ tells +s/ that their
*otta,es .ere 7+ilt and a .ell s+nk/ to 7e +sed 7- all in *ommon(
?See 99( ss( 12/ note(A 9n time of .ar/ one of the families had
to ser1e in the arm-/ .hile the other se1en *ontri7+ted to its
s+pport( Th+s/ 7- a le1- of 100/000 men <re*konin, one a7le-
7odied soldier to ea*h famil-= the h+s7andr- of 700/000 families
.o+ld 7e affe*ted(A

2( 8ostile armies ma- fa*e ea*h other for -ears/ stri1in,
for the 1i*tor- .hi*h is de*ided in a sin,le da-( This 7ein, so/
to remain in i,noran*e of the enem-Ns *ondition simpl- 7e*a+se
one ,r+d,es the o+tla- of a h+ndred o+n*es of sil1er in honors
and emol+ments/

?H3or spiesH is of *o+rse the meanin,/ tho+,h it .o+ld spoil
the effe*t of this *+rio+sl- ela7orate e0ordi+m if spies .ere
a*t+all- mentioned at this point(A

is the hei,ht of inh+manit-(

?S+n T;+Ns a,reement is *ertainl- in,enio+s( 8e 7e,ins 7-
ad1ertin, to the fri,htf+l miser- and 1ast e0pendit+re of 7lood
and treas+re .hi*h .ar al.a-s 7rin,s in its train( No./ +nless
-o+ are kept informed of the enem-Ns *ondition/ and are read- to
strike at the ri,ht moment/ a .ar ma- dra, on for -ears( The
onl- .a- to ,et this information is to emplo- spies/ and it is
impossi7le to o7tain tr+st.orth- spies +nless the- are properl-
paid for their ser1i*es( B+t it is s+rel- false e*onom- to
,r+d,e a *omparati1el- triflin, amo+nt for this p+rpose/ .hen
e1er- da- that the .ar lasts eats +p an in*al*+la7l- ,reater s+m(
This ,rie1o+s 7+rden falls on the sho+lders of the poor/ and
hen*e S+n T;+ *on*l+des that to ne,le*t the +se of spies is
nothin, less than a *rime a,ainst h+manit-(A

3( Bne .ho a*ts th+s is no leader of men/ no present help
to his so1erei,n/ no master of 1i*tor-(

?This idea/ that the tr+e o7je*t of .ar is pea*e/ has its
root in the national temperament of the $hinese( 51en so far
7a*k as 97 B($(/ these memora7le .ords .ere +ttered 7- Prin*e
$h+an, of the $hV+ State: HThe ?$hineseA *hara*ter for Npro.essN
is made +p of ?the *hara*ters forA Nto sta-N and Na spearN
<*essation of hostilities=( >ilitar- pro.ess is seen in the
repression of *r+elt-/ the *allin, in of .eapons/ the
preser1ation of the appointment of 8ea1en/ the firm esta7lishment
of merit/ the of happiness on the people/ p+ttin,
harmon- 7et.een the prin*es/ the diff+sion of .ealth(HA

!( Th+s/ .hat ena7les the .ise so1erei,n and the ,ood
,eneral to strike and *onP+er/ and a*hie1e thin,s 7e-ond the
rea*h of ordinar- men/ is 3B65SNB)&5%:5(

?That is/ kno.led,e of the enem-Ns dispositions/ and .hat he
means to do(A

( No. this forekno.led,e *annot 7e eli*ited from spiritsQ
it *annot 7e o7tained ind+*ti1el- from e0perien*e/

?T+ >+Ns note is: H?kno.led,e of the enem-A *annot 7e
,ained 7- reasonin, from other analo,o+s *ases(HA

nor 7- an- ded+*ti1e *al*+lation(

?&i $hV+an sa-s: HR+antities like len,th/ 7readth/
distan*e and ma,nit+de/ are s+s*epti7le of e0a*t mathemati*al
determinationQ h+man a*tions *annot 7e so *al*+lated(HA

