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Teacher: Stacy Waldrop Grade: 2nd & 3rd School: Rucker Boulevard Elementary

Summer S.M.A.R.T.S
Date: June 10, 2014 Start Time: 10:00 am End Time (45 minutes later): 10:45 am
Number of Students: 21 Number of ELLs: 21 Names of NEPs: N/A
Other aspects worth mentioning: N/A

UABs SIOP Lesson Plan 12/18/07
Subject: Science
Unit Theme: Under the Sun - Plants
Lesson Topic: Life Cycle & Survival Needs of Plants
(broad goals on which objectives are based)
(what students will learn during this 45-minute lesson)
Alabama COS [Give code number(s) and

CCRS 2.5.1 Identify the relationship of structure,
function in plants, including roots, stems, leaves,
and flowers

CCRS 3.7.1 Describe the life cycle of plants,
including seed, seed germination, growth, and

CCRS 3.10.1 Determine habitat conditions that
support plant growth and survival
Content Objective(s): Academic Achievement
How ELLs are expected to (partially) meet the AL COS:

1. Identify and classify the stages of a plants life cycle
2. Identify what plants need in order to survive
TESOL Standards [Underline the targeted
ELLs will use English to:
#1Communicate for social, intercultural &
instructional purposes within the school setting;
#2, #3, #4, or #5Communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success
in the content area of (underline): #2language
arts, #3math, #4science, or #5social studies.
Language Objective(s): Academic Language
To meet the content objective(s), ELLs will learn to use
English in one or more of the following ways: discourse
functions, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and/or
skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing):
1. Orally describe the stages of a plants life cycle
2. Listen to partner describe what plants need to survive
3. Use sentence strips and signal words to show the life
cycle of a plant
4. Create a mini booklet to show the life cycle of a plant

SEQUENCE (Order of activities planned for this 45-minute lesson)

The actual amount of numbered points may vary. This depends on the amount of different activities that are
BEGINNING (10 minutes)
MOTIVATION or hook activity
*1. Quiz, Quiz, Trade- review vocabulary words from yesterdays lesson (plant parts) and plant needs to
assess prior knowledge and build background on plant survival and the life cycle
2. Teacher will present students with a card that has the life cycle of humans (baby, young child, teen, adult,
senior adult) and students will have to work together to find the correct sequence. Question: How is the life
cycle of humans similar to the life cycle of plants?
Tell students that a plant goes through a similar life cycle and has to have certain things in order to survive.

MIDDLE (If this takes longer than expected, skip certain parts in order to review during the last 5 minutes.)
PRESENTATION of new knowledge and/or skills
3. Read language and content objectives. Students will tell their shoulder partner what they will be doing in
todays lesson.
4. Identify the needs of plants and their life cycle using a PowerPoint presentation.
5. Pass out vocabulary words and pictures to various students; when key word is discussed, the students with
the correct term and matching picture will place them on the white board.
*6. Parallel Lines-practice reading new words and their definitions out loud using a parallel line formation.

PRACTICE/APPLICATION of new knowledge and/or skills
7. Teacher will model to students how to act out the life cycle of a plant using kinesthetic body movement
*8. Classify & Sequence Students will work in groups to put together sentence sequence strips using signal
words to describe the stages of a plants life cycle; students will discuss the life cycle of plants to their
partner using sentence strips as a guide.
*9. Tango Activity-Teacher will guide the students as necessary as they identify the life cycle of plants by
creating a mini plant book and using their new vocabulary words while participating in a Tango-cloze read
activity with a partner

END (final 5 minutes)
*10. Hot Onion- students will rotate a ball of question strips to one another while taking turns answering
the questions in order to review the lessons content and key vocabulary words

11. From Seed to Flower video describing the life cycles of plants using visuals
12. Plant a Seed-plant a bean seed in a plastic bag with a cotton ball to observe germination and seedling
13. Life Cycle Experiment-students plant several plants; provide some plants with water, sunlight, air, space,
nutrients (soil), etc. and only provide one or two needs for the other plants. Students will use an observation
sheet to record data and observe the changes in each plants life cycle depending on their plant needs
Now list and/or explain how this lesson plan will meet each of the 8 SIOP components and their features:

I. PREPARATION: List and/or explain how you plan to do the following
Content Objectives & Language Objectives (students oral interaction): objectives written on board; read
objectives at the beginning of lesson; students will tell a shoulder partner what they will be doing in todays
Appropriate Content Concepts: content selected from Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards
Supplementary Materials needed: quiz, quiz, trade cards (vocabulary from previous lesson and plant needs),
human life cycle pictures (sequence), prewritten vocabulary cards, PowerPoint for lesson delivery, life cycle
of plants diagram with sentence strips and labels, parallel lines
Ideas for Content Accommodations: visual support, kinesthetic movement, word bank for writing activities,
illustrated vocabulary words, additional scaffolding as necessary
Meaningful Activities planned: whole/small group discourse, sequencing life cycle of a plant, acting out the
stages in a plants life cycle, plant cycle mini booklet, hot onion review

