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Geneconverter 700

Leading the industry in efciency

Ma k i n g p o r k mo r e p r o f i t a b l e
The Geneconverter 700 is a robust, healthy sire with good, strong legs. It delivers excellent overall herd performance due to
being exceptionally feed efcient. The increase in growth rates over a decrease in FCR has been very impressive and proved
extremely cost effective to my business. The fast growth means a reduction in days to slaughter which in turn has made my
whole operation more protable.

Richard Pedley, A & B White

Dont just take our word for it
Top 10% Top 20%
Pre-test Gain (g/day) 600 570
Days to 40kg 66 70
Gain on Test (g/day) 1260 1220
Ribfat 100kg (mm) 8.0 8.5
Muscle Depth 100kg (mm) 81.3 78.1
Days to 100kg 136 138
Nucleus Performance
Muscle % (90kg) 63.6
Fat % (90kg) 20.4
Skeletal % (90kg) 16.0
CT Scan Results
This white sire line can be used on any sow and is an industry leading sire due to its low FCR which minimises the impact of high
feed costs. The Geneconverter 700s efciency means low subcutaneous fat levels, enabling producers to get maximum value from
low P2 contracts at any weight. With a scientically proven higher lean meat yield, the progeny deliver for both farm and factory.

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