#( Sno.led,e of the enem-Ns dispositions *an onl- 7e
o7tained from other men(

?>ei Mao-*hVen has rather an interestin, note: HSno.led,e
of the spirit-.orld is to 7e o7tained 7- di1inationQ information
in nat+ral s*ien*e ma- 7e so+,ht 7- ind+*ti1e reasonin,Q the la.s
of the +ni1erse *an 7e 1erified 7- mathemati*al *al*+lation: 7+t
the dispositions of an enem- are as*ertaina7le thro+,h spies and
spies alone(HA

7( 8en*e the +se of spies/ of .hom there are fi1e *lasses:
<1= &o*al spiesQ <2= in.ard spiesQ <3= *on1erted spiesQ <!=
doomed spiesQ <= s+r1i1in, spies(
"( )hen these fi1e kinds of sp- are all at .ork/ none *an
dis*o1er the se*ret s-stem( This is *alled Hdi1ine manip+lation
of the threads(H 9t is the so1erei,nNs most pre*io+s fa*+lt-(

?$rom.ell/ one of the ,reatest and most pra*ti*al of all
*a1alr- leaders/ had offi*ers st-led Ns*o+t masters/N .hose
7+siness it .as to *olle*t all possi7le information re,ardin, the
enem-/ thro+,h s*o+ts and spies/ et*(/ and m+*h of his s+**ess in
.ar .as tra*ea7le to the pre1io+s kno.led,e of the enem-Ns mo1es
th+s ,ained(H ?1A A

9( 8a1in, &B$'& SP95S means emplo-in, the ser1i*es of the
inha7itants of a distri*t(

?T+ >+ sa-s: H9n the enem-Ns *o+ntr-/ .in people o1er 7-
kind treatment/ and +se them as spies(HA

10( 8a1in, 9N)'6% SP95S/ makin, +se of offi*ials of the

?T+ >+ en+merates the, *lasses as likel- to do ,ood
ser1i*e in this respe*t: H)orth- men .ho ha1e 7een de,raded from
offi*e/ *riminals .ho ha1e +nder,one p+nishmentQ also/ fa1orite
*on*+7ines .ho are ,reed- for ,old/ men .ho are a,,rie1ed at
7ein, in s+7ordinate positions/ or .ho ha1e 7een passed o1er in
the distri7+tion of posts/ others .ho are an0io+s that their side
sho+ld 7e defeated in order that the- ma- ha1e a *han*e of
displa-in, their a7ilit- and talents/ fi*kle t+rn*oats .ho al.a-s
.ant to ha1e a foot in ea*h 7oat( Bffi*ials of these se1eral
kinds/H he *ontin+es/ Hsho+ld 7e se*retl- approa*hed and 7o+nd to
oneNs interests 7- means of ri*h presents( 9n this .a- -o+ .ill
7e a7le to find o+t the state of affairs in the enem-Ns *o+ntr-/
as*ertain the plans that are 7ein, formed a,ainst -o+/ and
moreo1er dist+r7 the harmon- and *reate a 7rea*h 7et.een the
so1erei,n and his ministers(H The ne*essit- for e0treme *a+tion/
ho.e1er/ in dealin, .ith Hin.ard spies/H appears from an
histori*al in*ident related 7- 8o Shih: H&o Shan,/ :o1ernor of
9-$ho+/ sent his ,eneral )ei Po to atta*k the re7el &i 8si+n, of
Sh+ in his stron,hold at PVi( 'fter ea*h side had e0perien*ed a
n+m7er of 1i*tories and defeats/ &i 8si+n, had re*o+rse to the
ser1i*es of a *ertain PVo-tVai/ a nati1e of )+-t+( 8e 7e,an to
ha1e him .hipped +ntil the 7lood *ame/ and then sent him off to
&o Shan,/ .hom he .as to del+de 7- offerin, to *ooperate .ith him
from inside the *it-/ and to ,i1e a fire si,nal at the ri,ht
moment for makin, a ,eneral assa+lt( &o Shan,/ *onfidin, in
these promises/ mar*h o+t all his 7est troops/ and pla*ed )ei Po
and others at their head .ith orders to atta*k at PVo-tVaiNs
7iddin,( >ean.hile/ &i 8si+n,Ns ,eneral/ &i 8sian,/ had prepared
an am7+s*ade on their line of mar*hQ and PVo-tVai/ ha1in, reared
lon, s*alin,-ladders a,ainst the *it- .alls/ no. li,hted the
7ea*on-fire( )ei PoNs men ra*ed +p on seein, the si,nal and
7e,an *lim7in, the ladders as fast as the- *o+ld/ .hile others
.ere dra.n +p 7- ropes lo.ered from a7o1e( >ore than a h+ndred
of &o Shan,Ns soldiers entered the *it- in this .a-/ e1er- one of
.hom .as forth.ith 7eheaded( &i 8si+n, then *har,ed .ith all his
for*es/ 7oth inside and o+tside the *it-/ and ro+ted the enem-
*ompletel-(H ?This happened in 303 '(%( 9 do not kno. .here 8o
Shih ,ot the stor- from( 9t is not ,i1en in the 7io,raph- of &i
8si+n, or that of his father &i TVe/ $89N S8C/ *h( 120/ 121(A

