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GSM Association Non-confidential

Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS

V7. Pa!e " of #2

IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
Version 7.0
03 March 2013
This is a Non-binding Permanent Reference Document of the GSMA
Security Classification: Non-confidential
Access to and distri$ution of t%is document is restricted to t%e &ersons &ermitted $' t%e securit' classification. (%is document is confidential to t%e
Association and is su$)ect to co&'ri!%t &rotection. (%is document is to $e used onl' for t%e &ur&oses for *%ic% it %as $een su&&lied and
information contained in it must not $e disclosed or in an' ot%er *a' made a+aila$le, in *%ole or in &art, to &ersons ot%er t%an t%ose &ermitted
under t%e securit' classification *it%out t%e &rior *ritten a&&ro+al of t%e Association.
Coyri!ht Notice
-o&'ri!%t . 2"# GSM Association
(%e GSM Association /0Association12 ma3es no re&resentation, *arrant' or underta3in! /e4&ress or im&lied2 *it% res&ect to and does not acce&t
an' res&onsi$ilit' for, and %ere$' disclaims lia$ilit' for t%e accurac' or com&leteness or timeliness of t%e information contained in t%is document.
(%e information contained in t%is document ma' $e su$)ect to c%an!e *it%out &rior notice.
$ntitrust Notice
(%e information contain %erein is in full com&liance *it% t%e GSM Association5s antitrust com&liance &olic'.

GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 2 of #2
%a&le of Contents
1 'eneral Introduction (
"." (%e IMS Profile for Voice and SMS 6
".2 Relations%i& to e4istin! standards 7
".2." #GPP s&ecifications 7
".# Sco&e 7
".6 Definition of (erms 7
".7 Document -ross-References 7
2 IMS )eature Set 10
2." General "
2.2 Su&&ort of !eneric IMS functions "
2.2." SIP Re!istration Procedures "
2.2.2 Aut%entication ""
2.2.# Addressin! "2
2.2.6 -all 8sta$lis%ment and (ermination "#
2.2.7 9or3in! "#
2.2.: (racin! of Si!nallin! "#
2.2.7 (%e use of Si!nallin! -om&ression "#
2.2.; 8arl' media and announcements "#
2.# Su&&lementar' Ser+ices "6
2.#." Su&&lementar' Ser+ices O+er+ie* "6
2.#.2 Su&&lementar' Ser+ice -onfi!uration "6
2.#.# Ad-<oc Multi Part' -onference "7
2.#.6 -ommunication =aitin! ":
2.#.7 Messa!e =aitin! Indication ":
2.#.: Ori!inatin! Identification Restriction ":
2.#.7 (erminatin! Identification Restriction ":
2.#.; -ommunication Di+ersion ":
2.#.9 -ommunication >arrin! "7
2.6 -all Set-u& -onsiderations "7
2.6." SIP Precondition -onsiderations "7
2.6.2 Inte!ration of resource mana!ement and SIP "7
2.6.# Voice Media -onsiderations ";
2.6.6 Multimedia -onsiderations "9
2.7 SMS o+er IP "9
3 IMS Media 1*
#." General "9
#.2 Voice Media 2
#.2." -odecs 2
#.2.2 R(P Profile and SDP -onsiderations 2"
#.2.# Data (rans&ort 2"
#.2.6 R(-P ?sa!e 2"
#.2.7 AMR Pa'load 9ormat -onsiderations 22
#.2.: @itter >uffer Mana!ement -onsiderations 2#
#.2.7 9ront 8nd <andlin! 2#
#.# D(M9 8+ents 2#
( +adio and Pac,et Core )eature Set 23
6. General 2#
6." Ro$ust <eader -om&ression 2#
6.2 A(8 Radio -a&a$ilities 26
6.2." Radio >earers 26
6.2.2 DRB Mode of O&eration 26
6.2.# RA- confi!urations 26
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e # of #2
6.2.6 G>R and NG>R Ser+ices, G>R Monitorin! 9unction 26
6.# >earer Mana!ement 27
6.#." 8PS >earer -onsiderations for SIP Si!nallin! and B-AP 27
6.#.2 8PS >earer -onsiderations for Voice 27
6.6 P--S-9 Disco+er' 2:
- Co##on )unctionalities 2.
7." IP Version 2:
7.2 8mer!enc' Ser+ice 2:
7.2." General 2:
7.# Roamin! -onsiderations 27
$nne/ $ Co#le#entin! IMS 0ith CS 21
A." General 2;
A.2 Domain Selection 2;
A.# SR-V-- 2;
A.6 IMS Voice ser+ice settin!s mana!ement *%en usin! -S access 2;
A.7 8mer!enc' Ser+ice 29
A.: Roamin! -onsiderations #
A.7 SMS Su&&ort #
$nne/ 2 )eatures Needed In Certain Mar,ets 31
>." General #"
>.2 Glo$al (e4t (ele&%on' #"
>.# Ser+ice S&ecific Access -ontrol #"
"ocu#ent Mana!e#ent 32
Document <istor' #2
Ot%er Information #2

GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 6 of #2
1 'eneral Introduction
1.1 %he IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
(%e IP Multimedia Su$s'stem /IMS2 Profile for Voice and SMS, documented in t%is
Permanent Reference Document /PRD2, defines a &rofile t%at identifies a minimum
mandator' set of features *%ic% are defined in #GPP s&ecifications t%at a *ireless de+ice
/t%e ?ser 8Cui&ment /?822 and net*or3 are reCuired to im&lement in order to !uarantee an
intero&era$le, %i!% Cualit' IMS-$ased tele&%on' ser+ice o+er Aon! (erm 8+olution /A(82
radio access. (%e sco&e includes t%e follo*in! as&ectsD
IMS $asic ca&a$ilities and su&&lementar' ser+ices for tele&%on' E-%a&ter 2F
Real-time media ne!otiation, trans&ort, and codecs E-%a&ter #F
A(8 radio and e+ol+ed &ac3et core ca&a$ilities E-%a&ter 6F
9unctionalit' t%at is rele+ant across t%e &rotocol stac3 and su$s'stems E-%a&ter 7F.
(%e ?8 and net*or3 &rotocol stac3s formin! t%e sco&e of t%e IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
are de&icted in fi!ure "." $elo*D

)i!ure 1.1: "eiction of 34 and Net0or, Protocol Stac,s in IMS Profile for Voice
(%e main $od' of t%is PRD is a&&lica$le for a scenario *%ere IMS tele&%on' is de&lo'ed
o+er A(8 in a standalone fas%ion *it%out rel'in! on an' le!ac' infrastructure, &ac3et or
circuit s*itc%ed. In order to $e com&liant *it% IMS Profile for Voice and SMS, t%e ?8s and
net*or3s must $e com&liant *it% all of t%e normati+e statements in t%e main $od'.
Anne4 A defines t%e &rofile for an alternati+e a&&roac% *%ere IMS tele&%on' is de&lo'ed
*it% a certain de!ree of reliance on an e4istin! #GPP circuit s*itc%ed net*or3 infrastructure.
=%ene+er t%ere are additional reCuirements to t%e main &rofile, t%ese are e4&licitl' stated. In
order to $e com&liant *it% t%e functionalit' descri$ed in Anne4 A, t%e ?8s and net*or3s
must $e com&liant *it% all of t%e normati+e statements in Anne4 A as *ell as to all of t%e
normati+e statements in t%e main $od' of t%e PRD t%at are unaltered $' Anne4 A.
>earersGHoS Ro<-
*it% VoIP o&timiIations
Mo$ile de+ice Radio J access net*or3
Ser+ers /IMS2
>earersGHoS Ro<-
*it% VoIP o&timiIations
>earersGHoS Ro<-
*it% VoIP o&timiIations
Mo$ile de+ice Radio J access net*or3
Ser+ers /IMS2
>earersGHoS Ro<-
*it% VoIP o&timiIations
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 7 of #2
1.2 +elationshi to e/istin! standards
1.2.1 3'PP secifications
(%is &rofile is solel' $ased on t%e o&en and &u$lis%ed #GPP s&ecifications as listed in t%e
Section ".7. #GPP Release ;, t%e first release su&&ortin! A(8, is ta3en as a $asis. It s%ould
$e noted, %o*e+er t%at not all t%e features mandator' in #GPP Release ; are reCuired for
com&liance *it% t%is &rofile.
-on+ersel', some features reCuired for com&liance *it% t%is &rofile are $ased on
functionalit' defined in #GPP Release 9 or %i!%er releases.
All suc% e4ce&tions are e4&licitl' mentioned in t%e follo*in! sections alon! *it% t%e rele+ant
Release ; or %i!%er #GPP release s&ecifications, res&ecti+el'.
?nless ot%er*ise stated, t%e latest +ersion of t%e referenced s&ecifications for t%e rele+ant
#GPP release a&&lies.
1.3 Scoe
(%is document defines a +oice o+er IMS &rofile $' listin! a num$er of 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal
(errestrial Radio Access Net*or3 /8-?(RAN2, 8+ol+ed Pac3et -ore, IMS core, and ?8
features *%ic% are considered essential to launc% intero&era$le IMS $ased +oice. (%e
defined &rofile is com&liant *it% #GPP s&ecifications. (%e sco&e of t%is +ersion of t%e &rofile
is t%e interface $et*een ?8 and net*or3.
Note: Alt%ou!%, t%is +ersion of t%e s&ecification focuses on 8-?(RAN, t%e defined
IMS functionalities ma' $e a&&lied to ot%er IP -onnecti+it' Accesses.
(%e &rofile does not limit an'$od', $' an' means, to de&lo' ot%er standardiIed features or
o&tional features, in addition to t%e defined &rofile.
1.( "efinition of %er#s
%er# "escrition
#GPP #rd Generation Partners%i& Pro)ect
AM Ac3no*led!ed Mode
AMR Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate
AMR-=> Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate =ide$and
APN Access Point Name
AVP Audio Video Profile
AVP9 AVP 9eed$ac3 Profile
-> -ommunication >arrin!
-DIV -ommunication Di+ersion
-DIVN -DIV Notification
-9NA -ommunication 9or*ardin! on Not Ao!!ed-in
-9NRc -ommunication 9or*ardin! on Not Reac%a$le
-N -ore Net*or3
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e : of #2
%er# "escrition
-S -ircuit S*itc%ed
-S9> -S 9all$ac3
-= -ommunication =aitin!
DR> Data Radio >earer
DRB Discontinuous Rece&tion
D(B Discontinuous (ransmission
eN> eNode>
8PS 8+ol+ed Pac3et S'stem
8-?(RAN 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access Net*or3
9DD 9reCuenc'-Di+ision Du&le4in!
