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Millenium Computers SRL, Ctlin Zaharia

Tel: 045-655125
"#L$S%-R&M'"$'" TR'"SL'T&R
This program can translate entire sentences or phrases from English into
In order to accomplish the translation, the program analyses GRAMMATICALLY
the text in English, chooses the most appropriate meaning in Romanian in context
for each English ord and then it ma!es the necessary grammatical AGREEME"T#.
Yo$ can also IM%R&'E the program (y correcting the translation in terms of the
chosen meaning. In addition, this program can REA) the text (oth in English and
Romanian. The dictionary of the program contains more than *+,,, ords and
--,,, phrases, to hich correspond .*,,, Romanian meanings.

/ser0s g$ide1
-. La$nch the program 2#tart 34 %rograms 34 Translator 34 Translator5. 6rom this
moment on, the program resides in the memory of the comp$ter and can translate
e7erything o$ld appear on the Clip(oard. If yo$ ant to config$re it, clic! on its icon
on the Tas!(ar.
2. Whenever you want to translate some text, select the text and then press Ctrl+C. In a few
seconds the text will appear translated into Romanian. If you like the translation, click O
!up", if not click #$#%&'( !down".
When you click on #$#%&'( or on the icon of the pro)ram on the *ask+ar, the complete
version of the pro)ram will appear. *ype the text in the upper window !in case it is not
written" and then click on *R#,-C(R(. *he translation will appear in the middle window.
Click on the word you would like to see its dictionary e.uivalents. Choose the most
appropriate meanin) in Romanian from the dictionary. *he pro)ram will re/translate the
entire text usin) the meanin) you chose from the dictionary. In addition, the words you have
chosen will pro+a+ly +e used more in the future. *his is how you can teach the pro)ram use
the meanin)s you choose. In the lower window you can see the )rammatical analysis of the
(n)lish and Romanian texts. If you are not pleased with the translation not even after
choosin) other meanin)s in Romanian, click on (RORI in order to add the (n)lish text to the
(RORI.*0* file.
Yo$ can ha7e the feeless $ltimate 7ersion anytime in exchange to this file.
After $sing the complete 7ersion of the program, clic! on IE8IRE. After that, the
programs ill reside in (ac!gro$nd.
Possible malfunctions:
If you select some text and then press Ctrl+C and the translation does not appear try one of
the followin)1
2. 'et the mouse cursor on the icon of the pro)ram on *ask+ar and leave it there within two
seconds. If the 3Translator.Inactiv4 messa)e appears, activate the pro)ram selectin) the
3#C*I5#R( 6 ,(7#C*I5#R( 3 option. *his option as introd$ced for disa(ling the
program hile pressing C$t 2Ctrl9:5, Copy 2Ctrl9C5 ;i %aste 2Ctrl9'5 d$ring other
2. If the messa)e a+ove the icon is 3Translator.Activ4 and the pro)ram still does not work,
.uit pro)ram. *hen press Ctrl+#lt+,el and check if it still resides in the memory as Traduc.
If so, select Traduc and then click (nd *ask. Click Ok when the computer displays 3Cannot
.uit 8ox9ro4 and click a)ain (nd *ask !aproximately after 2: seconds", then re/launch
;. If you have a dama)ed ,ata<ase !i.e. the pro)ram still does not work after restartin) it
for a few times, reinstall the pro)ram !O$%& #8*(R =-I**I$> I*". &ou will lose any
chan)es you made in the dictionary.
The License Agreement:
The )EM& 7ersion is completely f$nctional for some time. If yo$ o$ld li!e to $se
program clic! C/M%<RARE %R&GRAM and rite don the n$m(er. 6or this
n$m(er and =,>9T5#, you can )et 2 !one" license of usin) the pro)ram O$%& O$ *?#*
CO@9-*(R, and the permanent access code. #s a re)istered user, you have the followin)
2. 8ree monthly full updatin) !pro)ram, a dictionary in exchan)e for the (RORI.*0* file.
We advise you to purchase the pro)ram now in order to +e a+le updatin) it anytime, as it is
improvin) day +y day and any ; months older version in no lon)er fashiona+le. *he develop
of the pro)ram hi)hly depends on the num+er of re)istered users and their su))estions.
2. *he Romanian/(n)lish *ranslator, whenever availa+leA
;. Other Romanian/other lan)ua)es *ranslation 9ro)rams, whenever availa+le, at a lower
price !/;:percenta)e".
The o((er is a)aila*le until +e,em*er -1, 2000.
8or a hi)her num+er of licenses, you can )et the pro)ram with a discount up to ;: B,
dependin) on .uantity.
6or more information call ,?,?@A@@-=@, CBtBlin Caharia.

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