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Credits: 4:0:0

Course Objective
This course helps the students to understand the overall architecture of a data warehouse and
techniques and methods for data gathering and data pre-processing using OLAP tools. The
different data mining models and techniques will be discussed in this course. Data mining and
data warehousing applications in bioinformatics will also be explored.

Students would learn data mining techniques and methods in integrating and interpreting the
bioinformatics data sets and improving effectiveness, efficiency and quality for bioinformatics
data analysis.

Unit I
Overall Architecture of Data warehouse, Access Tools, Data marts, Data warehouse administration &
management. Mapping the data warehouse to a multiprocessor architecture- relational database
technology, database architecture for parallel processing.

Unit II
Meta definition, repository, management and trends. From data warehousing to data mining

Unit III
OLAP need guidelines, categorization, OLAP tools and internet, Patterns and models, Statistics
Data counting and probability, hypothesis testing, contingency tables, Prediction.

Unit IV
Data mining models Introduction Decission trees nearest neighbor and clustering, selecting and
using right technique, Data visualization.

Unit V
Applications of data warehousing and data mining in Bioinformatics.

Text Books
1 Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith, Data warehousing, data mining & OLAP, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication, 2004
2 Sushmita Mitra, Tinku Acharya, Data mining- Multimedia, Soft computing and
Bioinformatics, John Wiley & Sons, 2003

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