AR18N New Transaction Code For Depreciation Simulation

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New Transaction Code for Depreciation Simulation - AR18N

AR18N (Depreciation Simulation) is an update to transaction code AR18. The t-code AR18N has more
selection options. The selection screens are slightly different et!een AR18N and AR18
The differences et!een AR18N and AR18 are listed elo!"
The Sort #ariant has een added to AR18N. The Sort #ariant determines the sort le$els and%or the
summation le$els of the displayed data records.
The reporting period &'iscal (ear& in AR18 has changed to &(ear& in AR18N.
The Summary Report option has not een included in AR18N. The Sort #ariant is a more fle)ile !ay
to sort and summari*e a report layout.
Sort #ariant and Reporting +eriod ,hanges
The Summary report option is not included in AR18N.
ADD AR18N as a Favorite in Your Favorites Menu
,urrently- AR18N does not appear in the SA+ menu. As an alternati$e- you can add the transaction to
your 'a$orites menu.
Select 'a$orites then .nsert Transaction
Add the transaction code AR18N
The transaction code no! appears in your fa$orites menu

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