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Fill in the blanks with 0, a, an or the as required:

Whether or not _____ liquid water still exists on Mars, it is quite likely that it was there in
____ past. There is ______ strong evidence of floods draining into ______ northern plains.
There may have even een ____ ocean. Today, though, Mars appears as dray as _____ one,
and rarely gets warm enough to melt _____ ice. !o when exactly did it have _____ water and
for how long"
To tackle this question, #ean$%ierre &iring, from ____ 'nstitut d()strophysique !patiale, in
____ *rance, and his colleagues looked at ____ data gathered y _____ instrument on _____
spacecraft now oriting Mars. Mars Express was uilt and launched y _____ +uropean
!pace )gency ,+!)- in .//0 and is _____ agency(s first planetary mission acquiring the
nickname 1express2 ecause it was put together quickly and efficiently. 't cost aout 0// m
euros to construct and dispatch.
3sing a spectrometer that maps Mars in _____ visile and infra$red light, 4r. &iring(s team
has een ale to create ____ detailed mineralogical map of most of ____ Martian surface,
____ parts of which have 5ust een pulished in ____ Science.

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