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Case Study for Research Report Apr. 2010 to Mar.

1) File No. 17000 First Date: 19/1/05 Last Follow up: 12/2/11
Kn. c/o Ca. Rectu! a"enocarcinoa. #tatus: $ost C%.
$atient appeare" wit& Ca. rectu an" si"e e''ect o' C%. %reate" wit& D(RF
t&erap) an" wit&in a 7 ont&s o' treatent relie*e" 'ro all s)ptos in"e+. ,e
continue" reli-ious treatent! &a*e 'oun" &i totall) as)ptoatic wit& all reports
noral on &is last 'ollow up. $atient is on inii.e" treatent.
2) File No. 170/5 First Date: 2//2/05 last Follow up: 0/1/11.
Kn. c/o Recurrent Liposarcoa wit& C(D. 2perate" wit& &i-& ris3. $ost operate"
woun" in'ection. (ppeare" D(RF on Fe4. 505. No &/o post op R% or C%. 2n
()ur*e"ic treatent! 4ecae 'ree 'ro s)ptos wit&in a )ear. ('ter 161/2 )ear
reports also are noral. %reatent is continuin- on prop&)le+es. C(D also co*ere"
un"er D(RF treatent.
1) File No. 17151 First Date: 22/7/05 last Follow up: 1//1/11
Kn. c/o Ca. *ocal cor". 8it&out R% or C% starts D(RF treatent an" ipro*e" in
ri-&t 'ro t&e 'irst wee3. ('ter 1 )ear o' treatent 4ecae s)ptos 'ree an" till
&is last 'ollow up "isease 'ree wit&out an) recurrence.
/) File No. 17211 First Date: 11/10/05 Last Follow up: //2/11
(ppeare" at D(RFin 2ct.505 wit& &u-e ston) &ar" cancerous tuor on t&e c&ee3
an" 4uccal ucosa o' a--ressi*e nature in*ol*in- t&e sali*ar) -lan". 8it&in /
ont&s o' treatent t&e swellin- re"uce" an" tuor si.e" inii.e". %&e en" o'
one )ear treatent alost no tuor or swellin-. #ince t&en patient is as)ptoatic
till &is last 'ollow up.
5) File No. 17205 First "ate: 1/12/05 last Follow up: //1/11
Kn. c/o Ca. Cer*i+ wit& li*er an" lun- etastasis. $ro-nosis poor "eclare".
Keepin- 'ait& on s&ree 9aa! starte" D(RF treatent in Dec.505. 8it& il"
'luctuation o' &ealt& settle "own a'ter 7 ont&s treatent an" a'ter 7 ont&s o'
treatent reports 4ecae noral. Relapse a'ter 2 )ears an" now a-ain reports
noral. Feels #&re*e 9aa5s 4lessin-s an" is lea"in- a c&eer'ul li'e.
7) File No. 17505 First Date: 11/1/05 last Follow up: //1/11
Kn. c/o o' Ca. uterus wit& li*er etastasis an" "ia4etes.
$atient appeare" D(RF :ust a'ter con'ir ali-nanc) an" etastasis. 2pte"
e+clusi*e a)ur*e"ic treatent. Kept on -rape :uice 'or 15 "a)s. %reatent starte" in
(pril505. ;pro*e" stai"l) an" coe out o' 4e" in 0 ont&s. ,a*in- no coplains
re-ar"in- "isease since t&en. %ill &er last 'ollow up s&e &as a -oo" &ealt&) li'e an"
copletel) s)ptos 'ree.
7) File No. 17711 First Date: 1///05 last Follow up: 1//1/11
Kn. c/o Ca. lun-. Re-ular patient 'ro "a) one. <ot& 4) s)ptos an" reports!
continuous re-ression are o4ser*e" -ra"uall)= accept 2 ont&s o' enteric 'e*er!
in'ection. $atient is *er) &app) an" satis'ie". ,e alost passe" 5 )ears "isease 'ree.
0) File No. 17017 First Date: 0/7/05 last Follow up: 1//1/11
Kn. c/o Ca. 4reast. $atient opte" e+clusi*e ()ur*e"a a'ter "ia-nose" an" reli-iousl)
'ollows D(RF treatent. %ill last 'ollow up a4solutel) s)ptos 'ree an" all
reports are noral.
9) File No. 170/1 First Date: 9/7/05 last Follow up: 7/1/11
Kn. c/o Ca. prostate. #tarte" treatent in >ul)505 an" tuor ar3ers re"uce" to
noral wit&in a )ear. %reatent ; re-ular "ue to s)ptos 'ree status. ?*en t&en on
&is last 'ollow up o' Fe4. 511 &e was 'oun" 'ine! s)ptos 'ree! $#( wit&in noral
liits. (t t&e a-e o' 02 )ears! patient nursin- &is centuries ot&er. C&eer'ul an"
satis'ie" li'e.
10) File No. 1010/ First Date: 10/11/0 last Follow up: 1///11
Kn. c/o Ca. 4reast wit& 4one etastasis. $atient starte" a)ur*e"ic treatent
ri-&t a'ter sur-er) wit&out postin- R% or C% an" 4ecae painless an" s)pto
less 4) >an.500. ,er perio"ical 'ollow up 'oun" &er noral till Dec.510.
De*elope" li*er 9ets. #&e is on treatent an" on last 'ollow up o' (pril511 s&e
was 'oun" sta4le.
11) File No. 10212 First Date: 10/12/05 last Follow up: 1////11
Kn. c/o Ca. 4rain. 1 )ears o' t&is 4o) appeare" at D(RF a'ter sur-er)! R%! C%.
@er) re-ular treatent 'ro D?C.505 to (pril511. ,a*e 4een 'oun" a4solutel) 'it
an" s)ptos less till to"a). 9a) 4e call "isease 'ree.
12) File No. 7170 First Date: 29/12/90 last Follow up: 2///11
Kn. c/o Ca. urinar) 4la""er. (ppeare" at D(RF 'or t&e treatent o' post
operati*e inopera4le resi"ual "isease! re'use" R% 6 C%. Ara"uall) ipro*e" an"
4ecae s)ptos less wit&in 1.5 )ear. ,is perio"ical reports are 'oun" noral.
%ill t&e last 'ollow up &e was copletel) "isease 'ree.
11) File No. 1/910 Fist Date: 1/11/0/ last Follow up: 2///11
Kn. c/o o' Ca. sall intestine B#pin"le cell sarcoa). $ost operati*el) starts
D(RF treatent to pre*ent recurrence wit&out R%or C%. (ll re-ular 'ollow up
in*esti-ation 'oun" noral till &er last *isit. Doin- all routine acti*it).
1/) File No. 19009 First Date: 22/7/05 last Follow up: 2///11
Kn. c/o Ca. *ocal cor". $resente" at D(RF wit& ")sp&asia an" &orseness o'
*oice. ;DL: Arowt& in*ol*in- rt. @ocal cor". #lowl) re-aine" &ealt&. ('ter 1 )ear
copletel) s)ptos 'ree! "oin- well. Coplete" 7 )ears o' D(RF t&erap)
wit&out an) recurrence.
15) File No. 151// First Date: 1//1/01 last Follow up: ////11
Ca. colon! a"enocarcinoa. $ost operati*el) starts D(RF treatent wit& C%.
8it& D(RF t&erap) to+icit) re"uce" to 4eara4le. #ince >ul)50/ all reports are
noral. ,e &as passe" alost 0 )ears copletel) "isease 'ree. ,e &as Cuote"
D%&ese e"icines &a*e pro*en *er) use'ul in ensurin- soot& an" une*ent'ul

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