Models of Curriculum Development

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Models of Curriculum Development

Ralph Tyler's Model/RationaleRalph Tyler considered four considerations in

curriculum development:1. purposes of the school2. educational experiences
related to the purposes3. organiation of the experiences!. evaluation of
the experiences"ilda Ta#a's $inear Model"ilda Ta#a #elieved that teachers
%ho teach or implement the curriculum shouldparticipate in developing it. "er
advocacy %as commonly called the &grassrootsapproach& %here teachers could
have a ma'or input. (he presented seven ma'or steps:1. diagnosis of learners
needs and expectations of the larger society 2. formulation of learning
o#'ectives3. selection of learning content!. organiation of learning content).
selection of learning experiences*. organiation of learning activities+.
determination of %hat to evaluate and the means of doing it.
Major Foundations of Curriculum
,hilosophical -oundations of .urriculum:,hilosophy provides educators/ teachers and
curriculum ma0ers %ith frame%or0 for planning/implementing and evaluating curriculum in
school.1 helps in ans%ering %hat schools are for/ %hat su#'ects are important/ ho%
students should learn and %hat materials and methods should #e used. 1n decision2
ma0ing/ philosophy provides the starting point and %ill #e used for thesucceeding decision2
ma0ing.The follo%ing four educational philosophies relate to curriculum:1. ,erennialism. The
focus in the curriculum is classical su#'ects/ literary analysis and considerscurriculum
as constant.2. 3ssentialism. The essential s0ills of the 3 R's and essential su#'ects of 3nglish/
(cience/"istory/ Math and -oreign $anguage is the focus of the curriculum.3. ,rogressivism.
The curriculum is focused on students' interest/ human pro#lems and affairs.The su#'ects are
interdisciplinary/ integrative and interactive.!. Reconstructionism. The focus of the curriculum
is on present and future trends and issues of national and international interests.3ducational
philosophy lays the strong foundation of any curriculum. 4 curriculum planner orspecialist/
implementer or the teacher/ school heads/ evaluator anchors his/her decision ma0ingprocess
on a sound philosophy.54ctivity: .ompare the four ,hilosophies of 3ducation
#ased on the aim of education/ role of education and curriculum trends. "o% does a
strong #elief or philosophy influence curriculum6

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