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Creating Large Documents With Writer
Copyright and Trademark Information
The contents of this document are subject to the Public Documentation License, Version 1.0 (the
"License"). You ma onl use this document if ou com!l "ith the terms of the license. # co!
of the license is a$ailable at the end of this document and at%
The ori(inal document is )Di!lomarbeiten mit *tar'ffice+. The initial "riter of the ori(inal
document is ,erner -oth. . 1///. #ll -i(hts -eser$ed.
0ontributors% 1. -oderic2 *in(leton, 1.,e ((ue"e3! for translatin( and ,illiam
T. 4archant (" ) for editin(.
Portions created b 1. -oderic2 *in(leton, 15enter ,e and ,illiam T. 4archant are . 6007.
#ll -i(hts -eser$ed.
Portions created b Publishin( Po"er (""".!ub!o".com) are . 6008. #ll -i(hts -eser$ed.
#ll trademar2s "ithin this (uide belon( to le(itimate o"ners.
Please direct an comments or su((estions about this document to%
9,erner -oth: The ori(inal 1erman Lan(ua(e document
91. ,e: ;irst draft of <n(lish Lan(ua(e document
9,illiam T. 4archant: ;irst edition <n(lish lan(ua(e document
9Publishin( Po"er: *econd <n(lish lan(ua(e document
9*un 4icrosstems: Third <n(lish lan(ua(e document
!odifications and "pdates
#ersion Date Description of Change
=0.0> =6007?06?68> =("% @nitial <n(lish Lan(ua(e translation>
=0.1> =6007?0A?A1> ="tm% @nitial <n(lish Lan(ua(e edition issued for comment>
=0.6> =6007?06?68> =(rs% @nitial edit and !roofin(>
=0.A> =6007?06?68> ="tm% ;inal edit and !roofin(>
=0.B> =6008?07?16> =!!i% <dit all teCt for (rammar, reformat laout, reor(aniDe
content, u!date all content and screenshots for '!en'ffice 6.B,
eC!and eCistin( content.>
=0.7> =600/?0E?60> =sm% F!date the content and screenshots for '!en'ffice.or( A.
4odif title.>
=0.G> =6010?06?11> =cc% #dded *un&'racle lo(o and chan(ed the contact email
6 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
Tabe of Contents
'$er$ie"................................................................................................................................................................. G
Hefore You He(in................................................................................................................................................................... G
Protectin( Your Data.............................................................................................................................................................. G
#utomaticall 0reate a Hac2u! 0o!............................................................................................................................... G
*a$e #uto-eco$er @nformation....................................................................................................................................... G
0reate Lin2s to 'bjects.................................................................................................................................................... E
*a$e 'ften........................................................................................................................................................................ E
Printin( Your Document......................................................................................................................................................... E
*a$in( in PD; ;ormat...................................................................................................................................................... E
Ta2in( '!en'ffice "ith You................................................................................................................................................... E
Tem!lates............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Plannin( Your Document........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Pa(e *tles............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
0reatin( a Ie" Pa(e *tle.............................................................................................................................................. 8
#!!lin( a Pa(e *tle...................................................................................................................................................... /
4odifin( a Pa(e *tle..................................................................................................................................................... /
Pa(e 'rientation............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Pa(e Iumberin( ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Iumberin( ;ormats........................................................................................................................................................ 11
-esettin( Pa(e Iumbers................................................................................................................................................ 11
TeCt Laout........................................................................................................................................................................... 1A
Jeaders and ;ooters...................................................................................................................................................... 1B
0ontrollin( TeCt ;lo"...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Para(ra!h *tles.................................................................................................................................................................. 1G
0reatin( a Ie" Para(ra!h *tle.................................................................................................................................... 1E
4odifin( a Para(ra!h *tle.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Iumbered Jeadin(s....................................................................................................................................................... 18
*ettin( 'utline Iumberin( for Jeadin(s........................................................................................................................ 60
0lonin( a Jeadin( ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
@ndentin( the ;irst Line of a Para(ra!h.......................................................................................................................... 66
*tartin( <ach 0ha!ter on a Ie" Pa(e........................................................................................................................... 6A
0haracter *tles................................................................................................................................................................... 6A
0reatin( a Ie" 0haracter *tle..................................................................................................................................... 6A
#!!lin( a 0haracter *tle............................................................................................................................................. 6A
4aster Document................................................................................................................................................. 6B
0reatin( a 4aster Document .............................................................................................................................................. 6B
,or2in( in a 4aster Document............................................................................................................................................ 67
;ootnotes.............................................................................................................................................................. 6G
0ustomiDin( the ;ootnote #rea............................................................................................................................................ 6G
0ustomiDin( ;ootnote *ettin(s............................................................................................................................................ 6G
@nsertin( a ;ootnote............................................................................................................................................................. 6G
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter A
#!!endices........................................................................................................................................................... 6E
0ha!ter Iumberin( for #!!endices..................................................................................................................................... 6E
Listin( #!!endices in the Table of 0ontents........................................................................................................................ 68
0ross?referencin(................................................................................................................................................. 6/
@nsertin( a cross?reference.................................................................................................................................................. 6/
4odifin( a 0ross?reference................................................................................................................................................ A1
F!datin( a 0ross?reference................................................................................................................................................. A1
1ra!hics............................................................................................................................................................... A6
@nsertin( 1ra!hics................................................................................................................................................................ A6
0reatin( a Lin2 to 1ra!hics.................................................................................................................................................. A6
-elocatin( Lin2ed 1ra!hics............................................................................................................................................ AA
Hrea2in( Lin2s................................................................................................................................................................ AB
0reatin( a 1aller................................................................................................................................................................ AB
#nchorin( 1ra!hics.............................................................................................................................................................. AB
0a!tions............................................................................................................................................................................... A7
#ddin( 0a!tions............................................................................................................................................................. A7
4o$in( and <ditin( 0a!tions.......................................................................................................................................... A7
;ormulas............................................................................................................................................................... AG
@nsertin( ;ormula 0alculations............................................................................................................................................. AG
@nsertin( ;ormulas in *mbolic ;ormat................................................................................................................................ AG
0harts................................................................................................................................................................... AE
0reatin( a 0hart................................................................................................................................................................... AE
0han(in( the 0hart T!e..................................................................................................................................................... AE
0han(in( 0hart 0olors......................................................................................................................................................... AE
0han(in( TeCt *tle............................................................................................................................................................. AE
0ustomiDin( Your 0harts...................................................................................................................................................... AE
Tables................................................................................................................................................................... A8
0reatin( a Table ;ormat ...................................................................................................................................................... A8
#!!lin( a Table ;ormat....................................................................................................................................................... A8
4ar(inalia............................................................................................................................................................. A/
@ndeCes................................................................................................................................................................. B0
0reatin( @ndeC <ntries.......................................................................................................................................................... B0
<ditin( and Deletin( @ndeC <ntries....................................................................................................................................... B0
1eneratin( an @ndeC............................................................................................................................................................. B0
;ormattin( @ndeC <ntries...................................................................................................................................................... B1
Hiblio(ra!hies....................................................................................................................................................... B6
0reatin( a Table of 0ontents................................................................................................................................ BA
1eneratin( a Table of 0ontents............................................................................................................................................ BA
<ditin( a Table of 0ontents.................................................................................................................................................. BB
;ormattin( <ntries................................................................................................................................................................ BB
F!datin( the Table of 0ontents............................................................................................................................................ BB
Deletin( the Table of 0ontents............................................................................................................................................. BB
-esources............................................................................................................................................................. B7
B 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
*u!!ort and Documentation................................................................................................................................................ B7
<Ctensions............................................................................................................................................................................ B7
#dditional -esources .......................................................................................................................................................... B7
Public Documentation License, Version 1.0.......................................................................................................... BG
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 7
0reatin( a lar(e teCt document (70 !a(es or more) should be done usin( a "ord !rocessin(
!ro(ram "ith stle and tem!late features that hel! maintain consistenc throu(hout our
document. H creatin( a tem!late "ith customiDed stles, ou can "rite lar(e documents from
be(innin( to end "ithout the need to insert !a(e brea2s, resiDe (ra!hics, or adjust fontsKand
e$erthin( loo2s just as it "as intended.
@n this document, "e "ill (uide ou throu(h the !rocess of creatin( a customiDed tem!late usin(
'!en'ffice A *ome to!ics "ill be co$ered in detail "hile others "ill refer ou to the Fser 1uide
for more information. This document assumes ou are alread familiar "ith '!en'ffice basics,
ho"e$er, e$en a be(inner should be able to conLuer some of the more com!leC tas2s b
freLuentl referrin( to the '!en'ffice online Fser 1uide and Jel! documentation.