G>R Guaranteed >it Rate
GR?? Glo$all' Routa$le ?ser a!ent ?RI
GSM Glo$al S'stem for Mo$ile communications
I-S IMS -entraliIed Ser+ices
I-SI IMS -ommunication Ser+ice Identifier
IM IP Multimedia
IMP? IP Multimedia Pu$lic Identit'
IMS IP Multimedia Su$s'stem
IMS-ALA IMS Aut%entication and Le' A!reement
IMSI International Mo$ile Su$scri$er Identit'
IP Internet Protocol
IP+6 Internet Protocol Version 6
IP+: Internet Protocol Version :
ISIM IM Ser+ices Identit' Module
A(8 Aon! (erm 8+olution
MM(el Multimedia (ele&%on'
MO Mana!ed O$)ect
MS Mo$ile Station
MS-ISDN Mo$ile Su$scri$er ISDN Num$er
M=I Messa!e =aitin! Indication
NG>R Non Guaranteed >it Rate
P-- Polic' and -%ar!in! -ontrol
P-R9 Polic' and -%ar!in! Rules 9unction
P--S-9 Pro4' - -all Session -ontrol 9unction
PDN Pac3et Data Net*or3
PS Pac3et S*itc%ed
H-I Hualit' of Ser+ice -lass Indicator
RA( Radio Access (ec%nolo!'
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Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 7 of #2
%er# "escrition
RA- Radio Ain3 -ontrol
Ro<- Ro$ust <eader -om&ression
R(-P R(P -ontrol Protocol
R(P Real (ime Protocol
S-- AS Ser+ice -entraliIation and -ontinuit' A&&lication Ser+er
SDP Session Descri&tion Protocol
Si!-om& Si!nallin! -om&ression
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SR> Si!nallin! Radio >earer
SR-V-- Sin!le Radio Voice -all -ontinuit'
(AS (ele&%on' A&&lication Ser+er
(DD (ime-Di+ision Du&le4in!
(9O (andem-9ree O&eration
(r9O (ranscoder-9ree O&eration
?DP ?ser Data!ram Protocol
?8 ?ser 8Cui&ment
?I-- ?ni+ersal Inte!rated -ircuit -ard
?M ?nac3no*led!ed Mode
?RI ?niform Resource Identifier
VoIP Voice O+er IP
B-AP BMA -onfi!uration Access Protocol
BMA eBtensi$le Mar3u& Aan!ua!e
1.- "ocu#ent Cross-+eferences
+ef "oc Nu#&er %itle
E"F #GPP (S 22."" Ser+ice Accessi$ilit'
E2F #GPP (S 2#.# Num$erin!, addressin! and identification
E#F #GPP (S 2#.":7 IP Multimedia Su$s'stem /IMS2 emer!enc' sessions
E6F #GPP (S 2#.2# Polic' and c%ar!in! control arc%itecture
E7F #GPP (S 2#.2": Sin!le Radio Voice -all -ontinuit' /SRV--2M Sta!e 2
E:F #GPP (S 2#.22" Arc%itectural reCuirements
E7F #GPP (S 2#.22; IP Multimedia Su$s'stem /IMS2M Sta!e 2
E;F #GPP (S 2#.2#7 IP Multimedia Su$s'stem /IMS2 Ser+ice -ontinuit'M Sta!e 2
E9F #GPP (S 2#.272 -ircuit S*itc%ed /-S2 fall$ac3 in 8+ol+ed Pac3et S'stem /8PS2M Sta!e
E"F #GPP (S 2#.6" General Pac3et Radio Ser+ice /GPRS2 en%ancements for 8+ol+ed
?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access Net*or3 /8-?(RAN2 access
E""F #GPP (S 26.; Mo$ile radio interface la'er # s&ecificationM -ore Net*or3 &rotocolsM
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e ; of #2
+ef "oc Nu#&er %itle
Sta!e #
E"2F #GPP (S 26."9 >ootstra&&in! interface /?$2 and net*or3 a&&lication function interface
/?a2M Protocol details
E"#F #GPP (S 26."67 -onferencin! usin! t%e IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3 /-N2
su$s'stemM Sta!e #
E"6F #GPP (S 26."7# IMS Multimedia tele&%on' ser+ice and su&&lementar' ser+icesM Sta!e
E"7F #GPP (S 26.229 IP multimedia call control &rotocol $ased on Session Initiation Protocol
/SIP2 and Session Descri&tion Protocol /SDP2M Sta!e #
E":F #GPP (S 26.2#7 IP Multimedia Su$s'stem /IMS2 Ser+ice -ontinuit'M Sta!e #
E"7F #GPP (S 26.#" Non-Access-Stratum /NAS2 &rotocol for 8+ol+ed Pac3et S'stem /8PS2M
Sta!e #
E";F #GPP (S 26.#7 Selecti+e Disa$lin! of #GPP ?ser 8Cui&ment -a&a$ilities /SDo?82
Mana!ement O$)ect /MO2
E"9F #GPP (S 26.#6" Su&&ort of SMS o+er IP net*or3sM Sta!e #
E2F #GPP (S 26.:6 -ommunication Di+ersion /-DIV2 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2-ore
Net*or3 /-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E2"F #GPP (S 26.:7 -onference /-ON92 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3 /-N2
su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E22F #GPP (S 26.:: Messa!e =aitin! Indication /M=I 2usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore
Net*or3 /-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E2#F #GPP (S 26.:7 Ori!inatin! Identification Presentation /OIP2 and Ori!inatin!
Identification Restriction /OIR2 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3
/-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E26F #GPP (S 26.:; (erminatin! Identification Presentation /(IP2 and (erminatin!
Identification Restriction /(IR2 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3
/-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E27F #GPP (S 26.:" -ommunication <OAD /<OAD2 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3
/-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E2:F #GPP (S 26.:"" Anon'mous -ommunication Re)ection /A-R2 and -ommunication
>arrin! /->2 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3 /-N2 su$s'stemM
Protocol s&ecification
E27F #GPP (S 26.:"7 -ommunication =aitin! /-=2 usin! IP Multimedia /IM2 -ore Net*or3
/-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol S&ecification
E2;F #GPP (S 26.:2# 84tensi$le Mar3u& Aan!ua!e /BMA2 -onfi!uration Access Protocol
/B-AP2 o+er t%e ?t interface for Mani&ulatin! Simulation Ser+ices
E29F #GPP (S 2:.7" Mandator' s&eec% -OD8- s&eec% &rocessin! functionsM AMR s&eec%
-odecM General descri&tion
E#F #GPP (S 2:.7# ANSI - code for t%e Ada&ti+e Multi Rate /AMR2 s&eec% codec
E#"F #GPP (S 2:.9 Mandator' S&eec% -odec s&eec% &rocessin! functionsM Ada&ti+e
Multi-Rate /AMR2 s&eec% codecM (ranscodin! functions
E#2F #GPP (S 2:.9# Mandator' s&eec% codec s&eec% &rocessin! functions Ada&ti+e Multi-
Rate /AMR2 s&eec% codecM Source controlled rate o&eration
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 9 of #2
+ef "oc Nu#&er %itle
E##F #GPP (S 2:."# S&eec% codec list for GSM and ?M(S
E#6F #GPP (S 2:."6 ANSI-- code for t%e floatin!-&oint Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate /AMR2 s&eec%
E#7F #GPP (S 2:.""6 IP Multimedia Su$s'stem /IMS2M Multimedia tele&%on'M Media %andlin!
and interaction
E#:F #GPP (S 2:."#" (erminal acoustic c%aracteristics for tele&%on'M ReCuirements
E#7F #GPP (S 2:."#2 S&eec% and +ideo tele&%on' terminal acoustic test s&ecification
E#;F #GPP (S 2:."7" S&eec% codec s&eec% &rocessin! functionsM Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate -
=ide$and /AMR-=>2 s&eec% codecM General descri&tion
E#9F #GPP (S 2:."7# ANSI-- code for t%e Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate - =ide$and /AMR-=>2
s&eec% codec
E6F #GPP (S 2:."9 S&eec% codec s&eec% &rocessin! functionsM Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate -
=ide$and /AMR-=>2 s&eec% codecM (ranscodin! functions
E6"F #GPP (S 2:."9# S&eec% codec s&eec% &rocessin! functionsM Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate -
=ide$and /AMR-=>2 s&eec% codecM Source controlled rate o&eration
E62F #GPP (S 2:.26 S&eec% codec s&eec% &rocessin! functionsM Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate -
=ide$and /AMR-=>2 s&eec% codecM ANSI-- code
E6#F #GPP (S 27.7 A( command set for ?ser 8Cui&ment /?82
E66F #GPP (S #"."# -%aracteristics of t%e IP Multimedia Ser+ices Identit' Module /ISIM2
E67F #GPP (S ##.2# #G securit'M Access securit' for IP-$ased ser+ices
E6:F #GPP (S ##.222 Generic Aut%entication Arc%itecture /GAA2M Access to net*or3
a&&lication functions usin! <'&erte4t (ransfer Protocol o+er (rans&ort
Aa'er Securit' /<((PS2
E67F #GPP (S #:."" 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2M ?ser
8Cui&ment /?82 radio transmission and rece&tion
E6;F #GPP (S #:."6 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2M >ase Station
/>S2 radio transmission and rece&tion
E69F #GPP (S #:.# 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2 and 8+ol+ed
?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access Net*or3 /8-?(RAN2M O+erall
descri&tionM Sta!e 2
E7F #GPP (S #:.#2" 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2M Medium Access
-ontrol /MA-2 &rotocol s&ecification
E7"F #GPP (S #:.#2# 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2M Pac3et Data
-on+er!ence Protocol /PD-P2 s&ecification
E72F #GPP (S #:.##" 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2MRadio Resource
-ontrol /RR-2M Protocol s&ecification
E7#F I8(9 R9- 7:; ?ser Data!ram Protocol
E76F I8(9 R9- #97 RO$ust <eader -om&ression /RO<-2D 9rame*or3 and four &rofilesD
R(P, ?DP, 8SP, and uncom&ressed
E77F I8(9 R9- #2:" SIPD Session Initiation Protocol
E7:F I8(9 R9- #77 R(PD A (rans&ort Protocol for Real-(ime A&&lications
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Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e " of #2
+ef "oc Nu#&er %itle
E77F I8(9 R9- #77" R(P Profile for Audio and Video -onferences *it% Minimal -ontrol
E7;F I8(9 R9- #77: Session Descri&tion Protocol /SDP2 >and*idt% Modifiers for R(P
-ontrol Protocol /R(-P2 >and*idt%
E79F I8(9 R9- #:; A Session Initiation Protocol /SIP2 8+ent Pac3a!e for Re!istrations
E:F I8(9 R9- #;62 A Messa!e Summar' and Messa!e =aitin! Indication 8+ent Pac3a!e
for t%e Session Initiation Protocol /SIP2
E:"F I8(9 R9- 6777 A Session Initiation Protocol /SIP2 8+ent Pac3a!e for -onference State
E:2F I8(9 R9- 6;"7 RO$ust <eader -om&ression /RO<-2D -orrections and -larifications
to R9- #97
E:#F I8(9 R9- 6;:7 R(P Pa'load 9ormat and 9ile Stora!e 9ormat for t%e Ada&ti+e Multi-
Rate /AMR2 and Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate =ide$and /AMR-=>2 Audio
E:6F draft-ietf-mmusic-
SDP -a&a$ilit' Ne!otiation
E:7F GSMA PRD IR.:7 IMS Roamin! and Inter*or3in! Guidelines
E::F GSMA PRD IR.:7 DNSG8N?M Guidelines for Ser+ice Pro+iders and GRBGIPB Pro+iders
E:7F GSMA PRD IR.;; A(8 Roamin! Guidelines
E:;F #GPP (S 26.":7 #GPP IMS Mana!ement O$)ect /MO2M Sta!e #
E:9F #GPP (S #:.#22 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio Access /8-?(RA2M Radio Ain3
-ontrol /RA-2 &rotocol s&ecification
E7F I(?-(
Protocol for multimedia a&&lication te4t con+ersation
E7"F #GPP (S 26.:2; -ommon >asic -ommunication &rocedures usin! IP Multimedia /IM2
-ore Net*or3 /-N2 su$s'stemM Protocol s&ecification
E72F I8(9 R9- 69:" S'mmetric R(P G R(P -ontrol Protocol /R(-P2
2 IMS )eature Set
2.1 'eneral
(%e IMS &rofile &art lists t%e mandator' ca&a$ilities, *%ic% are reCuired o+er t%e Gm and ?t
reference &oints.
