Freeride 350

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Engi ne and transmi ssi on
Di spl acement: 349.70 ccm (1.34 c!"ic inc#es$
Engi ne t%pe: &ingle c%linder' (o!r)stro*e
+ore , &tro*e: --.0 , 57.5 mm (3.5 , .3 inc#es$
Igni ti on:
.!"ri cati on s%stem: Forced oil l!"rication /it# Eaton p!mps
0ool i ng s%stem: .i1!id
2ear"o,: 3)speed
4ransmi ssi on t%pe' (i nal dri 5e: 0#ain
0l !tc#: 6et m!lti)disc cl!tc# 7 #%dra!licall% operated
Dri 5el i ne:
0#assi s' s!spensi on' "ra*es and /#eel s
Frame t%pe: Perimeter steel)al!mini!m composite (rame
Ra*e ((or* angl e$: 3.08
Front &!spensi on:
Front s!spensi on tra5el : 50 mm (9.- inc#es$
Rear s!spensi on:
Rear s!spensi on tra5el : -0 mm (11.0 inc#es$
Front "ra*es: &ingle disc. Fo!r)piston calipers. Radiall% mo!nted.
Front "ra*es di ameter: 30 mm (10. inc#es$
Rear "ra*es: &ingle disc. 4/o)piston calipers. Radiall% mo!nted.
Rear "ra*es di ameter: 10 mm (-.3 inc#es$
P#%si cal meas!res and capaci ti es
Dr% /ei g#t: 99.5 *g (19.4 po!nds$
&eat #ei g#t: -95 mm (35. inc#es$ I( ad9!sta"le' lo/est setting.
2ro!nd cl earance: 35 mm (1.- inc#es$
6#eel "ase: 1'4- mm (53. inc#es$
F!el capaci t%: 5.50 litres (1.45 gallons$
0ontactless' controlled' (!ll% electronic ignition s%stem
/it# digital ignition timing ad9!stment
57- , 174 : Ring. Primar% dri5e: 4:73.
6P &!spension 4357 ;:;<
6P &!spension 431- PD& D00

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