%efore &ou %egin
To hel! s!eed the !rocess of creatin( lar(e documents, "e stron(l su((est that ou ta2e the
time to carefull !lan and or(aniDe it in ad$ance. ,hat siDe and font do ou "ant our headin(s
and teCt to beM Do ou "ant headin(s to be numberedM Jo" do ou "ant our headin(s
ali(nedM Do ou "ant each cha!ter to start on a ne" !a(eM ,ill the first line of each !ara(ra!h
be indentedM Do ou ha$e footnotesM Jo" do ou "ant tables to loo2M ,ill !a(e numberin( be
seLuential throu(hout the documentM ,ill our document ha$e an indeC or a!!endicesMThis is
just a sam!lin( of the Luestions ou must ans"er before ou be(in creatin( our document.
Ta2in( the time to !lan ahead can !re$ent !roblems from arisin(, sa$in( ou a lot of time and
frustration in the lon( run.
'rotecting &our Data
;reLuent sa$in( and bac2in( u! is a must "hen dealin( "ith data that ma ha$e ta2en hours to
(enerate. '!en'ffice A offers se$eral o!tions to hel! 2ee! our data safe.
Automaticay Create a %ackup Copy
1. ;rom the Tools menu, select '!tions : Load&*a$e : 1eneral.
6. *elect #l"as create bac2u! co! and clic2 'N.
Io", each time ou sa$e our document, the !re$ious $ersion of the document is sa$ed to our
bac2u! director.
(a$e Auto)eco$ery Information
This command sa$es the information necessar to restore the current document in case of a
1. ;rom the Tools menu, select '!tions : Load&*a$e : 1eneral.
6. *elect *a$e #uto-eco$er information e$er and select the time inter$al at "hich ou
"ant to automaticall sa$e.
A. 0lic2 'N.
G 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
Create Links to Ob*ects
To further !rotect our data, ou should create and sa$e different data t!es se!aratel. ;or
eCam!le, an embedded object such as a (ra!hic should be created and sa$ed as a se!arate
file. -ather than embeddin( the object into the document, ou should !lace it as a lin2ed object.
This hel!s 2ee! our objects safe and it hel!s reduce our file siDe. @t also automaticall u!dates
itself in the document "hen chan(es are made to the ori(inal file.
(a$e Often
You should ma2e it a !oint to sa$e our "or2 se$eral times a da onto an eCternal data medium,
such as a 0D or eCternal hard dri$e. ,hen doin( so, be sure to 2ee! more than just the last?
sa$ed u!date as our hard"are or soft"are could alread ha$e "ritten corru!ted data onto the
hard dri$e "hile other"ise "or2in( fine. 'nl "hen o!ened afresh after a com!leted "or2
session "ill '!en'ffice ,riter (reet ou "ith the messa(e that the file is corru!ted and cannot
be read anmore.
'rinting &our Document
,ith ,riter ou can !rint our files b just clic2in( the !rinter icon or b choosin( !rint from the
file menu. H usin( the !rint menu ou can define eCactl "hich elements of the document ou
"ant to !rint. <C!ortin( the document to PD; is also a (ood strate( for !rintin(, as PD; is an
established standard.

(a$ing in 'DF Format
# PD; file can be $ie"ed and !rinted on an !latform "ith the ori(inal formattin( intact, !ro$ided
that su!!ortin( soft"are is installed.
1. 0lic2 the <C!ort Directl as PD; button on the *tandard toolbar.
6. *elect "here ou "ant to sa$e the PD; document.
A. T!e a name for the document and clic2 *a$e.
Taking OpenOffice with &ou
To ma2e it eas for ou to "or2 on our document "here$er ou are, a !ortable $ersion of
'!en'ffice is a$ailable. This $ersion of '!en'ffice runs from a memor stic2, so ou donOt need
to "orr about "hether or not the com!uter ou are "or2in( on has '!en'ffice installed. ;or
more information about the !ortable $ersion of '!en'ffice, $isit%
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter E
# tem!late is a document that contains s!ecific formattin( stles for teCt, (ra!hics, tables,
objects, etc. # tem!late can be used as the basis for creatin( other documents. ;or eCam!le,
ou can define !ara(ra!h and character stles in a document, sa$e the document as a
tem!late, and then use the tem!late to create a ne" document "ith the same stles. Fnless ou
s!ecif other"ise, e$er ne" '!en'ffice teCt document is based on the default tem!late. @n this
document "e "ill sho" ou ho" to create our o"n customiDed tem!late. '!en'ffice.or( no"
has a Tem!late -e!ositor, "here ou can find useful tem!lates. You can also u!load our
!ersonal tem!lates there and hel! other '!en'ffice.or( users. ;or further information $isit%
'anning &our Document
Hefore startin( "ith the actual "ritin(, ou should eC!eriment "ith a lot of dumm teCt to come
u! "ith a desired laout. 'nce ou are satisfied "ith the o$erall loo2, ou can translate our
sam!le into an a!!ro!riate arra of !a(e, character, and !ara(ra!h stles and sa$e it as a
tem!late file that can be used as the basis for each cha!ter of our document. @f laout chan(es
are desired "hen "ritin( the actual document, ou can ma2e the a!!ro!riate chan(es to the
tem!late and neCt time a cha!ter is o!ened the chan(es to the tem!late "ill be noted and ou
can acce!t or reject as reLuired.
'age (tyes
@n most cases, a lar(e document reLuires se$eral different !a(e structures. ;or eCam!le, the
title !a(e needs neither header nor footer. The Table of 0ontents, "hich ma eCtend o$er more
than one !a(e, uses -oman !a(e numberin(. The actual bod of the document uses #rabic
!a(e numberin( and contains the cha!ter title in the header.
'!en'ffice uses !a(e stles to s!ecif the laout of a !a(e, includin( the !a(e orientation,
bac2(round, mar(ins, headers, footers, and teCt columns. To chan(e the laout of an indi$idual
!a(e in a document, ou must create and a!!l a custom !a(e stle to the !a(e.
Creating a +ew 'age (tye
Pa(e stles are created usin( the *tles and ;ormattin( feature.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. @n the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo", clic2 the Pa(e *tles icon.
A. -i(ht?clic2 a !a(e stle and select Ie".
B. T!e a name for our !a(e stle in the Iame boC.
7. *elect "hich !a(e stle ou "ant to use for the follo"in( !a(e in the IeCt *tle boC. ;or
eCam!le, if ou "ant to use this !a(e stle for more than one !a(e, select its name from
the IeCt *tle menu. @f ou "ant to a!!l this !a(e stle to just a sin(le !a(e, select
our default !a(e stle from the IeCt *tle menu. ,hiche$er stle ou choose is the
!a(e stle that "ill be used in all subseLuent !a(es until ou manuall chan(e the !a(e
G. Fse the tabs in the dialo( boC to set the remainin( stles for the !a(e.
8 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
Appying a 'age (tye
The stle for each !a(e is indicated at the bottom of the !a(e in the second boC from the left on
the *tatus Har. @n this case, the Left Pa(e stle is used. To chan(e the stle, sim!l ri(ht?clic2
the stle and select a ne" !a(e stle from the menu. Fse this method cautiousl, thou(h, as it
"ill chan(e the !a(e stle for all of our !a(es.
@f ou need to a!!l a ne" !a(e stle "hile maintainin( the !a(e stles ou ha$e alread
a!!lied, ou must first insert a manual !a(e brea2. This is !articularl useful "hen a!!lin( our
default !a(e stle after our Title and Table of 0ontents !a(es.
1. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose 4anual Hrea2.
6. *elect Pa(e brea2.
A. *elect a !a(e stle from the *tle menu and clic2 'N.
!odifying a 'age (tye
You can modif a !a(e stle at an time. The easiest "a is to double clic2 the !a(e stle in the
status bar. The *tles and ;ormattin( "indo" automaticall dis!las for that !a(e stle. You can
also !ress ;11 to o!en the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo", ri(ht?clic2 the !a(e stle ou "ish to
modif, and select 4odif.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter /
;i(ure 1% 0reatin( a ne" !a(e stle.
'age Orientation
'!en'ffice uses !a(e stles to s!ecif the orientation of the !a(es in a document. ;or eCam!le,
to chan(e the !a(e orientation of one or more !a(es in a document from !ortrait to landsca!e in
a document, ou need to create a !a(e stle that uses the landsca!e orientation, and then a!!l
the !a(e stle to the !a(es.
1. ;ollo" the instructions abo$e for creatin( a ne" !a(e stle.
6. 'n the Pa(e tab, select Landsca!e as the orientation.