11( 8a1in, $BN456T5% SP95S/ ,ettin, hold of the enem-Ns
spies and +sin, them for o+r o.n p+rposes(

?B- means of hea1- 7ri7es and li7eral promises deta*hin,
them from the enem-Ns ser1i*e/ and ind+*in, them to *arr- 7a*k
false information as .ell as to sp- in t+rn on their o.n
*o+ntr-men( Bn the other hand/ 8siao Shih-hsien sa-s that .e
pretend not to ha1e dete*ted him/ 7+t *ontri1e to let him *arr-
a.a- a false impression of .hat is ,oin, on( Se1eral of the
*ommentators a**ept this as an alternati1e definitionQ 7+t that
it is not .hat S+n T;+ meant is *on*l+si1el- pro1ed 7- his
s+7seP+ent remarks a7o+t treatin, the *on1erted sp- ,enero+sl-
<ss( 21 sPP(=( 8o Shih notes three o**asions on .hi*h *on1erted
spies .ere +sed .ith *onspi*+o+s s+**ess: <1= 7- TVien Tan in
his defense of $hi-mo <see s+pra/ p( 90=Q <2= 7- $hao She on his
mar*h to B--+ <see p( 7=Q and 7- the .il- 3an $h+ in 2#0 B($(/
.hen &ien PVo .as *ond+*tin, a defensi1e *ampai,n a,ainst $hVin(
The Sin, of $hao stron,l- disappro1ed of &ien PVoNs *a+tio+s and
dilator- methods/ .hi*h had 7een +na7le to a1ert a series of
minor disasters/ and therefore lent a read- ear to the reports of
his spies/ .ho had se*retl- ,one o1er to the enem- and .ere
alread- in 3an $h+Ns pa-( The- said: HThe onl- thin, .hi*h
*a+ses $hVin an0iet- is lest $hao S+a sho+ld 7e made ,eneral(
&ien PVo the- *onsider an eas- opponent/ .ho is s+re to 7e
1anP+ished in the lon, r+n(H No. this $hao S+a .as a s+n of the
famo+s $hao She( 3rom his 7o-hood/ he had 7een .holl- en,rossed
in the st+d- of .ar and militar- matters/ +ntil at last he *ame
to 7elie1e that there .as no *ommander in the .hole 5mpire .ho
*o+ld stand a,ainst him( 8is father .as m+*h disP+ieted 7- this
o1er.eenin, *on*eit/ and the flippan*- .ith .hi*h he spoke of
s+*h a serio+s thin, as .ar/ and solemnl- de*lared that if e1er
S+a .as appointed ,eneral/ he .o+ld 7rin, r+in on the armies of
$hao( This .as the man .ho/ in spite of earnest protests from
his o.n mother and the 1eteran statesman &in 8sian,-j+/ .as no.
sent to s+**eed &ien PVo( Needless to sa-/ he pro1ed no mat*h
for the redo+7ta7le Po $hVi and the ,reat militar- of
$hVin( 8e fell into a trap 7- .hi*h his arm- .as di1ided into
t.o and his *omm+ni*ations *+tQ and after a desperate resistan*e
lastin, !# da-s/ d+rin, .hi*h the famished soldiers de1o+red one
another/ he .as himself killed 7- an arro./ and his .hole for*e/
amo+ntin,/ it is said/ to !00/000 men/ r+thlessl- p+t to the

