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Theosophy (from Greek ?e?s?f?a theosophia, from ?e?? theos, God[1] + s?f?

sophia, wisdom; literally "God's wisdom"), refers to systems of esoteric
philosophy coceri!, or i"esti!atio seeki! direct kowled!e of,
pres#med mysteries of $ei! ad at#re, partic#larly coceri! the at#re
of di"iity%
Theosophy is cosidered a part of the $roader &eld of esotericism, referri!
to hidde kowled!e or wisdom that o'ers the idi"id#al eli!htemet ad
sal"atio% The theosophist seeks to #derstad the mysteries of the #i"erse
ad the $ods that #ite the #i"erse, h#maity, ad the di"ie% The !oal of
theosophy is to e(plore the ori!i of di"iity ad h#maity, ad the world%
)rom i"esti!atio of those topics, theosophists try to disco"er a coheret
descriptio of the p#rpose ad ori!i of the #i"erse%

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