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Opportunity to start an Authorized Information Technology Training Center of
To impart basic as !ell as Adance IT training to root leel " rural based
students !ith minimum charges " fees.
Why choose MiC?
* Matri# Institute of Computer $MiC% had been registered under the
&ociety 'ot. Of (est )engal* India* !or+ing in different fields of
,rogramme - Commercial Training Organization .
. Our Courses are duly affiliated by the /ational Council of 0ocational
Training $/C0T%* 'ot. of India* Ministry of 1abour* 2'3-T.
. 'ot. of India* Ministry of 1abour* 2'3-T* has selected our Institute
as 40ocational Training ,roider4$0T,% for Modular 3mployable &+ills
$M3&% under /C0T $'ot. of India%.
. 5ni6ue and 7ob oriented course structure.
. 1o!est course fees.
. 5ni6ue study materials and tool +it for all students.
. (ell 36uipped Computer 1ab.
. 3#perienced and 3#pert 8aculty.
. ,lacement opportunity for successful students.
. 'lobally recognized Certificate.
Franchise Benefits:
)ecoming our 8ranchisee !ill open ne! istas for you in the profit street
for the singular reason that !e hae an e#perience of more than 9 years
in this field.
Association !ith us ensures constant flo! of )usiness and the
&atisfaction of ma+ing future IT professionals.
3#cellent returns on inestment.
,romotional material li+e brochures* prospectus etc. !ill be supplied
at production cost by MiC $:ead Office% on re6uisition by the
'uidelines !ill be gien by head office on the layout of the Institute.
8ranchisee training is done at Corporate Office " :ead Office.
As a franchisee* you can get detailed operating manuals.
How to take a Me!ershi":-
Any Academy " Institution " Center !ho is interested to tie-up !ith MiC can
apply with complete details of self, premises, available hardware, plan for
business development .
The MiC Study Centre should satisfy the following criteria.-
Should be in business (IT related and willing to invest re!uired
amount of money Should have commitment for providing !uality
training to students.
The centre would have separate class rooms, Computer "ab and
#eception $ office room.
The study centre should have a well e!uipped library, housing boo%s
as prescribed by the MiC central coordinating office.
Must have drin%ing water & Toilate facilities.
3#amination :- The e#amination !ill be conducted by the authorized
e#aminer of the MiC at the Authorized Training Center.
Infrastructure ;e6uirement
&pecification City To!n 0illage
(a) Aria (Sq.Ft.) 800 600 400
(b) No. of Theory Class Rooms 2 1 1
() Sitti!" Ca#aity #er Class Room 20 14 10
($) %ab Room 1 1 1
(e) No. of Systems 10 6 4
Har#ware $e%&ireents
' (ne )entium server *odes.
' *ecessary +ardware compatibility for Internet.
' )rinter & Scanner
' ,)S (-.. /0 $ 1enerator
Counselor, faculty, Manager, )eon.

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