12( 8a1in, %BB>5% SP95S/ doin, *ertain thin,s openl- for
p+rposes of de*eption/ and, o+r spies to kno. of them and
report them to the enem-(

?T+ M+ ,i1es the 7est e0position of the meanin,: H)e
ostentatio+sl- do thin, *al*+lated to de*ei1e o+r o.n spies/ .ho
m+st 7e led to 7elie1e that the- ha1e 7een +n.ittin,l- dis*losed(
Then/ .hen these spies are *apt+red in the enem-Ns lines/ the-
.ill make an entirel- false report/ and the enem- .ill take
meas+res a**ordin,l-/ onl- to find that .e do somethin, P+ite
different( The spies .ill there+pon 7e p+t to death(H 's an
e0ample of doomed spies/ 8o Shih mentions the prisoners released
7- Pan $hVao in his *ampai,n a,ainst Markand( <See p( 132(= 8e
also refers to TVan, $hien/ .ho in #30 '(%( .as sent 7- TVai
Ts+n, to l+ll the T+rkish Sahn $hieh-li into fan*ied se*+rit-/
+ntil &i $hin, .as a7le to deli1er a *r+shin, 7lo. a,ainst him(
$han, M+ sa-s that the T+rks re1en,ed themsel1es 7- killin, TVan,
$hien/ 7+t this is a mistake/ for .e read in 7oth the old and the
Ne. TVan, 8istor- <*h( "/ fol( 2 and *h( "9/ fol( "
respe*ti1el-= that he es*aped and li1ed on +ntil ##( &i 9-*hi
pla-ed a some.hat similar part in 203 B($(/ .hen sent 7- the Sin,
of 8an to open pea*ef+l ne,otiations .ith $hVi( 8e has *ertainl-
more *laim to 7e des*ri7ed a Hdoomed sp-H/ for the kin, of $hVi/
7ein, s+7seP+entl- atta*ked .itho+t .arnin, 7- 8an 8sin/ and
inf+riated 7- .hat he *onsidered the trea*her- of &i 9-*hi/
ordered the +nfort+nate en1o- to 7e 7oiled ali1e(A

13( SC64949N: SP95S/ finall-/ are those .ho 7rin, 7a*k ne.s
from the enem-Ns *amp(

