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Ray Bradburys A Sound of Thunder

Name: ____________________________________________
Day 1: The Purpose of Advertisements & Characterization A Beautiful Reverse

Date: _____________________
Period: ________

The Role of
in Eckelss
Directions: After looking at the language, imagery, and text structure of Time Safari, Inc.s advertisement, consider the
general purpose of marketing campaigns. Writers often write for a reason. Why do companies use advertisements? How
do they wish to represent their products to potential consumers? By applying new vocabulary idealization and
propaganda answer the following questions that relate the purpose of the Time Safari, Inc. advertisement to Excels
current attitude toward time travel.

Anchor Chart: Authors

Purpose -





The Purpose of Advertisements (check the corresponding box below):

Ray Bradburys A Sound of Thunder

1. Authors Purpose & Vocabulary Application: How does the advertisement portray the past and the present? Label
each time period as either negative or positive. How does that contribute to its persuasiveness? How is the
advertisement an example of propaganda?
2. Characterization & Vocabulary Application: How does Excels view the past? How do you know he idealizes it? Use
text details to justify your answer.

3. Characterization: After memorizing the Time Safari, Inc. advertisement, Eckels pays $10,000 to hunt dinosaurs. To
what extent do you think the advertisements persuasive language contributed to Eckelss desire to time travel? Then
consider mans natural interest in time travel, as we discussed through the anticipation guide. Which do you think had
more influence on Eckelss wish to time travel the advertisement or natural curiosity?
4. Prediction: If Eckels time travels to the Mezozoic era (the time period in which dinosaurs lived), will the past be as
beautiful and grand as the advertisement describes? Or do you think Eckels will be disappointed? Explain your answer.

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