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SX-F 250

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SX-F 250
Engi ne and transmi ssi on
Di spl acement: 249.91 ccm (15.25 c!ic inc"es#
Engi ne t$pe: Single c$linder% &or-stro'e
(ore ) Stro'e: *+.0 ) 52., mm (,.1 ) 2.1 inc"es#
-gni ti on:
.!ri cati on s$stem: Forced oil l!rication /it" 2 Eaton pmps
0ool i ng s$stem: .i1id
2ear!o): 5-speed
3ransmi ssi on t$pe% &i nal dri 4e: 0"ain
0l tc": 5et mlti-disc cltc" 6 "$dralicall$ operated
Dri 4el i ne: 1,:4+. Primar$ dri4e: 22:7+.
0"assi s% sspensi on% !ra'es and /"eel s
Frame t$pe:
8a'e (&or' angl e#: 27.59
Front Sspensi on:
Front sspensi on tra4el : ,00 mm (11.+ inc"es#
8ear sspensi on:
8ear sspensi on tra4el : ,1* mm (12.5 inc"es#
Front !ra'es: Single disc. (ra'e calipers on &loating !earings
Front !ra'es di ameter: 270 mm (10.2 inc"es#
8ear !ra'es: Single disc. (ra'e calipers on &loating !earings
8ear !ra'es di ameter: 220 mm (+.* inc"es#
P"$si cal measres and capaci ti es
Dr$ /ei g"t: 102.+ 'g (227.7 ponds#
Seat "ei g"t: 992 mm (,9.1 inc"es# -& ad:sta!le% lo/est setting.
2rond cl earance: ,*7 mm (14.+ inc"es#
5"eel !ase: 1%495 mm (5+.9 inc"es#
Fel capaci t$: *.50 litres (1.9+ gallons#
0ontactless% controlled% &ll$ electronic ignition s$stem /it"
digital ignition timing ad:stment
0entral t!e &rame made o& c"rome mol$!denm steel
5P Sspension ;p Side Do/n 4+70 <X<= 00
5P Sspension 501+ (=>P D00

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