Air Driven Engine Mechanical Engineering Final Year Project Report

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The Air Driven Engine is an eco-friendl engine which operates with compressed air.

An Air
Driven Engine uses the expansion of compressed air to drive the pistons of an engine An Air
Driven Engine is a pneumatic actuator that creates useful work b expanding compressed
air. There is no mixing of fuel with air as there is no combustion.
An Air Driven Engine makes use of !ompressed Air Technolog for its operation The
!ompressed Air Technolog is "uite simple. #f we compress normal air into a clinder the air
would hold some energ within it. This energ can be utili$ed for useful purposes. %hen this
compressed air expands& the energ is released to do work. 'o this energ in compressed air
can also be utili$ed to displace a piston | |
At first glance the idea of running an engine on air seems to be too good to be true. Actuall&
if we can make use of air as an aid for running an engine it is a fantastic idea. As we all
know& air is all around us& it never runs out& it is non-polluting and it is free.
An Air Driven Engine makes use of !ompressed Air Technolog for its operation.
!ompressed Air Technolog is now widel preferred for research b different industries for
developing different drives for different purposes. The !ompressed Air Technolog is "uite
simple. #f we compress normal air into a clinder the air would hold some energ within it.
This energ can be utili$ed for useful purposes. %hen this compressed air expands& the
energ is released to do work.

'o this energ in compressed air can also be utili$ed to displace a piston. This is the basic
working principle of the Air Driven Engine. #t uses the expansion of compressed air to drive
the pistons of the engine. 'o an Air Driven Engine is basicall a pneumatic actuator that
creates useful work b expanding compressed air. This work provided b the air is utili$ed to
suppl power to the crankshaft of the engine.
#n the case of an Air Driven Engine& there is no combustion taking place within the engine.
'o it is non-polluting and less dangerous. #t re"uires lighter metal onl since it does not have
to withstand elevated temperatures.
As there is no combustion taking place& there is no need for mixing fuel and air. (ere
compressed air is the fuel and it is directl fed into the piston clinder arrangement. #t simpl
expands inside the clinder and does useful work on the piston. This work done on the piston
provides sufficient power to the crankshaft. | |
Air can be compressed into small volumes and can be stored in suitable containers at high
pressures. 'uch air compressed into containers is associated with an amount of energ. %hen
the stored compressed air is released freel it expands thereb releasing the energ associated
with it. This energ released can be utili$ed to provide useful work.
The compression& storage and release of the air together are termed as the !ompressed Air
Technolog. This technolog has been utili$ed in different pneumatic sstems. This
technolog has been undergoing several ears of research to improve its applications.
!ompressed air is regarded as the fourth utilit& after electricit& natural gas& and water.
!ompressed air can be used in or for)
*neumatics& the use of pressuri$ed gases to do work.
vehicular transportation using a compressed air vehicle
scuba diving
To inflate buoanc devices.
!ooling using a vortex tube.
+as dusters for cleaning electronic components that cannot be cleaned with water.
air brake ,rail- sstems
air brake ,road vehicle- sstems
starting of diesel engines ,an alternative to electric starting-
compressed air breathers ,such as 'uisse Air-
pneumatic air guns
pneumatic screwdrivers
A two-stroke engine is an internal combustion engine that completes the thermodnamic in
two movements of the piston compared to twice that number for a four-stroke engine. This
increased efficienc is accomplished b using the beginning of the compression stroke and
the end of the combustion stroke to perform simultaneousl the intake and exhaust
,or scavenging- functions. #n this wa two-stroke engines often provide strikingl
high specific power. +asoline ,spark ignition- versions are particularl useful in lightweight
,portable- applications such as chainsaws and the concept is also used in diesel compression
ignition engines in large and non-weight sensitive applications such as ships and
All functions are controlled solel b the piston covering and uncovering the ports as it
moves up and down in the clinder. A fundamental difference from tpical four-stroke
engines is that the crankcase is sealed and forms part of the induction process in gasoline
and hot bulb engines. Diesel engines have mostl a roots blower or piston pump for
.ig. /.0 working of two stroke engine | |
There are no traditional valves in a two-stroke engine. #n a two-stroke the engines fires once
ever revolution. This makes the engine highl efficient and lightweight compared to four-
stroke sstems. 1ather than entering through valves& the fuel2air mixture enters through an
intake port and exhaust exits out of an exhaust port. #n place of traditional valves the two-
stroke engine uses the piston3s position to force out exhaust or suck in fuel mixture.
