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Ewing Township Code in full on the Web

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Staff Writer

EWING — Democrats and Republicans are both taking credit for updating the Ewing Township Code — a
compendium of all local ordinances, including the township’s important Land Development Ordinance —
which can now be accessed on the Internet.

Democratic Council President Kathleen Wollert, in a prepared statement, said Ewing’s two-year-long
effort to update the code and make it readily accessible to all residents is nearing its successful

“This marks another step forward in Ewing’s efforts to modernize its operation and to make government
as transparent as possible so that everyone can readily access this important documents,” she said.

Wollert lauded the efforts of the Democratic-controlled township council in providing funds and keeping
the project on track.

The code, she said, can be accessed at and a link will be established on the
township Web site to allow residents to access the code from there as well.

“The Land Development Ordinance had not been codified since 2000,” Wollert said, “and there have been
many additions to it in the last eight years.

“The other portions of the code were last updated in 1999 and have seen important changes as well. For
the first time in almost 10 years the township has a completely up-to-date compilation of all its local laws,”
she said.

Republican Mayor Jack Ball, in a phone interview, said “Dave Thompson, our township business
administrator, who was appointed by me in January 2007, deserves a lot of the credit. He made updating
the code one of the first issues he looked at, and the money was budgeted a long time ago.”

Ball said the “actual work was done by our Township Attorney Michael Hartsough for the non-land
development ordinance and by Township Planner Jamie Sunyak for her work on land development
ordinances for the zoning and planning boards.”

© 2009, a Journal Register Property

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