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I.- Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be ( am, are or is):
1.- _____ Mariana a nurse?
2.- Miguel and his sister _____ are teachers.
3.- Ben _____ twenty years old.
4.- My mum _____ an actress. She is a vet.
5.- Mexico City _____ a beautiful place.
6.- ____ They from China?
7.- I _____ a psychology. I am a dentist.
8.- Henry is not here. He ____ outside.
9.- My wife _____ happy.
10.- Their houses _____ big.
II. Complete the following dialog.
Tom: Hello Maritza, how ____ you?
Maritza: fine, thank you.
Tom: how old ____ you?
Maritza: I ____ 14 years old.
Maritza: what about you?
Tom: I ____ 15.
Tom: ____ it your first class?
Maritza: yes, it ____.

III. Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps in the text. Do
not use short/contracted forms.
Daniel ____ from Mexico City, but Sue and Paul _____ from Bristol. Bristol and Liverpool
____ cities in England. Paul ____ a singer and Sue ____ a secretary. She ____ in the office
now. Daniel and Paul _____ friends. Daniel ____ living in Bristol. He ____ a student and
he ____ always at library.

VERB TO BE by PASTOR JIMNEZ DE LA CRUZ is licensed under a Creative Commons
Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.

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