1eeds are vital to a two-stroke sstem. The reeds are placed between the intake manifold and
the carburetor& open and close to allow the fuel 2 air mixture to enter the case of the engine
and trap it& and ensure the proper exchange of gasses in the engine. This procedure might
sound complex& but it is& in fact& extremel effective and eas to understand.
The whole ccle can be explained as follows)
0- As the piston moves from bottom dead center to top dead center it creates a vaccum to
draw the fuel 2 air mixture through the carburetor and past the reed valve assembl.
/- The piston moves down from top dead center to bottom dead center. The reed closes&
causing the pressure to build in the clinder. The movement of the piston uncovers the intake
port and pressuri$ed the fuel 2 air mixture.
3- The piston now moves up from bottom dead center to top dead center& effectivel ending a
ccle and starting another. The spark plug ignites the compressed mixture& sending piston
back down.
4- At this point the piston uncovers the exhaust port& allowing the spent gasses to escape. As
it continues to bottom dead center& it uncovers the intake port and allows the fuel 2 air
mixture through the carburetor and past the reed valve assembl.
A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with li"uid or gas. The valve is
controlled b an electric current through a solenoid coil. 'olenoid valves ma have two or
more ports) in the case of a two-port valve the flow is switched on or off5 in the case of a | |
three-port valve& the outflow is switched between the two outlet ports. 6ultiple solenoid
valves can be placed together on a manifold.
'olenoid valves are the most fre"uentl used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to
shut off& release& dose& distribute or mix fluids. The are found in man application areas.
'olenoids offer fast and safe switching& high reliabilit& long service life& good medium
compatibilit of the materials used& low control power and compact design.
A solenoid valve has two main parts) the solenoid and the valve. The solenoid converts
electrical energ into mechanical energ which& in turn& opens or closes the valve
mechanicall. A direct acting valve has onl a small flow circuit& shown within section E of
this diagram. This diaphragm piloted valve multiplies this small flow b using it to control
the flow through a much larger orifice.
'olenoid valves ma use metal seals or rubber seals& and ma also have electrical interfaces
to allow for eas control. A spring ma be used to hold the valve opened or closed while the
valve is not activated.
fig. /./ working of solenoid valve | |
A- Input side
B- Diaphragm
C- Pressure chamber
D- Pressure relief conduit
E- Solenoid
F- Output side
The diagram above shows the design of a basic valve. At the top figure is the valve in its
closed state. The water under pressure enters at A. B is an elastic diaphragm and above it is a
weak spring pushing it down. The function of this spring is irrelevant for now as the valve
would sta closed even without it. The diaphragm has a pinhole through its center which
allows a ver small amount of water to flow through it. This water fills the cavit Con the
other side of the diaphragm so that pressure is e"ual on both sides of the diaphragm. %hile
the pressure is the same on both sides of the diaphragm& the force is greater on the upper side
which forces the valve shut against the incoming pressure. #n the figure& the surface being
acted upon is greater on the upper side which results in greater force. 7n the upper side the
pressure is acting on the entire surface of the diaphragm while on the lower side it is onl
acting on the incoming pipe. This result in the valve being securel shut to an flow and& the
greater the input pressure& the greater the shutting force will be.
#n the previous configuration the small conduit D was blocked b a pin which is the armature
of the solenoid E and which is pushed down b a spring. #f the solenoid is activated b
drawing the pin upwards via magnetic force from the solenoid current& the water in
chamber C will flow through this conduit D to the output side of the valve. The pressure in
chamber C will drop and the incoming pressure will lift the diaphragm thus opening the main
valve. %ater now flows directl from A to F.
%hen the solenoid is again deactivated and the conduit D is closed again& the spring needs
ver little force to push the diaphragm down again and the main valve closes. #n practice
there is often no separate spring& the elastomer diaphragm is moulded so that it functions as
its own spring& preferring to be in the closed shape.