A. 0lic2 'N.
To insert the landsca!e !a(e%
1. 0hoose @nsert : 4anual Hrea2 at the a!!ro!riate location in the document.
6. *elect the landsca!e !a(e stle from the *tle dro! do"n menu.
#t the end of the section reLuirin( landsca!e orientation, another manual !a(e brea2 is needed
and a ne" !a(e stle a!!lied.
'age +umbering
,hen creatin( lar(e documents, it is standard to use different !a(e numberin( for certain !a(e
stles. ;or eCam!le, the Table of 0ontents !a(es are t!icall numbered "ith -oman numerals
"hile the rest of the document uses #rabic numerals.
10 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 6% 0reatin( a !a(e stle "ith Landsca!e orientation.
+umbering Formats
You can set the !a(e numberin( format b modifin( the !a(e stle. You "ill need a se!arate
!a(e stle for each !a(e number format.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Pa(e *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 the !a(e stle ou "ish to modif and select 4odif.
B. 0lic2 the Pa(e tab.
7. Fnder Laout *ettin(s, select a -oman numeral stle from the ;ormat menu and clic2
)esetting 'age +umbers
@f, at an !oint in the document ou "ant !a(e numberin( to start ane" a(ain, it should al"as
be done b insertin( a manual !a(e brea2. 0han(in( the number usin( the Pa(e Iumber field
command "ill cause !roblems "ith ,riterOs !a(e count mechanism "hen (eneratin( the Table
of 0ontents.
1. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose 4anual Hrea2... : Pa(e brea2.
6. *elect the !a(e stle ou "ant to insert.
A. 0hec2 the 0han(e !a(e number boC and enter the number at "hich ou "ant the ne"
!a(e to be(in.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 11
;i(ure A% ;ormattin( !a(e numbers.
B. 0lic2 'N.
@f the first !a(e of the document is to ha$e a !a(e number other than 1 then the !ara(ra!h stle
of the first !ara(ra!h has to be accordin(l adjusted.
1. Place the cursor into the first line of the !ara(ra!h and select ;ormat : Para(ra!h.
6. 0lic2 the TeCt ;lo" tab.
A. Fnder the Hrea2s section, chec2 @nsert.
B. 0hec2 ,ith Pa(e *tle and set the desired !a(e stle and !a(e number.
7. 0lic2 'N.
16 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure B% -esettin( !a(e numbers.
Te,t Layout
The laout of the teCt section of a !a(e is defined on the Pa(e tab in the Pa(e *tle "indo".
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Pa(e *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 the !a(e stle ou "ish to modif and select 4odif.
B. 0lic2 the Pa(e tab.
Iote that under the headin( 4ar(ins, onl the teCt section is defined, headers and footers are
!laced into the mar(in areas. ;rom the Pa(e tab, ou can also select the !a(e laout% -i(ht and
Left, 4irrored, 'nl -i(ht, or 'nl Left. @f our document is to be or(aniDed li2e a boo2, ou
should select 4irrored. Fnless it is a !rescribed reLuirement, it is considerabl easier to stic2
"ith a sin(le?!a(e laout as a double?!a(e laout calls for additional com!leCities.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 1A
;i(ure 7% *ettin( !a(e number for first !a(e.
-eaders and Footers
Jeaders and footers are !laced in the mar(in area of the !a(e usin( the Jeader and ;ooter
tabs in the Pa(e *tle "indo". The !rocess is eCactl the same "hether ou are settin( a
header or a footer. ;or an eCam!le, "e "ill sho" ou ho" to set the same footer that is used in
this document.
To achie$e this loo2, ou need a bottom mar(in of 0.E/ inches "ith a footer for indicatin( the
!a(e number and documents name. YouOll need s!acin( of 0.60 inches bet"een the teCt laout
and the footer. ;or fleCibilit, "eOll set the siDe of the footer to automaticall adjust de!endin( on
the font siDe ou use.
1. *!ecif a bottom mar(in of 0.E/ inches (see the TeCt Laout section for more detailed
instructions). This sets a s!acin( of 0.E/ inches bet"een the bottom of the !a(e and the
bottom of the footer boC.
6. 0lic2 the ;ooter tab.
A. 0hec2 the ;ooter on boC.
B. @f ou are usin( a 4irrored !a(e laout, be sure to unchec2 the *ame content left&ri(ht
7. <nter 0.60 in the *!acin( field. This sets the s!acin( bet"een the bottom of the teCt
laout and the to! of the footer boC.
G. 0hec2 #uto;it hei(ht in the Jei(ht field. The hei(ht of the footer boC "ill chan(e to
1B 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure G% *ettin( teCt laout usin( the Pa(e tab.
eCactl fit the font siDe ou use in the footer.
E. 0lic2 'N.
Controing Te,t Fow
The "hole teCt flo" of a document should be controlled throu(h the TeCt bod !ara(ra!h stle or
one of its successors.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Para(ra!h *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 the TeCt bod stle and select 4odif.
B. 0lic2 the TeCt ;lo" tab.
7. 0hec2 the #utomatic h!henation boC. This sets ,riter to automaticall h!henate
"ords rather than !ushin( a "hole "ord to the neCt line.
G. 0hec2 the 'r!han control boC and select at least 6 lines from the dro!?do"n menu. This
!re$ents a sin(le line of a !ara(ra!h from bein( !laced at the start or end of a !a(e.
*ettin( or!han control to 6 lines ensures that at least 6 lines of a lon(er !ara(ra!h are
!laced at the bottom of a !a(e. 'ther"ise, the !ara(ra!h starts at the neCt !a(e.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 17
i(ure E% @nsertin( a footer.
'aragraph (tyes
The neCt fe" sections deal "ith mani!ulatin( !ara(ra!hs "ith !ara(ra!h stles. Para(ra!h
stles in '!en'ffice ,riter are hierarchicall or(aniDed. You can see the hierarch of all
!ara(ra!h stles if ou select Jierarchical from the menu at the bottom of the *tles and
;ormattin( "indo".
1G 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 8% 0ontrollin( teCt flo".
You can see that all !ara(ra!h stles are based on !ara(ra!h stle Default. This means all
!ara(ra!h stles )inherit+ the settin(s of !ara(ra!h stle Default unless one or more settin(s
ha$e been modified in a !articular !ara(ra!h stle or in one of its !arent !ara(ra!h stles. ;or
eCam!le, assume the font of !ara(ra!h stle Default is Times Ie" -oman and the font of
!ara(ra!h stle Jeadin( (the !arent of all headin( stles) has been set to #rial. @f ou no"
chan(e the font of the (hierarchicall to!most) !ara(ra!h stle Default to 1aramond, then this
chan(e is inherited b all !ara(ra!h stles that use the Times Ie" -oman font. Jo"e$er, in all
Jeadin( !ara(ra!h stles, the font #rial is retained.
Creating a +ew 'aragraph (tye
You "ill need to create a !ara(ra!h stle for each t!e of teCt ou "ant% teCt bod, headin(s,
footers, ca!tions, etc. You do this usin( Para(ra!h *tles in the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Para(ra!h *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 a !ara(ra!h stle for "hich ou "ant to base our ne" stle and select Ie".
B. T!e a name for our ne" !ara(ra!h stle.
7. *elect a !ara(ra!h stle ou "ant to follo" this stle. ;or eCam!le, if ou are creatin( a
headin( stle, ou most li2el "ould "ant our teCt bod stle to be the neCt !ara(ra!h
G. Fse the tabs in the dialo( boC to set the remainin( !ara(ra!h stles.
E. 0lic2 'N.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 1E
;i(ure /% Jierarchical $ie" of !ara(ra!h
!odifying a 'aragraph (tye
@f ou "ant to chan(e the font (or an other characteristic) of all headin( stles (or "hiche$er
stle ou "ish), then ou sim!l ma2e this chan(e in the !arent !ara(ra!h stle Jeadin(.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Para(ra!h *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 the !arent stle ou "ant to chan(e and select 4odif.
B. Fse the tabs in the dialo( boC to ma2e the a!!ro!riate chan(es.
7. 0lic2 'N.
# !ara(ra!h stle can also be modified b !lacin( the cursor in an !ara(ra!h "ith the desired
!ara(ra!h stle and selectin( <dit !ara(ra!h stle.
+umbered -eadings
Fsin( '!en'ffice ,riter ou can automaticall number all cha!ters and sections. To do this,
each cha!ter has to be assi(ned one of the headin( !ara(ra!h stles, Jeadin( 1 to Jeadin( 10
"ith the a!!ro!riate numberin( stle a!!lied. ;urthermore ou can define the outline le$el for
each !ara(ra!( or !ara(ra!h stle. This is $er hel!ful "hen ou create an a!!endiC and use
letters for the numberin(.