?This is the ordinar- *lass of spies/ properl- so *alled/
formin, a re,+lar part of the arm-( T+ >+ sa-s: HMo+r s+r1i1in,
sp- m+st 7e a man of keen intelle*t/ tho+,h in o+t.ard appearan*e
a foolQ of sha77- e0terior/ 7+t .ith a .ill of iron( 8e m+st 7e
a*ti1e/ ro7+st/ endo.ed .ith ph-si*al stren,th and *o+ra,eQ
thoro+,hl- a**+stomed to all sorts of dirt- .ork/ a7le to end+re
h+n,er and *old/ and to p+t +p .ith shame and i,nomin-(H 8o Shih
tells the, stor- of TaVhsi )+ of the S+i d-nast-: H)hen
he .as ,o1ernor of 5astern $hVin/ Shen-.+ of $hVi made a hostile
mo1ement +pon Sha--+an( The 5mperor TVai Ts+ ?L Sao Ts+A sent
Ta-hsi )+ to sp- +pon the enem-( 8e .as a**ompanied 7- t.o other
men( 'll three .ere on horse7a*k and .ore the enem-Ns +niform(
)hen it .as dark/ the- dismo+nted a fe. h+ndred feet a.a- from
the enem-Ns *amp and stealthil- *rept +p to listen/ +ntil the-
s+**eeded in *at*hin, the pass.ords +sed in the arm-( Then the-
,ot on their horses a,ain and 7oldl- passed thro+,h the *amp
+nder the ,+ise of ni,*hmenQ and more than on*e/ happenin,
to *ome a*ross a soldier .ho .as *ommittin, some 7rea*h of
dis*ipline/ the- a*t+all- stopped to ,i1e the *+lprit a so+nd
*+d,elin,G Th+s the- mana,ed to ret+rn .ith the f+llest possi7le
information a7o+t the enem-Ns dispositions/ and re*ei1ed .arm
*ommendation from the 5mperor/ .ho in *onseP+en*e of their report
.as a7le to infli*t a se1ere defeat on his ad1ersar-(HA

1!( 8en*e it is that .hi*h none in the .hole arm- are more
intimate relations to 7e maintained than .ith spies(

?T+ >+ and >ei Mao-*hVen point o+t that the sp- is
pri1ile,ed to enter e1en the ,eneralNs pri1ate sleepin,-tent(A

None sho+ld 7e more li7erall- re.arded( 9n no other 7+siness
sho+ld ,reater se*re*- 7e preser1ed(

?T+ >+ ,i1es a ,raphi* to+*h: all *omm+ni*ation .ith spies
sho+ld 7e *arried Hmo+th-to-ear(H The, remarks on spies
ma- 7e P+oted from T+renne/ .ho made perhaps lar,er +se of them
than an- pre1io+s *ommander: HSpies are atta*hed to those .ho
,i1e them most/ he .ho pa-s them ill is ne1er ser1ed( The-
sho+ld ne1er 7e kno.n to an-7od-Q nor sho+ld the- kno. one
another( )hen the- propose an-thin, 1er- material/ se*+re their
persons/ or ha1e in -o+r possession their .i1es and *hildren as
hosta,es for their fidelit-( Ne1er *omm+ni*ate an-thin, to them
7+t .hat is a7sol+tel- ne*essar- that the- sho+ld kno.( ?2A A

1( Spies *annot 7e +sef+ll- emplo-ed .itho+t a *ertain
int+iti1e sa,a*it-(

?>ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: H9n order to +se them/ one m+st kno.
fa*t from falsehood/ and 7e a7le to dis*riminate 7et.een honest-
and do+7le-dealin,(H )an, 8si in a different interpretation
thinks more alon, the lines of Hint+iti1e per*eptionH and
Hpra*ti*al intelli,en*e(H T+ >+ stran,el- refers these
attri7+tes to the spies themsel1es: HBefore +sin, spies .e m+st
ass+re o+rsel1es as to their inte,rit- of *hara*ter and the
e0tent of their e0perien*e and skill(H B+t he *ontin+es: H'
7ra;en fa*e and a *raft- disposition are more dan,ero+s than
mo+ntains or ri1ersQ it takes a man of ,eni+s to penetrate s+*h(H
So that .e are left in some do+7t as to his real opinion on the

1#( The- *annot 7e properl- mana,ed .itho+t 7ene1olen*e and

?$han, M+ sa-s: H)hen -o+ ha1e attra*ted them 7-
s+7stantial offers/ -o+ m+st treat them .ith a7sol+te sin*erit-Q
then the- .ill .ork for -o+ .ith all their mi,ht(HA

