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Date: 21-06-2014
To Whom It May Concern
This is to certify that Mr .VIKRAM SHARMA, S/o Shri. RAJEEV
SHARMA has worked with our organization as ASSISTANT fro 21

January, 21! to 21
June o" 21#.
During his a!o"e tenure he worked as a Sing#e $indow %&erator and is
res&onsi!#e for acce&ting recei&ts' aking &ayents' (ccount o&ening'
issuing Deand Drafts and a#so other !anking re#ated ser"ices to
$e found hi to !e regu#ar' honest and di#igent in his duties and
res&onsi!i#ities and wish him every success in life.
San)ay *uar
S,- .Sadar ,azar/' De#hi

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