18 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 10% 0reatin( !ara(ra!h stles.
Creating a +umbered -eading (tye
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Para(ra!h *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 a !ara(ra!h stle for "hich ou "ant to base our ne" stle and select Ie".
B. T!e a name for our ne" !ara(ra!h stle.
7. *elect a !ara(ra!h stle ou "ant to follo" this stle. ;or eCam!le, if ou are creatin( a
headin( stle, ou most li2el "ould "ant our teCt bod stle to be the neCt !ara(ra!h
G. 0lic2 the Iumberin( tab.
E. *elect a Iumberin( *tle from the dro!?do"n menu.
8. 0lic2 'N.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 1/
;i(ure 11% 0reatin( a numbered headin(
(etting Outine +umbering for -eadings
@f ouO$e created a custom numbered headin( stle, ou "ill need to a!!l the outline numberin(
to the stle so ,riter 2no" "hich outline le$el each custom head belon(s "ith. ;or eCam!le if
ou created Jead1, Jead6, and JeadA stles "ith numberin(, ou "ill need to tell ,riter to
a!!l le$el 1 numberin( to Jead1 (@.e., 1 Jeadin(), le$el 6 numberin( to Jead6 (@.e., 1.1
Jeadin(), etc.
1. ;rom the Tools menu, select 'utline Iumberin(.
6. 'n the Iumberin( tab, select a le$el and then select the headin( that (oes "ith that
A. 0lic2 'N.
Coning a -eading
'f course, there are introductions, literature lists, and a!!endices "hich are su!!osed to be
treated as headin(s but either not numbered at all or numbered in a different "a. The solution
for this !roblem is clonin( a !ara(ra!h stle. LetOs sa, for eCam!le, that the @ntroduction is to
use the !ara(ra!h stle Jeadin( 1, but "ithout numberin(.
1. *et the cursor into the !ara(ra!h @ntroduction and assi(n !ara(ra!h stle Jeadin( 1 to
it "ith a doubleclic2 in the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
6. Then clic2 Ie" *tle from *election icon in the to! ri(ht corner of the *tles and
;ormattin( "indo".
60 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 16% *ettin( outline numberin(.
A. T!e a name for the ne" stle (Jeadin( 1 ,ithout Iumberin(). Iote that the ne" stle
is no" a )child+ of stle Jeadin( 1. #n modifications made to stle Jeadin( 1 "ill
automaticall be reflected in stle Jeadin( 1 ,ithout Iumberin(.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 61
;i(ure 1A% 0lonin( a !ara(ra!h stle.
;i(ure 1B% 0hild headin(.
B. -i(ht?clic2 the Jeadin( ,ithout Iumberin( !ara(ra!h stle and select 4odif.
7. 0lic2 the 'utline Q Iumberin( tab and select Ione from the Iumberin( *tle dro!?
do"n menu. *et the outline le$el to le$el 1 in order to see the unnumbered headin( in
the documentOs indeC.
G. 0lic2 'N.
Indenting the First Line of a 'aragraph
@ndentin( the first line of a !ara(ra!h is standard !ractice. Jo"e$er, this is often a matter of
!ersonal taste, or there ma be a standard set.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, select *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Para(ra!h *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormatin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 the !ara(ra!h stle ou "ant to modif and select 4odif.
B. 0lic2 the @ndents and *!acin( tab.
7. De?select #utomatic and enter the indent siDe in the ;irst line boC.
G. 0lic2 'N.
#nother freLuent !ractice is to indent, but not on the first !ara(ra!h after a headin( or after an
illustration. The best "a to accom!lish this is to clone the TeCt bod stle (see the 0lonin( a
Jeadin( section) and create a TeCt bod indent stle (see instructions abo$e). ;or the TeCt bod
!ara(ra!h stle, choose TeCt bod indent as the IeCt stle. Io", "hen ou stle a headin(, the
first !ara(ra!h follo"in( the headin( "ill use the TeCt bod stle. #ll !ara(ra!hs after the first
66 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 17% @ndentin( the first line of a !ara(ra!h.
one "ill use the TeCt bod indent stle.
(tarting .ach Chapter on a +ew 'age
@tOs common !ractice to start each cha!ter on a ne" !a(e. To do this, ou need to set
!ara(ra!h stle Jeadin( 1 (or "hate$er stle ou are usin( as our cha!ter head) to start on a
ne" !a(e.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. -i(ht clic2 the !ara(ra!h stle ou "ant to modif and select 4odif. You ma need to
clic2 the Para(ra!h *tles icon to see all !ara(ra!h stles.
A. 0lic2 the TeCt ;lo" tab.
B. @n the Hrea2s section, chec2 @nsert. 4a2e sure Pa(e is selected as the t!e and Hefore
is selected as the !osition.
7. 0lic2 'N.
Character (tyes
;or hi(hli(htin( names of authors or forei(n?lan(ua(e !hrases, italics can be used. Jo"e$er, a
more efficient "a is to a!!l character stles to format sin(le characters or entire "ords and
!hrases. H a!!lin( character stles ou can !erform a more focused search for the
information ou are loo2in( for. ;or eCam!le, rather than searchin( for all "ords or !hrases in
italics, ou can search for the eCact information ou need, such as )author+ or )forei(n?lan(ua(e
!hrase+. Fsin( character stles also enables ou to easil modif the stle at an time. This is
!articularl im!ortant if to"ards the end of the document ou decide ou "ant to chan(e the
"a ou hi(hli(ht certain teCt.
Creating a +ew Character (tye
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the 0haracter *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. T!e a name for the stle in the Iame field and select the stle ou "ish to lin2 it "ith. @f
ou do not "ish to lin2 to another stle, choose Ione.
B. Fse the tabs to select the stles ou "ish to a!!l to the character stle and clic2 'N.
Appying a Character (tye
1. *elect the character, "ord, or !hrase to "hich ou "ish to a!!l the character stle.
6. '!en the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo" b !ressin( ;11 or selectin( ;ormat : *tles
and ;ormattin(.
A. 0lic2 the 0haracter *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
B. Double?clic2 the stle ou "ish to a!!l.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 6A
!aster Document
Than2s to the 4aster Document feature in '!en'ffice ,riter, a lar(e document can be "ritten
cha!ter b cha!ter and, to"ards the end, joined into a bi( document. # 4aster Document
incor!orates each cha!ter of a boo2 as an indi$idual '!en'ffice ,riter file. Fsin( a 4aster
Document is usuall not necessar as '!en'ffice ,riter is stable and !o"erful enou(h to
mana(e lar(e documents. # 4aster Document is more a!!ro!riate "hen a document has
se$eral authors, or "here indi$idual cha!ters are created se!aratel and then must be
incor!orated into a com!lete "or2. Henefits of usin( a 4aster Document include%
,hen ou !rint a master document, the contents of all subdocuments, indeCes, and an
teCt that ou entered are !rinted.
You can create a table of contents and indeC in the master document for all of the
;or consistenc, all documents in a 4aster Document should use the same tem!late. Please
note that the 4aster Document does not allo" cross references beond a subdocument. The
master document also does not transfer or share the !a(e, !ara(ra!h, etc, stles "ith the
subdocuembts. Thus laout and formattin( can onl be controlled in the master document. @f the
document is not beein( edited b multi!le authors ou ma "ant to reconsider the use of the
4aster Document.
Creating a !aster Document
1. ;rom the ;ile menu, choose Ie" : 4aster Document.
6. The Ia$i(ator "indo" o!ens "ith TeCt hi(hli(hted. T!e an introduction or enter some
teCt on the blan2 !a(e. This ensures that after ou edit an eCistin( stle in the 4aster
Document ou see a chan(ed stle "hen $ie"in( the subdocuments.
A. 0lic2 and hold the @nsert icon.
B. 0hoose ;ile to insert an eCistin( file as a subdocument.
7. Hro"se to locate the file ou "ant to insert and clic2 @nsert.
G. -e!eat ste!s A?7 until ou ha$e inserted all subdocuments.
E. 0lose the Ia$i(ator "indo" and sa$e the file.
6B 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 1G% 4aster Document Ia$i(ator% @nsert icon.
Working in a !aster Document
,ith the 4aster document o!en, ou can use the Ia$i(ator for rearran(in( and editin( all
subdocuments "ithin the 4aster Document. ;ollo"in( are some of the tas2s ou can com!lete
usin( the 4aster Document Ia$i(ator.
