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Practical application

Practical application could replace the written exam iff it is presented before 6.06.2014
Requirements for practical application:
- Choose a problem (you may propose a problem, in which case you have to receive
- Describe the parallel algorithm that solves that problem.
- Evaluate the theoretical performance of the parallel algorithm.
- Implement the algorithm (seuentially an! in parallel using "#I ).
- $est your program using %big !ata&, an! !ifferent values for the tas's (processes) values
(parameteri(ation) (create ran!omly large !ata sets).
- )erify the correctness by comparing the result with the result obtaine! by implementing
a seuential algorithm that solves the same problem.
- "easure the concrete obtaine! performance. Compare it with the seuential case.
"erge ,ort
-itonic sort
"atrices multiplication (. algorithms)
/inear ,ystem ,olving-0auss
/inear ,ystem ,olving-/1
22$-2ast 2ourier $ransformation
Inverse of a matri3
,parse-matrices algorithms
"inimal path in graphs Di4'stra
#lanar Conve3 - 5ull.
"inimal path - 2loy!-6arshall
7other graph algorithms
-ig-numbers operations
Image transformation(non-trivial
"erge(Combine) 8"/ 2iles
9nalytic 0eometry - algorithms

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