.rom this explanation it can be seen that this tpe of valve relies on a differential of pressure
between input and output as the pressure at the input must alwas be greater than the pressure | |
at the output for it to work. #f the pressure at the output& for an reason& rise above that of the
input then the valve would open regardless of the state of the solenoid and pilot valve.
#n some solenoid valves the solenoid acts directl on the main valve. 7thers use a small&
complete solenoid valve& known as a pilot& to actuate a larger valve. %hile the second tpe is
actuall a solenoid valve combined with a pneumaticall actuated valve& the are sold and
packaged as a single unit referred to as a solenoid valve. *iloted valves re"uire much less
power to control& but the are noticeabl slower. *iloted solenoids usuall need full power at
all times to open and sta open& where a direct acting solenoid ma onl need full power for
a short period of time to open it& and onl low power to hold it.
'olenoid valves are used in fluid power pneumatic and hdraulic sstems& to control
clinders& fluid power motors or larger industrial valves. Automatic irrigation
sprinkler sstems also use solenoid valves with an automatic controller. Domestic washing
machines and dishwashers use solenoid valves to control water entr to the machine. #n the
paintball industr& solenoid valves are usuall referred to simpl as 8solenoids.8 The are
commonl used to control a larger valve used to control the propellant ,usuall compressed
air or !7/-. #n the industr& 8solenoid8 ma also refer to an
electromechanical solenoid commonl used to actuate a sear.
9esides controlling the flow of air and fluids solenoids are used in pharmacolog
experiments& especiall for patch-clamp& which can control the application of agonist or
An air compressor is a device that converts electrical power or gas into kinetic energ b
pressuri$ing and compressing air& which is then released in "uick bursts. There are numerous
methods of air compression& divided into either positive-displacement or non-positive
displacement tpes.
*ositive-displacement air compressors work b forcing air into a chamber whose volume is
reduced to effect the compression. *iston-tpe air compressors use this principle b pumping
air into an air chamber through the use of the constant motion of pistons. The use
unidirectional valves to guide air into a chamber& where the air is compressed. 1otar screw | |
compressors also use positive-displacement compression b matching two helical screws
that& when turned& guide air into a chamber& the volume of which is reduced as the screws
turn. :ane compressors use a slotted rotor with varied blade placement to guide air into a
chamber and compress the volume.
;on-positive-displacement air compressors include centrifugal compressors. These devices
use centrifugal force generated b a spinning impeller to accelerate and then decelerate
captured air& which pressuri$es it.
The air compressors seen b the public are used in < main applications)
To suppl a high-pressure clean air to fill gas clinders
To suppl a moderate-pressure clean air to suppl air to a submerged surface supplied
To suppl a large amount of moderate-pressure air to power pneumatic tools
.or filling tires
To produce large volumes of moderate-pressure air for macroscopic industrial
processes ,such as oxidation for petroleum coking or cement plant bag house purge
6ost air compressors are either reciprocating piston tpe or rotar vane or rotar screw.
!entrifugal compressors are common in ver large applications. There are two main tpes of
air compressor=s pumps) 7il lubed and oiless. The oiless sstem has more technical
development& but the are more expensive& louder and last less than the oiled lube pumps.
9ut the air delivered has better "ualit. The best choice depends of the application that the
user needs.
The infrared pair mainl consists of an infrared emitter and an infrared sensor. The infrared
emitter emits the infrared ras to the infrared sensor. The sensor senses the infrared ras
which are emitted b the emitter. 9oth the emitter and the sensor are >EDs of same rating.
The are placed in correct position face to face and are aligned in a straight line. The are | |
also placed close together and are enclosed b a covering with an opening for the ras to
pass. This helps to increase the accurac of the sensing of the sensor to its maximum.
.ig. /.3 #1 pair
The ma?or components of our Air Driven Engine consist of)
0. T(E E;+#;E
/. T(E '7>E;7#D :A>:E
3. T(E :A>:E A!T@AT#7; 'A'TE6
4. T(E *#*E 'A'TE6
<. T(E *1E''@1E +A@+E 'A'TE6 | |
The basic engine that we have used in the pro?ect is a normal two stroke petrol engine. The
details of the engine are as follows)
6ake) 9a?a? 6BC
Displacement) DB.C4cc.
