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A memory that I have from

thi s school i s when we went

on the grade 7/8 end of the
year tri p to Montreal . We
had l ots of fun even though
our feet hurt at the end of
the days!

Another memory or memori es
for me was al l the pl ays our
school di d, l i ke A Chri stmas
carol , The pol ar express, and
Oh the Pl aces You' l l go.

I don' t exactl y have 3 good
memori es to share, but I
guess that i t' s al l the smal l
ones that make the bi g
pi cture ri ght? So for me i t
was al l the smal l and funny
moments wi th fri ends.
l am Lhe oldesL kld on boLh sldes of my famlly, born
ln Warren Mlchlgan on SepLember 17Lh 2000. My
mom, dad and l llved Lhere for 2 years, Lhen moved
Lo arls, CnLarlo, where we have llved for Lhe pasL
Lwelve years. My favorlLe food ls chocolaLe,
speclflcally Pershey's chocolaLe. And my leasL
favorlLe food ls Lled beLween chlcken poL ple, and
backed beans. My favorlLe colour ls blue, as a kld
when l colored, l would draw LvL8?1PlnC ln
orange, lL was my favorlLe colour, buL LhaL was a
long Llme ago.
l have done a varleLy of sporLs, such as swlmmlng,
soccer, and karaLe. Soccer for nlne years (seven
years ln house league and Lwo years on Lhe
8ranLford Calaxy glrls Leam) , swlmmlng for Lhree
years (for a 8ranLford AquaLlc Swlm 1eam), and
karaLe for four years.
l llke Lo read a loL, l can never say whlch book ls my
favorlLe buL one LhaL l en[oyed readlng ls Ceek Clrl,
and Lhe second, Ceek Clrl Model MlsflL. l also read a
loL on WaLLpad whlch ls an onllne readlng and
wrlLlng webslLe where you can read books people all
around Lhe world have wrlLLen! lL's preLLy cool!

l LCvL movles! Some of my favorlLe movles are 1he
PobblL, Warm 8odles, and 1he Llon klng. lL would
Lake a long Llme for me Lo llsL all Lhe movles LhaL l
llke! And someLhlng LhaL you may noL know abouL
me ls LhaL l llke Lo argue, and l don'L llke Lo be
wrong! (Ask Maddy, 8achel or Abby, we had a huge
dlscusslon as Lo whaL day of Lhe week comes flrsL,
Monday or Sunday!)

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