Using Comparisons and Technology

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Sample Lesson Plan with Technology

Comparing and contrasting

by Beln Vecchi and Lea Pintimalle
Class (name, type o st!dent"# Intermediate level (16 year-olds)
$!ration# 2 periods.
%aterials# Technology component downloaded from/accessed in class at:
&ther materials# a comp!ter room" comp!ters" Internet access" microphones and spea#ers.
)e+iew o pre+io!s lesson# Theory on $omparatives and %!perlatives. $ompare and contrasting
people" o&'ects and places.
&b,ecti+es o this lesson#
To achieve fl!ency"
to practice pron!nciation and intonation patterns"
to !se lang!age of comparison (( is &etter than )" * is the &est" etc.)"
to select evidence that s!pports their arg!ments"
to !se disco!rse mar#ers (In my opinion" etc.)"
to integrate technology in the classroom to enhance the learning e+perience"
to !se lang!age in meaningf!l conte+ts.
,resentation" incl!ding #ey voca&!lary.
T will review the theory of comparisons on the &oard. %he will elicit some e+amples from
st!dents so as to ma#e s!re they have !nderstood the topic.
T will e+plain the pro'ect: %t!dents will &e gro!ped in pairs and will decide on two items to &e
compared. T will as# st!dents to do some research on those items at home and to !se this
evidence to s!pport their choice. %t!dents will &e as#ed to create a comparison &ased on the
following str!ct!re:
- ,resentation of the items and &rief description.
- %imilarities and -ifferences.
- $oncl!sion and personal opinion.
.2/1/" -e&orah 0ealey
1merican 2nglish Instit!te/-epartment of 3ing!istics" 4niversity of 5regon
%ample lesson plan 2
%ts will have to !se to create their presentation. 6or this p!rpose" T will go over
the steps on how to !se the online reso!rce.
%ts will create the presentation &ased on their previo!s research" incl!ding their voice" pict!res
and the lang!age !sed for comparisons. They will share they wor# on a wall on ,adlet" which
will &e previo!sly created &y the teacher.
Learning styles addressed#
Visual students will &e a&le to see differences in the different things compared and they will
contri&!te with their o&servations.
Auditory students will feel more comforta&le in the spea#ing activity and they can help in the
recognition of mista#es when hearing to the recording to chec# the final version.
Technology alternati+e (in case things don.t wor/ as planned"#
In case there was no Internet connection and st!dents co!ld not record their voices online" T will
record st!dents !sing her mo&ile phone/i,od or she can even !se 1!dacity (comp!ter program)
to record themselves.
1t home" st!dents will create their presentation (vis!al part) in 7ovie 7a#er" !ploading the
recording and incl!ding pict!res.
)e+iew beore the end o the class session#
%t!dents will send T the presentation for her to listen to their prod!ctions" send feed&ac# and
correct some possi&le mista#es.
%t!dents will !pload the final presentation on ,adlet adding their names and a &rief description
so as the rest of the class can see it.
T will correct st!dents8 presentations and give face-to-face feed&ac#.

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