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Sandy Soil Axial Resistance On Buried Section of a Pipeline

Last Updated Thursday, 03 June 2010 01:01

The sandy soil axial resistance on a buried section of a pipeline may be calculated using the
following equation [1, 2].


Far is the soil axial resistance including effect of backfill effect

D is the pipeline outside diameter

?r is the friction coefficient between exposed pipeline and sand


?' is the submerged unit weight of the backfill soil,

Ka is Rankin's active pressure coefficient. It is calculated using the following equation:

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Sandy Soil Axial Resistance On Buried Section of a Pipeline
Last Updated Thursday, 03 June 2010 01:01

H is the cover height to top of the pipeline,

W is the operational submerged weight of the pipeline,

?is the sand friction angle

In order to use the calculated axial resistance of the soil of the buried section of the pipe in
global buckling analysis, an equivalent friction coefficient is defined using the following equation:

The total soil resistance against upheaval buckling of the buried section of the pipeline is
calculated using the following formula [2]:


Hc is the depth from the soil surface to the center of the pipe
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Sandy Soil Axial Resistance On Buried Section of a Pipeline
Last Updated Thursday, 03 June 2010 01:01

?' is the submerged unit weight of soil

f is the uplift resistance factor, which equals to
for loose sand

D is the pipe diameter

w is the pipe unit weight


1. The Axial Resistance of Buried and Unburied Pipelines, Oliphant, J., et. al, Proceeding of
6th international offshore site investigation and geotechnics conference, 2007.
2. Soil Response for Pipeline Upheaval Buckling Analyses: Full Scale Laboratory Test and
Modelling, OTC 6486, 1990
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