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A viable alternative to the single use of

solvent in chemical industries

Aromatic solvents
Halogenated solvents
Organic acids

Solvent recovery is an important step taken by
the various industries in order to conserve the
resources and allows re-use of the solvent to
increase the productivity and the save the
economical wealth of the industry.
The recovery works on method of fractionation
in a column called fractionator
Fractionator uses steam, vacuum, and utilizes
the physical properties of the solvent in order
to recovery it from the industrial waste in an
effective and productive manner.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers
Industrial solvents users and manufacturers
Electronics industry
Agrochemical industry
Chemicals manufacturers
Flavours and Fragrances

It has been estimated theta the use of Solvent
Stripper method in pharma industries has
shown a rapid increase between the year 2001
and 2010, where 20 TRI chemicals industries
has reported a remarkable fall in the waste
disposal from 227 MM kg to 71 MM kg

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