;o. of clinders) 0 | |
.ig. 4.0 The Engine
%e onl needed a simple piston-clinder arrangement with an outlet and an exhaust. 9ut as
we know a normal two stroke engine contained several ports and it also had the spark plug
which we didn3t re"uire. 'o& several modifications had to be done on the engine to suit our
The modifications comprised of)
!losing the transfer port
!losing the inlet port
1emoving the spark plug from the clinder head
*roviding an inlet at the place of the spark plug
*roviding a suitable connector at the clinder head
The transfer port was to be sealed to provide maximum sealing of the piston-clinder
arrangement so that the chances of escape of air from the clinder can be avoided. %e made
use of m-seal and araldite to seal off the transfer port. .irst a fine "uantit of m-seal was | |
filled in the transfer port full except for a small clearance to appl araldite. Then the m-seal
was allowed to solidif. After that araldite was applied in another laer and was allowed to
solidif. Thus the transfer port was closed with the help of the adhesives.

.ig. 4./ !linder 9lock
The inlet port also was re"uired to be closed to avoid mild chances of leakage. #t was much
easier to close the inlet port. The inlet port contains a 1eed valve at its start. This valve is
basicall a non-return valve. 'o if we screw it tightl there wouldn3t be chances of escape of
air through the inlet port. This was carried out to close the inlet port.
There is no combustion taking place in an Air Driven Engine. 'o naturall there is no need
for the spark plug. 'o the spark plug is removed from its respective position that is on the top
of clinder head. #t would be great if we provide the inlet for compressed air at the position
of the spark plug as it is better to let the air enter from the top of the piston. 'o the connector
which is used to connect the pipe from the compressed air tank has to be fixed at the position
of the spark plug. The connector contains an 102/ thread of 9'*T standard. 'o we tapped the | |
same thread on the clinder head at the position of the spark plug. Then the suitable
connector was fixed on the clinder head.

.ig 4.3 !linder (ead
A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with li"uid or gas. The valve is
controlled b an electric current through a solenoid coil. 'olenoid valves are the most | |
fre"uentl used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off& release& dose&
distribute or mix fluids. The are found in man application areas.
.or controlling the air flow in and out of the engine we use a 32/ pilot operated normall
closed valve. The smbol of the 32/ valve is as shown)

.ig <.0 :alve 'mbol
The specifications of the valve are the following)
7rifice) 0/mm.
7perating pressure range) /-0Cbar
.low rate) 3CCC>itres2minute
!oil width) 3/mm.
:oltage) /4: D!
Dut ccle) !ontinuous
The 32/ solenoid valve utili$ed in our pro?ect is shown in the following picture) | |

.ig. <./ The 'olenoid :alve
The construction and the working of the 32/ solenoid valve can be explained with the help of
the following diagram) | |
.ig <.3 !onstruction and %orking
The figure shows the operation of a pilot operated 32/ pneumatic valve. The solenoid
operates the small pilot valve directl. 9ecause this valve has a small area& a low operating
force is re"uires. The pilot valve applies line pressure to the top of the control valve causing
it to move down& closing the exhaust port. %hen it contacts the main valve disc there are two
forces acting on the valve stem. The pilot valve applies a downwards force of *ED& where *
is the line pressure and D is the area of the control valve. >ine pressure also applies an
upwards force *EE to the stem& where E is the area of the main valve. The area of the control
valve& D& is greater than area of the main valve E& so the downwards force is the larger and
the valve opens. | |
%hen the solenoid de-energi$es& the space above the control valve is vented. >ine and spring
pressure on the main valve causes the valve stem to rise again. | |
The valve actuation sstem is the sstem used to actuate the valve mechanism. The valve
here used is a 32/ solenoid valve. This valve we used here is an alwas closed valve. This
valve works onl when a high voltage is applied to it. ;ormall this high voltage is <v. The
suppl voltage of this valve is /4v. The high voltage for the opening of the valve is provided
b the circuit. %hen a high voltage is applied to the valve it gets open.
The main components of the valve actuation sstem are the following
0. #nfrared pair
#nfrared emitter
#nfrared sensor
/. Electronic circuit
3. 9atteries
4. %iring sstem
<. :alve Timing Disc | |
The infrared pair mainl consists of an infrared emitter and an infrared sensor. The infrared
emitter emits the infrared ras to the infrared sensor. The sensor senses the infrared ras
which are emitted b the emitter. 9oth the emitter and the sensor are led3s of same rating.
