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As it is Written

The Name of the Father Deluxe Edition

The First Step
So wait for me -- declares Yahweh -- for the
day when I rise as accuser, for I am
determined to gather the nations, to
assemble the kingdoms, and on you to vent
my fury, the whole heat of my anger (for the
whole earth will be devoured by the fire of
my jealousy). Yes, then I shall purge the
lips of the peoples, so that all may invoke
the name of Yahweh and serve him
shoulder to shoulder. (Zephaniah 3:8-9)
The First Step
It is perhaps the most basic concept that
gets misunderstood more often than any
other: the Name of the Father.
Many people insist He doesnt have a
name. Others say the pronunciation has
been lost. Still others say we are not
allowed to pronounce it or any old
substitute is fine. What is the truth?
The First Step
Consider also this fact: YHWH has said,
The grass withers and the flower fades,
but My Word endures forever (Isaiah
Therefore, while some may forget, His
Name must endure! Otherwise, how can
His Word endure forever, if His Name in
that Word is lost?
The First Step
So in this study, we are going to separate
the truth from bad legends and outright
lies, made by people who have a vested
and entrenched interest in not letting the
Name be known.
And just to be clear, both Jewish and
Christian quarters are equally culpable in
hiding the Name from their flocks. They
have forgotten the Word
The First Step

My Set-Apart Name I will make known in
the midst of My people Israel; and I will
not let My Set-Apart name be polluted
anymore. And the nations will know that I
am YHWH ( ) the Set-Apart One in Israel.
(Ezekiel 39:7-Matara)
The First Step
Lets start with this bad idea. The story
goes that because the Jews deliberately
hid the Name, it became lost to them
since the Temple was destroyed and
Christianity likewise did not retain the
Name either.
In this case, heres a suggestion: Why
not ask the Rabbis if this is true? Or
instead, the Jewish Encyclopedia

The First Step
The true pronunciation of the name
YHWH was never lost. Several early Greek
writers of the Christian Church testify that
the name was pronounced Yahweh.
This is confirmed, at least for the vowels of
the syllable of the name, by the shorter form
Yah, which is sometimes used in poetry
(e.g., Ex. 15:2) and the yahu and yah that
serves as the final syllable in very many
The First Step
Hebrew names.
-Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 7, Keter
Publishing House, Jerusalem, Israel, the
Macmillan Company, Jerusalem, 1972, p.
Also, if the Names pronunciation was
lost, how could people still be put to
death for saying it correctly?
The First Step
When the examination was ended, the
culprit was not executed on the testimony
under the pseudonym; but all are told to
leave the room except the witnesses, and
the oldest of them is instructed: "Tell what
you heard exactly." And he does so. The
judges then arise, and rend their garments,
and they are not to be mended. The second
witness then says: I heard exactly the same
The First Step
as he told. And so also says the third
(Sanhedrin 7:7, Rodkinson Mishnah)
So obviously the Rabbis DID know how
the Name sounded after all.
And, the command and prophecy of
Scripture is clear
The First Step
How long are there to be those among the
prophets who prophesy lies and are in fact
prophets of their own delusions? They are
doing their best, by means of the dreams
that they keep telling each other, to make
My people forget My Name, just as their
ancestors forgot My Name in favor of
Baal. Let the prophet who has had a dream
tell it for a dream. And let him who receives
The First Step
a Word from Me, deliver My Word
accurately! (Jeremiah 23:26-28-NJB)
So what happened? How did we go from
clear statements in the Scripture that
command us to remember His Name and
also declare it boldly into a curse to forget
that same Name?
Much of the answer has to do with
understanding the actual Ban in the
first place, bringing us to
Ban on the Run!
Ban on the Run!
The traditional justification for banning the
Name rests on three statements in the
Torah which became combined in rabbinic
You shall not take the Name of YHWH your
Elohim in vain. (Exodus 20:7)
You shall not profane My Set Apart Name.
(Leviticus 22:32)
He who curses in the Name of YHWH will
surely die. (Leviticus 24:16)

Ban on the Run!
In the Talmudic work Pirkei Avot (the
Sayings of the Fathers) we read the
Moses received the Law on Sinai and
delivered it to Joshua; Joshua in turn
handed it down to the Elders (not to the
seventy Elders of Moses' time but to the
later Elders who have ruled Israel, and each
of them delivered it to his successor); from
the Elders it descended to the prophets
Ban on the Run!
(beginning with Eli and Samuel), and each
of them delivered it to his successors until it
reached the men of the Great Assembly.
The last, named originated three maxims:
"Be not hasty in judgment; Bring up many
disciples; and, Erect safe guards for the
Law." (Rodkinson Mishnah, Pirkei Avot 1:1)
What Rodkinson calls safe guards is
syag in Aramaic, and it means actually
something closer to fence.
Ban on the Run!
The idea of a fence was to place an extra
command around the Torah, so that if you
dont break the extra rule, you have no
chance of breaking the real one.
In this case, lining up the three Torah
statements we just saw, the logic goes
like this: If I never speak the Name, I
cant be accused of either taking it in
vain, profaning it or cursing in it.
Ban on the Run!
While this seems logical at first glance,
history proves that man is not qualified
to add to the Set Apart
Scripturemans wisdom can never
exceed Elohims. And what Elohim has
uttered cannot be improved upon or
repaired by man.
To see why, consider the case of Adam
and Eve
Ban on the Run!
The original command that Abba YHWH
gave for Adam to pass on to Eve was this:
'You are free to eat of all the trees in the
garden. But of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil you are not to eat; for,
the day you eat of that, you are doomed
to die.'(Genesis 2:16-17 NJB)
Seems pretty straightforwardand it is
until humans start trying to improve it
Ban on the Run!
The woman answered the snake, 'We may
eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But
of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the
garden God said, "You must not eat it,
nor touch it, under pain of death." '
(Genesis 3:2-3 NJB)
Notice the change? Eve is saying they
cant touch the fruitbut Abba YHWH
never said thatso why add to His words?
Ban on the Run!
This is the first syag in human history.
Whether taught by Adam or on her own, Eve
has added to the original command, with
disastrous results
The woman saw that the tree was good to
eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was
enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So
she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also
gave some to her husband who was with
her, and he ate it. (Genesis 3:6 NJB)
Ban on the Run!
Like the ban on the Name, the logic Adam
and Eve had seemed sound: If I dont
touch the fruit, I cant eat the fruit.
The problem however is, when we dont
know where our logic ends and His
command begins, we think touching the
fruit alone is fatal, when it never was.
So when Eve touched it and didnt die, she
reasonedunderstandably sothat it
must be safe to eat it!
Ban on the Run!
Worse than that even is this fact: Yshua the
Messiah himself hated these same fences
when the Pharisees did them, because they
counteracted the original Torah command
Then the scribes and the Pharisees who
were from Urishlim drew near to Y'shua and
said, "Why do your disciples transgress
against the traditions of the elders and do
not wash their hands when they eat bread?"