17( )itho+t s+7tle in,en+it- of mind/ one *annot make
*ertain of the tr+th of their reports(

?>ei Mao-*hVen sa-s: HBe on -o+r ,+ard a,ainst the
possi7ilit- of spies ,oin, o1er to the ser1i*e of the enem-(HA

1"( Be s+7tleG 7e s+7tleG and +se -o+r spies for e1er- kind
of 7+siness(

?$f( 49( ss( 9(A

19( 9f a se*ret pie*e of ne.s is di1+l,ed 7- a sp- 7efore
the time is ripe/ he m+st 7e p+t to death to,ether .ith the man
to .hom the se*ret .as told(

?)ord for .ord/ the translation here is: H9f sp- matters
are heard 7efore ?o+r plansA are *arried o+t/H et*( S+n T;+Ns
main point in this passa,e is: )hereas -o+ kill the sp- himself
Has a p+nishment for lettin, o+t the se*ret/H the o7je*t of
killin, the other man is onl-/ as $hVen 8ao p+ts it/ Hto stop his
mo+thH and pre1ent ne.s leakin, an- f+rther( 9f it had alread-
7een repeated to others/ this o7je*t .o+ld not 7e ,ained( 5ither
.a-/ S+n T;+ la-s himself open to the *har,e of inh+manit-/
tho+,h T+ >+ tries to defend him 7- sa-in, that the man deser1es
to 7e p+t to death/ for the sp- .o+ld *ertainl- not ha1e told the
se*ret +nless the other had 7een at pains to .orm it o+t of

20( )hether the o7je*t 7e to *r+sh an arm-/ to storm a
*it-/ or to assassinate an indi1id+al/ it is al.a-s ne*essar- to
7e,in 7- findin, o+t the names of the attendants/ the aides-de-

?&iterall- H1isitorsH/ is eP+i1alent/ as T+ M+ sa-s/ to
Hthose .hose d+t- it is to keep the ,eneral s+pplied .ith
information/H .hi*h nat+rall- ne*essitates freP+ent inter1ie.s
.ith him(A

and door-keepers and sentries of the ,eneral in *ommand( B+r
spies m+st 7e *ommissioned to as*ertain these(

?'s the first step/ no do+7t to.ards findin, o+t if an- of
these important f+n*tionaries *an 7e .on o1er 7- 7ri7er-(A

21( The enem-Ns spies .ho ha1e *ome to sp- on +s m+st 7e
so+,ht o+t/ tempted .ith 7ri7es/ led a.a- and *omforta7l- ho+sed(
Th+s the- .ill 7e*ome *on1erted spies and a1aila7le for o+r
22( 9t is thro+,h the information 7ro+,ht 7- the *on1erted
sp- that .e are a7le to a*P+ire and emplo- lo*al and in.ard

?T+ M+ sa-s: Hthro+,h *on1ersion of the enem-Ns spies .e
learn the enem-Ns *ondition(H 'nd $han, M+ sa-s: H)e m+st tempt
the *on1erted sp- into o+r ser1i*e/ 7e*a+se it is he that kno.s
.hi*h of the lo*al inha7itants are ,reed- of ,ain/ and .hi*h of
the offi*ials are open to *orr+ption(HA

23( 9t is, to his information/ a,ain/ that .e *an
*a+se the doomed sp- to *arr- false tidin,s to the enem-(

?$han, M+ sa-s/ H7e*a+se the *on1erted sp- kno.s ho. the
enem- *an 7est 7e de*ei1ed(HA

2!( &astl-/ it is 7- his information that the s+r1i1in, sp-
*an 7e +sed on appointed o**asions(
2( The end and aim of sp-in, in all its fi1e 1arieties is
kno.led,e of the enem-Q and this kno.led,e *an onl- 7e deri1ed/
in the first instan*e/ from the *on1erted sp-(

?'s e0plained in ss( 22-2!( 8e not onl- 7rin,s information
himself/ 7+t makes it possi7le to +se the other kinds of sp- to