2.2 Suort of !eneric IMS functions
2.2.1 SIP +e!istration Procedures
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must follo* t%e Session Initiated Protocol /SIP2 re!istration
&rocedures defined in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F. In addition, *%en t%e conditions for &erformin!
IMS re!istration in $ullets 2, #, 6, 7 and : in section A.#.".2 of #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F e+aluate
to true, t%en t%e ?8 must re!ister *it% t%e IMS. Selecti+e Disa$lin! of #GPP ?ser 8Cui&ment
-a&a$ilities as defined in #GPP (S 26.#7 E";F is not mandated in t%is &rofile, t%erefore in
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "" of #2
t%e case *%ere #GPP (S 26.#7 E";F Mana!ed O$)ect /MO2 is not de&lo'ed, it is assumed
t%at IMS is ena$led in t%e terminal.
Note 1: ?8 re!isterin! *it% IMS in ot%er situations is &ossi$le.
(%e ?8 must include IMS -ommunication Ser+ice Identifier /I-SI2 +alue used to indicate t%e
IMS Multimedia (ele&%on' ser+ice, t%at $ein! urnDurn-7D#!&&-ser+ice.ims.icsi.mmtel &er
#GPP (S 26."7# E"6F, usin! &rocedures as defined in section 7.".".2." of #GPP (S 26.229
E"7F. If t%e ?8 su&&orts SMS o+er IP /see section 2.7 and A.72, it must include feature ta!
used to indicate SMS o+er IP ser+ice, t%at $ein! N!.#!&&.smsi& as defined in section 7.#.2.2
of #GPP (S 26.#6" E"9F.
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort net*or3-initiated de-re!istration as defined in #GPP
(S 26.229 E"7F.
(%e ?8 must su$scri$e to t%e re!istration e+ent &ac3a!e as defined in section 7.".".# of
#GPP (S 26.229 E"7F.
(%e ?8 must include an IM8I ?RN /see #GPP (S 2#.# E2F section "#.;2 in t%e
ONsi&.instanceO %eader field &arameter /Instance ID2 of t%e -ontact address.
All IMS &u$lic user identities &ro+ided in t%e im&licit re!istration set used for VoA(8 $' t%e
IMS core net*or3 must $e alias user identities and must include a (el ?RI. (%e follo*in!
&u$lic user identit' must $e assi!ned to t%e im&licit re!istration set used for VoA(8 and it
must $e used $' t%e ?8 *%en re!isterin! for VoA(8D
a2 =%en ISIM is used, t%e &u$lic user identit' in t%e first /or onl'2 record in t%e
8lementar' 9ile in t%e ISIM /see #GPP (S #"."# E66F section 6.2.62M or
$2 (%e tem&orar' &u$lic user identit' deri+ed from t%e IMSI /#GPP (S 26.229 E"7F2.
No ot%er im&licit re!istration set must $e used for VoA(8.
Note 2: Accordin! to #GPP (S 2#.22; E7F, a &u$lic user identit' is an alias of
anot%er &u$lic user identit' if $ot% identities $elon! to t%e same im&licit
re!istration set, are lin3ed to t%e same ser+ice &rofile and %a+e t%e same
ser+ice data confi!ured for eac% and e+er' ser+ice.
2.2.2 $uthentication
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must follo* t%e &rocedures defined in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F and
#GPP (S ##.2# E67F for aut%entication *it% IMS Aut%entication and Le' A!reement /IMS-
ALA2, Sec-A!ree and IPSec. Su&&ort of inte!rit' &rotection is reCuired for $ot% ?8 and
net*or3. -onfidentialit' &rotection is o&tional, considerin! t%at lo*er la'er securit' is
(%e IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e &rocedures for IM Ser+ices Identit' Module /ISIM2
$ased aut%entication. Su&&ort for ISIM $ased aut%entication in t%e ?8 is mandator'.
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must t%e su&&ort t%e &rocedures for ?SIM $ased aut%entication in
case t%ere is no ISIM &resent on t%e ?ni+ersal Inte!rated -ircuit -ard /?I--2 as defined in
#GPP (S 2#.22; E7F, Anne4 8.#." and #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F, Anne4 -.2. (%is includes
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "2 of #2
su&&ort for t%e P-Associated ?niform Resource Identifier /?RI2 %eader to %andle $arred IP
Multimedia Pu$lic Identities /IMP?s2.
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e &rocedures for aut%entication at t%e ?t reference
&oint as s&ecified in #GPP (S 26.:2# E2;F.
Note 1: It is recommended t%at t%e ?8 su&&orts t%e Generic Aut%entication
Arc%itecture &rocedures s&ecified in #GPP (S 26.:2# E2;F, #GPP (S ##.222
E6:F and #GPP (S 26."9 E"2F.
(%e ?8 must su&&ort recei+in! 244 res&onse to t%e <((P reCuest *it%out $ein! c%allen!ed
$' 6" ?naut%oriIed res&onse.
Note 2: (%e a$o+e aut%entication scenario is &ossi$le onl' if t%e APN for B-AP /see
section 6.#."2 is routed to %ome PAMN. (%e %ome net*or3 is a$le to
aut%enticate t%e ?8 *it%out c%allen!in! t%e ?8 for ?t aut%entication.
2.2.3 $ddressin!
(%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort Pu$lic ?ser Identities as defined in section "#.6
of #GPP (S 2#.#, *%ic% includes all of t%e follo*in! t'&es of addressesD
Al&%anumeric SIP-?RIs
84am&leD si&D+oicemailPe4am&
MSISDN re&resented as a SIP ?RID
84am&leD si&DN66779"2#Pe4am&le.comMuserQ&%one
MSISDN re&resented as a (el ?RID
84am&leD telDN66779"2#
Note: 9urt%er reCuirements for su&&ort of Pu$lic ?ser Identities in t%e net*or3 are
s&ecified in IR.:7 EF.
(%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e local num$ers as defined in Alternati+e 2 in
Sections 7.".2A.".# and 7.".2A.".7 in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F. (%at is, t%e ?8 must set t%e
dial strin! containin! t%e local num$er to t%e user &art of SIP ?RI in t%e ReCuest ?RI, and
set t%e OuserQ&%oneO &arameter, *it% t%e 0&%one-conte4t1 (el ?RI &arameter to t%e user
(%e ?8 must set t%e 0&%one-conte4t1 &arameter as defined in section 7.2A." in #GPP (S
26.229 E"7F. (%at is, for %ome local num$ers t%e ?8 must set t%e 0&%one-conte4t1 &arameter
to t%e %ome domain name, as it is used to address t%e SIP R8GIS(8R reCuest. (%e ?8 and
net*or3 %a+e t%e o&tion to su&&ort !eo-local num$ers. If t%e ?8 su&&orts !eo-local
num$ers, it must set t%e 0&%one-conte4t1 &arameter as *it% %ome local num$ers, $ut
&refi4ed $' t%e 0!eo-local.1 strin!, accordin! to t%e Alternati+e ; in Section 7.2A.".# in
#GPP (S 26.229 E"7F.
(%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e P--alled-Part'-ID %eader fieldM t%e net*or3
must use t%is %eader field as defined in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "# of #2
(%e su&&ort of Glo$all' Routa$le ?ser a!ent ?RIs /GR??s2 $' ?8 or net*or3 is not
2.2.( Call 4sta&lish#ent and %er#ination
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must follo* #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F for esta$lis%ment and
termination of a call.
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort relia$le &ro+isional res&onses.
(%e ?8 s%all $e a$le to acce&t an INVI(8 reCuest *it%out an SDP offer and t%e ?8 s%all
include an SDP offer *it% audio media in t%e first non-failure relia$le res&onse to an INVI(8
reCuest *it%out SDP offer.
Note: Ot%er media can $e included in t%e SDP offer in t%e first non-failure relia$le
9or t%e &ur&ose of indicatin! an IMS communication ser+ice to t%e net*or3, t%e ?8 must
use an I-SI +alue in accordance *it% #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F. (%e I-SI +alue used must
indicate t%e IMS Multimedia (ele&%on' ser+ice, *%ic% is urnDurn-7D#!&&-
ser+ice.ims.icsi.mmtel, as s&ecified in #GPP (S 26."7# E"6F.
(%e usa!e of &reconditions is discussed in Section 2.6.
2.2.- )or,in!
9or3in! in t%e net*or3 is outside t%e sco&e of t%e &resent document. <o*e+er for inter-
o&era$ilit' and for*ard-com&ati$ilit' reasons, t%e ?8 must $e read' to recei+e res&onses
!enerated due to a for3ed reCuest and $e%a+e accordin! to t%e &rocedures s&ecified in I8(9
R9- #2:" E77F, section 6.2.7.# of #GPP (S 2#.22; E7F and #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F.
9urt%ermore, t%e ?8 s%ould $e a$le to maintain at least se+en /72 &arallel earl' dialo!ues
until recei+in! t%e final res&onse on one of t%em and t%e ?8 must su&&ort recei+in! media
on one of t%ese earl' dialo!ues.
2.2.. %racin! of Si!nallin!
(%e ?8 and t%e net*or3 are not reCuired to su&&ort (racin! of Si!nallin!, as descri$ed in
#GPP (S 26.229 E"7F section 6.;, and are not reCuired to su$scri$e to t%e de$u! e+ent
&ac3a!e as descri$ed in sections 7.".".#A and 7.2.#A.
