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I.- Put in plural of each noun.

II.- Choose the correct option and complete the following sentences.
1.- My computer is on my __________.
A) desk B) desks
2.- There is a ______ of coke in the fridge.
A) bottle B)bottles
3.- Are there five ________ on the table?
A) Glass B) Glasses
4.- Your wife has green ________.
A) Eyes B) Eye
5.- in my hometown there are a lot of _______.
A) Threes B) Trees
6.- I have two ________ in my hand.
A) Potatos B) Potatoes

7.- Sonia has four _________.
A) Children B) Childrens
8.- Omar has two __________ in his fruit salad.
A) Cherry B) Cherries
9.- The cat caught three _________.
A) Mouses B) Mice
10.- My neighbor has two_______.
A) Wives B) Wifes
11.- Our _______ has a smart TV.
A) Classroom B) Classrooms
12.- My nephew bought a new ______.
A) Cars B) Cars
13.- She has got long _________.
A) Hair B) Hair
14.- Susan has five ________ in her kitchen.
A) Knives B) Knifes
15.- When you play the guitar you use your _______.
A) finger B) Fingers

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