Marwa Soboh Resume - E-Portfolio

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Marwa Soboh
Tel: (587) 4**-***3
**** Malvern Roa !"
#al$ar%& '( T** **4
To )*rs*e a )art-time )osition that will )rovie me with challen$es& e+)erience an ,*l,illment.
Bachelor of Education, ri!ar" Education
Se#te!ber $%&' ( re)ent
-)eciali.ation: "n$lish as an 'itional /an$*a$e
"+)ecte $ra*ation: 0*ne 1235
4niversit% o, #al$ar%& #al$ar%& '(
Bachelor of Art), Sociolo*" Ma+or
Se#te!ber $%%, ( A#ril $%&'
Minor: Reli$io*s -t*ies
5ac*lt% o, 'rts
6ean7s 8ono*r Roll (5eb 1231 to Ma% 1233)
9resient7s 8ono*r Roll (!ov 1233)
Mo*nt Ro%al 4niversit%& #al$ar%& '(
-i*h School Di#lo!a
June $%%,
#rescent 8ei$hts 8i$h -chool& #al$ar%& '(
: "vent )lannin$& or$ani.ational& an comm*nication s;ills
: -tron$& verbal an $ra)hical comm*nication s;ills emonstrate in re)orts an )resentations
: -tron$& inter)ersonal an anal%tical s;ills
: 'bilit% to wor; ra)il%& ine)enentl% an as )art o, a team
: 5irst 'i<#9R certi,ie
3MCA Outreach, #al$ar%& 'lberta Jan4 $%&5 6 re)ent
A))i)tant Coordinator
: 'ssist with im)lementin$ ail% lessons
: 9re)arin$ ,or an cleanin$ *) a,ter lessons
: 'ssist with e+)lainin$ rationale behin lessons

Tutorin*, #al$ar%& 'lberta Au*4 $%&% ( re)ent
: 9rovie a,ter-school assistance to elementar% an =*nior hi$h st*ents who are str*$$lin$ with
: 9rovie assistance in all core s*b=ect areas
: >nte$rate vario*s methos to hel) with e+)lainin$ com)licate conce)ts
1enfrew Educational Ser7ice), #al$ar%& 'lberta Jul"4 $%&$ ( Au*4 $%&$
Succe)) Coach
: 9artici)ate as a -*ccess #oach<leaer ,or a one-month-lon$ cam)
: >ncl*e chilren ,rom vario*s co*ntries& some o, whom ha isabilities
: 5oc*se on the im)ortance o, mental health
: 9re)are several activities that ill*strate mental health
Safewa"& #al$ar%& 'lberta Dec4 $%%8 ( Oct4 $%&&
Ca)hier, 9ront De): and Office
: #onstantl% )romote to new )ositions with $reater res)onsibl%
: -*)ervise an irect co-wor;ers
: #lose an o)en store
: 9rovie c*stomers with e+ce)tional service an assist them with thoro*$h ;nowle$e an e+)ertise
: 6eal with c*stomers7 ?*estions& com)laints an resolve c*stomer iss*es
: @or; on the cash re$ister< )rocess sales
A!erican Ea*le, #al$ar%& 'lberta Au*4 $%%; ( Dec4 $%%8
Sale) A))ociate
: 'ssiste c*stomers with o*t,its an clothin$
: Ar$ani.e store an maintaine clean area
: 'ssiste new location ,or trainin$ an o)enin$ store
: @or;e on the cash re$ister< )rocesse sales
McDonald)& #al$ar%& 'lberta Mar4 $%%; ( Au*4 $%%<
Ca)hier=Cu)to!er Care S#eciali)t
: 6evelo)e an enhance inter)ersonal s;ills thro*$h interactions with c*stomers
: 'c?*ire m*ltitas;in$ s;ills thro*$h )re)arin$ meals an )rocessin$ c*stomer re?*ests
: @or;e on the cash re$ister< )rocesse sales an ta;in$ c*stomer orers sim*ltaneo*sl%
Cal*ar" ublic librar", Cal*ar", Alberta $%&56re)ent
ES/ Con7er)ation
: 9lan wee;l% activities that are both relevant an en$a$in$
: 5acilitate conversation with $ro*)s o, a*lt "n$lish /an$*a$e /earners
: >ncor)orate co*ntr% o, ori$ins an c*lt*re into activities
Ethnic Co!!unit" Scout)& #al$ar%& 'lberta $%%8 6 re)ent
Scout) /eader
: "*cate chilren on $eneral to)ics
: Ar$ani.e an evelo) activities ,or %o*th o, all a$es
: 9lan an coorinate events
>irl >uide) of Canada& #al$ar%& 'lberta $%%% 6 re)ent
: 5*nraisin$ events ,or cam)s& )h%sical activities& etc.
: 'ssistance on cam) tri)s )roviin$ s*)ervision ,or %o*n$er )artici)ants
: 9rovie assistance ,or sa,et% committee cam)ai$ns
: 'vailable *)on re?*est

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