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Calculating speed, time, distance Name ______________________________

and acceleration
Speed =
Time =
Distance = Speed Time
Change in Velocity
Acceleration =
Change in Velocity = inal !elocity " Starting Velocity
Directions: #se the equation a$o!e to ans%er the &ollo%ing questions' Sho% your %or( and
include the units'
)' A &oot$all &ield is a$out )** m long' +& it ta(es a person ,* seconds to run its length, ho%
&ast -%hat speed. %ere they running/
,' The pitcher0s mound in $ase$all is 12 m &rom the plate' +t ta(es 3 seconds &or a pitch to
reach the plate' 4o% &ast is the pitch/
5' +& you dri!e at )** (m6hr &or 7 hours, ho% &ar %ill you go/
3' +& you run a t ), m6s &or )2 minutes, ho% &ar %ill you go/
2' E!ery summer + dri!e to 8ichigan' +t is 59** (m to get there' +& + a!erage )** (m6hr, ho%
much time %ill + spend dri!ing/
7' A $ullet tra!els at 12* m6s' 4o% long %ill it ta(e a $ullet to go ) (m/
:' E!ery %inter + &ly home to 8ichigan' +t ta(es 2 hours' ;hat is my a!erage speed/
1' The &astest train in the %orld mo!es at 2** (m6hr' 4o% &ar %ill it go in 5 hours/
9' 4o% long %ill it ta(e light mo!ing at 5**,*** (m6s to reach us &rom the sun/ The sun is
)2,***,*** (m &rom earth'
)*'+t is ,),*** (ilometers around the earth and the earth rotates in ,3 hrs' 4o% &ast is it
))' A car goes &rom * to )** (m6hr in )* seconds' ;hat is its acceleration/
),' A $us slams on its $rea(s and goes &rom 5* (m6hr to )2 (m6hr in 3 seconds' ;hat is its
<art ++ =raphing
Directions: #sing the data in the &ollo%ing ta$le, construct a graph o& distance !s' time' Then
ans%er the questions a$out that graph'
)5'Does this graph represent constant or changing speed/ 4o% do
you (no%/
)3' ind the slope o& the line and &ind the a!erage speed'
Directions: #sing the data in the &ollo%ing ta$le, construct a graph o& distance !s' time' Then
ans%er the questions a$out that graph'
)2'Does this graph represent constant or changing speed/ 4o% do
you (no%/
)7';hich section o& the graph represents the highest speed
Distance -m. Time -sec.
)* ,*
,* 3*
52 :*
72 )5*
12 ):*
)** ,**
Distance -m. Time -sec.
)2 ,*
,2 2*
3* 72
:* )5*
9* )12
)** ,**
=raph +
=raph ++

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