To o!en a subdocument for editin(, double?clic2 the name of the subdocument in the
To remo$e a subdocument from the master document, ri(ht?clic2 the subdocument in
the Ia$i(ator list and select Delete. The subdocument file is not deleted from our
com!uter, onl the entr in the Ia$i(ator is remo$ed.
To add teCt to a master document, ri(ht?clic2 an item in the Ia$i(ator list, and then
choose @nsert :TeCt. # teCt section is inserted before the selected item in the 4aster
Document "here ou can t!e the teCt that ou "ant. You cannot insert teCt neCt to an
eCistin( teCt entr in the Ia$i(ator.
To reorder the subdocuments in a master document, dra( a subdocument to a ne"
location in the Ia$i(ator list. You can also select a subdocument in the list, and clic2 the
4o$e do"n or 4o$e u! icon.
To add an indeC, such as a table of contents, ri(ht?clic2 in the Ia$i(ator list, and then
choose @nsert : @ndeC.
To u!date an indeC in a 4aster Document, select the indeC in the Ia$i(ator and clic2
the F!date icon.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 67
;ootnotes reference more information about a to!ic at the bottom of a !a(e. '!en'ffice ,riter
automaticall numbers the footnotes.
Customi/ing the Footnote Area
You can customiDe the siDe and a!!earance of the footnote area usin( !a(e stle settin(s.
1. ;rom the ;ormat menu, choose *tles and ;ormattin(.
6. 0lic2 the Pa(e *tles icon at the to! of the *tles and ;ormattin( "indo".
A. -i(ht?clic2 a !a(e stle to "hich ou "ant to customiDe the footnote stle and clic2
B. 0lic2 the ;ootnote tab.
7. *elect our !referred settin(s. @n (eneral, ou should set our footnote area not to
eCceed the !a(e area. @f ou choose to set a maCimum siDe for our footnote area ou
ris2 ha$in( ,riter automaticall !ush a footnote reference to the neCt !a(e.
G. 0lic2 'N.
Customi/ing Footnote (ettings
You can customiDe ho" ,riter numbers our footnotes, "here footnotes a!!ear in the document
(at the end of each !a(e or at the end of the document), and "hich !ara(ra!h stle to use for
the footnotes.
1. ;rom the Tools menu, choose ;ootnotes.
6. *elect the o!tions ou "ish to a!!l to our footnote.
A. 0lic2 'N.
Inserting a Footnote
1. 0lic2 in our document "here ou "ant to !lace the anchor of the note.
6. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose ;ootnote.
A. @n the Iumberin( section, select the format ou "ant to use. @f ou are usin( automatic
(ra!hics ca!tions and ou chose to number the footnotes, footnotes "ill not
automaticall be u!dated "hen ne" footnotes are inserted. To "or2 around this, ou can
use a s!ecial character instead of a number. *elect the 0haracter o!tion and either t!e
the character ou "ant to use or clic2 the bro"se button (...) and select the character
that ou "ant to use for the footnote.
B. @n the T!e are, select ;ootnote.
7. 0lic2 'N.
G. T!e the note in the footnote area on our !a(e.
To s"itch bet"een footnotes and anchors, clic2 the reference for either the note or the anchor.
6G 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
@n (eneral, a!!endices are treated a bit differentl than the main bod of the document. ;or
eCam!le, !a(e numberin( is usuall different, numberin( stle for headin(s is usuall different,
and ou need to set a!!endiC entries to a!!ear in the Table of 0ontents.
Chapter +umbering for Appendices
Iumberin( of !a(es in a!!endices is continual. Jo"e$er, cha!ter numberin( is not included for
a!!endices. This means ou should a!!l the abo$e?described tric2 of usin( !ara(ra!h stle
Jeadin( 1 ,ithout Iumberin( (see the 0lonin( a Jeadin( section). Iumberin( of a!!endices is
most con$enientl done b usin( the number ran(e as described belo".
1. @nsert the "ord #!!endiC at the start of the a!!endiC.
6. 0han(e the !ara(ra!h stle to Jeadin( 1 ,ithout Iumberin(.
A. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose ;ields : 'ther.
B. 0lic2 the Variables tab.
7. @n the T!e column, select Iumber -an(e.
G. @n the ;ormat column, select # H 0 and clic2 'N.
E. -e!eat for each #!!endiC.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 6E
;i(ure 1E% Iumberin( a!!endices b insertin( a $ariable field.
Listing Appendices in the Tabe of Contents
@n order to ha$e the a!!endiC headin(s listed in the Table of 0ontents, e$er a!!endiC headin(
has to be selected and re(istered.
1. Place our cursor at the be(innin( of the a!!endiC cha!ter headin(.
6. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose @ndeCes and Tables : <ntr.
A. *elect Table of 0ontents from the @ndeC menu.
B. T!e a name in the <ntr field.
7. 0lic2 @nsert.
G. 0lic2 0lose.
E. -e!eat for each a!!endiC cha!ter.
68 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 18% -e(isterin( an a!!endiC cha!ter in the Table of 0ontents.
0ross?references allo" ou to jum! to s!ecific teCt !assa(es and objects in a sin(le document.
# cross?reference consists of a tar(et and a reference that are inserted as fields in the
document. You can cross?reference teCt and most objects in our document, such as (ra!hics,
dra"in( objects, 'L< objects, and tables, as lon( as the ha$e a ca!tion. *ee #ddin( a 0a!tion
in the 1ra!hics section of this document for instructions on ho" to add a ca!tion to an object.
Inserting a cross0reference
1. @n our document, !lace the cursor "here ou "ant the cross?reference to a!!ear.
6. @f the ;ields dialo( is not o!en, clic2 Insert 1 Cross )eference. 'n the References tab,
in the Type list, clic2 the t!e of item to be referenced, for eCam!le Heading, Figure, or
Bookmark. You can lea$e this !a(e o!en "hile ou insert man cross?references.
A. 0lic2 on the reLuired item in the Selection list, "hich sho"s the boo2mar2s or
references that ha$e been defined. @n the Format list, choose the t!e of reference
reLuired. Fsuall this "ill be )eference (to insert the full teCt of the headin( or
boo2mar2), Category and +umber (to insert the "ord );i(ure+ or )Table+ and its
number), Iumberin( (to insert the fi(ure or table number "ithout the "ord );i(ure+ or
)Table+), or 'age (to insert the number of the !a(e the referenced teCt is on). 0lic2
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter 6/
A0 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 1/% @nsertin( a cross?reference.
!odifying a Cross0reference
1. -i(ht?clic2 in front of the cross?reference that ou "ant to modif.
6. @f ou cannot see the field shadin( of the cross?reference, choose Vie" : ;ield
*hadin(s or !ress 0trlR;8.
A. 0hoose <dit : ;ields.
B. *et the o!tns that ou "ant.
7. 0lic2 'N.
"pdating a Cross0reference
0ross?references "ill automaticall u!date "hen the document is o!ened. You can manuall
u!date cross?references b !ressin( ;/.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter A1
,or2in( "ith (ra!hics is a rather com!leC subject, therefore "e "ill onl co$er to!ics related to
insertin( (ra!hics into an '!en'ffice ,riter document.
Inserting 2raphics
@ndi$idual (ra!hics can be inserted b selectin( @nsert : 1ra!hics : ;rom ;ile.
Note: Inserting graphics via OLE is not recommended From the vie!point of data security it is
more meaningful to e"port the graphic from its originating application and link it to OpenOffice
#riter If data is to $e updated% simply e"port the graphic again from its native application
Sometimes% of course% it is more convenient or even necessary to use OLE In this case% $ack
up your data& If possi$le% save data in its native format and into a separate folder 'lso it !ould
$e prudent to save the actual OpenOffice #riter document in another format% for e"ample% RTF%
in order to have at least the te"t saved separately (otice also that if an OLE o$)ect is scaled
!ithout opening the corresponding OLE application% then only the previe! !ill $e scaled% !hich
can lead to some rather unpleasant results Therefore% al!ays open the OLE application $efore
Creating a Link to 2raphics
1ra!hics should al"as be inserted as a lin2, rather than embedded. This hel!s ensure that the
main document is 2e!t slim, all the (ra!hics are al"as u!?to?date and, in the case of data
corru!tion or loss of the main document, the (ra!hics are stored se!aratel and remain safe.
1. ;rom the @nsert menu, select Picture : ;rom ;ile.
6. Hro"se to find the !icture ou "ant to insert.
A. 0hec2 the Lin2 boC and clic2 '!en to insert the !icture.
A6 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
)eocating Linked 2raphics
Preferabl, ou should store (ra!hics in a se!arate folder from our main document. @f ou "ant
to reor(aniDe our (ra!hics on our hard dri$e, such as mo$e them into a different folder, ou
can easil u!date the lin2s.