Ban on the Run!
Traditions of the Elders = Oral Law
Then Y'shua answered and said to them,
"Why also do you transgress against the
Commandments of Elohim because of
your traditions?

Traditions are against the Written Torah!
For Elohim said, 'Honor your father and
mother, and anyone who reviles his father
and his mother let him be put to death.'"

Ban on the Run!
"But you say anyone who says to a father or
to a mother, 'My offering is whatever you
have gained by me,' then he does not need
to honor his father or mother.
Specific example (one of many he gives)
to prove traditions can go against Torah
And you nullify the Word of Elohim because
of your tradition.

Effect of the tradition stated: Torah is
made void.

Ban on the Run!
Hypocrites! Well did Yesha'yahu
prophesy concerning you and said, 'This
people honor me with their lips, but their
heart is very far from me.' And they
revere me in vain, while they teach the
doctrines of the commandments of the
sons of men. (Matthew 15:3-9-AENT)
By quoting Isaiah, Messiah is saying this
is a huge problem, and he rebukes 700
years worth of that tradition!

Ban on the Run!
So now what we need to do is line up the
three Torah statements used by the rabbis
to justify the ban on the Name, and see
what they really mean when put back into
their original context
You shall not take the Name of YHWH your
Elohim in vain ( ). (Exodus 20:7)
The key word in vain is pronounced shav
in Hebrew, so lets see what it really

Ban on the Run!
You shall not take the Name of YHWH your
Elohim in vain ( ). (Exodus 20:7)
While the word technically does refer to
vanity, uselessness, it is deceiving to let
that stand in isolation, because it is the
reason why something becomes
useless that is at the heart of the
meaning of shav.
The fact is, something becomes shav
when it is lied about

Ban on the Run!
Who does go up into the mountain of stand
in His set-apart place? He who has
Who did innocent hands and a clean heart,
not bring his life to naught, and did not
swear deceivingly.

He receives a blessing from , And
righteousness from the Elohim of his
deliverance. (Psalm 24:4-5-TS 1998)
(Psalm 24-25, The Scriptures 1998)

Ban on the Run!
So we see here that ones life is vanity/in
vain when one swears falsely or lies.
Heres another one
Oh, that You would slay the wrong, O Eloah!
Depart from me, therefore, men of
bloodshed! They speak against You
wickedly. Bring Your enemies to naught!
(Psalm 139:19-20-TS 1998)
Again we see shav where it says
naught/vanity, but through lies!

Ban on the Run!
Now, Romans 1:25 says, they have
exchanged the truth of Elohim for a
lie, therefore a lie is substitution of
true facts for false ones.
With regards then to the Name of Elohim,
to substitute it is then to make it
vain/desolate, and so in spite of the
rabbis best efforts to safe guard the
Name, they are in effect making it shav by
switching it out! Next verse

Ban on the Run!
You shall not profane My Set Apart Name.
(Leviticus 22:32)
The word profane or halal literally means
to debase or make common. There are
several ways this happens
'Speak to Aaron and his sons. They must
be consecrated by the holy offerings of the
Israelites and must not profane my holy
name; for my sake they must sanctify it; I
am Yahweh. (Leviticus 22:2 NJB)

Ban on the Run!
"You will not allow any of your children
to be sacrificed to Molech, thus profaning
the name of your God. I am Yahweh.
(Leviticus 18:21 NJB)
House of Israel, Lord Yahweh says this: Go
on, all of you, worship your foul idols, but
later we shall see if you don't listen to me!
Then you will stop profaning my holy
name with your offerings and your foul
idols. (Ezekiel 20:39 NJB)

Ban on the Run!
In these and many other places,
profaning the Name of your Elohim
means to disobey His commandments.
But in another sense, to profane, just like
to make vain/desolate involves
substituting truth for a lie
And do not swear falsely by My Name
( ) and so profane ( )
the Name of your Elohim. I am .
(Leviticus 19:12-TS 1998)

Ban on the Run!
So this same word, halal or profane also
means to lie, which in turn makes ones
word vain (shav), so these are
synonyms meaning do not hide My
Name , or do not substitute My Name
or, and most importantly, Do not lie
about My Name!
Therefore, between the inter-related
meanings of both words, a clear picture
about not switching the Name emerges.

Ban on the Run!
And finally we have this verse
He who curses ( ) in the Name of YHWH
will surely die. (Leviticus 24:16)
Again, this is not a ban on saying the
Name, only cursing in it.
However, by the time the Tanakh was
translated into Greek, it is clear the word
for cursenaqabgot redefined away
from its original meaning
Ban on the Run!
He who curses ( ) in the Name of YHWH
will surely die. (Leviticus 24:16-Hebrew)
But the Greek reads
He who names the name of the Lord
( ) let him die
the death. (Leviticus 24:16-Greek)
So now curse has been wrongly extended
to mean even speaking the Name.
Ban on the Run!
The problem is, just like Adam and Eve
assumed they couldnt touch or eat the Tree
of Knowledges fruit, so too has naming
been added to the original command
against cursing, but the Scriptures
clearly are against this idea
My Name shall be declared in all the earth.
(Exodus 9:16)
My people shall know My Name.
(Isaiah 52:6)

Ban on the Run!
And those who know your name will put their
trust in You.
(Psalm 9:10)
I will deliver him; I will set him on high,
because he has known My Name.
(Psalm 91:14)
A book of remembrance was written before
Him for those who fear YHWH
and who meditate on His name.
(Malachi 3:16)
Ban on the Run!
Let them praise Your great and awesome
name- He is Set-Apart.
(Psalm 99:3)
My mouth shall speak the praise of YHWH,
and all flesh shall bless
His Set-Apart Name forever and ever.
(Psalm 145:21)
Let them praise the name of YHWH.
(Psalm 148:13)

Ban on the Run!
But now the time has come to speak on the
specifics of the ban itself. First, people
speaking parts of the Name were not
condemned, only those who spoke all of it
He who blasphemes is liable only when
he will have fully pronounced the Divine
Name. (Sanhedrin, 7:5)
This means that parts of the Name
including each half of itwere not
banned or covered up! This is key!

Ban on the Run!
As a result, when Psalm 68:4 declares
clearly, YAH is My Name, that part of the
Name is not banned.
And when in Exodus 3:14 Abba YHWH
gives another part of His Name as I am
that I am, or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, and
says tell them Ehyeh (I am/ ) sent
you unto them, that sound from the verb
to be was not banned either. Now only
one other piece remains.