2.2.7 %he use of Si!nallin! Co#ression
(%e ?8 must not use SIG-OMP *%en t%e initial IMS re!istration is &erformed in 8-?(RAN
Note: Alt%ou!% t%is +ersion of t%e &rofile focuses on 8-?(RAN, if t%e initial IMS
re!istration occurs in ot%er IP -onnecti+it' Accesses t%en SIG-OMP can $e
used $' t%e ?8.
2.2.1 4arly #edia and announce#ents
If t%e ?8 detects t%at in-$and information is recei+ed from t%e net*or3 as earl' media, t%e
in-$and information recei+ed from t%e net*or3 s%all o+erride locall' !enerated
communication &ro!ress information as descri$ed in #GPP (S 26.:2; E7"F.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "6 of #2
2.3 Sule#entary Ser5ices
2.3.1 Sule#entary Ser5ices 65er5ie0
Su&&lementar' ser+ices must $e su&&orted as defined as &art of #GPP MM(el (S 26."7#
E"6F, *it% t%e constraints descri$ed in t%is section.
?8 and (ele&%on' A&&lication Ser+er /(AS2 must su&&ort t%e su&&lementar' ser+ices listed
in (a$le 2.". It is u& to t%e o&erator to ena$le t%ese ser+ices.
Note: Su&&ort of ot%er su&&lementar' ser+ices is out of sco&e of t%is document.
Sule#entary Ser5ice
Ori!inatin! Identification Presentation #GPP (S 26.:7 E2#F
(erminatin! Identification Presentation #GPP (S 26.:; E26F
Ori!inatin! Identification Restriction #GPP (S 26.:7 E2#F /Note "2
(erminatin! Identification Restriction #GPP (S 26.:; E26F /Note "2
-ommunication 9or*ardin! ?nconditional #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F /Note "2
-ommunication 9or*ardin! on not Ao!!ed in #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F /Note "2
-ommunication 9or*ardin! on >us' #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F /Note "2
-ommunication 9or*ardin! on not Reac%a$le #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F /Note "2
-ommunication 9or*ardin! on No Re&l' #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F /Note "2
>arrin! of All Incomin! -alls #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F /Note "2
>arrin! of All Out!oin! -alls #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F /Note "2
>arrin! of Out!oin! International -alls #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F /Note 22
>arrin! of Out!oin! International -alls K e4 <ome -ountr' #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F /Note 22
>arrin! of Incomin! -alls - =%en Roamin! #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F /Note "2
-ommunication <old #GPP (S 26.:" E27F
Messa!e =aitin! Indication #GPP (S 26.:: E22F /Note "2
-ommunication =aitin! #GPP (S 26.:"7 E27F /Note "2
Ad-<oc Multi Part' -onference #GPP (S 26.:7 E2"F /Note "2
%a&le 2.1 Sule#entary ser5ices
Note 1: Recommended o&tions are descri$ed in sections 2.#.# - 2.#.9.
Note 2: >arrin! of International -alls is a #GPP Release 9 feature.
2.3.2 Sule#entary Ser5ice Confi!uration
9or su&&lementar' ser+ice confi!uration, t%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort B-AP
at t%e ?t reference &oint as defined in #GPP (S 26.:2# E2;F.
(%e %ome o&erator can confi!ure t%e ?8 *it% an B-AP Root ?RI as s&ecified in #GPP (S
26.:2# E2;F. If t%e ?8 %as not $een confi!ured *it% an B-AP Root ?RI, t%en t%e ?8 must
construct an B-AP root ?RI as defined in #GPP (S 2#.# E2F.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "7 of #2
As B-AP ?ser Identit' /B?I2 t%e ?8 must use t%e default &u$lic user identit' recei+ed in
P-Associated-?RI %eader in 2 OL for R8GIS(8R.
Note: =%en not re!istered *it% IMS, a ?8 can use t%e default &u$lic user identit'
recei+ed durin! t%e last successful re!istration as in Section 2.2." in t%is
2.3.3 $d-7oc Multi Party Conference
(%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e &rocedures defined in #GPP (S 26.:7
E2"F, *it% t%e clarifications defined in t%is su$ section.
Note 1: As &er Section 6.2 of #GPP (S 26.:7 E2"F, t%e in+ocation and o&eration for
conferencin! is descri$ed in #GPP (S 26."67 E"#F.
9or conference creation, t%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort (%ree =a' Session
creation as descri$ed in Section 7.#.".#.# of #GPP (S 26."67 E"#F.
9or in+itin! ot%er users to t%e conference, t%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e
&rocedure descri$ed in Section 7.#.".7.# of #GPP (S 26."67 E"#F. (%e ?8 must send t%e
R898R met%od $' usin! t%e e4istin! dialo! for a conference session $et*een t%e ?8 and
t%e IMS core net*or3 /conference ser+er2. (%e ?8 must add t%e Re&laces %eader to t%e
Refer-to %eader field in t%e R898R reCuest, as descri$ed in Section 7.#.".7.# of #GPP (S
26."67 E"#F.
Note 2: In (%ree-=a' session creation &rocedures, t%e ?8 %as an e4istin! session
*it% t%e R898R tar!et.
(%e ?8 can and t%e IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.:7 E2"F
for su$scri&tion to conference state e+ents. (%e IMS core net*or3 can su&&ort all, or a
su$set of t%e elements and attri$utes in I8(9 R9- 6777 E:"F. As a minimum, t%e IMS core
net*or3 must su&&ort t%e follo*in! elements and attri$utesD
-onference-infoD entit'
?serD entit'
8nd&ointD entit'
Status /su&&orted +aluesD connected, disconnected, on-%old2
(%e ?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort audio media for t%e conference session.
Note 3: Su&&ort of ot%er media t'&es is out of sco&e of t%e document.
9loor control for conferencin! as descri$ed in section ; in #GPP (S 26."67 E"#F is not
-onsent &rocedures for list ser+er distri$ution as descri$ed in 7.#.".7 in #GPP (S 26."67
E"#F are not reCuired.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e ": of #2
2.3.( Co##unication 8aitin!
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e terminal $ased ser+ice, as descri$ed in #GPP
(S 26.:"7 E27F. Net*or3-$ased ser+ice is not reCuired. -ommunication =aitin! /-=2
indication as defined in Section 6.6." of #GPP (S 26.:"7 E27F is not reCuired. (%e ?8 is
reCuired to su&&ort Alert-Info, *it% +alues as s&ecified in #GPP (S 26.:"7 E27F. Ser+ice
acti+ation, deacti+ation, and interro!ation are not reCuired.
2.3.- Messa!e 8aitin! Indication
?8 must and IMS core net*or3 can su&&ort t%e Messa!e =aitin! Indication /M=I2 e+ent
&ac3a!e, as defined in #GPP (S 26.:: E22F and I8(9 R9- #;62 E:F.
2.3.. 6ri!inatin! Identification +estriction
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e SIP &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.:7 E2#F. Ser+ice
confi!uration as descri$ed in Section 6." of #GPP (S 26.:7 E2#F is o&tional.
2.3.7 %er#inatin! Identification +estriction
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e SIP &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.:; E26F. Ser+ice
confi!uration, as descri$ed in section 6.9 of #GPP (S 26.:; E26F, is o&tional.
2.3.1 Co##unication "i5ersion
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e SIP &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F for
-ommunication Di+ersion /-DIV2. (%e -DIV Notification /-DIVN2 ser+ice is not reCuired.
9or -DIV ser+ice acti+ation, deacti+ation, and interro!ation /B-AP o&erations2, t%e ?8 and
IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e BMA rules for -all 9or*ardin! ?nconditional and t%e
conditions and actions listed in (a$le 2.2. ?8 and IMS core net*or3 s%all su&&ort t%e BMA
rules as descri$ed in #GPP (S 26.:6 E2F section 6.9.". It is recommended t%at a ?8
s%ould su&&ort t%e <istor'-Info %eader for &resentation of di+ertin! &arties.
Note 1: Su&&ort of su$scri&tion o&tions and ot%er conditions and actions are out of
sco&e of t%e document.
%ye Para#eter
-ondition $us'
-ondition media /su&&orted media t'&esD audio, audio AND +ideo2
-ondition no-ans*er
-ondition not-re!istered
-ondition not-reac%a$le /Note 22
-ondition rule-deacti+ated
Action tar!et
Action NoRe&l'(imer
%a&le 2.2 Suorted conditions and actions in C"IV
Note 2: (%e GSM +ersion of -ommunication 9or*ardin! on Not Reac%a$le /-9NRc2
im&lies di+ersion *%en t%e user is not re!istered in t%e -S core or cannot $e
reac%ed. (o mimic t%is $e%a+iour, it is recommended t%at an ?8 acti+ates
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "7 of #2
$ot% t%e -9NRc /-DIV usin! condition not-reac%a$le2 and t%e
-ommunication 9or*ardin! on Not Ao!!ed-in /-9NA2 /-DIV usin! condition
not-re!istered2 to t%e same tar!et.
2.3.* Co##unication 2arrin!
?8 and IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort t%e SIP &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F. 9or
ser+ice acti+ation, deacti+ation, and interro!ation /B-AP o&erations2, t%e ?8 and IMS core
net*or3 must su&&ort t%e BMA rules for >arrin! of All Incomin! -alls, >arrin! of All Out!oin!
-alls and t%e conditions listed in (a$le 2.#. ?8 and IMS core net*or3 s%all su&&ort t%e BMA
rules as descri$ed in #GPP (S 26.:"" E2:F section 6.9.".#.
Note: Su&&ort of ot%er conditions is out of sco&e of t%e document.
%a&le 2.3 Suorted conditions in C2
2.( Call Set-u Considerations
2.(.1 SIP Precondition Considerations
(%e ?8 must su&&ort t%e SIP &reconditions frame*or3, as s&ecified in #GPP (S 26.229
E"7F. O&erators can disa$le t%e use of &reconditions in t%e net*or3M t%e means $' *%ic% t%is
ta3es &lace is outside t%e sco&e of t%is document.
(%e terminatin! ?8 im&lementation must not rel' on t%e use of &reconditions $' t%e
ori!inatin! ?8.
2.(.2 Inte!ration of resource #ana!e#ent and SIP
2.(.2.1 9oss of P"N connecti5ity
If t%e Pac3et Data Net*or3 /PDN2 connecti+it' $et*een a ?8 and t%e net*or3 is lost, t%e
net*or3 must terminate all on!oin! SIP sessions related to t%is ?8, accordin! to t%e
&rocedures in Section 7.2.; of #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F /for e4am&le, *%en t%e P--S-9
recei+es an a$ort session reCuest from t%e Polic' and -%ar!in! Rules 9unction /P-R922.