1. ;rom the <dit menu, select Lin2s.
6. *elect all lin2s ou need to u!date b holdin( do"n the 0trl 2e and selectin( the lin2s.
A. 0lic2 4odif.
B. Hro"se and select the ne" director.
7. 0lic2 'N.
G. 0lic2 0lose.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter AA
;i(ure 60% @nsertin( a !icture as a lin2.
%reaking Links
You can also brea2 lin2s if, for eCam!le, ou "ant to send a co! of our document to a lector
and "ant to ma2e sure all (ra!hics arri$e correctl.
1. ;rom the <dit menu, select Lin2s.
6. *elect all the lin2 ou "ish to brea2.
A. 0lic2 Hrea2 Lin2.
B. 0lic2 Yes.
7. -e!eat for all lin2s ou "ish to brea2.
Creating a 2aery
@f ou ha$e a lar(e number of (ra!hics to insert it ma be beneficial to create a custom (aller
from "hich ou can dra( and dro! (ra!hics as needed.
1. ;rom the Tools menu, choose 1aller.
6. 0lic2 the Ie" Theme button.
A. 'n the 1eneral tab, t!e a name for the 1aller.
B. 0lic2 the ;iles tab.
7. 0lic2 ;ind ;iles.
G. Hro"se and select the folder "here our (ra!hics are stored, clic2 'N. The file names
of ima(es in the selected folder are listed on the left side of the "indo".
E. 0lic2 #dd #ll and "ait for all ima(es to be loaded into the 1aller.
8. 0lic2 'N.
The 1aller no" dis!las "ith our ima(es dis!laed in the 1aller "indo". Nee! the 1aller
"indo" o!en and "hen ou need to insert a (ra!hic, sim!l dra( and dro! it into our document
from the 1aller.
Anchoring 2raphics
@f ou insert a (ra!hic $ia @nsert : 1ra!hics : ;rom ;ile..., it "ill be anchored to a !ara(ra!h.
This means that the (ra!hic is joined to this !ara(ra!h and "ill be mo$ed "ith the !ara(ra!h,
et does not necessaril follo" the !ara(ra!h. @f, at the end of a !a(e, there isnOt enou(h s!ace
for the (ra!hic, then teCt of the neCt !ara(ra!h is !ulled u! to fill the !a(e and the (ra!hic is
!laced at the to! of the neCt !a(e. *hould that be undesirable, then the (ra!hic should be
anchored as character. To anchor the (ra!hic as character is highly recommended. This
makes it much easier to handle more than one image in a single paragraph. Images
can also be anchored into an empty paragraph so that the paragraph orientation
defnes the positioning of the graphic.
1. -i(ht?clic2 the (ra!hic.
6. *elect #nchor : #s 0haracter. This !laces the (ra!hic into an em!t !ara(ra!h and
!re$ents another !ara(ra!h from fillin( in s!ace abo$e it.
AB 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
You can add continuousl numbered ca!tions to (ra!hics, tables, frames, and dra"in( objects.
You can also edit the teCt and the number ran(es for different t!es of ca!tions.
Adding Captions
,hen ou add a ca!tion to a !icture or to an object, the object and the ca!tion teCt are !laced
to(ether in a ne" frame. ,hen ou add a ca!tion to a table, the ca!tion teCt is inserted as a
!ara(ra!h neCt to the table. ,hen ou add a ca!tion to a frame, the ca!tion teCt is added to the
teCt inside the frame, either before or after the eCistin( teCt.
1. *elect the item that ou "ant to add a ca!tion to.
6. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose 0a!tion.
A. T!e a name for the ca!tion in the em!t boC at the to! of the "indo".
B. *elect a ca!tion cate(or.
7. 0lic2 'N.
# ca!tion is formatted "ith the !ara(ra!h stle that matches the name of the ca!tion. ;or
eCam!le, if ou choose ;i(ure for our ca!tion cate(or, the !ara(ra!h stle used is called
;i(ure. You can modif the !ara(ra!h stle as needed.
Note: OpenOfficeorg can automatically add a caption !hen you insert an o$)ect% graphic%
frame% or ta$le *hoose Insert + *aption + 'uto*aption Select the options you !ant and click
O, ' disadvantage of automatically-generated captions is that no footnotes can $e
incorporated If that is a re.uirement% it is pro$a$ly $est to insert captions manually as you add
each graphic
!o$ing and .diting Captions
To mo$e both the object and the ca!tion, dra( the frame that contains both items. Press ;/ to
u!date the ca!tion numberin( after ou mo$e the frame into !lace.
You can edit the ca!tion teCt directl in the document just as ou "ould an other teCt.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter A7
Hecause '!en'ffice is a full inte(rated !roducti$it suite, ou can insert and edit formulas
(usin( '!en'ffice 4ath) in our teCt document.
Inserting Formua Cacuations
You can insert a formula in an teCt or table area of our document.
1. Place our cursor "here ou "ant to insert the formula.
6. Press ;6 to dis!la the ;ormula Har.
A. T!e our formula in the ;ormula Har. To s!ecif a ran(e of cells in a table, select the
desired cells "ith the mouse. The corres!ondin( cell references also a!!ear in the in!ut
B. 0lic2 #!!l to confirm the entr (the (reen chec2 mar2 neCt to the ;ormula Har).
7. The calculation dis!las in our document.
Inserting Formuas in (ymboic Format
'!en'ffice 4ath is used for "ritin( eLuations in smbolic format. To acti$ate '!en'ffice 4ath,
select @nsert : 'bject : ;ormula. The '!en'ffice 4ath <Luation <ditor o!ens. ;or ste!?b?ste!
instructions on usin( <Luation <ditor, see the 1ettin( *tarted "ith 4ath (uide at%
AG 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
'!en'ffice A ,riter includes a !o"erful chart tool. You can add and modif a $ariet of charts to
meet our needs.
Creating a Chart
1. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose 'bject : 0hart.
6. -i(ht?clic2 the chart and select 0hart Data Table.
A. <nter the a!!ro!riate data in the chart. Fse the buttons at the to! of the chart to mo$e
data "ithin the chart and to add or delete columns and ro"s as needed.
B. 0lose the 0hart Data Table "indo".
Changing the Chart Type
'!en'ffice !ro$ides a $ariet of chart t!es for ou to choose from.
1. Double?clic2 the chart until a (ra border dis!las.
6. -i(ht?clic2 the chart and select 0hart T!e.
A. *elect the t!e of chart ou "ant and clic2 'N.
Changing Chart Coors
You can easil customiDe the colors used in an chart t!e.
1. @n the chart, double?clic2 the color ou "ish to chan(e.
6. 'n the #rea tab, select the color ou "ant.
A. 0lic2 'N.
Changing Te,t (tye
You can also modif the fonts used on the chart.
1. Double?clic2 the chart.
6. 0lic2 the 0haracters tab.
A. *elect the font stle attributes ou "ish to a!!l.
B. 0lic2 'N.
Customi/ing &our Charts
'!en'ffice A offers man ne" features to hel! ou customiDe our charts. ;or a list of ne"
features and ho" to a!!l them to our charts, see
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter AE
@f our document needs to contain a lar(e number of tables, ou should create a custom table
format so all of our tables ha$e the same formattin(. ,hen creatin( our tem!late table, the
laout "ill more easil be acce!ted if ou use a table "ith se$eral ro"s and columns.
;or this section "e "ill assume ou alread 2no" the basics of insertin( and formattin( a table.
Creating a Tabe Format
Fse this !rocess to add a ne" table stle to the list of table formats.
1. ;ormat a table in our document.
6. *elect the table, and then choose Table : #uto;ormat.
A. 0lic2 #dd.
B. @n the #dd #uto;ormat dialo(, enter a name for our table format.
7. 0lic2 'N.
Appying a Tabe Format
1. 0lic2 in a table cell in a table ou "ant to format.
6. 0hoose Table : #uto;ormat.
A. *elect the format that ou to "ant to a!!l.
B. 0lic2 'N.
A8 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
@f ou "ant to use 4ar(inalia, ou can do so "ith teCt frames, as sho"n in the eCam!le on the
1. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose ;rame.
6. *elect the siDe, anchor, and !osition of the frame and clic2 'N. @f ou ha$e a t"o?sided
laout, the mar(inalia must be !laced on the outer !a(e mar(in "ith the frame anchored
to the !ara(ra!h.