Ban on the Run!
It seems to be the case that, just like
Josephus telling us there were four
vowels, there were some sources that
offered clues to pronouncing the Name,
even though they wouldnt give the
final answer.
One of these sources is the Aramaic
Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel for the
Torah. Lets see how this reads for Exodus
Ban on the Run!
And He said, This thou shalt say to the sons
of Israel, I AM HE WHO IS, AND WHO
WILL BE, hath sent me unto you. (Etheridge
translation of Jonathan Targum of Exodus
The Aramaic text appears this way in the
bolded part: which is: ana (I
am) hawa (he who is) d (who) hooyana
(will be). But now we need to put these
words back into Hebrew
Ban on the Run!

So now back into the original Hebrew we
see the two major terms that the Targum
is trying to explain.
The first is the Long I amEhyeh Asher
Ehyeh (I am that I am) and the second is
Ehyeh by itself which just means I am or,
as in other cases, I will be, and this is
what the Targumist is trying to show.
Ban on the Run!
The Targum is doing a double exploitation
of the word Ehyeh for clarification, since it
means on the first occurrence I am and
on the second occurrence I will be.
So now all we have to do is put together
these words to form a sentence that
comes very close to revealing the sounds
of the Name
Ehyeh (I AM) YAH-WHO (He who is) Ehyeh
(Who will be) = I AM YAH-WHO-EH! YEH!

Ban on the Run!
The last two letters of the 2
Ehyeh (YH),
form the sound YEH, and a very slight
aspiration off the H yields yehee which is
also from the verb hayah and means let it
be (New World Hebrew Dictionary, p. 453),
so the message is: I AM YAH-WHO-EH!
LET IT BE (Or, SO BE IT)! This sounds
like breathing, in on YAH, out on WEH,
although no one part of the Name was
banned, but more evidence is coming.
Ban on the Run!
Meanwhile, one final point on the Aramaic
Targum literature should be mentioned.
These paraphrases in Aramaic were
developed over a long period of time in
the earliest centuries of the Common
Era, to help Aramaic speaking Jews
make better sense of their Hebrew
liturgy. So in the case we just saw, the
literal reading I am that I amI am sent
me to you did not make total sense.
Ban on the Run!
The issue was the same as it is
todaysometimes Ehyeh is I AM and
sometimes it means I will be and the
issue is further complicated by the fact that
I AM seems to be turning into a title.
So the Aramaic translator simply put all
the possible readings into his text, and
in doing so also left behind evidence
revealing his knowledge of the sound
of the Name!
Ban on the Run!
This bring us to what has been most
surprising to me personally, which is that
while Josephus and other Jewish
authorities absolutely refuse to spell out
the sound of the Name directly
they do seem to have a propensity to
leave clues behind for others to piece that
sound togetherespecially in Greek and
in Aramaic. We can see this most clearly
in the abbreviation of the Name itself
Ban on the Run!
The oldest of this literature type is the
Onkelos Targum, and it represents a
snapshot in time as to what the rabbis
felt were adequate safe guards against
pronouncing the Name. And so this is how
the Onkelos Targum shows the Name
Yodh-Waw-Yodh, with no vowel markings,
seemed to be good enough
Ban on the Run!
However, the problem with Y-W-Y soon
became apparent, because the most
natural inflection of those letterseven
without vowel markings to help it along
was YahWaYso they still gave away the
proverbial store, even though they drilled
folks to say Adonai every time they saw
that word. Okay, so lesson learned and we
fast forward a couple of centuries later
for Divine Name 2.0.
Ban on the Run!
In all the later Targums that came out after
Onkelos, the rabbis insisted on this
spelling instead for the Name:
So the upgrade was chop off the leg of
the middle letter, changing from a W to a Y
(a Waw to a Yodh). I guess they hoped
mutilating the Waw would keep it quiet!

Ban on the Run!
Heres the tale of the tape once more:
y y y y
The ironic thing about this cover up
though is that the earlier Targum
Onkelos with the wrong spelling is
considered the most authoritative by the
rabbis when reading the Torah and they
still use it! Thanks guys!

Ban on the Run!
Nevertheless, our rabbinic friends were
not done with their tweaking process yet.
As the centuries drew on into the Middle
Ages, the Masoretic scribes stabilized the
Hebrew texts for both Tanakh and the
Siddur (prayer books).
Then from about 1000 CE on Divine Name
3.0 made its appearance as: y"y> in the
prayer books and its pronounced YeYah. 56
Ban on the Run!
So first they have a name without vowels
whose natural pronunciation is very close
to the sound of the Name
Then they upgrade by cutting the middle
letter in half, and still no vowels.
Then, when that doesnt work, the next
step is to ADD vowels back, but they
are the wrong ones, and the middle
letter that was cut in half has
disappeared altogether.
Ban on the Run!
Nevertheless, its hard to see a full
universal cover up when the earliest
evidence is still allowed to exist.
It makes one wonderfor we can never
knowif there werent a few subversives
in the background of this Jewish tradition
endeavoring to pick their small rebellions
where they can.
As for me, all I can say is: Praise !

Next in Part 2
The Ancient Record Speaks!


The Ancient Record Speaks!

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Our first stop through the literary record
concerns a dialect of Sumerian that we
call cuneiform.
Sumerian is a very ancient Semitic
languageit is possible that Abraham
was raised in and/or spoke a later dialect
of this language (Akkadian) during his
youth. Both languages underwent a
transformation from hieroglyphics into
wedged letters, a.k.a. cuneiform.

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Over many centuries, several prominent
dialects of cuneiform developed, and
each of these were carefully deciphered
by specialists throughout the 19
Cuneiform became a kind of ancient
Yiddish. By that I mean Yiddish has
German words but Hebrew letters.
Cuneiform letters also were used to
express sounds in other languages
and our focus is ancient Assyrian.
The Ancient Record Speaks!
One leading Assyriologist (cuneiform expert)
commented on the following:
The consistent use of this type of phonetic
writing only becomes apparent after 2600
B.C. It constitutes the beginning of a true
writing system characterized by a
complex combination of word-signs and
phonogramssigns for vowels and
syllablesthat allowed the scribe to
The Ancient Record Speaks!
express ideas. By the middle of the Third
Millennium B.C., cuneiform primarily written
on clay tablets was used for a vast array of
economic, religious, political, literary, and
scholarly documents.
Ira Spar, "The Origins of Writing". In
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000.
_wrtg.htm (October 2004)

