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12 Baking, Cakes
ou will need:
12-bun muffin tray lined with 12 paper cases

75g unsalted butter

200g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp baking powder
75g caster sugar
pinch of salt
200ml buttermilk (or 100g yoghurt and 100ml semi-skimmed milk)
1 large egg
200g blueberries

Melt the butter, and set it aside to cool for a little. Preheat the oven to
200C/gas mark 4.
Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl, and in a measuring jug beat together
the buttermilk (or yoghurt and milk), egg and melted butter. Using a wooden
spoon and a light hand, pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix gently to
Don't worry about lumps: the important thing with muffins is that the mixture
isn't over-worked.
Fold in the blueberries, again keeping mixing to a minimum. You could also
add orange zest at this point if you wanted. Spoon into the muffin cases - I use
an ice-cream scoop and a small rubber spatula for this - and bake for 20
minutes, by which time the muffins should be risen and golden and firm on top.
Eat warm or cold as you like: I like warm, broken with fingers and smeared,
mouthful by mouthful, with good unsalted butter and blueberry jam.

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