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Do and Does by Emmanuel Luna is licensed under aCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.

Internacional License.
DO y DOES los
utilizamos para
hacer preguntas
que se contestan
con s o no.
El uso de DO y
DOES depende del
sujeto por ejemplo:
Does she like the
sport? Yes, she
Do you like sport?
Yes, I do.
DO se utiliza con: I,
we, you, they.
DOES se utiliza con:
he, she, it.
Para la forma
negativa se
agrega: not
Do+ not = do not
Does + not = does
not doesnt
Ejercicio 1.- Marca la palabra que complete correctamente la oracin.
1. DO/DOES you want some coffee?
2. Where DO/DOES they come from?
3. No, she DONT/DOESNT like spicy food
4. What DO/DOES Michael and I have in common?
5. DO/DOES your father drive a car?
6. DO/DOES Angela have boyfriend?
7. They DONT/DOESNT work on Sunday
8. DO/DOES we have school tomorrow?
9. DO/DOES your parents smoke?
10. DO/DOES children play here?
11. He DONT/DOESNT live in Mexico
12. My cat DONT/DOESNT eat meat
13. I DONT/DOESNT understand
14. DO/ DOES you play tennis?
15. His car DONT/DOESNT work.

Ejercicio 2.- responde a las preguntas de forma afirmativa y negativa.
1. Does the monkey eat bananas? _____________________________ ______________________________
2. Does a mermaid swim? _____________________________ ______________________________
3. Does she play the piano? _____________________________ ______________________________
4. Does a penguin fly? _____________________________ ______________________________
5. Do bees make honey? _____________________________ ______________________________
6. Does your sister like dancing? _____________________________ ______________________________
7. Does she play with toys? _____________________________ ______________________________
8. Do frogs jump? _____________________________ ______________________________
9. Does he read a lot? _____________________________ ______________________________
10. Does she eat ice cream? _____________________________ ______________________________
E j e r c i c i o 1 . - d o , d o , d o e s n t , d o e s , d o e s , d o n t , d o , d o e s , d o , d o e s n t , d o n t , d o , d o e s n t . E j e r c i c i o 2 . - y e s , h e d o e s n o , h e d o e s n t . Y e s , s h e
d o e s - n o , s h e d o e s n t . Y e s , s h e d o e s - n o s h e d o e s n t . Y e s , h e d o e s - n o h e d o e s n t . Y e s , t h e y d o - n o t h e y d o n t . Y e s , s h e d o e s - n o s h e d o e s n t . Y e s
s h e d o e s - n o , s h e d o e s n t . Y e s , t h e y d o - n o , t h e y d o n t . Y e s , h e d o e s - n o h e d o e s n t . Y e s , s h e d o e s - n o s h e d o e s n t .

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