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Specifically, cuneiform had the ability to
express symbolic ideas (like hieroglyphics
and Chinese) but also phonetic sounds
(consonants and vowels) which were
stabilized into short and long forms of a,e,i
and u (below), preserving the Name
Short Vowels Long Vowels
a as in swap , as in father
e as in pet , as in rein
i as in pit , as in marine
u as in put , as in rule
The Ancient Record Speaks!
Very recently leading anthropologists have
announced that among all the primitive
races there was a universal belief in One
Supreme God. This tradition of Monotheism
persisted in the idolatrous cultures that
rapidly developed. Sayce, 1898,
announced that he had discovered on
three separate tablets in the British
Museum, of the time of Hammurabi, the
words Jahweh is God.
The Ancient Record Speaks!
A.T. Clay discovered Nippur tablets of
1500 BC with the inscription Jahweh is
Creator. The Ras Sharma tablets are
reported to indicate that the Phoenicians,
with all their polytheism, had one god called
El whom they worshipped as Supreme.
Halleys Pocket Bible Handbook, An
Abbreviated Bible Commentary, 18
(1948), p. 64
The Ancient Record Speaks!
This breakthrough, where Archibald
Sayce, deciphered Jahweh is God in
three cuneiform tablets dated back to
Hammurabi, or about 1800 BCE, is
explosive evidence.
Since as we just saw cuneiform has
vowels, it was possible to totally recover
the intended sounds with a high degree of
certainty. Heres a scholarly account what
Professor Sayce discovered
The Ancient Record Speaks!
The first of these is Ya-u-um-ilu. It is
obvious to imagine that we have a name
compounded of Yahweh; for Yaum is the
same as Yau, only with the Babylonian
mimmation added. As this final m is often
omitted and m itself is often written for w,
we may suppose it silent or coalescing with
the u, and in any case, have only an earlier
writing for Yau. This was the Assyrian
The Ancient Record Speaks!
writing of Yahweh, and we may interpret
the name, "Yahweh is God."
The Expositor, Volume VIII (1903), p. 289

The Ancient Record Speaks!
One question that deserved some
exploration is this: Where is the last
syllable of the Name in cuneiform? We
have the YAHU (same as YAH-WHO),
but where is the WEH or the WAH?
There are two possible explanations. First,
this is simply the short form, YAHU, which
is very common in ancient records of
several languages.

The Ancient Record Speaks!
A second possibility is that the YAHU
which is in the cuneiform is part of a
compound name, like these:
Yah-Elohim ( )Psalm 68:19
YHWH-Adonai ( )Psalm 68:21
Yah-YHWH ( )Isaiah 12:2, 26:4
YHWH-Elohaynu ( )Nehemiah

The Ancient Record Speaks!
So while Genesis 4:26 tells us that
anciently men began to call on the
Name of Yahwehnow even pagan
documents from 1800 BCE confirm
this as fact.
The Tanakh also preserves the YAHU
Name, because in Hebrew this means
Yah is or Yah exists and it is proven
correct in ancient names
The Ancient Record Speaks!
Yesha-YAH-HU ( ) = Isaiah
Yirem-YAH-HU ( ) = Jeremiah
Eli-YAH-HU ( ) = Elijah
Nechem-YAH ( )
Adoni-YAH ( )
Netan-YAH ( )
And many names appear in BOTH forms
(YAH and YAHU)!

The Ancient Record Speaks!
As a result, we just saw how YAH is
preserved in the cuneiform texts and
understood by Sayce and other experts
as YAHWEH, but how can we know these
are the same?
One fact is clear from Exodus 3:14-16:
There are many titles for Him but only
one Name (Yah/Yahweh), so we need to
look at the fact that YAH is also in
Scripture as His one and only Name
The Ancient Record Speaks!
YAH ( ) is my strength and song, And He
has become my salvation; this is my Elohim,
and I will praise Him; My father's Elohim,
and I will extol Him.
(Exodus 15:1-2-Matara)
YAH ) ( has sworn: YHWH ( )
will have war with Amalek from generation
to generation.
(Exodus 17:16-Matara)

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Sing to Elohim! Sing praises to His name!
Lift up a song for Him who rides through the
deserts, Whose name is YAH ) ( and exult
before Him. (Psalm 68:4-Matara)
Also YAH is the part of the Name in
Hallel-u-YAH in the Psalms. That phrase
was never praise the Lord but literally
praise Yah. That phrase is also carried
over in the Greek OT and NT as Alleluia
(), retaining the YAH sound.

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Another great example of the short form
YAH is right here

I shall remember the deeds of YAH ) (
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on
Your deeds.
(Psalm 77:11-12 NAU)

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Mesha Stele (ca. 840 BCE)-Earliest
reference to full Name (Yahweh)

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Elephantine Papyrus (Egyptian Temple to
YHWH). Reference to Anat-YAHU,
syncretized YHWH-Anat worship, 408 BCE.

The Ancient Record Speaks!
An equally important resource is the
Aramaic OT, also called The Peshitta
Compiled in Babylon in about 50 BCE,
this is the official OT text for Aramaic
speaking Jews and Christians for the last
2,000 years. The Rabbis who translated it
from Hebrew are the same ones who later
did the Talmud!

The Ancient Record Speaks!
In the Peshitta Tanakh, in nearly 7,000
places that YHWH appears in Hebrew, it is
replaced with MarYAH (literally Master
YAH), thus proving the Hebrew YAHU
suffix was understood as a Proper Name
in Jewish Aramaic. This also proves the
Hebrew YAHU suffix was simply carried
over from the Name perfectly intact! The
Rabbis knew what they were doing!
The Ancient Record Speaks!
The same usage of MarYAH is in the
Aramaic NT, both in cases where it is
coming from the Apostles (Acts 1:24) for
YHWH and quoting OT!
In fact, Yshua himself says MarYAH
many times (Matthew 4:10, 21:42, 43;
22:42,43,45; Mark 5:19, 12:11, 29
[Shema, Dt. 6:4], 36; 13:20, Luke 17:29,
20:37, 42)!

The Ancient Record Speaks!
And finally it is important to point out that
Aramaic will spell YAH either as YA (ay) in
Babylon for the Peshitta Tanakh or YH
(hy) in Egyptian Aramaic documents from
the 5
century BCE.
Specifically documents were found
containing 39 Jewish names with these
spellings, confirming and stabilizing
the sound as only YAH!

The Ancient Record Speaks!
In spite of this overwhelming evidence
though, others insist, based on the
readings of the Aleppo Codexa nearly
complete Torah scroll from 930 CEthat
the Name was pointed as and understood
to be properly pronounced as YEHOVAH.
First, there is no doubt that Aleppo reads
this way, but for me this is the problem
with, not proof of, YEHOVAH.
The Ancient Record Speaks!
Aleppo Codex (930 CE) with Yehovah

The Ancient Record Speaks!
First, lets check in with what our first
century Jewish historians have to say

four names engraved on it which may
only be mentioned or heard by holy men
having their ears and their tongues purified
by wisdom, and by no one else at all in
any place whatever.
And this holy
prophet Moses calls the name, a name of
four letters. (Philo, Life of Moses, 2:114-115)
The Ancient Record Speaks!
As for Josephus, he was a priest and one of
the very few Jews who could have heard the
Name in the Temple! This is what he said.
Whereupon Elohim declared to [Moses] His
Set-Apart name, which had never been
revealed to men before; concerning which
it is not lawful for me to say any more.
(Josephus, Antiquities 2:276)
And then theres this

The Ancient Record Speaks!
Murashu Tablets 440 BCE (always
YAH/YAHU and never YEHO in Hebrew

The Ancient Record Speaks!

