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(2) 6 sy wy w 656) United States Patent Chang CHAIR ARM ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM Inventor: Feng-met Chang, Shia Yin Hsian (TW) Assignee: Chuan Lin Wang Co, Ltd., Shia Yin Hisian (TW) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the tem ofthis patent is extended of adjusted under 35 USC. 154(b) by 0 days. Appl. Nos 11/307,185 Biled: Jan, 26, 2006 Int. ¢ AMC 754 (2006.01) US.€ 297H411.36, 2971411 35 207H411.2: 299/411.1: 297/115 ration Search 297411.36, 7H411.35, 4112, 411-1, 286, 394, 115, 207/113; 248/118, 1183, Se application file for complete search history. Field of Classi References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 62003840 B1* 42001 Chen 248407 'US0071564668 (10) Patent No. (4s) Date of Patent US 7,156,466 B1 jan. 2, 2007 6336.68 BL* 1/2002 Lee 2736 639809 BL* 62002 Chen 74136 6502901 BL 12003 Hanes ALL 38 GS17158 BI* 22003 Wang doraits 8974190 BL* 122005 Hang DTAlL36 6976739 BL* 122005 Wang FALL 3S * cited by examinee Primary Examiner Peter M. Cuomo Assistant Examiner Erika Garrett (04) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —Alan D. Kamara; Nikolai & Merserea, PAL on ABSTRACT A chur arm adjustment mechanism is disclosed. The mecha- nism includes a shaped driving member, a spring biased rigger member in a vertial section ofthe driving member ‘and having finger tab, 2 lock members including, 660 bifureated ends; a positioning member fitted around a por- tion of the driving member and including a longitudinal channel, and an upper and lower shrouds, Lifing the finger tab will pivot the bifureated ends of the lock members toward each other until a joining portion thereof is stopped Releasing the finger tab will lower the rigger member, pivot the bifurcated ends away cach other ual the joining portion thereat is stopped 2 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets US 7,156,466 B1 Sheet 1 of 7 Jan. 2, 2007 U.S. Patent FIG.1 U.S. Patent Jan. 2, 2007 Sheet 2 of 7 US 7,156,466 B1 U.S. Patent Jan. 2, 2007 Sheet 3 of 7 US 7,156,466 B1 US 7,156,466 B1 Sheet 4 of 7 Jan. 2, 2007 U.S. Patent essere beeen SY ae FIG.4 US 7,156,466 B1 Sheet 5 of 7 Jan. 2, 2007 U.S. Patent FIG.5 US 7,156,466 B1 Sheet 6 of 7 Jan. 2, 2007 U.S. Patent FIG.6 US 7,156,466 B1 Sheet 7 of 7 Jan. 2, 2007 U.S. Patent SOON as ER SSS Sas aS SE ASS SS NT halt FIG.7 US 7,156,466 BI 1 (CHAIR ARM ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1, Field of Invention “The preseat invention relates to furniture members such as chait arms adapted to be manually adjusted and operated by, for example, a finger tb. 2. Related Ant ‘Mechanisms for relatively positioning telescopic mem- bers ofa piece of furniture are Well know, Such mechauism js designed to enable a penon to adjust @ postion of one member ofthe piece of furniture (eg, ebair am) relative to ‘another member thereof and position same in order (0 fit

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