If t%e ?8 disco+ers /for e4am&le durin! a (A? &rocedure2 t%at PDN connecti+it' %ad $een
lost, t%en t%e ?8 must attem&t to re-esta$lis% t%e PDN connection. (%is *ill tri!!er t%e
net*or3 to initiate a ne* SIP si!nallin! $earer in con)unction *it% t%e PDN connection
=%en t%e ?8 re!ains PDN and IP connecti+it', if t%e IP address %as c%an!ed or t%e IMS
re!istration e4&ired durin! t%e &eriod of a$sence of IP connecti+it' *%en t%e ?8 must
&erform a ne* initial re!istration to IMS.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "; of #2
2.(.2.2 Void
2.(.2.3 9oss of #edia &earer and +adio Connection
If a Guaranteed >it Rate /G>R2 $earer used for +oice fails to !et esta$lis%ed, or is lost mid-
session, t%en t%e net*or3 must terminate t%e session associated to t%e +oice stream
accordin! to t%e &rocedures in section 7.2.; in (S 26.229 E"7F /P--S-9 must $e informed
a$out loss of $earer $' t%e P-R92.
Note 1: (%e loss of G>R $earer ma' $e due to loss of radio connection indicated $'
a S" release *it% cause 0Radio -onnection =it% ?8 Aost1 and t%en follo*ed
$' t%e MM8 Initiated Dedicated >earer Deacti+ation &rocedure for t%e G>R
$earer used for +oice. Or, t%e G>R $earer ma' $e lost or not esta$lis%ed,
due to t%e current resource and radio situation. <o*e+er, termination of t%e
SIP session due to loss of t%e +oice G>R $earer is t%e onl' *a' for t%e
s'stem to sto& t%e IMS le+el c%ar!in! /Cuic3l'2 *%en t%e ?8 loses radio
Note 2: If ot%er media t'&es are used, and a G>R $earer used for anot%er media
t'&e fails to !et esta$lis%ed, or is lost mid-session, t%en t%e net*or3, $ased
on its &olicies, %as t%e o&tion to eit%er allo* t%e session to continue as is, or
terminate t%e SIP session t%at t%e G>R $earer is associated *it%. /(%e
net*or3 can %andle loss of +ideo in a +ideo call in suc% a *a' t%at t%e
session to continue as +oice-onl'2.
If a SIP session includes media streams, and if a dedicated $earer for an' media stream
fails to !et esta$lis%ed, or is lost mid-session, t%e ?8 must, $ased on its &references,
modif', re)ect or terminate t%e SIP session t%at t%e dedicated media $earer is associated
*it%, accordin! to section :."." in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F. (%e ?8 can act differentl' &er
media t'&e.
Note 3: In t%e case *%ere +oice $earer is lost or fails to !et esta$lis%ed, t%e net*or3
*ill, in normal cases, release t%e session as descri$ed in t%e $e!innin! of
t%e section. As a com&lement to t%is, t%e ?8 must %a+e internal lo!ic to
react to t%e detection of loss of $earerGradio connection to %andle its internal
state. In t%e case of multimedia communication, if t%e radio connection is not
lost, $ut a $earer not used for +oice is lost, t%en t%e ?8 must decide if t%e
session s%ould $e maintained as is, or s%ould $e modified, or s%ould $e
If t%e ?8, %a+in! lost radio connecti+it', t%en re!ains radio connecti+it', t%e ?8 must
&erform a ne* initial re!istration to IMS in case t%e IMS re!istration e4&ired durin! t%e
a$sence of radio connecti+it'.
2.(.3 Voice Media Considerations
(%e Session Descri&tion Protocol /SDP2 offerGans*er for +oice media must $e formatted as
s&ecified in Section :.2.2 of #GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F, *it% t%e restrictions included in t%e
&resent document.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e "9 of #2
2.(.( Multi#edia Considerations
?8s usin! t%e full set of media functions can send SDP offers containin! multi&le 0mQ1 lines
to indicate t%e *is% to esta$lis% a more ad+anced multimedia session t%an t%is &rofile
If one of t%ese 0mQ1 lines indicates t%e *is% of esta$lis%in! an audio /+oice2 session /usin! a
com&ati$le codec2, t%en t%e ?8 follo*in! t%is &rofile must acce&t t%e offer and allo* t%e use
of *%ate+er media streams it su&&orts. (%e ?8 must set t%e &ort num$er to Iero for t%e
media streams it does not su&&ort.
Note 1: (%is means t%at a +oice-onl' ?8 *ill acce&t a +ideo call reCuest, $ut t%e call
*ill automaticall' $e transformed to a +oice-onl' call. In -S tele&%on', t%e
call is re)ected *%en t%e terminatin! client cannot su&&ort all offered media
/t%at is a +oice-onl' terminal *ill re)ect a +ideo call offer2. <ence, t%is section
descri$es a $e%a+iour t%at is ne* to tele&%on'.
?8s usin! t%e full set of media functions, %a+e t%e o&tion to tr' to u&date t%e session $'
sendin! SIP /re-2INVI(8 reCuests t%at include SDP offers containin! multi&le 0mQ1 lines, to
indicate t%e desire to e4&and t%e session into a more ad+anced multimedia session. (%e ?8
follo*in! t%is &rofile must acce&t suc% offer and allo* t%e use of *%ate+er media streams it
su&&orts. (%e ?8 must, in t%e SDP ans*er, set t%e &ort num$er to Iero for t%e media
streams it does not su&&ort.
Note 2: (%is means t%at a +oice-onl' ?8 *ill acce&t a reCuest to u&date t%e session
to +ideo usin! a SIP 2 OL res&onse. >ut since t%e SDP ans*er *ill
disa$le t%e +ideo stream, t%e call *ill continue as a +oice-onl' call.
2.- SMS o5er IP
(%e ?8 must im&lement t%e roles of an SM-o+er-IP sender and an SM-o+er-IP recei+er,
accordin! to t%e &rocedures in Sections 7.#." and 7.#.2 in #GPP (S 26.#6" E"9F.
(%e status re&ort ca&a$ilities, deli+er' re&orts, and notification of %a+in! memor' a+aila$le,
accordin! to Sections 7.#.".#, 7.#.2.6 and 7.#.2.7 in #GPP (S 26.#6" E"9F must $e
(%e IMS core net*or3 must ta3e t%e role of an IP-SM-G= and su&&ort t%e !eneral
&rocedures in Section 7.#.#." of #GPP (S 26.#6" E"9F, and t%e functions /ans*erin! of
routin! information Cuer', and trans&ort la'er inter*or3in!2 accordin! to t%e &rocedures in
Sections 7.#.#.# and 7.#.#.6 in #GPP (S 26.#6" E"9F.
3 IMS Media
3.1 'eneral
(%is section endorses a set of media ca&a$ilities s&ecified in #GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F. (%e
section descri$es t%e needed SDP su&&ort in ?8s and in t%e IMS core net*or3 and it
descri$es t%e necessar' media ca&a$ilities $ot% for ?8s and for entities in t%e IMS core
net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user &lane. 84am&les of entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at
terminate t%e user &lane are t%e MR9P and t%e MG=.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 2 of #2
3.2 Voice Media
3.2.1 Codecs
(%e ?8 must su&&ort t%e Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate /AMR2 s&eec% codec, as descri$ed in #GPP
(S 2:.7" E29F, #GPP (S 2:.9 E#"F, #GPP (S 2:.7# E#F, and #GPP (S 2:."6 E#6F,
includin! all ei!%t /;2 modes and source rate controlled o&erations, as descri$ed in #GPP (S
2:.9# E#2F. (%e ?8 must $e ca&a$le of o&eratin! *it% an' su$set of t%ese ei!%t /;2 codec
If *ide$and s&eec% communication is offered, t%e ?8 must su&&ort AMR *ide$and codec as
descri$ed in #GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F, #GPP (S 2:."7" E#;F, #GPP (S 2:."9 E6F, #GPP (S
2:."7# E#9F and #GPP (S 2:.26 E62F, includin! all nine /92 modes and source controlled
rate o&eration #GPP (S 2:."9# E6"F. (%e ?8 s%all $e ca&a$le of o&eratin! *it% an' su$set
of t%ese nine /92 codec modes.
=%en transmittin!, t%e ?8 must $e ca&a$le of ali!nin! codec mode c%an!es to e+er' frame
$order, and must also $e ca&a$le of restrictin! codec mode c%an!es to $e ali!ned to e+er'
ot%er frame $order, for e4am&le as descri$ed for ?M(SRAMRR2 in #GPP (S 2:."# E##F
$ased on t%e SDP offer-ans*er ne!otiation. (%e ?8 must also $e ca&a$le of restrictin!
codec mode c%an!es to nei!%$ourin! codec modes *it%in t%e ne!otiated codec mode set
$ased on t%e SDP offer-ans*er ne!otiation.
=%en recei+in!, t%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user
&lane must allo* codec mode c%an!es at an' frame $order and to an' codec mode *it%in
t%e ne!otiated codec mode set. As an e4ce&tion, entities in t%e net*or3 t%at &ro+ide -ircuit
S*itc%ed /-S2 inter*or3in! and a&&l' (ranscoder-9ree O&eration /(r9O2 of (andem-9ree
O&eration /(9O2 s%all acce&t codec mode c%an!es in accordance *it% t%e ca&a$ilities at t%e
-S net*or3 side.
8ntities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user &lane su&&ortin! s&eec%
communication and su&&ortin! (9O andGor (r9O s%all su&&ortD
AMR s&eec% codec modes "2.2, 7.6, 7.9 and 6.77 as descri$ed in #GPP (S 2:.7"
E29F, #GPP (S 2:.9 E#"F, #GPP (S 2:.7# E#F, and #GPP (S 2:."6 E#6F.
8ntities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user &lane su&&ortin! *ide$and s&eec%
communication and su&&ortin! (9O andGor (r9O s%all su&&ortD
AMR-=> s&eec% codec modes "2.:7, ;.;7 and :.: as descri$ed in #GPP (S
2:."7" E#;F, #GPP (S 2:."9 E6F, #GPP (S 2:."7# E#9F, and #GPP (S 2:.26 E62F.
8ntities in t%e IMS net*or3 t%at &ro+ide transcodin!-free inter*or3in! to t%e -S net*or3
s%all $e ca&a$le of reCuestin! t%e ?8 to restrict codec mode c%an!es to $e ali!ned to e+er'
ot%er frame $order and also $e ca&a$le of reCuestin! t%e ?8 to restrict codec mode
c%an!es to nei!%$ourin! codec modes *it%in t%e ne!otiated codec mode set.
Note: Restrictions in codec mode c%an!es are onl' reCuired for transcoder-free
inter*or3in! *it% a -S GSM MS /Mo$ile Station2.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 2" of #2
3.2.2 +%P Profile and S"P Considerations +%P Profile
(%e Real (ime Protocol /R(P2 &rofile, Audio Video Profile /AVP2 I8(9 R9- #77" E77F must
$e used. S"P 6ffer Considerations
(%e SDP-a&Ne! frame*or3 Edraft-ietf-mmusic-sd&-ca&a$ilit'-ne!otiation-" /Ma' 292D
OSDP -a&a$ilit' Ne!otiation1F E:6F must not $e used in t%e SDP offer *%en t%e AVP &rofile is
used. S"P $ns0er Considerations
(%e ?8 and t%e IMS core net*or3 must $e a$le to recei+e and ans*er to an SDP offer
*%ic% uses SDP-a&Ne!. (%e ans*er must indicate t%e use of t%e R(P AVP &rofile.