For more information please see:

Patterns in Jewish Personal Names in the
Babylonian Diasporia by M.D. Coogan;
Journal for the Study of Judaism, Vol. IV,
No. 2, p. 183f
The Ancient Record Speaks!
Philo lived from 20 BCE to 50 CE and
Josephus from 37 CE-100 CE. Their
quotes prove a total or near-total ban on
the Name existed in the First Century
Jewish tradition puts the ban on the Name
earlierto either Shimon Ha Tzadik I (300
BCE) or Shimon Ha Tzadik II (200 BCE).
The Ancient Record Speaks!
The sources also agree that the Name
disappeared from the synagogues first, but
remained pronounced in the Temple on
special occasions. In any case, my point is
this: There is no doubt that the ban on the
Name was in full swing and agreed to by
the Masoretes who did the Aleppo
Codex! They are HIDING the Name! There
is a difference behind leaving clues with no
answer and giving away the whole Name.
The Ancient Record Speaks!
So since they are HIDING the Name
why would they turn around and give
up its true pronunciation?
Plus YEHOVAH means Let there be
Mischief in Hebrewdoes that strike you
as an appropriate Name for the Creator?
But others disagree:
The Ancient Record Speaks!
The Great Name is not derived from HVH
(Hovah) exclusively, but primarily HAYAH
(H1961), meaning to be. Because HAYAH
(H1961) is the root word for the Great
Name, any assumed relationship with
H1943 (Hovah) in order to diminish the
pronunciation of Yehovah is arguably a moot
Frankly, they miss the entire point!
The Ancient Record Speaks!
These people are ignoring millennia of
Jewish tradition about manipulating names
to change their meanings or make a point.
So when Ephrons name changes from a
long form to a short one, the rabbis teach
he lost a letter for overcharging Abraham
for Machpelah. Then, with Messiah, they
leave off the last letter of his name, an AYIN,
as a way to diminish his status, calling him
YESHU rather than YESHUA.
The Ancient Record Speaks!
Then these same rabbis do an acrostic
where each letter of a name is the first
letter of a wordand turn it into a
The net effect of this is to turn Messiahs
name into a statement: May His Name be
Blotted Out!
And in the Talmud they do the same with
the names of 5 of his disciples, changing
from good meanings to bad.
The Ancient Record Speaks!
It is taught: Yeshu had five disciples -
Matai, Nekai, Netzer, Buni, and Todah.
They brought Matai [before the judges]. He
said to them: Will Matai be killed? It is
written (Ps 42:2) "When [=Matai] shall (I)
come and appear before G-d." They said
to him: Yes, Matai will be killed as it is
written (Ps 41:5) "When [=Matai] shall (he)
die and his name perish.-Sanhedrin 43a
(The same with the other four)

The Ancient Record Speaks!
And in the famous Golem legend, the clay
avenger is invincible when the word
EMETH (truth) is written on his hand by a
Rabbi, but dies when that Rabbi removes
the first letter, leaving behind METH
So Jews and Joes doesnt get that YEHI
(let there be) HOVAH (mischief) was
shortened to YEHOVAH on purpose! This
is not the exceptionits the rule!
The Ancient Record Speaks!
It has nothing to do with what words
form roots about the Nameand
everything to do with the sentence it
spells out: To try to pronounce the
Namefrom their viewis to let there
be mischief!
This activity is a Hebraic way to confirm
messages by manipulating names and it
all over the Jewish literaturefrom
Scripture on into the present.
Next in Part 3
The Name Preserved in Greek

The Name Preserved in Greek
The Name Preserved in Greek
Century CE Septuagint Manuscripts with
the Name YHWH in Hebrew Letters. It was
only after the mid 2
century CE that the
Greek replaced YHWH with Greek kurios

The Name Preserved in Greek
Century CE Septuagint Manuscripts with
the Name YHWH in Hebrew Letters. It was
only after the mid 2
century CE that the
Greek replaced YHWH with Greek kurios

The Name Preserved in Greek
Although places like Leviticus 24:16 make
it plain that the Septuagint text (ca. 260
BCE) supported banning the Name, it is
also clear that both the Jewish and
Greek believers in Yshua the Messiah
were not participating in the ban!
(More on that later.)
As a result, with the Name of YHWH put
in Hebrew letters for the Septuagint texts
they knew, Greeks said what they heard!

The Name Preserved in Greek
Also Greek Christians by the late 1
(A.D.) had little need to keep a ban on the
Nameespecially when noting that they
threw out the Torah as a whole anyway.
So when the Greeks learned the sounds
of the Name, they had no problem putting
the Hebrew sounds into their equivalents.
The closest Greek had for what they
heard was iaoue (Yahoo-ay). Greek had
no W, but their U is very close.

The Name Preserved in Greek
As a result, swapping out the W from
Hebrew for the U in Greek still retained
the entire sound of the Name.
And the Name was further retained in the
Septuagint when it transliterated Hebrew
names that also contained YAH or YAHU,
and never YEHO.
So Zakaryah in Hebrew is rendered with
Greek vowels as Zakhar-i-YA-s.

The Name Preserved in Greek
And Yeryah in Hebrew is carried over as
Yer-ee-yah Greek.
Yesha-YAH = Yes-ah-ee-yah, and so
But perhaps the most important witness
comes from a man who spoke Greek,
Hebrew and Aramaic, who was
descended from priests and kings and
who was one of the very few Jews who
could say the Name in the Temple
The Name Preserved in Greek
The 1st century Jewish historian Josephus
gives us this information about the Name
A mitre (turban) of fine linen surrounded his
head, which was tied by a blue ribbon, about
which there was another golden crown, in
which was engraved the sacred name [of
God]: it consists of four vowels. (The
Jewish War, 5:235)
And pagan Greeks, not under the ban,
heard the Name too
The Name Preserved in Greek
Among the Jews, Moses referred his laws to
the deity who is invoked as YAHU (iaw).
Greek historian Didorus, Library of History,
1:94:2, 1st Century BCE
This is one of many historical references
that prove the Greeks did learn the sound
of the Name and put it into their letters.
Greek letters used for the Name: Iota (i),
Alpha (a) and Omega (w)ALL VOWELS,
just as Josephus says!

The Name Preserved in Greek
The 2
century Church Father Clement
used two Greek words to approximate the
Name, iaoue and iaouai, and both sound
very close to Yah-oo-ay.
Very similar sounding Greek words have
also been found in Egyptian Magic Papyri
and the 3
century Church Father Origen
used Yah-ay.