The are placed in correct position face to face and are aligned in a straight line. The are
also placed close together and are enclosed b a covering with an opening for the ras to
pass. This helps to increase the accurac of the sensing of the sensor to its maximum.
.ig F.0 #1 *air | |
.ig. F./ #1 *air position
The figure shows the arrangements of the infrared sensors placed at face to face. The are
arranged on a flexible aluminum sheet so that the can be ad?usted as re"uired. The need to
be at sufficient distance apart to avoid collision with the disc. | |
The electronic circuit mainl consists of the following components namel
0. *ower suppl
/. *ower suppl connector
3. :oltage regulator
4. 1esistors
<. :oltage divider
F. #nfrared emitter connector
D. #nfrared sensor connector
B. Transistor
G. :alve connector
0C. !omparator
.ig. F.3 The circuit
F./.0. *7%E1 '@**>A
The power suppl used here is a /4v suppl. This voltage is provided b two batteries each of
/4v and /.<A rating. These batteries are connected in series.
F././. *7%E1 '@**>A !7;;E!T71' | |
The circuit is provided with a connector which is a two socket connector. The male connector
is placed in the electronic circuit and the female connector is provided at the other end. The
power suppl connectors are soldered to the circuit.
F./.3. :7>TA+E 1E+@>AT71
The voltage regulator used here is 1+ DBC<. This voltage regulator has three terminals
The reference terminal is grounded and the input terminal is provided with the suppl. This
circuit converts the /4v dc into <v dc. All the components in this circuit onl work on <v.
Thus the /4v need to be stepped down to <v in order to avoid burning of the circuit
components. This <v is taken out through the output terminal.
.ig.F.4 :oltage 1egulator
F./.4. 1E'#'T71' | |
The resistors are used to step down the current from the main suppl. The main resistors used
are the following.
.ig. F.< 1esistors
The figure shows the 0CCH resistor. This component is connected before the voltage
regulator to step down the high current of /4 v suppl.
F./.<. :7>TA+E D#:#DE1'
The voltage dividers are used to divide the voltage according to the purpose. An e"ual
amount of resistors can be used to divide the circuit. (ere two 0<CH resistors are used to
divide the <v to /.<v dc to be supplied to the comparator. | |
.ig F.F :oltage Divider
F./.F. T1A;'#'T71'
The transistor here used is 3C3<. This component is used as a switching device to switch the
<v to the solenoid valve. #t consists of three terminals. The emitter is grounded. The base is
connected to the output terminal ,0- of the comparator and the collector terminal of the
transistor is connected to the solenoid valve.
.ig F.D Transistor | |
F./.D. !76*A1AT71
The comparator here used is lm </B. #t mainl consists of B terminals out of which <
terminals are in use. The negative terminal is connected to the voltage divider and the
positive terminal is connected to the sensor. The output is taken from the output terminal to
the transistor which acts as a switching device. The fourth terminal is grounded and the
eighth terminal is given the <v suppl.
.ig F.B
The < terminals used are the following
;egative terminal,/-
*ositive terminal,3-
7utput terminal,0-
+round terminal,4-
'uppl terminal,B- | |
.ig F.G !omparator
The batteries used here have a rating of 0/v& /.<A. The solenoid valve works onl on /4v.
(ence the batteries need to be connected in series to obtain /4v.
.ig F.0C 9atteries
The wiring sstem mainl consists of wires that are used to connect the components in the
actuation sstem
The valve timing disc is used to represent the position of the piston inside the clinder in a
schematic manner. This helps to explain the piston position more accuratel.
