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Knocking On The Bathrooms Door

(Verse 1)
I was on a barbecue
And I ate like a cow
ow I ha!e to "a# the "rice
eed to go to the bath
But a sucker get
There be$ore I get
And he took a maga%ine
And Im knocking on the bathrooms door
'es Im knocking on the bathrooms door
Tr#ing to be on the other side o$ the bathrooms door
(other$ucker "lease o"ens this $uckin door
I$ #ou dont do this Ill o"en b# m#sel$
(Verse ))
Thought he was a nice gu# (*ell)
ow Im sure that he isnt ((other$ucker)
Im about to scream (+o suck a cock #our little bitch)
*es been there $or about an hour (*e didnt lea!e)
I thought he was masturbating (,hat a shit)
But it ne!er last this long (That is much)
This house is !er# small
There is -ust one bath
I cant shit in grass
And he didnt le$t #et
And Im knocking on the bathrooms door
'es Im knocking on the bathrooms door
Tr#ing to be on the otherside o$ the bathrooms door
(other$ucker "lease o"en this $uckin door
I$ #ou dont do this Ill o"en b# m#sel$
Ill $uck #our mother i$ #ou dont o"en soon
.inall# he o"ened the door/ but was too late $or me0

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