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English Language Year 6

1. Frogs and turtles can live on land and in water. They are __________.
A. reptiles
B. mammals
. amphi!ians
". !irds
#. $y %ather is ma&ing a ________ %or my pet ra!!its.
A. coop
B. hutch
. !urrow
". &ennel
'. Enci& "ollah par&s his car in the __________.
A. garage
B. &itchen
. !edroom
". living room
(. The ______ is a thorny plant.
A. hi!iscus
B. carnation
. alamanda
Name : ________________________________ Class : _____________
". !ougainvillea
). Freeda dropped the __________ !owl and it !ro&e into pieces.
A. wooden
B. glass
. plastic
". metal
6. * do not &now where you live. +lease give me your _______.
A. pastime
B. am!ition
. address
". occupation
,. -e cut his ______ with the &ni%e.
A. hand
B. palm
. wrist
". %inger
.. The goat has given !irth to two ________.
A. calves
B. cu!s
. %oals
". &ids
/. Both the sisters are eleven years old !ecause they are _________.
A. relatives
B. cousins
. twins
10. The plum1 peach and grape are not local ________.
A. vegeta!les
B. %lowers
. %ruits
11. ups1 saucers1 plates and !owls are called __________.
A. %ood
B. cutlery
. %urniture
". croc&ery
1#. 2he uses a ______ to drin& the soup.
A. ladle
B. %or&
. spoon
". chopstic&
1'. -e has a !ow and some arrows !ecause he li&es ________.
A. athletics
B. archery
. !owling
1(. The ______ s3uirts out in& when it is threatened.
A. prawn
B. coc&le
. octopus
1). The _______ is sharp and pointed and loo&s li&e a %inger.
A. o&ra
B. potato
. !itter gourd
". au!ergine
16. $y grandparents have two children. They are my %ather and my ________.
A. !rother
B. mother
. cousin
". aunt
1,. A ________ is an insect.
A. !eaver
B. pigeon
. crocodile
". coc&roach
1.. 4ats and mice ______.
A. chirp
B. s3uea&
. chatter
1/. Amin stays in the ____ !ecause his parents have passed away.
A. estate
B. hostel
. terminal
". orphanage
#0. This school is twenty years old. They are cele!rating their twentieth _____ today.
A. centenary
B. decade
. anniversary
". cele!ration

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