.ig F.00 :alve Timing Disc
The portion bulged out is the power stroke region. This is the region corresponding to the
region between the outer dead centre and the portion ?ust before the opening of exhaust. The
disc rotates in the clockwise direction. The prescribed angle on the disc for the power stroke
is 0CB3. The disc has a radius of B.< cm. | |
.ig F.0/ The !ircuit
The suppl voltage as shown in the figure is /4v dc. This high voltage is supplied to the
voltage regulator. A 0CCH resister is used before the voltage regulator inorder to reduce the
high current to the circuit. The voltage regulator regulates the voltage and step down it to <v
dc& since all the components in the circuit works onl on <v dc. This <v is given to all the
components in the circuit. The emitter is provided with a 4DC ohm resistor and the collector is
provided with a 0CH resistor which reduces the voltage further. A voltage divider is used in
order to divide the <v to /.<v to provide it to the comparators. The transistor works as a
switch. | |
The emitter is forward biased and the collector is reversed biased. The emitter sends infrared
radiations continuousl and this is sensed b the sensor. Thus the circuit is short circuited.
(ence low voltage is given to the comparator. %hen the power stroke region is reached the
path gets cut off and as a result a high voltage is produced in the sensor circuit and this is
given to the comparator. !omparator onl provides the output when the input in the positive
terminal is above <v. Thus during the power stroke region the comparator is provided with a
high voltage and thus it provides a high voltage at its output. This output is given to the
transistor through a 0H resistor. The transistor acts as a switch. #t conducts onl when a high
voltage is applied to it& and when this high voltage reaches it conducts it to the 32/ solenoid
The solenoid valve has three terminals namel
0. 1eference terminal
/. #nput terminal
3. 7utput terminal
The input terminal is connected to the suppl and the output terminal and the reference
terminal are shorted. The high voltage ,<v- is given to the shorted circuit and thus the valve
opens and the pressuri$ed air is allowed to enter the clinder of the engine. Thus the engine
works. | |
.ig. F.03 The !ircuit >aout | |
This is the circuit laout used to implement our designed circuit to realit. This laout is
obtained using the *!9 laout software. This is made b drawing this schematic diagram in a
copper board and is placed in a solution of ferric chloride for 0< to /< min.
The pipe sstem is used to connect the components involved in the passage of the
compressed air. #t is used to connect the clinder to the solenoid valve and the solenoid valve
to the clinder head.
.ig. D.0 The *ipe 'stem
(ere polurethane pipes are used of diameter of 0/mm and length of 0m. The are made of
hard and flexible material so that the are able to pass the compressed air more efficientl | |
and are highl flexible. These pipes are able to withstand high pressure and so are used to
transport compressed air. The are perfectl suited to be inserted to the one touch male
!onnectors are used to connect the pipes with the components used in this pro?ect. The tpe
of connector used is one touch male connector which has an internal hexagonal socket. The
specification of the thread is 9'*T 102/ ,9ritish standard piping thread-. The outer diameter
is /0.<mm and the inner diameter is 0/mm.
.ig D./ connectors | |
The pressure gauges are used to measure or displa the pressure at the position at which the
pressure gauge is installed. There are different ranges of the pressure gauges. C to 0C bar
pressure gauges are used in this pro?ect. A t shaped female connector is used to install the
pressure gauge in the sstem and it also holds the pressure gauge at position. The pressure
gauge is connected to the inlet of the solenoid valve. This helps to measure the pressure inlet
to the solenoid valve. | |
.ig B.0 *ressure +auge 'stem
7ur air engine works on the same principle of that of an internal combustion engine. The
onl difference between the two is that in an internal combustion engine5 the explosion of
fuel in the combustion chamber produces the energ to move the piston& while in an air
engine the energ for moving piston is ac"uired from the supplied compressed air.
The complete assembl of our air engine consists of slightl modified ic engine& valve timing
disc attached to the flwheel of the engine& sensor controlled valve mechanism& piping
sstem& gauge sstem& air compressor and air tank. | |
.ig. G.0 %orking
.ig. G./ :alve Timing
.or the proper and continues working of the engine the timing with which the compressed air
is supplied is of great importance. 'o in order to make it precise we used sensor controlled
valve mechanism. The valve timing disc is made with utmost precision to precise operation
of valve. .or that the outer dead centre region ,7D!- of the piston is found out and is marked
on to the fixed valve timing disc. 9 the same method the point ?ust before the exhaust port
opening,E*7- is found out and marked on the disk with the help of a cross sectional change. | |
.or starting5 the engine is cranked b the kicker. This will rotate the crankshaft along with the
valve timing disk in the clockwise direction. During this rotation the 7D! region of the disc
cuts the #1 beam first and followed b the E*7 region.