The Name Preserved in Greek
Since the Greek writers are only
transliterating sounds from Hebrew
exclusively into Greek vowels, it proves the
both the Hebrew original and the Greek
counterpart were comprised of four
vowels, not one against the other. If we are
looking then at the original Hebrew
vowels, our task then becomes much
easier. The best Hebrew grammars, like
Weingreens, categorically state this
The Name Preserved in Greek
However, long before the introduction of
vowel signs, it was felt that the main vowel
sounds should be indicated in writing, and
so the three letters Y (y), H (h) and O (w)
were used to represent long vowels.-
Jacob Weingreen, A Practical Grammar for
Classical Hebrew, p. 6-7
So how does the Hebrew Name
YHWH sound with all its letters as
long vowels? Lets take a look
The Name Preserved in Greek
Y (y) = ee as in see or y as in yes
H (h) = ah as in bah
W (w) = oo as in too or rue
H (h) = eh as in bay or whet
All the ancient sources weve seen, give
us clearly the first half of the Name
YAH. But the long Hebrew (and Greek)
vowels are also beyond clear what
they should be: OO-EH or WEH.

The Name Preserved in Greek
Finally, one last reason why we know the
Greeks learned the pronunciation of the
Name had to with how the Septuagint itself
was produced.
According to Josephus, King Ptolemy II
wanted to gather the best books in the
world for his library at Alexandria, Egypt.
The chief librarian who worked with the
king gave him this advice

The Name Preserved in Greek
But [the librarian Demetrius] said he had
been informed that there were many books
of laws among the Jews worthy of inquiring
after, and worthy of the king's library, but
which, being written in characters and in
a dialect of their own, will cause no small
pains in getting them translated into the
Greek tongue;
that the character in
which they are written seems to be like to
The Name Preserved in Greek
that which is the proper character of the
Syrians, and that its sound, when
pronounced, is like theirs also; and that
this sound appears to be peculiar to
themselves. Therefore he said that nothing
hindered why they might not get those
books to be translated also; for while nothing
is wanting that is necessary for that purpose,
we may have their books also in this library.
So the king thought that Demetrius was
The Name Preserved in Greek
very zealous to procure him abundance of
books, and that he suggested what was
exceedingly proper for him to do; and
therefore he wrote to the Jewish high priest,
that he should act accordingly. (Josephus,
The Syrians speak Aramaicand many
scholars call Aramaic Syriac for that very
reasonso here we see the Aramaic
pronunciation is identical to the Hebrew!
The Name Preserved in Greek
So when the Aramaic says YAH and
YAHU, it also proves the Hebrew originally
sounded that way too, so again name
prefixes and suffixes were YAHU and
never YEHO originally.
The long vowels in Aramaic are also
identical to Hebrew, so when YHWH was
put back into Aramaic long vowels, it
would come out with a sound close to the
Greek and Hebrew long forms as well.
The Name Preserved in Greek

Therefore, when all the ancient testimony
from cuneiform, Biblical Hebrew, Greek and
Aramaic is put together, there are only two
ways the final form of the Name can read:

YAH-WEH or YAH-oo-WEH. Thats all it can
be! Pretenders like YAHUAH and
YEHOVAH are eliminated!

What About YAHUAH?
As we just saw, YAHUAH was eliminated
as a possible Name by the process of
following Josephus testimony of four
vowels in both Hebrew and Greek.
But I should go a little deeper into the
matter nevertheless. To be fair, at least
YAHUAH folks agree on the YAH,
which is half the battle.

What About YAHUAH?
Having looked at this words merits for
years, I have yet to find a credible
scholarly analysis as to why some
view YAHUAH as authoritative. Of
course, that doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
The only work that I have seen that even
attempts to do so is that of Lew White and
his Fossilized Customs series. While I
respect Lew for his other research, he is
wrong here.

What About YAHUAH?
The main argument for YAHUAH, at least
as best as I can tell now, is that if you
take the D out of YAHUDAH (Judah), you
are left with YAHUAH.
To me, this makes no sense at all! First of
all the right pronunciation is YEHUDAH,
Second this is not a kosher process of
removing letters and tracking sounds.

What About YAHUAH?
This is because it is normal for two
Hebrew words to change pronunciation
when they form a name.
For example, YAH + KHANAN becomes
Now is anyone trying to prove that the
Name must be YOH-WAY because of
how it appears in final form? (But as
suffixes, YAH/YAHU is always intact)

What About YAHUAH?
Therefore, the final form of a name does not
necessarily prove it was the same sound as
when part of it was a separate word.
Finally, this has nothing to do with the
verb YHWH comes from: hayah (to be),
since Yehudah is from a different root,
which means to praise. So if thats the
best the YAHUAH camp has to offer then it
simply is lacking any hard evidence to pass
muster here.

Next in Part 4
Who Was Really Under the Ban?



Who Was Really Under the Ban?


Who Was Really Under the Ban?
As we saw earlier, the ban on the Name of
YHWH began, depending on the source,
sometime between 300 and 150 BCE.
It depends on if we accept that the ban
began after the death of either High Priest
Shimon the Righteous I or High Priest
Shimon the Righteous II (b. Yoma, 49b).
Also, the ban affected nearly all the Jewish
world, even rebels like the Essenes who
wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Anyone who speaks aloud the M[ost] Holy
Name of God, [whether in]
or in cursing or as a blurt in time of trial or
for any other reason, or while
he is reading a book or praying, is to be
expelled, never again to return
to the society of the Yahad.
(Community Rule/Manual of Discipline, 1QS
Col. 6 line 27b - Col. 7 line 2a)
At least they didnt kill for it!

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
The society of the Yahad refers to the
religious leadership of the community of
the Essenes.
So if the ban runs from Israel proper, to
the Qumran Desert and all the way into
the Hellenistic Jewish world, that is a near
universal observance of this ruling.
Even the Babylonian Jews avoided saying
the full Name, opting instead for YAH,
which was never banned.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
At the same time, the ban was not as total
as it might otherwise appear
In the sanctuary one says the Name as it
is written but in the provinces, with a
euphemism. (m. Sotah 7:6; b. Sotah 38b;
m. Tamid 7:2)
[speaking of behavior on the Temple
grounds] And they ordained that an
individual should greet his fellow

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
with [Gods] name, in accordance with what
is said, "And behold Boaz came from
Bethlehem; and he said to the reapers,
YHWH be with you! And they answered,
YHWH bless you. (Ruth 2:4, m. Ber. 9:5)
So the ban did not extend to the Temple
itself, only the synagogues in and out of
Israel. As a result, Josephus knew and
said the Name in Temple, but not publicly:

Who Was Really Under the Ban?

