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Seeam Haque

cell: 516.507.7068 email:

Dedicated, proficient student of medicine with a road range of e!perience in health care and "arious
other fields. #urrentl$ a %
$ear medical student, passing &'()* 'teps 1 + , at first attempt,
undergoing intensi"e clinical training as a su-intern under multiple specialties of ph$sician-ased
medicine in teaching hospitals across .ew /or0 and .ew 1erse$ including (aimonides + 2roo0l$n
32roo0l$n, ./4, .ewar0 2eth 5srael 3.ewar0, .14, and man$ others. #ompassionate, respectful
professional with e!tensi"e 0nowledge and superior communication s0ills6 ale to multi tas0 efficientl$
and effecti"el$ under pressure. 7 "er$ fast learner, ale to ta0e criticism well, and a focused team pla$er,
currentl$ a su-5ntern8research assistant at 9ings #ount$ 32roo0l$n, ./4 5nternal (edicine floors.
St. Georges Uniersit! " Grena#a$ %est In#ies &anuar! '()( " *resent
*!pected date of :raduation as (.D. ; 1une ,01% #urrent :<7 ao"e =.00
> Member of the Big-Brother Big Sister program, providing counsel and advice to first year medical students
> Member of 2-time 2nd place team in intramural basketball league 2010-2011
> Board member of Muslim Students Association ith the goal of spreading peace, love, and !ustice for all
> established tutor and recess sessions ith "rand Anse #rphanage, as ell as food, clothes, school
supplies, and toy drives
> event organi$ation including fast-a-thon, holiday parties, sports tournaments, information booths
> consistent active member of %mergency Medicine club, Surgery club, and Mi&ed Martial Arts club
> Basic 'ife Support (B'S) *ertified
Ne+ ,or- Institute o. Te/0no1og! Se2t '((3 " De/ '((4
2.'. in 2iolog$ ?inal :<7 @ =.%=
> +residential scholarship
> Member of ,ean-s 'ist
> consistent active board member of Muslim Students Association
> consistent active member of .ed *ross *lub
> Medical .esearch -/ semesters
> 2nd and /rd place in 0123 intramural basketball league
> 3op +rice (4/00) at Spring 2005 6alentine7s ,ay ,ate Auction for *harity
> Nutrio G1o8a1 9NutrioG1o8a1./om: ; <ueens$ N,
<osition: #hairman of 2oard 8 'po0esperson 1anuar$ ,01= ; <resent
0utrio "lobal is a non-profit organi$ation centered on fighting the global hunger epidemic by feeding the poor
and needy locally in the 89S9 and orld-ide9 Still in our beginning stages, our focus is on the 01:0;:*3
area< e ork ith mos=ues, churches, temples, and other relief organi$ations to distribute food, ater,
and other support to those in need9 My colleagues and 2 founded this organi$ation ith the vision to also
incorporate increasing health aareness amongst the local population, fighting obesity by providing public
lectures and healthy foods and food alternatives, and offering opportunities for community service9
> 5ong Is1an# Mus1im So/iet! & ot0er N, Communit! Centers ; East Mea#o+$ N,
<osition: /outh #ounselor 8 <ulic #orrespondent 1anuar$ ,01, ;
*ounsel young adults ith family and daily issues9 'ead eekly discussions and speak publicly ith media on
behalf of Muslims locality and at multiple institutions including community centers, schools, and hospitals9
Seeam Haque
cell: 516.507.7068 email:
> Ins2ireIs1am./om ; +or1# +i#e +e8=.a/e8oo-
<osition: ?ounder 8 Director of (ar0eting Decemer ,01, ;
A public ebsite offering >instant inspiration? via entertaining, thought-provoking videos under 10 minutes
runtime, ith the goal of inspiring the young adult demographic toards principles such as love, truth, and
Em8ass! 5u?ur! Seri/es ; Ne+ ,or-$ N,
<osition: <rofessional #hauffer Decemer ,00A ; 1ul$ ,011
,uring free time back home from school, 2 ould assist in maintaining the family business of professional black
car chauffer service, as a professional chauffer in the 01:0;:*3 area9
Em8assa#or A22are1 ; Ne+ ,or-$ N,
<osition: (ar0eting 8 'ales 7gent 1une ,00A ; 1ul$ ,011
*ontact potential and current clients for advertising, compliance, and customer satisfaction issues via phone
and electronic media9 8ltimate goal of company as to assist in molding Bangladesh, the main distributor,
as a ma!or trading partner in the estern orld through business in the 89S9 3his ould stimulate the
economy of a third-orld country plagued ith idespread poverty and lack of bare life necessities9
T0e Hea1t0 & @eaut! Aone ; s0aque'.q0ea1t08eaut!./om
<osition: 5ndependent 2usiness Bwner 1anuar$ ,00A ; 1anuar$ ,011
8sed the basic knoledge gained through undergraduate sciences and personal knoledge and e&perience in
the fitness @ nutrition field (including e&perience as a sales associate at 6itamin Aorld) to establish an
online private business offering organic health and nutrition vitamins and supplements, as ell as
information promoting outer health and inner beauty9 +roducts advertised and sold online, and delivered
doorstep on a monthly basis9
ICON 5a8s ; Amit!i11e$ N,
<osition: )a #oordinator 3date entr$4 (a$ ,00A ; 7ugust ,00A
+ulling cases from lab, case assignment, monitoring pending ork lists, client block procurement, summary
report case revie, managing consult cases9 'iaison effectively ith other departments on matters of a
critical, time sensitive nature9 "eneral administrative support to managers9 +repared grammatically
correct correspondence, reports, tables, and analyses and assisted in special pro!ects9 .ecommended
improvements on administrative procedures and implented changes9 .esponsible for organi$ation and
maintenance of department filing system including potentially confidential data9 %nsured department
supplies needs ere met9 Managed department communication for managers including mail and email9
Vitamin %or1# ; G1en Coe$ N,
<osition: 'ales 7ssociate 1anuar$ ,006 ; 'eptemer ,006
+rovided customer service and nutritional knoledge, and assisted in store management9
CD*?*D*.#*' 7E75)72)* &<B. D*F&*'GC
Seeam Haque
cell: 516.507.7068 email:
5ANGUAGES: *nglish 3nati"e4, 2engali 3fluent4, 'panish 3asic4
S>I55S: comprehensi"e 0nowledge of asic patient care including diagnosis and treatment6
practiced at surgical suturing and laparascope manipulation6 "er$ e!perienced with ('
HO@@IES & INTE6ESTS: )earning + spreading 0nowledge6 pulic spea0ing6 training
mi!ed martial arts, as0etall, "olle$all, footall, soccer, swimming6 chess6 nature

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