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Renaming Ports on Schematics
before Generating Subcircuits
Figure 1. Schematic with Named Ports
Figure 2. Symbol
Desi gners often use subci rcui ts
to keep si mul ati on set-ups
easy to read. When you gener-
ate a symbol for a subci rcui t,
you must pl ace a port on the
schemati c at any i nput or out-
put poi nt, and the program
provi des the ports wi th defaul t
names (P1, P2, and so on).
I f you change the defaul t
names (to somethi ng more
descri pti ve such as I nput, Out-
put, Vpl us, Vmi nus, for exam-
pl e), the names you gi ve the
ports appear on the subci rcui t
symbol when i t i s created. You
may have to move the names
on the symbol vi ew so they do
not overl ap, but havi ng the
names on the symbol make i t
easi er to correctl y wi re the sub-
ci rcui t i nto a hi gher-l evel ci r-
cui t.

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