Whereupon Elohim declared to him his Set-
Apart name, which had never been revealed
to men before; concerning which it is not
lawful for me to say any more.
(Josephus, Antiquities, 2:276)
The other first century Jewish historian,
Philo, confirms this process:

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
And a golden leaf was wrought like a crown,
having four names engraved on it which
may only be mentioned or heard by holy
men having their ears and their tongues
purified by wisdom, and by no one else at
all in any place whatever. And this holy
prophet Moses calls the name, a name of
four letters. (Philo, The Life of Moses, 2:114-

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
However, it is just as important for our
purposes to look at who was not under
the ban on the Name, because this will
have a direct impact on trusting their
sources that reveal how the Name was
The first group that wasnt under the ban
were the pagan Greeks who
commissioned the translation of the OT.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
So even though the ban was in place
for the Jewish people, the original
Greek translation was for an Egyptian
king who wanted to know how the
Name sounded.
Therefore, I believe it very likely the Jews
gave him what he wanted, because the
Jews in Israel did not anticipate that
translation getting popular with their
exiled Jewish brothers!

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
The proof of this idea is that other pagan
Greeks, like the historian Didorus that we
quoted from earlier, clearly knew the
Name and wrote it down in his native
language, complete with vowels.
That Name (YAHU) confirmed the
Hebrew pronunciation that was not
banned, and was recorded in cuneiform
from about 1800 BCE. Other Greek
sources had the longer name, YAHUE.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
But whether the Greeks from the 1

Century BCE learned the pronunciation
from Ptolemy II who commissioned the
Septuagint or through other means, the
fact remains they were not under any
pressure to keep it secret!
Another group that was clearly not
beholden to the Rabbis were the Greek
speaking Gentile Christians.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Even before the First Century was out,
many Greek Christians began separating
themselves from Jewish believers and
denying the validity of the Torah. They
also denied the authority of the Oral Law
that out right banned the Name. When early
Greco-Roman Christians like Theodoret
and Origen record the Name as it was
stabilized in Greek from Hebrew, there is
no reason not to believe them.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
But there is a third group that also refused
to follow the ban on the Name of YHWH
and these were the original Jewish
Messianics or Nazarenes.
The fact is, both Yshua the Messiah
and the Apostle Paul (and others in the
NT) rejected the ban on the Name, and
this was one of the major reasons for their
separation from mainline Judaism, but not
from Torah itself! Heres proof

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
We saw earlier how the Aramaic NT
records the Name MarYAH (Master Yah)
coming out of Yshua mouth many times.
However, Yshua was accused of doing
something elseblasphemy. While the
original Hebrew definition involved cursing
in the Name, the Septuagint reading
extended that to include naming the name
of the Lord.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Other references in the Talmud say a
person is only guilty of blasphemy if they
utter the entire Name, so when the
Pharisees accused Yshua of
blasphemy it may be because they
heard him say the Name of Yahweh!
The question is, where can we find this in
the Gospels? Matthew 23:35 has Yshua
say he will not return until his followers
bless the Name MarYah--pretty close.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
However, the closest we get to seeing
Yshua utter the full Name, based on the
reaction of the High Priest, is here
And arose the high priest and said to him,
"Do you not answer to this matter, what it is
that these witnesses have against you?"
But Y'shua was silent and the high priest
said to him, "I adjure you by the living
Elohim, that you tell us if you are the
Mashiyach, the Son of Elohim."
Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Y'shua said to him, "You have said it! But I
say to you that from now on you will see the
Son of man sitting at the right hand of power
and coming upon the clouds of heaven."
Then the high priest tore his clothes and
said, "Behold he blasphemes! Why
therefore do we need witnesses? Behold
now you have heard this blasphemy.
(Matthew 26:62-65-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
The fact is, if Yshua had only said power
they could not condemn him of blasphemy
according to their own Oral Law.
That same Oral Law, as we have seen
several times, required the entire Name
uttered and heard in front of witnesses.
Furthermore, Matthew and other
Gospel writers knew the ban was
enforced throughout Israel at that time,
so did they take the Name out?

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Could it be this was done so they could
witness to Jews with a document that
didnt have a forbidden name in it?
Either that, or we have to suppose that
somehow the Pharisees were breaking
their own rules.
They would then be singling out Yshua
most unfairly and accepting his statements
like I and my Father are One as
equivalent to saying the full Name.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
The only thing I am fairly certain of is that
as the faith moved East of Jerusalem
where Aramaic dominated, it made a lot
of sense to use MarYAH rather than
YHWH, because it would circumvent
the ban and still leave no doubt in the
minds of the Aramaic readers what
Name Yshua meant.
One possible clue proving Aramaic editors
hid the Name actually comes from Greek!

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
And God spoke to Moses, saying, I am THE
BEING ( ); and he said, Thus shall
ye say to the children of Israel, THE BEING
() has sent me to you. (Exodus 3:14 LXX
translation by Brenton)
While the editors of the Septuagint were
hiding the sound of the Name, they were
not hiding its meaning. In place of the
Hebrew ehyeh they put ego eimi, a kind
of double I am reserved for Deity.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
By ego eimi being a Double I am I mean
that the second word eimi all by itself
means I am. But in the first occurrence of
the English phrase the BEING it adds
ego in front of it, and ego means I, so
it comes out as, I, I am, a good
equivalent for I am that I am.
Then the second time the BEING is in
English its just eimi alone, a regular or
singular I am.
Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Thats fine, of course, because the
Hebrew does the same thing, but what this
usage also tells us is that eimi alone is a
regular or human I am but ego eimi (I, I
am) is reserved for the Divine Name (I am
that I am).
With that in mind, we need to look at
Greek and Aramaic versions for John 8,
where Yshua is discussing his divine
Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to
you, before Abraham was born, I am (
). Therefore they picked up stones to
throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and
went out of the temple. (John 8:58-59 NAU)
Y'shua said to them, "Amen, amen I say to
you that before Awraham existed, I was!
( ) And they took up rocks to stone
him, and Y'shua hid and departed from the
temple. (Yochanan 8:58-59-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Therefore, it seems likely to me that the
Aramaic editor went with Ena-ayti or I
was because if he put before Abraham
was born, I am that I am it would seem
very close to revealing the Name to their
Jewish audience and offending them.
However the Greek editor had no such
issue, and as a result he put the raw
version inthe one that explains why
they tried stoning Yshua on the spot!

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
But whether or not we have Gospel events
where Yshua said the Name the fact
remains that Yshua himself admitted he
said the Name three times on the last
night of his life! Heres #1
I have made Your Name known to the
sons of those men whom You had given
to me from the world.
(Yochanan 17:6-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Whats interesting about John 17:6 is that
it appears to go along with a phrase from
his most famous prayer:
Therefore, you pray like this: Our Father in
heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name.
(Matthew 6:9-AENT)
We have already gone over Matthew 15
where Yshua was clearly against Oral
Law superseding the Torah

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
So since the Torah said His Name is not
be hidden or switched, Yshua sanctified
it by keeping it intact, while the
Pharisees endeavored to keep it hidden!
Woe to you scribes and Pharisees!
Hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of
Heaven before the sons of men. For you
are not entering yourselves, and those
who would enter you do not allow to
enter. (Matthew 23:13-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
That line is very important: They do not
enter the kingdom or allow others to
enterbecause the way to be saved is
to call on His Name!
And it shall be that everyone who calls
on the Name of shall be delivered.
For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim
there shall be an escape as has said,
and among the survivors whom calls.
(Joel 2:32-TS 1998)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Then I called upon the Name of , O
, I pray to You, deliver my being!
(Psalm 116:4-TS 1998)
I lift up the cup of deliverance, and call upon
the Name of .
(Psalm 116:13-TS 1998)
And, my personal favorite
Who Was Really Under the Ban?
And he said, I called to because of
my distress, and He answered me. From
the stomach of the grave I cried, and You
heard my voice. For You threw me into
the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the
floods surrounded me. All Your breakers
and Your waves passed over me. So I said,
I have been driven away from Your eyes.
Would I ever look again toward Your set-
apart Hekal (Temple)?

