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Shalfleet Parish Council

Susannah Jennings
Clerk to the Council
You are invited to the next meeting of Shalfleet Parish Council to be held at Newbridge Parish Office on
Wednesday 9
July 201 at 191! hours" #embers of the $ublic are %elcome to attend this meeting"
Susannah Jennings Cler& ' ()* 0+,0-,201
1" /$ologies for absence"
2" 3eclarations of interests regarding agenda items"
+" 4o acce$t any dis$ensations for agenda items
" 4o confirm and a$$rove the minutes of the $revious meetings"
!" #atters arising from the minutes not re5uiring a resolution"
6" 4o ratify the $urchase of the school leavers bibles"
-" 4o discuss the safety and s$eed issues on the /+0!"
7" Police (e$ort
9" Cler&s (e$ort
a8 )inance9to a$$rove list of $ayments :circulated8"
b8 /dmin9 to receive any extant items"
10" Corres$ondence"
11" 4o%n ' Country Planning 9 to comment on any extant items"
LDC/12683/B, P/00687/14. The Stables land rear of and adjacent to Popes Cottage Hamstead Drive.
Lawful Development Certificate for continued use of land for mixed use of agricultural and horse
breaing!breeding centre
TCP/3107, P/00!1/14, land off "ouldnor #ead "ouldnor. $utline for residential development of %% units
&including an 'bbe(field bloc and ) selfbuild plots*.
12" Councilors re$orts including the Ward Councillor
1+" 4;1 C*<2C=> W=>> (1C1=?1 @<1S4=*2S )(*# 4;1 P<A>=C A1)*(1 0*=20 =24* P/(4 ==
1" Part == held in closed session %ith members of the $ress and $ublic excluded from attendance to discuss
$ersonnel matters"
2A"#embers of the $ublic %ishing to s$ea& regarding agenda items must give 2hours %ritten notice to the Cler& at the above address" 4ime limits and other
conditions a$$ly" :SPC Standing *rder 1b refers8
Office/Help Centre
Main Road
!sle of "ight
PO#$ %&R
Tel!fax+ ,-./) 0)-%.-

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