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My subjects

My name is Dimitar and I am in seventh

grade. I study a lot of subjects like: Maths,
Bulgarian language, English language, Russian
language, I, !istory, "eogra#hy, $hysics,
%hemistry, Biology, Music, &rt and '#orts.
But the younger ones till fourth grade don(t
have so many subjects. hey also don(t have
e)ams like us, only in the fourth grade *hen
they have final e)ams like I do in seventh
grade. I have + classes a day and they have
, or - classes a day. I #lay volleyball in my
free time at school because I(m in the school
volleyball team. I also like to learn English
because I no* I(ll need it in the future. I(m
very good at I and I like to *ork in the I
labs. .hen I finish /
grade I(m going to go
to another school and continue *ith my

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