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Waters encompassed me, unto life, the
deep closed around me, weeds were
wrapped around my head. I went down to
the base of the mountains, the earth with its
bars were behind me forever. But You
brought up my life from the pit, O , my
Elohim. When my life fainted within me, I
remembered . and my prayer went up to
You, into Your set-apart Hekal
Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Those observing false worthlessnesses
forsake their own kindness. But I offer to
You with the voice of thanksgiving, I pay
what I have vowed. Deliverance is of .
Then spoke to the fish, and it vomited
Yonah on the dry land.
(Jonah 2:2-10 TS-1998)
Similarly, Yshua also says the Name
has the power to save those who utter
it, in our second example in John 17

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Henceforth, I will not be in the world, and
these are in the world. And I am coming to
Your presence. Kadosh Father, keep
them by your Name, the same Name
which you have given to me, that they
may be one even as We are one. I was with
them while I was in the world. I have kept
them in your Name; those whom you have
given to me, I have kept. And not a man of

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
them is lost except for the son of
destruction, that the Scriptures might be
fulfilled. (Yochanan 17:11-12)
Note the phrase Kadosh Fatheronce
again Yshua is talking about sanctifying
Him by His own Name. A similar concept
is found here
I write to you, you children, because your
sins are forgiven you for His name's sake.
(1 Yochanan 2:12-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
And finally, I believe Yshua saved the best
statements about the Name for last
And I have made Your Name known to
them. And I will confess it so that the love
with which You have loved me might be in
them, and I might be in them.
(Yochanan 17:26-AENT)
So if Yshua confessed the Name to his
followers, lets see proof that they got the

Who Was Really Under the Ban?

Then Master YHWH (MarYAH) said to
him, "Arise! Go because he (is) a vessel to
me, chosen to carry my Name among the
Gentiles and among kings and among the
sons of Israel. For I will reveal to him how
much he will suffer because of my
(Acts 9:16-17-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
For in the Scripture, he said to Pharaoh:
"For this very thing have I raised you up; that
I might show my power in you, and that My
Name might be proclaimed in all the
earth." (Romans 9:17-AENT)
For patience in your great sufferings, my
Brothers, take hold of the example of the
prophets who spoke in the name of
Master YHWH (MarYAH). For behold, we
ascribe blessedness to them who have

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
persevered. You have heard of the patience
of Job; and you have seen the result
which Master YHWH (MarYAH) created
for him: for Master YHWH (MarYAH) is
merciful and compassionate.
(Yaakov 5:10-11-AENT)
Perhaps the best proof of the Apostles
teaching the Name of YHWH though
rests with Paul in Acts 18

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
And when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia,
the Jews assembled together against Paul;
and they brought him before the judgment-
seat, saying: "This man persuades the
people to worship Elohim contrary to
Torah." (Acts 18:12-13-AENT)
The traditional church teaching is that
Paul was persuading people to worship
Yshua, but thats not what the text
says here.

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
The fact is, there would be no way the
Pharisees would have counted
worshipping Yshua as even false
worship of Elohim! If thats what they
meant, they would call Paul a pagan.
So, the fact that they are saying it is bad
Elohim worship gives us a hint that we
may be dealing with an issue that is
completely within the realm of Judaisma
Torah debate in other words. Next

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
And when Paul requested that he might
open his mouth and speak, Gallio said to the
Jews: "If your accusation, O Jews, related to
any legal offense done, or any fraud, or
base act, I would listen to you in proper
fashion. But if the discussions are
concerning words, and about names, and
with respect to your Torah, you must see
to it among yourselves, for I am not
disposed to be a judge of such matters."
(Acts 18:14-15-AENT)

Who Was Really Under the Ban?
Gallio has just nailed the exact offense
the Pharisees have against Paul.
Paul didnt speak treason against the
Emperor and he didnt violate a matter of
ceremonial ritual that would be difficult to
explain to the Romans.
Instead, it was concerning words and
about names and with respect to your
Torahand there was only one Name
Paul could have said to offend them!

And so, since Paul clearly knew and
taught the Namesame as the other
Apostlesit is clear that both Judaism and
Christianity have lost something precious
from their own histories that they need to
get back.
Many prophets told us that the blindness
of Jews (Isaiah 53) and Gentiles
(Jeremiah 16) would come over the world
for a long time.
But others, like Daniel, said that during
the End of Days knowledge will go
back and forth and greatly increase.
So just as sin and stupidity caused many
to forget His Name, Jew and Gentile alike,
so too do we know with a certainty that in
these times, the people will return again
to take refuge in His Name and be
saved. The restoration of YHWH then is
essential to our future
For then will I turn to the people a pure
language, that they may call upon the name
of YHWH. (Zephaniah 3:9)

Therefore, behold, I will this once cause
them to know, I will cause them to know
mine hand and my might; and they shall
know my name is YHWH. (Jeremiah 16:21)

And no longer shall they teach, each one
his neighbor, and each one his brother,
saying, Know , for they shall all know
Me, from the least of them to the greatest
of them, declares . For I shall
forgive their crookedness, and remember
their sin no more.
(Jeremiah 31:34 TS-1998)
But with that blessing of course also
comes great responsibility

I am Yahweh, that is My
Name! I shall not yield My
glory to another, nor My
honor to idols.
(Isaiah 42:8 NJB)

And so, at the end of the proverbial day,
the choice is yours, which group to follow.
Will it be the voices of men?
It is written, this, My Name is to be hidden.
(Pesachim 50a)
It is forbidden to read the glorious and
terrible Name as it is written as the sages
said: He who pronounces the Name as
written has no share in the world to come.
(Mishnah Berurah 5:2)

Or will it be the overwhelming Voice of His
Word? For me the choice is easy
And if it seems evil in your eyes to serve
, choose for yourselves this day whom
you are going to serve, whether the mighty
ones which your fathers served that were
beyond the River, or the mighty ones of the
Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But I
and my house, we serve .
(Joshua 24:15 TS-1998)

abr hdwt
Todah Rabbah
Andrew Gabriel Roth


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