فايل الگوی خلاصه مقاله کنگره

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Manuscript Title (Times New Roman, Bold, Font Size 13, and Title-Case Letters)

First author,
,* Second Author,
Third author
(Times New Roman, Bold, Font Size 10). Use asterisk for
corresponding author and use underline for the presenting author.
Address for the first author including email address of the corresponding author
Address for the second author including email address of the presenting author
Address for the third author (if applicable)
Background: Please include objective and motivation of the work is being presented. Also,
include history and literature review in this section. To cite the references in the text, use
consecutive numbers in square bracket (e.g., [1])
Methods: Please include specific experimental setup and the procedure of the work done. Please
note to not include the name of the instruments and the reagents.
Results: The obtained results must be given in this section.
Conclusion: Please include the highlights of the works and concluding remarks in this section.
Keywords: Please include 4-6 keywords, separated by semicolon (e.g., Keyword1; Keyword2; ).
[1] Safavi A., Author 2, and last Author, Title of Journal, year, vol, start page- last page.
[1] Safavi A., Author 2, and last Author, Title of Book, publisher, year.

Attention please: Use the format (Times New Roman, regular, Font Size 12) for the main text).
And for the section title use (Times New Roman, bold, Font Size 12).
The number of words in the main text must be between 200 and 400.
Please save the abstract files as word document (.doc or .docx) and pdf using the files name
format of Family name of the corresponding author_First name of the corresponding author_1,
e.g., Karimi_Ali_1). If a corresponding author would like to submit more than one abstract,
replace 1 by 2, 3

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