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Total Aikido: The Master Course

Kodansha International | 1997 | ISBN: 4770020!9 | 20! "a#es | $%& | '()

Aikido students and enthusiasts the *orld o+er *ill ,e deli#hted *ith this
-n#lish translation o. /o0o Shioda1s 2hidden "rin3i"les)2 4nall5 6ade
a+aila,le ,5 the 7oshinkan s3hool o. aikido8 An outstandin# student o. aikido
.ounder Morihei 9eshi,a) Shioda) *ho tau#ht thousands o. "eo"le in his
li.eti6e) le.t a "ro.ound le#a35) su33ess.ull5 tea3hin# the s"iritual and
"ra3ti3al a""li3ations o. a 6artial art that 3ould all too easil5 ,e3o6e 6ired
in one or the other8
In this se:uel to %7NAMIC AIKI%;) the "ree6inent 6aster 3ontinues his
e<"lanation o. the essential "rin3i"les ,ut in 4ner detail8 Co6"rehensi+e and
.ull5 illustrated) T;TA= AIKI%; 3o+ers the ,asi3 "ostures and 6o+e6ents *ith
s"e3ial e6"hasis on 3ertain ke5 "oints .or "er.e3tin# one1s te3hni:ue to
a3hie+e 6a<i6u6 e>e3t *ith the 6ini6u6 o. e>ort8 %e6onstrations are
"red in a d?@? settin#) *ith hel".ul "ointers .or a+oidin# 3o66on 6istakes8 To
ena,le students to de+elo" #reater stren#th and 3ontrol) the5 are sho*n ho*
to in3rease their s"eed) shi.t their 3enter o. #ra+it5) and s5n3hroni0e
6o+e6ents *ith those o. their o""onents8
This is an essential *ork .or students o. all le+els) a treasur5 o. e<"ert

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