Note: In #GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F section :.2."a, it is recommended t%at t%at a ?8 or
t%e IMS core net*or3 use t%e SDP-a&Ne! attri$utes Stca&5 and S&cf!5 to
indicate t%e su&&ort of $ot% t%e R(P &rofiles AVP and AVP 9eed$ac3 Profile
/AVP92. <ence, to $e for*ard com&ati$le *it% eCui&ment usin! t%e full set of
media functions, a minimum set ?8 and t%e IMS core net*or3 must $e a$le
to i!nore t%e SDP-a&Ne! attri$utes and ans*er to t%e R(P AVP &rofile in
t%e offer.
3.2.3 "ata %ransort
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user &lane must use R(P
o+er ?DP as descri$ed in I8(9 R9- #77 E7:F and I8(9 R9- 7:; E7#F, res&ecti+el', to
trans&ort +oice and use s'mmetric R(P as defined in I8(9 R9- 69:" E72F.
3.2.( +%CP 3sa!e
(%e R(P im&lementation must include an R(P -ontrol Protocol /R(-P2 im&lementation
accordin! to I8(9 R9- #77 E7:F.
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must use
s'mmetric R(-P as defined in I8(9 R9- 69:" E72F.
(%e $and*idt% for R(-P traffic must $e descri$ed usin! t%e ORSO and ORRO SDP $and*idt%
modifiers at media le+el, as s&ecified $' I8(9 R9- #77: E7;F. (%erefore, a ?8 and t%e
entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user &lane must include t%e O$QRSDO and
O$QRRDO fields in SDP, and must $e a$le to inter&ret t%em.
(%e R(-P transmission must $e turned on $' t%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core
net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane.
Note 1: (%e R(-P is $ased on t%e &eriodic transmission of control &ac3ets to all
&artici&ants in t%e session, as descri$ed in I8(9 R9- #77 E7:F. In conte4t
of t%e Voice o+er IMS &rofile, t%e &rimar' uses of R(-P are +oice Cualit'
monitorin!, and to &ro+ide lin3 ali+eness information *%ile t%e media are on
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 22 of #2
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must set t%e
sendin! freCuenc' to a +alue calculated from t%e +alues of ORSO and ORRO SDP $and*idt%
modifiers accordin! to rules and &rocedures in I8(9 R9- #77 E7:F.
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must su&&ort
t%e transmission of R(-P &ac3ets formatted accordin! to t%e rules in I8(9 R9- #77 E7:F
and *it% t%e clarifications $elo*D
R(-P com&ound &ac3et format must $e used. =%en sent, t%e com&ound &ac3et must
include one re&ort &ac3et and one source descri&tion /SD8S2 &ac3et. =%en no R(P &ac3ets
%a+e $een sent in t%e last t*o re&ortin! inter+als, a Recei+er Re&ort /RR2 s%ould $e sent.
Some im&lementations ma' send a Sender Re&ort /SR2 instead of a Recei+er Re&ort /RR2,
and t%is must $e %andled and acce&ted as +alid.
(%e SR, RR and SD8S &ac3ets must $e formatted as descri$ed in detailed $elo*D
Sender re&ort /SR2 and Recei+er Re&ort /RR2 R(-P &ac3et
Version 2 must $e used.
Paddin! must not $e used /and t%erefore &addin! $it must not $e set2.
Source descri&tion /SD8S2 R(-P &ac3et
Version and Paddin! as descri$ed for SR &ac3et.
(%e SD8S item -NAM8 must $e included in one &ac3et.
Ot%er SD8S items s%ould not $e used.
Note 2D >ecause t%e randoml' allocated SSR- identifier ma' c%an!e, t%e -NAM8
item must $e included to &ro+ide t%e $indin! from t%e SSR- identifier to an
identifier for t%e source t%at remains constant. Ai3e t%e SSR- identifier, t%e
-NAM8 identifier must $e uniCue amon! all ot%er &artici&ants *it%in one
R(P session.
(o $e for*ard com&ati$le and inter*or3 *it% le!ac' eCui&ment, t%e ?8 and t%e entities in
t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must $e a$le to recei+e all t'&es of
R(-P &ac3ets, accordin! to t%e rules s&ecified in I8(9 R9- #77 E7:F.
3.2.- $M+ Payload )or#at Considerations
(%e Ada&ti+e Multi Rate /AMR2 and *%en a&&lica$le Ada&ti+e Multi-Rate =ide$and /AMR-
=>2 &a'load format/s2 s&ecified in I8(9 R9- 6;:7 E:#F must $e su&&orted.
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must su&&ort
t%e $and*idt%-efficient and t%e octet-ali!ned format. (%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core
net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must reCuest t%e use of $and*idt%-efficient format
*%en ori!inatin! a session.
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must send
t%e num$er of s&eec% frames, or fe*er, enca&sulated in eac% R(P &ac3et, as reCuested $'
t%e ot%er end usin! t%e &time SDP attri$ute.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 2# of #2
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must reCuest
to recei+e one s&eec% frame enca&sulated in eac% R(P &ac3et, $ut must acce&t an' num$er
of frames &er R(P &ac3et, u& to t%e ma4imum limit of "2 s&eec% frames &er R(P &ac3et.
Note 1: (%is means t%at t%e &time attri$ute must $e set to 2 and t%e ma4&time
attri$ute must $e set to 26 in t%e SDP ne!otiation.
IMS media !ate*a' not su&&ortin! redundanc' ma' limit t%e ma4&time attri$ute to ; in t%e
SDP ne!otiation.
(%e ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminates t%e user &lane must $e a$le
to sort out t%e recei+ed frames $ased on t%e R(P (imestam& and must remo+e du&licated
frames, if &resent. If multi&le +ersions of a frame are recei+ed, for e4am&le, encoded *it%
different $it rates, t%en t%e frame encoded *it% t%e %i!%est $it rate s%ould $e used for
Note 2: ?8s and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at terminate t%e user &lane,
usin! t%e full set of media functions, %a+e t%e o&tion to send frames se+eral
times /for redundanc'2 to ada&t for conditions *it% %i!% &ac3et-loss ratios. It
is t%us im&ortant t%at a ?8 and t%e entities in t%e IMS core net*or3 t%at
terminates t%e user &lane *%ic% use t%is &rofile are ca&a$le to detect and
dro& t%e du&licated frames.
3.2.. :itter 2uffer Mana!e#ent Considerations
(%e minimum &erformance reCuirements for )itter $uffer mana!ement of +oice media, as
descri$ed in #GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F must $e met.
3.2.7 )ront 4nd 7andlin!
?8s used for IMS +oice ser+ices must conform to t%e minimum &erformance reCuirements
on t%e acoustic c%aracteristics of #G terminals s&ecified in #GPP (S 2:."#" E#:F. (%e codec
modes and source control rate o&eration /D(B2 settin!s must $e as s&ecified in #GPP (S
2:."#2 E#7F.
3.3 "%M) 45ents
(%e ?8 and t%e IMS core net*or3 must su&&ort D(M9 e+ents as defined in Anne4 G of
#GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F.
( +adio and Pac,et Core )eature Set
(.0 'eneral
(%e A(8 radio ca&a$ilities included in t%is s&ecification are a&&lica$le to ?8 and net*or3
su&&ortin! 9DD A(8 onl', (DD A(8 onl', or $ot% 9DD and (DD A(8.
(.1 +o&ust 7eader Co#ression
?8 and net*or3 must su&&ort Ro$ust <eader -om&ression /Ro<-2 as s&ecified in #GPP
(S #:.#2# E7"F, I8(9 R9- #97 E76F and I8(9 R9- 6;"7 E:2F. (%e ?8 and net*or3 must $e
a$le to a&&l' t%e com&ression to &ac3ets t%at are carried o+er t%e radio $earer dedicated for
t%e +oice media. At minimum, ?8 and net*or3 must su&&ort OR(PG?DPGIPO &rofile /4"2
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 26 of #2
to com&ress R(P &ac3ets and O?DPGIPO &rofile /422 to com&ress R(-P &ac3ets. (%e
?8 and net*or3 must su&&ort t%ese &rofiles for $ot% IP+6 and IP+:.
(.2 9%4 +adio Caa&ilities
(.2.1 +adio 2earers
(%e ?8 must su&&ort t%e follo*in! com$ination of radio $earers for Voice o+er IMS &rofile
/see Anne4 > in #GPP (S #:.##" E72F2D
SR>" N SR>2 N 6 4 AM DR> N " 4 ?M DR>
(%e net*or3 must su&&ort t%e follo*in! com$ination of radio $earersD
SR>" N SR>2 N 2 4 AM DR> N " 4 ?M DR>
One AM Data Radio >earer /DR>2 is utiliIed for 8+ol+ed Pac3et S'stem /8PS2 $earer *it%
Hualit' of Ser+ice -lass Indicator /H-I2 Q 7 and anot%er AM DR> for 8PS $earer *it% H-I Q
;G9. ?M DR> is utiliIed for 8PS $earer *it% H-I Q ". 8PS $earer usa!e is descri$ed in
Section 6.#.
(.2.2 "+; Mode of 6eration
In order to ma4imiIe lifetime of t%e ?8 $atter', A(8 Discontinuous Rece&tion /DRB2 met%od
as s&ecified in #GPP (S #:.# E69F and #GPP (S #:.#2" E7F must $e de&lo'ed. Su&&ort
of DRB is mandator' for $ot% ?8 and net*or3.
(.2.3 +9C confi!urations
Radio Ain3 -ontrol /RA-2 entit' must $e confi!ured to &erform data transfer in t%e follo*in!
modes as s&ecified in #GPP (S #:.#22 E:9FD
?nac3no*led!ed Mode /?M2 for 8PS $earers *it% H-I Q "
Ac3no*led!ed Mode /AM2 for 8PS $earers *it% H-I Q 7
Ac3no*led!ed Mode /AM2 for 8PS $earers *it% H-I Q ;G9
Voice ser+ice can tolerate error rates on t%e order of "T, *%ile $enefitin! from reduced
dela's, and is ma&&ed to a radio $earer runnin! t%e RA- &rotocol in unac3no*led!ed mode
8PS $earer usa!e is descri$ed in Section 6.#.
(.2.( '2+ and N'2+ Ser5ices< '2+ Monitorin! )unction
Voice is one of t%e A(8 ser+ices t%at reCuire a !uaranteed $it rate /G>R2 $earer, alt%ou!% it
is a +er' lo* data rate com&ared to A(8 &ea3 rates, as descri$ed in #GPP (S 2#.6" E"F.