II. INSTRUCTION: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do
These 6 components are not in a fixed order. They occur in a cyclical manner, often simultaneously,
throughout a SIOP lesson.
Links to Students Cultural Backgrounds: Human Life Cycle-relate to Life Cycle of a Plant
Links to Students Prior Knowledge: Question and answer of students prior knowledge of plant needs and
life cycle; Quiz, Quiz, Trade Activity
Key Vocabulary emphasized (visible, oral, interaction): word wall, parallel lines, mini booklet, sequence
strips, acting out life cycle (life cycle, germinate, seedling, sprout, nutrients, oxygen)

Appropriate Speech: slowed pace, age-appropriate vocabulary, repetition
Academic Tasks Explained Clearly: spoken directions, modeling of activities, ask student to repeat
directions to monitor understanding
Techniques to Clarify Content Concepts: illustrations, tangible materials to display the life cycle of a plant,
kinesthetic movement, repetition, mini booklet

Opportunities for Students to Use Strategies:
Scaffolding Techniques: visual aids, flower diagram display, partner and small group work, cloze passage &
word bank
Question Types to promote higher-order thinking: How is the life cycle of humans similar to the life cycle of
a plant? How is the life cycle of humans different than the life cycle of a plant? Predict would happen if a
plant didnt receive nutrients, water, sunlight or oxygen? What would happen if flowering plants did not
make new seeds?

Meaningful Interactive Peer-to-peer Oral Techniques (name at least 4 different IPOTs): Quiz, Quiz,
Trade, Parallel Lines, Classify & Sequence, Tango, & Hot Onion
* Multiple grouping configurationspairs & new pairs (name the IPOTs), triads, groups, full class:
whole class, small groups, partners, triads, parallel lines group, hot onion group, quiz-quiz-trade partners,
tango partners
Sufficient wait time: opportunities to think first, sharing with partner, brainstorming as a class
Clarification of key concepts in L1 (if needed): repetition by teacher, allow student use of L1 (Spanish), co-
teacher can relay information in L1 (Spanish) as necessary

Hands-on materials to practice new concepts: sequence sentence strips, mini booklet, hot onion
Activities to apply content and language knowledge: quiz-quiz-trade, parallel lines, classify and sequence
activity, tango cloze mini booklet, hot onion
Activities that integrate all 4 language skills (list below after the following feature) ****
Ample opportunities to practice each of 4 literacy domains (list several activities after each skill):
Listening: large group discussion, small group discussion, partner talk, quiz-quiz-trade, parallel lines,
classify and sequence activity, tango cloze activity, hot onion
Speaking: large group discussion, small group discussion, partner talk, quiz-quiz-trade, parallel lines,
classify and sequence activity, tango cloze activity, hot onion
Reading: content & language objectives, vocabulary words, stages of a plants life cycle, quiz-quiz-
trade, parallel lines, classify and sequence activity, tango cloze activity, hot onion and mini life cycle
Writing: tango cloze activity, classify and sequence activity

Support of content objectives: large/small group discussions, PowerPoint presentation, parallel lines, quiz-
quiz-trade, classifying and sequencing activity, kinesthetic movement of a plants life cycle
Support of language objectives: large/small group discussions, partner talk, quiz-quiz trade, parallel lines,
tango cloze mini booklet, classify and sequence stages of a plants life cycle, hot onion
All students engaged 90% of time: multiple centers and groupings, kinesthetic movements, several IPOTs,
use of SMARTBoard
Appropriate pacing: multiple activities, minimal transition time, groups allowed to move around the room to
complete activities

III. REVIEW/ASSESSMENT: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you
plan to do them
Review of key vocabulary and language: hot onion- students will rotate a ball of question strips to one
another while taking turns answering the questions in order to review the lessons content (stages of a plants
life cycle and plant needs) as well as key vocabulary words
Review of key content concepts: Hot Onion Activity, Quiz-Quiz-Trade (review of previous lessons content)
Ongoing feedback to students regarding language production and the application of new content concepts:
questioning and clarification during whole class activities, teacher (and co-teachers) constantly moving
around the room and assuring comprehension and task completion
Formal & informal assessment of student progress (formative & summative) in meeting lesson objectives:
teacher traveling during small group work, observation, student responses in whole class work, review of
content from previous lesson using quiz-quiz-trade, correctly describing vocabulary terms in parallel lines,
tango cloze activity accurately depicting vocabulary words, demonstration of understanding in hot onion

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