A. Dra( the ne"l !laced frame to resiDe as needed.
@f ou "ant to insert another mar(inalia some"here else in our teCt, sim!l co! the eCistin(
Note: /arginalia can also $e generated and modified via paragraph styles or frame styles '
paragraph $ased on a paragraph style !ith marginalia has a left margin of 0 cm 1ou have to
use a marginalia te"t frame in con)unction !ith this paragraph The marginalia al!ays appears
on the left !hen using this method
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter A/
;i(ure 61% 0reatin( a frame for use as mar(inalia.
notes can
be !ut in a
0reatin( an indeC is a multi?ste! !rocess. ;irst, ou need to create indeC entries for each "ord
or "ords ou "ant included in the indeC. Then, ou need to (enerate the indeC. ;inall, ou
format the indeC.
Creating Inde, .ntries
1. 0lic2 in a "ord, or select the "ords in our document that ou "ant to use as an indeC
6. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose @ndeCes and Tables : <ntr, and do one of the follo"in(%
To chan(e the teCt that a!!ears in the indeC, t!e the teCt that ou "ant in the <ntr boC.
The teCt that ou t!e here does not re!lace the selected teCt in the document.
To add an indeC mar2 to similar "ords in our document, select #!!l to all similar teCts.
To add the entries to a custom indeC, clic2 the Ie" Fser?defined @ndeC icon, enter the
name of the indeC.
A. 0lic2 'N.
.diting and Deeting Inde, .ntries
@ndeC entries are inserted as fields into our document. To $ie" fields in our document, choose
Vie" and ensure that ;ield *hadin(s is selected.
1. Place the cursor immediatel in front of the indeC entr in our document.
6. 0hoose <dit : @ndeC <ntr, and do one of the follo"in(%
To chan(e the entr, enter different teCt in the <ntr boC.
To remo$e the entr, clic2 Delete.
To ccle throu(h the indeC entries in our document, clic2 the neCt or the !re$ious arro"s in the
<dit @ndeC <ntr "indo".
2enerating an Inde,
1. 0lic2 in our document "here ou "ant to insert the indeC.
6. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose @ndeCes and Tables : @ndeCes and Tables.
A. 'n the @ndeC&Table tab, select "#l!habetical @ndeC" in the T!e boC.
B. *et the formattin( o!tions for the indeC, either on the current tab, or on an of the other
tabs of this dialo(. ;or eCam!le, if ou "ant to use sin(le letter headin(s in our indeC,
clic2 the <ntries tab, and then select #l!habetical delimiter. To chan(e the formattin( of
le$els in the indeC, clic2 the *tles tab.
7. 0lic2 'N.
To u!date the indeC, ri(ht?clic2 in the indeC, and select F!date @ndeC&Table.
B0 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
Formatting Inde, .ntries
1. -i(ht?clic2 in the indeC and select <dit @ndeC&Table.
6. 0lic2 the *tles tab.
A. 0lic2 an indeC le$el in the Le$els list.
B. 0lic2 the stle that ou "ant to a!!l in the Para(ra!h *tle list.
7. 0lic2 the assi(n button.
G. 0lic2 'N.
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter B1
# small biblio(ra!h can be t!ed directl into the teCt of the document, but as the biblio(ra!h
(ets lar(er, more fleCibilit is obtained b usin( the database method. The '!en'ffice ,riter
Jel! and the Fser 1uide both (i$e instructions on ma2in( a biblio(ra!hic database, and on
usin( this database in the document.
To hel! ou mana(e our biblio(ra!hic entries, the follo"in( reference mana(ers inte(rate "ith
B6 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
Creating a Tabe of Contents
H default, ,riter "ill (enerate a Table of 0ontents based on Jeadin( 1 T Jeadin( 10 stles.
You can customiDe the Table of 0ontents ho"e$er ou "ant...from the !ara(ra!h stles used to
(enerate the contents to the formattin( of the teCt.
2enerating a Tabe of Contents
1. Place the cursor at the location in the document "here ou "ant the Table of 0ontents
to start.
6. ;rom the @nsert menu, choose @ndeCes and Tables : @ndeCes and Tables.
A. 'n the @ndeC&Table tab, enter a title (this "ill be the headin( that dis!las on the Table of
0ontents !a(e) and select Table of 0ontents from the T!e menu.
B. *elect ho" man le$els ou "ant to dis!la in our Table of 0ontents. T!icall, A?B
le$els is sufficient, de!endin( on ho" man le$els of headin(s ou use in our
7. 0hec2 the 'utline and @ndeC boCes and clic2 the =...> button neCt to 'utline.
G. This is "here ou ma! our le$els to our !ara(ra!h stles. ;or eCam!le, if ou use a
Jeadin( 1 and a Jeadin( 1 ,ithout Iumberin(, ou need to ma2e sure that both
headin(s are ma!!ed to Le$el 1. You do this b selectin( 1 in the Le$el column and
then selectin( the !ara(ra!h stle in the Para(ra!h *tle menu. ,riter automaticall
ma!s Jeadin( 1 T Jeadin( 10 to the a!!ro!riate le$el, but ou "ill need to ma! each
custom head ou ha$e a!!lied in the document and "ish to dis!la in the Table of
E. H default, the Table of 0ontents "ill ha$e a (ra bac2(round, because it is "ra!!ed in
a read?onl section. The (ra bac2(round "ill not be !rinted. #n"a it is !ossible to
disable the read?onl mode in the indeC dialo(. You can chan(e the color of the
bac2(round b clic2in( the Hac2(round tab and selectin( a color.
8. 0lic2 'N.
Note: 2nfortunately% the page num$er formats of the various page styles are not automatically
adopted $y the Ta$le of *ontents This means that anomalies in the Ta$le of *ontents% arising
from this cause !ill have to $e corrected manually Be sure to un-check the 3rotect against
manual changes $o" to ena$le the a$ility to make manual changes to the ta$le
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter BA
.diting a Tabe of Contents
1. -i(ht?clic2 an"here in the Table of 0ontents and select <dit @ndeC&Table.
6. 4a2e chan(es as necessar.
A. 0lic2 'N to re?(enerate the table.
Formatting .ntries
1. -i(ht?clic2 the entr ou "ish to format and select <dit Para(ra!h *tle.
6. 4a2e the a!!ro!riate chan(es to the !ara(ra!h stle.
A. 0lic2 'N. Hecause ou chan(ed a !ara(ra!h stle, all entries that use the same stle
"ill automaticall u!date.
"pdating the Tabe of Contents
-i(ht?clic2 an"here in the Table of 0ontents and select F!date @ndeC&Table.
Deeting the Tabe of Contents
-i(ht?clic2 an"here in the Table of 0ontents and select Delete @ndeC&Table.
BB 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
;i(ure 66% @nsertin( a Table of 0ontents.
There are man resources a$ailable to hel! ou maCimum our !roducti$it and (et the most
from our '!en'ffice suite.
(upport and Documentation
,riter 1uide%
Jel!% ;rom the Jel! menu, choose '!en'ffice.or( Jel! (or !ress ;1).
*u!!ort% htt!%&&su!!ort.o!enoffice.or(&
To hel! ma2e our life a little easier, there are man eCtensions (or !lu(?ins) a$ailable to eCtend
the features of '!en'ffice. You can $ie" and do"nload eCtensions from%
Additiona )esources
LaTeU is a document !re!aration sstem for hi(h?Lualit t!esettin(. @t is most often used for
medium?to?lar(e technical or scientific documents but it can be used for almost an form of
!ublishin(. You can learn more about LaTeU at% http://www.latex-
0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter B7
'ubic Documentation License3 #ersion 4.5
1.0 D<;@I@T@'I*.
1.1. "0ommercial Fse" means distribution or other"ise
ma2in( the Documentation a$ailable to a third !art.
1.6. "0ontributor" means a !erson or entit "ho creates or
contributes to the creation of 4odifications.
1.A. "Documentation" means the 'ri(inal Documentation
or 4odifications or the combination of the 'ri(inal
Documentation and 4odifications, in each case includin(
!ortions thereof.
1.B. "<lectronic Distribution 4echanism" means a
mechanism (enerall acce!ted for the electronic transfer
of data.
1.7. "@nitial ,riter" means the indi$idual or entit identified
as the @nitial ,riter in the notice reLuired b the #!!endiC.
1.G. "Lar(er ,or2" means a "or2 "hich combines
Documentation or !ortions thereof "ith documentation or
other "ritin(s not (o$erned b the terms of this License.
1.E. "License" means this document.
1.8. "4odifications" means an addition to or deletion from
the substance or structure of either the 'ri(inal
Documentation or an !re$ious 4odifications, such as a
translation, abrid(ment, condensation, or an other form in
"hich the 'ri(inal Documentation or !re$ious
4odifications ma be recast, transformed or ada!ted. #
"or2 consistin( of editorial re$isions, annotations,
elaborations, and other modifications "hich, as a "hole
re!resent an ori(inal "or2 of authorshi!, is a 4odification.
