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TASK TWENTY FOUR: Music Magazine Planning
Create your magazine logo
This task encourages you to create the masthead for your magazine. You need to create this and
think of it as a planning task; showing how you came to your final idea. Think about your masthead
and what messages and values it will convey to the audience.
Create a piece of research that shows your initial ideas of a masthead to your final idea for your
magazine. Play around with fonts, colours and sizes and then decide on your final masthead design.
Look at the examples given as they show how you can track your ideas and get the most amounts of
marks for this.
When creating your masthead, use your audience research and ask people what they think of some
of your examples. You could create a wallwisher for this. Remember AUDIENCE work is worth the
most so make sure that this is EXPLICIT and you mention target audience A LOT.
You need to make the logo in either Photoshop or Pages. Use Dafont to download fonts if needed.
Create a presentation on Prezi/Popplet to show your progress, or make a movie using Keynote to
show your progression.
What you learnt?
Think this comment to what you have learnt about the layout of magazines. Also link to your draft
articles as they are obviously done to help you plan what your layout and contents should be.
A/A* - the planning and presentation will be excellent. Forms and conventions will be used
B/C the planning and presentation will be good. Forms and conventions will be adhered to.
D The planning and video will be proficient. It will be complete but the detail may be limited.
E Work will be complete.

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