%hen the #1 beam is first cut b 7D! region& the circuit activates the solenoid valve b
electric signal. At the moment the valve gets opened and allows the flow of compressed air
into the clinder from the tank through the piping sstem. The whole region from the point of
7D! to E*7 on the valve timing disk is opa"ue and does not allows the #1 beam through it.
'o all the wa long the circuit maintains the solenoid valve open b suppling a continuous
suppl of electric current to the valve. At the same time the compressed air from the tank
continues to fill in the clinder there b pushing the piston further towards the bottom dead
centre,9D!-. 9ut to increase the fuel efficienc the fuel suppl should be cut-off before
reaching the E*7.
'o when the E*7 region of the valve timing disc sweeps past awa from between the #1
sensors& the #1 beam will make connection again. This will cut the suppl to the solenoid
valve there b closing the valve. This will prevent the valve from being open at the same
time of E*75 increasing efficienc.
%hen the disc rotates further& the valve remains closed throughout the area from the E*7 to
the 7D! as the #1 beam is closed. And this ccle continue. | |
>oad testing is the process of loading the engine for the purpose of calculating the maximum
tor"ue and brake power b a load testing apparatus.
.or load testing our air engine5 we made the testing apparatus our-self consisting of brake
drum& spring balance& rope and holding frame. | |
.ig. 0C.0 brake drum
The brake drum of our testing apparatus was made b slightl modifing the clutch disc of
our engine itself and coupled it to the crankshaft. The spring balance is held in place to the
main frame through a hole drilled into it. The rope is then tied to the hook of the spring
balance. The other end of the rope is circled over the brake drum b a single loop in
clockwise direction. The weight placing base is attached to the loose end of the rope. Extra
care is taken in order to make sure that the spring balance& the rope and the weights are in
straight line.
0C.3.0. 91AHE *7%E1
9rake horsepower is the measure of an engine=s horsepower without the loss in power caused
b the gearbox& alternator& differential& water pump& and other auxiliar components such as
power steering pump& muffled exhaust sstem& etc. 9rake refers to a device which was used
to load an engine and hold it at a desired 1*6. During testing& the output tor"ue and
rotational speed were measured to determine the brake horsepower. (orsepower was
originall measured and calculated b use of a brake drum connected to the engine=s output
shaft. 9rake power is the power produced b the engine as measured b the brake drum. | |
9rake power J9*3 K
w0 K weight added in kg&
w/ K load shown in spring balance in kg&
; K speed in 1*6&
d K diameter of rope in mm&
D K diameter of brake drum in mm
g K gravitational constant. | |
0C.3./. '*E!#.#!AT#7;' 7. TE'T#;+ A**A1AT@'
Diameter of brake drum D K .0/m K0/Cmm
Diameter of rope d K .C0/m K0/mm
+ravitational constant K G.B0
.ig. 0C./ brake drum of our engine | |
0. 6ade sure that all the connections were made correctl.
/. 6ade sure that the valve of compression tank is in closed position.
3. Then the tank is filled up to the re"uired pressure b running the compressor.
4. The electrical circuit is turned on b closing the connection.
<. 6ade sure that the engine is in no load condition.
F. Then the valve of the compressor tank is opened graduall to the maximum.
D. .or the engine to start running it is cranked with the help of the kicker.
B. %hen the engine starts running and gained speed5 no load readings of pressure in
9A1 as indicated b the pressure gauge on the engine and the speed of the brake
drum in 1*6 as indicated b the tachometer is taken down.
G. This process is repeated for different values of pressure ranging between 0bar and
Gbar and the corresponding readings of speed of rotation are noted.
0C. The readings thus obtained are tabulated in the tabular column.
.ig 0C.3 Testing
Table. 0C.0
#$%&&'$% () ! *($ (+, 3 -. /0(,
Tor"ue K ,w0-w/-IL,DMd-2/NIg
K ,3-C.0- IL,C.0/MC.C0/-2/NIG.B0
9rake power J9*3 K
9* K ,/IOI43B2FC- IL,C.0/MC.C0/-2/NI,3-C.0-IG.B0 %
K4<.BF I C.03/ I /.G IG.B0 watts
K 0D/.// watts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 !