(%e G>R $earer for +oice reCuests dedicated net*or3 resources related to t%e Guaranteed
>it Rate /G>R2 for AMR codec +alues. (%e net*or3 resources associated *it% t%e 8PS
$earer su&&ortin! G>R must $e &ermanentl' allocated $' admission control function in t%e
eNode> at $earer esta$lis%ment. Re&orts from ?8, includin! $uffer status and
measurements of ?85s radio en+ironment, must $e reCuired to ena$le t%e sc%edulin! of t%e
G>R as descri$ed in #GPP (S #:.# E69F. In ?A it is t%e ?85s res&onsi$ilit' to com&l' *it%
G>R reCuirements.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 27 of #2
(%e non-G>R $earer /NG>R2 does not su&&ort a !uaranteed $it rate o+er t%e radio lin3 and
is t%us not suita$le for IMS $ased +oice ser+ices.
(.3 2earer Mana!e#ent
(.3.1 4PS 2earer Considerations for SIP Si!nallin! and ;C$P
9or SIP si!nallin!, t%e IMS a&&lication must use t%e IMS *ell 3no*n APN as defined in PRD
IR.;; E:7FM an' ot%er a&&lication must not use t%is APN.
(%e ?8 must not &ro+ide t%e IMS *ell 3no*n APN in t%e 8+ol+ed ?ni+ersal (errestrial Radio
Access Net*or3 /8-?(RAN2 initial attac%.
If t%e PDN connection esta$lis%ed durin! t%e initial attac% is to an APN ot%er t%an t%e IMS
*ell 3no*n APN, t%en &rior to re!isterin! *it% IMS t%e ?8 must esta$lis% anot%er PDN
connection to t%e IMS *ell 3no*n APN.
Note: PDN -onnection esta$lis%ment can $e caused $' a SIP re!istration reCuest.
Sendin! a SIP re!istration reCuest &er t%e note in Section 2.2." can cause
PDN -onnection esta$lis%ment e+en if t%e IMS +oice o+er PS Session
indicator indicates t%at IMS +oice o+er PS session is not su&&orted.
A default $earer must $e created *%en t%e ?8 creates t%e PDN connection to t%e IMS *ell
3no*n APN, as defined in #GPP s&ecifications. A standardised H-I +alue of fi+e /72 must $e
used for t%e default $earer. It is used for IMS SIP si!nallin!.
9or B-AP reCuests, t%e ?8 must $e &reconfi!ured or &ro+isioned $' t%e %ome o&erator *it%
t%e APN to $e used for B-AP reCuests.
(.3.2 4PS 2earer Considerations for Voice
9or an IMS session reCuest for a -on+ersational Voice call /ori!inatin! and terminatin!2, a
dedicated $earer for IMS-$ased +oice must $e created utilisin! interaction *it% d'namic
P--. (%e net*or3 must initiate t%e creation of a dedicated $earer to trans&ort t%e +oice
media. (%e dedicated $earer for -on+ersational Voice must utilise t%e standardised H-I
+alue of one /"2 and %a+e t%e associated c%aracteristics as s&ecified in #GPP (S 2#.2# E6F.
Since t%e minimum reCuirement for t%e ?8 is t%e su&&ort of one /"2 ?M $earer *%ic% is used
for +oice /see Section 7.#." and Anne4 > in #GPP (S #:.##" E72F2, t%e net*or3 must not
create more t%an one dedicated $earer for +oice media. (%erefore, t%e ?8 and net*or3 must
$e a$le to multi&le4 t%e media streams from multi&le concurrent +oice sessions.
Note 1: A sin!le $earer is used to multi&le4 t%e media streams from multi&le
concurrent +oice sessionsM t%is is necessar' in some su&&lementar'
ser+ices /for e4am&le -=, -ON92.
Note 2: (%e s%arin! of a sin!le G>R $earer for +oice means t%at different H-I
andGor ARP +alues are not &ossi$le for different +oice streams.
9or IMS session termination of a -on+ersational Voice call, t%e dedicated $earer must $e
deleted utilisin! interaction *it% d'namic P--. (%e net*or3 must initiate t%e deletion of t%e
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 2: of #2
(.( P-CSC) "isco5ery
(%e ?8 and &ac3et core must su&&ort t%e &rocedures for P--S-9 disco+er' +ia 8PS. (%ese
are descri$ed in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F, Anne4 A.2.2." as o&tion II for P--S-9 disco+er'.
(%e ?8 s%all indicate P--S-9 IP+: Address ReCuest and P--S-9 IP+6 Address ReCuest
*%en &erformin! t%e follo*in! &rocedures /see also section 6.#."2D
Durin! t%e initial attac% *%en esta$lis%in! PDN connection to t%e default APN, and
Durin! t%e esta$lis%ment of t%e PDN connection to t%e IMS *ell 3no*n APN.
(%e ?8 must use t%e P--S-9 addresses recei+ed durin! PDN connection esta$lis%ment to
t%e IMS APN, as defined in section 7." and #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F.
- Co##on )unctionalities
-.1 IP Version
(%e ?8 and t%e net*or3 must su&&ort $ot% IP+6 and IP+: for all &rotocols t%at are used for
t%e VoIP a&&licationD SIP, SDP, R(P, R(-P and B-APG<((P. At PS attac%, t%e ?8 must
reCuest t%e PDN t'&eD IP+6+:, as s&ecified in section 7.#."." in #GPP (S 2#.6" E"F. If $ot%
IP+6 and IP+: addresses are assi!ned for t%e ?8, t%e ?8 must &refer to IP+: address t'&e
*%en t%e ?8 disco+ers t%e P--S-9.
After t%e ?8 %as disco+ered t%e P--S-9 and re!istered to IMS *it% a &articular IP address
/IP+6 or IP+:2, t%e ?8 must use t%at same address for all SIP, SDP and R(PGR(-P
communication, as lon! as t%e IMS re!istration is +alid.
Note: (%ere are certain situations *%ere inter*or3in! $et*een IP +ersions is
reCuired. (%ese include, for instance, roamin! and interconnect $et*een
net*or3s usin! different IP +ersions. In t%ose cases, t%e net*or3 needs to
&ro+ide t%e inter*or3in! in a trans&arent manner to t%e ?8.
-.2 4#er!ency Ser5ice
-.2.1 'eneral
?8s and net*or3 de&lo'ments must su&&ort emer!enc' ser+ices in t%e IMS domain.
(%e ?8 and t%e net*or3 must su&&ort t%e Release 9 IMS emer!enc' ser+ices as s&ecified
in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F, #GPP (S 2#.":7 E#F, c%a&ter : and Anne4 <, and Release 9
emer!enc' &rocedures as s&ecified in #GPP (S 26.#" E"7F.
Reco!niIin! t%at some net*or3 o&erators *ill continue a &arallel -S net*or3 *%ilst t%eir IMS
net*or3 is de&lo'ed, and t%at su&&ort of 8mer!enc' calls *it% -S su&&ort ma' $e a local
re!ulator' reCuirement, 8mer!enc' calls in t%e -S domain are addressed in Anne4 A.
?8s and net*or3s com&liant *it% t%is &rofile must im&lement su&&ort for t%e #GPP IM -N
su$s'stem BMA $od' as defined in section 7.: of #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F.
Note 1: (%is $od' is used to re-direct emer!enc' calls to t%e -S domain.
(%e usa!e of t%e #GPP IM -N su$s'stem BMA $od' in t%e net*or3 is an o&erator o&tion.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 27 of #2
Note 2: (%is im&lies t%at t%e P--S-9 must su&&ort also t%e o&tion t%at t%e BMA
$od' is not used.
(%e S?PA ena$led ?8 sends t%e emer!enc' S?PA messa!es related to t%e ?8 detecta$le
emer!enc' session *it%in t%e emer!enc' PDN connection. (%e S?PA ena$led ?8 sends
t%e emer!enc' S?PA messa!es related to t%e non ?8 detecta$le emer!enc' session *it%in
t%e PDN connection to t%e IMS *ell 3no*n APN. (%e ?8 selects t%e $earer to $e used
$ased on t%e (9(s of t%e $earers of t%e PDN connection. H-I of t%e selected $earer is
&ro+ided $' t%e net*or3.
-.3 +oa#in! Considerations
(%is &rofile %as $een desi!ned to su&&ort IMS roamin! *it% $ot% P--S-9 and PG= in t%e
+isited net*or3. 9or more information on t%is roamin! model see GSMA PRD IR.:7 E:7F and
GSMA PRD IR.;; E:7F. Ot%er roamin! models are out of t%e sco&e of t%is &rofile.

GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 2; of #2
$nne/ $ Co#le#entin! IMS 0ith CS
$.1 'eneral
In order to offer its customers a seamless ser+ice, t%e o&erator ma' *is% to com&lement t%e
IMS VoIP and SMSoIP ca&a$le radio co+era!e $' utilisin! t%e -S radio access for +oice
andGor t%e -S core net*or3 for SMS o+er SGs. (%e IMS VoIP and SMSoIP co+era!e ma'
$e less or more e4tensi+e t%an t%e concurrent -ircuit S*itc%ed /-S2 co+era!e. (%is Anne4
descri$es t%e additional features t%at need to $e im&lemented for t%e ?8s and net*or3s t%at
*is% to su&&ort suc% a de&lo'ment scenario.
(%e +oice related reCuirements in t%is anne4 are a&&lica$le if t%e ?8 %as t%e settin! of 0IMS
PS Voice &referred, -S Voice as secondar'1.
$.2 "o#ain Selection
(%e net*or3 and t%e ?8 must su&&ort t%e IMS +oice o+er PS session su&&orted indication
as s&ecified in #GPP (S 2#.6" E"F /section 6.#.7.;2 in #GPP Release ;.
An ?8 must &erform +oice domain selection for ori!inatin! sessions *it% t%e settin! of 0IMS
PS Voice &referred, -S Voice as secondar'1 as s&ecified in #GPP (S 2#.22" E:F, Section
7.2a and must &erform t%e &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.#" E"F.
Note 1: (%e $e%a+iour of ?8s *it% t%e settin! 0IMS PS Voice &referred, -S Voice as
secondar'1 is illustrated in #GPP (S 2#.22" E:F, Anne4 A.2.
An ?8 must re)ect t%e incomin! reCuest if t%e ?8 is una$le to su&&ort s&eec% media on
current PS access as s&ecified in #GPP (S 2#.2#7 E;F and #GPP (S 26.2#7 E":F.
An ?8 must su&&ort Idle Mode Si!nallin! Reduction /ISR2 as s&ecified in Release 9
s&ecifications #GPP (S 2#.6" E"F and #GPP (S 26.#" E"7F.