;or eCam!le, "hen Documentation is released as a series
of documents, a 4odification is%
#. #n addition to or deletion from the contents of the
'ri(inal Documentation or !re$ious 4odifications.
H. #n ne" documentation that contains an !art of the
'ri(inal Documentation or !re$ious 4odifications.
1./. "'ri(inal Documentation" means documentation
described as 'ri(inal Documentation in the notice
reLuired b the #!!endiC, and "hich, at the time of its
release under this License is not alread Documentation
(o$erned b this License.
1.10. "<ditable ;orm" means the !referred form of the
Documentation for ma2in( 4odifications to it. The
Documentation can be in an electronic, com!ressed or
archi$al form, !ro$ided the a!!ro!riate decom!ression or
dearchi$in( soft"are is "idel a$ailable for no char(e.
1.11. "You" (or "Your") means an indi$idual or a le(al entit
eCercisin( ri(hts under, and com!lin( "ith all of the terms
of this License or a future $ersion of this License issued
under *ection 7.0 ("Versions of the License"). ;or le(al
entities, "You" includes an entit "hich controls, is
controlled b, or is under common control "ith You. ;or
!ur!oses of this definition, "control" means (a) the !o"er,
direct or indirect, to cause the direction or mana(ement of
such entit, "hether b contract or other"ise, or (b)
o"nershi! of more than fift !ercent (70V) of the
outstandin( shares or beneficial o"nershi! of such entit.
6.0 L@0<I*< 1-#IT*.
6.1 @nitial ,riter 1rant.
The @nitial ,riter hereb (rants
You a "orld?"ide, roalt?free, non?eCclusi$e license to
use, re!roduce, !re!are 4odifications of, com!ile,
!ublicl !erform, !ublicl dis!la, demonstrate, mar2et,
disclose and distribute the Documentation in an form,
on an media or $ia an <lectronic Distribution
4echanism or other method no" 2no"n or later
disco$ered, and to sublicense the fore(oin( ri(hts to
third !arties throu(h multi!le tiers of sublicensees in
accordance "ith the terms of this License.
The license ri(hts (ranted in this *ection 6.1 ("@nitial
,riter 1rant") are effecti$e on the date @nitial ,riter first
distributes 'ri(inal Documentation under the terms of
this License.
6.6. 0ontributor 1rant.
<ach 0ontributor hereb (rants You a "orld?"ide,
roalt?free, non?eCclusi$e license to use, re!roduce,
!re!are 4odifications of, com!ile, !ublicl !erform,
!ublicl dis!la, demonstrate, mar2et, disclose and
distribute the Documentation in an form, on an media
or $ia an <lectronic Distribution 4echanism or other
method no" 2no"n or later disco$ered, and to
sublicense the fore(oin( ri(hts to third !arties throu(h
multi!le tiers of sublicensees in accordance "ith the
terms of this License.
The license ri(hts (ranted in this *ection 6.6
("0ontributor 1rant") are effecti$e on the date
0ontributor first ma2es 0ommercial Fse of the
A.0 D@*T-@HFT@'I 'HL@1#T@'I*.
A.1. #!!lication of License.
The 4odifications "hich You create or to "hich You
contribute are (o$erned b the terms of this License,
includin( "ithout limitation *ection 6.6 ("0ontributor
1rant"). The Documentation ma be distributed onl
under the terms of this License or a future $ersion of this
License released in accordance "ith *ection 7.0
("Versions of the License"), and You must include a co!
of this License "ith e$er co! of the Documentation
You distribute. You ma not offer or im!ose an terms
that alter or restrict the a!!licable $ersion of this License
or the reci!ientsO ri(hts hereunder. Jo"e$er, You ma
include an additional document offerin( the additional
ri(hts described in *ection
A.7 ("-eLuired Iotices").
A.6. #$ailabilit of Documentation.
#n 4odification "hich You create or to "hich You
contribute must be made a$ailable !ublicl in <ditable
;orm under the terms of this License $ia a fiCed medium
or an acce!ted <lectronic Distribution 4echanism.
A.A. Descri!tion of 4odifications.
BG 0reatin( lar(e documents "ith '!en'ffice.or( ,riter
#ll Documentation to "hich You contribute must identif
the chan(es You made to create that Documentation and
the date of an chan(e. You must include a !rominent
statement that the 4odification is deri$ed, directl or
indirectl, from 'ri(inal Documentation !ro$ided b the
@nitial ,riter and include the name of the @nitial ,riter in
the Documentation or $ia an electronic lin2 that describes
the ori(in or o"nershi! of the Documentation. The
fore(oin( chan(e documentation ma be created b usin(
an electronic !ro(ram that automaticall trac2s chan(es to
the Documentation, and such chan(es must be a$ailable
!ublicl for at least fi$e ears follo"in( release of the
chan(ed Documentation.
A.B. @ntellectual Pro!ert 4atters.
0ontributor re!resents that 0ontributor belie$es that
0ontributorOs 4odifications are 0ontributorOs ori(inal
creation(s) and&or 0ontributor has sufficient ri(hts to (rant
the ri(hts con$eed b this License.
A.7. -eLuired Iotices.
You must du!licate the notice in the #!!endiC in each file
of the Documentation. @f it is not !ossible to !ut such
notice in a !articular Documentation file due to its
structure, then You must include such notice in a location
(such as a rele$ant director) "here a reader "ould be
li2el to loo2 for such a notice, for eCam!le, $ia a h!erlin2
in each file of the Documentation that ta2es the reader to a
!a(e that describes the ori(in and o"nershi! of the
Documentation. @f You created one or more 4odification(s)
You ma add our name as a 0ontributor to the notice
described in the #!!endiC.
You must also du!licate this License in an
Documentation file (or "ith a h!erlin2 in each file of the
Documentation) "here You describe reci!ientsO ri(hts or
o"nershi! ri(hts. You ma choose to offer, and to char(e
a fee for, "arrant, su!!ort, indemnit or liabilit
obli(ations to one or more reci!ients of Documentation.
Jo"e$er, You ma do so onl on Your o"n behalf, and not
on behalf of the @nitial ,riter or an 0ontributor. You must
ma2e it absolutel clear than an such "arrant, su!!ort,
indemnit or liabilit obli(ation is offered b You alone, and
You hereb a(ree to indemnif the @nitial ,riter and e$er
0ontributor for an liabilit incurred b the @nitial ,riter or
such 0ontributor as a result of "arrant, su!!ort,
indemnit or liabilit terms You offer.
A.G. Lar(er ,or2s.
You ma create a Lar(er ,or2 b combinin(
Documentation "ith other documents not (o$erned b the
terms of this License and distribute the Lar(er ,or2 as a
sin(le !roduct. @n such a case, You must ma2e sure the
reLuirements of this License are fulfilled for the
B.0 #PPL@0#T@'I '; TJ@* L@0<I*<.
This License a!!lies to Documentation to "hich the @nitial
,riter has attached this License and the notice in the
7.0 V<-*@'I* '; TJ< L@0<I*<.
7.1. Ie" Versions.
@nitial ,riter ma !ublish re$ised and&or ne" $ersions of
the License from time to time. <ach $ersion "ill be (i$en a
distin(uishin( $ersion number.
7.6. <ffect of Ie" Versions.
'nce Documentation has been !ublished under a
!articular $ersion of the License, You ma al"as
continue to use it under the terms of that $ersion. You
ma also choose to use such Documentation under the
terms of an subseLuent $ersion of the License
!ublished bPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP =@nsert name of
the foundation, com!an, @nitial ,riter, or "hoe$er ma
modif this License>. Io one other than
foundation, com!an, @nitial ,riter, or "hoe$er ma
modif this License> has the ri(ht to modif the terms of
this License. ;illin( in the name of the @nitial ,riter,
'ri(inal Documentation or 0ontributor in the notice
described in the #!!endiC shall not be deemed to be
4odifications of this License.
G.0 D@*0L#@4<- '; ,#--#ITY.
D'0F4<IT#T@'I @* P-'V@D<D FID<- TJ@*
L@0<I*< 'I #I "#* @*OO H#*@*, ,@TJ'FT
,#--#ITY '; #IY N@ID, <@TJ<- <UP-<**<D '-
@4PL@<D, @I0LFD@I1, ,@TJ'FT L@4@T#T@'I,
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P<-;'-4#I0< '; TJ< D'0F4<IT#T@'I @* ,@TJ
Y'F. *J'FLD #IY D'0F4<IT#T@'I P-'V<
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