344 413 456 44 513 533 545 563 5
.5 314 34 43" 45" 476 5" 516 526 556
1 3"" 363 412 44" 465 4" 45 4!" 53"
1.5 21" 26 31 4"" 441 45! 46! 474 5"6
2 2"2 21" 374 35 425 45" 46" 465 475
2.5 1 1 312 332 375 42" 436 452 46"
3 1 1 3"" 326 354 363 31 421 43 | |
.ig 0C.4 speed versus pressure
.ig 0C.< speed versus tor"ue | |
.ig. 0C.F brake power versus pressure
#n Air Driven Engine& the speed is bound to increase with increase in the inlet pressure. The
speed versus tor"ue characteristics shows a negative linear variation. The brake power is
observed to increase with increase in the inlet pressure.
less costl and more effective
The air engine is an %23&&30+14$%% piston engine that uses compressed air as a source
of energ. | |
S32#/% 3+ 50+&)$'5)30+. The engine can be massivel reduced in si$e
E(&6 )0 2(3+)(3+ (+, $%#(3$.
N0 43$% 7(8($, problem due to over loading. Air& on its own& is non-flammable.
L09 2(+'4(5)'$% (+, 2(3+)%+(+5% 50&)&
!omparativel the 0#%$()30+ 50&) 3& /%&&.
L3.7) 3+ 9%3.7) (+, %(&6 )0 7(+,/%. The engine runs on cold or warm air& so can be
made of lower strength light weight material such as aluminium& plastic& low
friction teflon or a combination
!ompressed-air tanks can be disposed of or $%565/%, 93)7 /%&& #0//')30+ than
!ompressed-air engines are '+50+&)$(3+%, *6 )7% ,%.$(,()30+ #$0*/%2& associated
with current batter sstems.
The (3$ )(+- 2(6 *% $%43//%, more often and in less time than batteries can be
recharged& with re-filling rates comparable to li"uid fuels.
L3.7)%$ :%735/%& cause less damage to roads
The price of filling air tanks is significantl 57%(#%$ than petrol& diesel or biofuel. #f
electricit is cheap& then compressing air will also be relativel cheap
;'35- $%&#0+&% 3& (573%:%,.
Air driven engines can be used as drives for different tpes of conveors such as 9elt
conveors& !hain conveors& 'crew conveors& etc&. it is normall used for slow speed
conveors. 6edium load can onl be used.
.ig 03.0 belt conveor
#n operations like carpentr ?ob clamping generall re"uires low loading. Air Driven Engine
can provide this low load clamping.
Air Driven Engine can also be utili$ed for small displacement pumps of low pressure
capacities. | |
The usage of the Air Driven Engine is possible for automobiles as two wheelers and light
motor vehicles.
.ig. 03./ air car
%e were able to successfull complete the design and fabrication of the Air Driven Engine.
9 doing this pro?ect we gained the knowledge about pneumatic sstem and how automation
can be effectivel done with the help of pneumatic sstem. %e were also able to gain
practical knowledge about the basics of the normal #! engine and solenoid valves.
The Air Driven Engine provides an effective method for power production and transmission.
Even though its applications are limited currentl& further research could provide wider
P Design and fabrication of a new engine made of light metal will give better results.
P @sage of compressed air tanks for storage and suppl will give it more scope in
P 6uch like electrical vehicles& air powered vehicles would ultimatel be powered through
the electrical grid. This makes it easier to focus on reducing pollution from one source& as
opposed to the millions of vehicles on the road. Transportation of the fuel would not be
re"uired due to drawing power off the electrical grid. This presents significant cost
benefits. *ollution created during fuel transportation would be eliminated.
P !ompressed-air vehicles operate to a thermodnamic process as air cools down when
expanding and heats up when being compressed. As it is not possible in practice to use a
theoreticall ideal process& losses occur and improvements ma involve reducing these&
e.g.& b using large heat exchangers in order to use heat from the ambient air and at the
same time provide air cooling in the passenger compartment. At the other end& the heat
produced during compression can be stored in water sstems& phsical or chemical
sstems and reused later.
P ;ew engine designs5 as shown in fig 04.0 shows the improved variants of the air engine.
%ith these tpe of engines5 which is more efficient5 air powered automobiles could gain a
bright scope in future.
.ig. 04.0 air engine variant

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