$.3 S+-VCC
(%e net*or3 must su&&ort t%e Sin!le Radio Voice -all -ontinuit' /SR-V--2 &rocedures for
%ando+er from 8-?(RAN as descri$ed in #GPP (S 2#.2": E7F and #GPP (S 2#.2#7 E;F. (%e
?8 detects t%at t%e net*or3 su&&ort SR-V-- from t%e re&l' from t%e MM8 on t%e Attac%
reCuest messa!e /#GPP (S 2#.2": E7F section :.2."2.
(%e ?8 must su&&ort t%e SR-V-- &rocedures for sin!le acti+e call onl' as descri$ed in
#GPP (S 2#.2": E7F, #GPP (S 26.; E""F, #GPP (S 26.2#7 E":F, and #GPP (S 26.#"
Note 1: (%e mec%anisms to &erform transfer of additional session G %eld state G
conference call state G alertin! calls are out of sco&e of t%e &resent +ersion
of t%is &rofile.
Note 2: ?8s usin! IMS -entraliIed Ser+ices /I-S2 ca&a$ilities are out of sco&e of
t%e &resent +ersion of t%is &rofile.
$.( IMS Voice ser5ice settin!s #ana!e#ent 0hen usin! CS access
(%e ?8 must use ser+ice settin! mana!ement as defined in Section 2.#.2.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e 29 of #2
Note: (%is a&&lies also *%en ?8 is usin! -S net*or3 for +oice ser+ice
$.- 4#er!ency Ser5ice
(%is section modifies t%e reCuirements defined in section 7.2 in t%e follo*in! *a'sD
(%e ?8 must, and t%e net*or3 can, su&&ort t%e &rocedures and ca&a$ilities defined in
section 7.2.
If t%e su&&ort of one or more of t%e follo*in! scenarios is reCuired, t%en t%e net*or3 must
su&&ort t%e &rocedures in section 7.2D
De&lo'ment scenarios *%ere t%e IMS VoIP ca&a$le radio co+era!e is not
com&lemented $' -S radio co+era!e.
Pro+ide +oice ser+ice on A(8 to ?8 *it% incom&ati$le -S domain.
Pro+ide +oice ser+ice on A(8 to ?8 su&&ortin! A(8 onl'
=%en emer!enc' ser+ice su&&ort +ia -S domain is reCuired, t%e ?8 and net*or3 must
su&&ort t%e -S emer!enc' ser+ice as used toda'.
(%e ?8 must $e a$le to &erform domain selection for emer!enc' calls, and automaticall' $e
a$le to retr' in t%e ot%er domain if an emer!enc' session attem&t fails, as defined in #GPP
(S 2#.":7 E#F c%a&ter 7.# and #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F. (%e ?8 must $e a$le to detect if t%e
net*or3 is not su&&ortin! IMS emer!enc' sessions as defined in #GPP (S 2#.6" E"F, t%en
select t%e -S domain for ?8 detected emer!enc' sessions.
(%e net*or3 must $e a$le to re)ect an IMS emer!enc' session attem&t suc% t%at t%e ?8 can
retr' in t%e -S domain, as defined in #GPP (S 26.229 E"7F and #GPP (S 2#.":7 E#F, c%a&ter
=%en IMS emer!enc' ser+ice is not &ossi$le /for e4am&le, t%e net*or3 does not su&&ort
IMS emer!enc'2, and *%en t%e ?8 su&&ortin! -S 9all$ac3 /-S9>2, as descri$ed in #GPP
(S 2#.272 E9F, is IMSI attac%ed, and emer!enc' ser+ices are su&&orted in t%e -S domain,
t%e ?8 must use t%e -S9> &rocedures for -S emer!enc' ser+ice. If t%e net*or3 or t%e ?8
does not su&&ort -S9>, t%e ?8 must autonomousl' select t%e RA( *%ic% su&&orts -S
emer!enc' ser+ice.
(%e ?8 must su&&ort SR-V-- for IMS emer!enc' sessions as s&ecified in #GPP Release 9
(S 2#.2": E7F and #GPP (S 2#.2#7 E;F. (%e SR-V-- ?8 *%ic% su&&orts IMS emer!enc'
ser+ice must su&&ort SIP instance ID as &er t%e &rocedures in #GPP (S 26.2#7 E":F section
(%e net*or3 must su&&ort SR-V-- for IMS emer!enc' sessions as s&ecified in #GPP
Release 9 (S 2#.2": E7F and #GPP (S 2#.2#7 E;F. (%e net*or3 must su&&ort t%e SIP
instance ID as descri$ed in #GPP (S 26.2#7 E":F.
In limited ser+ice state, it is recommended t%at a ?8 t%at is -S +oice ca&a$le s%ould al*a's
cam& on a RA( *%ic% is li3el' to su&&ort t%e -S domain, for e4am&le, G8RAN or ?(RAN or
-DMA2, as descri$ed in #GPP (S 2#.22" E:F.
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e # of #2
$.. +oa#in! Considerations
Section 7.# defines t%e &referred roamin! model, $ut t%is model ma' not al*a's $e &ossi$le,
due to t%e IMS roamin! restrictions or lac3 of P--S-9 in t%e +isited net*or3. =%en +oice
o+er IMS is not &ossi$le t%e ?8 must follo* &rocedures defined in Anne4 section A.2 to use
-S for +oice ser+ice.
$.7 SMS Suort
(%is section modifies t%e reCuirements defined in section 2.7 in t%e follo*in! *a'sD
(%e ?8 must, and net*or3 can, su&&ort t%e SMS-o+er-IP as descri$ed in section 2.7. In
addition, *%en su&&ort of SMS o+er SGs is reCuired, t%e ?8 and net*or3 must su&&ort t%e
necessar' &rocedures as s&ecified in #GPP (S 2#.272 E9F, #GPP (S 2#.22" E:F and #GPP
(S 26.#" E"7F. If t%e ?8 su&&orts $ot% SMS-o+er-IP and SMS o+er SGs met%ods, t%e ?8
must su&&ort functionalit' as s&ecified accordin! to section 7.2c in #GPP (S 2#.22" E:F. (%e
?8 mustD
a2 >e &re-confi!ured $' t%e o&erator to use eit%er SMS o+er IP or SMS o+er s!sM
$2 >e ca&a$le of $ein! confi!ured accordin! to IMS Mana!ement O$)ect defined
in #GPP (S 26.":7 E:;F &arameter 0SMSRO+erRIPRNet*or3sRIndication1, in
order to !i+e o&erator control to confi!ure ?8 to use SMS o+er SGs *%en
If SMS o+er SGs is not su&&orted t%en t%e net*or3 must su&&ort t%e &rocedures in section
GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e #" of #2
$nne/ 2 )eatures Needed In Certain Mar,ets
2.1 'eneral
(%is anne4 descri$es features t%at onl' a su$set of t%e IMS tele&%on' o&erators need to
su&&ort in certain mar3ets. (%ese features t'&icall' are o&erationall' reCuired due to national
re!ulator' reCuirements.
2.2 'lo&al %e/t %elehony
In some mar3ets, t%ere are re!ulator' reCuirements t%at deafG%earin! im&aired &eo&le must
$e a$le to &erform te4t $ased communication to ot%er users and !o+ernment offices. In t%is
document, t%is ser+ice is referred to as Glo$al (e4t (ele&%on' and t%e follo*in!
reCuirements outlines %o* t%e Glo$al (e4t (ele&%on' ser+ice s%ould $e im&lemented in
mar3ets *%ere reCuired.
Glo$al (e4t (ele&%on'Gtelet'&e*riter messa!es must use I(?-( Recommendation (."6
E7F real-time te4t accordin! to t%e rules and &rocedures s&ecified in #GPP (S 2:.""6 E#7F
*it% t%e follo*in! clarificationsD
(%e ?8 must offer AVP for all media streams containin! real-time te4t.
9or real-time te4t, R(-P re&ortin! must $e turned off $' settin! t%e SDP $and*idt%
modifiers 0RS1 and 0RR1 to Iero.
(%e sam&lin! time used must $e # ms.
-%an!e of t%e sam&lin! time /rate ada&tation2 is not reCuired.
2.3 Ser5ice Secific $ccess Control
In some mar3ets, for e4am&le @a&an, t%ere are re!ulator' reCuirements t%at reCuire t%e
need to sto& onl' +oice calls *%ile allo*in! %i!% &riorit' calls and access for ot%er &ac3et /for
e4am&le email, *e$, disaster messa!e $oard2 ser+ices, as under disaster or emer!enc'
e+ents, t%e mass simultaneous +oice call reCuests are usuall' t%e main cause for net*or3
(o fulfil t%e re!ulator' reCuirements, t%e ?8 for suc% mar3ets must su&&ort Ser+ice S&ecific
Access -ontrol /SSA-2 as s&ecified in Release 9 +ersion of #GPP (S 22."" E"F, #GPP (S
#:.##" E72F, #GPP (S 26."7# E"6F and #GPP (S 27.7 E6#F.

GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document IR.92 - IMS Profile for Voice and SMS
V7. Pa!e #2 of #2
"ocu#ent Mana!e#ent
"ocu#ent 7istory
Version "ate 2rief "escrition of Chan!e $ro5al
4ditor =
." 2;G"G2" Ne* PRD /RIA(8 Doc :G62. RIA(8 U:

@o%n >o!!is,
.2 "9G2G2" ?&dated to ta3e account of
c%an!es &ro&osed $' Itsuma
(ana3a from N(( Docomo
RIA(8 /email
a&&ro+al after Mt!
@o%n >o!!is,
". ";G#G2" DAG U:7 comments IR8G email
a&&ro+al $efore
mt! U 7;
8M- U ;"
@o%n >o!!is,
2. 29G7G2" -R" to IR.92 8n%ancements
and corrections to t%e document
IR8G email
a&&ro+al $efore
mt! U 79
8M- U ;:
@o%n >o!!is,
#. 22G"2G2" -R2 to IR.92 8n%ancements
and corrections to t%e document
IR8G U 79
8M- U ;9
@o%n >o!!is,
6. 22G#G2"" -R#, -R6, -R7 and
RIA(8GIR8G email
a&&ro+al $efore
8M- U 9"
@o%n >o!!is,
7. 2;G"2G2"" -R7 to -R"7 RIA(8GIR8G email
a&&ro+al $efore
IR8G U:"
8M- U 99
@o%n >o!!is,
:. 2;G"2G2"" -R": and -R"7 IR8G U:2
PSM- U "2
@o%n >o!!is,
7. 27G2G2"# -R"", -R"2, -R"# and
IR8G U:#
Nic3 Russell,
6ther Infor#ation
%ye "escrition
Document O*ner IR8G RIA(8
8ditor G -om&an' Nic3 Russell, Researc% In Motion

It is our intention to &ro+ide a Cualit' &roduct for 'our use. If 'ou find an' errors or omissions,
&lease contact us *it% 'our comments. Vou ma' notif' us at &rdP!
Vour comments or su!!estions J Cuestions are al*a's *elcome.

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