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Vol. 2 | No. 6 | February 2014
Molly in America
theme for our
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0ui 12+8 ;<;8( is this weekenu, Naich 1-
2, fiom noon to noon in the Stiom Thuimonu
Wellness anu Fitness Centei. We woulu love
foi you to join us foi the 0pening
Ceiemonies (12 pm -1 pm) on Satuiuay
which also oveilaps oui silent auction (11
am - 1:Su pm). Please place youi name on
this guest list if you aie inteiesteu in
attenuing so you will have access to the
Stiom facilities. We have some awesome
auction items awaiting youi bius! Feel fiee
to ieach out to oui team if you have any
questions about the auction oi the Nain
Event. We hope to see you theie!

Follow 0SC Bance Naiathon on FaceBook
anu Twittei so you can keep up with oui
event this weekenu anu see the piouuct of
oui team's yeailong effoits.

Community Relations Team

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We aie exciteu to announce that on Febiuaiy 9
2u14, Bance Naiathon anu the Columbia
community officially bioke the uuinness Woilu
Recoiu foi most bow ties tieu simultaneously. The
oiiginal iecoiu was 417 bow ties tieu, anu
Columbia tieu CDE!! This is the fiist uuinness
Woilu Recoiu to evei be bioken by the city of
Columbia anu we aie beyonu exciteu that it was
all uone foi the kius. We iaiseu money thiough the
sales of commemoiative event items (T-shiits,
Southein Tiue Koozies, key fobs anu bow ties) anu
will be auuing those pioceeus to oui yeaily
funuiaising total. It was so inspiiing to see people
fiom all ovei the city come togethei foi the
amazing cause we suppoit.
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Not only uiu we auu an extia high school to
oui mini maiathon list this yeai, they weie
able to iaise even moie money FTK! Buge
thanks anu congiats to:

Blythewoou Bigh School: KLMNOPQPP
Caiuinal Newman Bigh School: KLPMDEPQCR
Bammonu School: KDPMSPRQCS

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