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Engi ne and transmi ssi on
Di spl acement: 249.00 ccm (15.19 cuic inc!es"
Engi ne t#pe: $ingle c#linder% t&o'stro(e
)ore * $tro(e: ++.4 * ,2.0 mm (2.+ * 2.- inc!es"
Igni ti on:
.uri cati on s#stem: /i*ture oil lurication
0ool i ng s#stem: .i1uid
2earo*: +'speed
3ransmi ssi on t#pe% 4i nal dri 5e: 0!ain
0l utc!: 6et multi'disc clutc! 0$$ 7 Formula 8#drauli(
Dri 5el i ne:
0!assi s% suspensi on% ra(es and &!eel s
Frame t#pe:
Ra(e (4or( angl e": 29.0:
Front suspensi on:
Front suspensi on tra5el : 250 mm (9.- inc!es"
Rear suspensi on:
Rear suspensi on tra5el : 2-0 mm (11.0 inc!es"
Front ra(es: $ingle disc. Four'piston calipers. Radiall# mounted.
Front ra(es di ameter: 2+0 mm (10.2 inc!es"
Rear ra(es: $ingle disc. 3&o'piston calipers. Radiall# mounted.
Rear ra(es di ameter: 210 mm (-.9 inc!es"
P!#si cal measures and capaci ti es
Dr# &ei g!t: 92.5 (g (209.9 pounds"
$eat !ei g!t: 915 mm (9+.0 inc!es" I4 ad;ustale% lo&est setting.
2round cl earance: 9-0 mm (15.0 inc!es"
6!eel ase: 1%41- mm (55.- inc!es"
Fuel capaci t#: ,.00 litres (1.-5 gallons"
0ontactless% controlled% 4ull# electronic ignition s#stem
&it! digital ignition timing ad;ustment% t#pe <o(usan
57- * 174 = Ring
Perimeter steel'aluminium composite 4rame.
$u4rame: 1'c#linder 2'stro(e engine.
6P $uspension495, /=/>
6P $uspension 4+1- PD$ D00

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