8en*e it is essential that the *on1erted sp- 7e treated .ith the
+tmost li7eralit-(
2#( Bf old/ the rise of the Min d-nast-

?S+n T;+ means the Shan, d-nast-/ fo+nded in 17## B($( 9ts
name .as *han,ed to Min 7- PVan Sen, in 1!01(

.as d+e to 9 $hih

?Better kno.n as 9 Min/ the famo+s ,eneral and statesman
.ho took part in $hVen, TVan,Ns *ampai,n a,ainst $hieh S+ei(A

.ho had ser1ed +nder the 8sia( &ike.ise/ the rise of the $ho+
d-nast- .as d+e to &+ Ma

?&+ Shan, rose to hi,h offi*e +nder the t-rant $ho+ 8sin/
.hom he after.ards helped to o1erthro.( Pop+larl- kno.n as TVai
S+n,/ a title 7esto.ed on him 7- )en )an,/ he is said to ha1e
*omposed a treatise on .ar/ erroneo+sl- identified .ith the
&9C TV'B(A

.ho had ser1ed +nder the Min(

?There is less pre*ision in the $hinese than 9 ha1e tho+,ht
it .ell to introd+*e into m- translation/ and the *ommentaries on
the passa,e are 7- no means e0pli*it( B+t/ ha1in, re,ard to the
*onte0t/ .e *an hardl- do+7t that S+n T;+ is holdin, +p 9 $hih
and &+ Ma as ill+strio+s e0amples of the *on1erted sp-/ or
somethin, *losel- analo,o+s( 8is s+,,estion is/ that the 8sia
and Min d-nasties .ere +pset, to the intimate kno.led,e of
their .eaknesses and short*omin, .hi*h these former ministers
.ere a7le to impart to the other side( >ei Mao-*hVen appears to
resent an- s+*h aspersion on these histori* names: H9 Min and &+
Ma/H he sa-s/ H.ere not re7els a,ainst the :o1ernment( 8sia
*o+ld not emplo- the former/ hen*e Min emplo-ed him( Min *o+ld
not emplo- the latter/ hen*e 8o+ emplo-ed him( Their ,reat
a*hie1ements .ere all for the ,ood of the people(H 8o Shih is
also indi,nant: H8o. sho+ld t.o di1inel- inspired men s+*h as 9
and &+ ha1e a*ted as *ommon spiesL S+n T;+Ns mention of them
simpl- means that the proper +se of the fi1e *lasses of spies is
a matter .hi*h reP+ires men of the hi,hest mental *ali7er like 9
and &+/ .hose .isdom and *apa*it- P+alified them for the task(
The a7o1e .ords onl- emphasi;e this point(H 8o Shih 7elie1es
then that the t.o heroes are mentioned on a**o+nt of their
s+pposed skill in the +se of spies( B+t this is 1er- .eak(A

27( 8en*e it is onl- the enli,htened r+ler and the .ise
,eneral .ho .ill +se the hi,hest intelli,en*e of the arm- for
p+rposes of sp-in, and there7- the- a*hie1e ,reat res+lts(

?T+ >+ *loses .ith a note of .arnin,: HO+st as .ater/ .hi*h
*arries a 7oat from 7ank to 7ank/ ma- also 7e the means of
sinkin, it/ so relian*e on spies/ .hile prod+*tion of ,reat
res+lts/ is oft-times the *a+se of +tter destr+*tion(HA

Spies are a most important element in .ater/ 7e*a+se on them
depends an arm-Ns a7ilit- to mo1e(

?$hia &in sa-s that an arm- .itho+t spies is like a man .ith
ears or e-es(A

?1A H'ids to S*o+tin,/H p( 2(

?2A H>arshal T+renne/H p( 311(

5nd of the Proje*t :+ten7er, 5te0t of S+n T;+ on the 'rt of )ar

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